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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1946, p. 4

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PAGE POUR Last month there were 12,823 tion Board and released by thi accidents including 301 fatal cases Industrial Accident Preventici li industrial plants throughout Associations. Total awards mad< Ontrjo Thse igues re epot-by the Board for that month wer Ontri. Tes fiurs ae epot-$1,464,997.40, which includei ed bY the Workmen's Compensa-, $210,682.98 for medical aid. m schools . Industrial SEALTITE INSULATION, . 1 with ROCK WOOL W. une only the bout materials and, guarantes our work. Bof ors investing get a price direct from the OwUOY and save mo!iey. F. A. BRUCE V7 Queen Street PHONE 494 Bowmnanville, Ontario You iay be surprised at how littie it costs here to put your car in peak condition. Our work is second to none-our prices consis- tently moderate. Drive you.r car in today and see how much we can do for you .. . at a cost that's so littie. GARTON'S GARAGE Phone. 2666 King St. E., Bowmanville OIL BURNERS For Your Range or Heaterl Enjoy the comfort of a BILENT GLOW MGNO-FLA.lVE OIL BURNER in your range or heater DARTLETT'S SHELL SERVICE STATION Phone 525 152 King St. E For the Money You Need When You Need It See HOUSEHOLD FINANCE If you need money the following table shows you how much you can borrow at Househoid and how long you can take to repay. Kumbér Find here the Cash Loan you need ... then of choose a Monthly Payment Plan Moutly '""'b $50 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $700 $1000 ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... $34.95 $ 49.92 20 ...... ...... ...... $17.47 $2330 $2912 40.77 58.25 15 ... $ 7.49 $14.99 22.48 29.98 37.47 52.46 74.94 12 $ 4.58 9.17 18.34 27.50 36.67 45.84 64.18 91.68 6 83781 17.551 35.111 52.66. 70.211 87.76,122.87, 175.53 floue paymntts Iedde ail costa i patrnUts amaiMe according te sciiedule Just phone us. Or, corne i if you prefer. Your money is ready .quîckly, usually the saine day you apply. And remember, Household Finance loa.n rates are lowest of any Small Loans Company in Canada. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Ca"ede.8 vI'laujoU"si SmeU Loans Compan<y sok 41 OÊIMin s 34 cititi D. C. Moore, Manager c -ànus St. South (Ovsr Kraees) OSIIAWA, ONT. plhon. Oshawa Sm0 pmm 9 ta, 3er hb «womwtS om no& toe lefeMeI ad ,uidsrisof ueubi nomes Re!orestry Station at Orono, seed- chines is stili inadequate and some D ings were casily available for me- perating difficulties have yet to i .Bs.Bi planting. As everyonc knows be overcome, the back-brcaking !M this station is a beauty spot with work o! handling beets on the ud'uet,-uii a many acres o! beautiful evergreen farm should soon be a thing o! hUdnjsictiu..... trcc o!diferet sies nd an-past. At the factory, mnechanical Wzmnh~ bYjVf eties and it is a decidcd asset to unodn1nd.nlghs en pedrive hae a thc village o! Orono and town- succsfll apled ship ! Clrkc.The devclopmcnts outlincd are UU fjish H 1zvb' _________________ indicative o! the progrcss bcing Un he ditr' Mail made i mechanization o! field op- 209 Concord Ave., Toronto- Dcc. 12, 1946 The man out for his own ends Dear George: winds up at a dead end. ... Pîcase fnd cncloscd my renew -________________ ...::....I~tEt ~~~ t ai for the Statesmnan. I look for- t ward evcmy week to gctting Uither,.. the names that I know. But Uiat is to be cxpectcd after an absence' RHEUMATIC IU o! 45 years. ' But it tells me o!f ps......P"j.Myef0 bcauna by things that have taken place ini the xemu& îia bo u x1 uit, " community o! which I was once sh"b. lau b e. hid.s. ii familiar. I enjoy rcading "In Uh ic Mys.faamxeewiaMiremaimit Dim and Distant Past," there