ma - -.-. .ý l ýàê TUF. *CA MA fT ANM STAT'WEMA M RfWM ANVTI . WONTARIO PAGE JPOUR -- - ~ - Churches, Report Pro gress at Ànnual Meetings St. Paul'. United Ch; Anhwal Meeting Reveals Cburch Free of Debt 0 The annual business meeting af St. Paul's United Church was held Monday night, Jan. 27 with the minister, Rev. G. Cameron Quigley presiding and Roy Lun- ney acting as secretary. Af ter a brief dévotional period, reports from the variaus organizations, .committees and boards were pre- sented. These reveaied that mnuch work had been done in 1946 in every department and that the general picture ai the congregational lufe was quite en- couraging. The reports oi the work clone and contributions made by the women of the church, aiways a cause for thanksgiving, were ex- cellent. They macle known ta ail present the extent of the wo- men's interests in cases oi sick- ness and confinement ta homes within the congregation; the in- struction of the young in baby band, mission band and C.G.I.T.; and aiso a iiveiy iaterest in the wider conceras ai women in the church at large throughout the worid. From a financial point%t view the Women's Missionary groups and Women's Association had a most successiul year, the W.M.S. and Eveniag Auxiliary raising a total ai $640 and the W.A. $985. The Sunday Schooi report drew attention to the fact that aithough it is fortune ta operate with an efficient -and complete staff af teachers and officers it is not reaching every boy and girl within the church. The co-opera- tion of parents was earnestiy re- quested in order that each child in every home receive that in- struction -and training most vital ta Christian citizenship. Parent- hood places great responsibility upon the home. Christian parent- hood compels parents ta discharge that responsibility. The Sunday School with optimism enters a new year. The statement af the Board of Stewards was most gratifying and showed extensive repairs and decorating done, ail obligations met and a substantial financial balance on hand. Interest in the Missionary and Maintenance work of the church has greatly increased' over the years and 1946 had more con- tributing to this department than ia any previaus year with the resuit that the church gave con- sîderably beyoad its allocation irom Presbytery. $632 was for- warded ta Toronto for the M. & M. Fuad. Possibiy the most significant report in aay churh meeting is that ai the Session or Board that oversees the spiritual liiie ai the congregation. In this respect St. Paul's was heartened through its generai spiritual activity and the A time of sorrow 15 xno time to be burdened with details. When bereavement strikes, it is aur wxsh that your trial be eased by the sym- pathetic understanding of oui service - by aur complete and faithful attention ta your desires. For a memorable tribute, without the strain of responsibility, cali us. NORTHCUTT & SMITH Funeral Directors - Ambulance Service 20 King St. W. Phones: 668 - Res. 523 or 726 Slowed Up By Snow SEALTITE INSULATION with ROCK WOOL If you live within 250 to 300 ft. of open road now is the time to get a bargain on Insulating your home, as 75% of our jobs are snowbound. FOR FREE ESTIMATE PHONE 494 BOWMANVILLE F. A. BRUCE 47 QUBEN ST. ,B0WMAN VILLE III fact that in the last year forty new members ha& been added ta its fellowship. The highlight of this annuai meeting came at the close af the various reports when Alex L. McGregor, representing the Trus- tees, gave a 'concise .history of a mortgage that many years ago had been piaced against the manse and which had been paid off about a year ago. This mort- gage, amounting ta $2,400, re- mained without being paid or re- duced until five years ago when a concerted effort was started ta re- Bey. G. Cameron Quigley move it. TÉhrough the work of a committee and the generosity of the people the debt was quickly and completely liquidated. Mr. McGregor presented the docu- ment of the mortgage to the Min- ister with instructions that it be burned, thus finalizing ail debt on the church property and indi-j cating a debt free church. The honor