t' - ------------------------------------ PAGE TW*.YW TUE <~AUAnTAP2 @'PA'imi~, A - A * - M~VV4A~ W~~- AA~U I'Wfl~nAV A~noeY aa~ --~~-. -, ~A ~wa.a mi, Blackstock Shaw's construct1ve , nrtJnment and ipmrm.rsMdme P"ai W ant For Exp ert Ar etn fU.ntdCum lmADSIOl Ninety-twe pere feading Fer lnefs Premet ____________________________ pri. metig o Ulte Chrch HOM AN> SH L UB -matter on sale As mot fitg,taLtke W.MS. vil b. an outatanding Sh shomne, Robert Louis Stevenson Go-ahead farmers. reallÉe that oneli th mmoresofthoe ho etfo Home and School Club saut "This may ,be a banquiet with increasing tarin production often One n te meoris o thoe wo me fo tc April 'meeting wlth ea feast of ýconacquencea." Adults, requires better planninig-planý- VIA BI iV ~ veefotnaeenuh obePesdntLCoeceCydm %s adolescenits and children are nmng on haw to make the niait of ~ P I G Rthere, for'a long ie ta corne. in the chair anid was iOpnd'wath without .a khawledgc of the Bible. each day, and how ta rcap the TOP PRICES PAID Mrs. Miller, Bovinanville, wife Otto Beragsepiandist. Mrs. mrAt, a conference of United Na- most frein each acre. of Dr. G. W. Miller, spoke on In, Cox, secretary, read th mnteetos etyi eld s- Smetmestese plansca1 for dia, where she lived for several It was decided ta follow thecu csol-iyhv pae? ai iasuha idr gi W al tr Fran k years. She spoke ln such a way tomary pracedure af retaningthe Wh do we honor such mcen as cultural, equipment.. matera, R.R 5 Bo mavilc hon 203 as ta iaké us sec India as ve ne present afficers for a second tcrm.Ediso and Henry Ford? What pumps, milking machines; saine- E lmrCx cnee, rsddmade ,Uicsc great men great? They Uirnes it means çonstructing. re- RJL 5 îlow mvmePhone2403 ver haped ta be'able ta do. Once for this excellent prograin. Mri.ere constructive and helped pairingor altermng farm buildings:, again we wonder why wb are Otto Bragg and Miss Ruth, Brg mankind.. or mmenravement plans Miay cafl blessed the way we are, ýhere presented piano duets. Hwrggh Concluigavr ieadesfra etrdàng ytm r must be a reason. Mrs. D. Hili la- Foley gave several humoraus rea- "et seaerstredten for w hatwecnew fecuseprhsigeun vored with a piano solo and Lois dings and Orville Osborne, ac-"Ltu ienfrwaw c O cosprhsng qi- and Beryl Larmer sang a duet. companied by his daughter,-Missgîve in lite and- not what w 1e can ment, making repaira and inataîl- Mrs. Roy Ferguson had charge of Lillian, sang a number af solosý get for ourselves." ing electricai eauipment casts S U R G E~'4 ~ ~ rOut8l%~ Ui Pi~grai. Luch M. Crdermn inrodued te 8precitionta te spakerand eed ot b anabstaleet yof Uic meeting with Mrs. C. Hile ail of which were much enjoyed. Kl qarmvc oea money; but the lack of, ready cash anw scaahl bu pekrRerRv.eemur n others assisting in preparing and imnDrovement pragram. The Bank muc ejoed iU Ms.niskillen, and mentioned that Mr. pesenting the prograni. This of Montreal bas helped many far- Automatically holdi ilr n e ap wasvr uhej y aswet r-S ymu rentycefoi was scconded by Mr. Brock. An mers ta produce more an their th tatcpadoning allI-and sundmy questions on successful 16-year pastorate at abundant lunch was served by tarrns by investing more ini their thbetcusdw er Ilite in India. We were happyCtrqiadwsqikymk Mrs. K. Squair and group. Neict tarins. ta have ome ai ur Anglcan ingtiand i wbs Ennîskllenar- meeting, on May 2. M.F .MIvemngro M lev r ton , p rp y ry , p wr - a je n to uc ir ec i t. H is egr i au sa r n s O v e r te l s u s b e is g la d ta d isc u ss iç - CLEÂNERIIK .cbed in the Anglican Cburch on ceptance of the requet ta speak CrTrl provement plans with go-ahcad Sunday aiternoon. It is expectel at Shaw's was greatly appreciat- Near West Bridge tarmers. ««Our farm improvement P ASTER MILKING tbat Rev. John McKibbin will be' cd. ____ an plan bas been designed ta returning home early. this weck. In bis opening remarks Mr. Sey- Early Saturday aiterroon a car help progressive -t-ammers," lhe Mrs. John Farder visited Mr. mour mentioned bis main. reason driven by John Bourenoif, Tor- commentcd. "Tbis low-intercst SURGIR SERVICE DERALECR