are my a,.goumv&m - amed&mi more names in those colurnns that Treat rhs.atc a& - y kaepàM mgew parts o! thie paper. Wsigyu Doddsa Kbey PO&e.Deds h.l* and yours a Merry Christmasand ki"iya gelm .w rsdl-ehgpum Happy New Year. . w es el bmr. Yours truly, hsWI DZi m 83M137 COURTICE O. S. Pollard THE ANAIANSTATESMAN BOWMANVILLE, ONTAMO- ,-- eEarly Nso ofLclForestsfo - ieveaiz vaned Pioneer Uses To sound out the existmng poten- Uial demand for telephone service interural areas served 'by the ________m Bell n-zanill dal exchange, 'the P W R S O T G R T C L ttfing -Bell ~~~~Telephofle Company has be- P W RS O T G RTC L Luneigadwood cuttingNE gun a personal canvass of non- LumbNrEWand EVELOPMENT IN subscribers ln these districts, ac- were the order of the day for FARM EQUIPMENT cordmng to Frank Wiliams, the years after the townships of Dar- Mal edvlomnsith company's manager here. wuw 'mW gVV U lington and Clarke were surveyed. Mn e eeomnsi h With a view towards increasing SAý E L.uLIAACATAA In 1832 the dominant thought larm equipment field have yet to the number of subscribers along amon th setler wasnothowreach the farm in volume due to routes where new telephone con- amog te sttirs as ot owconditions over which the pro- struction work is now in progress, the forests could be conserved but ducers have had littie control.* As Bell representatives, will cali oniS U H R N A L ae eee oe hraergtnw vr rather how soon shail they be the material and labor situations many non-users in various com- O T E N N AROfcsaevrpoésh tg ih nwEey cleared off.- improve, however, farmers mnay munities including Hampton, En- home, farm, store and industry in the southern part of the province must Much has been written of the expect an increased flow of new niskillen, Burketon, Haydon, Tyr-saeeetctyneerpatcawyifsetalevcsaetobmi- watfuiisS y heburniflg 0f machines, many of improved de- oeadSoiasained ducring th ne rese titer perid, nrtioninervresrctos aine-' logs in those eariy Urnes. 0f sign, says J. M. Armistrong, Agri- It is pointed out that ail non- tie uigtepeetwne eid n ainn etitosaodd course a great deal of wood was cultural Engineer, Central Exper- subscribers in the vicinity of Hydro, therefore, asks your sincere co-operation to relieve an urgentsituation. put to good use. Fuel was need- imental Farm, Ottawa. A notable Bowmanville wili not necessariiy ed in the long winters and the trend is to tractor-mouiited equip- be covered in the course of this forests were the only source of ment with new power take-off ap- survey, though it is hoped that supply. Until 1850 Wood was the plications including hydraulic contact*wilî be made with some TUE DAILY PEIRIOD DURINO WHICH SAVINOS SHOUL» DBE only fuel used in Ontario. Legs controls. Ingeniouw mountings for 75 or 100 possible users. The can- EFFECTED I18 BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 8 P.Ml., AND CONDITIONS were used to build houses, barns; quick change of equipment have vass should be completed within -ail fences were made of rails, faciiitated design of higher and a week or ten days although the' AIRE PARTICULARLY ACUTE DETWEEN 4 P.M. AND 7 P.M. miles o! corduroy roads were more complete lines of impie- uncertainty o! road conditions at built, also bridges and culverts. ments and tools to allow full util- this time o! year may affect the Wood was used for ail construc- ization o! the tractor. These in- rgesothinrvwr. tion work-there was no. steel, clude mounteds pioughs, cultiva-prgesfthinrvwr. 