of burning this morgage was given to Miss Clara Allen and Mrs. Thomas H. Knight, who have had long membership in St. Paul's. With the latter holding the document and the former ap- piying the flame a grateful con- gregation sang the doxology to the accompaniment of Mrs. Reta Dudley at the-piano. The foiiowing officers were ap- pointed for the year 1947: Added to the Board of Stewards, for 3 years; S. McAllister, Wm. Lons- berry, Wm. Corden, M. Stacey, for 2 years, W. Teepie; for 1 year, H. Needham; also C. H. Papineau replacing C. M. Carruthers and Geo. Graham, Jr., repiacing G. E. Chase. M. & M. Coxnmittee, Mrs. D. Armistead, Miss D. Creasser, D. A. McGregor, J. H. Swindells. Ron Hetherington, I. Hobbs, Stan Cor- den, H. Galbraith, Francis Thomp-- son. Honor roll committee, D. Ar- mistead, J. H. Abernethy, D. Wil- liams. This largely. attended and* most successful meeting closed with a social hour of fellowship and re- freshments served by the ladies of the church. Since the above report was re- ceived the editor of The States- man has uncovered documents of much interest in connection with the history of St. Paui's church. These include the original title deed, a mninute book showing do- nations from members which are entered in pounds, shillings and pence, and a copy of the docu- ment enclosed in the corner stone, which have this week been handed to the minister of St. Paul's for safekeeping. The deed is dated March 18, 1870, and transfers the quarter acre at Church and Silver streets from Thomas Brodie, Innkeeper, Bowmanville, to the Trustees of the Canada Presbyterian Church at Bowmanville, on payment of $1200 cash which was duly paid. Acting for the Church were Trus- tees J. B. Fairbairn, Marshall Porter, John Murdoch and Fran- cis F. McArthur. A note enclosed with the deed in very faded ink, states: "In after times when we are gone, the 1following will be found beneath rthe corner stone": The seroîl is as F~W W W - - - OLEN RAE DAIRY PHONE 444 FOR DELIVFRY 98 112< ST., W. BOWMANVILLEC iollows: "Darlington Township, 9th day of August, 1847. This day lwas laid the foundation stone ai the Presbyterian Chureh ai Can- ada at Bowmanville, commonly calledthe Free Church." "Robert Falrbairn, Alex Beith, John Wight (treas.) and Wm. Mc- Clehian, trustees. Rev. Alex Steele, Minister. Jahn Smart and Alex Beith, eIders. Archibald Davey ai Cobourg, builder." In later issues of The States- man it is hoped ta continue the history irom other documents be- ionging ta the late J. B. Faîrbairn which were sent along ta the edi- tor by his son the late Rhys D. Fairbairn of Toronto, in May, 1944. Trini ty United Church Holds Annual Meeting Receives Fine Reports The annuai can-gregatianal meeting ai Trinity United Church was held Friday evening and was featured with many fine reports, shawin-g that a very satisfactory year has just ciosed. A fine spirit of co-operation was evident from these reports anc, bath the min- isiter and membership are grati- fied at the attalament ai their allocations for the year. Greater interest has been revealed, in the devotional, musical and social services aff iliated with this church. Rev. J. E. Griffith presided and Dr. C. W. Siemon acted as secre- tary- in the absence ai Dr. J. C. Uevitt. Report ai the Session given by Rev. Griffith, showed a membership ai 1,188. 106 mem- bers were addîecý including 37 young people and 21 aduits by profession of faith and 48 by let- ters. Thirty-six names were re- moved leaving a net gain ai 70 members for the year. He also reported for the Relief Commit- tee which has a smail balance ai $34. Stuart R. James, treasurer af M. and M. Fund, reported that the objective ai $3,000 was reach- ed. On. motion of Dr. Siemon and T. H. Lockhart it was decided ta take the same objective for 1947. Mr. James also reported a very successful year for the Sunday School with receipts of $1,350.30 and a balance ai $190.58 after al their obligations had been met. Bev. J. E. Griffith Howard Jeffery reparted that almost $ 1,800 had been paid into the Pethsion Fund. Miss Margaret Stacey reported for