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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1947, p. 5

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-~ .---.-- ---- - -~ ______________ THURSDAY, JAN. 3th, 1947 TUE UANADLIF i i Lo±uii±i, DU WIIAN VILLE, ONTARIO TIfiATAYTA L.- - PAGE FIVI 'B For Greater Heating, Economy For coal that is right Oour furnace cal Us. Your heat dollars wIl go farther be- cause you '11 get more heat from every ton of our coal. For extra dividends in home comfort and economy buy your coal here. Attention! Chicken Breeders We have just received a large shipment of Reading Pea Coal suitable for use in Brooder Stoves. if you require coal for this purpose phone now for prompt delivery. Do not leave it too long as there is a great *demand for this type of coal. OWEN NICHOLAS, FUELS Reading Anthracite - PHONE 410 BLENDED JUlCE T 2ns PLINS 2Tis310 AVLMER TOMATO 0AUP 3 Tins 25e CLARK'8 PLUM PUDDINGS in*399 ROUND or SPRING CLOTHES PINS 3 Doz. 200 SAC E HCK *Btl. 259 ALL PURPOSE 5 ROSES FLOUE - 7-lb. 25o BLOATER PASTE " 2 Tins 15e BURNS BEEF& LAMB STEW 15-o:. 1Ise m is SjSTEW 2 ' osz- 35e HEINZ YELLOW NIJSTARD Jar .99 0-80-EZY LIQUID STAICH - 16tl. 1Is BUY TME HNEST I A&P COFFEE VIGOROUS & WINEY SOKAR ib. 39c MILD & MELLOW 8 O'CLOCK lb. 35c q Semet Solvay Coke BOWMANVILLEI irae" aa w u aa IX ~SILVEEBIEIGT SALNGN pIlb.251 I FLLTOFOLTFR8 FIL= VDoi£LT MMSTEES NOH p Or Il Baker Eddy. -PRICED JTo0SA 4VEf PLA~ STANDARtD11 PA GREEN Tin ]BEANS GREEN OR WAX Tin2-a. 1 LOUE OG ILVIE-7-1b. g24e 24-lb 7 DATS OGILVIE 48-oz.17 5-lb. M3 ~~ j A1NPAGoEJ LENONS FRES -'IMPORTED *Dz 5 ORANGESFL I DA PINEAPPLE Doz.25 GEAPEFRUr No. 5for's9 MCN SH, Bout for Eating, 6-qt. ff us Cibinaton Grade bask.M CUBAN RED SPAN MH No. 1i PJNEUPpLJ 98a359 3 for 1.00 GREEN E) 15FLORIDA Stringlesa lb.1< FRESH GREEN, ( LIFORNIA No. 1 DIRUSSEL7SPOTS .qt. box25 TO~T ~ FANCVHMAND *Pkg. 29e M I .W.M.S. met Jan. 14th with te present and the president i charge. Ninety-six dollars wa sent ta Presbyteriai treasurer. Ou allocation is $125.00. To the aE sociate members a great deai credit is due for the raisingc this amount through the caler dars andi quilting. Mrs. Barri( frientiship secretary, hati a fin report showing many sick ani newcomers visited. Better tIse o removal slips-is to be matie es pecialiy in case of young .peopl< An outfit for an aid lady is ta bý matie ready for bale June Ii Mrs. Morris hati charge of prc gram. She took Chapter 5, stuti book on India. Mrs. C. M. Janeý rentiered a fine solo accompaniec by her mother, Mrs. W. C. Lane Mrs. Bunt served a 'bountifu lunch. February at Mrs. C. Bur. ley's and ail ladies are invited. Young People's Union was helb Tuestiay evening in charge oi Miss Mary Burley, missionar' canvener. Dorothy Brown rea< the scripture. The pastar show. eti slities on India. Meeting clos- ed with a contest. Thirty-six attended Suntiay School. The Bible class was i charge of missionary program. The superintendent introduced the work and explaineti that cal- lection for last Suntiay of each month was given ta missionaries, also birthtiay box. Mrs. Willis Jones gave a missionary reading. Another interesting fMature was a tiemonstration in map tirawing of Palestine by Junior boys. They, under their teacher Mr. C. M. Jones, have been making this a special study. Annual meeting of United Church was helti Jan. 22nd. A full repart will appear next week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer were delightfully surpriseti on Saturday evening when the bridge club and members of the family met ta honar them on their 25th wetiting anniversary. They were presented with a cofiee table, sul- ver tray anti sugar and cream set. Mrs. W. J. Bell who has been visiting her brother, Mr. George Stapleton anti sister, Mrs. George Smith has returned to Antier, Sask. She was accompanieti as far as Toronto with Mrs. Staple- ton anti Mrs. Smith wbo spent a couple of days with friends. Mr. Rheuben Payne visited friends in Toronto. Mr. Wm. Stapleton is sick andi his daughter Mrs. Lennox Vasey, Port McNichoil, helping ta nurse him. Word has been receiveti by Mrs. Percy Snell that her sister is sail- ing for Canada an Saturtiay. Hav- ing lost her husband anti two sons, hier home which was in a restrict- eti area in Englanti was, during the war a real home for the sol- tiers. We hope she enjoys her stay in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow with Mr. andi Mrs. Russell Mc- Neil, Os'hawa. Mrs. Gea. Ovens with her tiaughter, Mrs. Ken Ware, Toron- ta. Pete Kesier has purchased a farm from Frank Gilmer. Several of aur Young People are jarning the Young People of the Presbytery in a skating party in Whitby tonight. Win. Laing hati a youing deer on his farm last week, and talking of wolves, Fred Ra'by shot at one crossing his fields a few days ago. Steak£ 27g Fi:Icts3< 'b 40e e, IL 142e * ~ I s b320 1/ - . 