PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILL& ONTAIVO THURSDAY, JAN. 23rd, 1947 The Newcastle independent Phone- Clarke 3314 Misa Beatrix McIntosh is spend- ing a month in Toronto. The flu which seems to be so Prevalent struck our teaching Staff the beginning of the week wlth T. A. Venner of the high W11001, and Miss Hattie Mason, public school, away ill. Miss Minmie Pearce, Toronto, wth her mother, Mrs. H. R. Mr. Budi Bonathan, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Sal- lows. Dr. and Mrs. H. McDonald and Mrs. McKenzie, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton. Congratulations ta Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Patterson, on the birth of their son David George. Mr and Mrs. W. J. Hockins and son David, Ajax, with Mrs Wm. Hockin and Mrs. H. R. Pearce. Mrs. Gordon Asb and daughter e Heleti visited Mr. and Mrs. Gea. * Miss Ruth Bonathan, Toronto, at home. Harold, Frank and Ted Hoar with their mother, Mrs. Ed. Haar. Congratulations ta Mrs. Anna H. Elforci, who celebrated ber 97th birthday on Jan. 22. Mr. Alfred De Groot and bis son John De Groat wha has re- cently returned from serving with the American forces in Je- pan, Mr. Arthur Hammond, al of Rochester, N.Y., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown. C.G.I.T. group met Jan l4th. Worship period wes conductedi by Miss Kathleen Toms. President Marjorie Toms conducted the bus- iness period. Repart ta be sent ta Girls' Work Board was filled out. Recreation followed and Taps closed the meeting. CARNIVAL BIG SUCCESS Newcastle skating rink present- edi a gay and festive eppearance Saturday evening when a carni- val under auspices of the Rink Association was heid. Blue and white ligbts illuminated, the en- trance and the rink was decorated. CA FISE CAKES GRIFFIN EEERMNG AMU Toi. SOU? YLE DOLOGNA . Tin25 Oval Tin 17e 3 Tins 25e with red and white streamners and colored lights. The commit- tee in charge of the very effective decarating were Murray Spraat; Neil Britton and Wallace Couch. There was a record attendance of bath skaters and spectators with a large number of the skaters in costume lending a colorful touch. The broomn bail gamne with teams comprised of the gentier sex brougbt much applause and laughter. The uniforms of the players were exceedingly funny and contributed a lat ta the mer- riment. The latest in men's long underwear played a prominent part and they were topped with natty black trunks and variaus styles of sweaters. They wore over ail face masks with painted rosy cheeks. One player seemed ta have a littie difficuity contrai- iing the flowing black moustache that adorned her upper lip. One of the highlights of the game was the referee who was no less than Satan himself, clothed in black from head ta toe and equipped with bis trusty pronged fork. Miss Kay Toms' team compris- ed of Mrs. Douglas Wright, Jac- queline Smith, Kathy Nicholas. Mrs. Harold Laking's team were: Mrs. Morley Saliaws, Mrs. Editb McArthur, Pauline De Line. Ref- eree: Rev. W. W. Patterson. Score, 4 ta i f«i Mrs. Laking's team. Refreshment booth serving bot dogs and, coffee did. a land office business and was in charge of Mrs. H. C. Bonathan; Mrs. Doug- las Wright, Miss Lillian Fowler, Miss Pauline De Line. Judges: Miss Margaret Patter- son, Dr. A. Hare and Mrs. Percy Hare, selected the following prîze winners. Best pair, Margaret Ash, Hazel Rowe; best comic man, Reeve Gea. Waltan; best fancyl diressed man, Albert Pearce; best fancy dressed lady, Mrs. Edith McArthur; girls 8-14 years, Patsy Schram; boys 8-14 years, Seldon Parker; girls 6-8 years, Carolyn Freidiander; boys 6-8 years, Ronaldi Dickenson; un- der 6 years, Gary GilI; best cos- tume on ice, Albert Pearce; best skaters on ice, Mr. and Mrs. Har- E j CASHMEFr TISSUE . 