PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DEC. l2th, 1946 Yellowlees' sister, Miss Jessie Cation, at Bowmanville Hospital. The Sunday School board and Young Peoples' Union have in- stalled a new projector in the Sund.ay School room. Mr. A. L. Pascoe suffered a fail on the ice last week, result- ing in a broken nib and injureti arm. Y.P.U. met Monday evenjS with the presitient, Harvey Yei- lowlees in charge of the program. During the business session final Best of ail, Mothers appreciate gifts designed to lighiten hou8ehold chores. An electrical servant does the job. Electric Toasters $3.9S - $5.00 - $5.75 Two-Burner Hot Plates $950 Electrie Irons w ~ A Waffle Irons Solmia The Womeni's Institute mem- bern entertained their husbandls at the Church Friday night. Supper was served and a sing- song was conducted by Mrs. Everet rderan, followed by prgessieycroknoegames. Our sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Yellowless and family on the death of Mrs. $1 1.95Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kivell and Pearl Leach at S. McIlroy's, Peterboro. Bed Lamps $300 - $350 - $375Enikle Dr. and Mrs. C. Dorland and famîly, Lapeer Mich., at Mr. anti Record Players Mrs. John Dorland's. Mr. C. W. Souch, Mrs. K. $18.9 w iCaverley, Hampton, Mrs. A. Cole, Bowmanville at Miss Eva Souch's. NEW ONE HORSR POWER MOTORS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Whitby with Mr. Claude Smith. .qcwcqpmMrs. Charlotte Stephens, Ham- pton, with her daughter Mrs. New Shipment of C.U.L. Paints Fred Ferguson. Miss Isabelle, Rahm, Hamilton, Just what you have been waiting for a complete lime of at Mr. W. Rahm's. the famous CIL. paints, varnishes and enamels. Corne Mrs. G. Whittaker and Eva Ann, Hamilton, with Mrs. M. ini today.and purchase what you want. Griffin. «buNu«-MmMr. anti Mrs. K. Lamb, Clark- son, with Mr. L. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry anti * family, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. er at Mr. Ed. Werry's, oia RADUVR ec rie Mr. anti Mrs. Adam Sharp at 'Mr. Rupert Bes omnil. ! Mr. and Mrs. H. Milîs anti fam- 42 King Et. E. Phone 438 ily with frientis at Bolsover and Jackson's Point. fMiss Jean Werry, Peterboro Hospital with her parents Mr. New Canadian Armored Corps Equipment plans were matie for the Com- munity Christmas concert to be held at the Church Friday night, December 20. The following of- ficers were appointed for next year: President, Harvey Yellow- lees; vice president, Ileen Balson; secretary, Pearl Leach; treasuree, Helen Langmaid; pianists, Gladys Yellowlees and Jean Montgom- ery; convenors, Fellowship, Ew- art Leask, Missionary, 'Mar~y Crytierman; Citizenship, Harold Clendlennen; Cultural, Eileen Farrow; recreation -committee, Gradys Yellowlees, Eunice Leask, Stanly Milîson, Ray Pascoe; Aud- itors, Francis Wotten, Ileen Bal- son. The program included hu- morous readings by Harold Clen- tiennen andi Hazel Cryderman; story on the evacuation from Dunkirk, as witten by Gregory Clark, by Eunice Leask; violin music by Francis Wotten; vocal duet, Pearl Leach and Ileen Bal- son; concluding with a spelling contest conducteti by Murray Vice. Women's Institute met Monday afternoon at the Church with Mrs. Isaac Hardy presiding. The Roll Caîl was an exchange of gifts. Miss Nora Werry, Kedron, gave a practical demonstration of wrapping gifts and the Chris- tmas theme prevailed througji- out the program with carol sing-1 ing, story by Mrs. Tom Baker,1 and piano solo by Jean Mont-1 gomery. Lunch was served by the group. Miss Velma Gilbert, Toronto, at home. Mr. and MVrs. Bruce Tink, Lorne andi Dianne, with friends at Brooklin. Mr. andi Mrs. Percy Dewell and Mrs. H. E. Tink with relatives at Cherrywood. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fîce anti family, Taunton, at Tom West- lake's. and Mrs. Francis Werry. Mr. anti Mrs. A. Brunt and Mona with Mrs. H. Carpenter, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. F. Werry anti family at Percy VanCamp's Cart- wright. The October anti Novemberi meetings of the C.G.I.T.. were held at Miss Ruth Ashton's, Miss Joyce McGill's, Mrs. O. C. Ash- ton's anti Mrs. Harold Ashtons. Next meeting at the home of Miss Marie Ashton Saturday Dec., 14. Kedron Young People present- eti their Minstrel Show for the entertainment of our community untier the Auspices of the local C. G. 1. T. Sunday evening Dec. l5th, is our annual Candle light and white gift service. It will be conducted by our Pastor Rev. R. Seymour assisted by C. G. I. T.. The Bible Class hati their An- nual Social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry Thursday Dec. 5th. 4f Ydecd eC/ at4w Q4 The New Royal Combination ..C This new combination Floor Polisher and Vacuum Cleaner eliminates floor polishing by hand as weiI as taking care of ail your cleaning problems. DIEMONSTRATION IN YOUR HOMEI #4ee Phone 811 and arrange to have our representative cail at your convenience 14$IILITI0I1 LLIvu LY LIBERAL ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR PRESENT CLEANER AND TERMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH W.P.T.B. Wil Durners for Kitchen Stoves --Immediate Delivery Letter to the Editor To the Editor: In looking over your valuable paper especially this time of year we frequently notice items tell- i ng of the judging contests anti that sort of thing in connection with our Young Farmers in the County. The conviction has struck me forcibly that maybe we aren't suff iciently aware of the impor- tance of the one who stands be- hind all this. I mean Mr. E. A. Summers. He has become so ne- cessary anti so much a part of our way of living as farmers that we almost take him for granteti in much the same way as we do the air we breath. It would surely do him good- to hear some of our Junior Farmers in their conversation speak of him anti bis opinion, in such a way that none woulti tare dispute, on the subject of grain, cattie, hogs, etc. What he has done for these boys back through the years anti in many years to come cannot be estimateti. He has surely helped to put farming on the higher level to which- it belongs anti taught us all, rural or urban, that soil is soil anti not dirt. No doubt he coulti have, in many instances, brought greater glory to himself if he hati concen- trateti on fewer teams when coaching them for provincial con- tests, but that isn't his way. He is all out for helping all whom he can interest in as many ways as possible. I am neither Junior Farmer or Far.merette but only an onlooker who has watcheti his untiring efforts all through the years with the greatest admiration anti 50 I say "Hats off to E. A. Summers." He has won many honors through the work of his boys but the great- est honor in our estimation is that which will go on down through the years in the lives of those whom he has touchedý as they discusseti gooti points of this breeti of horse anti that kinti of grain, of potatoes. Anti so may his shadow neyer grow less. -Cartwright Speaks St. Andrew's Ladies Elect New Officers The Annual Meeting of St. Andrew's Ladies Association was helti in the Suntiay School room on Mon&'ay December 9th. The meeting openoti with Scripture reatiing by Mrs. Mc- Laughlin anti prayer by Mrs. Ferguson. Mrs. D. F. Henry was appoint- eti chairman for the meeting. Reports reati by acting Secretary Miss F. Galbraith anti Treasurer Mrs. Kellett showeti a very suc- cessful year. The following officers were appointeti for 1947. Honorary- Presidents, Mrs. Duncanson, Mrs. F. O. McIlveen; President, Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin; lst vice presitient, Mrs. D. F. Henry; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Fisk; secretary, Mrs. Chartran; treasurer, Mrs. Kellett; con- vener of visiting committee, Mrs. Coyle; convener of flower