4PL sS< ÂPPOITED TREA8URER Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson visi- ted their daughter, Mrs. Chas. Ferguson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn have returned from Mount Kisco, N.Y., where they spent four weeks with their son, Dr. and Mrs Wallace Horn. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Kersey, Miss Marion Kersey, Mr. and Mrs. R. Burns, Oshawa, Lloyd Kersey, Bowmanvilie, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Ashton, Enniskilien, at S. Kersey's. Morley Hastings, Toronto, at G. Adcock's. ,Mrs. J. R. Knox visited friends in Peterboro. North Group met at Mrs. Wil Chapman's Wednesday with a good attendance. The ladies sewed and quilted, another nice warm quilt being completed. The hostess served dainty refreshments. Next meeting Feb. 5th at Mrs. S. Ker- sey's. At the Sunday Sehool session $25.00 was voted toward the "Aid for China" fund. Other organiza- tions wili also contribute ta this worthy fund. Mrs. Geo. Farncombe with friends here on Monday. W.M.S. met at Mrs. J. R. Rey- nolds' Jan. 2lst. Mrs. Harold Sal- ter was appointed Mission Band Leader. Installation of officers was conducted by Rev. E. S. Lin- stead. Worship service was taken by Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Blanchard and Mrs. Hoskin. Mr. Linstead pre- sented the chapter or the Study Book on India. The interesting play "Minx from Missouri" presented by High School students from Blackstock, in the church basement, on Mon- day night, was well attended. It was sponsored by the Young Lad- ies' Service Club. Proceeds over When the heart speaks, how- ever simple the words, its ian- guage is always acceptable ta those who have hearts.-Mary Nestieton' Mrs. Wilbert Drinkie, Vici Harbor, with her sister, Mrs. Bowers. Mrs. Stanley Malcolm has1 under the doctor's care. Mrs. Alian Wilson and Git with friends at Brooklîn. Mr,. and Mrs. David Johns ited Mr. and Mrs. George Jc Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Neý visited Mr. and Mrs. Stanley] colm. M'r. and MTs. George J' Mr: and Mrs. Leonard Joblin) Mr. and Mrs. Norman Malci Blackstock. Miss Dorothy Bowers, Tor( Normal School, with Mr. and:1 George Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. John Nes] Blackstock, visited Mr. and1 Reginald Nesbitt. Miss Evelyn Marlow, Osha visited Mrs. R. W. Marlow. Mrs. Wm. Thompson is mx improved in health and ablE be home. Mr. and Mrs. George Johns ited Mr. and, Mrs. L. Joblin. W.A. sponsored a succee, euchre party on Friday nij Mrs. Earl Bradley and Geo Bowers were the high winr anti Anna Samelîs andI 1 Bowers got consolation prizeý Y.P.U. met Monday eveni Eileen Farrow\, cultural conver was in charge of the programî gave an interesting talk on P( and Poetry. Worship service presented by Ewart andI Euxi Leask andi Gladys YellowlE Betty Smaies favoredi with a cal solo and Pearl Leach led group singing. It was tiecitied holti an Amateur Night on F 14. Stanley Milîson conduc the games. Mr. Isaac Hardy saw a groui hog Montiay with the optimà observation that it had burrc ed out a place ready for sprin Misses Mary and Florei Cook, Enfielti, with Mr. andi M Frank Westlake, Jr. Dr. anti Mrs. George Werry a Carolyn, Oshawa, with his pi ents, Mr. anti Mrs. S. E. Werr: Mr. andi Mrs. Bruce Tink, Lor anti Dianne with Mrs. W. Orrr ton, Columbus 1 -- -- 1 S- Eltiad annual Congregationai e. meeting was helti Jan. 22nti. Wor- )e ship period was conducteti by the t. Y.P.U., Harvey Yellowlees pre- )sitiing, Pearl Leach, secretary. [y Eunice Leask read the lesson anti ýs Harolti Clendennan offered. pray- ti er. Evelyn Taylor took the tapic . after which