'THURSDAY, JAN. 23rd, 1947 TTTI~ PANAr>TAM PA'r*çalLiAN flf~Ufl.s A mm T ~' iN>.WI~ A __________________________________________________________________________________ ~ ~VV~~L&~J1 YAÂ~J.W~ ~.JA1.LZLfl.L~J PAGE ELEVEN 20 King St. W. Wayne visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Bowen. Mr. Herb Scott who had several ribs broken some weeks ago is slowly improving. Mr. Erwin Rainey was present- ed with a 25-year jewel by the Independent Order of Oddfeflows No. 436, Orono, of which he is a member. Phones: 668 - Res. 523 or 726 croates the world's TINUESI, MOST POWERFUL (BATTIRY.CONTAINED) HEARUNG INSTRUMENT Can you imagine a battery-contained, ali-in-one hearing instru- ment alrncst as thin as a fountain pen and only about half its length? You mnust SEE it to believe it! You mnust HEAR it to appre- diate it! Corne sSe and heur this great new electronic achievement! FR E HE R N C I I Porsonal Consultation with AUTHORUTY on DEAFNESS at Balmoral Hotel, Bowmanville on Tuesday, January 2Sth from 1 to 9 q.m. co~ aand consuls with a scieoihCall'y saedexpert on hearinlg problems. &Md leMMabOW "«BIHMED ELECTRONIC Povua'-a .a.tling scsentific achieve- MeUa iD Che ACOUSTICON IMPEDIAL - tOv~~j~b"Du for te.deafestdi Dolr's Nome à% Addnua G. L. SCOTTr Authority on Deafness Clarke Unfion Mërs. Henry Swancot visited friencis in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power entertained some friencis last week. Mr. -ano.rs. Ernest Bowen andi SERVICE RDO APPLIANCES PAN NTS YS ENAMELS SCARFEVARtISHES -CLEANERS MODELLING CLAY SHELL CRAFT HOBBIES MODELLINGWA X-ACTO TOOLS CRAFT ENAMELS TOASTERS ann.ui.nr~TRI-LITES APPLIANLCESFAHLGT IRONS F. C. CROWE' 52 KING ST. W. PHONE 2174 games 6 3 3 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 6 6 6 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 Ladies' Bowling League Standing Unchanged The standing of the Ladies' Maj or Bowling League remains the same with Bern Carter out in front by a margin of oniy one point. They took two games from Ada Tomlinson but lost the third to give the Torniinson team three points. Lola Marjerrison won two games from the Vi Coole team to leave them in third, and fourth position respectiveiy. Onie Mutton had the high sin- gle game with 299 with runners up Carol Martyn 258, Lola Mar- jerrison 223, Muriel Crago 210 and Dorotby Brooks 208. Onie Mut- ton was bigh bowler for three games with a total of 619. Averages: Carol Martyn----------------- 198 Dorothy Brooks--------------- 192 Marg E. King------------------ 191 Ada Tomlinson ---------- 189 Muriel Crago------------------ 184 Ada Luxton ------------------- 182 Betty Brough ----------- 182 Onie Mutton ------------ 175 Eiieen Hearl -----------_ 175 Muriel Henderson ------- 174 Bantam Hockey League Stage Thrilling Gamnes Results of last week's Bantam hockey games found the teams very evenly matcheci save in the Peewee division. Opening games were played' Jan. 16, but ramn on the evening of the 2th resulteci in postponed contests. Results to date are: Bantam League Rotary 1, Statesman 1 Sheppard & Gi 4, Edwards i Peewee League Tigers 7, Beavers 0 In weeding out candidates for the Bantam League a number of inexperienced midgets faileci to make the grade so Coach Jack McNulty formed a minor organiz- ation, the Peewee League. It wil be reorganized to permit a better balance in competitions. In ail there are now seven teams in the two leagues, two Peewee teams, four Bantam teams and one Ah-Star team chosen from the Bantams which will be entered in the O.M.H.A. Sale of tickets in the