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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1947, p. 9

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...............................- ......**.-r,....-..... -".5 Miu saiseNlo, Ottawa, ha.m If. and îMs. Win. Webb have been guest withMi". Donald Wil- returned home after spending the liiaii. wlnte with relatives in Owen Mn. ]EL. -wm has returned Sound. frOm spenI4 the winter at lier Owlng to lat, arrivai of list of southern home at Bradenton, Fia, donations to the Memorial Hos- Mr. and Mrs. George Bail Rch.. pital fund It had to be held over mond Hiil, are guests of her sis for next week's Issue. tmersfl Misses Allen, Beech Ave. Mi'.. George Krelg, Kingston, Is Mr. andMis. Harvey -oint have spending a short holiday wlth her ritUined tf'om a Pleasant holiday parents Mr'. and Mis. Charlcs spent in Toronto and with her Carter, Sr. parents ln Lindsay. Miss Maily Gibson and Dr Dor- .kchieve this perfectioix with a regular appointment. 011 end Creamn Permanents 5550 - 5$15.00 Cold Waves $10.00 - $15.00 "ES TELLE" Beauty Salon' ru. mmD Mm.. HOWAIDBIOKLUN Corner George md Churcli Streets - PHONE 453 -, _I WASHING MACHINES BRNDu FULLY AUTOMATIC IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Bee them on display or cSâ COLEMAN and PHILP ELICTERIC CO. LTD. PROIE 8fr- OBONO ANNO U NC1NG Change of Ownership THE WEST EMD SHOB IEPAIE formerly owned and operated by Mr. Nick Lew wiil now be Inown as THE NEAT-WAY SHOE REPAIR Speciliinl prompt service and substantial wormnip. Your continued patronage will be appreoiated. Thank You, MÂRVIN OOMPI&U. ,<Ex-Navy Personnel) Seed Grain URBAN OATS - 100%/ germination. Grand Champion at Seed Show lu Oshawa. CARTIER OATS - 48 lbo. per bus. lessive Grand Champion at International Seed Show in Chicago. 1ZA VER OATS - 100% germination, sealed 60 bushels per acre as Certified No. 1 affer aU imali oata removed. BEA VER OATS - that yield 100 bushels per acre. AJAX OATS - 100% germination. One lot yiclded over 90 bushels per acre. VIOLAND OATS - In an adjoining county file. ots gave the higlicat yield of six varieties. NO. 1 BARBOFF BARLEY - This variefy of barley lia won Championship at Quinte Seed Show every year since if was introduced. We have nover had a failure. Yielded 40 bushels per acre bown on file lhoflicfJune. BUNALTA TWO-ROWED EARLEY - A good yielder, local grown, weighs 54 lbo. per bushel. GALORE - A hlgh-yielding barley, six-rowed, excellent for mixing or sowing sepantely. COROXATION SPRINCJ WEZAT - We can give yon results on tests of grain cond uoted thiaugilout thfie province. By uowing higli quality ueeod you cau reduce your rate of soeding, thus lowering your Mos. GARNIT IL IJCA ".d.4BOWNANVELLE PROIE 28138 otby IL lames, Toronito spet tU weked ih Mi. . .Jain who ietunned to Toronto wli them for a few day.. Bowmanvlile Chamber of Cor meice wilU hold ifs annual mee lng lu the form of a banquet c May 15. Watch for particula ,e liter.. Mina Eleanor Johnston sud Mi n Marion Dudley, Coilege of Ph& macy, Toronto, were weeker J guesta wlth Mr. and Mis. J. 1 Johnston. r Mr. Bud NichaIs, son of Mi. an Mi'.. Wm. Nîchols, *ho ha. bee 8 mployed with the Steadma r Store in Rouyu, Quebec, for tl s past six manths, was promoted1 manager of Uic Steadmnan Stoi at Engleliait, Northein Ontario, Misa Daisy Aninour, daughte of Uic late Mi. and Mis. Samut Armour, Bowmauviile, dled i Peterboro on March 25. Shej suivived by two isteis, Georgi sud Amny, the latter- was a schoî teacher here and uow eide ai Hartford, Conu. Weather continue& cool whlc: p ut seeding a inonth later tha sait yean. Ice formed on po during the nlghts of