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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1947, p. 1

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vwon.t Ro ther egun, Jfoljmd, t hd.taresuine %~ 'fi nie befone eel lt ta e éa Aaemy, ihé cdquar- a, adgadu- a~.nd 4wni Ws. Occupylng condt thfe 14t ddtctwo- tfions amd>a finalj -*1 4dsgeen. VI 5~hla. ~of-draaWasiof a aneadnot tb-, 1cm *i~*alon.InlègratE lncldeda rounde &il the factors desigi ice campetency on. stak 0f h msmlm Lodg. At ii.aniua-banquet and el- ection o gicers o! - Jerusaleni &#ogAF.' & A.M., held, in the .=ZMasoic hall Friday evcning, Dec. 27, Bnp am Wilim Found was in- "çuctbd 'tnd inatalled as, Worsiip. a,', Xfàter ln the.Chair o! King jolmon for the yeam 1947. He éccedaW. Bro. James Mars wio beeomnes I.PM. for ' thc coming year. Tie induction cereinonies wcrc pcrtormced by R.W. Bro. E. ER. Brown fogethes with his in- -Mallngassistants. More tItan 100 memnbers were t,- resett-frthé ie occëasion, despite xndcexyeût weathes. Ticeturkey 4imnér,, eýxcdIl.ntIy prepared and L acrg* b1 tic Cartes Famly was Toasts inclui4ed =e, proposcd by- W. ~~~. ~ M -~r.W .Pasce; Tic Visitons Xeunn.a y . r~,P < tsa enyaproýpnate ne- 'o( i. ~sao ' ero.Wil. y.é.Smtb, ib'mi ,wt*'evetW nurfflm w.r' ffl$ý àplot, 7 d ~Wlera.t47 Jr Mi wuo~ trk Thén Action Toacher, lwhorn' ice p 'iudzi c]ed flic "miacny teac#- >ê" taxéd ti 9csUenee o1.'e :Ituoçle ,off tie bady,, .tzudet ï«= tfai 'g-acuy' nlit public were carbite' sfudypeopl 4in'ail 'aIs&_ it ~~~t0r ~ ~ *ézé 'aa0çarceawee@ true t te.A.'elass wa tiil o'n Boeylumàs and lleVetoti iZ<e wliene tfien m -l"ac.ions cf aznlaIajs wre ,fti4e.-Th&ian ~8Wa8oilntl~nfor -inter~tt ~AeUp wseull m tint 4ii ~as~s ad- ta beeome-onf= mcd'al f 3»tae prajereàs fiat are ùsed fai- deple-t ýi actora cf pis enaüu ture tie CStlcism and titesarea4rn AY! apy !amus- tea Cher'4s>mm agèdSome haËd 'of hearnï, -etllaiglaiïtecI. With, thc urge'.to perflection. 'Miss, Hùtch- InÛonsrmxnd If itl' - b'yw>declar- ingr ti "1taksmore tiaà '900-& 1pAit of legs- ta I5come an. actresa; ne'is t0hve a bide liké la, rhinoç eros,» ) Golsng on !ô the final year,-'hfi selected -pupils advancq ta actuiai plays- wiici ,ticy present before 4Wnio pupis at tic Acadélrîy and é cji in aslected. Broadway*,the- atre . >cocncluded, with --ber posfetee cpresentation o! tic 'Mcbtl pasage. Thanks 'Past President Ross Stnike, wlio movecl fie' vôte of tianks, predict- cd -tint uth wauicl b. Âmong those going' on ta the ffizaL yean. And 'h. suggcsted that t thlisWas ber first, appeïranc as a g'àpublic speaker, i? loped sic would re- peat offen in lier own home town. Presient Fanbes Heyjand 'pre- scnited, ta Miss, Hutçiinsoiz a bqu- qm~t.aI lcwes s appzei ciatitii 1!. Sr Wuu5 VVi'L5U&, Trenton, and'-Bir- iY rY Hall, Toanto, grandsan o! an Rotamian Jim Devitt. en Mel Stapies received twô bou- s- quets for 'his bitiday, fie date aiofwhieic is11la indoubt. Wes all Cawker was, presented witl ius ýre three-year perfect attèndance pin e, by Pasf President Len Elliott. Ted st> Morris and George James receiv- ed cd oufsîze "penfectos" from Ro- ed tanian Eliner Off as Ted is retir- a- ing from fie office o! Mayor and ge George ieaded fie poli at thie .municipal elections. M. Breslin's Values. Outetanding as Shown In Current Advts. I- "Dollar for dollar, the goocls ad- nvertised in the January Clearance eSale at our store, present the best values ever offered to the people of Bowmanville and district," was ttée emphatic statement of Maurice 9Breslin when he brought in the ecopy for the Breslin 2-page ad- overtisemeâts appearing in. this is- 9sue of The Statesmnan. He stated ýthe following reasons as to why Lhe offers these outstanding values at this time: Due t0 general shortages the epolicy bas been to order far in eadvance to supply the home maer- ket. Securing a fair appropria-' tion from manufacturers for .