and Mrs. Harmy McLaughlin, ot for coming west in Ontario, was onto, turned over on the Hîgbway plan bas enabled many a tarmer Nestieton. ta be near bis daugbter in Toron- at the overbead bridge west of ta purchase modemn appliances CMsWinona Jackson is back to ta. He was in accord with Home the town. It is believed that the that have increased bis tarm pro- scbool again alter a tonsil opera- and School principles and felt automobile got out ai control as fits." 17-1 Lagaai P.PhneThrinl -r6 tion at Bowmianville Hospital and they were filling a gap which had iti made the turn just over the Langtaf]P.). Phoe: horm 6r-6 spcnding a week with ber aunt, existed tar too long betwecn the bridge, careened across the bigh- ________________________________________ Mms. Rupert Byers. home and the school. Tbey also way and then turned over. SOME »OG. SHOW Mm. Sam Jeffmy bas eturned helped ta overcame indifference, NO anc was injured altbough - tajo -pnoe home after spcnding two weeks among peaple in a school section, traffic was beld up for u tew min- AaScu-pnredog show in Toronto. ta. echool affairs in general. utes while the car was righted. in Australia, prizes were awarded Mr. Seymour was doubtiul if be Chiet af Police Sydney Venton in- ta the longest dog,. the smallest,; would please bis audience but teit vestigated. noisiest, ugliet, best assorted; the 5 l mhis emarks were what should be __________ dog with the longest tail, the cIe- Salrnsaid an his subject: "Are you lis- vemcst dog, the dog with the silk- tening? Wbat do you bear?" We need mare than an answer iest coat, the one.-'With the mas, -~The people af R.R. 4, mail route It is weIl ta attend ta the best ta aur prablems. We need a wholp saulful eyes, the mnogt.popular dog at Salemn lived among the his and in lite and ta that wbich is most flew way ai lite in whicŽh these and the best-dressed.-dog. T cap, TOR RIKSWIH ..they weme surrounded with beau- impraving and heipful ta a fuller probleins dan't occur. it ail a special prize for the Most YOUR RINKSWITHty and went about their work witb realization of all that life can great peace and content in their hold in genuine, lasting, mast jay- hearts. ful and thrilling experiences. But sametimes their minds mca- This is an age of machinery. Ev- Ê%fËmmmmcbed out ta the outerwdrld with erything is mechanized and we longing ta hear ai the Peace Con- think in- ternis aifnachinery-for ference, the coal strikes, Uic belp indoors and outdoors, homes, FRE ER INN -ta Greece tusinec arins and tactories are equippedi Evervess Sparkling They even looked at their post with labor and time saving elec-' Water is a cheei.fùl, boxes and thougbt ai thc days Tha i i n aet. cene ua....... lieyblender for you when tbey bad icît a little tbrill Thigs eis an a aenc e, t laite ry eerg at finding a letter tram an old dus eiii n aymr favunie prtybevrags. e riend in their box, or even aân cx- discoveries hi orward progress FÔR THE CHILDREN- pected or unexpected cheque. bave revolutionized treatment af FoMoewr h'asa h discases today. adds cxciting aew livei- For astneTitisis anage aidîscoeryha ness ta thie youngsters' .p . N ogrddte sodatrets nd rwtsay "Hoe h caeshe ~ sop-witness the present expeditionsi sd rs.Pesd forapda u o. bdfr-itanqd caims - in regard ta the dis gotten thc pleasure he had scat- tit ntmnrhm aaa purity b>' ultra violet raya tered aîong bis route in thc joy This is an age ai invention. There, FOR RALS TO - ofhis wn iresde.are machinemy and many mechan- Then Uic people ai Salenm real- ical aids ta make lite easy. Try Evervess aJonc as a *-ized that 'If the mauntain would- But chietly this is a listening table watem with your n't came ta Mohammed, Mohani- age. Betome Edison's inventions meala; it makes good food ehdt rdc u w ne- saste even better. ~mcd must go ta the mauntain." eba aprdc aronetr taeee etr Sa tbey laid aside their pitcbtorkstinet. Tevso ma nt and drove ta Uic post office. Here always add ta aur pleasure as MORE FOR TOUR MONETterrceto a ate bly saine people are more pîcasant in the handy, economnicaltaha antse.Tlvio S. .. But Uic Salemites