Y, DEC. 24th, 14« glow of your candies reflect ail of the joys and fulfilled desires of the past year ... and may that radiance forecast the coming year as the best and brightest of them ail. Gouch, Johnston & Cryderman LTD. BOWMANVILLE May the warmth of Ciristinas be in every homne and in every heant. Ail of lis today are looking forward to a l)right Nvorld of tomorrow iu the Christ- mias of today. It's in that spirit we wish our friends andi customers a Merry Christmas and a Joyous NewT Year. Stuart R. lames REAL MSATE - INSURANCE Hardware____ - - .mu.**oe=* = 1 . ALL THE BEST 1 bea!gon'«%rett- tngo troim ntario'g fabourite rabto etatiou! lEo all pou lie;tenet,« anb trienb!g, tije tatt of (C13MIS extenb,« beart- iegt biiije.«for ebriet- mao; anb tije jIettoear. gpecial program1feo artangeb for pou, but inq Cbriigttflag beck The sweet notes of Christmas carols echo our wishes to you this glonions Yuletide. A Merry Christmas, and Hlappy New Year. Stocker's RXI) IN UPRVIOZ STATION 153 Kini St. E. £iit~From Cubs I V~ i~' =T =Scout Master Receives SU Tbe Man4ëmbM ý nd Staff THE ROYAL TH EATRE4 May the Christmas ALEX McGREGOR BOWMAN VILLE DRPUGS PIIONE 792 JOYPUL ~WITMAS and PROSPER«US NEW YEAR Mrs. Thomas Wright was in Toronto last week with her daughter, Mrs. Davis. Miss Edna Bottreil, Toronto, is spending 'Christmas with her sister, Miss Mae Bottreil. Miss Louila Workmnafl, Toronto visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. E. C. Workman. Miss Gertrude Dewell, Peter- boro, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dewell. Mrs. Lewis Roach, Liberty St., fell on the slippery sidewalk during the storm on Friday after- noon and fractured an arm. Mrs. (Dr.) John Spencer is in Oshawa General Hospital as the resûlt of a fgll on Saturday when she suffered a broken hip. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Milis, Lon- don, Ont., are spending the holi- days with the latter's parents, Mi% and Mrs. W. Spencer, Park St. The Kîndergarten class con- ducted by Mrs. Charles Wight held a jolly Christmas party Saturday afternoon in thlir class roomi at Tirinity Sunday School. Miss Ruth Hutchinson, Ameni- can Academy of Dramatic Art, New York City, is enjoying iChristmas vacation with her mother, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson. Mr. A. M. Hardy has sold the Iformer Smith farm west of En- niskillen to Mr. George Irwin of Harmofly. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Irwin and littie daughter, Donna Gale, to this commufllty. It is rumored that Reeve*Nor- man Green of Cartwright ànd Reeve Ted Woodyard of Clarke will be candidates for the Ward- enship of the United Counties for 1947.* His many friends in Bowman- ville will regret to learn that Rt. Rev. A. L. Fleming, Bishop of the Arctic, and Honorar.y Member of Bowmanville Rotary Club, is seriously il at his home in Tor- onto. Out-of-town guests at the Cain- Davies wedding were, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Luxton, Mrs. Lou- ise Luxton,' Mrs. E. Cole and Miss Ruth Cole, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Milfred Sherwin,, Orono. In the Cain-Davies wedding 1 writeup, the naine of the groom'.ç 1mother, Mrs. Edna Cain, was in- - advertently omitted f rom thE reception. Mrs. Cain assisted thE - bride's mother in receiving thE guests. Retiring Mayor Ted Morris wa tendered a dinner Saturday nighi by the 1946 council members Assembled at the Beach home o: Councillor T. A. Garton, tht Mayor was presented with. handsome leather-case, gentle PHONE 836 PROCLAMATION Last Wednesday evening, Scout Eric Colwell is shown presenting ing another parcel on the îght= and Cub Mater Denni Pickard 'himn with a box containing a fine while the smiling faces peering- Cizesnd