THE CANADIA2i STATESMAI Sïô peciél gesta fW. 4he' even- É urketon in were, Mr. Reg. Hardingan - Mr. and Mns. H-. Richards, ail o! The School _concert, held ,dn Bowmanviile. Wednesday ovening in the United miss Joan Coulter ýIs at- hon Chunch, was an outstanding suc- homne in Pontypool for the holi- cess. The church was filied to days. -pacity by ight *o'clock whenlTruhtte UnYsol te chairman, Rev. Seymour, hroughput theirCbonyschool endthe programme in. hilde u hirbosaa ual jovial mannon. A lengthy until Jan. 6th when a practico gram consisting o! dialogues, teacher !rom Toronto Normal olk dances, recitations, carols, School, Miss Newton, East To- 01c] nmbr n apno ronto, will be present for one -mine was presentod. Mn. Sey-wek itMssCutr mour congnatulated Miss Coulter The childron are enjoying 0 r teachen, on the successful sleighing, skating and looking ,ning and the good order. forwand to Christmnas ove and ,-& eeds wene approximately Santa Claus. .Zion (Intendedfor last week) Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at Sam Snowdefl's, Oshawa- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Camneron at John Shackeltofl's, Bowmaflville. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilbur, Osh- awa at, Frank Pascqe's. Mrs. A. eobb, eourtwright, Mr. and Mrs. L. McKenna, Osh- awa at Percy Davidson's. Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Gerry, To- ronto, at Mrs. F. B. Glaspel's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pascoe at Toronto. Lloyd Ayre has taken a carload of shoep to Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron entertained neighbors to a Losi Heir party on Friday night, Mr. Jack Cruickshanks and Mrs. Ail Ayre had the high counts. .Enniskillen (ntendod for last week) Mr. Frank Stengen attendod thE Royal Winter Fair showing 5 ol thoir Jersey cattle, one o! whicl received lst pnize in a class o! 241 according to the officiai Jerse: . Oin,«.4magazine, this heifer "Enniskil à lion Royal Standard Aton," lookod particulanly good in ho: promise o! udder, dlean cut neci and splendid strong jawed hea( and wonderful spring o! nil companed ta the noxt entry. H May cheer and good will be also succeodod in getting lst in special pnîze with the senic Fyours always in your home- heifer cal!, "Enniskillon RoyE F . Secret Keepor." In the junic i orheant. herd class they wene placed 4t in yur .also received a 7th, llth, 12th an 14th ibbon. W.M.S. and W.A. met at th home o! Mns. A. Wearn, Dec. 10t with 25 present. It was move that same officers continue f( ]Ber ]Pa ker onscoming yoan, as !oilows: PnOe dent, Mns. H. McGill;lst vi. Plubig Hatngpresident, Mns. J. R. Ohmistoi Plmig Raig- Tinsuithiflg conrespondonce secretany, Mi Adam Sharp; Reconding sec' 47 ingSt.Z.Phone 651 tary, Mrs. Eanl Tnewin, assistai Bowmanville secretany Mns. L. Wean; trea uirer, Mrs. J. A. Wenny; supp work, Mrs. A. Wearn, Mrs.1 Hobbs; com.munity friendshi Mrs. Sid Trewin; chistian ste) _________________________ardship, Mrs. T. Slemon; tors erance and chistian citizenshý Mrs. R. McGili; missionary mo thly, Mrs. E. C. Ashton; pianis Mrs. L. Lamb, Mns. M. Staintc r Mrs. A. Wearn; baby band, MV 1ý1 Edgar Wright, Mrs. G. Yeo; nri ýoî sion band, Mns. Lloyd Asht( Mns. L. Wearn, Mrs. F. Bock' Mns. Hanold Milis; auditors, MV T. Siemon, Mrs. M. Hobbs. hym-n openod tho devotioi part of the meeting, prayon Mns. J. R. Ormiston, a Christr message fnom the moderaton v read by Mrs. L. Lamb, vocal sc Mns. R. Seymour. Mrs. Wal Rahm's group was in charge programme: organ solo by N Milton Stainton; Christmas t on what you will !ind was a Bethihentgivon by Mns. Seymour. W. Ever bright in the star of Btlhm will hold its meeting on anol c ~day from the W. M, S. Lui FEver bight is aur wish for you; for was served and a vote of tha ta, Mrs Wearn for hon homei the most joyans Christmas ever. group in change. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Be and Janice, Bowmanville, at C. Ashton's. Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Moore netunned !rom Toronto. Mn. and Mns. W. Rodman, Li say, with Mn. and Mns. M W* H. BROWN Hbs Mn. and Mrs. F. McGill DEALER F'OR Donald, Toronto, with Mns Case Farm Machiner>' - Firostoile Tires McGill. Mn. and Mrs. Sid Trewin, DeLaval MiIkerS sud Separators, and Mns. Earl Tnewin at Beatty Bros. Stable Equipnient Fred Smith's, Enfield. 91 King'St. W. Phono 497 Mn. and Mrs. Howard Oke, and Mrs. John Oke at Mn.1 ten Oke's. SSympathy is extended ta i.