TJIURSDAY, JAN. lOth, 1947 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN Pepsi Iuit1l"Iates Los. Tw 'Hard FoughtC ,nt.sts The Bowmanville Pepsi Cola Intermediate "B" hockey team lost two in a row last week af- ter tying Port Hope in the open- er. Playing Lindsay at that town Jan. 7, they lost 7-3 in a hard, dlean game in which Ed. Hooper, in goal, turned in a star perform- ance. Yourth got two goals, Gil- hooley 1. Lineup: Goal, Hooper; defence, McCullough, Ott; centre, Gilhool- ey; wings, Depew, Raby; subs., Bird, Wiseman, Halîman, Wil- liams Cowan, Yourth. Referee, Bull Morrison, Oshawa. Playing the combined Peter- boro-Omemee team at Omemee, Friday, the Pepsis lost 10-3, with McCullough and Piper absent through injuries. Two juniors, Hooper and Cowle, filled in the gap brilliantly. Mutton was off form in goal. Cowan starred on defence. Lineup: Goal, Mutton; defence, Cowan, Williams, centre, Gil- hooley; wings, Depew, Raby. Subs. Bird, Yourth, Halîman, Hately, Cowle, Hooper. According to Tick Crombie who managed; the team last year and Swho is busy every night this sea- son as aficial referee, Junior Leagues, the Omemee rink in a town of 700 population is one of the best in the country. The Pepsis, a Class "B" club, are playing class "A" teams such as the above in the new schedule and are taking on a heavy contract this season. ROYAL THEATRE Bowmanville - Phone 589 TOPéS IN ENTERTAINMENT Thursday - Friday JANUAÉY 16 - 17 Heurts Ful of LOVE ... Ilonds Full of TROUBLEI ,. MARK STEVENS V ROSEMARY DèCAMvP- HENRY MORAN WALLY BROWN -ARLINE!JUD9E "3 STOOGE S" SHORT TECHNICOLOR CARTOON Saturday - Jan. 18 MAKBROW N in 'FRONTIER FEUD' Western Packed with Action and Thrills MARTHA O'DRISOLL NOAH BEERY, JR. 'Allergie to Love' It's a Fascinating, Mfrthful Musical CARTOON IN COLOR Mon. - Tues. - Wed. JANUARY 20 - 21 - 22 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FOX LATE NEWS TECHNICIOLODR CARTOION Ladies' Bowling League Starts 2nd Schedule Wlth MargKing Tops The second schedule o! the La- dies' Major Bowling League open- eti on Jan. 3rd with four teams cc .ipeting. Lola Marjerrison's te m took first two games froni At. Tomlinson to secure four points on opening night. Bern Carter lost the last game to Vi Coole to chalk up five points for a gooti starter. High singles for the night wene Marg. E. King with a nice roll o! 294 and Duaine Palmer with 255. Marg. E. King also had high tri- ple o! 627 !ollowed by Ada Tom- linson's 575. High averages Marg E. King----------------- 209 Ada Tomlinson ---------- 192 Betty Brough----------------- 186 Onie Mutton ------------------ 177 Duaine Palmer -------------- 176 Muriel Henderson -------- 176 Eleen Hearl------------------ 172 Helen Ruiter ------------- 171 Helen Pper ------------------ 168 Bern Carter ------------------ 167T Lakeshore Basketbali Schedule Drawn Up District representatives o! the Central Ontario Secondary Schools Association met in Port Hope last week to draw up bas- ketball schetiules for the current season. Games wili be played in three age groups, Senior, Junior and. Bantam. The series s divided into three groups: Group "A" ncludes col- legiate teams from Cobourg, Lind.- say, Oshawa and Peterboro; Group "B" includes Bowmanvilie H.S., Peterboro anti Port Hope; Group "C" includes Whitby H.S., Uxbritige and Port Ferry. The !ollowing schedule, n which Bowmanville is interested, Gnoup "B," gives the dates and places o! games: January 17-Bowmanville at Peterboro 24-Port Hope at Peterboro 31-Port Hope at Bowmanville Februany 7-Peterboro at Bowmanville 14-Peterboro at Port Hope 21-Bowmanville at Port Hope. Playoffs: Feb. 28, winner o! Group "B" at winner o! Group "ýC." March 7, wînner o! group "ýC" at winner, group "B." Manch 14, winner o! group "A" at winner o! "B" and "C." March 21, winner group "B" and "C" at group "A." Finals: Winner to compete An COSSA at Toronto, March 28, against winners o! Niagara and GeorgAan Bay Districts. Kirby The W.M.S. held their January meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 