eratSi heTw ofB mfVle and Cub Master Dennis ~trench coat while on the lef t through and around the fore- iiesadMrhnsi h ono omnil wa asuprse mn he oerstands Rover John Brooks with ground figures are the youngsters = are hereby requested to observe 60 Cu'bs gangedi up on himn and Cubs Bruce Colwell and Pat whose enthusiasmi for the pre- showed, in tangiblie form, their Leddy holding other parcels. sentation cannot be pictured. It = appreciation of his efforts. Mrs.1 Rover Jack Mundy is also hold- had to be heard to be beleved. - ______________________________________________ ver, wene thework of the cîever -B X N A fingers of Miss Florence Densem o Ths were as tered adboard VThhe INewcastle Independent baskets that contained an assort- rk ment of goodies, chocolate bars,E Phn:Cakt34crn ucnysces etc. and which each little guest mU . *** *** received. TIR URSDAIY, DEC.26 Your Newcastle correspondent came home from work .at noon. Christmas Concert wishes to extend to the readers A doctor was immediately sum- The annual Christmas Concert By keeping their places f business closed on this day- of this column, a very Merry moned and he ordered her taken o h ecsl ntdCuc and Happy Christmas season, and by ambulance to Bowmanville o h ecsl ntdCuc to say in the words of "Tiny Tim"' Hospital, where X-rays showedSudychlwahedoF-adosevfgtasapbchldy 7Dickens Christmas Carol-"God a broken hip. Mrs. Moise was day evening Dec. 20th. ThereE Bless Us, Everyone." then taken to Toronto Western was a large attendance of schol- Miss Jacqulene Smith left by Hospital for the fracture to be ars, parents and friends which plane last week to spend a vaca- attended to and thep brought filled the school-room and theE By order of tion in Florida. back to Bowrnanville Hospital evening was unanimously votedE where she is at present aptet a great and happy occasion start-= H r y Jose aa Sopatient. 0 . M O R IE Harr an Son, wll-The thoughts of her many fiends ing from the recitation of wel-E known breeders and owners o~f are with her during teetyn on ie yBvre son Purebred Hoîstein-Fresian tes tyig om gve b MveaeyObrn days and they 'sincerely hope it until jovial Santa Claus had- shipe ayearling bul in t ile not be long before she is on distributed the last present from recent consignnient of cattle sent thW od" orc'ey the Xmas tree at the side of the S Her many fiends will regret Mr. Thomas Couch' was the pactform. haRev. W.fW.antexcel- ,- to hear of the unfortunate and guest of honor on Monday Dec. actedpasgcamrman fc or nsex epainful accident suffered by Mrs. 15th, when his daughter Mrs E. lenprgramme Juhior congsed eBenjamin Moise, who feli in ler Awde assisted by Miss Med gtion under the direction of Mrs. e home one morning last week, and Couch, was hostess at a birthday WlimBmn h one as she was alone in the house at atinhsoor children doing an action chorus ýs the time, she lay on the floor un- Mrs. Wm. Chaplin has closed "Iccles" followed by a recita- it able to rise, until her son Ellison her home in Newcastle for the tion by Patsy Venner, then the ~ao" f. winter months and after spend- older children gave a drill en- ae man's toilet set. i et n oetm ihrltvsi titled "This is the way we go e ufei Park, Toronto, i et Port Hope and Belleville, will to Church." The beginners auring special Harness Races on leave later for the south. class of the Sunday School under - New Year's Day starting at 1:30 Mrs. Mary McEvoy with her the direction of Rae Venner and p.m. daughter and son-in-law Mn. and Joyce Martin gave Mother Goose Kindly remembered by the Mrs. Selby Spencer, Hamilton. Rhymes and motion Songs. There Lions Club at their Christmas Farncom'b LeGresley and Don- was a chorus by the Primary gathening in the Beech Ave. ald Jose are home