ýhe ssummer and fail, local tradeeell 1off considerably due to the Ibcal strike situation, hence an er- Stock was occasioned in se. eral lUes. These goods are no ' be- _ s cleared at a price mucýls -th"n coat. Iý In common with many ý"*ther Ènes of business it was d1 ed good policjr tb place maxixn or- ders Witui several firms in th' ope -of g9tting at least a niinimu sup- ply of goods during short ply. Removal of sme contraiss uit- eed in getting delivery, und this .system, of a, greater volum, than .expected, whiich aima, led an overst.ock in many lines. ere epain a large quantity o! so- ale goode wli b. sacrifie~ at leua than cost. Up-to-date merchandiign volves a constant turoe t make room for new goods, w sityles, ta aceominodate p~ fastes. Gooda riow on the me ; M till tops as to style and qu &Y~ but they must b. iue rAWof sound rnerchandisig the advertismenta tate they a geâm.lne bargatm nslmai ûo of gemuie <oode t10 e e tý thMAi te', eat lAid do ib f %,la thpsg ofrerlngs uhowii on tw it4à" 9 ue o! The, Statç- liewYeix ~ig. 1y bOqçving tic 9M ymr eue éoma - - > ----* - e Santa ( The 'ybung ' ladà et te UÔwi, cagýols, 'dueâa, sooansd reaWngs ~4eCommit 4nid Nj.ýtns jasville Trs>nng col ve '~i1~~ipa yd-. un.usual, flnt secray fth" oi~ 4 a~ppaI se. . Dec.2Q, henfie embe~ 0 tl~ cx~ ~ia~i~i~i~". ~eaaimea. ~eÔodcedtru h Yoi.ith Se ieon ut à ff! ~ o ~eie itwtites~o1 ros'n oiitr T.ronto lýtr lb ôai oigod', lhso Trnpf~t *ee hita r arra Nge ' b t e b y n hir .~ sa g ~ S rne çn, Wa nj h n yt h boys 'pie gitts. e Fie embrsof; 'andTann dbu~ ~n retget4 olan htsii nte The rogainwasshaectamog.I ou'i~ ervce c~nmitee, W *.0 ch he techer a e as hes the~ ~ ~ ~~~~ih- bosooecf! h hredr- a "'compniedby r.Del wfl e Cheld 'Cbý ri tsmr#gng rnitrie~ TerewereChrstmsTBundgetsViceCrnian .Ylol e "* e at wi aai p>e 0fipharkMçcy., Exams Lists recently released, by fie Senate o!fie University ai Tar- ante following resuits ai the, an-; nual examinations in flic Depan' ment o! Pharmacy, include fie' nmres of. tire. Bowmanvillc stu- dent s who, werne successful in their first -year. Their nmres, giv- cm in arder o! standings arc, Miss E.. M. Jackman., Miss Eleanor Johnstom and Alan t. Tamablyn. Miss Jackmaï,l daugliter ai Mn. and Mrs. S. Roy, Jackmai,' won. 11sf class .honora âmd captured fi>.JospliSexilnik -ho; Pi PhI. -ors. Miss Jackiman senved bler ap- prenticesbip, with Jury and*- Lov. cil,. Bowmanville. 11 1 ' -Miss Jdhmston, daugitter of Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Joinston, won sec- ond class honors witb a supple- mental in Pbarmacy. Slie recciv- ed lier practical training after graduation from High School at Mc%regor's Drug Store, Bowman- ville. Mr.. Tamblyn, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Tamblyn was suc- cessful in pass exams witli a sup- plemenfal in Pbysiology. Appren- ticed at Cowling's Drug Store,. Bowmanville, bis studies were in- terupted by service in tue late war. He resumed lis course fol- lowing dischamge. Ticeflire succcssful students arc Êcceiving well merited con- gratulations wbile home 'on Christmnas holiday.. Later, lists pubiislied Monday give results o! the second Yerar exams wiicli reveal fiat Miss Jean H. Cosens was successiul in passing lier tests with two supple- mentais. Miss Cosens appncnticed