~UUSAT. »~L 30, 29<? Dot .-Delay f ,0110K UP. today on your finir nsurance. Don't wait until you bave a lots ..to iear that your protection 4s not adequate... that -aomethlng has been over- looked . . . that your policy' -does -not fit because of an adition to your property or anew mortgage. Cal 'as now. _____________________________________________________________________________________ -- WU*~dWA5U~ Ad~A~d~EI* WW6.L~YIIâL5, O1~TAEIO ~AU'A~?A~ AURA~ ~* - - - I f jùdy Isn'i joking, "I'm iaying this straight," says Judy Ho1,iday, Broadway coniedy star. "I like the way a mnan's face looks under an Adamn Hat." There's yurcue 1 Wear *an Adamrn md atch the girls get serious. Corne in today and choos. from our new models li Adam--a better word for hat, a better buy for you. e4 '.gf, Mo HAT 1 $5.50 to $7.50 Sturt l ames JiNSURANCE - REAL ESTATEC Scesrte J. 3. Maon & son ,b 1one: Offie 81 - Boua» 498 lng St.. Bewmanville WANTED MENan WOMEN Ward Aides - Orderiies - Cleaners Pantry Maids - Dishwashers Kitchen HeIp (Speciai Training Given Ward Aides and Orderlies) GOOD SALARY - EXCELLENT WORKING. CONDITIONS ENSURE YOUR FUTURE! Permanent Empioyment wlth Generous -Pension Plan Health Supervision Hoiidays Wlth Pay 1.* Adequate Time for Recreation Write for particulars, giving details about yourself To: SUPERINTENDENT, TORONTO HOSPITAL Weston, Ontario Phone., JUnction 1163 m Play Sale With Your Electrical Wir1ing Have It Done By Experts I AUl our work la dons by experts who take PI li each and every job they do. Only the best of materials are used throughi to give you maximum service as well as protection. IPRIE ITIMATES GLADLY GI VIN ON REQU! Higgon Electric '10= Genoral Electria AppEmmnceDhale 421 Kn t., . Bowmlmnf>lle Phono b i i i id Lout IO 4381 joçal Bird Sw.tt.rs Win Tournement From Oshawa Chlb jThe Bowmanville bird swmatteri took an easy victory frein the General Motors Club, Oshawa, ir the final inter-club Badminton tournament played here Priday evening. The final score of the tournanfent, which was a- return match with the Oshawa club, waz 33-12 for the Bowmanville teams. Although the final score shows a clean cul victory for Bowrnan- ville some a! the game scoreg In- dicate quite a few close battles. The ladies of the club served a very tasty lunch durlng the even- ing's activities. Listed below are the various teams and the results of the sets. *The first tearn named belonga tc the Oshawa club. Mon'& Doubles (Two garnis out of three) Kinton and Stubblns vs B. Oli- ver and S. R. James (14-18) (15- 10) (14-17). Thompson and Eliott vs R. Kent and W. Braden (15-9) (12-15) (4- Ratz and Roughley vs H. Rua- dle and M. Vanstone (12-15) (15- 8) (10-15). Mathewa and Eagle vs C. Aus- tin and P. Cowllng (4-15) (11-15). O'Brien and Kennedy vs S. Gat- cbell and L. Dewell (6-15) (2-15). Ladies' Doubles (Two games out o! hhree) Mrs. Mc Intyre and Misa Kor- en vs Mrs. L. Dippell and Mrs. S. R. James (15-10) (4-15) (15-5). Mrs. Elliott and Miss Goheen vs Mrs. M. Brealin and Mrs. L. Dew- ell (15-8) (8-15) (12-15). Mrs. Kennedy and Miss Rough- ley vs Miss P. Dustan and Mrs. A. Osborne (41-15) (8-15). Miss Thompson and Misa Chap- pell vs Mrs. R. Kent and Mrs. C. Austin (15-12) (15-13). Miss Luke and Miss Grcenaway vs Mrs. H. Rundle and Mrs. M. Vanstone (10-15) (4-15). Mixed Doublesi (Two games oaly) Miss Koren and Kiaton vs Mr. and Mrs. S. R. James (14-18) (8- 15). Mrs. Mclatyre and Stubbins vs Mrs. L. Dippeil and B. Oliver (10- 15) (18-13). Mr. and Mrs. Elott vs Mra. M. Breslnanad W. Braden (5-15) (17-18). Mrs. Kennedy aad Thompson vs Dr. and Mrs. H. Ruadle (15-9) (12-15). Miss Roughley and Ratz vs Mr. and Mrs. M..Vanstone (8-15) (15- 12). Miss Goheen and Eagle vs Mr. and Mrs. R. Kent (10-15) (18-16). Miss Thompson and Roughley vs Mrs. A. Osborne and, Dr. C. Austin (4-15) (9-15). Miss ChappelI and Mathewa vs Miss P. Dustan and P. Cowling (6-15) (12-15). Miss Greenaway and O'Brien vs Mr. and Mrs. L. Dewell (6-15) (12-15). Miss Luke and Kennedy vs Mns. C. Austin and S. Gatcheil (10-15) Te" Befubali Leag clct New Offie.'