THURSDAy. DEC. 5th. 1946 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN BowligmonHome Sb-etch Flght for Ril IPosition With both the -Hearle and Run- die teanis los'ng 7* points in league bowling last week and Bagnel and Westlake picking up 7, it looks like a last night garrison finish to decide t4e four teams which will enter thé playoiffs. But Luxton's teamh have nearly made sure of first place. The pins were not falling in the manner of the week before, due Bed Lamps $3.00 - $3.50 - $3.75 to the pre-Christmas rush and 10w scores resulted. High Singles: R. Oke 301, D. Taylor 292, J. Graham 291, E. Roach and F. Williams tied 290. High 3 games went to B. Polley 774, then R. Oke 755, W. Mutton 730, G. Elliott and H. Depew tied at 718, E. Roach 710. High team score, Luxton's 3,367. High sin- gle team score, J. Coole 1,210. Standing, 9th week: Team Won Lost. Pts. Luxton ------ 22 5 51 Piper .... ---- 17 10 41 Hearle ------ 16 il 381 A Record Players $18.95 New Shipment of C.I.L. Paints Just what you have been waiting for a complete line of the famous O.I.L. paints, varnishes and enamels. Corne in today and purchase what you want. Higgon Elecitrie- 42 King Mt. E. Phone 438 Westlake ------ 16 il possibly to other attractions Bagnel --------- 16 il Rundle------- 15 12 Coole------------- 14 13 Foundry ----- 14 13 Roach -------- il 16 Carter ----------- 10 17 Courtice ----- 7 20 B.T.S ------------- 4 23 Average Name F. Williams ------- K. Luxton -------- A. Osborne ------- H. Colmer -------- B. Mutton......------ A. 'Spicer --------- D. Carter --------- E. Roach ---------- D. Little ---------- B. Hearle R. Richards ------- P. Cancilla -------- B. Westlake ------ J. Coole ----------- T. Bagneli------- J. G ay ----------- B. Bothwel------ J. Brough --------- Dr. Rundie ---------- D. Taylor -------- S. Woods ----------- B. Polley --------- A. Piper--------- H. Depew --------- games 25 19 24 -15 25 27 27 26 25 22 20 26 24 26 21 21 15 25 19 20 24 21 21 21 Ave. 225 221 219 216 214 212 212 212 212 211 211 210 209 208 208 2U7 207 205 205 204 203 M0 203 203 ' . Mvaynara ----- 20 03 1A.B i '9.9. 9.n9 M . M il ----------------- zz uz J. Cole ----------------- 20 202 E. Phillips ------*-- 17 202 Burketon i R. Oke ----------- 19 201 Mr. Oriand Bailey, Toronto, was home. Salem Mr. and Mrs. Grant Carnochan and family bave moved into their Women's Associàtion met at the new home. jhome of Mrs. L. Combes, on Sorry to report tbat littie John- iNov. 2lst. witb eigbteen ladies ny Stephenson had an appencdi- present. President Mrs. L. Weish çîtis operation at Bowmanvilie jopened the meeting and con- Hospital. He bas returned home ducted the business period. Mrs. and is doing nicely. H. Barrie had charge of the fol- *Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moffat' 1owing short programme. Reading gv eeto nhnro r by Mrs. P. Cann; Piano solo by ave r. alrtionin hnor o! Mr Mrs. Buttery and a reading by Ma Mrs. rvatGher (nee Bettye iMrs. F. Blackburn.Moatafeteneymare Thieaidrofteevnn couple had returned from their wasTse ent wrigon ah queiît. honeymoon in Buffalo. Later the Mrws. Bar rie nbrgoupa served neigbbors charivaried the happy lunchri n hrgru sre couple, and on Nov. 25, a sbower Deebrmeigii ehi was held in'their honor at Ennis- at the home of Mrs. L. Weisb onklenhlweeBtyadOva Dec. 2th.received many ioveiy gifts. A _________________ shower was aiso beid in Oshawa where the famiiy have iived Lake Shore, Clarke many years. M. and Mrs. Jack Smith and Orvis bave moved to Bowman- Visitors: Mr. H. Rowland is vis- ville owing to their work there. iiting his brother Mr. John A. Sorry to iose themn from tbe corn- 'Rowland at Eimira. munity. i Mr. and Mrs. J. Tamblyn and Mr. Tommy Gatcheli, Bowman- famiiy witb Mr. and Mrs. H. ville, visited with relatives. Rowland. Mr. Harold Gatcheii with bis i Mrs. Arnold-Forster, Sussex, father, Mr. Leon Galchell. England, with Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Mrs. J. Gatcbell visited ber sis- Holmes. ter, Mrs. Seth Dean wbo is il in Mr. and Mrs. J. Hendry and Bowmanville. Mr. Wm. Spiers of I Lacadena, Mr. and Mrs. George Carter in iSask., visited in Sterling. Peterboro with friends. Mr. J. R. Henderson, Ports- Mrs.,Heasman in Omemeeý1 mouth with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hen- Mrs. Archie Aldred, Joan and idry. Jimmy with friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams and Miss Isabel Lochead, Mr. and famiiy in Toronto. iVrs. Pat Kiff in, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Hopiey. What's in a name dept.: Mrs. The bazaar was weil attended Truman Wallace, St. Paul, Minn., and enjoyed by all present. A is secretary of St. Paul, Mînn., Re- good sale of fancy work, garden publican organization. produce etc. Refreshments were Social Evening At Wedig Newcastle Friday Wdig Stage entertainment, music, RUNDLE-YOUNG buffet lunch, and dancing for ev- The parsonage at Enniskillen eryone wiil be tbe rousing soc was the scene of a pretty wedd- il attractions in Newcastle Comn- ing on November 7 wben Dor- munity Hall tomorrow night, othy Augusta, daughter of Mr. Dec. 6. There wili also be briefI and Mrs. Stewart Young, Bow- informative addresses on quest- manville, was united in marriage ions of the day by Wing Com- with John Richard Rundie, son