at McGregor's Drug Store, Bow- manville. Miss D. J. Taylor, iý#uglter a! Clamke Tàylor, formemiy of Jury & Lovell's also passcd 2nd year exains wifl two supplementals. Mr. and Mss. Harry Smith, Qucen St., obsemved thein 35ti wcdding anniversary on Decem- ber 26. Witb their parents ta share tis lhappy occasion were ail members o! theix' family and seven grandcliildren. In the ev- ening a number o! friqnds called at flicir home toecxtcnd congrat- ulations and present Mm. and Mrs.' Smith witi mamy lovely gift s South Wpad-Kiddles HavÀtïpy ime AtiS. S. Concert Thc Chrnistmas concert ield la the South Ward. Sclool waà a vesy enjoyable event for fie many childrem o!f 'tis popular- Sunday Sciooi who werc present for' fl annual treat. Mr. C. E. Milla, Oshawa, ciairman, extended a welcoame faparnts mcd fricads of tic',cu- rn attending' fie achool. ic ais sowcd sildes de- pictlng.tic Christmas Story whici xncrcsc hInsentiment caci ycan and becomës moro signlftcant ýat caci Christmnas season. Recitations wcre given by Fay Piper, Frances Cowcy, Marion Cowey, Mariiga Perfect,. Alan ,Pert.ct,,- 'dg' Cowc , Bnian ~q'n1*lc, ame ria , Job* Mci wcre ntrsng and ap- opriate to fie occasion. . Audrey' Cowcy and Muriel Sfev- cil sang a duet "'Sient Nigif"l very nleely. Winsome 4-ycar-old Rose Manie Quackenbusli was fie star 91 thc qvcning wlfl a recfta- tioji and solo.and also la a duel wit4i,,lier eider aister Grace. ,,, $a*i chuld was -. remembered wtà gsifabe tt and an or- aI e, I* uts sand candies, et I t Mr. -and Mr#. DinnWel Mw;reled 60e Years, Have 5 Poctir Sons Dr.,amid Mns. Richard E. Di'ni- well, Town, attended,tlic diamomd wredding, celebrat ion o! uis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dinniwell at '.Clavering,, meaný Owém S ound, af flic Christmas' season.. A family gathcring was ield- by the parents for.thei r eight sons and 'daugliters. Thé family lias "fie distinction of iavimg ail five sons either medical 'doctors or dent iàts. Tic Wamen's Associa-i, tian o!9 Clavering United, Câhu're anpçi flic Woniem'sInsfitu1-t e n-, 'UAImUU, Aia. LieIphoUL1VUgreet-I' inigs and Mr. Din.niwell's' sister, Mrs; Philip Cufting, Keppel to'wn- slip, wio was bnidesmaid at flic wedding sixty ycars ago'0, was -present for the celebration., Mr. and Mn,. Dinniwell farmed on tbe homestcad in Bruce county fram flic time o!fliceir marriage and onlyretired ta Clavening a- year ago. Tie sons are Dr. R. A. Dinni-. well, St. George; Dr. Ri. E. Dinni- wýell, Bowmanville; Dr. 0. C. Dmn- niwell, Ajax; -Dr. W. A. Dinniwell, Harniston; and Dr. A. 'R. Dinni- well, Hamilton. Tiey weme ahl at, home -for tliis memorable occa- sion excepting Dr. O. C. Dinni- wcll, Ajax. Tîcre are 16 grand- cbildren and anc greaf grand- child wlio joined in extending congratulations on tbis auspiciaus occasion. SingleCopies 6c As prevlouslyý announced the subseriptlon price of Thc Statesman was changed, on Jan uary 1sf, 1947, f. $2.50 a ycar, and $3.00'ln fie U.S. Starflng next week singl. copies vvllI be 6c. As the ne- suit of sharp riscs la tic coat of uewsprint (Up 48 per cent since one ycar ago) and other still-incrcasing costs of pub- lication, fiais cha9ge bas had to b. made. Single copies are sold at local bookitores and stores la neighborlng villages as lsfed lu another colunin. Single copies' may be also bc had In Tic Statesman -office. Mrand Mrs.. 141111à Célebrate Anniversar.y> At Tyroi è bDe. loti, More than, 75 people, gafhcred' at 'flic home o! Mn. and Msrs. AI- bert *nHills, Tyrane; an Tuesday. evening, Dec. 10, in a surprise vint ta cozgatulafe thein on fie. ocCa4sion