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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1947, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JAN. 23rd, 1947 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Mr. Robert Williamson, Glenn- Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hoffman Larra, was a weekend guest with and Andrea spent the weekend his,4ildren and 'grandchildren, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. James. Oshaî~a.Mrs. James returned with them âma and Mrs. Clyde Robinson, for a visit. Toronto, and Miss Evelyn Man- Adjutant Arnold Brown, a for- ning, Oshawa, visited his parents, mer popular officer in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Robinson. the local Salvation Army Corps, Sequel to the Sunday night fra- has been appointed national pub- cas at a local cafe where a would- licity representative at the S.A. be tough battled local police will headquarters in Toronto. be unfolded in court, Tuesday, M~r. Harley W. Percy, Toronto, January 28. son of the late Tbos. Percy of this Mr. andrqvrs. C. A. Jarrett, Bal- town, was elected president of moral Hotel, were in Toronto on Weston Golf and Country Club at Monday ttedin th c venionthe annual meeting held this week Monay ttnig te onvnto at the King Edward Hotel. of the Ontario Hotelmen's Associ- ation. Mr. Norman Scott, manager of Marr's Jewellery PHONE 463 1 43 KING ST. W. P4a4n 0 Serious thought should Beauty Problems.. ,Treatment" is always yuur part. be given NOW to your .a pre-perm "Steam a good investment on the Brookdale-Kingsway Nurser- ies was elected vice-president of the Ontario Nurserymen's Asso- ciation at their annual meeting held in Toronto this week. Mrs. H. T. Hircock attended the "capping" ceremony at the School of Nursing of the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Thursday after- 1noon when her daughter, Louise, who is a nurse-in-training, re- ceWed her cap. Mr. and Mrs. Granz MiLzener, Burllngton, Vermont, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Turner, Toronto, were weekend visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jones. Miss Dorothy Richardis Mr. Ken Burnsîde, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Richards and at- tended the christening of ber lit- tle niece, Marie Anne Chant, in St. John's Church, Sunday after- noon. St. Paul's C.G.I.T. met Jan. 15. Mise D. Creaser had charge of the worship service. The second chapter of study book was giv- en. Roll cali and minutes were read. Don't forget Jingle Boxes for C.G.I.T. week. Out of town guests attending the Mechin-Colville wedding on Saturday included Mrs. Mildred Shearer, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. George Colville and Mrs. Kate Findlay, Toronto; Mr. Jack Sage, Mr. Jack Bathe, Mrs. Neil Felt and Miss Marion Felt, Oshawa. Mrs. Alex Colville is still un- der the doctor's care as the re- sult of the bad fali she bad on the ice a couple of weeks ago.- She is now at home from the bospital and will be pleased to have ber friends caîl. It. is ber intention to keep opi ber home in Bowman- ville and as she is alone since ber daughter's marriage she will wel- corne visits from neighbors and olci friends. St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Chase, Janu- ary lst, with President Mrs. Ken- neth Werry presiding. Rev. G. C. Quigley conducted the installa- tion of 1947 officers and' led in the service of re-dedication to the service of God, the church and the W.M.S. The topic "Fulfilling our Church Memnbership-in Wit- nessing for Christ" was conducted by Mss. 4,obert Hetherington's group, with Mrs. S.