~oMNVlL~OWMAO ý ffl,ý, - ýýi- - , To our many patrons and ~ frierds we extend our smncere good wishes for continued health an d happiness for the holiday season. CHARTRAN 'S Mlea's Clothing b17 King Ut.ZB. BowinaVille TANT PASI ruesl1 death ofý Mr. Martini. C. . aim, Woston, Mr. I H I M A ! I sud Ù9. George Rahm and f ar- ily, Sa"tfield, with Mr. Walter Rahin. Prom 1%e Stue.mam The axinual White Gift Service_________________ under auspices of C.G.I.T. with . U U U ~ U Mrs. O. C. Ashton, lea«cer, was tda held Sunday evening. Sriptuno nec 22, 1'.r>ý7ý was nead by Prosidnt, , Ruth 4Xin r Ashton, while Marie Ashton, feo secretany, announced the hymns Free..wil offerlng of oVe r Dr. Wor and made the announcemontS. 0.0Ow pncdmt e c- Offering was received by Joyce tion plateýss at the Methodist Court McGill and June Ashton. Rev. church Thankofforing services very M. R.M.Semor av averyin his chunch has the largest1 at: from V. Lspiring ad&1ess on "I arn the tendance of any church in the Enfle Light of the World, ho that fol- Bay ,of Quinte Conference. bersv loweth me shall not walk in Chiki welfare clinic was held Divisior darkness but shail have the light with Dr. Bell of Toronto in con-- iof life". Ho pointed that that sultation and Miss Heeley, Public tearly in Genesis, God gave-light Health Nurse,, assisting. Radi« .. to mankind, the sun to ule the Dr. W. E. Tilley, school in- Wish, f day, and the moon to nule the spector, passed away. night, then on through the Old High School Comrmencemnent Little Testament, the prophets continu-Exriewrehl thago .ed to givo the people light. In Eprgewram eMssGedolYfl Wil- d Man3 Jesus Christ we find the final îioam isGedlnWl h . revelation of light. Candlos were weres and Miss Marion Pickanddathe C. lighted by Mrs. Harold Ashton air accompanists for the musi-da e and Mona Brunt, after which the chrtseetos. Ms ioacow e hite gifts wr brought to the Shrt Darlington, gave theBom )f manger. Members of C.G.I.T. Valedictory address. theampi asitdintecoiChc rn- Grs okBar ihMisSet yered two appropriate numbers. Amy McKowan, Presidont, held than 1- Mr. Alvin Boyd's class of boys a conforence in the Methodist of Mr >ywere entertained' at .the home o! School room to promote the work Kingsv Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, the o! C.G.I.T. in towi.- The r evening was spent in games, the Nestleton-Rev. R. A. Bruce, air: "h Ld highlîght of the evening was an South Dakota, brother of J. J. "Away b address by Rev. Seymour on Bruce and Samuel L. Bruce, a litti, e "The Origin o! the Hot Dog" passed away.-Mrs. Harry Philp, years a The name of this famous food Miss Olive Irvine and Miss Bea- tion i r originated with Harry Stevens of trice Wilson with Mrs.a Fred mentic al Columbus, Ohio. The speaker Philp accompanist, werea comi- of the Drdrew many valuablo lessons mittee in charge o! a fine Chris- closed tfrom the story, especially along mas concert. Radio id the line of self control, poise, Darlington-Mi5s Lila Osborne, Trinit: balance and symmetry of thought Toronto and Miss Jennie Mer- whicli heand plan in one's life. Refresh- chant O.L.C., Whitby, assiste&b the ured. th monts were served by the hostess. local talent at the Base Lino Intr ed Rexý. Seymour recently spent a Sunday School concert. follov 1 q day in Toronto on business. Enfield-A fire o! unknown Mrs. s- On Tuesday a goodly number origîn resulted in the loss o!f ce of people gathered in the Orono building, crops and implements );United church to hear Mrs. R. M. on the farm of Fred Ashton. rs Seymour speak at a special meet- .e- ing of the W.C.T.U. The speaker- int delighted her audience with FIFTY VEARS AGO as many bits of wit and home spun ?îy phiiosophy. Ahl enjoyed the very Dec. 25, 1896 M. serlous facts with which she im- jp, pressed the group regarding the Norman White organized a W- very tragic outcome which will writing school in Port 'Hope. Cov, .iundoubtedly corne from the re- D. B. Simpson attended the casi Licent legislation o! Queen'S Park, assizes at Lindsay. caff >n- Toronto. Sons o! England Lodge will proi ts, attend the Supremo Lodge meet- ,on, Thieves Rounded Up inin ratrd Irs. Miss Mildred Grigg attended lis Sentenoed to 6 Years the closing exorcises at the Royal ;on, Th Dental College, Toronto. Tesequel ta the thefts perpe- Prof. Truli, Columbus, called ett trated during the summer at the on the Editor and prophesized a Ins. pro mises of Blake Short, Waltr cold winter with litte snow or nA Rickard and Maple Grove School nain. >nwas unfolded in Bowmanville Firo Company No. 1 new of- by Tu .as police court, Tuesday, when Wil- ficens for 