o!f hilsSilves ,Wed'dirig Annu'versary. The couple reeiv- cd,- many iandsome giffa follow- inig addresà,"' znusic, and enfer- taýment appsopxiafc' ôth fe i4- pey-cvent. Tic eveming conclud- ed'4witli a sumnptuous luncth s'erv-. cd7by flic young -,people "preser'it.i * wddmgo!Aiér AHcl offilafeâing. Durmîg tee-ps quar- ter c glùry, on fleir homeétn tey h ave akên an active interest in aIl co imunity affairs and have 'been' .blessed wifh 'a family o! four 'chuldnen. God-don, a pilot affices, R.C.A.F., itic, late wam, is now mamried and lives in Hamn- ilton. Wesley, Bessie and Raîpli live at home. Chaliman for the evening, C.- W. Woodley, expmessed tic con- gratulations of -ail preéent includ- ing many from distant points, Havelock, liamilton, Oshawa, Or- ana; who camne ta join those o! tic imm=ediate district for flic happy occasion. Missý Manjonie Couci, Bowman- veIle, read the addresg and tue gif ts were presented by, Missgs Joyce and Millie Hilîs and Miss Editi Woodley. The gifts in- cluded a -radio'- from members o! tic family circle and otier re- mnembrances were a bandsome cabinet of silver, a set o! cut glass. for thec table, a beautiful bevelled plate glass mirror and a set o! Kenwood blankets., Mr. and Mms. Hills, taken com- pletely by surprise, weme visibly moved as tliey espondcd ta -so many evidences o! goodwil tram s0 many loyal well wisliers. They were serenaded at the close wîtli a rousing, "For tiey are Joily Good Fellows," witli "Many Happy Returns o!flihe Dak."' The many fniends o! Mr. Roland Bate, Brown St.,-will be pieased ta bear that he is improving affer bis seriaus illness wich bas ne- ccssitated aven two monflis' stay in a Toronto Hospital and requis- cd. two operations. ' Helias now reacbed convalescent stage and if i. hoped that lie will continue im- proving and be able ta came home Sapy New Year to Correspoudents Nothing we can' say or 4o, for tiat mnatter, can adequately meet the' obligation due the loyal staff of country correspondents of Tic Canadian Statesman. Without their weekly contribu- tions the editor would b. completely at a loss to maintain reader mnterest among aInmost the whole list of subscribers who dlaim Tie Statesman 'as "their paper." Week aiter week for 52 consecutive issues the country correspozidents send in their' budgets of news and It is bright, sparkling, up-to-fie-minute news, always looked forWard ta by sc many with suci keen lnterest. Let us project the picture and fofl'ow Tie Statesman as it goes out fhrough fie mails cvery week. Clear across Canada and down into the U.S.A. go many copies ta Durham aid boys and girls who now. live In many dis- tant points. Copies go ta Cube, South Anwrlc, Africa, thi. British lâles, where ather former reuidenta arestationed 'In forciga service and la Industry. To tiese part$cujarly the home- town paper cornes as a letter from, home, Very mxany indeed Iook - iret Io. the pages contgialng, the news from country cor- respondents...1 1 'W. believe they will join with thc editor at tuis Urne, as we enter aeuSw yeqr. In expresslýg' a vote of thanka fa ail the rural corresponerM. of Tii, Stateignan. May w. therefor tçad ttheéc iwsh 1 eacli of tii... loyal writ budgets, the. spoutainqous acclalrn, Happy and Pr Ygr and for 4U 4hW weeka of 1947. si"' J~ - "t.", t~ i tk, .