PAGE Six THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, bOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. JAN. 3Oth. 194T Wesleyvllle Sudysehool at 1-l with Geo. Tufodas superintendient, a good attendance despite the rainy day. Mr. and Mrs. Len Oughtred with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Van- natto. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nicholls visited, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lan- caster. Dr. Oke had tea at Mr. Thorn- Suspense, chilis, excitement... mystery at its best over CFRB. For you thrill-fans, spine-tinglers are presented currently every week . .. part of this station's policy of offering the most BALANcB» broadcast echedule in radio. For examgiple, be sure to her. . . 7:30 p.m. DaiIy Mystery of the Week 8:00 P.M- Monday nner Sanctum WERE YOUR FVOURITES ARE dyke's, Tuesday eveniing. Annual -congregational meeting was held at A. Thorndyke's, Tues- day evening with 12 present. Sun- day School officers for 1947 are: Supt., Wilfred Bee; assistants, Ar- nold Thorndykéà and Geo. Tuif- ord. Bible Class Teacher, Car- roll Nîcholls; Senior Girls' class, Mrs. Carroll Nichoils; assistant, Mrs. C. Payne; Junior Girls', Mrs. Archie Ford; Junior Boys, Clar- MO- McNulty' s Sports Shop Bowmanvillie - Ontario C.C.M. Hockey andéGoalle Sticks Set of 17 Canadian Colours Hockey Sweaters Toques, Sweaters and Stockings for Boys Complete lime of al Hockey Equipment also Complete line of Skiing Equipment Bowling and Gym Shoes also Sweatshirts and Trunks Duffle Baga Windbreakers Pullovers- Wool Socks Slazanger and Campbell Badminton Racquets and Birds Bicycles - Tricycles - Scooters Kiddie Kars - Wagons - Toys Soccer - Volley - Foot ~ Rugby and Basketballs Darts - Dart Boards - Table Tennis -Equipment RACQUETS RESTRUNG KEYS DUPLICATED BRAZING BICYCLE REPAIRS As Usual Now is the time to bring in your bicycle, have It checked and greased, aIl necessary ad- justments and repafrs made for spring before the rushp Ail parts In stock. - - __ --M I r SIMM-ONS CRIBS SIPPY ....-21.50 PLAINSTEEL19.50 FAIRYLJu D26-95 0 CRIB MATTRESS PLA.W EDGE - - 3.95 ROLL EDGE - - 4.95 ence Nicheils; Primary class, Miss Berniece Best; assistant, Mrs. Ar- nold Therndyke; missionary con- veners, Mrs. A. Therndyke and Mrs. C. Payne; pianist, Miss Olive Mason and Mrs. C. Nichoils; tem- perance convener, Clarence Nich- eUls. Reports were read and very few changes were made in the Officiai Board. Mrs. Henry Sheppard, Zion, with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Payne. Miss Clara Darke has been un- der the doctor's care but is im- proving. Mr. George Martin, Welcome, and Miss Olive Mason, with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ford. Miss Dorothy Mason and Mr. Amiel Delorme, Port Hope, with her parents. Mr. Murray Payne attendedi the Fireside Group meeting, Sunday evening. Howard Payne spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Peters.. (Intended for Last Week) Master Neal Nichoîls, who has been iii with quinsy was taken te Port Hope Hospital and returned home Sunday feeling much bet- ter. Farm Forum met at Arnold Tharnd.yke's. Mrs. Arnold Austin is in Port Hope with her mother, Mrs. John Woolacott who is home from the hospital after an eperation. Visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Payse were Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Jones, Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Reu- ben Payne, Newtonville. Miss Olive Mason with Miss Doris Martin, Welcome. Mr. C. E. Meadows, Edmonton, with Mr. and> Mrs. C. Payne. Mr. and Mrs Carroll Nicholîs with his mother in Port Hope Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrow- clough and Billy with Mrs. Fred Smith, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorn- dyke, Carol and Mr. Victor Thorn- dyke with Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne. LOTS 0F COAL Sheppard and Gill Lumber Ce. are happy ta announce that on Friday ai this week they will have an ample supply of coal te look alter cvenyone's needs. This is especially good news for chick- en farmers as it is just the type they have been caunting on for their brooders. 5-1l I AD MATTRESSES SPRINC STEEL CABLE SPECIAL! CRIDS and CIRID' MATTRES SES Pluy Pons . a a 6.85 High Chairs . . . 3.95 Walkers ..a.aa.m4.95 Toiuly Seuls . - à 2.69 Iomoule Cha"r 3.95 Eiilerg.rln Sets 3.95'1 Enniskillen Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman, Port Perry, at Mr. 0. C. Ashton's. Mrs. H. Willoughby, Island Grove, Lake Simcoe, with Mrs. J. McGill. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton with Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey, Hamp- tan. Mr. Walter Smith, Whitby, Mr. Wilbert Smith, Oshawa, called te see their brother, Claude. Mrs. M. Griffin with Mr. and Mrs. I. Wotten, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton and children at Mr. and Mrs. H. Stainton's, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm visited Mrs. Georgina Niddery, Hampton. January 22nd- two groups of the Women's Association had a crok- mnole party and social evening in the church basement. Mrs. R. M. Seymour led in singing and Rev. Seymour acted as chaîrman; piano duet by Dorothy Stainton and Dareen Rahm, Myrtle Arney and Danalda Griffin, sang; Mrs. Lamna Lamb played a piano solo. Mrs. H. Stevens, Mrs. T. M. Sle- mon, Mrs. E. Wright sang very nicely. Prizes awarded ta men were Roy McGill and T. M. Sle- mon; ladies, Mrs. D. Carr and Miss Margaret Smith. Lunch was served.. Zion Mrs. Wesley Cameran and Mrs. Robert Killen at Delbert Flint- off's, Kedron. Mr. Thas. Currie, Miss Peggy Killen, Toronta, at Robert Kill- en 's. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at Toronto. Mr. Alex McMaster, Mrs. J. W. MeMaster, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Naylor at Tarante. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baîl and family at Clifford Robinson's, in Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread, Mm. and Mrs. Arthur Youngman and Alan, Tyrone, at Norman Leach's. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nemis and Bobbie, Courtice, at Robert Killen's. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at Ross Lee's, Kedman. Miss Margaret Perkins at Tor-, onto. Jack Stainton started work at Jack Cuickshank's, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane, Courtice, Mr. andi Mrs. Stanley Coverly and son, Ebenezer, at Wes Cameron 's. Reception for Warden (Continucd from Page One) have been 2,5 reeves in Cartwright township. Reeves:- J. Caesar 1837-1843; D. Hooey 1844; jas. Cacsar 1845; Jne. Crazier 1846; Jas. Fluke 1847; D. Hooey 1848; R. McQuade 1849; (1850 ta 1854 book missing); F. M. Howe 1855-1858; Jas. Caesan 1859; Wm. Taylor 1660-1861; R. B. Spinks 1862-1879; Jas. Parr 1880-1889; Jno. McKee 1890-1895; J. H. Devîtt 1896; A. Taylor 1897- 1902; G. L. McLaughlin 19a3-19e7; Jas. Byers 1908-1913; jas. J. Hooey 1914-1915; W. A. Van Camp 1916-1921; T. F. Bruce 1922-1926; R. Edgerton 1927; F. A. Hyland, 1928-1930; N. Green Ti lem Tex ASPHALT TILE To combine beauty with endurance for a lifetime floor- Laid and Finished Complete by Expert Workmen Bromley A Son Phqne 653 SALES OFFICE Sheppard & Gi Luxnber Co. Limited 96 King St. E. Phone 7151 1,Northern Electric MANTIE RADIOS $30.25 ROYAL Vacuum Cleaners Combination Floor Polisher and Cleaner Hi-Heat 011 BURNERS For Kitehen Steves Metal Tank $53-00 INSTALLED 4 i it, % c?1 WQS O E imcoe. Phn27 Wedding BOTHWELL-WELSH St. Paul's United Church, Bow- manville, deoerated with white 'mums and candles was the set- ting for a lovely candlelight wcdi- ding service on January .15 when Lillian Bernice Welsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Welsh, Elgin St., became the bride of Albert H. Bothwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Bothwell, Maple Grave. Mrs. Reta Dudley played the bridal music and Mrs. Ken- neth Hull was soloist. The bride was given 'in mar- niage by ber father, and Rev. G. C. Quigley performed the cere- many. The pretty bride warc a tradi- tional white satin gown with long sîceves, high necklinc and fonm fitting badice and very full bouf- fant skimt with a small train. Rer floor length silk net veil was scal- laped and~ embroidered with silk fiowers and, was held in a sweet- hcart coranet of orange blassoms and she carricd a cascade of red roses. Mrs. Eva Souch, as matran of honon, wore yellow satin and three-quarter lcngth veil held with a headpiece of yellaw as- trich tips. Miss Ruby Welsh was bridesmaid and was gawned in powder blue taffeta with finger- tip veil and blue ostrich tips. Bath atendants' gawns were made on similar lines ta the 'brides and bath carried cascades of white andi yellow. 