* McAllister, Mrs. D. Armistead and Mrs. R. Whitmee assisting, concluding with prayer by Mrs. G. C. Quig- ley. Mrs. Werry reviewed the study book chapter "Meet thie Youth of India." Meeting con- cluded with a poem "Educational Work in #ldia," and' prayer by Mrs. Harold Ferguson. Bride of the Week Honored by Friends About 20 girl friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Allan Den- sem, Silver St., on Monday even- ing, Jan. 13 to honor Miss Marion Hooper whose marriage to Roy Francis Swindells will be solemn- ized this week. The living room was nicely decorated' in pink and w hite and Mrs. Mary Lowery es- corted the surprîsed bride-to-be to a seat of honor before a ham- per, beautifully draped in pink and filled to overflowing with var- ious fancy wrapped gifts which oni being opened were an assort- ment of useful furnîshings for her kitchen, accompaniedl with cards of best wîshes. Games were enjoyed* the lest of the evening and refreshments served by the hostess assisted by Miss Florence Densem and Mrs. Mary .Lowery brought to a close a very enjoyable evening. On Thursday evening Mrs. C. A. Humpage, 17 King St. W., was hostess at a miscellaneous show- er for her sister Miss Marion Hooper. About 18 friends and relatives enjoyed a happy get- together and' the bride-to-be was the recipient of many beautiful gifts and expressions of goo&l wish- es. A very pleasant evening- clos- - ed with dainty refreshments *served by the hostess. Need we remind you that now is the time to get ready for your February Party or Dance. Don't wait until the last minute, start now to plan your Beauty Program with "Es telle" BEAUTY SALON PHONE 453 FOR Â2POINTMENTS OORNER CHUROH AN~D GEORGE BTS., BOWMANVILLE CIîristmas BUT.. GENERAL ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL GIFTS WIII CARRY ON "I'ni in vous hoine . . . at your commnand, CoInvelieiltly . . . on every lhand. I do vour choses without a hitch. Al -ou need (10 . . . is snap a sw'tch." "'I make yoîîs toast and ike that, I light your lights in nothing flat My coffee is the best .vou've tasted And when I cook no fiavos's wastec.' "'I cean N'our rugs . . . take out the grime, Keep y-our food safe ail the time, I ivashi vour shirts and sheets and sn('h And ironi thein with a skiiifui touch." I AM YOUR SERVANT ... TAKE CARE OF ME HIGGON ELECTRIC GENERALELECTRIC APPLIANCES Ilf r Weddings HELLYAR-WORKMAN The marriage of Miss Mary Mar- garet Louila Woskman, daughter of Mr. and Mss. W. E. C. Work- man, Bowmanville, formerly of London, to Mr. Frederick Samuel Hellyar, son of Mr. William H. Hellyar and the late Mrs. Hellyar, Clinton, took place Jan. 17, in St. Luke's-in-ithe-Garden Church in London with Rev. L. C. Harvey of Byron off iciating at the double- ring cesemony. Given in marsiage by ber fatb- er, the bride wose a pale blue suit with brown pin-stripe, a sn- gle stranci of pearîs the gift of the groom, and corsage of white gar- denias. 'She carsied a white Bidle with ber late grandiotber's book- mark. Miss Audrey J. Snelgrove, London, ber bridesmaid, chose a suit of powder blue with match- ing bat and corsage of Talisman roses. The groomsmnan was Mr. W. B. Hellyar, Londton. Ms. F. L. Churcher was at the organ, and Mr. Arthur G. Collamose sang. Mr. Gordon W. Hotham was usb- er. Many guests from out of town attended the reception at Wong's Cafe. BEYNON-NEWMAN St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, decorated with vani- colored snapdragons and 'mums on the altas and organ was the setting of a lovely afternoon wed- ding on Satusday, Jan. 18, when Jelîva, daughtes of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Newman, Bowmanville, became the bride of Gerald Ar- thur Beynon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Beynon, Parry Sound. Rev. J. dePencier Wright per- formed the ceremony and Mrs. John A. Gunn played the bridal music. The bride wbo wès given in marriage by ber father, wore a long-sleeved white georgette dress with fitted bodice and bouffant skirt. Her long silk veil of net was beld in a coronet of tiny fiowers and' net and she carried a bouquet of red