7. The president, Mrs. R. Allin openeti the meeting by neading a poem followed by "Come Let us SAng o! a Wonderful Love" being sung. The president led in prayer on the Crusade for Christ. Different parts o! the Scipture were read SPORT NE#WS Look How Fast He's Growing Up.a. Youngsters thrive on our rich, pure wholesome ilk. For milk 's the perfect food! It builds strong bones, it 's full of vitamins and minerals and it 's a 6"4must" for all children. OLEN RAE DAIRI PHONE 444 FOR DEIJVFRY 98 KING ST., W. BOWMANVILLE New Man Tops Regulars ln Second Bowling Schedule Joe Isle, a new bowler from the Bogys' Training Sehool, entered~ the competitions in the 1947 section of the local bowling league and immediately won top position in individual scoring last week. The pace promises to be hot until the season closes. Isle took hîgh singles with 296 followed by Ross McKnight 290, and AI Osborne 281. Isle also won high three games with 781 with Morley Vanstone crowding him at 770. Next came Bill Westlake 764, Art Spicer 740, Al Osborne 714, and Bil Hearl 701. Standing first week, men's sen- ior league: Team Won Lost Pts. Richards ------------ 3 0 7 Spicer --------------- 3 0 7 Oke --------------- 2 1 5 Colmer -------------- 2 1 5 Depew -------------- 2 1 5 Rundle-------- ------ 2 1 5 Palmer -------------- 2 1 4 Courtice-------------i1 2 3 Knlght --------------i1 2 2 B.T.S-----------------i1 2 2 Carter --------------- 1 2 2 Hailman -------- 2 2 Elliott ------------ 0 3 0 Foundry ---------- 0 3 0 Averages: Name games Av. L. Welsh --------------- 2 270 J. Isle ------------------ 3 260 M. Vanstone 3 257 B. Westlake ------ 3 255 A. Spicer 3 247 A. Osborne------------- 3 238 W. Hearle--------3 234 R. McKnight ------- 3 231 J. Gay ------------------ 3 227 K. Luxton 3 226 F. Williams ------- 3 225 J. Brough-------3 224 G. Elliott ---------- 3 219 P. Cancilla -------- 3 218 B. Virtue 3 218 J. Cole ------------------ 2 217 J. Knight --------------- 3 217 B. Shotter --------- 3 216 B. Begley --------- 3 216 D. Carter --------------- 3 215 H. Depew --------- 3 211 B. Polley --------------- 3 211 J. Coole----------------- 3 209 S. Nichols --------- 3 206 B. Varcoe --------- 3 202 by Mrs. Wm. Allin, Mrs. Lowery and Mrs. Bryson. The third' chapter of the study book was taken by Mrs. Youmans. The chapter, entitled "The Poor in India," told of industrial condi- tions in the country. The presi- dent closed the meeting with prayer. The president, Mrs. Wm. Allin, opened the W.A. meeting. After reports were given andi business discussed, Rev. Littlewood pre- sided over the installation of off icers. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rutherford and' family visited hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hollingsworth, last week. Miss Dora Youmans visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Youmans and favored us with a very lovely solo at church on Sunday. Miss Marion McKelvey, Bow- manville, with Mrs. Win. Wan- flan. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walker with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson. Mrs. Wm. Patterson, who s now with 'her daughter, Mrs. Win. Wannan, is able to be up agaîn af- ter spending two weeks in bed. We wish her a speedy recovery. met An Onono on -Jan.8th anti or- ganized for 1947. Russell Os- borne was appointed chairman and the foi-lowing make up the Board: Austin Turner, Brooks Cowan, Wesley Wood and, George Morton. J. J. Mellor was con- tinued as secretary treasuner. Discussion was held re letting o! a contnact for the wiring o! No. 8 School and the secretary auth- orized to make arrangements with Higgon Electric who will do the work on Jan. 17-18. This will be a much needed improvement An Antioch School. Entrance into the Anea o! Sixth Line school was reported and the trustees expressed their welcome. Arrangement was completedi for Miss Elizabeth Grant, Girl ,Guide Field Secretary, Toronto, visited Onono last week and met the local association and the Brownies An the afternoon, andi the Guides An the evening. Miss Grant was entertained at the home of Capt. (Mrs.) W. E. Anm- strong. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. CobbledàAck, Mr. and Mrs. N. Cobbledick and Miss Flora Cobbledick attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. J. Cobbledîck An Bowmanville. Women's Missionary Society of Park St., United Church met -on Jan. 7th, with the past presid'ent, Mrs. M. H. Staples, condiucting the devotional period andi business. Annual reports were heard from each officer on the work done An 1946.. The financial allocation was reached andi each depart- ment reporteti a splendid year's work. Rev. S. Littlewood c on- ducteti the installation service for the 1947 officers, after which the new president, Mrs. R. A. Delve took charge o! the rest o! the meeting. A real surprise was given to Mrs. Staples, when she was presented with a life mem- bers*hip certificate -andi pin by members o! the Good WAil Young Women's Group. Mrs. Fred' Ly- cett spoke very fittingly o! Mrs. Staples' untiring efforts, not only as president of the W.M.S. for fouiý years but as teacher and adviser An the younger group. Mrs. Ken Gamsby' made the pre- sentation and everyone present joineti in an appreciation of Mrs. Staples' splendid leadership An the past arid the hope that as 3rd vice president she would stiîl be an inspiration and help to the young- er group. A wedding of great interest to her many friends in Orono- s that o! Kathleen Marie Staples, daugh- ter of the late Mr. anti Mrs. A. J. Staples who was marrieti in Em- manuel College Chapel, Toronto, on January 9th, to Dr. David Les- lie Mackenzie, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mackenzie of Kin- cardine. Mrs. Reg. Sutton visiteti rela- tives An Nestleton, Blackstock and Port Perry. Mr. J. J. Mellor attended the Provincial Federation of Agricul- ture Convention at the King Ed- ward Hotel, Toronto, hast Fni- day. Bowmanville "Youth for Christ" organization held a splendid mee- ting in Orono on Saturday, even- ing. Mr. H. W. O'Brien acted as chairman, Mrs. O'Brien accomp- anist, anti Miss Grace O'Brien, Toronto, as song leader. A young women's quartette from Toronto Bible College, who gave three love'ly selections, Bil Rogers and Don Conradti wth their guitar sel- ections, vocal solos by Curly Flet- cher, Oshawa, and Arthur Bell, Bowmanville, were most inspiring and entertaining. Mr. Wilson o! the First Baptist Church, Oshawa, was guest speaker and brought a most helpful message. Visitors: Mrs. J. E. Smith, Cobourg, at his home. Mrs. Jas. Dickson with Mr. and Mrs. Turley, Belleville. Mr. Milton Green, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. C. Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. M. Stewart, Sas- katchewan, with Mr. andi Mrs. W. A. Reid. Mrs. L. Davey, Leskarti, with Mr. anti Mrs. Ernie Dent. The Loyal Temperance Legion under the direction o! Mrs. W. H. Rowe held its first meeting o! the new year on Monday after- noon. There were 21 children present and. a splendid program consisting o! readings, choruses and a talk 'by Rev. S. Littlewood was much enjoyed. A treat matie possible ýby donations from Mrs. Delve and, Miss Elva Tueker was appreciated very much. Clarke Township Council held its inaugural meeting on Mon- day and the business got off to a gooti start. Miss Myrtle Tamblyn As in Tor- onto where she has secured a po- sition. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane, Sam, and, Mr. anti Mrs. Robert Keane visited Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Keane, Oshawa. Mrs. C. M. Jones, Newtonville, spent Monday with Mrs. J. J. Mellor. Antioch Farm Forum met on COLOMAC DISCOVERY DIVERSIFIE] GIANT SALMITA ADMIRAL ALCAN ALPHA AMY ANDREW ANDY ARCTIC ATLAS AURIGA AURORA BEAUCAMP BEAURIV BELLE-DRY BERYLACA BILOXI BLADE BOISE BOWIE BRAVO BRUIN BURGESS CABALA CABOT CALIFORNI CAPTAIN CARDINAL CASSIDY CA VAN CHALKIS CHARM CIRC.E CONALDO!