April 20-21 Snowbanku are tili seen ou tih back concessions. Wild geese &ni ducks haven't been heard frai yet. Mi'. Bil Edger, Peterboro, vis itcd his parents, Mr'. and Mr&.'W A. Edger. Bul had just neturnei from Ottawa, where as a membe of Peterboro Marines basketba. team, hc had lbeen playing lu thi Eastei'n Canadian playdowns They were defcated by Ottawa b, ten points. Front Street nesidents and thi occasional bclated morning shop per rcccived a thrill on Thursda] mornlng just before the noor hour when tuey were treated toj glimpse of Miss Barbara Ani Scott, world's champion skater Ottawa, as she drove slowl3 through fown ini her new canar3 colorcd car, en route to Toronto The C.O.F. Teen-agers met ir the Lions Community Club, Apri« 10, with President Patsy Moori in charge. Under Uic supervisior of Geo. W. Graham, there was dis cussion on the activities af thE Girls' Basebaîl League and thesi managers were appolnted: Mapli Grave, V. Cooksou; Hampton, L Truli; Bowmanvillc, 1, W. Hawk- shaw; 2, B. Baînctt. Instruction iri table tennis and dancing éonclud- cd thc evening. Memnbers af St. Paul's W.M.S, gathcred at Uic home of Mn.. S. McAllister, April 22nd to bid bon voyage to Mrs. Robt. Whltmcî who la uailing for Ireland very soon. Mrs. Keuneth Werry gave a short address and lu her re- marks said how much Mis. Whit. mec wili be missed lu St. Paul's as she was always willing to as- sist in evcry way possible. Mis, D. S. McGregor preseuted the book "Three Came Home" by Keith, also some linen kerchiefs. Mrs. Whitmee very graciously re- plied with thauks for the kind thoughts of thc ladies. Mis. Mc- Allister assisted by Mrs. Robert Hetherlngton served delicious ne- freshments. Rotary Club (Continued from Page One) years ago, Durham County had -been included in this provincial *competition. Since then, growers in Durhamn have hit the headlines and the money prizes in ail the accredlted competitions in the province. Last ycar, for instance, Ponty. pool district growers, Henry Blakely and Milton Weatherilt and Sons, had swcpt the province In acreage records and in the .prlzes awarded at the Royal Win- ter Fair. Amnong these growers the amnazing total of 679 bushels per acre had been registered, thc highest in the history of Ontario. This record and these accomplish- mients stem from Uic original im- petus of the agricultural setup of the provincial governmcr.t. Getting back to thc time when, some years ago, the Bowmanville Rotary Club was appraached to aid this Junior Farmer movement, Uic prime mover, said the speaker, was Rotary President Bob Stev- ens, hcad of Glen-Rae Dairy. The Swine Club idea had captured the interest af bath the Bowmanville Lions Club and Uic Port Hope Ro- tyy Club and other junior farmer projects had thus been stimulated. The cash value rcsulting from the Swine Club had become an immense sum but Uic intangible value was the encouragement .±o- ward better breeding and the en- couragement to betten livestock production. Mr'. Summers gave an outline of many other clubs dcvelaped in- cluding thc grain club aut of which Uic inspiration to establish a county seed cleanlng plant be- came a reaiity, owned and operat- cd by Rotanian Garnet Rickard. Quotlug yields and otuer statistics Uic speaker referrcd ta the win- ning of thc Reserve Grand Cham- plonship ln as by Mr. Rickard and the consistent wins at sced fairs sînce Uic plant was cstab- lishcd. Much more was told but for lack of space Uic story is great- ly abridged. . The speaker was Uiankcd by Walt Pascoe. Business reports included a sum- mary of Uic resuits af the Easter Seal drive, with thc objective mn aight. Tii. Annuel Public M.eting of fthe