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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1946, p. 14

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PAGE. FOURTEEN THURSDAY, DEC. lGth, 1946 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE. ýONTARIO Solina Miss Muriel Langmnaid RN., Civic Hospital, Peterbor~ough, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cochrane and Ronnie, Allan Stoven end Alfred Cochrane, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr. at Tom Westlake's. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hamilton and son, Tyrone, at Lorne Hos- kin's. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Storkey and Bull storkey, Toronto, at Jack Yellowlees'. Egerton Ryerson, who, with faith and great vision, established our present educational systernà, Christimas Musicý Album Nntcracker Suite PryComo lilyrlcs by SIP Ferryand His Org "Whlite Christmas" Drafllatlzed Fa Freddy Martini wlth musical b --White Christmlas" mintou Cross wi Ilium.Shore of The Lady b The Night Before ChrIstInas Narrated bY Milton Cross wlt VitOrSalon orchestra "O( Comre AIl Ye FaithfUlpy TrinltY Choir "Silent Nlght, Holy Night" Helen Traubel, Soprano AIR] APPLIANCI NEWCAf, (OPEN EVE was biographically introduced to members and. friends of Solina Home and School club, Friday evening, in a comprehensive ad- dress by- Rev. E. S. Linstead. Bruce Tink, newly elected presi- dent, conducted the program which coxnmenced with a carol service led by Beth Miller and Pearl Leach and was inter- spersed with vocal solos by Fae .wlth 5pec- %keXP5 -. .g-*=ng plke Jones epOngvg -chestra. GIFT SUGGESTIONS ~lry Tales ,ackgroUfld Cole Porter Album itlx the cast David Rose and Orchestra Sext Door "'Showboat" Album ~~ N Tonmmly Dorsey & Orchestra Music of Glenn Miller, Artie B SII Shaw, Benny Gomn ~TLE Freddy Martin, Vaughfl ENINGS) Mno . .. ....... tee-% SPECIAL GIFTS FOR THE ENTIRE FAI CH-ILDREN'S SNOWSUITS FOR XMAS These tougli wool snowsuits will make an ideal gift for any youngster. They're juzt the thing for these cold, windy days when they need so- rnuch warmth. One-piece suits in a variety of colors and styles. Make sure of one of these snowsuits now. Regular $9.95. fer $6.95 SMARTNESS and WARMTH! You'll find both of these qualities in our wide selection of winter coats. Winter lias just begun and there's lots more of it coming, be warm and well- dressed with a new coat. A style to fit your pocketbook on our racks. Corne in today. . k .... WOL RESE Are ou al redy fr te oi Aree you h redyor e oli- in and pick out your style and size tod.ay. HANDKERCHII Have a stock of theseM Ides on hand for last gifts. 'An excellent n choose from. lOc to $1.04 SWEATERS Just arrived! A large shiprnent of modern sweaters. Zvery style and color. For misses and ladies. $3.39 to $7.95 e4 MEN'S OVERCOATS An excellent selection 6f men' s overcoats to choose from. We have an exceptionally fine line of men's higli quality coats at a low, reasonable price. Visit Our Men's Department You il find a gift from our large assortment that he will really appreciate. Couch, Johnston & Crydermian Bowmi Phone 836 ri EFS fine han- bminute range to Kirby The Christmas meeting of the W.M.S. .was held on wednesday afternoon December 11. The Christmas atmosphere was creat- cd by artistic decorations and the ffaying of Christmas carols by Mrs. Wm. Wannan. The meeting was opened by ail singing "Suent nig'ht, Holy night" followed by prayer. A Christmas poem from the monthly was read- in unison. Af ter singin "O little town of Bethlehem" Mrs. R. Allun -read a Christmas story. Mrs. You- man% read the Scripture. Mrs. J. H Lowery sang a very lovely solo, "Come Thou long expected Jesus" as a prayer. We then, had a very lovely candlelight service in which Mrs. Youmans, Mrs. S. Chapman, Mrs. O. Chapnan, and Mrs. Wm. Rutherford represent- ed four women from India and Mrs. J. H. Lowery, Mrs. R. Allin, Mrs. Wm. Allun and Mrs. Wm. Wannan represented four Can- adian women. Christmas carols were lustily sung by ahl. Mrs. Youmans closed with prayer. The W. A. meeting opened with carol singing. After the -business of the meeting, Mrs. Allin read a Christmas story "The Path to Bethlehem." We are glad to report that Jo Ann Rutherford and Milton Wan- nan who underwent operations in Bowmanville Hospital are both home and improving. Mrs. A. J. Bigelo.w held a quilt- ing for ber group on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Patterson, Kendal, are now staying for a time with their daughter Mrs. Wm. Wannan. APRICOTS UPTE WAX BEANS GLE TOMATO JUICE AC NIlXED NUTS IANYSEI PLUNJAN PCI 1 Reynolds, "'Away in a Manger;" and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin, "Whis- pering Hope." Mr. A. L. Pascoe expressed appreciation to Mr. Linstead and ail who assisted. During the recreation period Pearl Leach was in charge of a contest and sandwiches, cookies, Christmas cake and coffee were served. Christmas was the theme for the Young People's Union Meet- ing Monday evening with Harold Clendennen in charge of the program. Worship service was presented by Ray