draw for a bicycle to raise funds for equip- ment has failen off and the pub- lic are asked- to rally round and give the kids, ail possible encour- agement. Come out and see the games and pepîîp the drive f0 selh tickets. Games are played each Monday and Tbursday night at Rotary rink. First game at 5:30, second at 6:30, ahi free. Games tonigbt i.Thursday): Statesman vs Edwards; Rotary vs Sheppard' & Gi. Clip the scheduhe iri anothere column andi plan to be on hand for these fast, dlean games. Give a boost f0 the younger lads wbo deserve our fulhest support. JUVENILE HOCKEY STANDING Bowmanvilie. Port Hope ------ Newcastle ------ T.C.S. -_--- Won Lost Pts. 3 O 6 1 1 2 0 3 0 0 o 0 Juvenile Scoring Record Goals As. Pts. F. Hooper ----- 8 5 13 F. Cowie-----_ 6 4 10 G. Sturrock ---- 5 2 7 L. Hamilton ------ 3 4 7 B. Dadson ----- 4 1 5 J. Levitt ------- 4 1 5 M. Tighe----- 2 2 B. Perfect i---- 1 2 H. Dustan ----- 1 1 2 C. Cattran ----- 1 1 2 J. Piper ----- 2 2 T. Degeer------ 1 1 Only those who have the pa- tience to do simple things per- fectly ever acquire the sklll to do difficult things easily.--Schiller. -- - -- - I Aylmer With Pectin PLUM JAM ja2' Heixiz, Silver Ribbon, Brights TOMATO JUICE 2 un 19'i Burns Speef "Extra Tasty", SPICEO BEEF U12a 59 Domino (Our Own Blend> TU BUS pkg of 9 pkg of 55 Ricbmelkc, Freshly Grounci COFFEE pt=3 9ç CanxpbeRs CHICKEN & NOQULE SOUP 2 Uns 25Ç Royal City B. d. Pack PUAS & CARROTS U "Extra Cholce" Evaporated WNOLE APRICOTS etni39Ç Calornia Mission BLACK FIGS- Hy p ý25' Orange or Grapefruit or Blended CITRUS IUICES 2 tinsd5'a -r IîpCR FTUE Several Erands CANNED TOMATOES 20215 Scotian Golci, Graves, Mitchelis APPLE JUICE 2 2ti uz25Ç Lux, CamaX, Palmolive LIFEBUOT SOAP 2 "ril Campbells TOMATO SOUP 2 '»~ 19Ç Aylmer, A.M.B., Royal City, 3.C. Pack PRUNE PLUNS 200z17 Aylmer Pure Sevilie ORANGE MARMALADE 240 =~5 J"i 31Ç Ail Brancis - Standard Qua*t., Dominion BREAD 2 l i 5'1 s Just Heat and Serve Burns Lamb or BURN'S BEEF STEW 2 16oI 9 Barkers - Salted or ]Plain TOASTEO SODAS 2 àI 19'g Monarch Finest Quality PASTRY FLOUR "ba -29Ç dr4ilb 84Ç Ail Guaranteed 25, 40, 60 Watt SOLEX LAMPS15 EGGS WANTED: We pay hlghest market prices for Eggs. See your I local Manager for ful! particulars. Texas Grapefruit Size 9"' doz. 45c' - 6 for 25c SUNKIST 300'9 Lenmons- - doz. 39c SUNKLIST Size 220's'. Navel Oranges - - 29c ICEBERG Calit. 60'9 Lettuce - - 2 for nec CALIF. New Crop 48's Celery-- 2 for 25e TEXAS Splnach -2 b. ne9 B. C. IDELICIOU 1 11313 Appi.. - - - 6 or 23c VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSNU fIME SATULDAY JANUARY 25th, 1947 DOMINION STORES L.IMITED ---w i------ SPORT Wentlake's High Average Features Week's Bowling Bill Westlake recovered hfi bowling form last week to regîs- ter a mark of 920 in triples whict will probably stand for the season Starting with a 288 he went or to crash the maples for 315 anc 317 for an average of 307. Othe: high triples were Harry Depew 770, Bill Mutton 756, Walt Polley 720, Jack Coole and, Ab Piper 716, Bill Shotter 707 and Doug Taylor 705. High single game feli to Harry Depew, 323, topping Westlake 317, Doug Taylor 294 and Jack Knight 289. Ron Richards' team has yet tc be defeated and~ is out front witlh 14 Points followed by Hap Palm- er il and Doc Rundle 10. Jack< Knight's team had 3,277 for higlh continuing C. F. Awde as tax col- Mrs. E. J. Randall, R vs. F 32.00 lector to February 4th, 1947; ap- Supplies -------------------- 15.00 r N 2Tpointing the Reeve and W. Hawke Mrs. H. Morris : 5.00 as the council's representatives on N. F. Porter, clerk's bond-.