fromn O.A.C. class. A recitation by Billy premiseS, The Statesman reporter Guelph for Christmas holidays. Brunt. The senior girls sang a e- S received from Santa Claus a Mrs. W. E. Cooke spent Chris- chorus of Christmas Songs. There much appreciated gif t. Their tmas the -guest of her daugh an eedrills by the Junior boys kind thoughts are fully recipi'0- and son-in-law, Mn. and Mrs.an Chits ro b te cated with the wish that 1947 will Harold Carr, Port Credit. Junior girls. A shadow play by the AROUND TE (JHRISTMAS TIiEE - - be the biggest year yet for' Bow- Mrs. George Gray is a patient Senior boys and a Chistmas play As you 'and your loved ones gather manville Lions. in Oshawa General Hospital, by the Senior boys and girls un- The whole community was where she underwent a major der the direction of Mrs. Morley round your gaily decorated tree on shocked to learn of the sudden operation îast week. Sallows entitled "Chistmas at Christmas moru, we wvant you to know death of Mrs. Donald Brown, nee Mn. J. A. Taylor, Toronto has Home", and which carried withthtorhogtae th ou Its Thec#lartyn, in Arnprior, on Sun- purchased Elmhurst Hotel fromi it a special Yuletide message. atorhugsaewi y .I .s day, Dec. 22. We understand that Mrs. Mildred Purdy. Mn. Taylor was well played by a cast con- our w'ay of showing you our apprecia- her father-in-law, Mn. E. H. Brown who is marnied and has one îittle sisting' of Mrs. Burgess, Eileen and her brother-in-law, Mr. Wal- girl 3 years old, is a veteran of Allun; Dr. Tom Burgess, Rodger tion for your generous patronage dur- lace Brdn et odyt at- wor war II, naving servea six Melw ml urge, lr in g the past. The season's greetings tedthe funeral on Chistmas yers îhteCnda r Allin; Janet, Barýara Osborne;toneadil Day. Besides her husband she He satandCe n ln Julie, Mary Margaret Bonathan; leaves four childiren, two married to pay special attention to the Ralph Weatherby, Earl Brown; and two at home, aged 12 and six dinningroom of the hotel and Johnny, Alec Martin.Sevc years. serve delicious well cooked Then the highlight of the even- C o e' tto At 3 a.mFiafnbokou meals. ingr and one that had been eager- C o e' evc tto in a camp trailer at Cavan in Forty-six Newcastle children ly awaited by the younger child- which two me.i were sleeping. were the guests of Mn. Edgar ren took place, in the arrivai of YOUR GOOD RICH OIL DEALER They had a miraculous escape Tomlinson and Miss Florence Santa Claus w;ho arrived in the from death, when, aroused by in- Densem of the East End Garage stage in a fiurry of sleigh belis <Glass Installation a Specialty) tense heat they crashed through on Saturday afternoon at a and jovial laughter and pack of a window to safety. The men, Christmas tree and treat. The toys on his back won the heants 218 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone 2224 employed as tree trimmers, could- party was held in the East office of ail his little admirers by his n 't find living accommodation and of the garage which was decorat- merry voice and as an extra treat hauled their trailer onto vacant ed with Christmas decorations he sang his geetings to New- property to make it their home. with a large Xmas treeý gracing castle in a mellow banitone solo. Provincial Constable Gordon one corner of the room. The Santa Claus with the assistance Broughton, who investigated, outside decorations of the tree of a group of wiiling helpers, found the trailer reduced to a comprising little red cardboard quickly and efficiently disposed skelton of twisted metal. Con- Santa's complete with beard, and of the large pile of presents tents were completely de.jtroyed. pine cones, colored gold and sil- grouped at the foot of the tree. And a H-appy,, Joyous New Year to YouAill1