committee, Mrs Henry. Meeting closeti with prayer after which Mrs. Coyle anti Mrs. Ferguson serveti afternoon tea. Double Baptism At St. Paul'. Church The beautiful anti holy rite of baptism was administereti by the minister, Rev. G. Cameron Quig- ley, at the morning service in St. Paul's church, on Suntiay. Ralph Michael, infant son of Mr. anti Mrs. Ralph Cole, anti Ruth Marie, infant daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. Kenneth Werry were presenteti for this sacrament by thein par- ents at this baptismal service. Grantiparents of both children were present in thie large congre- gation, also many fniends from out-of-town. When the work of re-numbering, painting, installing wireless equip- ment and overhaul jobs has been completed, the tanks will be ship- per to active andi reserve units tlaroughout Canada. White Gift Service* At St. PauI's, Sunday White Gif t Service at St. Paul's Sund'ay School will be observeti next Sunday, December lSth. Teachers anti scholars are' ne- questeti to meet at 10.45, insteati of the customary hour of 10 o'clock, in the Lecture Roomn anti be ready ta present their gifts during the worship service in the church. The nursery school, aften pre- senting their gifts will retire to the Lecture Room for their ses- sion anti the other Sunday School departments will join in the church service. At the evening worship ser- vice, Mr. Quigley will 'give an- other ativent message on the theme: "Look We for Another." The singing of a number of beau- tiful anti familiar Christmas car- ols will be a special feature at this service. On Dec. 22nd, Christmas Sun- day, St. Paul's Church is plan- ning special services in antici- pation of e full church at both morning anti evening services. The evening service will be one of song which shoulti be inspiring to alI. This shoulti be a day of spiritual significance throughout the town. Newcastle W.C.T. U. nteresting Meeting Newcastle W.C.T.U. helti the November meeting in the Board Room of the United Church. Busi- ness includeti plans for a medal contest to be helti in March, final tietails to be decideti at the Jan- uary meeting. There will be no December meeting. The clip sheet was taken up on the subject: "Where's the danger in Moderate Drinking?" Excerpts were read, from art-1 icles written by Sir Victor Hors- ley, eminent British surgeon anti the late Dr. William Mayo of the Mayo Clinic to show that alcohol is habit forming anti users may become addicts. In the Editor's Mail Dear Mr. James: I arn enclosîng my renewal to The Canadian Statesman. I am enjoying my work at Manilla very much but still want to receive news of the activities of Bowmanville anti surrounding districts. I hati the pleasure recently of having an afternoon chat with Professor DeLury a former pupil of Bowmanville High School. Our conversation was interesting be- cause of his association with the late George Hogarth. I untier- stand he was in attentiance at Mr. Hogarth's funeral, but titi not ac- company the funeral to Whitby. There are many people here who are relateti to my frientis of Hampton so I anti Mrs. Rackham are feeling quite at home here. There are very nice people ev- erywhere but here they are excep- tionally nice. Like Oshawa Presbytery the Lindisay Presbytery is very much alive. It has been my pleasure in attentiing the Suntiay School con- vention anti Leadiership Train- ing School helti at Cambray anti Oakwood. I have also preacheti at Cannington, Seagrave, Valen- tia, so I arn becoming well ac- quainted. The member of the Boys' Parliament for last year, as! also this year is a young man from my pastoral charge. He is Dean McKague., The Statesman last week was of particular interest to me as there were 50 many pictures of my frientis from Hampton anti Solina. I was pleaseti to reati of the honor conferreti on Dr. Harolti Slemon, a worthy son of a worthy father. Also I noticeti