-- 12.00 N E W S he O ono ews the Orono Park Board; appointing E. L. MacNachtan, hospital. 81.01 _____________________________________________Clarence J. Allin as sheep valua- W. Lord, relief chargeback 73.20 tor; appointing the clerk as dele- O.M.A., fee -- ------------------ 5.00 Anulmeetings for different .Thursday evening. The ice at gate to the Ontario Municipal As- W. Tebbhe, 2 sheep killed.-- 28.0,0 Orono and Newcastle organizations are numerous in the rink was unfit for skating so sociation; appointing Dr. A. F. C. J. Allin, trip as valuer 3.00 Miges rakEvn the month of January. the evening was spent in dancing McKenzie as Indigent Medical R. H. Wood, care of hall --- 36.00 ________iak ve Orono Horticultural Society met toa local orchestra of young Officer; appointing J. H. Lowery Inth dubehaderofth Jn-in St. Saviour's Parish Hall on people- to represent council on Durham In th douleheaer o the un- an. 1th wen thse oficer wer Mis JoanHaCountya, Federationt Fedfat Agriculture.ure ior Hockey League played at Or- a.lt hnteeofcr ee Ms onHressrtr- Resolution re appoi'nting a weed [ nS Fia iht omnil re-elected: President, J. D. Bro.wn; ed to Toronto Normal Schooh af- -no M ids ost o Ooo -1andl lst vice, F. J. Hall; 2nd vice, M. ter teaching one week with Miss inspector was laid over. Miges os t Ooo 4 ndTh flowngwa st sE. Sherwin; secretary, Mrs. W. Kathleen Ard at Kirby School. Tefloigwssta wage Bowmanville Juveniles took W. Harrison; treasurer, W. E. Da- Mr. .Leewhseund scale on township roads for 1947: W s rltvpoiinotete in very; auditors, Mrs. A. A. Drumn- to ber home after spending sev- Laborers, 45e per hour; fore-tn ho s d eltvepsiin f h tas nmodand J. C. Gamey; directors, eral weeks withreaisinT - mark,, 50c; team and driver, 70c;N A D Ir the current hockey pîcture. Mrs. E. J. Hamm, Mrs. J D Brown, awanda, N.y. rltvsi o-gracier operator 60c; truck driver, SUN L uiîrS V According to coach and sponsor Mrs. J. Dickson, Mrs. C. R. Knox,, M.adMs .S eae 55c; mechanics, 60c. Moe Breslin, the local Midgtsar rF.Tmln r.EDen M.nd rsC.SMcrn Sshowing better form but are still Mr .Tmln r.E en ere in Toronto on Fridiayan The cherk was asked to prepare outlasedbyoponets ~ Mrs. O. W. Rolph, Mrs. J. H.'audy M.adMs.Mwon a 'by-law to change the date of rin goal Friday played the best Morris, Mrs. N. M. Hall and Mr. ey, Toronto, returned with tbem the January meeting in each year. game of bis career and without E.» J. Hall, for the weekend. These bills were ordered paici: y hs ailtyablit an fghtng Orono Chamber of Commerce oeso alaadoe A. Hall, wood ----------- 20 hisen ogfliy, ablity ndndiotingJ.'J. Mellor, wages, etc. 88.00 spirit the score would have been also re-elected last year's officers large 'bus load of ski enthusîasts________________ tmuch greater against the team. at a meeting in Kumrite apart- visited the ski runs north of Or- The Juveniles just coasteci ments on Jan. 13. Tbey ai~e: Pre- ono on Sunciay. along in their one-sided win and sident, E. R. Woodyard; vice, Stan i did not extend tbemselves. Rated Payne; secretary, Eci. Neilson; Antioch School was wired hast as the best team in the league traueC .Fot;cietors, week for electricity and in conse- cthey conserved their energy for R. R. Wacideîî, J. E Armtrog, uece pupils enjoyed two days' ithe game against T.C.S. ýat Orono, R. E. Logan, C. T. Miller, J. Ly- oias Wednesday evening. Nio report ah Lowery, J C. Tamblyn, R. A. On Sunday afternoon, January was receiveci from the official Forrester. 