PAGE 7011TM Enfield SW*. met at thec homne cf Mmr. 3.1 Parr with eleven ladies present.1 The program conslsted of a paper 'by Mrs. A. Prescott, reading by IMrs. W. Bowman and piano sel- ections by Mns. G. Bowman. The JYour Set Mu'tt Pickering Farins * ggs and Fowl 1 oreggs are candied withln q48 HOURS from time of ar- Irival, whlch gives you a better grade, and consequentiy more money. FOR VOUR we are open 6 p.m. daily,1 days. CONVENIENCE from 8 a.m. lneluding Satur- Pickering Faims Ltd. Whltby 336 - Night or Day Whltby - Ontario 1 ROOFING ASPHALT - FELT -SHGL Brick SIding Eavestroughing OIL DURNERS Cail on us fer Guaranteed Work DAVIS & GRANT J PRONES: 2842 - 2674 meeting ended around the teà bie. Wood cutting, sap gathering house-dleanlng seem W b. up most right now with a prom]i seeding very soon. Wedding belis are rini They Were getting pretty rusi] Sacrament of the Lord's Sul was observed on Sunday. We looking forward Wo ci services with the inprovedi conditions. ,%lem Salem Woman's Association at the home of Mns. Wilbert C on April 17. The meeting opq with a short devotional pE followed by the business. Craig had charge of the prog Mrs. J. Hall and Mrs. E. D gave readings. Our Agricu.i Representative, Mr. E. A.E mers, gave an interesting anc formative talk on gardej Musical numbers consistedi piano solo by Marie Colle and a vocal trio by Doreen1 ards and Beatrice and Genda C Mrs. Craig and her group se lunch and a social time was joyed. Kendal Sand pper- ise o! iging. ;y. Lipper ce are iurch road n met Craig ened )eriod Mrs. gram: Darch 1tural Sum- d in- ening. o! a lacutt Rich- -raig. erved s en- Mrs. Mary Luxon witb Mn. and Mrs. Elmen Elliott. Mn. J. H. Bailey was in Kendal. rThere was no school bere Mon- day due to the illness o! Mn. Ken- ny. Mn. Hanon a student o! Toronto Normal School was practice tea- cher here the past week. We welcome Mn. and Mns. War- ren to oun village. They moved into the bouse, vacated by Mn. R. Sleep. Bill Darlington attended the banquet and floon show given by B.A. Oil Co. in the King Edward Hotel Friday evening. He also visited bis sisters in Ajax. Mrs. Eddie Couroux and Ray with Mrs. Vance Allen, in Orono. Mrs. James Hay who suffered a heart attack several weeks ago, is stili confined to her bed. Mrs. T. Hilditch is in Toronto attending the funeral o! Mn. Clanke Disher o! the Disher Steel Construction Co. who passed away on Friday. We wish the basebaîl team a fine night for thein basket social and dance. The boys are endea- voring to raise money to finish paying for their new bail suits so they can step in style this year. Hydro men wene out Mondayi and turned on the power for Wm. Mencer for use on bis tobaccoi farm. Most o! the gnowers have finally succeeded in steaming their greenhouses' and in planting them. Hamipton Mr. A. L. Cation, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees, Carol and Donna, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. William Found, Bowmanville, at N. C. Yellowlees. Mrs. Eliner Wilbur is with rel- atives at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson and Jean visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ferguson, -Oshawa. Mrs. D. Flintoif visited Mrs. C. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Young, Den- nie and Sylvia, and Mrs. W. mc- Millan, Peterboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Salter. Mrs. Clarence Avery, Haydon, with Mrs. L. S. Niddeny. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelly and Nancy, Oshawa, visited her par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. F. Honey. 1Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy at 1Nestleton. Mrs. Ken Caverly with Miss Eva Souch, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn have Lreturned from visiting their son, Dr. Wallace Horn, at Mt. Kisco, N.Y. Mr. and Mns. Tom Martin, of North Oshawa, visited Mrs. K. Winterburn. Mrs. Ted Chant visited her par- ents near Oak Lake. Glenn Williams, Blackstock, at home on Sunday. Mn. Morley Hastings, Toronto, visited friends here. Rev. and Mns. J. O. Totton,, of Richmond Hill, were weekend guests of Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Horn. Mns. Evelyn Bateman, Oshawa, was with Mrs. M. Goodman and Louise. Mn. C. Keys, Oshawa, was guest of Mr. and Mns. R. Metcalf. Mn. Robert Metcalf, Sr., spent the weekend in Toronto with rel- atives. A