5O WOU C N H L brick or cernent as we know them tors, row crop seeders and plant- This survey is one of many to E I 1 0 W Y U C N B L today. Some roads were buit ers, sprayers, together with a trac- be carried out by the company in entirely of planks, one in this dis- tor mounted grain combine, a po- different localities throughout On- trict extended from Port WhitbY tato digger and sugar beet har- tario and Quebec as part of a large IN THE EiiaealCrsmsdcrtv ihiguflStraDcme 1f to Lake Scugog in 1846-just one vesting equipment; tractor mount- scale program to promote and' de- EiiceclCrsmsdcrtv ihigutlStroDcme 1t hundred years ago. Then it was ed manure loaders, shoveis and velop telephone service in rural HOME and again after Januory 1sf, 1947. considered that four miles of power post augers. territories. Turn off lights when flot required. plank road could be cons tructed Farm tractors in the one plough During the past eight months and maintained for the price Of size, developed by several firmns, telephone construction work has Use a minimum number of ights in the living-room, consistent with good vision. one mile of macadam rpad. Plank should fuily meet the power re- been under way in the districts Ueeetialfhae ae prnl n hc ekn o ae as roads were also considered cheap- quirements 0f h malrfr. imediately north of Bowman-Us lcralyhuewtrspinyadceklcighowtrtp. er than stone roads and there Gasoline engines with fuel-injeC- ville, the entire project involving Do not use range elements on "high" when a Iower heat will serve, and turn off acl was an abundance of stone avai]- tion pumps are being studied. Ef- the installation of some 13 miles elements as soon as possible. able too. forts are being made to build o! underground cable, three miles Headquarters at Newcastle smaller and lighter diesel tractors; O! aerial cable and 20 circuit miles Cook oven meals as often as possible and avoid the unnecessary use of surface elements. For several decades, Newcastle to improvýe power transmission of aerial wire. This work Tunof eana adohe utielihs was one o! the chief wood depots and to improve a power take-off nearly finished, Mr. Williams unofvrdcadoteotselih. east of Toronto. Thousands of i for wheel tractors which .will op- stesnitis opere ta any Turn off ail small aippliances as soon as possible. cords o! wood were loaded on erate independefltly o! the main new applications o evc ln boats at Newcastle Port (Bond clutch. This would facilitate the routes served by these added Do not use eltctric air heaters and grates. Head), every year for use in Tor- spraying, haying and other opera- facilities, together with ail pres- onto.- However, 1880ý saw the fin- tions. ent unfilled orders in Bowman-, IN STORES EimntalCrsmadeoaieihigbeoeD ebr21f sh te crwo trd a e rota tillage qimaen ne 1947. As dial apparatus in the AND OFFICES 1946, and again aller January 1sf, 1947. <astle. ne rsotar tlageedciersnwBowmanville exchange is now be- By he, pope wrebeinnngimpovd esinsof newa ing used to capacity, however, ad- Eliminafe the use of electricity for signs and store windows from 8 a.m. fa 8 p.m. to worry about the dearth o! trees mpoe degn o! neay ditions to this equipment are ne- And so when they built their dises. A weeder fired with liquid cessary before new subscribers Turn off ail lights when nof required. beautiful large brick and stone ffuel hias now become available and can be served. Delays in deliveryUseecralyhtdwaesainyadceklain owtetp. 