carnations. Miss Ruth Newman, sister of tbe bride, was bridesmaid wearing a pow- der blue georgette dsess with pink gloves and a pink beaci piece of georgette and flowers andi she carried pink carnations. Francis Edwin Beynon, brother of the groom, was best man and Luke Hilderly was the usher. A reception followed at the home of the bride's parents, 107 King St. W. The bride's mother, wearing a gown of green sîlk pique with gold accessories and a matching corsage, received the guests. For the honeymoon trip to North Bay the bride changeci to a blue wool jersey dress and Mexican silver grey coat with black accessories. They will make their home in Parry Sound. MECHIN-COLVILLE A cbarming afternoon wedding was solemnizedi on Saturday, Jan. 18, at ber mother's home on Churcb St., Bowmanville, when Mary Catherine, daughtes of Mss. Alex Colville and the late Ms. Colville, became the bride of Hugh Mechin, son of Mss. Nos- man F. Mechin and the late Ms. Mechin, Oshawa. Rev. J. E. Griffith of Trinity United Chusch, performaed the ceremony and Mss. Reta Cole Dudley, A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M., play- ed the bridal music and also sang "Because the Heart." In a setting of pink and white carnations and 'mums and ferns the pretty bride was gîveni in marriage by Ms. George Colville, Toronto. Her floor length gown of beavenly blue silk crepe was designed with fitted bodice lav- ishly embsoidered with silver se- quins and a softly draped bouffant skirt. Her shoulder veil of net was heldi in a blue flower halo and she wore long white gloves and a double string of pearîs and carried a bouquet of red roses andi fesn with long white stream- ers. Her sister, Margaret, was ber only attendant and she was gown- ed in pink taffeta with shirred, fitted bodice edgeci with net and bouffant skist of net oves the taf- feta and caugbt at the side wîtb a spray of taffeta roses. She wose long white gloves and pearîs and ber veil was held in place with a sbirring of pink net and roses. She carried a bouquet of pink CHURCHES ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev. G. C. Quigley Organist: Mss. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. Choir Director: D Alex McGregor 10 am.-Sunday Sehool 11 a.m.-Nursery Scbool il a.m.-Worship: "The Way of Our Fathers." 7 p.m.-Worship: 'Rules of the Road." Friday, Jan. 31, 8 p.m., Prepar- atory Service. k __________ ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. J. dePencier Wright, rectos Third Sunday after Eplphany 8 a.m.-Holy Communion il a.m. Morning Prayer Subject: "The Rains Came." Nursery, 2 yeass and oves 2:30 p.m.-Sunday Sebool and Bible Class 7 p.m.-Evening Prayer Subject: "Man and the King- dom." Monday, 8 p.m., Vestry Meeting EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Pastos: H. W. O'Brien Sunday il a.m.-Believers' Meeting 7:30 p.m.-Evangelistic Meeting WedneMdar 8 pz.m.-PraYer roses and carnations shading to palest pink, with long pink strea- mers. Jack Sage, Oshawa, was best man. A reception followed the e- mony and Mrs. Colville wearing a blue-grey crepe gown wit-h white sequin trimming and white gloves and small black flower trimmed bat to match and cor- sage of palest pink carnations re- ceived the guests. She was assis- ted by the groom's mother, Mrs. Mechin, wearing navy crepe witb black accessories andi corsage of deep rose carnations. Chas. Rice and Mrs. How- ard Bickle pouredi tea at a table covered with a lovely lace cloth, Pink cancles in silver holders and in the centre the tI)ree-tiered wed- ding cake toppedi with bellw and good- luck motifs. Miss Edith Car- ter, Miss Anita Piper and Miss Lola Marjerrison served the guests. Rev. Griffith proposeci a toast to the bride. A gracious gesture was the pre- sentation by the 'bride of ber bou- quet to Mrs. Mechin and the bridesmaid gave bers to ber mo- ther. The happy couple