3 Rolla 27% CHOICE PRUNE-No Coupons PLUNS -2 Tins .310 STU R D DROONS *« es-75M CATELLI EGG WHEAT NOODLES 2 Pks. 27< CLEANSER OLD DUTCH 2 for 190 WHEN AVAILABLE U&E SOAP TOILET CASHMlERE 2 Cakes 114 SOAP TOILET ODEX "' 2 Cakes 119 NED il GREEN PUAS ANI STANDARD WAX BEANS ORGRE ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT RM 20orT.: 20-oz.11 ANN PAGE MILK BREAD 2 24 oz. o loaves 1JC A &P BOKAR Custom Ground COFFEE lb. 39c PURITY FLOUR 71b.bag 23c 241b.bag 73C OATS pkg. 17c . lb. 31< WEINERS 8KINLES lb. 37< IrS RSffWEKATAÀ& P ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH W.A. January business and devation- aI meeting of St. George's Church Women's Auxiliary was beld at the home of Mrs. Horace Ward, Jan. l4tb. President, Mrs. Hor- ace Ward presided for the meet- ing at which full and campreben- sive reports of the pasit year's work were given by the conven- ers. Ahi reports showed that auxiliary hedi a busy and very successful year. Treesurer's repart presentedi by 1Miss Beatrix McIntosh sbowed that ail pledges and. allatments hadi been met in full. Secretary, Miss Cora Butler, in lier repart, gave a resumne af year's work. Nine quilts had been made, a bale of good second handi clothes had been sent ta W.A. house in To- ronto. A complete girls' autflt had been made and sent ta the raid Couch. The music played. a great raie in making the carnival sa enjoy- able. It was suppliedi through the kindness of Mr. Kari Weyrich who sent down his truck equipped with twa loud speakers and an amplifier and who personally took charge of the broadcasting af the music. Comnittee ini charge of the program were Mrs. Edith McAr- thur, Mrs. Douglas Wright, Rev. W. W. Patterson, Miss Jacqueline Smith. Members of the variaus com- mittees worked untiringly ta make the carnivai the great success that it was and they ail deserve a vote of thanks for the resuit of their efforts. Executive of Newcastle Skat- ing Rink Association wish ta con- vey their deep appreciation ta the members of ail the committees, the judges, Mr. Kari Weyrîch and also the public for lending their support by their attendance. NEWCASTLE COUNCIL~ Regular nieeting of tbe munic- ipal council of Newcastle was held in the council chamber, Jan. 13tb at 8 p.m. Ail members were pre- sent and Reeve George A. Wal- ton presided. Clerk H. C. Bonathan admin- istered the declaration of office ta the following members: Reeve, George Anson Welton; Councîl- lors, John . Franklin Rickard, Hugh Tracey Manes, Archie Wil- liam Glenny, Horace Whitfield Ward. Rev. W. W. Patterson conduct- ed devotionai services after inaug- uration of 1947 council, for whicb a vote of thanks was tendered him. Minutes of last regular meeting and twa speciai meetings were read and adopted. Communications were r ea d from Eric Wicks, tendering resig- nation as caretaker of Commun- ity Hall, ta take effect March lst. Toronto Generai Trust Corp. en- closed cheque for $168.22. Em- merson Fisher enclosed statement of taxes collected, $13,383.27, plus interest, $2. 18; balance $363 .45. Province of Ontario enclosed railway tax cheque. Robert Da- vidson wrate re graveiling road. Workmen's Compensation Board sent letter re wage account; Can. National Railways re tax com- missianers. Northumberlandi and Durham Healtb Unit re slaugbter bouse by-law. Harry R. Deyman enclosing certified vaters list. Sal- vation Army requesting grant. Returning officer re vote ta Bow- manville Hospital of grant, Jan. 7tb, $2,400. Emmerson Fisher ap- plication as tax collector for 1947. John Bennington enclosing pos- tal note on account, $5.00. Salvation Army was given a grant of $20.00. Newcastle hockey team was voted a grant of $22.00 for part payment on sweaters for hockey team. Gea. Clayton, Bowmanvill, ad- dressed the meeting requesting be be given permission to collect garbage in the village at a rate of 50c a week for residences and $2.00 a week for stores, collect- ing twice a week, providing the garbage is lef t on the curb, extra charge for removal from cellar, also that council provide a place ,for disposai of samie. These accounts were passed: Stanley Bowen, lab ------ $ 5.00 East end Garage, alcohai --- 2.90 David Shaw, shovel. snaw --- 30.00 Gea. Robinson, shovel. snow 12.00 Harold Cauch, trucking ---- 44.75 Cliaton Farrow load. snow 27.00 F. J. Creamer, expenses as policem an -------------- 6.45 Harry P. Dey-man, certifying voters list ------------------- 8.00 Cliff Flintoff, haul. tule--- 5.00 Gea. Walton, 2 fares ta Ha- milton re transients $6 exp. of delegation ta Tor- onto re bonds -----------16.00 E. Wicks, caretaker ---------98.50 F. J. Creamer, &al. police.---. 