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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1947, p. 9

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THURSDAT, JAN. th, 1947 At the annual meeting cf Orone School Board, C. S. McLaren act- ed as chairmar?inti R. G. Moffat as secretary. ý' W. E. A.rntang rétiring mem- ber off board, was re-electeti to the three-man boardi, cf which the --other two members are A. J. Tamblyn and R. R. Waddell. C. T. Miller and Neil Porter were returneti as auditors. The very sutiden passing off Mr. Cecil L. Powers on New Year's day was a great shock te his many friends. Funeral service was helti on Frid.ay afternoon in Park St. United Church, anti bur- !al in Orono cemetery. Among relatives andi friencis from a dis- tance whe attended were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers andi Grant, Tor- onto; Mr. andi Mrs. James L. Pow- ers, Campbellville; Mr. and Mrs. Clev;e Clemens, Oshawa; and Mr. anti Mrs. Earl Hutchinson, Ken- ora. Oreno Junior Hockey Team playeti its first league game here January 3rdi anti_ went down te defeat by the fast Uxbritige team, 4 ta 3. Communion service was helti in Park St. Unitedi Church on Sun- day, conducted by Rev. S. Littlewood. Off icial Board meets on Friday evening. MIrs. Madison Hall has returneti :froni Toronto after visiting her -daughter, Mrs. Frank Artiron. i*j Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rosborough and Marilyn, Niagara Falls, calleti on frientis in Orono after holidey- ing in Peterborough. 1Mr. Lloyd Crabbe has accepted a position as instructor in wood- working at Bowmanville Training School. Messrs. Ai Hall and Wm. Moff - at have been patients in Bow- nianville Hospital. Mrs. Henry C. Bowen, a life long resident off Clarke Township who passeti away at her home on the 3rd Concession, was burieti in Orono cemetery, Saturday after- noon. Mr. Percy Chapman, Betty and Jill, have movedti t Kirby and Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Chapman have nioved te the farm. The weather is a popular tepic these days. Although Orono has - i E E = = E = = I H E ,' i THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAXVILLE. ONTARIO had a heavy snowfall and, some sleet we have 'been very fortun- ate in having ne power breaks, similar te those experienced in Western Ontario. Holiday Visitors: Miss Pat Gratiy, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Armtrong. Mr. andi Mrs. Bud Hay andi fa- mily, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan for New Year's Day. Miss Eleanor Keate, Toronte, wîth Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davey. Master Don McLaren with frientis in Toronto. Mr. James Mason, Barrie, with Mrs. James Dickson. Rosemary anti, Joyce Bostock with their grandimother, Mrs. Paeden, Newtonville. Mr. andi Mrs. Lou Buckley, Sut- ton, with Mrs. H. Curtis anti Mrs. Delve. Mr. Leroy Brown, Agricultural Representative off Huron County, with his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. J. D. Brown. Mr. Ronald Patterson, Toronto University, with friends here. Mr. ànd Mrs. Neil Hamm, Pet- erborough, with Mr. anti Mrs. E. J. Hamm. A new Farm Forum was starteti Monday evening at the home off Mr. anti Mrs. Robert Mqffat anti will be known as Antioch Forum. Thiere was a gooti attentiance. All enjoyeti the broaticast anti the dis- cussion which followed. A light lunch was served anti the evening wound up with a sing song. Lewis Wood was appoînteti chairman anti Robert Moffatt, secretary. Meet- ing next Monday evening at eight o 'dock at Mr. anti Mrs. Lewis Woods'. If you wish to come you will be heartily welcome. Congratulations te Mr. anti Mrs. D. G. Hooper who celebrateti their Silver Wedding Anniversary on Dec. 31st. Many frientis remem- ber them on this occasion when Mr. anti Mrs. Hooper received cards, flowers anti silver as well as a telegram from Washington, D.C. They aise celebrateti with frientis on New Year's Day. Law is the embodiment off the moral sentiment of the people.