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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1947, p. 6

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Tî1e- T ex Meal-time mniles provide the finest reward for the cook. F'or "yumLy'nm's" 0of delight tbree times a day, make this your recrular grocery mart. On our shelves you '11 find flavor, energy, and nutrition in produots of proven appeal. Stop in and shop hero today. Bowmanville's Headquarters for High Quality Meats - Fruit - Vegetables and Groceries For Meals that Satisfy Shop at IEdmodstone's Mark et Phone 375 I I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVIIJJE. ONTARJO THURSDAY. JAN. 23rd. 1947 Hamipton (Intended for Last Week) The Young Ladies' Service Club met on Wednesday niglat, Jan. 8,- at the home of Mus. R. Widdi- combe with an attendance of 23. After the usual business and ev- ening's proceedings, a unique event took place when a miscel- laneous shower and welcome was given Mrs. Walter Buttle, who with her Young son, Michael, re- cently arrîved from England' to joîn her husband here who had previously returned from over- seas. The honored guest at this meeting was taken by surprise and was the recipient of many useful and lovely gifts for which she expressed her thanks and ap- preciation. A pleasant evening was spent together, with refresh- ments served. Mr. Buttle was formerly employed"on the Blan- chard farm, antd he and Mrs. But- tle and wee son are at present with Mr. and Mrs;ý Arthur Blan- chard. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Allin, Osh- awa, were guests wîth Mr. and Mrs. Austin Barron. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns and Miss Ruby Clatworthy, R.N., of Bowmanville, visited at Lorenzo Trull's. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burns and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc- Kinstry, Miss Marlon Kersey and Jack Blanchard, Oshawa, visited at S. Kersey's. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray, Oshawa, at T. Wray's. Mr. Garnet Rickard, Shaw's, was guest speaker at the Home & School Club meeting Friday night. Taking the theme "The Cost of Education or Lack of Education," he explained the administrative and curricular opportunities of an active Township School Area. Mr. Rickard was introduced by Mr. John' Baker. The meeting was con- ducted by President Bruce Tink. Enjoyable musical entertainment was provided with vocal and in- strumental numbers by Mary, Hazel and Jean Cryderman, Brad- ley's and violin and piano selec- tions by Francis Wotten and Ileen Balson. Congratulations tg Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell on thé birth of their son, Douglas Edward. A number of young people from the community were deliglat- fully entertained at the home of Dr. and Mrs. George Werry, Osh- awa, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin en- tertained members of their family Saturday evening, including Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vivian, Miss Marlon Olsen, Mr. Gordon Pereman, Mr. and Mrs. E. Glover, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoskin, Harmony; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ormiston, Bow- manville; Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Heard, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. Raîpla Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin at- tended the funeral of Percy Cann, at Bowmanville on Saturday. Visitors: Mr.Norman Leacha, Taunton, at J. R. Kivell's. Miss Annie Potter, Toronto, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johanson and Philip,* Peterboro, at John Baker's. A. L. Pascoe attended Counties Council at Cobourg Tuesday to see Reeve Norman Green of Cartwright elected Warden. Veterans wishjng to purchase goods on their re- establishment credits or D.V.A. accounts may do so without obligation at BRADLEY'S. Goods wilI be delivered to your house at date of purchase or may be stored free of charge until required! PIM& 12.75n TDI-LIiiT -AW- CENUNE GOLO SEAL 165 CONGOLEUIMBUGS We have only a llmited supply in our stores. ýmibr&aom"-INNERSIN MATTRESSES See our large display