weme naw finm-tahrtanase.Tevin 12-ounce borle. "«Jun .... y determined against isolationisin, nay lead ta disillusionmient. One frsnesa right" size fits your sa they stood in line tram 'H-L or ai the troubles ai today is that rergrtr lriae -T and waited for their letters. the people have been spoan-ted t he qual "«oven boule" waste. Tey tbought for a time ai taking rmtena hyd o aet their post boxes down, and then te they thougbt af their bistoricai do enough for theinselves. -te A P-dt ocf PWalaC^"C>,f C~,.dà Limwd value and left thcm there te me- Goad movies are appmoved by _____________________________________________ mind Uem ai better tumes. everyone, but wrong movies and ____________________________________________________________________wmong conduct wben attending -Phyllis Hemtzberg are flot condcvet he moral 1 " gowth ai aur young people. Peo- ple are no longer desirous ai spcn- ding evenings at home as there are sa many attractions autside the home. There is sa much sing- ing aver the radio that we do flot sing around the piano and provide music tom others as we should. It is much better ta play and sing tom athers than ta have others do_________________________________ it tom us. Boys and girls are living in a difficult age. They are taced with decisions that we aIder peo-M ple kncw nathing about in aur youtb. Answering bis question "To what vaices are you Iistening?" the speaker said it is a challenge and we must guard aur choice and be sure we are listening ta what wilî not bowem our standards.... but be ai assistance in attaining a fulnicasume ai manhood anid womanhood. It is necessary ta listen net only ta what is amus- ing fom the moment, but ta study A 111 Broking windows is an'odd and expensive mania that meut sans people manage ta contrai. Breoking Insulators on Hydre polos, or shaftering streot lights, is an even more costly pastime thot un astonishing number of boys and men feu te curb. An insulator or streot ight sits up so invitlngly. . and, te the uninformed seems such a smaoei4 Insignificant plie of equip- ment that it presents a tempting target. Few people would break insulators or street lights if they und.rstood the damage that con resuif. A broken Insulator can cause a short circuit and cul the service on a lino. The homes, the factory, the hospitai or the stores depend. Ing on thot lin. are cut off from power until the insuiotor can b. replaced. Housewives are inconvenienc.d. Factories con b. stopped witth possible poy losses ta the workers. Human lves con ho endangered, especially in a hospital. Broken street lights imperil beth foot and vehicle trefi l, and creote an Invitation fa crime. Ta repoir damaged Insulators and replace broken street lighfs requires mon, trucks and possibly miles of travel. ftel1 acdde up te o big prie. for o torget ... and Hydre censumers parythat price.. Pleut* use yeur influence et every oppertunlty te prevent the deliberoto or cereless destruction of public propeuty. ~nm tM - u LA oir:DAUM týDR - LE-'RI- (D ER (ONMI'ýON OF ON A MUNARD'S LINIMENT 35e p. ub oefruedy= ic drnu% No a 8 U"su&l -Pet vuwobyle t Th'l~e sdd.st thng vo e eji * pIeTAeScot dog show vsa ltr la that we do bot lnrw& i and appeal in perfect coipbination. These are alities you'il detect in- Winchester Cigarettes, for -y are ".Blended Right" froin the world's choicest tobaccos,* Turkish, Virginia and Burley-Winchesters are consistently tops in taste, aroma -and smoking satisfaction.. Vinchestor CI-GARETTES le ts he/p >14/? Vour trip Dr.> in a# any Canadan Nationl tidae .b'ico and talà il over. JVc uill be picased te belp yoi. 'A. t' 'j * ê CAN»~NATIONAL THE RAILWAY TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA PAM wwmtM F5- .Z, *( Sure it'sdeliciaus, -«hen ou make it with Canada Camu Starch and it will be a favourite with the whole family. The quality of Canada Corn Starch is the reason for its popularity ivith housewives frain Coast ta Coast. When youm mecipe calîs for Corn Starch be sure ta use Canada Corn Stanch, its dependable. quai- ity ensunes excellent nesults. Abso Manufuesurrs of Crown Brand Corn SyTup