- Blackstone. Slowed Up By Snow SEALTITE INSULATION witli RtOCK WOOL If you live within 250 te 300 ft. of open road now is the time te get a bargain on Insulating your home, as 75% of our jobs are snowbound. FOR FREE ESTIMÂTE PHONE 494 BOWMANVILLE 47 QUtIâIiST. BOWMANVILLE Plan For The Fuature! Now. that the New Year bias started it is time te plan ahead for that New Tracter you have been waiting for. Don't forget we have a good stock of the other machines you will be needing this year. Corne in and look around fqr the best of f arrn equipment. CASE HAS STARTED PRODUCTION Case has started production again and the machines are starting te corne in. These will be displayed from time te tirne. Be sure te see them. Come in and see the New Case V-A Tracter on display now.' It is just waiting te make some farmer more profit this year and at the same tirne take the labour eut of a lot of work. W* H. DROWN DEALER FOR Case TarinMachlnery - Firestone Tires DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equlpinent el King St. W. Phone 497 Grandmother Ji What Drng. siSiaJi own cidodgad motherbau known Dr. = a a -ru mif Lànaeed and Turpentine to 0, deperidable and quick relief for eogs colda, bronchitia and similar Ailinenta . la it any wonder that ahe mmo that there is always a bottle of it at band in ,ma -oof emergencv. Quick action je moSt important when colds set in. Br. Chaw.'. yxup of Um..d o=d Turpientià. 3« FamlIy dus 3 times as mucli 75j Knows Lo cal Banquet Scene Shown above are the 37 mem- bers off the staff off Fred A. Bruce, Bowmanville, toget.her with their wives. Seated about the banquet table at the Balmoral Hotel, they enjoyed the annual Christmas dianner with Mr. Bruce as host. He also matie the meeting more enjoyable by distributing bonus checks earneti by the members of his erganization, "Sealtite Insula- tien" which specializes in Rock- WesleyvIlle No church service for the last two Sundays owing to the severe snowstorm. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Inch, June and Raymond at Mr. Allan Pet- er's. Mrs. Siemon, Enniskillen, with her mother, Mrs. Harry Brooking. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke and Mrs. Arthur Lewis motored to Berry's Green for New Year's dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Gren- ville Flett. Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne and fa- mily enjoyed a goose dinner, December 31 as guests of Mr..and Mrs. Allan Peters of Morrish. Miss Ruth Peters, nurse-in-training at Toronto General Hospital was home for the occasion. Mr. Cyril and Miss Clara Darke with Mr. Hector Darke, in Toron- to. Miss Nola Holdaway, Toronto, with her mother, Mrs. P. Hold- away. Mrs. Lorraine Dunbar, Toronto, and Miss Leona Beighton, Ham- ilton, with their parents, Mr. aiid Mrs. C. Beighton. Mr. and Mrs. Shields, Mount Pleasant, and- Mrs. W. Nichoîls, Business Dir.ctory LEP.GAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowinanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 91/ King Street E. Bowmanville - Ontario Phone: Office 825 House 409 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor te M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates off Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. te 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudeil 2827. DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Office Heurs: 9 a.m. to 6 p.rn. dally 9 a.m. te 12 noon, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 