Children's Aid Society OF NORTHUMBERLAND AN» DURHAM wtU b. lild We., May 21, 1947 if flic UNITED CHURCH *PORT HOPE ila p.m. WELFAIE MOVIE FILMS Publie Cordilly InvIted [th- t- ons Is Lr- rid Kt. ri e to ,re i i ge nl ,h In 's - CANANAN W2AAN. ~OWMANVILLU -- --. - n. ee -- s-aaas~ Solina Enniskillen e Oui parsonage has had tmre 'd decorating donc lately by L. Gat- n chell and son, Burketon. Deepest sympathy là; extended - to the famiiy of the late Mis. Gea. V. McLaughlin, Oshawa. ,d Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milis and Sfamily have moved to their farm, Maple Grove, formerly owned by Le Mi'. W. J. Snowden. 8. John Griffin has bought E. A. 'y Werry's farm at Yelverton. Easter Thank-Offering of W.M. Le S. was held Sunday evening in the 3church with W.M.S. ladies form- iY ing the choir. Mission Band and ýn C.G.I.T. attended in a body. Spec- * iai music by the choir, a duet by * Mrs. L. Lamb and Mrs. F. Beck- r; ett. Offering was taken by Mis. Y H. McGill and Mrs. W. Rahm. Y Rev. R. Seymour conducted the )service and Mx',. R. Seymour gave n a very interesting address on "Two il Men Looked Out From Prison -e Bars, The One Saw Mud and the n Other Stars." > Woman's Association met April e 22 wîth 17 ladies present. Devo- e tional was given by Mi'.. H. Ste- e 'Yens on "The Womcn of the Tomrb." Prayer for guidance by -Pies. Mis. T. M. Siemon. Mrs. E. n A. Werry and Mis. A Sharp, and group wcre in charge. Reading by Mrs. R. Stenger. Rcv. R. Seymour sang "'Bells of the Sea." Reading on Temperance by Mrs. H. Me- jGi and solo by Mrs. Lloyd Ash- eton. Mr. Seymour spoke on "Are You Listenlng?I' Mis, W. Rahm visited Thei *Timnes-Gazette, Oshawa, and wlth other correspondents was shown through thc office and plant. The d diferent operations wcîe explain- cd. After the inspection thcy wcre treated to dinner et St. Andrew's Church. The speaker was Editor G. Wilson Craw of thc Peterboro Examiner. Ail report a good time. Miss Margaret Seymour, To- ronto, Is at home studying for her exams. Mrs. Earl Trewln spent the weckend at Mr. Fred Toms', Shir- ley, and attended Uie funcrai of her great aunt, Mis. W. Vquce,- Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. H. Milîs and fam- lly at Mr. Cecil Milîs', Maple Grave, and also visited Mr. and Mi'.. R. C. Mills at Port Perry. Mi. and Mrs. Adam Sharp with Mis. J. Henry, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bull and iamily, Port Hope, Mr. and Mis. Percy Davidson and family, Zion, Mi'. and Mrs. Howard Abbott and iamily, Haydon, Mrs. Leo Moffatt and Paul, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mis. T. Abbott. Mi'. and Mrs. Charles Stainton and family, Oshawa, at Mr. 0. C. Ashton's. Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, wlth Mi'. S. R. Pethick. Mrs. W. J. Trenouth and Mrs. Notice To Creditors IN THE'fESTATI, af James Sy- mington, Insurance Auditor, de- ceased. Ail persons having dlaims against the estate of the above named, late of the Village of Pan- typool, in the County of Durham, who dicd at the Village of Ponty- Pool in the County of Durham on or about the llth day of June, 1946, are rcquired to fie proof of same with the undersigned on or before the l5th day of May, 1947. After that date, the Administra.. toi' will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the dlaims of which he then &hal have had notice. Datcd at Bowmanville, this 9lth day of April, 1947. George Edward Symington,Ad- ministrator, per hi. solicitor, N. F. A. Scandiftio, 217 Bay Street, Toronto. 15-3 CHURCHES EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLEI Pastor: H. W. O'Brien Sunday 11 a.m.-Believers' Meeting 7:30 p.m.