1897: Chie!, Thos. Hoar, was liam Volvie and Norman Veal, of Captain, Geo. Downiey; lst lieut., ý0lo, no fixed abode, received concur- Wmn. Roenigk; gnd lieut., F. H. ten rent jail sentences, which coupled Creepen; secretary, Hanry Bask- Q Sof with sentences at other Points, ervilie;treasurer, John MclntyrO; Vns. amount to 6 yeans in Kingston steward, T. P. Goard; branchmen, allk Penitentiary. Magistrate G e e Tom Percy, Neil Taylor, J. Woods ibly heard evidence submitted by 10- and A. Grant. police and convicted the ac- W. H. Elford, Carman, Man., her cused. visitod friends of his youth hene- tnh Provincial Constable Gondon abouts. ink Bnoughton and Chief of Police Methodist Sabbath School pro- and Sidney Venton, investigated the sentecl a play entitd "The Sa" eech junction with other police in rouin- Enniskillen-Mr. Snell, teach- E to. ding up the culprits. Old hands at on, was ' presen.ted with band- the game the accusod, age 36 and somely bound copies o! Teacher's has 46, respectively, were no new- Bible, Shakespeare and Long-, . corners to police hands. Records fellow. ,id- dating back to 1920 reveal a score Solina-Messrs. Westlake and [j. of convictions. Hoskin were busy thneshing Operating around Nonth York, clover. and Whitby, Lindsay and other outly- Tyrone-Fino Christmas selec- ;j. ing points, their thefts wene o! the tions were given at the Junior petty varîety over a considerable League concert on Sunday, by Mr. space o! timo. The local police Misses Gertie Skinner, Alma Mn. officers can now enjoy Chistmas Pollard, May Byam, Cora Ham- Fq dinner at home while their quarry ly, Ella Wilson, Olive Wiibur and ,Mr. dines behind high walls. Congrat- Maggie Lindsay interspensed with Wai- ulations are in order for the above singing led by Miss Florence officens for their good work in the Fraser. Mrs. case. Hamptan-$l47 was contrib- Vie Reid or write CKDO, Oshawa ne in CKDO every Sundaby at 9:30 Pi. W ANTED Old Hoises Uighest Market Prices Paid Truck your horses t'y us or Phone (NOX FUR FARM Orono - Phono 64r2 ?ormerly Doc Sherwil's Farir su ai Ji ai tt Ji ýrkman o! Toronto. ice-J. F. Brooks was 1. . J. Countice was home lictonia University. eld-Fourteen new mem- wene initiated into the S Society. ýo Serenade by jart Campbell for e Miss Julia Al ln Ly radio listeners who heard .F.R.B. programme, Thurs- wening, at 10:15, were Lta know who the littie ianvillo girl was for whom eatured banitone Wishart bell sang the Cradle Song. xrns out to be none other M'iss Julia AMun, daughten :r and Mrs. Lonne AMlin, N'ay Apartmonts. Sannouncer said over the Mfr. Campbell will now sing ý in a Manger" in honor o! e Bowmanville girl, four o! age. A rule of the sta- is that no names may be ioned, but the background Sthought!ul gesture was dis- 1 following the Lion's Club )Antists Concert Series at ty Church, Wednesday, in hMn. Campbell was feat- xoduced to Mr. Campbell wing the concert. Mr. and Allin expressed their plea- PIANO TUNING AND REPAURS 'ering Bowmauville, New- lei, Orono and district. Ail Is receive prompt attention )vldig roails are passable. Et 'Phono 451 THE MODERN STORE BOWMSUVMlO It's the hearty wish of everyone in, this organ- izatian t1hat you and your famiiy may enjoy a holiday filled with cheor and happiness. May tibe a Christmas of hope fulfiiled and faith renewed. The very spirit of Christmas goes - --1 -e -- - - ar 7l 9, tn+ +1is Lycriou F. C. CROWE 1 52 King St. Phone 2174 -r lý w - 4 Make it joyous-by eur- rounding yourself with family andl friends ne- membening each with a weil - chosen gift, and brin ging cheer to their heants with your owîft warrn hospitality. lFe Ife 44CIZL2IScc* BowmnanvillC il Though time nover end and the people of the earth ever incerease in numbers-the story of Jesus wili be told through ail the years and to ail gen- erations to corne. Christmas wili be forever glonious and its spirit a constant source of in- spirationi. PAGE IV ure at Ilatening to blg- over the Nobody ever outgrowl Scrtp Lr. RIe aaskô if th« hlad any ture; the book wicdens and e- hilrenand vien oldtha Utleens with our years.-Spureofl. ~ilrensud*he~ tld hatlifle Oliver 'Roberns was the feet- iilla a]so, listened in, he prompt- ured speaker at the Men'a Club, y asked to slng for hon aven the St. John's Anglican Church, last ir the following evening. So week. Heé acknowk-,dýgd the ;at is how. it ail came about. thoughtfulness of meiubens, for fulia listened with wlde-eyed Mrs. Roberts who nocentlYsu. rpture and thought it grand. fered a broken leg. 814 1 ý",ki ý,, 1 Orono