a britiegroom, Mr. Proctor, who was a resident of Watford, Hents, Englanti, my own birthplace. Last week's States- man was very rich in its contents to me. -Walter Rackham Nativity Play Coming To the. Parish Hall The Nativity Play will be pre- sented in St. John's Parish Hall on two evenings, Dec. 22nd and 23rd, commencing at 7 p.m. Mon- day evening, Dec. 23rd, has been arranged especially for and parents are invited to ac- company them. Christmas carols will be sung prior to commence- ment of the play to emphas-ize the spirit of Christmdas. The Nativity Play has been organized by F. R. Schon and a circle of friends who have pre- pared a sketch of its significance. The present setting of the play was taken fromn a four hundred years old play found in Coventry, England, about a century ago. It was written in Old English andi performed in that language. Delightfàl Shower Surprises Bride-to-Be On Tuesday evening 25 girl frientis surprised Miss Helen Montgomery ini honor of her ap- proaching marriage, with a lovely collection of miscellaneous ar- ticles at Mrs. Ross Westlake's. The living room was beauti- fully decorated with pink and white streamers. When the bride-.~ to-be was seated beneath a large white bell, Mrs. B. Reid, Mrs. R. ~ Wilkins and Miss Muriel Rogers presenteti her with a large ham- per of gaily decorated gifts. Mte~ the guest of honor op)ened bel% gifts and thanked everyone for,ý 1the lovely assortment, games and contests were enjoyed. A dainty lunch served by the hostessa and 1assistants brought an enjoyable evening to a close. IEdmnodste's pMarket Harvey Joint, Proprietor Phone 375 29,King St., B. nk M x& Colognes --- ------ 55c- $2.25 Cigarette Lighters $1.00-$8.00 Dusting Powders ---- 75c-$1.50 Shave Bowls ---------- 59c-$1.25 Perfuines------------ 50e - $4.00 Shave Lotions ------ 25c-$1.45 Bath Saits ---60c-$1.00-$1.50 Shave Brushes ------- 5 9c-$5.00 Bubble Bath-------- 98c-$1.50 Bill Folds $1.00-$6.50 Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets Assorted Shades - New Styles $9.9.5 - $15.50 LADIES' TOILET SETS MEN'S SHAVING SETS Cashmere Bouquet 75c-$1-$1.50 Colgates -----------$1.00-$1.50 Evenlng in Paris --- $4- - Palmolive ---------- ----$1.75 $1.25 - $1.35 - $2.50$4-5 Woodbury------------------- $1.10 Woodbury's------------ 60c-$1.00 Jege s --------------------$1.00 Nyal Thlrty-Five --------- $1.25 LADIES' MANICURE SETS Cutex-50c -$1 -$3 -$4.50 RevIon Sets 75e - $1 - $1.50 $1.75 -$4.95 Peggy Sage $1 - $2.00 - $4.50 Men's Fitted Cases Ladies' Toille Bags 59e - $1.75 For Travelling Compacts -----------------$5.95 $7.25 - $9.50 - $11.95 Waterman Pen and Pencil Empty Cases ---- $3.98 - $5.00 $5.95 - $9.50 - $15.47 e~m*~:jmj.::m-:--- "--- - -- FILMS DEVELOPED FREE PhonCOWLING'S DRUG STORETrm John T. McCreery Optometrist Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted In the above layout are' pictured anti soon will be grintiing over American Sherman and Stuart Canadian terrain carrying Can-r tanks which are now being adian Army personnel in trainingr groomed for the equipping of Cà- for Canada's post-war army. Thec nadian Active and Reserve Army tanks are being serviced at the, Forces. Already a large number Ortinance Depot at Longue Pointe,t of these tanks have arriveti in Que., and at Canada's tank train- Canada from the United States ing area at Camp Borden, Ont. You can shop here without a list-for our stock lias been arranged to make it easy for you to find ail the rnany and different things you want. Corne in today. BOWMÂNVILLE'S I-IEADQUARTERS FOR Fine Meat - Pouiltry - Fruit - Vegetables and Quality Groceries SER OUR DISPLAY 0FRCRISTMÀS ORANGES MIXED NUTS, CIANDIED) FRUIT, ETC. (Everything for a Better, Christmas) Thursday - 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Optical Repairs COWLING'S DRUG STORE PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO THURSDA-Y, DEC. 12th, 1946