-Evangelistic Meeting 8 p.m.-Prayer ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Minister: 1ev. G. C. Quiuley Organist: Mis. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. Chair Director: D. Alex McGregor Sunday, Aprhl 27 10 a.n.-Sunday School 11i a.m..-Nurscry SchooI 11 a.m.--Subject: "The gîeatest ai all wondcrs." 7 p.m.-Subject: "Peri! ad Op- partunity."1 &T. JOHN'S ANGLICAN aCHURCH Rev. J. dePencier Wright, Rcctor Third Suuday alter Emater 8 a.m.-Holy Communion i a.m.-Mornlng Prayer. Preacher: Mr. A. H. Cuttle, Toronto. 2:30 p.m.-Sunday School and Bible Clans 7 p.m.-Evenang Prayer Subject: "Signfcance ai St. George's Day." Fireside alter service 1 Vlaitoms Miss Fanny Smales, Toronto, it home. Mr. and Mis. Gordon Scott and Noimie, Whltby, at B. G. Stevens'. Mr. and Mis Walter Parrinder and Helen, Mr. and Mis. Jack Baker if Charles Howsam's, Port Perry. MIa Muriel Laugmaid, Peter- boro, at home. Misses F. and S. Malcolin, of Brougham, if John Knox's. Pive little beginners commene- cd--their public uchool tralingaet Bradley's lest weck: Donna Bail, Helen Knox, Dorothy Woodruft and Uic Recala twinu.' Miss Gladys Yellowlees and Mrs. Ralph Davis were guesta at au open-house aud dinner heid by The Times-Gazette in Oshawa for their staff ai correspondent. A nutuber fromn here attended a shower for Misa Margaret Pics- cott at Enftcld. girls et thle Geodymar offim estaff fendercd the bride a uihbwer -cf lovely and useful gift&a. The en- tir, office staff pectdbei wlth a reversible 'Kenwood blanket aud a pair-of bath towels. The mi of Deparfmcnt 290 snd 238of Gooýycar piesented fthe groom wMt an clectiewaffe Iron. GIRL GUE Y'NEWS lot Company Guides utarted with Uic pasaing of fthe eue-mile and fwo-mile wulks. Successfui candidates.wone: 1 ile-J. Mi- guire, L. Fletcher, C. Butchlnson, C. Dillng, ]B. Frank, IL Hutchison, C. Fiak, M. Tuerk, J. Wood, M. Leddy, P. Maouý . S. tacu,ý C. King and 1T. Stainton; 2 mile-C. Clarke, B. Hansen, B. Grant, Jr. Dale, M. Martin, N. Varcoe, M. DippU. M. Clarke sud W. Rich- ardas, Aiter tue girls rctuined fées werc collcctedandfthce. mrpsuy inspected. Uniorma looked very good anid remnember'girls sf111 wesr your long stocklngs. Useful Art- icle was paused by B. Goddard, L. Lingard. Patrol Corners were held sud iollowed by a campfile service around oui'-flashlight flic.e'uBch patiol entertained wlth a sang and two veiY good aenis were réclted by Patsy Sn-thad ]Beverley Frank. Oui' company sang its favourite guide sangs and we closed wlth Tapu. A solemu sund religious regard ta spiritual aud eternal things lu an indispensable element ci aIl truc greatues-Daniel Webster. The study oi God's word, for the purpose ai discovering God's will, la the secret discipline which CUDDAREE - MENDERSON es o La t ers.-J. W. A4 Ou Saturday, April 12Ui, St. Joscph's Roman Catholic Church, Bowmauville, adorned with Eus- fer liles and -pink suapdrugons aud tulips, provlded a beautiful settlng for Uic wedding of Muriel Barker, daughter ai Mr-. and Mis. William J. Henderson, Bowman- ville, aud Joseph James, son of Mi'. and Mrs. John J. Cuddahec,, Lindsay. Rev. Fatuer Coffey oi Bowmanvullc, ofiiciatcd. The bride, who had ehoscu a turquoise blue suit with white accessaries and pink carnation corsage, cnteîed the church on tue arm oi her brother, John. Her only attendant was her sister, Mrs. Donald Higgins, Oshawa, who wore a grey suit witu black sud gold accessorles aud a corsage ai$f1 white carnations. The groom was attended by his brother, Mauie for 5-lb. bat Wedding music was provided by i Miss Mary Fagain. The reception was held at thxe home o! Uic bride's sister, Mis. John Shaw, Oshawa. The couple .spent their houcymion in TrntQ . g i Previaus ta her marriage Uic 42 Klng St. E. U.wanvIUe 88 King Bt., E. Phono 578 I LOWEST PRICES VITA-RAY HAN» LOTION SPECIAL 19 02.50 bottle for-- .2 FOR 'Vit&tay eea F'ace Powgler 17 and DUSTING POWDER.p Eoth for $L76.