-~ -~ t.,.-.. PAGE TWELVE TUE CANADI$.N STATESMAN. BOWMeANvILLE. ONTAIO TmTRSDAV IAN. lBth 104? "Faith Triumphant" from the lMe story of St. Paul Talking PicturÉes will be presented Sunday, January 19 7 p.m. NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH EVERYBODY WELCOME Perfect Working Order Bring your radio bore for repafs-it wiii be speediiy returnod in perfect work- Ing order. Nothing is ovor- looked to assure you max- imum listening enjoyment. Cail or cornei today. Roy W. Neads Halicrafter Radios Crosey Radios Records - Record Players Amateur Supplies 85 King St. E. Phono 580 BIRTIIS DEWELL-Mr. and Mrs. Perey Dewell aré happy to announce the birth of their son, Douglas Edward, at Bowmanville Hospi- tai, on January 15, 1947. 3-l* WOOD-To Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Wood, at Bowmanville HoÉpi- tai, January 15, 1947, a son, Ed- ward Arthur. 3-1 WYNN-To Mr. andi Mrs. J. A. Wynn (nee Celia Tait) at Brant- ford Hospital on Monday, Jan. 13, 1947, a daughter. 3-1 DIEATFI VANSLYKE - At Brighton o n Friday, January 10, 1947, Gilbort Vanslyke, beloved husband, of Maud Sabins and kind father of Henry and Mabel (Mrs. Gordon Cowle), both of Bowmanville; Beatrice,' of Cobourg, and Clar- once, at home. 3-l* CANN-Suddenly at Bawmanville on Wednesday, Jan. 15, 1947, Percy Hooper Cann, beloved' hus- band of Mary Louisa Rundie, aged 40 years. Resting at the Morris Funerai Chapel for service on Saturday, Jan. 18, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. COMING EVENTS Brad'ley's Community Club is sponsoring another dance at the school, Friday, Jan. 24. Good or- chestra. 3-1 Youth for Christ! Sons of Eng- land Hall, 8 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 25th. Coming March lst, Rev. M. Zeidman, B.D. Be sure and hear him. . 3-1 The Lions Club of Bowmanviile cordialiy invites ail teen-agers, 13 ta 19 years, ta attend a dance at the Lions Youth Centre, Beech Ave., Friday evening, Jan. 24, 8 ta 11:30 p.m. Admission free. 3-1 Ice Carnival at Nowcastle Rink, Saturday, Jan. 18, at 8 p.m. No- veity numbers, prizos for cos- tumes, races and fun for young and aId. Refreshment booth. Gen- oral admission 25c. 3-1 q Like crushed, ripe, wild grapes on your lips, like jewels on your Fingertips, this thrilIing new shade by a famous artist- in-color is fashion news. It is, as weII, a stunnin9 accent for Summer-into-Autumn cIotfhes, intensely becoming with the SMdrt shades you'iI be wearing. Red Grapo Lipstick-1 .75 Red Grapo Nail Polish-.95 Red Grapo Cream Rouge-i .50 JURY C& LOVELL THE REXALL bRUG STORE Phone 778 C.N.R. Tickets WREN WE TEST EYES IT 18 DONE PROPEELLY King st. W. Bowmanvifle ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William 'Hale, Newtonviile, announce the en- gagement of their second eldest daughter, Jean Margaret to Allan Dean, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brooking, Bowman- ville. The wedding will take place the latter part of January. 3-l* Carda of Thanka Mrs. C. L. Powers and family wish to express to their many friends their heartfelt thanks for tokens of sympathy tendered them during their recent bereave- ment. 3-1 Mrs. Bertha Yeo and family wish to extend their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Dr. W. H. Birks, their neighbors and many friends for the messages of sympathy and condolence, also the beautiful floral remembrances in the passing of a dear husband and father. 3-1* Once again I would like to thank iùy many frîends, neigh- bors and ail the different organ- izations, who were so kînd, in sending me flowers, fruits, gifts, plants and cards during my stay in hospital. Also thank Dr. Run- dle and especially the nursing staff, and dietary. They are grand and really deserve ail the thanks we can give them. Thanking you ail again and wishing you ail the very best of the season. Sincere- Iy, Mrs. Gertrude Thetford. 3-1 IN MEMORIAMI BROOME-In loving memory of a dearly 'beloved wife and mother, Susan Broome, who passed away Jan. 17, 1944. She bade no one the last fareweli, She said good-bye to none; The Heavenly gates were opened wide, A loving Voice said corne -Always remembered by Hus- band, Daughter and Sons. 3-1* BROWN-In laving mmory of aur dean mother, Ruby Mae, who passed away Jan. 20th, 1935. Twelve years have passed away, Sin ce one we ioved 50 weii Was taken from aur home on oarth With Jesus Christ ta dweli. The fiowers we place upon hon grave, May withen and decay; But the love for you, dean mother, Shah nover fade away. -Sadly missed by daughters Joan and Mildred. 3-1* FLINT-In ioving memony of aur dean Mather and Grandmother, Annie Flint,' who passedi away, Jan. 19, 1946. -Ever remembered by son, Ken- neth, Irono, grandchildnen Don- ald, Larry and Biain. 3-1 FLINT-In loving momory of aur dear mothon, Annie Rebecca Flint, who passed away January 19, 1946. One year has passod since that sad day When one we loved was called away; God' took her home, it was His wiil, Within aur heants she liveth stili. -Lovingiy nemem'bered by Elsie and Whelsby. 3-1 McKNIGHT-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Chris- tina McKnight who passed away, Jan. 20, 1943. Tonîght the stars are gleaming On a lonely, silent grave; Where sleeps in dreamiess slum- ber One we loved but couid not save. No one knows the silent heart- aches; Only those who have lost can tel 0f the grief we bear in silence, For the one we loved so well. -Lovingly remembered' by Hus- band Sam and daughters. 3-1* WHITNEY-In loving memory of father, Daniel Bruce Whitney, who passed away January l9th, 1946. -Always remembered by son, Bruce and Family. 3-1* Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASONý. B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phono: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD. B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 9Y2 King Street E. Bowmanville - Ontario Phone: Office 825 House 409 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVIITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental Coilege, and Facuity of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bidg. King Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wedinesday Closed Sunday Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudell 2827. DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phono 604 23-5e Monuments The Rutter Granite Company Phono 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafxng Articles For Sale MAN'S overcoat, size 36. Phonte 2113. 3-1 QUANTITY of loose hay, also Spanush and cooking onons. W. G. Allison, phone 2880. 1-3* KITCHEN cabinet, white, vom- plete, in good condition. Phone 556. 3-1 MOFFAT Handi-Chef, ideal for light housekeeping. Phone 648. 3-if GIRLS' skates and 'boots, size 3. Apply Mrs. F. Wood, 64 Queen St., Bowmanville. 3-l* ONE h.p. 110 volt used Wagner electric motor in good condition. Phone 573. 3-tf ONE pair velour curtains, wine and brown; also one velour cur- tain, mulberry and brown. Phone 387. 3-l* FORD coach, '29, four new tires, manifold heater, good running condition. Apply 36 Odeli St. 3-1 * THREE good young cows due to freshen early in February. Ap- ply Bruce Ashton, Burketon R.R. 3. 3-1* RADIO, six tube, Stewart-War- ner, cabinet battery model in Ai condition. Mervin Mountjoy, Hampton. 3-1* FIVE-tube DeForest portable ra- dio, good condition. Priced rea- sonably. Appiy 55 Elgin St., Bowmanville. 3-1 PRINCESS Rose cook stove, good as new. Phone Clarke 26 r 33. Apply Percy Tamblyn, Newcastle, 3-1* RECORD player for 10" and 12" records. Attaches ta radia, ex- cellent condition, reai bargain. Balfour Le Gresley, Nowcastle. 3-1* OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in modern. Chester- field, bedroom and dining roomn suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Qual- ity merchandise at competitive pnices. Before buying visit Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, - 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf Livestock For Sale REGISTERED Holstein bull, 8 months old, with extended pedi- gree. One work horse. W. G. Allison, phono 2880. 1-3* SHORTHORNS - Young bufts, young cows, club calvos. Also registered Guernseys. Baker Farms, Hampton. Phono 2180. 51-tf BABY Chicks, order your Gain- forth chicks now. Popular pure breeds and cross breeds. For prices and information~ phono Barron's, Hampton 2420. 2-3* GIBSON'S Barred Rocks- Buy your Barred' Rocks from a reli- able, long - ostabiished O.B.S. Breedor Hatchery of 1,000 Blood- Tested birds. For bred-in liva- biiity, early and continuous pro- duction of large eggs, don't ovor- look our strain. Write, or phone for circular. Take your chicks a month earlior if possible and heip fil the egg and poultry meat con- tracts to Great Britain. Donald E. Gibson, Bowmanville, Ont. Phono Clarke 3811. 3-tf FIFTY Barred Rock pullets, 7 months old. Phone 2661, H. Beau- champ, R.R. 1, Enniskilien. 3-1 HOLSTEIN cow, six years oid, due about Fobruary 20. Laurie Cole, Newcastle, phone Clarke 24-21. 3-1* 135 Barred Rock pullets.. Space needed for chicks. M. H. Pod- weii, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3823. 3-i* BRAY Chicks for February-March delivery in big domand; avoid dis- appaintment, order now. To catch table markets they've cock- erels, somo startod, immediate shipment. Prices, further dotails, from agent F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 3-1 COW, six years aid, due to fresh- on latter part of January. Phono 805. 3--i 110 White Leghorn pullets, lay- ing. Phono 2129. 3-l* EIGHT Yorkshire pigs, sevon weeks oid. J. T. Cooper, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, phone 2820. 3-1* AYRSHIRE heifer, due to fresh- en in April, registerod and accre- ditod. Apply Wilson A'bernethy, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. Phone 2419. 3-1 * FIVE pigs 6 weeks oid. C. W. Downey, R.R. 2, Bowmanviiie. phono 2590. 3-l* Lost WATCH, man's Westfiold, lost Orono rink or Bowmanville. Re- ward. Mel Wiseman, phono 2647. 3-1 * PAIR giri's green wool mitts lost Thursd*ay evening near Royal Theatre. Fînder ploase return to Bonnie Wood, 64 Queen St., Bow- manville. 3-1* Lost or Strayed $25 neward* for any informatian ne 3 tires and wheels stolon fnam a Model A Ford, at 1 Y/4 miles west of Nowtonville, af ton midnight, Sunday, Jan. 5. F. Saunders, New- CHIROPRACTIC STECKLEY HEALTH CLINIC Drugless Treatment including chiropractic Electro - therapy, minerai vapor baths. Practislng 24 Yoars. PHONE 224 146 Simeoe St. N. - Oshawa Room and Board ROOM and board avallable for two gentlemen. Write Box 823, Statesman Office. 3-1 For Rent VACUUM cleaners, late powerful type, $2 per day. The Radio Shop, phone 573. 3-tf RECORD players and public ad- dress amplifier systems. The Ra- dio Shop, phone 573. 3-tf SINGER portable electrie in your own home. $5 per month. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf I-felp Wanted MAN wanted for Rawleigh busi- ness. Seli to 1500 farhilies. Good profits for hustiers. Write today. Rawleigh's Dept. ML-A-140-S, Montreal. 1-5 OPPORTUNITY knocks but once. Dealers required to handle our complote line. If interested ap- ply Famous Products Corporation, Dept. 0-B-1, 370 Guy Street, Montreal, Que. 1-4 MALE-Cook for Ontario Train- ing School for Boys, Bowman- ville. Excellent opportunity' for right man; age 25 to 35; ex-ser- vice; two years High Schooi ed- ucation; roferences required. Write or tolephone for interview. 3-1 Notice The annual meeting of Bow- manville Public Library wiil be held, in the Library reading room on Tuesday, Jan. 2lst, at 7 p.m. The Library Board for the yoar 1947 wiil be eiected at this meet- ing and ail subscribers to the Library are roquested to "attend. 3-1 Wanted to Rent FARM-Possession Aprii lst. Ap- piy John D. Moffat, Orono South. 3-if ONE or two rooms, unfurnishod, young married couple, no child- ren. Phone 2546. 3-1* THREE unfurnished. rooms or houso. Wanted by Toronto couple. Write Box 822, Statesman Office. 3-1 Seed Cleaning HAVE your seed grain and smali seeds cloanod at the Newtonville Cloaning plant, up-to-date equip- ment. For particulars phone Clarke 1304, please note new lo- cation. Harry L. Wade, s'cretary- treasurer. 2-2* Applications Wanted Applications are invited for the position of combined choir mas- ter and organist for Newcastle United Church. The village of- fers other excellent teaching op- portunities. Applicants wiil please state age, qualifications, experi- ence and salary expectoci, and when services available. Apply W. Patterson, Newcastle. 2-2 Wanted ro Buy LIVE poultry and feathers, top pricos paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1,' Bethany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. 1-tf GOOD hay and dry straw, any amount over ten.tons. Write Wm. A. Horon, Brooklin, or phone 12 Brooklin. 32 WANTED-300 live horses for mink and fox food. We will pay top market prices. Margwill Fur 2earm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanviile 2679. 35-tf ABOUT 5-ton baled hay, timothy and aifaifa. Gaston Beyaert To- bacco Farm, R.R. 2, Orono (Hap- py Valley Road). Phone Orono 56rl7. 3-1* FARM on highway betwèen Bow- manville and Oshawa, fromn 5 to 20 acres, buildings not nocessary. Write John Peterson, R.R. 2, Cot- tam, Ont. 51-5* OLD horses for fur farm, $1.0 per hundred, apprôximate weight, doivered here. For slightly less we wiii humanely destroy your horses on your own farm. Ran- kine Mink Ranch, Haydon. Phone Bowmanville 2888. 38-tf Radio Service THE Radio Shop, Bowmanville, offers honest charges, latest type equipment and trained person- nel. Our two radio technicians both hoid Government Certificates of Proficioncy in Radio. Phone 573. 1-tf Personal HYGIENIC Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, seaied envelope with pnice list. Six samplos 25c, 24 sample 100 Mail Onden Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-91 You can give away your without %squandlering y-aur tage. heant honi-1 PIANO. TUNING AND REPAIRS Covering Bowmanvilie, New- castle, Orono and district. Al calls receive prompt attention providing roads are passable. VIC REID IPhone Pickering 1 r 23 OR LEAVE ORDER AT STATESMAN OFFICE The Newcasti Phone: ýMr. Cecil Carveth received word on Sunday of the death of his uncle, Mr. Harry Cornish, Vic- toria, B.C. Mrs. Arthur Houston left Satur- day ta spend the wintor with her sister, Mrs. Bryce Stinson, To- ronto. Master Robert Estali, Kingston, is vîsitig his grandmother, Mrs. D. B. Simpson. Mrs. T. Ince Anderson, To- ronto, spent Saturday with ho:r father, Mr. Cecil Hancock, whc is seriously ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spry and daughtor, Miss Olive, Peace River District, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cocul Carveth. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dyer ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Clar- once Allin ef t by motor on Tues- day for Florida where Mr. and Mrs. Dyer will attend the mar- niage of their daughter, Joanette Dyer to Mr. George Blair at Miami on Jan. 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Allin wfli be guests of the latter's aunt, Mrs. Horbert Layman, Brad- enton, Florida. Annual meeting of St. George's Church Altar Guild was held at the home of Miss Beatrix Mcîntosh when the report of the work un- dertaken by the Guild during the past yoar was given. Officers are Miss Beatrix Mclnitosh, President, and Mrs. Robert Gibson, Sec'y.- Treas. Mrs. McMillen is again staying with Mrs. Wm. Parnal who has been ill. Miss Patricia Thickson, nurse- in-training, Oshawa, Mr. Bill Thickson, Toronto, Mr. Howard Nelies, Bawmanviile, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Thickson. Miss Patricia Pearce, R.N, Osh- awa, Mr. Orville Stinson, Black- stock, wîth Mrs. H. R. Poarce. Mr. Murray Sproat, Bank of Commence staff, spent the week- end at his home in Milton. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Albert Guay (noe Eileen Aiidread) on the birth of a daughter. Mrs. H. R. Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hockin, Ajax. Prayor services were held in Miii St. United Church Sunday School, Manday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Monday ev- oning the Y.P.U. had charge of the service, while the W.M.S. had the service Tuesday evening and the Evoning Auxiliary, Wednes- day ovening with Rev. W. W. Pat- terson ta-king the tapics. A full account of the inaugurai meeting of the Village of New- castle Council for 1947 will appoar in next week's Statesman. ýC.G.I.T. met Jan. 7th at the home of Miss Kathleen Toms. President Marjorie Toms con- ducted the business period. The -second chapter of the Missionary Study Book was given. Aften a quiz the meeting was adjounned and the girls went skating -as part of theinrrcroatian. Promotion Service was held at Mill St. United Chunch Sunday Schooi Sunday morning. Seven members also received diplomas for having attended Sunday School 40 Sundays or aver. Those ne- ceiving diplamas were: Barbara Pattensan, Leona Stoneburg, Sel- don Parker, Hazel May Fisher, Roy Stoneburg, Rodger Mellow and Keith Mellow. The double-header hockey gamo of the Clarke Tawnship Midget Hockey League playod on Orono nink on Monday evening resulted in Orono defeating Newcastle 1-0 and Newtonville defeating New- castle 2-1. Newcastle W.M.S. met in Unit- ed Church, Jan. 2nd. Mrs. Cooke the lst Vice-President, who oc- cupied the chair, offened prayer and read a New Year's message. Miss E. M. Blackburn gave a splen- did review of the year's activities and Mrs. Mellow the work accom- plished by the Mission Band. Splendid yearly reports were givon by the socretaries. Instal- lation of officers was conducted )ffiiCers -those presont enjoyed a game of crokinole. Refreshments of donuts and coffee were served. W.A. of United Churcla was heid Jan. 9th when officers were in- staiied and annuai reports given. ribute was paid ta the late Mrs. ECobbledick, at one time a faith- ful member of the socioty and a former gresident. A very inter- esting prognam was given by the members of Mrs. Herb Toms' group, the theme being "The Value of Music in the Church." M'rs. E. H. Joli read the scripture; readings were given by Mrs. J. 3askerville and Mrs. J. E. W. Philp and a weii-nendered solo by M,'rs. Phiip. Refreshments were1 ;erved by Mrs. Toms' group. 0f- ficers for 1947 are: Past Pros.- M4rs. Harold Toms; Pres.-Mrs. C.i A. Cowan; lst Vice-Mrs. Ross Dickinson; 2nd Vice-Mrs. Gar- net Rickard; Recording Sec.-1 MIiss Ruth Hancock; Correspond- le Independent Clarke 3314 d ing, Sec.-Mrs. J. E. W. Philp; iTreasurer-Mrs. Howard Toms; *Press Sec.-Mrs. H. R. Pearce; pianist-Mrs. E. Rinch; Flower *Com.-Mrs. Harold Toms, Mrs. C. Ferguson, Miss 0. Warren, Mrs. P. Brown; Kitchen Com.-Mrs. H. Cooke, Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, Miss Warren and Mrs. E. Rinch; Par- sonage Com.-Mrs. W. J. S. Rick- ard, Mit. Howard Cooke, Mrs. J. H. Jose, Mrs. Harold Toms, Mrs. Percy Hare, Mrs. C. A. Cowan; Auditors-Mrs. Ross Dickinson and 0Mrs. C. Carveth. Tyrone Tyrone W.M.S. met Jan. 9-th. Meeting was in charge of Presi- dent, Mrs. Albert Hilis. Mrs. Russell Wright gave the study book on India. Business was, dis- Lcussed. and group leaders were *t appointed. Offîcers for 1947 are: L President, Mrs. Albert Hill; lst Svice, Mrs. Sidney Jewell; record- -ing secretary, Mrs. Sidney Hoar; corresponding secretary, Mrs. L. SAnnis; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. tWallace Miller; Christian stew- Sardship, Mrs. S. Jewell; press cor- respondent, Mrs. Geo. Alld2read; Mission Band, Supt., Mrs. Leon Moore; assistant, Mrs. Geo. Ail- dread; pianist, Mrs. Russell Vir- tue. A social hour was held with lunch provided by Mrs. Albert Hili and Mrs. Russell Wright. sNext meeting Feb. 21st at Mrs. G. Alldread's ahl ladies are welcome. - Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCoy, of 1Brooklin, with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. 1Goodman. Mr. Levi Skinner who has been wîth Mr. and Mrs. Goodman is -now with Mr. and, Mrs. L. McCoy. - Mrs. Lorne Phair, Glidden, Sas- katchewan, with her parents, Mr. fand, Mrs. Arthur Brent. Mrs. Arthur Wanamaker, Wel- lington, Mrs. A. E. Moffat, Shir- ley and Leon, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. Miss Jean Philp with her bro- ther Mr. Gerry Phiip, Col-borne. Mr. Howard Philp with his bro- ther, Mr. Gerry Philp who un- iderwent a serious operation in Belleville Hospital. Congratulations to Mr. Willis Stewart on his 86th birthday. Maple Grove Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jagger, Da- vid and Michael Jagger, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McIntyre, Whit- by, at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden, Miss Lilhian Snowden, Mr. Bill Lewis, Mr. Lloyd Metcalf, Osh- awa; Rev. Sam Henderson, B.A., B.D., Toronto, were tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snow- den. 'Rev. Sam Henderson, B.A., B.D., Toronto, occupied the pulpit very acceptably on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Henderson preached an- excellent sermon, also rendered a choir solo. Rev. S. Henderson wiil be with us again next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifi Johns, son Murray, Brooklin, at Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flintoff Is. Cowanville Mr. and Mrs. Lew Halloweli and family, Norma Halloweli, Miss Helen aperkhart visited at Mr. Sid HaIrowell's. Mr. Armond Hallingsworth vis- ited with his sister, Mrs. Walter Cramnes at Schomberg. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rutherford and family, Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Cramnes and famiiy, Schom- berg, visited Mr. K. Hollings- worth. Mr. and. Mrs. Hollingsworth happened with an accident while driving their cutter on Sunday when their horse shied at a truck and tipped them out. Mrs. Hol- lings-worthreevdadpcu Real Estate For Sale FOR sale in Oshawa, new four- room bungalow, three-piece bath, furnace. Part cash, balance as rent. Apply at 236 Huron St., Oshawa. - ISHEET 1'ETiAL WORK Gilson Furliaces Roofmg «- Eavestroughing Oil Durners For Immediate installation ha heaters and ranges. Clean, even heat. DAVIS & GRANT Scugog St. - Bowmanville Phones: - Bus. 2842 Rom. 2674 Blue Flame SPACE HEATERSI $98.00 ROYAL Vacuum Cleaners Combination Floor Polishor and Cleanor HiHeat For Kitchon Stoves Metal Tank $53-00 IINSTALLIED M4URPHY'S IPhono 811 Tile- 57 Kinx St. W.1 Te'x ASPHALT TILE To combine beauty with endurance for a lifetime floor Laid and Finished Complete by Expert Workmen Bromley & Son Phone 653 SALES OFFICE Sheppard & Gi Liunber Co. Limited 96 King St. E. New Farm Equipmi Now is the time to order your new equipment such as Beatty Bros. Barni Ray Forks, Carriers; C o w Stalis and Stanchions; Lit- ter Carriers and Water Bowls. Let us take your order now for Swift Cam Ca. s Grow-Mor and Vigoro Fertîlizer and: that you will have the best of fertilizers. will give you good delivery now and ir New MILKERS and SEPARATORS inunediati W.H. BROWI DEALER FOR * Case Farm Machlnery - Firestone * DeLaval Milkers and Separators * Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment 01 KingI St. W. Phone 7151 M M M ent MM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 'o. ~* M M g." jadian know M We M nthe M M M e ~~ver~ * M M M M M M M M ~Tfres M M M M M Phono 497 M M ffl TRURSDAY. JAN. l". 1947