number from. Hampton at- tended the Men Teachers' Choir concert in Bowmanville on Wed- nesday night and wene highly pleased with the veny fine pro- gram presented by these out- standing singers. Rev. J. O. Totton, a former pas- tor of the Hampton Circuit, oc- cupied the pulpit very acceptably on Sunday night. His discourse on the Lond's Day Alliance was timely and well presented. A subscniption was taken for this fund. Mrs. Totton accompanîed him and their many friends were delighted to see them again after many Yeans' absence. Citizens had to use the snow shovels again on Wednesday mon- ning last when severai inches o! snow had covered the ground. A number of oun young people attended Oshawa Presbytery con- vention* at Newcastle, Saturday and Sunday. Home and School members met ât the home of Mrs. Wiil White on Monday for an ahl day quilt- ing. The quilt had been made by school children for the Red Cross. An enjoyable pot luck dînner was served. Mrs. A. Clanke has been receiv- ing treatment in Toronto Gener- ai Hospital. The dance which was sponsor- ed by the Young Ladies' Service Club and held at the school on E'niday night was weli attended. M!usic was provided by Ai Fletch- en's orchestra. Proceeds wene for the Memnonial Hospital fund. Miss Dorothy Adamson who is attending Toronto Normal School, was a practice teacher Lt Orange- v'ille last week. The Young Ladies' Service Club met at Mrs. Will White's on Wed- nesday night. Mn. and Mrs. Paul Chant and baby, Bowmanvîlle, with Mn. and M'rs. Austin Bannon. Miss Hilda Cryderman and M'iss Nancy Jerymn, Vernon, B.C., vith the formen's relatives in the Cryderman family, A gathening was held in thein honor at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Wilbur. Mr. Raymond Higgs whose home is in the Bahamas, and who a e c F Ir n b. IV. lm TRUCK TIRES [ere's a tire that will carry your Lrucks farther, saler, at less coet er mile. Goodyear Hi-Miler AUl- Yeathera are always dependable .any rod . .. any weathmr VOAR foOODEALR* Bowmanville Motor Sales C. E. Murreil )ODGE - DESOTO DEALMR 1 king st, E. Phone SU5 TUE CANADXAN STAT~MAN, EOWMAI(VULE, O?~TAlIO '~'mmMBA'Y~ A~W ea~. - e -----. ---.~ oeu~5~ is attending Normal School li Toronto, was a student te-cher at our school last week. ]Burkton Visitors: Mr.*H. Grant, Oshawa, Mr. T. Brown, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Dean. Miss Marion Hopley, R.N, Miss Isobel Lockhead, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. T. Hopley. Mn. and Mrs. Grant Wilson and Beryl, Miss Effie Glennie, 'Kinsale, with Mrs. Pearl Avery. Mrs. Archie Lunn, Kinby, has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Chas. Dean, who has been iM. Miss Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, at home. Mrs. F. Baiiey, Blackstock, with Mn. and Mrs. W. McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Massie, Ton- onto, with Mn. and Mrs. F. Need- ham. Mrs. F. Caughill visited friends in Toronto and attended the Ro- deo. We wene glad to see Mrs. Orval Greer at hen home again. Mr. and Mns. T. G. Bneck, Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Breck, King- ston, with Mn. and Mns. E. Adams. Mns. Bessie Gatchell, Stanley and Thomas Gatcheil, Bowmian- ville, Mn. and Mrs. E. Slute, Rag- lan, Mn. and Mrs. H. Abbott with Mrs. J. Gatcheil. Mn. and Mrs. David Knapp and family, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. Sid Irons. Choir practice was at Mrs. E. Adams'. Quarterly Comm IVion was ob- served Sunday witfl a good at- tendance. Miss Jeanne Coulter attended the teachers' meeting at Enniskil- len, April lst, when Dr. G. Miller was guest speaker. Miss Grace Harris, Toronto Normal, has returned to Toronto aften staying a week with Mn. and Mrs. Tom Bailey. The pupils were delighted with ber helpful talks and music. Miss Harris' parents, spend the summen at Williams Point. Maple Grove Sunday School and Chunch service will stant on Sunday at 1:30 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. Easten Daylight Saving Time. The many friends o! Mn. and Mns. Russell Gimblett were sorry to hear of the accident that their son Tommy met with on the way home from school on Thunsday when he was hit by a truck. Tom- my suffered a broken leg, head and face injuries. and a sevene shaking up. Glad to know he is resting comfortably at his home. Miss Carol Martyn,. town, Mn. and