the Young People's Union that splendid meetings had' been held' with good programs featur- ing interesting and educational tapies by invited speakers, diver- sified musical numbers and games and social hours. Seven- ty-five dollars had been presented ta the M. and M. Fund. Mrs. M. J. Hutchînson gave the report ai the envelope cammittee shawing more members using en- velopes for regular Sunday con- tributions. Mrs. J. E. Elliott, secretary, Women's Association, gave a very creditable report with 2,700 cails an sick and shut-in members, re- ceipts $1,165.90, and balance af $154.65. Donations included the M. & M. Fund and towards maintenance ai the parsanage. This arganization is sub-divided into twelve groups, taking landii- ferent sections ai the tawn. Meet- ings are held once a month ln the homes ai the memibers. A gen- eral meeting at the church on the second Tuesday is macle interest. ing with addresses aad musical numbers sponsored by eaeh group in turn. Mrs. C. W. Siemon is the newly-elected presideat. Repart ai Woman's Missionary Society was gven by Mrs. C. A. Wight, president. 1,808 callE were macle and contributions of $1,144.00 had been received. This organization also functions under the graup system and provides fine inspirational programs at their regular meetings on the first Tuesday. Miss Helen Cryderman reportec for the Evening Auxiliary of Mis- sianary Society, that receipts were $296.82 with a small balance. This organization is composed ai tea- chers and business ladies who are unable ta attend aiternoon meet- ings, but meet la the evening with good programs and social hours. An exceptionally good report was received fromn the Junior Church presented by Mrs. A. S. Baker in the absence ai Mrs. P. Cowling. This report conclude< with a recommendation and mo- tion that a good piano be purch- ased. Motion was seconded by W. E. C. Workman. Mrs. Muriel Symons reported for the choir that the members were faithful in their duties and had given excellent musical lead- ership at ail times. Mrs. S. R. James is the newly-elected pres- ident. J. H. Bateman in reporting fa: the nominating cammittee pro- posed six additional members fa: the Board of Session and the fol- 1 lowing will serve for three years: t r I I s I r r St. John's Anglican Ch. Has Doubled Income Reporte Disclose Reports presented at St. John's annual vestry meeting on Jan. 27 showed. memnbership of ail organ- izations had increased, attendance at ail Sunday services shows a de- cided upwarct surge and they are continuing ta grow. The Rector, Rev. J. deP. Wright who presided', gave his report and a resume of the happenings in the parish. This being his first vestry meeting since his appointment he thanked the congregation for choosing him as their rector and for their whole-hearted co-opera- Rey. J. dePencier Wright tion and t4ie kindiy way he and his family had been received. He expressed his sincere thanks te his predecessor, Canon C. R. Spencer, for ail his kindnesses and ai being ai inestimable help te hlm, since his return ta heaith. He added "I hope God wili spare him for a good many mare years ta carry on his Master's Work.' He offered his thanks and appre. ciatian ta the Wardens, toalal the officers and organizatians in the church, the organist, the sextor and ta Mr. Thos. Cartwright or the co-operation they have giver him. In his resume ai his activ- ities his report shows he had at- tended 293 meetings; given 307 addresses; macle 1,793 visits, 49 visits ta parishioners 111 ln Tor- onto haspitals, had 26 baptisms, 35 confirmees, 13 marriages, niaf funerals. He ciosed by inviting aIl memnbers ta jain at least one organization in the church anc asked for their continued support during the caming year. Thus if each ai us do aur part then St. John's and the Kingdom ai God will advance still farther. W. J. E. Crmiston, People's Warden, gave the financial state- ment which showed the income double the previaus year. Con- siderabie renovations had been completed on the rectary anda new ail furnace installed. A be- quest ai $500 had been received from the estate ai Miss Margaret Raines. Ahl debts had been paîd. The church was free ai debt and a bond had been purchased far future years. The Rector's Warden, L. A. Parker, reported on the Mission Account with allotmen'ts paid in full, along with the Synod assess- ment, balance on hanel $117.52. Mrs. J. A. Gunn, envelope sec- retary, reported a larger numbei ai envelopes being used in 194E and a still greater number oul for 1947. Givings each Sundaý had. increased ta current accaur' and missions. L. A. Parker was re-appointec Rector's Warden for the sixtl year. The People's Warden, W J. E. Ormiston, was also re-ap. pointeci, and delegates ta synoc eiected are: O. Labelle, L. J. Cry. derman and' R. G. Harding; alter nate delegates, J. A. Living anc F. W. Depew; H. Smythe was el ected sidesman convener. Par ochial tribunal, Rector, Wardens Mrs. E. C. C. Southey, Mrs. W.J E. Ormiston and Mrs. H. Humpi ries (han. member). A new parish council was fora ed including two wardens, thr& lay delegates ta synod, three mea bers elected by the people, ta iý J. A. Living, Mrs. V. H. Storey fMrs. L. Dumnas; three membe. appointed by the rectar, Mrs.F A. Dilling, Mrs. W. Densem an( H. Sutton. Council will meet firs Monday of month. Reporting for Sr. W.A., Mrs. Ii Smythe stated ail pledges hag W. J. Berry, Harry Cryderman, P. R. Cowling, W. P. Corbett, Earl Osborne, Roy Webber, A. C. An- derson, G. R. Elliott, Harvey Har- dy, L. M. Deweil, Stan MeMurter, Bert Johaston and Thomas Hir- cock. Members ai Board ai Stewards serving for two years are F. C. Vanstone, Dr. J. C. Devitt, M. F. Dale, F. R. Kersiake, Dr. C. W. Slemon, J. A. Cale, S. R. James, R. J. Dilhing and Gea. W. James. Rev. Griffith, outlinecl briefly, the need for assistance for the Aid ta China Fund. On motion ai Rev. W. P. Rogers and Percy Cor- bett it was decided that teM and M. Fund committee wil lok ater this and that an appeal will be macle for iunds about the mid- dle ai February. Rev. Rogers was appointed del- egate ta the Temperance Federa- tian meeting, Feb. 12 and 13. Reports were interspersed with musical numbers inciucling a piano andi organ duet by Miss Phyllis Chailis and Mr. Work- man and a vocaý solo by Mrs. S. R. James, which . were much en- joyed. The chairman extencLed a warm welcome ta Mr. T. H. Lockhart, Mrs. John Tait and Missr Leta Jacksan who have been indispos- ed for same tîme and unable to take part ln church activities, and wished for themn a continuance ai better health sa that they may f11l their accustamed places. The evening cancluded with tasty refreshments providedi by the ladies and an endoyable half hour ai good fellowship in the Sunclay Schaol roam. 1 been raised. Donations had been given to Aitar Guild for new fron-j tals and ta Rev. T. M. Dustan,1 who is about ta leave for India;i a bale, a complete outfit for a child in the Indian Boarding School at Sioux Lookout; a large box af clething for Europe, and an iniant's layette. Several quilts were made and sold. Devotional meetings were heid monthly when the addTess was given by the Rector. Severai missionary speakers were heard and Mis- sionary Study Book was given at each meeting. Mrs. E. C. C. Southey reported for the Guild. They had a very active year catering ta banquets, suppers, teas and social parties. Receipts were $307.53. Objectives had all been met, taxes on church property, maintenance of church organ and rectory telephone. They are most appreciative of work af Thos. Cartwright, who is still salvaging newspapers and donating his labours' reward ta the Guiid. - Sunday school attendance av- erages 90 reported G. Vine. This summer a successful picnic was held at Orono.. Usual Christmas treat was given children. Prizes and gifts ta every child. The "Na- tivity Play," was presented by Mrs. Schon and greatiy appreci- ated. Choir has a membership of 47 with 12 boys attending regulariy. Several more are on the waiting list, as accommodation is now tax- ed ta capacity. A past member as a. boy, Rev. T. M. Dustan was given a parting donation with other organizations, as a remem- brance af St. John's. Junior