~ ',. "t t- aodi tBraugitonfotichg, ProvincialB Polic, lias ege bushes t 4n f , Ort. "i n eràiftn-law; Fligit' Lieut., A. Winch, .DF'*.M.O., wio -for:sçiiie tinte paet lias be e rojectianiata i 'RoGyal ¶ýé&tre, BowmnaaviUçe. -these tWo 'ex-serviee il li .nedately build a modern theatré at Bancroft ta provide motion pic- tu're and otier entertaianent at, thaf thnivimg centre. Thcy leave eanly ln January. fa commence building ln the norther'n to-Wvn which is a ménec- or fie tountst trade. Constable » fan. servcd in fie late wâ m4iù ber o! the Cànadman è,'- &d,<.afier die- ei , Pie 'oeun hQt~e Provi fi Poié4 n wk" servcd fçrê~years. Hé <4llbe. greatly ised - BwMà4,%0ile whére i. square'-hc was!'rgê%ol th fe d charÉge o!f1Is &dt*is' bsfaced armendl b dits ;and'always got hus mogn. Ie is -married.aitd Mr.' and Mr. roughiton* "iavti two child- Flight lý4eut., W'.xmeh served-, it h distinction with,'the R.C.F, n niftg ifie D.F.C. -dMemtionçd in .DisPatches. àe. s anexpeýrt 'ôper- aMoi'jn' fie the atrýe field, Mr. and ,Mrâ..Wincihave' anc child. ,, 13oth young mcm wcre born in Paris,. Ont aria, and pnior .t6, fie war were i]à business fogether at ,htpoint.,'The best wishes of' this commnunity gowith fiese en-, terprising, fine ctiZens-' nd -their. families' on f ieir departure. Bow- mianville loses-, Bancro'ftgains. A'larm System lnstall.d in B3ank of Montreal A. new holdm-up alarmf syst cm, which hlas been devised- by tue, Bank'of Monfreal, in ogriunction 'wifi a protective agency, is now being installed i*al fie bank's ,branches -acsôss tiécocuntry,, and thie, bank's local office hecre lias 'already been. provided -wifl ths added .protoètion. iullest coa-operation o! police, de-I partnents ttcnoss the' countgy. Deemed by police as 'lmot cm mendable' - and warthy o! tic «"fullest co,-operation," this sy stem is designed ta 'combat tue wave ai bankhold-ups fiat has been sweeping -tue couîntry in recent mronflis. -It is based on the latest ideas in protection and makes use of the most up-to-date equipinent. At a number o! points arrange- ments have been made witb ,otlier financial institutions. for mutual protection. Francis O. Mcllvcen, manager of fie Bowmânviflc brandi, lias expressed bis satisfaction at the peace of mind Wiicli fie ncw pro- teçtive arrangements affords and saY\j fliaf lie isglad fa have this adde)d protection for bis office. Flrst Baby of 1947 Arrived- at 8:03 a.m. Dr. H. B. Rundle had the honor1 of introducing tue first baby born ini Bowmanville Hospital for 1947. Baby Masterson, a lusty girl, rais-1 ed ifs voice in greeting ta the 1 attendmng nurses at exactly 8:03 as daylight was breaking, Wed- 1 nesday, Jan.- lst. Mother and daughter are doing splendidly ac- cording ta Miss Clatworthy, Acf- ing Superintendent o! the bas- pital.' Baby Masterson is a welcome sister to, ather lusty cbildren of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Masterson, BoWmanville. ) ,Magterso keen sports foll4ôWe10"TakW% ,4 sons with him ta, track and field meets. where they have won pnizes in atbletics in juvenile comppt- ition. Cammunity congratulatiorsié and Happy New Year a re accord- cd fheie umf<ff4 àid'their new I baby datighter. 1tb - t-t t> t N t '?-~ M."> ErsIL. J. 'Barton tltn er _4x Mr.D ~aroaOshawa,,, Miss MkUde Réynodas With .ý an-1ra. Stuart- Im. Mr. Hierbert Smff,#h, Qceu ' Mrs .. Fred Crydera and Ruti, àt Mr AMrs. nngt6n'sï'.Tôidnto. -Mr. and Ms.Morley 'Vanstone' and family with rlatives ii Ga1ti. Mr.' C. 'E. Shortrdg,.à oira wifh the Misses WiiatTw. miss Mary Xàfé sn.Haqon wit4tMr.. and' Mrs. Archie Mae ;Mr. Alec Birbç, Mnfe'l;wt is, parents, Dri,-.ýd Mp.. KE -Mr, and 'Mns.1Mcïrris Jonesg and son A rthr i mrIgtives -la Port Miss',Eleamtre Wight Woronto, with be 'r:mother, Mrs:Chas. Wighf. Messrs. AUlau andâDon Fergu- sÉon, Toroitô, AtM Dr. Harbld Fer- "is-Elizior' Barton., Oshawa, with hfer grandmbthèr, Mrs'. L.',-'J; Barton. .Mrs. 