19th, the new executive of Bow- scorer giving . credit for goals Orono Community Park Board manville Canadian Legion met to scored. met Jan 14th wben these follow- arrange new committees to carry ing were elected: A. E. West, R. on the work for 1947. lt was de- R. Waddehl, Percy Lunn, C. T. cided to hold a social evenîng and >Bantamn Hockey League Miller and J. E. Armstrong. Sev- raffle at next meeting, so feilows, Scheuîeeral improvements at the park are iet's ail turn out 100 per cent this 'Schdul nededandsuggstins adeferyear and boost the local branch to Jnrythe raising of money. telmt JanaryMr. and Mrs. Fred Duncanef Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. 1 16-5:30 Rotary vs Statesman hast week for Montreal where Don Duncan on the arrival of a 6:30-S. & G. vs Edwards they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Rus- baby boy in Bowmanville Hos- Up-to-the-minutereports 20-5:30-Edwards vs Rotary sell Ransberry. Russell under- pital. 6:30-Statesman vs S. & G. went an operation in a Montreal Visitors: of world and local events 23-5:30-Statesman vs Edwards hospital recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mihîson, Ajax, are brouglit to you on 6:30-Rotary v sS. & G. Mr. Win. Cornish received' word with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown. CFRB'S regular news- 27-5:30-Edwarcls vs S. & G. hast week that his brother, Harry, Miss Anna Staples and friend, at.Ti sjs nte 6:30Statsmànvs Rtary haci passeci away in Victoria, B.C. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. M. at.Ti sjs nte 6 0-:30-S.& sStatesm oa Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones cehe- H. Staples. phase of the BALANCED 30-5:30-S. & G. vs Swaesa brated their 15th weddiing analî 6:0-otryvsEdars versary on Friday when they en- Dr. and Mrs. A. F. McKenzie broadcast schedule. For February tertainedc friends to dinner. with Mvr. and Mrs. L. IvcKenzie, xml.. For ltealthtl Sun Tan 3-5:30-S. & G. vs Rotary Congratulations to Mr. andi Mrs. Smiths Falls.eam .. 6:30-Edwards vs StatesmanP MrsC. okn ot oe ihAliYeai Round Each team plays three home LennoM naughterlCMrs.Pineip Mr. and Mrs. Ivison r1amolyn. games and three away games. ofLubok, ugTeaos. h wedding Major and Mvrs. R. H. Cra bbe, 8 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Can Be Used in Any Postponed games to be played at oLokplacex.Luhbocko n nu Ottawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd (al)Sadr ubSce endofseedle.ff ary lst at Mrs. Phillips' homeCabe Pl.1-Frttayof s.Scn Mr. andi Mrs. Lunn returned lasi Mr. andi Mrs. Keith Mooney and JIM NUNTER*** Fb1Frtteamv.Scn week and are living on Main St Miss Marjorie McLaren, Toronto, Feb. 17-Second team vs First south. with Mr. andi Mrs. C. S. McLar- NwA albea Dr. and Mrs. McKenzie return- en. N wAalbea team. Home and home games, ed from their trip to Texas where Mr. andi Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn and total goals of two games to decide they accompanied Percy Lunn family with Mr and, Mrs. H. Row- 12:30 pà.m. (Daily) the winner. andi actad as groomsman and landi, Lake Shore. TI Exhibition Game bridesmaid at the wedcling. WES. MCKNIGHT Winners of playoff series vs Mr. C. B. Tyrreli, our popular Bantam Ail-Stars. and enterprising druggist, is now Clark e Twp. Counch RAI among the fortunate few who Sets New Scale ofRAO Lakeshore Schedule have been able to obtain a new Wages on Road Work NAI' For Basketball Henry Leamen left last week forI Toronto where he bas a position Clarke councîl helci its inaugur- AOR E 38 Kint St. E. Phone 573 January with Canadian