. For bii Comlng Season The annual election o! offlcrs for the Town Softball Leagge wae held Frlday night et a meeting in the Lions Conimunity Centre on Beech Ave. The new officers for the -coming year 1nclude Norrn Séott, president; Jack Cole, vice president; and Ralph Maclntyre, secretary-treasurer. Four teamas have already aigni.. fied their Intention of! playing In the league but another two teamat are hoped for, to round out the schedule. The next meeting.will be held on Priday, May 2, at the Cofnimunlty Centre, when the fin- al plans will be drgwn up. It is hoped that the openlng ganie will be played around the 241h of May. league inclucfe Pepsi Cola, Boys' Training School, Goodyear and Local 189 U.R.W.A. Legion Football Teumm To Practice.Saturday At Memorgal Park Bowmanvilie Legion la organ- izing a soccer team for the corn- ing season whlch It la hoped. wml take a.prominent part lan te lo- cal league and be available ta hake on any outslde teama in the lake shore district. Havlng already a nucleus of experlenced'players, the cal êxtended at thia time la for other youngêr players to tura out for practice gamnes and cap- ture a place on the team. Starting off promptly the firat practice wlll be held in Mesfior- ial Park, South Ward, Saturday afternoon, April 26ý at 2 pan. Al young players, whether identified wltli the Legion or flot or with fathers identified with the Legion, are invited to come out and play. Anyone from 16 to 20 has a spe- cial invitation. The aim is to de- velop a wlnnIng tearn and It looks like successaiaready. Lown, Bowl.rs Plan At Annuel Meeting To DoubleMemberahlp At the annual meeting o! the Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Club, held Friday evening, April 18, many who joined 1aI year were la attendance with tue regulars who made up a gathering langer titan for some years pasî. Followlng eleclion o! officers and adoption of the financial sîmîement, plans were discussed for the coming season which promises to be Uic best ev- er. Plans were made to double tue present membership and the ex- ecutive off icers will be glad bo welcome new membens and fur., nish, them. with free bowls for practice purposes, if desired. Greens are expcîed to be ready for- the opeaing cenemonies and games on May 24. Wlth a central location opposite Rotary Park and with a com!ort- able club bouse frequently used for socials and teas titis added ia- ducement o! free bowls for prac- tice should attract many b Ibhis healthful outdoor recrealion. Officers elected for 1947 are: Hon. Presideat, J. J. Mason; pre- sident, A. E. Dudley, vice-pres- Mdent, Owen Nicholas; secretary- treasurer, P. O. Mellveea; chair- man grounds cemmittee, R. R. Stevens; chairman menibership and tournameats, Frank Williams. Fun Parade Show At Oshawa May Sth Llsts 83 Prizes We've taken a peck ah tue lUne- up o! sensational prizes-over $1,_ 000 worth-for te glant titree- itour "Fua Parade") show at Osh- awa Arena, on Monday, May 5. We doa't want bo spoil any sur- prises-but here are juat a few o! the magnificent gifts lta wIll go to lucky people who gel tick- ets early, and wlio tura up, that night, for the craziest, daringest, evening ai side-splitting fun in Oshawa history. A beauliful long-and-ahort wmve Marconi radia; a streamlined post- War model Thon electric wasiter; a magnificent new, Electrolux Z30 vacuum cleanen; a gorgeous dia- mond ring, a' bemViîful new Pack- ard Twin-Dual electric - haver; a lovely Tavannes wrist' watch; a fine new bicycle . .. etc., etc. AI- together, titene are 83 wonderful prizes. Whether you plan te corne for the laughs, for the prizes, or both --doa't put off getting youn tiçk- ets. Contact any meniber off the Oshawa Kinsmen Club-or bet- ter stili, drop in, as soon as you can, at Mlke's Place! Remember -it's firaI corne, tiraI served. Ask Police Action On Disturbances ut Newcastle Restaurants Bath o! Newcastle's restaurant awners have served& notice on the council liatI "they wIll take the law m i tu eir owa banida" if stops are net taken by police ho curb eveziing disturbances which Uic restaurateurs gay- are titreat- ening titeir business. Couacil was told that It hus be- corme a habit for certaiiý beverage rooni patrons te adjoura ho lie restaurants when botel closing lime roUas around lan-te evening, and tue restaurant keepers doa't appreclate titi honar. Reeve G. Walton saud h. would ask Provincial Police, who are reaponaible for local law enfonce- ment to take action. ."Thire have been several com- plaints in the past few weeks of disorderly pensons roaming Uic streets," the reeve added. Men con only leaar as fiat as Thîeela ne situation wliicii could be "a lot worae"I but which could alzo be a lot better. a troduced several light and comical '<Il is difficuit to estimaI. 