W.A. had nine girls pass examinations set by Missionary Dept. They aiso paid their pledge in full, attended divine service 1on Mothers' Day, sent a bale to Northern Ontario and have a bal- ance of $30. A new organization is the Ev- Sening Branch of the Women's Auxiliary. It is for those young matrons, whose small chiidren make it impossible for them ta sattend afternoon meetings and is for the Mîssionary life of the church, and meets Friday even- Bings. They are studying the e"Kangra Interlude." Theirs were i the stitches of love and devotion iwhich macle so 'beautifully the -new frontals and hangings at the -altar. They have 15 members -and would weicome more. 7 President R.G. Harding gave a 9picturesque account of the Men's -Club. Its aim is mainly ta have ,the men of the parish meet toge- ether with a feeling af friend'ly g fellowship. This feiiowship is ex- etended outside the parish ta the 1men of the deanery, with whom ,t they visit. Receipts af $23-6.50J f were raised mostly by free wil] tdonations and sale ai poultry at ci Yuletide. The Altar Guild of Mrs. H. Sut- s ton and her assistants, work -quietly and efficiently through- eout the year, dressing the Altar Ifor every service. Thei rs is the n touch aif'beauty which makes the a deiightful settings for weddings -and all special occasions in the d church. Many were the giits re- Sceived this year as thankofferings Land' ta the beauty of God's house. d Three new stained glass win- )r dows were given to enhance this dear aid church of St. John's, in rnerory of dear ones gone before. ýn Prayer Book, and a beautiful Aims Basin were the most recent giits. Miss Jean Living gave a spien- did report for the A.Y.P.A. show- r ing that the Young People, while 16 .t a ty ,d Lh )d id r- Phone 525 152 King St. B. CALL it what you wvi11- the desireco stand on yaur own feet-the urge ta, get ahead under yaur own sream- a business of my awn- is probably for yau, as for thousands of fellaw- veterans, life's Na. 1 ambitian. IF yau have ideas of startiag up in business for yourself, of impraving your prescrit set-up, or of going into partnership with a friend, the need for money ta get going wiII be just about No. 1 item on your agenda. HERE'S- where you cnlook ta, thc Bank of Montreal, which has already become "My Bank" ta thousands of vcterans from coast ta caast. WDROP' in and discuss your financial needs with youi nearest B of M manager. He knows the details of the ne w Veterans' Business and Profes- sional Loans Act, rccently passed by Parliament for your benefit, and he is anum aaxiaus ta help go-ahead veterans. If M 1N your proposition is sound, there's money JAl for you at the B of M. Remember, wben you ask for a Joan at the B of M, you do flot ask a fa arnr. BANK OF MONTREAL F. 0. Mcllveen, .MANAGER. WOE.KING WtTH CAM^ADUANS IN *VIRY WALK O0F uPU SINCE 1817 - ",= - : W THURSDAY, FER e6th, 1947 enjoying themiselves in this par- ish are also actively engaged, for Christ and His Church. TheY made donations to the Sunday Sehool by Post fund, contribution to the S.S. window. And $25.00 ta help defray the coal bill. They were studying the "Kangra In- terlude." In keeping with the times and the higher cost of living this ves- try voted unanimously ta increase the Rector's stipe'nd for the coin- ing year. Many kind expressions of thanks were extended ta the Rector and his wife, to the War- dens, Organist and leaders f all organizations and their members for work well clone. The Rector closed the meeting with prayers. The ladies of the Guiid served deliciaus refresh- ments and a social hour was en- joyed. TrO fiUou= SMtFLI SUE=SCO A bottle af Vlcks Va-tr nol la mlghty heandy ta hamve around . e house be- cause thUs double-dutY noise drops ... QuikFj Reliefe flneeZysniffly. - tuf fy diatresa o head colds. Makrea breathing eaaier. HelpS ProVen colds from develop- - ng If used at the flrst warnlng snimfe or aneeze. This Dauble-Duty Nase Draps should save you much igery. Try itl Works fInel You'Ill Uke Iti VICKS VAI-RO-NOL FOR SALE AT C.A. Bartlett SHELL SERVICE STATION --------- - - ------ le y' a y