23-5* The Btutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. Monuments, irrvemarkers, Engraving, GoWdeafing wool installations. Mr. Bruce, standing 6' 4" ap- pears at the head off the table. Several local people will be re- cognizeti in the gathering. Others include salesmen andi installing experts from the district served which embraces Barrie, Orillia, across te Peterboro anj clown te Cobourg. The picture, taken by TlS Statesman's staff photogra- pher, caught expressions that re- Port Hope, at Mr. and Mrs. Car- roll Nicholis'. Mr. and Mrs. Len Oughtred and Donna with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vanatto, Kendal. Mr. Howard Barrowclough left Friday for North Bay where he is attending a rehabilitation school. Mr. and. Mrs. Simon Barrow- clough andi Mr. and, Mrs. Har- old Barrowclough and Billy with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barrow- clough. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payne and family spent New Year's Day in Port Hope with Mr. andi Mrs. W. A. Meadows., Mr. and Mrs. A. Thorndyke en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne and family, Mrs. Arthur Lewis, Port Hope, and Miss Pauline Pet- ers to a goose dinner, Decem1ber 30. Miss Helen Barrowclough re- turned te her school near Tren- ton.1 Mr. C. J. Staples, a former Wesleyville resident, is te 1, e congratulateti upon celebrating his 93rd birthday, January 6. At the annual meeting of the School Trustee Board Wm. Masen after 21 years off faithful service as trustee tendered his resigna- tion in favor off Leonard Ought- red. The public sentiment is helpful or dangerous only in proportion te its right or wrong concept, andi the forward footsteps it impels or the prejudice it instils.-Mary Baker Eddy. Satuidays 11:00 a. m. Join in the salute to Ontario schools. Each week the Hi-Crowd goes on the air with a show .packed fuil of music, variety and FUNI These programmes are dedi- cated to the students of Ontario' s achools as a publie~ service, broadcast by CFRB, Ontario's Favourite Radio Station. veal a very happy gathering. The entire staff are again busy for the year 1947 andi Mr. Bruce suggests in his accompanying adi- vertisement, that customers can take advantage off the present snow situation, if they live ad- jacent te open roatis, by phoning him te get estimates anti an in- sulation job clone promptly at this seasen. Gooti insulation saves much money. Ennisililen, Miss Elsie Okeý Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. S. Turner and Helen, Oshawa, at Frank Dorland's. Miss Ruby Virtue, Westmount, Que., Miss Evelyn Virtue, Bew- manville, with Mr. Ralph Virtue. Mrs. A. Sharp and Master Ted Werry with Mr. andi Mrs. D. B. Kay, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark and Stuart, Port Perry, with Mrs. A. Brunt. Mr. apid Mrs. F. Werry and fa- mily with Mr. andi Mrs. E. A. Werry on New Year's Day. Mr. andi Mrs. Artbur Leadibeat- er, Mr. andi Mrs. Llbyd Leadibeat- er, Master Donald Cochrane, To- rontp, with Mr. andi Mrs. A. Lead- beater and Mr. George Reidi. Mr. andi Mrs. A. Brunt andi fa- mily at Robt. Preston's, Maple Prové. ~Mr. xtnd Mrs. H. F. Kruse, Swift Current, Sask., with their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Rev. R. M. and Mrs. Seymour. They plan te go south to Oklahoma andi Texas for the winter. Miss Margaret Parks, Calgary with Margaret Seymour. They have both resumed their studies at the University off Toronto. Mr. anti Mrs. H. Oke, Oshawa, at Walter Oke's. Mr. andi Mrs. H. Carnochan and family, Myrtle, at Arthur Brunt's. Mr. andi Mrs. A. Grace, Misses Elsie anti Ada Rahm, Mr. Walter Cochrane, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech and Lloyd., Hay- don, Mr. and