'mums. Norman Bothwell was bcst man andi Jack Welsh and Wallace Bothwell were the ushers. The reception was held in the lecture room at the church. The bride's mother wearing a pawder blue sheer dress andi blue access- ories with corsage of yellow 'mums received the guests. The groom's mother assisted, wcaring a black crepe dress and accessonies and a corsage of deep rase carnations. The bride' changed, ta a brown gabardine suit with white lace blouse and brown accessories. The happy couple left for a haney- moon trip ta Toronto and other western towns. They will resitie at Maple Grave. 1931-1935; C. P. Devitt 1936-1943; N. Green 1944-1948. Treasurers: Jas. Caesar 1837- 1858; D. Deacon 1859-1879; R. B. Spinks 1880-1888; Alb. Spinks 1889-1899; Jna. McLaughlin 1900- 1924; Jas. Byers 1925-1932; H. Thampson 1933-1947. Clerks: J. Emmerson 1837-1839; D. Hooey 1840-1842; W. Vance 1843-1844; W. Vance, Jr., 1845- 1849; (1850-1854 missing); Wm. Louks. 1855-1860; Wm. Lucas 1861-1902; W. J. Beacock 1903- 1905; Wm. Beacock 1S06-1948. Mr. Bcacock mentioned the names of Reeves who hati spent lcngthy tcrms in office: R. B. Spinks 17 years, Jas Parr 10 ycars, C. P. Devitt 8 years and Norman Green now in bis 9th year. During Cartwright's his- tory, there have been three war- dens, Jas. Parr, J. H. Devitt and N. Green. Following a hountiful lunch, Ruth Wilson's orchestra played for round and, square dancing. B.H.S. Sereech OwI (Continued fmomn Page One) stalwarts as Alan Labb, "Lau" Huis and "Red"' Munday. The girls' top spot is vacant as only five girls have entered so far. The five darîng damsels are Mary Paterson, Rose Kibsey, Rhona Evans, Peggy Dippell and Janie Marjerrison. Hot Lunches Served There are about 290 pupils at- tending B.H.S. with 90 of these coming from the country. This. means that they bring their lunch te school and eat it in anc ai the lunch rooms. If you've ever cat- en a colti lunch day after day, then warked bard all afternoon, you know haw unsatisfactory this becames. For this reason, the pu- pils got together befare Christ- mas and decided that they would like a hot lunch daily. As aven 90 pupils werc ta be served, there was a lot of planning. Unden the leadership ai Miss Rice, two pupils were chosen fnom eacb lunch room. Thcy found eut who wanted the hot lunch. Thcy cx- plained ta thein country iriends that thcy could have hot soup, bis- cuits and chocolate or plain milk evcry school day for 50c per weck paid in advancc. Then a supply af soup was laid in and, as more than 20 cans have te be opened each day, a special can opener was purchascd. Ketties, ladles and cups were purchased. Next, the cQmmittee notified those pupils frofn the country who had a spare in the fifth period that they would be required te prepare and stir the seup durîng that per- iod. Two cf these pupils attend to this duty each day and two more join them at noon to help ladie it eut. Each person's name is checked off each day as they receive their lunch. No one variety cf soup is made two consecutive days. Se far, only soups made with *ater have been served, but we hope te have cream soup sean. The flrst hot lunch was served two weeks age and ecd pupil can testify te the warm welcome these lunches get each day. A reminder te the parents and grads! Please leave Friday, Feb. 28 open te attend the B.H.S. "At Home." Milton J. Werry, 117 Col-borne St., Oshawa: Enclosed' find sub- scriptien for your paper. We eag- erly look for your weekly îlc- caunts of home and world4wide news, especîally your memaries of twenty-five and fifty years ago. Mrs. Sidney Martyn, 43 Park Rd., South, Oshawa, writes: I en- jey reading The Statesman se much, I would miss it if I diid net receive it every week. Enclosed find' postal note te caver cast of the paper and mailing. Mrs. Gea. C. Warren, Swift Current, Sask., in renewing her subscrîption te The Statesman says we look fer this home paper every Manday merning. C. E. Brown, Maple Creek, Sask.: Enclosed is money order for the next year for your week- ly which I. find continues to, grow in scape and force. Winter began early with us this year, se early that we have already had' as much as the average year supplies in snow and quite an amount of cold weather; still, there are many weeks ta enjay or ta endure. We have ample time to ponder on na- tional and. local problems. Business DirectorY LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money te Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Netary Public King Street W., Bowinanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 9% King Street E. Bowmanville - Ontario Phone: Office 825 House 409 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitot, Notary Public Successor te M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVIITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Tarante. Office: Jury Jubîlee Bldg. King Street, Bowunanville Office Heurs: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. te 12 noon WedInesday Closed Sunday Office Phone 790 Resîdence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rutlell 2827. DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmnanville Office Heurs: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. te 12 noon, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 23-5* Monuments The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing I SHEET METAL I WORK Gilson Furnaces Roofing - Eavestroughing Oil Durners For immediate Installation hn heaters and ranges. Clean, even heat. DAVIS &GRANT Bcugog St. - owmanville Bus. 2842 Phones: Res. 2674 Mrs. Levi M. Annis, 15 Glen Stewart Ave., Toronto 8: We, like so many others from Durhamn County and from the good old town of Bowmanville, make no secret of the fact that we would flot want to be without "Durham County's Great Family Journal." Hence it was included as a Christ- mas present Mrs. C. H. Hobden, 21.Wende.1I St., Cambridge, Mass., writes: Owrng to my accident severaI weeks ago I have net been home since as I'm ptaying with my daughter. I have a fracture of the shoulder. 1 enjoy m.y home paper se much that it is a neat letter for me each week as t has been for many years. ï r; COULD YOU BE YOUR OWN EXECUTOR? IFthat were possible, yeu* could be mire that > your plans for your estate were earried eut in aceerdance with your wishes. By namaing The Sterling Trusts Corporation ms your executer and planning with their assistance, you can maire certain that your wishes will be faithfully and efficiently carried out in a friendly spirit whieh may mean mueh te the beneficiaries. Let'a talk it ever: without obligation. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 1 NOW IS THE TIME te think about your reqirements for spring. We will be glad te help you figure out your needs on the following: GRO-MOR FERTILIZER HAY CARRIERS and HÂYING TOOIeS TRACTORS, HORSE and POWER IMPLEMENiTS BEATTY BROS. STABLE RQUIPMX.NT DELAVAL MILKEBS - SEPARATORS - GOOLERS WATER SYSTEMS - FILTER DISKS and STRAINERS TIRES for your Car, Truck, Tracter or Wagon Ois and Greases - Electric Fencers Woven Wire Pence and Barb Wire Steel Posts W. He BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machlnery -Fîrestone Tires DeLaval llllkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment 91 King St. W. nHeinz Foods ----- Pablum ---------- Nutnim ---------- iRobinson's Barley o Dextra Maltose --- n S. M . A.----------- 0 Lactogen -------- Phonff 497 --3 for 23e -------- 45e -------- 45e --------- 32e -------- * 65e --------- 98 C ---69c-$1 .59 .Creophos OStops Bronchial Coughs o Builds Resistance OLge. Bottie - $1.00 For the Farmer rRex WhÉeat Germ 011 ---- ------ $1.25-$5.00 Cooper's Dri Kill 75e Zev for coughs and 5cî0 oPre-Servisal ..... 82.75 OCalvita ------- $1.25 nA complete Une of Pratt's, Dr. BeIl's and Royal Purple Veterinary Medicines. Alka- Dr. Morseý I Seltzer Pilla 29e - 57e 25e Thermos Bottles -- $1.19-$1. Lunch Kits------- --6 0 Kleenex -------15e - 2 for 2 Pal Razor Blades 10e-25c-5 FILLMS DEV n Phone Pl lIIL' 695 UUVLIiiuu m 29e1 VELÔ] Db 0 NEEDS. 0 Baby Croup Syrup -- 25c-50c Rubber Pants-------- - 39e U Mennen's Baby Oil --- 59c-$1.19 o Woodward's Gripe Water 69c 0 Pyrex Botties ------------- -25c 0 Rigo Nipples ------ 3 for 25c f J. & J. Baby Cream -----55eD 0 Softor 1 Safer 1 f0 120N BX27c 0 Mason's Bayer's _____ ___ Di 40e - 75e 18ec-29c -79e NyaI Ceugh Syrupa f White Pine & Tar - -25e-SOc Pinol ---- - 25-Oc-.5 Nyalyptus 35c-75e -o IPED FREE RUG STORETruesBf John T. McCreery Optometrlst Eyes Examined Glussa itted Thursday - 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Optical Repafra COWLING'S DIEUG STORE 1j~ MAJISHALeI ORION SPECIAL! Yu TaNce no Chances When Yeu Duy Marshall Products At DRADLEY'S SPR GIELD eCamAuTHES ----.12.50 DIJY QIJALITY FURNITUDE FOR LESS - AT -d Il PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, bOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JAN. 30th, 194T Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bothwell -Photo by Alpha Studio . . . . . . . . . . Ê- BALY'S TEA