% DALA DEB DOLPHIN DORIS DRA". DUNN EMERALD ESKIMO Pl I'AIRBANM FLEETWOO FORBES FORTUNE FREDERICI9 GOLDPAC- GOI.DRICII GOTHAM GREAT AURLANDO y BEAULIEU ýD LEXINDIN INDIAN LAKE HOMER HUB HUHILL ENSEN >ACKNIFE K2AMLAC KARAT KIMBERLEY LASALLE LEADER. LODESTAR LUCILLE LUNDAY LUZON LYNX MARBEAU MASSIVE MEEWOOD MERINO MIDAS MIRACLE MOHER A NIB ORACLE ORO PARTRIDGE PAYNE PENGUIN PENSIVE PET N PORTLAND PRIMUS IBC UYANGLE UYTA REGINA SAMAR ETE SLEMON ýS SNOWDEN D SOVEREIGN SUNSET TANAUR TARTAN TIFFANY E TYPHOON VESTA WEST BAY YANK H. D. CALDWELL 85 RICHMOND ST. W., TORONTC The Orono News, miade a short visit to Toronto. Mrs. Ken Faillis and twins Ron- ald and Donald returned to their farm home after a three weeks' stay in Toronto, at the home of her parents. Mrs. Poast, of Omemee, is spen- ding the winter with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Melville Lathangue. Mrs. Proust recently celèbrated her 9th birthday. Mr. Harry Neals, local chop mili owner, andi family have taken up residence in Pontypool in the house owned by Mrs. Robert Gray. Miss Stella Bazinet has return- ed from Toronto to spend the win- ter at home. April Fool came for most mo- thers in January this year, when the usual Mother's Allowance en- velope was foundi to contain a forni instead of the cheque we all thought our understanding gov- ernment was sending out early, the hiring o! a canetaken for this school. Treasurer was authoniz- edto pay the bills for the installa- tion o! sanitary toilets at No. 8 as soon as blls are presentei. There was some discussion as to the ativisa'bility o! anranging a schedule for teachers' salaries, a regularity o! visita to each school, andi also monthly reports to the Board from these schools. This was le! t over for funther discus- sion. Teachens o! the Area are: Lock- harts, No. 9, Mise M. Belch; An- tioch, No. 8, Mrs. D. McLaren; Sixth Line, No. 21, Miss C. Stew- art. Pontypnool A very exciting incident hap- pened on the farm o! Mn. Steve Yacynuk, Jan. 9. A two-year-old steer fell An a 15-foot well. As soon as Steve. discovered the an- imal, he ran as fast as he could to the house to telephone his neighbor, Cliff Curtis, a young and ntustrious farmer who s always ready to lend a hand An time o! need. A few minutes after Cliff an- riveti with his team, he took a look down that well anti saw the steer wedged iAn between the wall o! the well and the centre support, to him it almost looketi like 4 hopeless task to raise that animal. They thought o! getting block and tackle but time counted, the steer had alreatiy been An the well two hours or more and was shiv- ering badîly. So Steve climbeti down An the well, fortunately the water was only three feet dieep, and put a nope arounti the anA- mal's neck and chains around the front and back o! the body. They hati to work very carefully, as there was every possibilAty that if the animal turned over its back would be broken. By this time another neighbor, Joe Zubowski, hati arrived and the rest of the members o! the householti and all working together with the team of hanses they finally dirag- ged. the animal to safety. After being doctoreti by his ownen the steer seems none the worse for his unfortunate mishap. .For some time now Pontypool has been trying to build a skating rink. A definite step !orward was being taken in this direction this week when it was tiecideti to in- staîl an electnic pump donated by the Department o! Education. A group of local men, Clifforti Cur- tis, A. L. Mitchell, Sam Manetta, Grant Stewart, Bruce Fiske and others cleaned off the snow pre- paratory to flood'ing the rInk. The reopenAng of school An the senior room o! this village was delayeti owing to the illness o! the teacher, Miss Haney, o! Toronto. We were glati to see Miss Haney netunn to the village Suntiay mon- ning, Jan. 12, anti hope that she As feeling well enough to take up her duties again An her usual cap- able manner. During their pro- longeti holidays the chiltinen have taken ativantage o! the wonder- ful skiing anti tobogganing, and have had a marvellous week o! sports. Mrs. Hancock, teacher o! the junior room, returneti from her visAt to Iona Station, anti op- eneti school on schetiuled time. Snow and more snow was our allotment from the weatherman last week. The writer saw Mr. John Hallanin, a retireti farmer, doing a marvellous job in shovel- ng snow. He startet iAn front of his own house anti shovelleti most o! his neighbons' walks as well. Mns. Sylvia Bass and son Mar- tin o! Toronto are enjoying a two weeks' visAt at the home o! her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Bernstein. Mn. Ed. Youngman, reforesta- tAon manager o! Durham Forest, and Mrs. Youngman. recently YELLOWKNIFE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR 1946-1947 A resum6 of deveIopment wori alr.ady complet.d and wori $99.85 Ail Chesterfield Suites fuily SPRING-FILLED Many others to choose from in Repp, Velours and Mohairs, etc. in 2 and 3 piece Combinations. End Table Special 25 Only- Tables ........ with lower shelf * Blonde or Walnut Finish See the New Lamps 3 Candle Tri-Lites Junior and Bridge Lamps Table - Pin-up - Boudoir Torcheres Springs and M attresses Axe Here Tool Laek of space makes It impossible for us to feature the excellent values in springs and mattresses that you can buy to compiete your bedroom purchase. Be sure to ask about them. Veterans Inimediate Delivery on Re-establishment Credit and D.V.A. Account Purchases knowing we'c l al be dead broke after Christmnas. . MVr. William Strong hag been confined to, his home for the past couple of weeks. Ivan Kellett, a kindIy neighbor is looking after him during his iliness. Starkvlle Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and Mary Lou in Orono. Sorry to report that Mr. Albert Wragg is flot so well. Misses Norma and Beulah Hal- lowell, Toronto, spent the week- end at Llew Hallowell's. Mr. and Mrs.«Warren Carson in Port-Hope, recently. Mrs. Joel Workman had a fall in which she hurt her arm. Some from here attended, the Every Item Included No Reserve!1 Floor Samples Slashed 1 CHESTERFIELD SUITES BEDROOX SUITES DIfflNG-ROOM SUITEB DINTE SUITES BREAKFAST SUITES CHROME FURNITURE STUDIO SUITES BE]) OUTFITS ETC. - - ETC. With Price Controls Off the Morris Co. will continue the Policy of Highest Standard of Merchandise at Lowest Possible Prices! 3 Ways to Buy at THESE LOW SALE PUICES PAY CASH - 30 Day Charge Acct. - Monthly Payments Some of the items in the January Sale are listed below : A Beds Springs Mattresses Nirrors Chairs Card Tables Smokers Magazine Racks Bookcases Desks Congoleum Rugs Chrome Chairs ' Tables 13ettees Coffee Tables In the Juvenile Department Prams - Strollers - Go-Carts - High Chairs Bassinettes - Cribs - Play Pens - Bathinettes Junior Beds and Chests of Drawers Baby Walkers - Safety Harness Clearance of Tricycles - Doll Prams and Ail Toys ! Dtaybed Mattresses End Tables Continental Beds Boudoir Chairs Kitchen Tables Table Reflectors Coffee Tables Footatools Kitchen Cabinets Refrigerators Chenille Bedspreadsa Hassocks Sewing Cabinets Drop Leaf Tables Unfinished Chests -Dressera Vanities -Benches Desks - Nite Tables Kitchen Tables %0 3-Plece Chesterfield Suite....... <Similar to illustration) funeral of the late Mrs. B. MilIý son, Cowanville. Sympathy As ex- tended to the family. Mr. andi Mrs. Llew Hallowel and family and Misses Norma and Beulah Hallowell, Toronto, had Sunday dinner at Mn. Sid Hallowell's. Mr. Dan Shutka, Miss Nellie Shutka and friend, Oshawa, at M. Shutka's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowel had evening dinner at W. A. Ral- lowell's, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton, New- tonville. A bad accident occurred here Sunday when Mr. Roland Hol- lingsworth's horse took fright at a truck throwing Mr. and Mrs. Hollingsworth out o! thein cutterý Mrs. Hollingsworth received a cut necessitating several stitches. 's MORRIS COU COMPLENE STOCK OF FINE FURNITURE ON SALE UN THE JANUARY PRE-INVENTORY CLEARANCE AT SAVINGS OF 10 to 40%. F. F. MORRIS Co. 1 1 m TM MDAY, JAN. 1M, 1947 PAGE ELEVBN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVU.ýLE, ONTARIO qe«ý