Mns. Bruce Stephenson and son Glenn, Oshawa, were Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. J. R. Metcalf. Bey. and Mrs. W. C. Smith, Pont Penny, visited Mn. and Mrs. F. Swallow. Mns. Walter Foley at the home o! ber son, Mn. H. R. Foley. Miss Mildned Snowden bas ne- tunned home a! ter a visit with Mn. and Mrs. Ewart Everson, Mon- treal. She also, accompanied Mrs. Evenson on a moton trip to Bos- ton, Mass., to spend the weekend witb the latter's daughter, Miss Margaret Everson, R.N., who is attending college 4here. About 15 members of the Even- ing Auxiliary o! W.M.S. met at the home o! President Mrs. E. Twist to spend a pleasant and so- ciable evening. Contests were al- so engaged in. At the proper time the company was called to orden when Mrs. Wallace Munday pre- sented Mrs. Avery with a lovely Mc1kULLEN - GOODE A pretty evening wedding was soiemnized on Saturday, Apnil 5, 1947, when June Olive, daughter o! Mn. and Mns. Harold Goode, Orono, became the bride o! Boy McMullen, son o! Mrs. McMullen, and the late Mn. George McMullen, Bowmanville. The bride looked lovely in a pearl gray suit with gray and black accessonies and corsage o! ned roses. She was attended by Mrs. Harny Collacutt, sister o! the groom, in a blue pin stnipe suit wîth navy accessories and corsage o! vari-coloured carnations. The groom was attended by Mr. Harry Collacutt. After a reception at the home o! the bride's parents, Onono, the happy couple left on. a weddîng trip to eastern points. They will reside in Bowmanville. YOUR EYES and VISION By C. R.TUCK Opt. Specialist Disney BIdff. (Opp. P-0.) Oshawa, Phone 1514 "TRIMZ" --&âa t iF î1 Paper Draperies Ready to hang, hemmed and headed Style Tested . . . Fadeproof Cleanable . . . No Irouing Needed Look like beautiful fabnia Assortment of Colours 2 % yards long - Pair 58 % Inches wide WIII beautlfy any roona "-ANGORINE" A new shipmcnt of assorted colours Idéal for summer sweaters Je Wu JEWELL PRONE 556 "BIG 20" cALFORNIA 8UNKIST Nanvel Oran4ge - Sise 288'. --doL. 29e Texsun GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 'ùr 25Ç 2 "? "s25' Apte ORANGE JUICE 33; 15Ç Apte or Trout Hall BLENUED JUICt u. 33Ç ltoi 154 Fresh Ground As Sold RICAMELLO LOFfEr 39Ç Richmello - Orange Pekoe ïEA MAGS 40 61 "31C îdaple Leaf MAIEâ Package of 3 boxe* 23Ç Aylmer - With Pectin kASPÉ5RRY JAN t'om37Ç Aylnier Pure Orange MARMLADL3 1 Aylmer SoMl Pack AMPES 'àL.1rVALUES ECFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSINO SATUERDAT APRIL 301k r-DM HOs',ý PIlSDTE Its very name means "blue skies!" And heres a tested recipe' for holiday enioyment. .. an overnight boat trip, a round of golf, a refresh- ing plunge in any one of the myniad lakes in this magical country. Gravenliurst, at the soutbern tip of this famous chain, chief among which are Lakes Muskoka, Rosseau and joseph, is only a three.and-a- halE hours' drive, north on bigbway No. il from Toronto. And this popular playground is easily reached by train or bus front any point in or outside the Province. For more details on Misskoka, write Ontario Holiday, Room 1004, Victory Building, Toronto. Bantons Helnz - Fancy Quality - TOMATO JUICr IO5cl. 44Ç Alt Varieties - Vegetable and Flower SUMMERS SEEDS .,25se campbell's TOMATO SOUP 2Â 9 .teady to Serve PREM Canneti Pork Lof 12 35 Domnol MOTOi GIL A11Grades U 99 Clark's Cream of MUSHROOM bOUP 2 15' Royal City B. C. Pack Choie Quality FiA$ & AR ROOjT Dalton's Jolly Good lOUllal BUSINESS Il 0000 BUSINES ..FOR EVET CITIZEN We al profit whec the touris i nd"s ypros. pers. Even if you have no connection wsth hotels or garages or amusements. eheif prosperity stil! helps you. Sa ,t's in Yaur owu incercst to plsan to, spend yoA!r holidzy i. Ontario and do al! Yoa can ta encouragi friends fraot her part f Canada and th. U.S. tt omee and share burfun. )ne of a snrles of s about Ontade H.Iddespublithod ln the publie ineesi - by Labanli uId silver butter dlsh. AIl departed to their homes having spent a pleasant Urne. Kay Lycett and Roy Mclntyre provided Uic program for thc Maple Grove Women's Institute. The business period was princi- pally taken up by thc election of officers, mter which Mrs. W. Ly- cett took charge. Kay played several piano solos from the clas- sics and Mr. Mclntyre spoke brie!