General Electric. ah meeting Jan. 13. Rev. S. Lit-ST IO 23-Cobourg at Bowmanvihhe January meeting of Women's tlewood conducted the religious ________________ 25-Whitby at Peterboro Association of Park St. Church part, and after taking the declar-_____________ 28-Peterboro at Port Hope was of a sp--lai nature when ail ation of office the council took its 30-Bowmanville at Whitby ladies of t. church, especially place as follows: Reeve, E. R. February newcomers to the community, Woodyard; Deputy Reeve, C. M. 7-Cobourg at Port Hope were inviteci. Annuai reports Jones; Councilors, J. H. Lowery, 8-Bowmanvilie at Peterboro were made and the 1947 officers W. Hawke, A. McKay.à 12-Whitby at Cobourg iristalled by Rev. S. Litlewood The clerk was instructed to sub- 13-Port Hope at Bowmanville who also conducted the worship scribe for the council to the Mun- 21-Whitby at Port Hope service. A splendid program was icipal World. Mem'bership in the 22-Cobourg at Peterboro given consisting of an instrumen- Municipal Association was favor- 26-Bowmanville at Cobourg tai duet by Mrs. M. H. Staples ably considered. 27-Peterboro at Whitby and Mrs. R. H. Brown; two read- The following by-laws were March ings by Mrs. J. H. Gibson; a vocal passeci: Regulating slaughter hou- 6-Whitby at Bowmanviiie solo. by Mrs A. A. Drummond and ses in the township; appointing M. 8-Port Hope at Peterboro a piano solo byo Mrs. Everett H. Staples and J. C. Gamey audi- Au. Brown. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, pre- tors for 1947; autborizing the pay- sident, weicomed the ladies pres- ment of $8,000.00 to Bowmanviiie rTH Dl Life full of self is always emp- ent and announced. the tree so- hospitai as per the recent vote; i odu A good plan bas a place for the winter, in which everyone in at a saiary of $350.00, plus five everybody. the congregation is expecteci to cents per dog tag. a Dolys TuIo doliclon There is but one law for ail, participate. Cierk was instructed. to fil in cu»i smhg qab namely, that iaw which governis Reeve E. R. Woodyard is in necessary forms appiying for sub- gu II.ahhqalf ail iaw, the law of our Creator, Cobourg attend.ing Counties Coun-, sidy on 1946 road expenditure. toc. Asic your gvocn lfS the law of humanity, justice, cil. The following resolutions were DlsTu O'l«o e equity-the law of nature and of Pupils of Orono Continuation passed: Appointing C. F. Awdie as 6 DIyla.Y'Injl. nations-Edmunci Burke. Schooi held, a party at the schooi School Attendance Officer for '47; score. Averages: Name B. Westhake ------- J. Isle -- --------- --- W. Mutton -------- H. Depew --------- R. McKnight ------- K. Luxton --------- B. Shotter --------- J. Coole ----------- A. Spicer --------- J. Knight --------- E. Rundie ---------- W . Hearie ---------- J. Brough -----------. B. Virtue ----------- A. Piper ----------- D. Taylor ---------- M. Vanstone ------- P. Cancilla --------- T. Bagnel-------- B. Poiiey ---------- F. Williams-- - ------- W . Polley --------- G . Elliott ---------- M. Harrison -------- D. Carter ---------- ,B. Begiey --------- Your income is no measure of your devotion for a departed loved one. Whatever you may decide to spend for a memorial service, we will help you plan a fittmng tribute, complete in every detail. Financial understandixigs has kept our prices within the reach of ail. Cail us for rea- sonable service ini time of sorrow. NORTHCUTT & SMITH Funeral Directors - Ambulance Service 6ý1 ýp IOM leü a In m 'TRURSDAY, JAN. 23rd, 1947 THE CANADIAN STATÈSMAN- ROWMAMVn.T.V. nmm,&lPlrn 1 A S 1 kir JO. IÀ