35.00 Toronto Star, Advt., police and caretaker--------------- 4.00 D. G. Walton, taxi re police 3.75 Ross Cobbledick, trucking-- 2.50 Reeve appainted these standing cammittees: Finance, Rickard, Ward, Glenny; Roads, Ward for East. Ward, Glenny for West Ward; sidewalks, Rickard; new industry, Ward and Manes; pro- perty, Manes. Emmerson Fisher appointed as tax collector for 1947 at a salary of $65; Irwin Colwell appainted member of Board of Education for 1947-8-9. Account for expenses of delegation ta Toronto re de- benture issue and municipal sub- sidy be submitted ta board for payment, aiso requesting the board ta pay Secretary Ed. Bar- chard for time lost going with delegation. Council appointed Reeve Gea. A. Walton, George Crowther and Miss Cora Butler member of board of management Newcastle Com- munity Hall for 1947-8. Miss Na- ami Horrocks appointed member of Memorial Library Board for 1947-8-9. Third and final reading was given a by-law closing beverage rooms at 10 p.m. Monday ta Sat- urday. First reading was given by-law ta borrow certain sums of money and first reading was given by- law re board of education esti- mates. 15.46 Indian School at Sioux Lookout. The members had also done a cansiderable amount of knitting in the way of men's socks. Mrs. Douglas Dewdney, conven- er Evening Branch W.A., present- edi her repart, which showed the members had accomplished a large amount of work and had also met their pledges. Yearly reports of the different committees were given by Mrs. John Garrod, secretary, Leaflets; Mrs. Geo. Gaines, conveher of tea committee; Mrs. Douglas Dewd- ney, convener of Junior Auxil- iary; Miss Audrey Horrocks,. con- vener of Little Helpers; Miss Bea- trix McIntosh, lîterature secre- tary; Miss Audrey Horrocks, trea- surer Parochial committee. Mrs. Dewd.ney conveyed the members' appreciation to Mrs. W. H. Gibson who recently resigned as presidient of the W.A. after a long term of office. She expressed regret at losing Mrs. Gibson as president andi also expressed the deep gratitude of the members ta Mrs. Gibson for her wonderful capable and efficient leadership cluring her term as head of St. George's W.A. Miss Mclntosh took a chapter of the study book "India on the Threshold." The sewing meeting which is held on the fourth, Tuesday of the month will be held at the home of Mrs. Scott Howard. At the conclusion of the busi- ness meeting the hostess, Mrs. Ward, servect afternoon tea. Cadmus Mr. and Mrs E. Gibson attend- ed the Staunton-Gibson wedding in Hamilton on Jan. i8th. Saturday evening friends and neîghbors gathered at the home of Mrs. William Williamson ta hold a presentation for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vivian (n>ee Audrey, Hanna). The early part of the evening was spent in dancing and cards. Later the happy couple were asked to sit in the spacious dining room while miscellaneous gifts and an envelope of money were presentèd' ta them. Mr. Clarke Williams was chairman and Miss Audrey McKee read the address. To this both bride and groom very fittingly replied. Speeches were in order by Mr. Ar- thur Hanna, father of the bride, and Mr. Vivian, father of the groom-followed by Mr. Fred Philp and Mr. Gea. Black. A sumptuous lunch was served and a very happy occasion brought ta a close. Farm Forum meets this week at George Black's. Pontypool W.A. of Manvers was held Jan. 16 at the home of Mrs. Norman Porter. President Mrs. Ernest Cavano was in the chair. Busi- ness was discussed and a letter of appreciation was read from Mrs. E. Bennett, Aurora, for the floral tribute sent from the Man- vers United Cburch when her uncle, Norman G. Holmes, pass- ed away on Christmas Eve. Plans were made for the ladies ta meet at Mrs. Porter's in February ta do some quilting for Red Cross. Officers for 1947 are: President, Mrs. E. Cavano; vice-president, Mrs. A. Johnson; recorddng secre- tary, Mrs. H. Tbompson; carres- ponding secretary, Mrs. W. Fallis; treasurer, Mrs. W. N. Porter; rep. ta Board, Mrs. A. Johnston; par- sonage committee, Mrs. H. Thomp- son, Mrs. W. N. Porter; visiting committee, Mrs. Cheshire,. Mrs. W. Fallis; organîst, Mrs. W. N. Porter. Refreshments were serv- ed and a pleasant social hour en- joyed. Mrs. Edwards, Red Rock, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Axnbrose Fowler. Misses Jean Mitchell and Viv- ian Hudson have secured positions in Toronto. Mr. Ambrase Pollard, who has suffered very severely with arth- ritis for many years had an op- eratian on bis right foot an Jan. 10 in Toronto Generai Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rouiston have gone ta Lindsay ta spend the winter. Mr. Vertul McMullen, Janetville, has purchased a prominent site in Pantypool on which he is building a beautiful faur-roamed bunga- low. We are pleased ta weicome Mr. and Mrs. McMullen and fam- ily as permanent residen>ts. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Argue (nee Wilma Mitchell) are the happy parents of a baby daughter, born Jan. 15. Bath mother and daugh- ter are doing well. The many friends of Mrs. Har- ry Hooper, formerly of Pontypool, now residing in Peterborough, will be sorry ta hear that sbe has not fully recovered from the shock of the car accident she and her husband suffered in October. We trust that the new year may be a brigbt and happy one for her. Mrs. Clifford Curtis was in Peterborough visiting her sister, Mrs. Earl Reader. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mass, Tor- onto, spent a delightful weekend with the Crcwleys. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sharpe vis- ited her former home now accu- pied by Mr. Herbert Gould. Mrs. Charlotte White, who has been in Lindsay taking care of her niece, Mrs. Roy Porter who was iii, returned home Sunday. Congratulations ta Master Den- nis Carter who celébrated his Just Arrived Portland Axminster Rugs lt's.the first time in years - that we have had these famous "CROSSLEY" Axminster Rugs to offer. They corne in a pleasing Leaf Pattern with rich shades of brown and beige, or rust and beige. À Their thick pile and excellent finish wiIl add charm to your rooms. Attractively priced 0 50 inches x 27 inches 68 inches x 36 inches WAlrf third birthday on Jan. 20. Mrs. William Webb as staying with Mrs. Harriett Loews who has been ill. We would like ta say a 'Cheery Hello" to the aged andq, shut-ins of aur communàty. Mis. Alice Harris, Mrs. Mary Martin, Mrs. Fia Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Payne, Mr. andi Mrs. John Fallis, Mrs. Lew Williamson and Mrs. William Robinson. On Jan. 17 death claimed Mrs. Margaret Hicks at the age of 75 years. A former resident of Pan- typool but lateiy residing on a farm in Cavan township. She leaves ta mourn her sad ioss, five chiidren, Frances andi Ethel at home; George in Oshawa, Mrs. Wm. Amstrong, Nestleton, and Mrs. Sadie Hamilton, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hancock, Louise and. Mrs. John Awde, New- castle, visited at the parsonage. Miss Vivian"Hamilton has se- cured' a position in Bowmanvilie. Mrs. Eari Wright was in Peter- borough visiting her sister-in- iaw, Mrs. Bert Finney. Nonie are too wise ta be mis- taken, but few are so wisely just as ta acknowiedge and correct their mistakes, and especially the mistakes of prejudice.-Isaac Barrow. CHIROPRACTIC STECKLEY HEALTH CLINIC Drugless Treatment lncIuding chfropractic Electro -, minerai vapor baths. Practislng 24 Years. PHONE 224 146 SImncoe St. N. - Oshawa */alI/e't Values $lm45 per yard Sianforized, pre-shrunk .48 inches wide Extra fine quality creton- ne in color splashed floral prints. Just what you have been waiting for to make your side drapes and slip covers. Best of ail it won't shrink and is guaranteed vat colours. Choose from Blue or Rose grounds. Made in U.S.A. , 4 7dd/Me4 Sto4ei, .&#nded PHONE 451 THE MODIUi STORE *IEA e MeINTOSH - 6-qt. APPLES Combination Grade bask.~ ORANGES Pieapple 00doz.25< ORANGES Seedless Navels 200's dz.35e RAPEFRUIT SEEDLESS 5fr 19e LENONS M0's, Full of Juice. doz. 25e CELERY STALK SCAL2fo2ne LETUCE CALIFORNIA - 2for29 GRENDENSYOUNG AND Ib.19<e DROCOLILarge Original 0&c. 2ne No. 1 Approx. 10 Ibs. Mesh Bag YELLOW ONIONS ' 0&- .39e Homemaker Start now to beautify your home from our fresh new assortments arriving daily. Here are two of our many new selections: m m .Prom England BLENDED JUICE e2 Tis 25e PUDDING TASTY 1Tn 40l' VAT SPREADS CTRi' n M10 DEEF STEW BUNin * :199 IRISE STEW C2ARTins :35% SCEICENHADDIE 1 mn23i Here is a Colourful Surprise ! American I - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Cretonne A& P HIGH QUALITY MEATS MILK FED-GRADEt .B CHICKEus lbo 4c OWL - - IL.35C FILLETS 0F SOLE lb. 42% SNOKED FILLETS lb. 33s SVERBRI GHT ~~ DV THE lb.2b~FUIT lb. 37e SALON PIECE FIL= DYSTERS 9-oiL Jar 63o< I FILLETS lb. 40< F EIqCOD FILLETS- - . lb.- 31< BOWXAILLEC THURSDAY, JAN. 23rd, 1947 PRECISE Thermometer Only 59c each Accurate, durable andý modern appearance. Suitable as gifts for home or office. Crystal clear plastic with red or green base. Size à'/" x 23/". Mailed postpaid anywbere in Canada. W. NORMAN Box 72, Station J, Toronto (Agents Wanted) '00 RU e lr 7L - = z - : : -- ý PAGE ICIGHT THIR CANADIAN STATESMAN. BONVIL4NVILIX&, ONTAMO otherwise you'iI get NOTHING or WRONG NUMBE THE BELL TELEPHOME. COMPANY OF CANADA ATLANTIC A PACIFIC te@ c*é« - .;2 ri