left to spend their honeymoon in Toronto and Western Ontario amid showers of confetti andi best wishes. The bride donned for travelling a smart blue suit with black ac- cessories and a corsage of roses. On their return they will reside in Oshawa wberc the groom is on the staff of the Dominion Customs office. Hooper'. Jewellery And Gift Shop Naif Price Sale There's a lot of people going to rush to the old' ginger jas or other secret places wbere they have been keeping their money stowed away awaiting the opportunity to get some wanted merchandise at a real bargain. Well, that happy day has arrived. Turn to Art Hooper's full page advertisement on page 5 and read all about it for yourself in bis "Haîf Price Sale of Jewellery and* Giftware." He says it's the fisst of its kind in Bowmanville, and wbo is there of our oldest residents wbo will challenge this statement? There is no longer an excuse to put off buying that particular article you have admired and wanted and now can purchase it for baîf the regular price. Then, too, it offes the advantage of buying at a tre- mendous saving for future gift purposes - birthdays, weddings, births, anniversasies and the many other occasions you buy gifts dur- ing the year. Turn to pay 5 now and see for yourself a few of the articles beîng offereci at haîf price. This is a goodwill sale that will make lifelong fsiends for this pop- ular gift shop. Hooper bas adopt- cd modern merchandising meth- ods of turning bis stock oves quickly and thus keeping bis goods new, attractive and up-to-date. Visit bis shop today, just two doors east of the Royal Theatre, while the stock is at its best and befose the choicest bargains are picked up, for many of the articles LOWEST PRICES meals For wind chapped skin NOXZEMA SPECIIAL 93c Size ------------------ 65c ID.A. Mdget Quiz ýY lCE'kSPRiEAD aO 00105w 11H Mu--. pxr~~~ cannot be replaced, at such a tre- mendous saving. Maple Grove Miss Edna Swallow is home af- tes visiting Mr. andi Mss. John Cator, Toronto. Miss Hazel McCray, Whitby with Miss, Susie Laird. Mr. and Mss. Roy Metcalf and Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bennett, Base Line, visited Mr. and Mss. Claud Tucker, Stirling. Rev. Sam Henderson, B.A., B.D. Toronto, occupied the pulpit very acceptably on Sunday. A large congsegation was present. Rev. Henderson also sang the solo, 'I May Not Pass This Way Again."1 He will be welcome bese any time. Rev. F. Yardley, our new pas- tor, wilI occupy the pulpit on Sunday. We wvelcome Rev. and Mrs. Yardley and family to our circuit. At the January meeting of the Maple Grove Women's Institute, Garnet Rickard, Shaw's, was the guest speaker and, explained many of the duties and, wosks of the South Daslington School'Asea of which he - was 1946 chairman. During the program whîch was under the direction of Mrs. Speers, Susie Laird gave a talk on the Canadian Citizensbip Act and Mildred Metcalf gave a read-ing. During the lunch period, the rol caîl was answeeed with a traffic Mission Band was beld in the Sunday School on Jan. 17 and W.M.S. met with us. Joan Wright took charge. Norma Hagerman read the minutes. Mrs. Brooks announced that we would, change the day of the Mission Band to the first Friday of the montb. Virginia Brown then took charge. Mrs. Brooks conducted the wor- ship service. Nancy Hlagerman and Elgin Greenham brought up theis birthday. off ering. This program was given: Song 'by Jun- iors;- reading, Mike Kube; song, Sr. room; story, Mss. Ross Stev- ens. Mss. Brooks closed, the meet- ing with a prayer. The ladies served a delicious lunch consisting of sandwiches, cookies and cho- colate milk. Mss. Jeffrey thank- cd us for the program andi Maur- ice Preston tbanked the ladies for their part of the party. MORE OATS ACREAGE In view of probable feed, grain requirements, t h e Dominion- Provincial Agricultural Confer- ence decidedi