Rev. E. S. Linsteati il took charge of the meeting with -A. L. Pascoe acting as secretary. The following reports were re- d ceiveti: )f Harvey Yeliowiees, Suntiay y Schooi secretary, reporteti 44 d meetings; average attentiance 47; -gave $81.04 ta M. & M.; use al -Publishing House helps. Treas- urer W. Parrinder reporteti re- ,ceipts of $350.10; S.S. supplies n$86.41; projector $138.19; balance Lon hand $86.41; Harvey Yellow- 1lees, Supt.; Pearl Leach, assistant. Aduit Bible Class, 22 members, i40 per cent attendance, gave $25 ta M. & M., have a smiall balance. sB. G. Stevens, presitient; Jno. Knox, vice-presitient; A. L. Pas- scoe, secretary-treasurer. M. & M. Fund: C. E. Shortritige reparteti $200.86 sent forwarti. Cemetery: $800 with public tr'ustee and balance in bank $155.- 41. Y.P.U.: Pearl Leach, secretary, reported 21 meetings, average at- tendance 25, besities summer out- r door meetings anti, corn raast; 1visiteti Trinity and Maple Grove and- entertaineti Hampton anti Ketiron. Gave play "Eyes of Love" ten times anti put an Xmas concert. Miss Helen Langmaiti, treasurer, reparteti $266.46, anti expenses $ 177.44; balance $88.7 1. E. R. Taylor, church treasurer reporteti receipts of $1,319.80; ex- penses $1,175.31, bal. $144.49. Trustee Boarti, S. E. Werry, treasurer, holtis $ 1,200 in Dom. Gov't. bonds anti $106.46 in bank. Officers: Auditars, Bruce Tink anti Walter Parrintier; eiders, C. D. Pascoe, A. L. PIscoe, S. E. Werry, B. G. Stevens, Wesley Yellowlees; stewards, E. R. Tay- lor, Jno. Knox, Bruce Tink; Gar- don Leask anti Haroldi Pascoe; ushers, Percy Dewell, Bruce Tink, Lamne Hoskin, Ralph Davis, Jno. Knox. As we are going into a building program it was deemetiativisable to fIll up vacancies in aur Trustee Boarti, namely A. L. Pascoe, con- vener, S. E. Werry, C. D. Pascoe, Wesley Yellowiees, B. G. Stev- ens, E. R. Taylor, Gortion Leask, Bruce Tink, Jno. Knxox, Harolti Pascoe, Clarence Vice, W. Parrin- der, Ralph Davis, Lamne Hoskin anti J. Baker. It was carried un- animousiy that a vote of appre- ciation be tentiered aur choir for their valuable services through- out the year anti also ta aur pian- ist, Ileen Balson, andI that $15 be presentedti taher. Rev. E. S. Linsteati reported 124 members, 2 marriages anti five baptisms. Ladies furnisheti a nice supper after which the trustees discuss- ed building rrangements I Ir A T. G. MeCormack Whose appointment as Treas- urer of Dominion Stores Limited has been announeti by President J. W. Horsey. I J PI -trii Gec beei [end. Svis, Dhns ?sbit Mal. wit]. -ontc Mrs ýbitt, Mrs, awa, uch etc vis- ýsfu] ight. orge ners Bert ýs. iing. ner, and oets was nice .ees. vo- L n 1 ta 'eb. ýted ýnd- stic .g. rice grs. and )ar- .y. me ,lis- ia n0 an lt J' ri th Ask the hundreds of satisfied customers who visited our store since the start of our great Haif Price Sale, and they will tell you that neyer in the history of Bowmanville have they seen so many and so varied a selection of heautiful jewellery and gift ware heing offered at such low prices. Many of these customers purchased gifts in preparation for coming events, many purchas- ed Iewellery for their own needs at hait the regular price and many more thrifty shoppers wiII be taking advantage of thest wonderful harga ins being offered at our Great Haif Price Sale if you haven't as yet visited our store during our Great Sale. DO IT NOW COMIE IN TODAY AND LOOK AROUND! BuY,'Now at [ewellery & Gif t HONE 747 BOWMANVILLE RicE r 5 o/f a* e o ai # M MILK DREAD WHITE or BROWN A & P HIGHOUJTY MEATS CHICENS MILK FED lb. 41cVOW BOILING lb. < W E I N E S SKINLES8 . - se a l37e LF 28 KING ST. W. I~. c' M I I I I I $ Mrs. Etwell enjoyed a visît from her sister, of Uxbritige. Starkvîlle school was însul'ated on Montiay. Misses Audrey anti Lorraine Farrow, Newcastle, at home. Miss Nellie Shutka anti friend at M. Shutka's. Howard Farrow at Walter Farrow's, Newcastle. Mrs. J. Clystiale in Oshawa. Mr. anti Mrs. Ross Hallowel anti Jackie at E. White's, Eliza- bethville. Mr. anti Mrs. R. Chestnut, Tor- onto, with her ýaunt, Mrs. Etwell. Miss Mildred Woodi in Toronto. j,- 907h, m 1 ý -mmmi -mi If Not, Act ow! IMPI rAMAnT,&W QPAMVQMAM v - - -.- xý vee-ee--ý IW 1 Newtonville BOWMANVILILÈ

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