- Iyon Social Welfare, stressing par- tlcularly the point that wc should be participators in sports and en- tertainment and flot merely look- *rs-on. Election of officers ne- sulted as follows: President, Mrs. S. Morton; lst vice, Mrs. L. White; 2nd vice, Mrs. I. Munday; secre- tary-tneagurer,- Mrs. C. Swallow; district director, Mrs. W. Allison. Wedding iÇhe 3igkofiikk Pluminig Rot Water Heating Repairs Agent for 011-O-Magie 011 Burners Inztalled i AyType o f FurnMe jack Drough Phono 23843King st.w U1ONE..COAT MAGIC"II for triuo walls, woodwork CILUX is new liec for old surfaces. Easy to use. Dries smooth, bard and fasi Stays dean-easy Sto wash. Many brilliant colors. $19 'CILU'-theQUART CILX mel EIGGON ELICTRIC Cream Producers' Duty TO Vote On Proposed Marketing 'ProWet to stlmillate, cen m re Cream Marketing ifear Pa icse by MIr. Robert Morrison, tnd Vice-Pres.. 'Ment of Ontario Federation of Agriculture, or Mr~. W. E. Tummon, Secretary of Bor Producers' Seheme. PLAN TO ATTEND ONE 0F TOWNSHIP MEETINGS Ail Meetings 8:00 p.m. Standard Time MONDA Y, APRIL 2STH - <a) Hamapton Town Rall (b) Millbrook Couneil Chamber TUESDAY. APRIL 29TH- (a) Canton Communlty Ral <b) Bethany Town Ral WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30TH - Blackstock Town Ral Ballot Boxes at ail meetings. E. A. Summers will act as Re- turnlng Officer, asslstedi by W. B. Reynolds; W. Baulster and J. J Melor. Advertisement Sponsored by Durhama FederaU tis fAgriculture MJ~iJIE~W I a / ki ..Special Fruit and Vegetahie Sale Starts Today. Garden Fresh Fruit and Vegetables take the Spotlight in Big DOMINION Store Sale. Thin 8kim, Sweet anid Tuicy Ige. size 176's Florida Oranj"s - - - doz. 39e kNEW GREEN and TE9DEIR_ Texas Spinach - - - 2 lbs. 19e NEW GXREELN Texas Cabbag. - - - - lb. Se CALIFORNIA FIM CISP Iceberg Lettuce - - - 2 heads 25e Dadilngton bar Board Mans for New Salibry Sebedul. South Danlington School Mcea Board met at Maple Grove School, Apnil lSth, with all members pre- sent, also -Inspector McEwen. Mn. Farrow and Mr. Bowen met with the board as teachens' repre- sentatives Wo discuss plans for a field day. It was decided to ask the teachers in co-operation with some local organizatioei to outline what they would llke in the way o! schooi improvement. J. Rey- nolds and E. Osborne were ap- pointed to wonk with Mn. Farrow and Mn. Bowen to arrange a field day and picnic on June 6th. Hampton Home and School Club requested a school fence, a cupboand and a lawn mower. The board placed itself on re- cord disappnoving of children be- ginning schooi at Easten. A summary of the areas year's work wiil be pnepared and pub- lished, on approval o! the chair- man, A rate of pay per day waà set for supply teachers. List o! teachens giving facts ne- garding teaching and special qual- ifications wili be pnepared as a basis for setting teachen's salaries, in a new request for salary in- creases retroactive to Jan. 1, 1947. Board wili bold its annual in- spection o! scbools on Apnil 24th, rond conditions having caused postponement fnrom a former date. Next regular meeting will be beld May l3th at Mapie Grove School. e---q Slemon's Generad Store. ENN ISKILLEN Announces The Opening of Their New LOc HE1R sTORAG EARLY IN MAY The publie are eordially invited to inspect their plant. See next week's Statesman for further particnlarsi a (No. 3) Tt is a veny popular belief that our ancestors had betten vision than bave the people o! the pre- sent day. This is flot entinely true because when we consider that the children at birth have the same stant as the cbildren o! today this expression is then only due to modern artificial conditions and environment. Modern. artificiai conditions, errons o! diet, over- work, errors o! vision, lack o! ex- ercise are found to have ill effeets until corrected. The toîl taken in this way may lead to incompetent wonkmanship and inefficiency and those nearen normal with more accruate vision will have prionity witb more fixed position in life, flot fnom job to job witbout success at any. The effect then o! oun modemn life shows occupational strain on the eyes that was heretofore un- thought o!. Also ocular science bas improved to sucb an extent that pnactîcally eveny new condi- tion can be cornected and also this scientific knowledge is nelieving and cornecting imperfections and is finding t*ie means o! pneventing injury, disease and discomfont. (To be continued) gim CMADI'm STATEMMP BGWWý ý ôlqTAI«Cr 22Ç U» - &ne tic OUV