1-ouses, which were replaring the wîýll shortly be tried on various from the manufacturers, orcasion-Us lcralyhtewtrspinyadceklaighowtrtp. pomel gdeniuypllingtelaese crops at the Central Experimen- ed by material shortage conditions Do not use electric air heafers. ptfoer log dilng te es retal arm. affecting al industries, have al- and roadways. Spraying equipment develop- ready caused some postponement First Arbor Day ments include straddle mounting o! the installation schedule. From IN Switch from day f0 nighf operations wherever practicable. of tanks on a tractor and the use present indications this much- 1About this time, in 1885, in res- of rotary pumps which have been needed additional equipment INDUSTRIES Turn off facfory and office ights when nof needed. ponse to this feeling in favor o! used successfuily for chemical should be in place and ready for Tr f oo-rvnmcie hnntrqie n fefohrsvnsweee planting trcs Arbor Day was in control o! weeds and are being use in Fcbruary. Tr f oo-rvnmcie hnntrqie n fetohrsvnsweee augurate1 in the 2ural schools. tried for insect control and plant Teraeno sme140Bl possible. memy orm feAupils ave pro-ntdsess.A mpoedsyl !subscribers in Bowmanvilie, in- Avoid the use of ail non-essential oufdoor Iighting. me.^moris !fLi A rbor ay p fr liquid-duster has also become cluding 480 in the rural districts. fravailal.Tis machin@ consists Ti oprswt oa f1-D o s lcrcsaehaes -wc.7eks, no't orily for the trip to a essentially o! a turbine type fan 100im cmpesi atel eothal ,D ouselcr pa ht nearby woodlot for young trees into which dust is fed and the o!0whom 410 er efrural.hemwand to replant around the schoolyard, air blast used to atomize a liquid o hgown41aser than.. faiis TR RYRnL C RC O E O M SIN0dN A I but also, and somewhat more im- spray which serves as a sticker fQr as c ouldbe aer availal and portant in the youthful mind, for the dust or the machine may be company ha aas p esen oveT E 120L C R'C P WE O M SSO F R A the treat o! taffy and mnaple sugar used as a sprayer only. The Ex- aopanthswatinp reser ve_________________________________________________ 1hhich was a part o! al! Arbor perimental Farms have just con- hereincluding m orthnrv0ine w i Day programis. ducted a number o! tests in East- ruraectuin. oe h 0i Establlsh Reserves cmn and Western Canada with this rural __________sections._____________ In 1891 the Ontario Governmeflt type o! equipment on chemical apitdaclerk o! the Forestry, control o! weeds wîth encourag- .................................. '.. some o! whose duties were to as- ing resuits. ................ sist in the preservation o! wocd- Harvesting equipment is the line............. lots. Two yeaýrs later the Ai- o! machincry in which there is .. gonquin National Park was losed osbytegets ubro a etro).t c-146 ho.. Ohj to settiers and Temagamni Reserves innovations. Haying tools include a eh4Chz with millions o! acres o! beautiful a variety o! buck rakes, combina-.J ul OLeSOd trees o! ahl varieties, was also re- tion loaders, stackers andipwr otrOU Toronto lveand- the rae> a k-0Ih scrved. ~shovels. Forage crop harvesters ale c ~ ~o~.e i~ ao9 YCr~'o o~?~ 4ds. art ~~~~o fDivez..i eý9e, 7eà r Hoeei u wn townships which cut the standing19crop and cW 1. fno e it was too late to conserve many reduce it to ensilage lengths or....... . o qV eser. ntrio. C'0 Q. acres. But small woodlots were pick up hay from the windrow to stiiclQ c.i îç 4 h S~ :.:.:«ý..of ç92e !enced off and an effort made to produce chopped hay are avail-1 o preserve sorte o! the best that had able, as well as several styles o! escaped the saw and axe in the one-man field balers which auto- ...........................*.****** previous slaughter. matically tic the bales. Bale load- Timber Crops crs, ensilage blowers and wagon For by this time the people had li!s r1nladrs6reauihar !ound it was a grave mistake to eupct n tl !frg week inO' 2fOuntai '«. cla a heln. twa eandcrop harvester with corn attach- roiet Seda i l i o that where there was a beautiful met ue n h Cnrl xerI j.iI iL cro o!tiberit idnotfolowimental Farm for two scasons, has aPProxti V l 1 T1ntSi1 woldb go frproved rcasonably well adapted ave ILUdIinLISAIT a .. for chopped hay, grass and corn caOO b

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