Mrs. D. Carr and Carolyn, Mr. andt- Mrs. W. Rahm, Kenneth, Ronald, Clem anti Doreen, Miss Elinor Hart, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm, Union. Mission Bandi Vice-President Stuart Lamb, conducteti short program, Jan. 2nd. Opening hymn was played by Doreen Rahm. A flannelgraph story "The Christ- mas Tree Which Shared" was read by Ray Ashton. Mrs. L. Wearn gave story from "Fig Tree Village." Twenty-one childiren enjoyed games led by Mrs. Sey- mour. Sandwiches and cookies were served., The roads were 'blocked north off here Montiay morning, mak- ing it impossible for Garton's bus and school bus te get through in time for school. Snow plougIhs are kept busy with lots off snow. Sunday the roads were impassable for cars north off Walter Oke's. Sympathy te Mr. G. Yeo in the tieath of his father, Mr. John Yeo, Tyrone. Mr. Haroldi Milîs was appointeci our new trustee. Mr. and Mrs. J. Slemon and baby at Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Sykes, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke, Osh- awa, Mr. and. Mrs. John Oke, Ma- PAGE Ni»I pie Grove; Mr. and - Mrs. -Bruce Mr. and Mrs. C. Pethick, Mrs. E. Ashton and Larry, Purpie Hill; 1 Strutt at Walter Oke's. w BOWMANVILLE LIONS CLUB Radio Artists' Concert Series Fou rth Concert Wednesdav. IJan, 1î HIGH SCHOOL AUTORM 8:15 p.m. ARTISTS: DOROTHY HAMILTON, Contralto ILONA MIIAN, Violinist RONALD STEWART, Tenor JOHN OOVEART, Accompanist This wil be a truly outstanding concert. Do flot fail to atend. Tickets available from any member of Lions Club PRICE - $1.00 ALL SMÀ1S RESERVBD Reserved Seat Plan opens at McGregor 's Drug Store, Monday, January l3th, 1947, at 10 a.m. TIr L % PE J C* b STOCK DALANCING SALE FUTURES SEVERAL PE-AS BRANDS Standard Quality SEVERAL BRANDS WA.X EANSStandard WAX UNS Quallty 220 oz. CÇnARKSuNalc tins 23Çr POw JY NEIIS 3o-. 19< PRETZEL 20 oz. 10< STICKS Plain or Celery 1 9 .;:g SEVERAL BRANDS Standard QualtyPAMOLIVE GENBAS2oz. jo SOAI> 2 r ll 3 s ze uars dg ALL BRANDS DICED BEETS EXTRA Choice CAlifornla Mission 2Tins.15 BLACK FIGS Pound 5 - AYLMER (AUl Varietles) 1<INFANT FOODS ALL BRÀNDS 20 oz. DJCED CARROTS 2 Tins BURNS LAMSTEW BURNS BEEF STEW SELECr "READY" MEAT DINNER CLARKS IRISH STEW CLARKS (Tom2ato, Vegetable, Asparagu. 10 oz SOUFS (Jelery, Oxtali) 2 Tins' 8SÇ 5 oz. Tin 2 15 z. - HEINZ (Ail Vare« 2in 29Ç INFANT FooDs >3 Ting23q ROYAL CITY B. C. PACK2R z 2 'osz 29Ç PEAS AND CARROTS 2 'Tins33 15 oz. ALL BRANDS Tinz 23Ç ORANE JUICE 15 ALL BRANDS (Orange& Toz' 19' BLENDED JUICE 2 2 0 2oz, 5 Grapefruit) 20 oz. c TIN 2c ALL BRANbS 22 z GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 2IN 25C CLARKS CREAM 0F 1 Mitchell, Graves, MWUSHROOMl SOUP 3 Tisz 25< APPLE JUICE WHOLE UNPITrED DRIED APRICOTS SEVERAL BRANDS (Net Ratloned) PRUNE PLUS 2 Tis V BURNS CORNED BEEF HASH SELECT OR OXFORD INN CHILI CON CARNE POST'S BRAN FLAE ALL BRANDS CHICKFINHADIES ALL BRANUS TOMATO JUICE 2 '1n19 Scotian CGoldi ZU oz. 2 TI 25e b BARKERS "EXTRA RICH" Poeund 39Çunyp I V~Apprex.~I FRUIT 11 R i. b. piece V0Ç BURNS 5ez. Tin BEEFSTEAN D oNIONS 331 15z 9<CAMPBELLS SU ~ 1 15 oz» l9< ROSE TinCHUTNEY PICKL 8 8oz. 19ÇAU ADJNAH Tinz UE -Stuffed Jr24Ç A oiz. 16 9 oz. Jai !05 oz. BAKERS Tinz 441 COCOA 45Ç 16r;oz. 5 p 'p p Sîze 252's m - - dom. SUNKIST 25C Lemons -~~ - for 25c TEXAS Size 96's CALIF. FANCY Grapefruit - - 6 for 25 Table Dates - 7-oz. pkg. 25c lïïüiïce LARGE FIRM HEADS 25c Cabbage - - - ench loc1 VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIJL 0W51Z40 MM BAT IJDAT JANUARY llth, 1947 F. A. BRUCE ICEBERG Size 60ls m a 2 h.ds AUl merchandlia. 01=a&y= rDomin- ion Stort la wnedtoal guar-I anteed te give 100% said ion "ý a 1

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