1h. md Ibis, together wlth 1h.. scenlc lng and that hie method cf breatbi ing la entlr.]y obsolete." IN BATTUMM ..AS IN 11RS... YOU CAt Ray ON OOOYMU 2ad att.Dq1.tr Tr@phboulat kmor- *.bamu Aum Seoet 'M!e Sud Canadianmintr Bt- talion Association, of whih COL. L. T. MeLaughlln, C.ILG., D,.OJ., fiownianville, is Grand Preuident, hai <diated two trophies for figure skating, ont in honor of ie Barbara Min Scott, Ottawa, Ini- ternational Figure Skating Chanm- e on, and the. other In honor of i&,t'a father, the late COL. Clyde I. Scott, who, la the. 1014- 18 war served as an officer in thé 2nd Battallon. The trophiea were donated ater officers of ,1he Association had consulted wlth MWs Scott and her mother, Mra. C. I. Scott. at Stanley Cup ýFinals A drarnatic mioment as Maple Leafs score la final Stanley Cup gamê MAPLE and LEF GOODYEAR Inside the Maple Leaf Gardens cheers shake the rafters as the Maple Leafs 'drive on ta victory. He shoots-b--e scorcs-and the crowd goca wiId. Outaide, unmindful of the din, another tearn of experts, with flashlights and tally sheets, is snaking a counc of tires on all cars jam- packed on neighbouning streets and parking lots. The counc is finishd ... and Good- year. Ieads again . . . proving once more public preference for the tire that has been first choice of Canadian motorists for 32 consecutive years. Let tliis overwhelming preference AI J for Goodyear's extra mileage, extra safety, and extra economy be your buying guide. Sec your Goodyear dealer coday. 'là.lJi* ENNUI t toton a-M-C-# 'i i WA RNING s Os'ér.initation prorsetes skiddisg and si * &d#r.imflsi.u Icads to premuae, tire > r afpr l? ire presa ré orjou>wr con Céaqeltjpar Gud.yar dealer. MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND -~.iGOODYEAR BATTERIES luit longer ... start fastr ... mr 100% power.fuil whist installed. Mate your neut batt.ry a Goodyear ... gis ail the power 700 pay for! fThc Goodyear name assures top quality. A COMPLETE UNE of batteries for carstrucks and tmcors .. . »w ai your. Goodyear Dealers'. H@st te Mon Touchers" Choir Wedn.sday Nlght Proud Indeed were the bys of BoYa' Training School to havi as tuer guftts Wednuaday night, April 101h, the Toronto Men Tea- chers' Choir. The schoolplayed hast te, this fine group at supper, rPared entirely by the boys un- roete direction of Mr. A. Smith. Commente were overheard on the excellence of the meal, and e- cially about a batch -of pumnpkl Pie turned out by Don Meyers. In return for thus hospitality th. gentlemen offered a surprise ln the. .orm cof a pre-concert 'warm1 up' ln the B.T.S. auditorium. Ne-i ver before have these ears heardi auch hearty and sincere applause 1 as they did %jter each nuniber.11 Bidon Brethour, conductor, In-1 selections ehas e epolaly for exact number Who' corne b NI- this youthiul audience, and the agara Fails each year, but we am boys were aT orrte 1e titis fine expectlng upwarde of eight mil'. blond ai mal. volces leve. lion vIsitorig. We belleve the tour-. The Riverdale utrlng trio gave lat seaon wl] start earlier, thau exceptlOnally fine volce te'"- uual titis yerar and wlll continule donderry Aire,' and stlrrlng mo. nf iel coe, adHn tint JeulouW ssis h . Dley pltion t ograatag cmMr. àe.The comission, in thetearo stehgigto ations, la malcing every effort ho facilities for 'visitors. New tourist attractions In the World Famous Tourist Niagara pailhdistrict include bis- G tre Of Niagara FailS toric Fort Erie at Fort Erie and cca« for Vîitors Fort George et Niagara-on-the- Lak, rstoedat considerablé ex- pense by the. Commission and op- Viaitors to lthe *wrld-famous en for public inspection- hia year. set 4 new attendance record titis la the» war of 1812-14 and bulldý- summer according to Mon. Chas. Ings and century-old weaponsanr Daley, chairman of the publicly- on djsplay. owned Niagara Parka Commission A new $140,000 greenhous. bas ayatem. recently' been opened att1h. Fafla greo s at emio f ?U "What has your boy Iered' ai "Thbat he'il hav, te hie vaccla-é ted, that hie e@&«s at riej mnates, that hi# te.th need repla tunnel biet h __ Heofeho. alu b Ahrubeand l* Di u kcataracte, wl be mi uée"a 1k Iions - o fttaeut le, uj Preparing for erqui« at1 ài dlean-up, nearly 400 Park mnission employeea have o menced worklng along teàm route of parks, gardons andé Lle points. Wlnter llngered, se.loeg lu * jp of. eprlng that Itocaln .......... qmm eAuAlWAW #»AqqemAlÉ lbowmm*,& io 0 9 m - tau