mander Larry Skey, DFC; MP, of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rundie. and Harold Timmins KC; Mp Rev..R. M. Seymour performed and a general weicome from the ceremony. Charlie Stephenson, Durhain's The bride looked Iovely in a, MP. two-piece wine velvet frock with Tbe evening's programme bas1 matcbing bat and black access- been arranged under auspices of, ories and carried a nosegay of the Durham County Progress-1 yeilow rosebuds. Margaret King, ive Conservative Association andj as bridesmaid, wore a rose wool according to Chairman Milton J. dress withblback accessories and Eliiot the tickets are selling fast.j carried yellow roses. Charles His invitation is:1 Rundie, brothier of the groom was "A weicome to everyone; ad- best man. misionfortheentre venng i The reception was held at the missinlfor eentireeeningin-horne of 'the groom's parents. cauding ailabo ve n oc eacb Mrs. Rundie received in a dress anrd tbokse ino ave not pro-of navy blue printed crepe with cued atesi dvan Rssc mayget corsage of mums. She was assist- toem atdheoohra Rus Crégh-ed by the bride's mother, who ton andsis forcthestrasion.spp"ychose a green wooi dress -witb the usicforthe ccason. corsage of munis. For the wedding trip to West- sold. Proceeds over $50. Thanks ern Ontario, the bride donned a to ail wbo so kîndly belped. Rev. green wool suit with black acces- R. Seymour was chairman witb sories and corsage of roses. the following program: Commun- Prior to ber marriage tbe bride ity singing was lead by Mrs. Sey- was presented with a crystai ta- mour and a duet by Mrs. Hopley ble lamp by girl friends at tbe and Miss Jeanne Coulter "Wbis- Foundry. Mrs. Bob Corden was pering Hope" accompanied by Mrs. hostess at a sbower when the bride Seymour at the piano; reading by was presented with a Kenwood Alden Hubbard and Mrs. Sey- blanket and crystai disb inçorn- mour; piano solo by Miss Coulter;'flower design. two songs and selections on the 1Tbe Betbesda friends sbower- guitar; severai songs by tbe ed the bride and groom «rith school girls.1 many loveiy and useful gifts. Courtice Team Receives New Football for Leading League Newtonville -'~'~~ s,,Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 26, the Women's Association held a suc- cessful bazaar. Home cooking, aprons and knitted articles and > farm produce soon disappeared. An afternon tea was served. Pro- ceeds $120.00. The Y.P.U. held their meeting on Monday evening, Dec. 2nd. The Orono Young People with their pastor, Rev. Littlewood, were guests. The' visiting group presented a fine program follow- ed by recreation and lunch by the local group. Everyone had an enjoyable time. Fifty present. There was' a fair attendance at Sunday School. Three teach- ers were absent and Supt. Lan- caster bad to unite two classes. Sunday evening the pastor gave a fine message based on "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and ail things shaîl be added unto you." At last there is a sponsor for the Film Board films. The Y.P. U. have accepted the challenge as This presentation is in the na- the first round of the playoffs are right: Tommy Barber who had his havctmmunit roecthey wChis- ture of a consolation prize. Cour_ being presented with a football by ieg broken in a game against Bow- tian culture and social nigbt. This tice team, which headed the lea- Harry Davey, Orono, vice-presi- manville, Bob Muir, Harry Davey, wilî be open night for all, none ailyea an wre ut utin entof heleaue.Frm lf ~toBert Rogers, Dick Nemis, Ross too young or too old. Everyone gealyaan eeptotidetoth egue.Fo eto Balson and Roy Barber.. will be requested to bring lunch. ICE S EDR indstand 1ANT .,E VANGELINE" ."BETSY ROSSI, PAULETTE' 17l .Iwels 17 Jewii . 21 Jowels Expansin raee 5091~ 5 $42 5 Best of ail, Mothers appreciate gifts designed to lighten household chores. An electrical servant dies the job. Electric Toasters $3.95 - $5.00 - $5.75 Two-Burner Hot Plates $950 Electric Irons 3.9S - 5.00 - 5.75 - 7.95 Waffle Irons $11.95 r and SATURDAI ADMISSION (including tax) Ladies Free No Charge for Spacious Grai TOP NOTC- RESTAURÀ ,The Home and School Club of Crooked Creek made up a box for the teacher, Mr. Harold Shay, now conflned in Peterboro Hospi- tal. Congratulations t o Dorothy Stapleton who won the cup in the intermediate group in the Publie Speaking Contest at the evening session of Temperance Conven- tion last Wednesday. She waa also wifiner of the county cup. Her subi ect was "lLiquor and Home." Miss Adelaide Harrison return- ed to her home in Hamilton, Wed- nesday. Mrs. H. A. Bunt accom- panied her to Toronto. Several from here attended the Dominion championship game at Cobourg, Saturday. We are sorry to report the ser- tous illness of Mr. Chas. Bunt, brother of Rev. H. A. B.unt, at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whittaker, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones, Bud and Fae visited in Warkworth. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Burley, Quebec City, are holidaying: with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Burley. Mrs. Mabel Leushner, Niagara Falls, with ber sisters, Mrs. J. T. Pearce and Mrs. Frank Gilmer. ...... .... .... . ...... PAGE SKVEN THURSDAY, DEC. 5th, 1946 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO