- ~ ~VV A~LZ~.&1 V LL4LWi1 ~.JA1 .LZI.K1.L../ PAGE SEVU TRV~ PA M A ~IT A M ~'r A 'rw~, A M ~g~Nm, A ~T~7TT T ~' f~Wfl A ~VJN M-is Yvonne Martin, Toronto, customed pertinacity. It removed wa ~ est with Mrs. Muriel Dunn. snow banked aiong curbs with Roger Allchin, Peterbor- greater dispatch than the town oug, spent the weekend with his crew with several trucks busy for wiff and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. the past two weeks. Geo. Allchin. Farmers are seeking seed and 3&. and Mrs. Mes-vin Mount- fertillzer in anticipation of a late joe, Hampton, and. Mr. and Mrs. March spring. Many are getting Kenneth Samefl and family, Nes- ready ta prune orchards. Orders tieton, exchanged visits for Christ- for early chicks are being piaced. mas and New Yeazr's. Sawing outfits are busy getting up Mrs. R. H. Westaway has ' een sunmmer's wood. Winter moves visiting Dr. and Mrs. P. E. Ire- rapidly along. land and her brother, Mr. Harry W. L. Paterson, on business in Grigg who is a patient at the Chicago, wired his colleagues of General HoSpital, Toronto. Wood's Senate, Wednesday, that Ratepayers are taking a renew- he wouid be home shortiy anti ed interest in councîl affairs this hopéd a Senate delegatfon would year. Press reports of the first attend ail sessions of Town Coun- two meetings may encourage oth- cil meantime. ers to come out and hear proceed- The Hospital Board is planning ings. a personal campaign to raise the The weather: A January thaw balance of the funds required ta set in over the weekend with ac-, go ahead with building the new A7tld FOR ALL TIIE- BULOVAc Mlarr's Jewellery 43. King St. W. Phone 463 Your Hil Parade On R. C. A. Victor Records 1. OLE BUTTERMILK SKY HELER CARROL 2. THE OLD LAMPLIGHTIER SAMMY KAYE 3. FOR SENTIrMENTAL REASONS C. SPIVAK 4. A GAL IN CALICO TM XBENXKE 5. ZIP-A-DEE DOO-DAH SAmmI~yKAYE AIKEN APPLIANCE SHOP NEWCASTLE OPEN EVENGS UNTIL 9:00 La IE = ru Permanents 0 Soft and lasting beauty is the key note of aur fine permanents. Make your appointment today for endluing hair glamour. Lýegion Elects Officers For the Current Year At the first meeting for 1947 of the Bowmanville Branch, Can4 adian Legion, held January 9 ir Union hall, the main business was election of officers for the cur- rent year. At the previous nom- ination meeting, two acclamations were accorded in the large slate presented by the nomînating com- mittee. President Maurice Breslin was continued in office without a con- test and Lou M. Dewell was ac- claimed as secretary. The re- maining officers, elected by bal- lot were: First Vice-President, Cliff Samis; 2nd, vice-president, W. C. Mitchell; treasurer, Jack Allin; Sgt. at Arms, A. Boustead; padre, Rev. J. dePencier Wright (unanimous). Executive: J. Cameron, L. Mc- Quarrie, W. Bates, J. Living, N. Porter, J. O'Neill, R. Keene, A. Kilpatrick, Ross McKnight, F. Couch, R. Harding. Bowmanville Legion will at- tend the Zone Rally at Whitby, Friday, Jan. 17. A special bus will leave Garton's Bus Station sharp at 7 p.m. -that evening. Members are requested to be on hand promptly on the hour. Trinity Y.P.U. Officers Instalied With Impressive Ceremiony Sunday, January 12, marked the officiai 1947 opening of Trinity Young People's Union when a simple yet impressive candIlight- ing and dedication ceremony was încorporated into the evening church service. Jean Crossman, president-elect, conducted the service with Doroth.y Bedford as- sisting. Rev. J. E. Griffith spoke on the theme "Religion andi Re- creation," and coupled these ta young people's activities. The new officers were installed by the min- ister. Monday evening the regular meetings commenced, with the new oflicers officiating. Business remaining from 1946 was deait with and recorded. Service of worship was conducted by Gwen Gilmer. Mrs. L. Pascoe present- ed a timely New Year's reading and Rev. J. E. Griffith spoke. Re- creation under the leadership of Shirley Grant i,o>unded out an in- teresting evening. Would-be members are most cordially welcomed, place Trinity Sunday School, time 8 o'clock, date every Monday evening. St. John's W. A. Elects New Officers Review Year's Work The annual 'meeting of the af- ternoon branch of St. John's Wo- men's Auxiiiary was held on Fni- day afternoon. Rev. J. dePencier Wright presided and the meeting openeti with hymns and prayer. Reports of the various depart- ments anti the financiai report were given, showing a successful year's eff ort. Mr. Wright in a brief address, congratulateti the members on the excellent year's work anti with the co-operation of the new officers anti members a stili bet- ter year -is indicateti. He stresseti that an effort be matie ta increase the membership. These officers were electeti: Hon. president, Mrs. J. tiePencier Wright; president, Mrs. L. S. Dumas; lst vice, Mrs. C. Robinson; 2nd vice, Mrs. Un- derhill; secretary, Mrs. H. Smythe; treasurér, Mrs. J. Living; literature secretary, Miss A. Mas- ters; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. A. L. Parker, Mrs. W. J. E. Ormiston anti Mrs. W. Tait; social service canveners, Mrs. W. J. E. Ormis- ton, Mrs. Wood anti Mrs. Smythe; Jr. W.A. Supt., Mrs. F. A. Diliing, assistants, Mrs. Pattrick, Mrs. Clapp, Mrs Knight anti Mrs. Bet- tics. A special meeting wili be helti this Friday with Mrs. Kenny, Re- gional Supervisor as speaker anti guests invitedi tram Orana anti Newcastle Auxiliaries. In February the W.A. wili pro- vide a banquet for 100 members of the Interdenominational Sun- day Sehool Teachers Association which is meeting in St. John's, Bowmanville. Turn over a new leaf, by ail mneans, but keep it flrmly bon in the aId family album.1 p _______________________________________________________________________________________ 1 hospital. The campaign will start March 15 when Mr. Kelley has kindly consenteti to come to Bow- manville and address the canvas- sers. An interesting case came up in Brantford recently. A citizen standing on the curb was splash- eti with muddy water, by a pass- ing motor car. In court the cadi awarded damiages which had to be paid. The trick is to'get the license number andi a witriess or two. Useful information for the nylon wearers., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vanslyke and Mr. and. Mrs. Gardon Cowie, Dorothy and Biiiy attended the funerai of their father andi grand- father, Mr. Gilbert Vanslyke who passeti away suddenly whiie tra- velling from his home to Brighton. Miss Betty Flaxman, R.N., who was recently appointedti t the First Aid staff of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., took over her duties on Monday. She suc- ceetis Mrs. Glen Martyn, R.N., who has served. very efficiently since the organization of this de- partment, some years ago. M. H. Winter, Agricultural Rep- resentative, Victoria County, was awarded his 25-year pin by Min- ister of Agriculture T. L. Ken- nedy. His service with the de- Partment dates from 1914 and, he has lived in Lindsay since 1926. Chain stores in Lindsay are ap- peaiing through the courts against assessment of town council which rated them in the" 50 per cent brackets as department stores ov- er the 35 for ordinary retail mer- chants. For quiok flrst &id.. BAMAID, a0~nd I.D.A. C.L.O.' Capsules 100's, Reg. 98c ------------- 77e I.DA. Cherry Cough Syrup, Reg. 25c ------------ 19C I.DA. Analgeslc BaIm Reg. 25e ------------- ----- 19e GIN 39c-69 I.D.A. Coeoanut 011 Shampo., Reg. 25c-39c --- 19e-33e I.D.A. Mllk of Mlagnesia M Our human laws are but the copies, more or less imperfect, of the eternal laws, sa far as we can reati them.-James Anthony Fraude. Fine Shower Held For Bride-To-Be The home of Mr. andi Mrs. E. Brooking, Liberty St., was the scene of a happy gathering on Friday evening, when about 35 frienda <of their son, Allan and, his bride-to.-be, Miss Jean Hale, Newtanville, gathered te present them with numerous gifts in hon- or of their approaching marriage. The living room was Tbeautifully ,decorated- with pink and white streamers andi balloons and a large hamper of fancy wrapped gifts was placeti under a cascade of balloons. To the strains of "Here. Cames the Bride" played by Miss Elsie Rahm, the bride-ta-be was seated amid the vari-coloreti bal- boons and presented with the gifts. A lovely assortment of miscel- laneous articles was received with appropriate accompanyîng cards of best wishes. The balance of the evening was spent in singing favorite sangs, foliowed by refreshments served by Mrs. Brooking and- her daugh- ter, Mrs. C. Brannigan. WITH Through their system ot Poole of buylng and advertising I.DA. Druggists make savings in the cost of doing business that they can pass on ta you, so that you are sure of top values. For lowest prices consistent with quality shop for your drug needs at your I.DA. Drug Store. 1 IMrs. C. W. Siemon New Presideuit Trinity WA Quiet ýnusic tby Mrs. W. E. Workman opened, the Trinity W. LA. meeting on January l4th. îMeeting was ini charge of Mrs. J. -E. Elliott andi her group. A short New Year's poem was reati. Mrs. N. James read the Scripture. Mrs. Elliot gave a New Year's message stressing the thought of bringing happiness ta others as a basis of abtaining happiness for oneseif. Mrs. Hardy in her New Year's thought stresseti the New Year as the door of opportunity. Mrs. E. Pascoe gave out the challenge ta make this year the best yet. President Mrs. D. Alldread then took charge and the reports of the groups were hearti. Mrs. Bak- er's and Mrs. Elliott's, group, tied for highest attend-ance andi Mrs. W. O. Souch's group handed in the most money. Rev. J. E. Griffith installed the officers after which Mrs. C. W.' Siemon, newly-eiected presi- dent, took the chair. The date of the congregational meeting was set for Friday, January 24th. Red Cross sewing was distributed. Mr. Griffith closed with the benedic- tion. Number present, 44. Newtonville Community Club At Bradley's Has Fine Social Evening A very liveiy meeting of Brad- ley's Cammunty Clubwas held in the school on Friday, _ýan. 10. The meeting was openeti by singing O Canada with Mrs. E. Crydermani in the chair. Min- utes of previaus meeting were read by secretary, Mrs. John Knox. The treasurer's report showed a nice balance after pay- ing for aur new electric dlock for the schoal. The programi was arrangeti by Mr. andi Mrs. Gordon Leask and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bail. Guests taking part were Mrs. Foster Snowdien who rendered beautifully two Irish numbers. Mrs. S. E. Werry gave a very in- teresting address relating ta homes and community. Mrs. Chas. Naylor in her own gradlous manner gave several piano solos. Mr. Gardon Leask and Mr. E. Cryderman 'braught laughter from. the crowd with their mouth organ renditions which everyone enjoyed. .Mr. John Knox gave a very interest- ing talk on "Sait" after making ail happy by first tellin-g an Irish joke. Miss Betty Smales sang a solo which ahl enjoyed. The re- citation "My Pussy" was weli giv- en by Donna Bail. An action sang, 'No, John, No," was given by Dona Vie, Elma Cryderman, Kathleen Graham and Mary, Van Dusen. A social hour was enjoyeti .vhiie having lunch. Ladies Bowling ChaIk Up High Scores Many gooti games were chalked up last Fridey night in the Ladies' MIajor Bowling League. In ail there were 15 games ail over the 200 mark. Bern Carter and hier teami se- cureti five points from. Lola Mar- errison's squad. While on the other alley Ad-a Tomlinson had no trouble taking seven points from [i Coole who was short some players. High singles were close with Eileen Heari roiling a nice 263, /Iarg E. King 236, Joycê Major 30 andi Ada Tomlinson 233. High riple honors again went ta Marg E. King with 638, followed by Ada Tamiinson with 632. High averages: Marg E. King----------------- 211 Carol Martyn----------------- 207 Ada Tomiinson ---------- 201 Betty Brough ------- ------ 191 Muriel Henderson ------- 182 Eileen Heari ----------------- 177 Ada Luxton ------------------ 177 Toyce Major----------------- 169 Bern Carter ----------------- 169 Duaine Palmer -------------- 165 Last week's report appears on inother page. evenings. Je W, JEWELL PHONE 556 "BIG 20", NOXZEMA SPECIAL 93e Size for - 65e Super Jumbo Paper Special ---- ---------------- 23e lmNKANDY 25< *49< $100 Given Away ln Cash Weekly L.D.A. MIDGET QUIZ Get your forms trom your I.DA. Store Obituaries MRS.» S. W. MASON~ Once more death has claimed one of the aider generation of the Bowmanviile community, an hon,- ored and most highly respected wife and mother, Mrs. S. W. Ma- son, who died at her home, 36 Centre Street, December 29, 1946, at the age of 93. She had been in failing health for some time 'before peacefully passing at the Christmas season. Elien Elizabeth Marshall was born in Syracuse, New York State, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall. She became the bride of Samuer Wil- liam Mason, long a respected bus- inessman of Bowmanvîlie who be- fore he passed on some yearg ago was head of the firm S. W. Mason and Sons. In surviving her hus- band Mrs. Mason continued& ta share in the church andi social activities assaciated with the fa- mily name until failing health in- tervened. A member of Trinity United Church she was unfaiiing in her service and will be remembered for her quiet, unassuming dispos- ition, her devation ta home life during a long and useful span of life. There is always a feeling of ioss in the passing of aid friends Harold Washington Chief Speaker at Safety Convention Harold A. Washington has been chosen as the chief speaker at the Central Ontario Convention of the Industrial Accident Prevention Association ta be helti in the Masonic Temple, Oshawa, Jan. 22nd. His subject is "Planning Safety in the Smaller Factory." The Statesman. has been ativiseti of this important meeting by 0. J. Prèsson, Personnel Manager, Goodyear - Bowmanville, who is chairman of the Oshawa section of the Association. There is local interest in this news release since Mr. Washing- ton is a native of the Zion dis- trict. He is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert Washington and a brother of Narval Washington. Many will recall the excellent trout stream that passed through their farm south of Sauina, where the editor anti pals occasianally poached in years gone by. Harold Washington chose the industrial field after ieaving school andti atay is manager of Ontario Steel Protiucts, Ltd. Div- ision "A," Oshawa. He has for years been. prominent in the sphere of industrial accident pre- vention anti is regarded as an au- ;hority on the question. Thus an- )ther Durham County boy has achieved recognition in a very im- portant fieid'. t: a a iti t] ti P il S9 c i,ç Y, SI v ti . oý a Pl Seven New Men On Council of United Counties Ten new faces will be seen when 1947 Northumberland and Durham Counties Cauncil opens its January session at the county town of Cobourg, Tuesday next. Three of the changea are promo- tions, Arthur Wartman moving up ta reeve of.Percy township, R.' K. Squair ativancing ta reeve of Darlington township, anti E. B. Seetis taking a promotion frai deputy reeve ta reeve af Brigh- ton township. The new men are O. J. Robins, reeve of Alnwick township; A. S. Baker, reeve of Bowmanville; Norman Allison, deputy reeve of Bowmariville; W. H. Conn, reeve of Brighton village; Fred Denyes, a former counties councillor, dep- uty reeve of Brighton township; John Westington, reeve of Ca- bourg;- Bruce Rutherforti, teputy reeve, Haltiimand township; Chas. Chapman, deputy reeve of Man- vers, and W. Potter, deputy reeve of Percy township. Seats Nat Changed Unchangeti seats are occupieti 'by Harry Fowltis anti H. M. Don- ald, reeve anti deputy reeve of Campbellfordý; Harold Cathcart and. Robei-t Armstrong of Cavan township; Norman Green, reeve of Cartwright township; Ê. B. Woodyarti and C. M. Jones, Clarke township; Douglas Glenn, deputy reeve of Cobourg; Leonarti Gar- don, reeve of Coîborne; Charles Quinn, reeve of Cramahe town- ship; Alex Stephen, reeve of Hal- dimand township; Leslie Carruth- ers and Herman Jibb of Hamil- ton township; J. S. Stevenson, Hastings; W. G. Bickle and A. J. Runnals, of Hope township; Er- nest Cavano, reeve of Manvers township; H. D. Bigeiow, reeve of Millbrook; C. B. Jandrew and A. W. Hayes, Murray township; G. Walton, reeve of Newcastle; John Box and E. B. Lingard, Port Hope; M. Wight anti A. E. Bennett of Seymour township and J. Whit- tington, reeve of South Monag- han. Three are in the race for war- tien, Ted Wootiyard of Orano. Harold Bigelow of Millbraok and Norman Green of Cartwright. AIl are veteran members of the coun- ties council and have taken an active part in counties affairs. The contest is expected ta be keen and close.- CHURCHES ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. G. C. Quigley Organist: Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. Choir Director: D. Alex McGregor 10 a.m.-Sunday School il a.m.-Nursery Sehool il a.m.-Worship: "Man Makes His Own Gotis." 7 p.m.-Worship: "Decisions," a subject of special interest ta young people. Corne anti Worship EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Pastor: H. W. O'Brien Sunday 1 1 a.m.-Beievers' Meeting 7:30 p.m.-Evangelistic Meeting Wednesday. .8 p.m.-Prayer I.D.A. BARGAINS Kleenor Tooth Powder Reg. 29c ------------------ 23e Corn Remedy Reg. 25e ----------------17e Soda Bycarbonate Reg. 15e-25c ------- 8c - 18e Eczema Ointment Reg. 39e ----------------27e Pabisal Tablets Reg. 59c - ----------- 47c £?kLb~4BASI( M. PuieSupu.-Fotd from a Famous O0W -e- ingIigh formule 250 per cake 3 for 75e RELIEF FOR COUGHS, COLDS I.DA. Bronchida -----50e Vicks Vapo Rub ----- 43e Mason's «149"1---- 40e - 75e Grove's Cold Tablets --------- 24e - 44e Thermogene -----------49e I.DA. Idarub------------ 39e I.DA. Idaphedrin Nase Drops--------------- 50c Seott's Emulsion - --- 59e-98e Kepler Malt and Cod Lîver 011 -----75c-$1.25 Frosst's Neo Chemical Food --- 1.15-2.45-4.45 Ayerst 10-D Cod Liver 011 -- 67c-$1.69 Waterbury's Compo Liund - $1.e Hand Lotions 1 . e, Velvetta Balm Almond Lotion Trushay......---- Jergen's Lotion --- Cashmere Bouquet PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McOREOOR. L I TEURSDAY, JAN. lOth, 1947 SAVE PHONE 453 FOR ÂPPOINTUMW " Es telle " BEAUTY SALON OORNER HUROH AND GEORGE BS., B3OWMANVIXL Rural listeners geia ful share of attention on CFRB. Here are a few features broadcast for you, forming part of our BALANCED prograni schedule. 8:10 a.m. (Daily) Livestock Review 12:15 p.m. (Daily) Farm Broadcast I., 1 1 1 1 1 ALEX 1 ý S tationery Nour SECRET is SFVE WitI' KOTEX so t il 27C Il "Pinehurst" Kid Finish Note Size lad plus 1 pkg. of Envelopes--------------- 15o Fold Over Pads plus 1 pkg. of Envelopes --------------25o Letter Size Pads plus 1 pkg. of Envelopes --------------25e This is an opportunlty to put in a supply of letter writing material for the wlnter. Patterns "IBUTTERICK"' - Everybody's Favourite Reliable and easily used New Book just received Lending Library NEW BOOKS 3c a Day - 15e a Week Good reading for winter such as Mrs. Mason. Onè deughter and two sons re- main ta mourn the passing of a loving mother,- Mil&ed, Mrs. Sid M. Scott, George R. Mason, and Clarence S. Mason, ail of Bow- inanville. Many friendsala- so gathered for the funeral ser- vices andi many floral tributea graced the memory ofjthe decees- eti. The services were heldi at the home on Centre St. on the lutM day of the year with Rev. J. E. Griffith aliciating prior to jpter ment in Bowmanville cemetery. The bearers were Fred Mitch- ell, John McConnachie, Fred Brimacombe, Ernest Patterson, W. Len Elliott and Stuart James. THE CANADIAN STATFSMAx- iptnwmAwvn.T.ir riSpÀa-plrr% a Tuesday evening, Jan. 7th was Young People's night. Owing ta roati conditions few were out. The perioti was hawever, flot last, as time was taken ta map out win- ter's work. This cammunity was shocked on Jan. lOth to, learn of the fatal accident of Joseph Budreau in Port Hope. Mr. Budreau hati been transferred, ta Port Hope frai Newtonville section but a week. Our sympathy is extendeti to his widow, Mrs. Shaw (Evelyn.) of Port Hope, and, Bill at home. Miss Jean Milligan has been transferred ta the Bowîanvilie branch A. & P. Stores. Mr. anti Mrs Mult Kimbali are living in town for the winter with Mrs. Wmn. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey spent Sund-ay in Greenbank with Mr. and Mrs. Beer. Mr. Elwood Moore visited his sister, Mrs. Jim Stark. Miss Evelyn Stapleton, Toron- ta, with hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Stapleton. Miss Jean Watie, Lindsay, is haie taking care of her mother who has been very ill. 0 Several attended the funeral in Port Hope, Sunday of Joseph Budreau. Rev. H. A. Bunt had charge of the service. Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Tufforti and family, Bunker Hill, with their tiaughter, Mrs. Harolti Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gilmer, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley, Miss Mary Burley, Mr. Don Vinkie spent Saturday evening wîth Mr. and Mrs. Ronald. Burley. A gaoti olti-fashioneti evening of fun down ta the turning of the ice cream freezer was enjayed. Mrs. Cecil Robinson visited Mrs. Arnott. LAVEA SECORD DRUOS PEONE 7~ - i 29c-47c-98e Special Vitamins