to recommend. that the oat acreage for 1947 should be increased to the 1946 recom- mended. level of 14,310,200 acres. Generally speaking, oat produc- tion is carried, on for the benefit of the domestic market with on- ly a small percentage finding its way into export channels. Prices for Western oats during the pres- cnt crop year are subi ect to a floor price of 45 cents and, a ceiling of 511/2 cents. In addition, all Wes- tern oats marketed are eligible for an advance equalization pay- ment of 10 cents per bushel. PEOPLE WITH LJTTLE DOGS People with little dogs, Small dogs that don't quite mind- I like that kind Of people. who, in fogs And pouring sain and, late at night, Take out theis littie dogs And let them run In puddles, finding it such fun- Who let them frisk in snow- You know- Well, what I mean is, I Know one such person who Has one such llttle pup And that is why, I guess, Wbatever pup may do- Bark till the neigh'bors caîl it shocking- Lick my best dress; Tear up My glove, or snag my stocking, I like people with little dogs- One person best of all- Twinkling of eye, broad-smiling, tal- One little self-willed, cheerful dog Who bsings me bis red hall. -Violet Alleyn Storey in The New York Times. Do you find yous beart sinking? Perhaps it's of stone. Democracy supplies demand. Dictatorship demands supply. New Farm Equp' Now is the Urne to order your new equip- ment such as Beatty Brus. Barn Ray Forks, Carriers; Cow Stalis and Stanchions; Litter Carriers and Water Bowls. Let us take your order now for Swift Cain Co. 's, Grow-Mor and Vigoro Fertilizer and that you will have the best of fertilizers. will give yuu goud delivery nuw and ii spring. New MILKERS and SEPARATC IMMFNATE DELIVERY W. H. BROWI DEALER FOR Case Farm Machlnery- Firestone DeLavai ilikers and Seiarators, Beatty Bros. Stable Equlpment 91 King St. W. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED Your I.DA. Drugglst uses only potent fresh drugs and f lUs the prescription only as the doctor orders. We will call for your prescription, fi it, and deliver it. PHONE 792. Cold Remedies of Proven Merit I.DA. Bronchida Horner's Tossol -- White Fine Tas - Pertussen ------- Buckley's -------- Mason's 1149"1---- Cherry Cough V enos ---- -------- Dr. Chase's ------- Nosway Fine ------ Roberts --------- Passmore's. Tablets 44c-24c WINTER BEAUTY AIDS Hind's Cutex Hand Cseam - ---43e I.D.A. Almond Lotion -.-- 50e Vitof Shampoo 98c-49c-25e Trushay Lotion --- 49c Pacquin's Cream ------- 29c-57c Vlta-Ray Lotion $1.15 ---- 35e 25c-45c 99e-59c 75c-40e L ------- 25e ----- 50e-25c 75c-35e 65c-39e --- 35c I.D.A. Idarub - Vicks Vaporub Mentholatum -- Musterole ----- Vicks Vatronai I.D.A. Nose Dro Idaphedrin ---- Buckleys Nerint KelIog's K.N.T. I.DA. Idasai - -- Frosst's 217's --- Grove's Cold -------- 39e - ------- 4se - ------- 55e --------- 35e --------43e ops ---- 25e --------- 50e e ------ 50e , ------- 25e 1 -------- 39e -------- 35C Mouth Wash Reg. 25e-69c -- 18c-54e Carbolie Heallng Oint. Reg. 25e-------- ---- 19e Mereurochrome Reg. 15ce------------ 12c Minerai 011 Reg. 79e-39e -- 87c-33e pop/ SOAPII è- Pure Super.Foii.d tom a Pomoue Old mBr gnellah formulIe. 250 Der cake 3 for 75e Frosst's Neo-Chemlcal Food Liquld ---$4.45 - $2.45 - $1.15 Capsules --- --- $5.00 - $2.25 - $1.25 Alphamettes - $3.50-$1.85-$1.00 Wamp<>Ie's Extract---------- $1.00 McOREOOR DRUOS PEONE 2N - WE DELIVER et in thi )Ri e TirI Phon 49 12 pads S PAGE HRAm.R Vacuum Cisaners Combination Floor Polisher and ýCIeaner HI-Hfeat OII BURNERS For Kitchen Stoves Metal Tank $5300 INSTALLED MURPRYS. Phone 811 57 King St, W. HAS COME AND GONE il PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY 29Il? ALEX @Ma"- pLAURA SECORD CANDIEB TRUMDAY, JAN. 23rd, 1947 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEM 27Ç 44c-24e i .-- 98C

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