of FeIt and Innerspring Mattresses now on dlaplay at both stores. PRICE FROM259 UP IL RI G4Tr7m&tDU CNALWAYS BE FOUND Y Vt ATN4AT TVWo ORANGEMEN HOLD ANNUAL Januaryl4, Cartwrig'ht District Annual was held in lodge room with 20 members present and a visitor, Past County Master of Russell County Bradley, at pres-. ent living at Nestleton. Past Pro- vincial Grand Master C. P. De- vitt condiucted' the election and installed these off icers: District Master, Herb Swain; deputy D.M., Wilmer Fitze; chaplain, Rev. R. B. Harrison; recording secretary, L. Joblin; financial secretary, La- verne Devitt; treasurer, Henry Thompson (this will be lais 20th year in this office); Marshal, Herb Hooey; lecturers, Cecil Hill, Rus- sell Spinks; auditors, Ed Harris, Leith Byers. Arrangements were made to entertain County Lodge on February l4th. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Cartwright Agricultural Society Annual was held, in Community hall, Jan. 18, with a good attend- ance. Minutes were readi by the secretary-treas., Henry Thomp- son. Chairman Roy Ferguson summarized the work of the past year and- the, fair whicla is im- proving steadily. Financial stateé- ment was presented by the aud- itors, R. P. Allun and C. Suther- land showing a substantial bal- ance of $878.59. Reports were given by directors of various de- partments. In most cases a sat- isfactory report was given. Poul- try Director would like to see a larger exhibit of our good local fowl. Vote by ballot for directors resulted as follows: Men direc- tors, Ed. Harris, A. Wright, J. Green, I. Cochrane, N. Malcolm, D. Dorrell, H. Forder, E. Larmer, B. Heaslip, R. Ferguson, F. Tre- win, S. Taylor. Lady direc tors, Mrs. N. Malcolm, Mrs. Percy Van Camp, Mrs. N. Green, Mrs. R. Ferguson, Mrs. D. Dorrell, Mrs. C. Wright, Mrs. E. Dorrell, Mrs. E. Larmer. Roy Ferguson waàs re-elected preSident with Bruce Heaslip and Albert Wright, vice- presidents. Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Lewis TruIl and son visited Mr. andi Mrs. W. R. Young, Peterboro. Mrs. Haroldi Ashton, Enniskil- len, visited at S. Kersey's. Raymond Petit, Hamilton, spent the weekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. Brodie, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn visited Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson, Toronto. Misses Minnie and Norala Horn visited Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Doidge, Oshawa. Mrs. Lewis Trull and son, Wayne visited her parents at Oshawa. Miss Mary Lou Daw, Toronto, who spent the weekend at home sang a solo at the Sunday evening churcla service, which was apprec- iated. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Percy Cann and dauglaters, Salem, also to Mr. and Mrs. Will Cann, Salem and dauglater, Mrs. Annis of Toronto, in their sudden be- reavement. A number of young folk attend- ed a shower for Mr. and Mrs. Bloyd Wilcox at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Craig, Salem, on Saturday niglat. As a result of the thaw and rains on Monday, the streçts are in a slippery condition. The home of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Blackburn, Hampton, was the scene of a happy gathering when friends and relatives from Bow-1 manville, Maple Grove, Salem,, Haydon, Base Line and Toronto gathered and presented their son Walter and lais bride who recently arrived from Denmark, with love- ly gifts consisting of kitchen uten- sils and other miscellaneous ar- ticles. Walter read accompanying cards of greeting and well wishes after which both expressed their thanks. The same evening, the children of Mr. and Mrs. Black- burn presented them with a lovely footstool, it being the an- niversary of their wedding day. Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn thanked them for the loveiy gift. More Hampton news will b. found on another page. NEW MANAGER AIWPHALT TILE The body - of Mrs. Wm. Ovens was brought from Toronto andi in- terredi in Lakeview cemetery on Friday morning. To her husband, who is the adopted brother of Mrs. Cecil Robinson, we extend our sympathy. Douglas, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred, Redknap, is ill in Oshawa hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Truscott, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Jones. M~al, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nicholîs is suffering from a bad case of quinsy. Congratulations to Mr. S. R. Jones who was 90 years young on January 22nd. Mr. andý Mrs. Willis Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nesbitt in Toronto. Mrs. Arnott entertained friends to a turkey dinner on Thursd'ay. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clarke on the birth of a dauglater. Mrs. Louie Clarke who has been visiting Mrs. George Ovens, re- turned to Chicago. Mr. Wm. H. Burley fell on the ice at the barn of Mr. H. Elliott, Port Gran'by, on Tuesday evening and fractured a leg. He is being cared for in Port Hope hospital. SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNUAL Annual meeting of the Sunday School was held Jan. 13 in. the parsonage with Rev. and Mrs. Bunt, Minnie Randal, Mrs. Willis Jones, Mrs. Giimer, John Gilmer, Ethan Jones and Mrs. S. J. Lan- caster present. Mrs. Gilmer act- ed as secretary. Treasurer's re- port was adopted. Receipts $153.- 0>3; expenditures, $127. 17, balance $25.86. S. J. Lancaster reported $40 received for M. and M. fund. Quarterly meetings will be held for officers and teachers. Mat- ter of papers and supply was lef t over.« Also matter of programs for missionary and temperance Sundays. These oflicers were ac- cepted for 1947: Superintendent, S. J. Lancaster; assistant, C. M. Jones; secretary, Bud' Jones; trea- surer, Ethan Jones; honorary pi- anist, Mrs. W. C. Lane; pianist, Margaret Ovens; asistant, Mrs. F. Gilmer; Bible class teacher, Mrs. C. Burley; asistant, Ethan Jones; Sr. girls, Mrs. N. W. Stevens; as- sistant, Mrs. Frank Gilmer; Jr. girls, Mrs. Chas. Morris; assistant, Mlrs. C. M. Jones; Sr. boys, Ciel- and Lane; Jr. boys, C. M. Jones; assistant for boys' classes, Sam Gilbert; primary, Minnie Randal; assistaht, Mary Burley. First quarterly meeting of tea- chers and officers of Sunday School was held' in parsonage, January 16. Mrs. Willis Jones, Mrs. Frank Gilmer, Mrs. N. W. Stevens, Mrs. C. Burley, Ethan Jones and S. J. Lancaster were present. Supplies arg to be same, any lef t over literature to be put into homes. Temperance posters and literature will be ordiered with forming of Youth Post in mind for future date. Monthly Missionary programs will be in hands of classes in turn, the Bible Class to be responsible for last Sunday of January. A social time over a cup of tea was much en- j oyed. What was planned' first bo be a sleighing party, secondly a skat- ing party petered out to be a so- cial evening in Sunday School hall with contests and games. However the spirit of the 14 young people present was quite un- daunted and a good time was re- ported. The pastor divided his time between this gathering and the quarterly S.S. meeting in the parsonage. The young people shared their abundant lunch with the older group which was appre- ciated. DEATH PINNEGAR-In Newcastle on Wednesday, Jan. 22, 1947, John Pinnegar, beloved husband of May Williams. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel for private service on Friday, Jan. 24, at 2 p.m. Interment in St. George's cemetery. Flowers gratetully de- clined. Tyrone Mrs. Percy Phillips and son, Jack. ýMaidstone, with her father, Mr. John CoIwill and James. Mr. Colwil . who has been ini poor health left Saturday to spend the winter with his dauglater, Mrs. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Larmer, Millbrook, and Mr. Edgar Rose- vear, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. Gussie Rosevear. Mrs. R. Hatherly is nursing at Taunton. Mrs. Wm. MacDonald visited her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barber and Miss C. McKenzie, Toronto. A large number of relatives and friends from here attended the funeral of Percy Cann Saturday at Bowmanville. This community extends deepest sympathy to the bereaved -familles. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, 011f- ford and Grenville, with Mrs. J. Lillicrapp, Cannîngton. Solina Mr. and Mrs. Wm. St. Germain entertained their neiglabors at a social evening, Saturday on the oc- casion of her birthday. The Bible Class heldi a social evening at Mr. H. Ashton's on Thursday. Mrs. C. Slemon pre- sided. Devotional was taken by Mrs. T. Cowling. Mrs. A. Beecla played an instrumental. Readi- ings were given by Milton Sle- mon and Mrs. Jack Potts. Al joined in community singing with Miss May Trewin at the piano and Mr. C. Slemon with lais vio- lin. James Graham presented Mrs. T. Mountjoy with a small gift on behaîf of the class for her faithful service as teacher. The remainder of the evening was spent in a social time and lunch was served. Number present 25. We were pleased to see such an excellent number present at Sun- day School and churcla srvices. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bigelow, Mrs. T. H. Richards, Tyrone, at Mr. Don Cameron 's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Or- miston, Enniskillen, Mr. Ross Asha- ton, Leaside, Miss Audrey Mc- Lauglalin, Toronto, at Mr. L. R. Ashton's. Mr. an Mrs. Bruce Garrard, En- niskillen, at Mr. C. Garrard's. Miss Helen Moore, Pickering, with her parents. Mr. and, Mrs. M. Bertrim at Mr. C. Avery's. Mr. W. Gifflar, Sunderland, at Mr. T Mountjoy's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Ashton and famity, Toronto, at Mr. A. Read's and Mr. H. Ashton's. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr.and Mrs. L. Afldred and fa- mily, Orono, at Bob Alldred's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tamblyn and family, Orono, at H. Rowland's. Mr. Bill Smitha and family are moving to Hastings. Mr. T. McNeil visited at Gor- don Martin's. Mrs. W. Baskerville and Mar- ilyn visitedi her sister, Mrs. F. Jolans, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Souda, Bowmanville, with W. Adams. Mr. and. Mrs. J. Hendry visit- ed at Stirling. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Brown were Lloyd Skinner, Tyr- one, the DeGroots and son Jack just back from U.S. service in Ja- pan, and Art Hammonci, Roches- ter. Mrs. H. Brown with her sister, Mrs. Harold Lee, Niagara Faits, N.Y. Mrs. Wm. Lake, Sr.., with Mr. and Mrs. W. Lake. Mrs Chas. Alldred is convalesc- ing nicely after an operation in Bowmanville Hospital.- Browff s Home and -School Association met Tuesday evening. The asso- ciation is invitedi to attend Bow- manville Association meeting on Feb. 12, also to attend a basket social at Crooked Creek. Mrs. Archie Brown had charge of a card game. Next meeting in charge of lst vice-president Sid- ney Brown. Don't forget the Home and School dance in New- castle. A few from here attended the skating carnival in Newcastle. Farm Forum met at Howard Allin's. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin ami' family, Lake Shore, at Mr. Ai-nold Venner's. Mrs. Geo. Stephenson and Lynne in Toronto. ro, combine beauty with endurance for a lfetime Iloor Laid and Fhiàshed Complote by Expert Workmn Blackstock St. John's A.Y.P.A. met at Miss Eva Parr's, January 9th. Miss Vivian Sadler, Toronto, with her parents.' Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, of Bowmanville, with Mr. James Byers. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm wîth Mr. and Mrs. A. J-. Cook, Brooklin. Miss Mildred Archer and girl friend½ Toronto, and Vincent Ar- cher, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Cec(l Hyde and children, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue. Chas. Venning treatedi the com- munity to a free evening of skat- ing Wednesday, evening and the younger generation certainly took advantage of it. Mrs. Josepha For- der's family were given a prize for the largest family on the ice. The shop work cla&s is in ful swing two nights a week at the Continuation school. The niglats are Tuesday andi Thursday and 12 are given instruction each niglat. The class is expected to last 12 weeks under the instruction of Mr. Sutherland. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Women's Institute met at Mrs. W. Archer's, January 15 with 35 women and four children present. Scripture was read by Mrs. Cecil Hill. Roll caîl was answerecl by telling of somethîng made from leftovers. Federation fee of $5.00 was paid. Our Institute will be 50 years old in February and members are planning an open evening in the Community hall with fun for att. Mrs. J. McKib- bin, guest speaker gave a most in- teresting account of her social service work before her marriage. There was a buttonhole making contest which created a lot of fun. Lunch was served by the hostess and her group. A. A. Gillespie Andrew A. Gillespie, of Lind- say, has been appoînteci Oshawa Manager of the Bell Telephone Company of Canada, succeeding T. R. Traynor who has been ap- pointed district manager of one of the four telephone districts in Toronto. Mr. Gillespie, who will also supervise the company's bus-, iness offices at Bowmanville, Whitby and Port Perry, has al- ready assumed' lais new duties. Born in London and educated in eublic school and the Central Col- legiate there, Mr. Gillespie has a background of over 19 years in the telephone business. He join- ed the Bell Telephone Company in September 1927, in Toronto. During the next 15 years he gain- ed a wide knowledge in att phases of telephone work, including var- ious staff appointments in the di- vision and general commercial offices of the company in Toron- to. In December, 1944, he was named manager for Lindsay, and niow leaves that post to come to Oshawa. Newtonville Dr. Morses Indian Root PUIS 25c Fitches Dand. Remov. Shampoo 3e~ - 69C - 98C HEADACHE REMEDIES Nycetal Tabs.. 25c-49e Bayer's Asperin 18c-29c-79c Alka-Seltzer -- 29c-57c Mason 's for coughs 40c - 75e 25e - 59e - 1.00 Pal Razor Blades id~ Bromo Seltzer 25c-49c-98c q ý Anacin Tabs. -- 25c-47c-74c Sal Hepatica 30c-59c-$1.15 I PADS Frosst's 217's 35c-75c-$l.50 12 1,UN Box27C NYSORBO LINIMENT Relieves Athlete's Foot m1=u ""NI>AT amtISIPIIc and is excellent for pain& and sprains, flou- ritis, lumbago, sciatica, etc. 4oz size 0 z. ~IU j CREOPHOSStops Stubborn Coughs NEO CHEMICAL FOOD Capsules -- $1.25-$2.25-$5.00 Liquid ---$1.15-$2.45-$4.45 Scott's Emulsion --- 59c-9ge Calcium A. Caps. $1.10-$2.00 NyaI Cod Liver 011 65c-$1.25 Halibut 011 Caps. --59c-98c VITAMINS For Children Oleum Percomorph 75c.$3. Mead's Viosterol - 65c-$3.25 Haliborange -----85c-$1.50 Infantol ------------0c$3.00 Dapta -------- - ------- $3.0, Ostogen A. - ---------- $1.00 Blotle $1.00 Phne PlIII f~~SOEWe Fit 695 C VLIG'S DRG STORTrubsce« John T. MceCreery Optometrlst Eyes Examned - Gluses Fitted Thursday - 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Optical Repairs COWLING'S DRUS STORE PAGE SIX EnUd-f ield Mr. and. Mrs. F. Bulkowski, To- ronto, with Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. Mrs. F. Taylor, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stark and Jimmie, Oshawa, at J. Stark's. Mr. and Mrs. D. Carr and Car- ol, Enniskillen, at H. Ormiston's. W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Fred Sainis with a good attend, ance. There was no program due to the long business period. One decision made was that of holding the meetings the second Wednes-, day of each month, the meetings to start at two p.m. diuring the winter. Congregational meeting was held after service on Suncbay. Re- ports from each department show- ed an excellent balance on hand. G. Bowman, secretary-treasurer, gave report of church; Miss Merle Ormiston, secretary-treasurer, re- port of Sunday School; Mrs. W. Bowman, treasurer, rpeport of W. A.; H. Smith, sec.-treas., gave re- port of Trustee Board. The following were elected to the Trustee Board: H. Smith, W. Pascoe, E. Prescott, H. Ormiston, L. Simpson, Mrs. G. Bowman. Burketon Mr. and Mrs. H. Gill and Don- ald at Coîborne, Mr. and Mrs. Stan* Moffat, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Orval Greer. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams, Albert and Mary, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Oke, Oshawa. Mr. Archie Aldred, who movedi to Norwood had the misfortune to break two ribs. Mrs. J. Gill is in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mr>s. Ken Roblin are with friends in Picton. Mrs. Florence Caughill with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wilson, Kin- sale. Isabel Carter with Miss Phyllis Niddery, Hampton. Mrs. Joseph Forder, Nestleton, with Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin. Mrs. George Carter with Mrs. Fred Willan, Bowmanvîlle. Miss Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, was home. Church service was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grace, with a good attendance. .Our health doctor and nurse were at the school, Jan. 13 and 14, to examine the children. Pre- school children were also exam- ined. It is very encouraging to see all the mothers out showing appreciation in the health service. Haydon Obituaries PERCY HOOPER CANN A place of affection among a wide circle of friends was vacat- edi on Wednesday, Jan. 15, in the sudden passing at Bowlianville of Percy Hooper Cann in his 4lst year. He was born anG lived his brief life on the homestead, Lot 12, Concession 4, Darlin.gton. He re, ceived his education at Salem Public and Bowmanville High Schools and wap known and res- pected as a good farmer, neigh- bor and one înterested in his church, school and community. Left to mourn fIs passlng are his wife, the former Mary Louisa Rundle, 'his two dauglaters Retta and Joan, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cann and his sister Gladys (Mrs. L. M. Annis), Tor- onto. The largely attendedi funeral was held from the Morris Funeral Chapel, Saturday, Jan. 18. Rev. A. E. Cresswell, a personal friend of his, officiating. The many floral tributes that attested to the esteem in which the deceased was held, included, flow- ers from the Salem School, W.A., League, Public School, and Bow- manville High School, as well as many from relatives and friends. Interment took place at Bow- manville cemetery. Paîl bearers were Farewell Blackburn, Sam Buttery, Bob Collacutt, Hilliard McClure, Lloyd Ricbardls and Leslie Welsh. CECIL L. POWERS Cecil L. Powers, a member of one of the old pioneer families of Clarke township passed away sud- denly Jan. 1, 1947. He had been in good health during lais later years and lais death came as a shock to the community. Son of the late James and Le- mona Powers, he was born in Mariposa, Ont., on Dec. 7, 1880, and he was married at Kirby, March 25, 190D3, to Evelyn M. Cie- mence. They farmed near Kir- by until nine years ago when they retired to Orono. He is survived by his wife, two sons Ray, Toronto, and James of Campbellville, a sister, Mms A. N. Robbins, Leskard, and one grandchild. The funeral was heldqejirom Orono United Church on 3& with Rev. S. Littlewood, paor, and J. J. Mellor coftdj±hu the service. Pa]lbearers were W. !.*~ ard,-.W. J. Riddell, J.- D. Brown, Wm. Rutherford, 0. F. Cooper and P. Chapman. Interment was in Orono cemetery. Starkville Mrs. Fox, Toronto, visited, her sister, Mrs. Etwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ro'binson. Mrs. Llew Hallowell and Mary accompanied Mr. Orme Falls to Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson and sons visited friends in Osh- awa. Mr. Reg. Bolton, Toronto, at George Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer and daughter with friends in Newtonville. Mrs. M. Shutka in Oshawa. Miss Helen Dechert with her mother in Toronto.* Owing to the rain and ice tra- velling has been disrupted caus- ing great delay and provocation. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton and sons, Newtonville, at W. A. Hallowell's. 1Mrs. Geo. N. Smith accompan- ied her sister as far as Toronto on her way home to Antler, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Glass, Ken- dal. Mr. Reg Bolton at Geo. Smith's. Carman Hamilton and Alex Fil~- ipowski motored to Toronto. *rombey & Smn Phono 653 Shoppard & Gcm Lumnber Co. Limited 96 King St. E. Phone 715 't t' 4-- 4- j Harvey Joint, Proprietor 29 King St., E. THÈ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIIM, ONTARIO TRURSDAY, JAN. 23rd, 1947 COME AND HEAR YOUTH FOR CHRIST in the sens of England Hall - Bowmanvifle SATURDAY, JANUARY 25th at 8 p.m. INSPIRING MALE QUARTETTE IVBLY QUACKENBUISH TRIO LAURIE HART and His Cornet with DON FELTMATE, Speaker and YOUTHFUL SONG LEADER JAMES SWANSON 49c %Umm" il qI

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