'E. J. Sillver, . Carlisle Ave., with b er sister, MUrs,. C. P.' May, Windsor.'. Mr. Bud, Nichols, Rouymn, Qu Ie., with bisparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Nichols. 'Mn d Mrs, .Reg. He4rl wyith bis'.sister and other relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. - hs Downe-y with Mr. and Mri. Don iCameron, Haydôn. Mrs. Reta Dudley, Ray and Nôel with"ýMr. and Mrs. Raymond Cole, Kitchenier., Miss Marion Scott, B.A., Oril- lia, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Scott. Miss Seln-ia, Bartlett, Ottawa, with her parents, M. andi Mrs. C. A. Bartletf. Mr. and, Mrs. W. Stacey,' New- tonville, with Mr. and Mrs.> Ray- niüond Gibbs. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Çawker and babe,.,Ullvillei.,with Mr. ,and Mrs Ms'Mifie ýD unplc>p ,And"jùdy, Toronto, with ber mother, Mrs. Olive Gilhooly. Mr. T. H. Jennings, Toronto, with is sister Miss Minnie' Jen- nings, Chux'ch St. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon with their son, Dr'. Harold and Mrs. Siemon, Toronto. Mr. Alex Wight, Hugbendon, Aiýberta, with relatives and friends in Bowmanville. Mr. A. L. Baker, Statesmnan staff , with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell, Hamptcn. Mr. Loftus Papineau, Mr. Ted Morris, Toronto, with Mr. and" Mrs. C.- Papineau, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parise, To- 'ronto, with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mutton. . Mrs. S. G. Chartran and daugb- ters Florence and Doris with ber brother, in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allun w-' Col. Bon-steil and Miss J Knight, Belleville. Miss Marion Warder, B. Marys, with ber parents, 7 Mrs. R. H. Warder. Mrs. John Wynn, a from Scotland, witbh h Mrs. Perey Luxton. Miss Helen McGre Peterborough, witb I- Mfrs. D. S. McGregor. Mr. Donald Vent- with his parents, Cl- and Mrs. Sidney VW Mr. and, Mrs. C Mvr. and Mrs. He ~l&.Martin Sc 'ask., with tl' Glenn-Larra, 1P Mr. and Mr. 3obby of Vf' writh Mr. an Mrs. Ge- ýandMn ~-~W u. Mes~n. ete~and John Ilby'ec- ý.'V Lauriniý, Totont ,wi th l'$ , -Mrs. Norman P.~Me ' - :HuOs A, wth Cle-rvill ' - ,M Mr*ý 9n&d&éirAln Xù2tEà14 - son. John, eàrnia, 1 f~Is MisS Collette Ferguson, ' ýtao Ladies' Ciollegje, Wilfbhy ilth- ber FerguâÉen.' Misi Digna Wieeler, To~oio' and- Mn. Alden Wheeler, McGII University, Mazitreal, witýMns. A-'. .Wieeler. efs.1 Howard Couci, Misseg M inoriê and Eleen Co ,ucli, Bow- manville, with MÈ, and M&rs., Jack Baàker, Solina.' ,and- Mig. Ward Hoffrnm audaugiter Andrea, Trao tlf her parents, Mn. anid' 4frs. ,Geo. W. James. Mn.aand, Mrs. Gardon CginpIbll, Miss Doreen Joyce, Alan Tm blyn, Torontp, witi Mr. and, Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn., Mr. and Mrs. Fred_ Lewis lan ýPort Hopb wifl ber ungç1e1 Mn. James B>,own and- hen r is Mrs. -Sain Cldark. ýCaptaxzd Mr.ats.Sc and Ms. Robct ,amW bourne, Linda and Xe,« 'Tr- ante, witb bis parent, M. and Mrs. Mark Lambourne. Mn. and ýérs. Wm. Buckley, Peterboro, Mt. and Mrs. Benson Kilpatrick, Belleville, with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dudley. Mr.. zid Mrs. W. G. Garner, Osha*'a, and Mr. and Mrs. An- dre& Clark, Toronto, wlfh Misses Etliel and Helen Morris. Mr. and Mmm. Jack Wylid,'Mn. : Don Cox and Miss Mary ossey, Co,' nf'Toronto, with Mx, and r4%It M Mn. ar-' Gordc'- a Bowmafiville Welcomes Ne', cou els'5e let ..oor carsil vatmdfire haiL igh-power-ed prior t» cona.cttai aceaaimod -twô tire t, protection district ha&' Mie Dopant, ganisaton, rate over -

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