Pascoe, Eunice Leask and Stanley Millson. The story behind Dickens' "Christmas Carol" was given by Gladyà Yellowlees and Betty Smales favored with a vocal solo. Ray Pascoe conducted a Geography match. Local Jersey Breeders Receive Headlines Clipped from a current live- stock publication is the following news about two local Jersey breeders. We quote: Professor M. W. Staples, Orono, who has been breeding Jersey cattie for some years, has a two year old heifer that has recently completed a splendid record. Village View Standard Gloria went on test as a senior two year old and in 365 days produced 7536 lbs. of milk and 490 lbs. of butter fat with an average test of 6.50 percent. Village View Standard Girl 2nd. is another cow of the Sta- ples herd with a three year rec- ord of 7040 lbs. milk and 471 lbs. fat with a high test of 6.69 per- cent. Another herd in Durhamt County is that of R. P. Stenger, Enniskillen, and. his son and~ two daughters. The younger mem- bers of the family are outstand- ing winners in caîf club competi- tions. At the Royal Winter Fair they won several high prizes with a small select group. An aged Stenger cow, Our Peggy, on test last year complet- ed an R.O.P. record of 10,141 lbs. milk, 490 lbs. fat in 365 days to average 4.83 percent. * s 28-oz. 329 s s 20-oz.13 ýORTED s- lb. L -LL45 - . s 20-oz.27 CHICKENS Milk Fed Grade B lb. 40C AKSASSORED FOWIL - Chloice Boiling lb. 35c NEAT SPDEADS RIED or BLUE BRAND àEU PRUEPUN STEAK OR OASTSCHOIEPL STEAK OR RASJS JOIC LOMBARD Port.thous., Sirleim b 5CBL WAng or Due.1.s I 45d cn s OZ TONGOUES F'resh or Pickled lb. 25C HLE CHOPPED -DEmx SUET lb. 17C ALNONDS OYsTERSa PWqI Northern Select 3/2Pt. 65c DIaARIL -E" f ~ 3-oz. Tin10 TIs27< 2 268. 17e a e - 3-o. Pkg. TABLE FAVOURS 17ç . . lb. 49e 3for Me EXTRA FANCY PEELED Sm . 33/4-or.55 ANN PAGE-WHILE THEV LAST MAYONNAISE 1998oz FOR THE CHRISTMAS TREE vyi I -geip eivuuW -* k. i GRAPEFRaU T TEXAS MAR8H SEEDLEBS No. 1, 96'cU for 4,5c FLORIDA, BEST FOR JUICE, 17's FLORIDA EXTRA LARGE, No. 1, 176's ORMANGES doz. 39C TANGCERINES doz. 29c ORANGOESNaeNo.1 288's doz. 25c20sd 5 8.C. Dolicious, Boat for Eating, Extra Fanoy APPLES il 3s. doz. 49C 88's .5 for 25c CELERY STALKSXNo.ARGE for 2,5c BAHAMAS, FIRM RIPE No. 1 TEXAS CURLY No. 1 TOMATONS 2 bl..29cSPKNîACH 2 lbs.25c FLORIDA STRINGLESS No. 1 WASHED AND WAXED No. 1 Gvrm DBeaulb. 3c TURNIPI lb. 3c Hampton Brotherhood much appreciated. Mr. N. Hir- HoId FiietMetn cock sang a number of selections At ioOChrc in a pleasing anr M Mon hurchThe guest. speaker, Mr. J. J. Mr. La'Arne Clemens presided Mellor, Orono, was introduced by at the first meeting of this season the chairman- as an influential of the Hampton Circuit Brother- man, clerk of Clarke Township, hood which was held in Zion Secretary of the Federation of Church on Tuesday evening, De- Agriculture for Durham County and other important offices in the cember lOth. Mr. Williams Of community. His address was Centre St. United Church, Osh- timely, instructive, inspirational awa, was pianist, and Mr. N. Hir- and full of good things for ahl to cock led in community singing. folîow.1 During the devotional period Zion men served a nice lunch Mr. A. T. Stainton was in charge; during the social haîf hour and Rev. E. S. Linstead spoke on the the meeting closed with the ben- theme "Friendship;" Mr. A. T. ediction. Stainton led in prayer and gave a The next meeting will be held brief reading; Mr. H. F. Osborne, at Eldad Church on Tuesday, Jan. Ebenezer, recited one of Longfel- I l4th at 8 p.m., with Rev. R. M. low's poems and also favored with Seymour, Enniskillen, as guest several other readings which were speaker. Orono News The Oddfellows Service Club held a very successful event on Friday evening last in the Town Hall, when $450 was raised for community service. Don Hamm and his orchestra provided mu- sic for dancing and everyone en- joyed themselves during that part of the programme. Draw for the beautiful doli covered with 10 $1 bills was won by Mr. J. G. Selvage, 666 Indian Rd, Toronto. Six lucky people who won turkeys were as follows: John MacRae, Orono; Mrs. C. Bairstow, Orono; Joe Walker, Orono; Geo. Ovens, Newtonville; L. Little, Bowmanville and Ken Cooke, Brooklin, Ont. Those fortunate enough to win geese were: Mr. Jack Couch, Newton- ville; Mrs. Deb Myles, Orono; 1 Stan Cowling, 87 Gladstonç Ave., Oshawa; Miss K. McKay, Orono; Oscar Skelding, Orono; Mrm U. N. Bullock, Orono. Members of the service club are very grateful to ail their friends far and near, so generous in their help in this soclai serv- ice work.. Several friends froin Orono attended the funeral on Tuesday of Mr. Jas. H. Bas4iett, Toronto, father of Miss Alite Basnett, teacher in Orono Co tinuation U4 School. Mr. Basnett haD been i.11 for several months and passed away at his home, 47 Arundie Ave. on Sunday, Dec. 15th. The service was held in Woodbine Heights Baptist Church. The most profound joy has more of gravity than gaiety in it. 14i -Montaigne. ------ - ------ PAGE. POURTEEN TEIURSDAY, DEC.. 1M, 19« . -10. 15%

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