___ he IreaeIst cnaract-, Alexander. Electuic JUST OPEN RECOR BAR THE RADIO SHOP Ail the latest Hît Parade Dance *Classical m Hiil-Biliy Private Audition Room for Your THE RADIO SHOP Bowmanvle 's .Authorized NortherxiZleotrlc Dealer $ECR 1 1. s - et EARLY AMERICAN SPICE SPECIAL MAKE-UP KIT $1.25 DU BARRY SPECIAL FOUNDATION LOTION AND POWDER Fer qk bitrs' ie A New Llpsikk Dws<vsy III UUI fel 4.1&- SPRING TONICE - $1.00 -1 Bcdf, Iron and Wine - 890 Clisses Nerve Food - 154 Cu-O-Tons Net imirer - 31.28 Ur-A-Sol Bomb $3.95 Sanko Llquid - 29c-49e-89c Sheli Toit 39c-49e-89e Fly' Tox - 24c-43c-73c Bug Blitzer - $3.98 Fly-Ded ____250 Fie - 24e-43c-73e Wampole's Cod Wampole's JPhosopho-leciju3$1.00 Horner's S Maitevol 32.00 ifLAM I2~47. PUECRPTINSA SPECIALTY ALEX LAUE muC eD D U OSPHON YUm-m " Ic*REOOR FIOHI MOTH$ NOW W. bave a eomPlete line of nti-moth weapons. -Stock up on your requfrements irom thelIctems ihted below. Whethcî If be liquld, sold or cristal these Produets are &Il offilruf-lass quallty. Larvex Spray . ..- . .*. . ... complete $1.36 Larvx .Lit WhliSprayes' Larex. .................. 51.29 - 83C Witliout Sprayci' Moth Ded - 50% D.D.T.. . 39c - 25e Berlou -.5 year guarantee .. $2.57 - $ 1.31 Dec-Tee Moth Crystals ,...... lb. tin 39e Mcrch's Dichioricide ....... lb. tUn 53e Wood"& Moth Killer Blockettes 25e - 10c Moth Balla end Moth Flakes .... lb. 29e Moth Bags ..........>... 39e -53e- 89e Sprayers - metal ..... 50e - 79e - 51.00 I daplio Burdocli Elood j- I. Allan, iapanee . . xCole, BOwmnauvllle, Mit. X. Caverly, Hampton, wlth Miss B. Souch. Mr.and MUs. H. Staluton, HaMPton, Mr. and Mna. L. Scott aud Breen, Bowmauville, if Mr. L. Staluton's. Mr. aud Mns. Roy Grahiam and Rena, Haydon, at Walteir ahm's. Mr- aud Mrs. Cccli Rahm, Un- ton,, Mr. snd Mis. S. J. Pedia, Toronto, Mn. and Mma C. Pediar and iamily, Mount DennIs, gueata Of Cecil Rahm and Walter Rahmi. Mr. and Mis. H. DeGeer enter- taincd company from Toronto. Owlug to Mis. Clifford Pethick being uick with flu Mis. &. Strutt sud Mrs. S. IR. Petulck are laoking atter thc store. FOR ý%10"L Ni 0 fi E u 1% 1 F 0 Il %I U s lE 9MPBELL ci PLOUR a M9 d tl 1 1 - 1 1 1 l' -Miss Prudence Mclntosh- and Miss Norma Hooey werc hautesses ou Monday evening for Uic Wo- men Teachers' Federation meet- ing ln Enniskillen Public School. Teachers irom Bawmsuvile, Cart- wright and Darliugton were pie- sent wlth Miss A. Arnold preuîd- lng. Miss P. Gray and Mis. J. Venulng, Blackstock, werc in charge oi the pragramn. Dr. G. W. Miller gave a most interesting talk on conditions lu India. Relatlng some ai his experiences he dis- closcd that h. had been persouaily reuponsible forGhandi's healtu lu 1942. He stressed the immense importance ai Britalu's part lu tue defence of India durlug the war, sud declarcd that wit haut her stand at that time thc course of the war might have taken a very poar turu for the Allies. The ap- preciation aof eachers wassex- prcsscd ta Dr. Miller by Miss Mil- dred Langfeld. A large number af colourful and lntereuting books were on display. Officers elected are: President-Miss A. Arnold; Vice-Pres.-Miss Norma Haoey; Secretary-Mlss Prudence MeIn- tash; Treasurer-Miss Agnes 'Car- ruthers. Lunch was served by the hostesses. Wedding Phone 573 $1.00 81,09 . 'r - - - - - .1 gitp m «. àpmrt 2mý lm 2M CAI£à£WM M22RUM BOWMAUVnl& ONTAMO 1, - THE 1 u Fang lit., 3.

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