PAGE SIEEM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAMO lPTrm~nAV fl1IV~" 49+h l6La _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ a ~ * ~ *a ~ay cuw - W - -u1W 1W Mrs. Brecken has returne -- home after caring for her sistE Mrs. Stickles, in Toronto fE . . . several weeks. U MmU LUMrs. Evelyn Hall has taken position in the Rolph Hardwai Among those who attende D U F F E R INthe Ice Capades in Toronto la. week were. Mrs. J. Dickson, Mr PA KI. Noden and Mrs. aeFud PARK Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Milîson hav moved to Leaside where Ec .has a position. They spent th~ TORONTOweek-end with Mr. and Mrs. TORONTOD. Brown. home on Church St. S. la: On Monday evening, Dec. 2n Mr. and Mrs. Lynch, Denny ani Harry, were guests of Dr. ani Mrs. L. B. Williams, Torontc Denny gave his talk on "Th S A . M N. W D. Male Tree" and the boys pa SATM NONz W EDR ed a cornet and tenor horn duel at ameeingof TheMen of th, Trees". The boys were each pre 6 18 sented with a book, "The Pictur DECE BER 4 mlGallery of Canadian History" b, DECEMBER 14-16-18 as Lync retary of the society. ADMISSION (including tax) & <C Park St. Women's Associatio: prepared a Goose dinner foi Ladies Free those attending the Hoîsteji Annual meeting here on Thurs No C arge or Sacius Gandsandday last. Padre Sidney Lamber No C argefor pacius Gandsandof Christie St. Hospital was th( guest cpeaker. ,TOP NOT H RE TAU ANTThe' very sad accident whic] TOP OTC RETAU ANToccurred in Orono last week sad. dened the whole community. Mr Russell J. Best while working or a roof on the new house of Mr Ernie Dent, Centre St. slippec and fell to the ground. An arn bulance was called to take hinr to Oshawa Hospital, 'but hie pas. sed away before he arrived there The funeral service was held aý his home on Friday afternoor when a very large crowd oi friends gathered to show theii g» ~~respects to a splendid citie n kind neighbor and to sympathiZE with Mrs. Best and Stella in thei. great loss. Santa Claus arf-ived at thE Coleman & Philip Electric storE on Saturday night, when ail thE children, young and old were on hand to welcome him. He had a oy for each child, who tolc hirn confidentially what hie or she really wanted for Çhristmas. Mrs. 0. W. Rolph was in, Tor- You'are cordially invited to tlawektednher drop in at Woren's Institutes at the Royal YorkHotl, Apicureof Mrs. uRauImA ~f lRolph with the other Provincia. lIEU*OITêiOVU offIcers appeared in last Thurs- A RRIS, lew .wellerBy day's "Globe and Mail." Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh have and see our moved to Moncton, N. B. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Mr. J. Blue, manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, has rented Mr. and Mrs. C. L. You are under no obligation to buy Powers' home on Church St. Mrs. Blue and daughter were in Oronc for the week-end, and will move U soon from London. Mr. and Mrs. 'Powers are living with Mr. C. T. Miler on Centre St. Reeve E. R. Woodyard and Clerk, J. J. Mellor attended a meeting on Friday in Cobourg, To many of our boys, this will be the firat Christmas at home for a long time. For many of us, good f urniture bas been hard to get for too long a time. Now that our boys are back ..-. now that good furniture is once again available in a quantity that makes choosing gi.fts a pleasure, we suggest that you visit our store now, to see the beautifu]. home gi.fts that have been assembled for you. You can buy for every name on your lit, with the confidence that comei of knowing that we have maintained.our quality, and due to our low overhead we continue to u.ndersell Toronto advertised prices! F. F. MORRIS CO. DIRECTêRS 0F FUNERÂL SERVICE'4 DURHÂN'S LARGEST HOME FURNISHER~S S-- to ddscuss the co-ordinating of dLifferent limes of service work now carried on by Municipalities. Mrs. G. Jones, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones. Mr. J. Mason, Kingston, with Mrs. J. Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Arnott, Dundalk, with Mrs. A. Roy. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Souch with friends in Bowmanville. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Leslie, Peterboro, with. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Riddell. Miss Viola Gilfillan, Toronto, with her mother, Mrs. J. J. Gil- fillan. Miss Mari orie Sissons, Toron- to, with Mr. Fred Sissons. ,er a re Lst 7. re ie J. st id 0. t, le ,e ýy ri >r n t n n it r e e e Tremperance meeting At Trinity Church 'In Charge of Youth Rev. J. E. Griffith welcomed the Durham County Temperence Federation at their annual con- vention which was held in Trin- ity United Church, Bowmanville, on Wednesday Nov. 27. E. H. IBrown, Port Hope, presided and the keynote o! the convention was "Diligent seeking after Truth." After the annual reports were given five minute addresses were heard followed by discussion led by Rev. R. A. Whatham on the Ontario Federation. The topics were well chosen,- "What can Teirperence Folk do now?" 1"Intemperenceý" "The social tragedy resulting from the Liquor traffic," "Using our war investments," "Propaganda and counter propaganda." During the supper hour the film "That Boy Joe" was much ienjoyed and the catering by the Carter Family was excellent. The evening session was con- rducted by the Young People with representatives from ahl muni- Scipalities present. Rev. W. W. Patterson was chairman o! a Public speaking contest. Seniors- Miss Edith Halford, mayor of Teen Town Port Hope and Ralph Larmer of Oshawa Y. P. U.; Juniors-Mary Boyd, Carol Jones, Harry Lynch, Millie Cole, Kath- leen Howard and Orme Green. Intermediate- Dorothy Staple- ton, Billy Hooey and Gerald Brown. Winners-Harry Lynch and Dorothy Stapleton were.pre- sented with cups. r Mr. Alex Carruthers rendered a fine solo-"Asleep in the Deep," Officers for 1947 were elected Fas follows-Hon. Presîdents-A. L. Pascoe and N. Down*; presi- dent, E. H. Brown; vice. presi- dent, M. H. Staples; secretary, Rev. H. A. Bunt; treasurer, W. F. Fallis; director o! educa- tion, Rev. W. W. Patterson; director of posts, Rev. S. Little- owood; Municipal Representatives, lBowmanville, R. E. Osborne Alex. McGregor, Wi]ired Car- ruthers, Albert PicJ<ard. Darling- ton, K. E. Courtice, Geo. Annis, H. Foley, O. T. Stainton. New- castle, Fred Graham, H. Han- cock, J. H. Jose. Oron, Glen rHancock, H. Lowery, R. Morton. Clarke, John Stewart, Arthur Thompson, Mrs. C. Burley, Mrs. iE. Robinson. Port Hope, Albert Martin, Chas. Abrams, J. R. Whetstone, Sherwin Haydon. Hope, Norman Chestnutt, Lloyd Kellog, Allan White, Stanley Gray. Millbrook, B. E. Ingham, Melville McDowell, Dr. Jamieson, J. A. Brown. Cavan, Ray Find- lay, W. F. Fallis, Elmer Hogg, Oakley Car.ley. Manvers, Allen Beer, Earl Weatherilt. Cart-i wright, Earl Dorrell, James Mar- low, Ivan Mountjoy. Together with ahl ministers, county and1 local W. C. T. U. Presidents. The Canadian Statesman is your community paper. Send in news o! your comings and goings. Telephone 663. The Orono Néews e4bm The Early Shopper Gets the Sielection Itfs timely advice at any time ... more so this year than at any previous Christmas shopping season. . .. Don't wait until the Iast minute!l load& t4 q9adc4f1de 2fo44! I N estietoni The'Nestleton W. I. met at the home off Mrs. Harry McLaughlin Dec. 4th. There were 19 ladies and some children present. Re- port of convention was given by Mrs. M. Emerson and Mrs. Wm. Steele. Two minute talk by Mrs. Jos. Forder, program convener, Mrs. Cecil Wilson on Social Wel- fare, Mrs. George Proutt looked after the lending library,bring a book and get a book. Roll caîl, exchange of Christmas gif ts. A dainty lunch and cup of coffee was enjoyed by ail and Mrs. McLaughlin and those in charge were given a hearty clap and vote of thanks for an enjoyable and profitable àfternoon. Next meeting at Mrs. Wm. Steele's January 8th 1947. Miss Mildred Langfield has been eng.aged as teachdr at Mahood's school and is preparing the pupils for a Christmas con- cert. We ail wish her every success. Mrs. Agnes Shepard has gone to Toronto for the winter. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Langfeld and Rose Marie back to our comniunity. Mrs. George Bowers wbjo has been on the sick list id able to be up again. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Joblin with Mr. and Mrs. George Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Scythe, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cornish, Whitby, Mr. Chas. Pollard, Myrtie, with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- mer Fitze. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Conlin,. Lewis Fitze. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mal- colm and Laurance attended, the Holýtein Banquet at Orono,on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Playfoot and Bryce, Lindsay, with Mr. Henry Thompson. Gorgeous sheers, lustrous crepes and gleaming rayon blouses, in tailored styles or fancy lace collar and cuti s. Each blouse a custom designing by Elman........... $4.95 Take our advice .. . "GET GOING."' Ckhki tmn3 S/soppàm9 i ýý 7â4 Make This A- Real Home Christmas THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO"L«VICLLE, ONTARIO l';nTR-qnAVý lnlDC' à2th- 10« 0 ".eac4 ..ea"i by ELMAN " QUALITY MEROHANDIBE " LARGE ANID VARIUID SELEMTONS " PAIR PRICES " DEPEINDABLE SERVICE " PLEASANT SURROUN3)INGS * SATSFACTION ASSURED