~'mmsDAY, APRIL 24th, 1941- 'rrn! <!ANAflTA?~T PAW~JAII W~W~RAMvrrx.w E~M'I'ADT~Ç U A ~ -- .. ~ arnimi.~ m a a WH Y YOD SHOULO0 s HO0p I,-J~t.mum.aum.mua.mui ~(~UUUUUdU E MA9 Xw é/1& Wear t h e Short SPhorty if you want to be ahead in fash- ions of the day. Cornes i n heavy fleece with loose fitting backs -$818.95 Flowered prints in pretty rayon dresses for the growing girl at a saving. Tublast and comarn zi izes 7 to 12 yrs. -- 2.49 To-day, the smart S dressed man pays ne attention to * Shakespeare's f ar- Oua quotation of a le horse, a horse, rny la klngdorn for a ho9p. ne Instead he says, a 00 suit, a suit, oh what : wouldn't I do for a i.'t. Breslin's have '*m ~rart double-irea- * sted tweed suits a ----- ----- *21.50 .Sprngtie i sui time!And i's al waysý sut tie u Bresin's . Sartl tailredmanni s styled ladie' a 1 wooltrictipesuit in nvy oly $5.0 Colorful as a garden .-cotton seersucker and print dresses for oversize wornen. A beautiful selection in izes 46 to 52 -- 5.95 - $6.95 The sport shirt ses- son is on in ful swing snd of course Breslin's us the cen- tre for these snrt shirts of spun rayon. You narne the color - we have t - ail suzes - _34-25 It's stripes again in long wearing seer- sueker. , Mackintosh4 said whatever i s popular deserves at- tention and we're certain t h is cool looking dress will cail for aý second look. Siies- 12 to 20 - 38 to 44--- 6.95 Let it Rein! You can challenge the s t orrmy weather when you have this srnartly taiored cot- ton and rayon gab-j erdine raincoat to keep you dry. Sizes 12 to 20 --- 316.95 When it cornes to odd trouseru f o r men Breslinis ai- wayu lead in style, selection and value. Smnart looking ail- wool tweeds in good look.ing checked pat- ternis with pleats and drop loops $7.00 Perfect fttting, good looking high style coats for the young lady in ail wool che- viots with ail-round belts. Corne in pow- der, green, brown. and turquoise $21.50 Slack happy ii what you'll be in this wonderfully taiiored alpine slack suit. The long overblouse ia belted and the slacks are expertly mnade to give you an Adonis-like figure. Solid or contrasting shades - ---$12.951 Trirn looking two- piece Eton styled suits for the wee boys. Corne in brown wool tweed. Pants have match- ing belt. Sizes 3 to 6x .......8.95 Swéet as candy is this buttoned down front seersuceker dress. Cornes in al combinations of col- ors. Sizes 12 to 20. ---- - --- $6.95 I \* Rain, Ramn, corne this way is very likely and in this case it's good policy to follow Dionysius' advice of it's better late than neyer and buy your bl1a ck satin finished ramn- coat now frorn Bres-d lin's at ~ $12.95 The best la the cheapest.-Yes, Bres- lin's agree w it h Franklin's quota- tion and that is why we off er you these exceptionally well- tailored, Engi i s h worsted suits A n d ou bl1e breasted styles at -- $54.00 Let it pour: you're srnartly protected in this waterproofed cotton gabard i n e coat with the fam- ous Sport Togs label Cornes in goid, red, ' powder and brown. Sizes 12 to 20 $19.75 For the cool days, dress the little fel- low lu one of these rnatching coat and cap sets of domestic wool donegal twe- eds: Sizes 3 to Or - ----- * 9.95. * I a ~mu mu * M la a * I mu * * M .114 lu M I. * M I. * M I. * I M Don't be like Bur- 'ton and build castles in the air. Make1 that suit dream corne true. 'Yaou'll applaud this mani- nish looking wool diagonal tweed. In sizes 12 to 20 $27.50 Special Value in chîldren's s ki r ts with rnatching brac- es. Cornes in ail- wool shetlands in solid shades or plaid patterns. Size 3 to 6 -- $2.49 Size 8 to 12 yrs. $3.95 You'Il save money on these smart look- ing youtha' all-wool diagonal and her- ringbone tw e ed slacks. Sizes 29 to 35 Speclal price $4.95 [Catch the sun in.this pretty sundress of bright checked ging- harn with elastic n e ck, tucked i n Swaist and full skirt. Sizes 12 to 18 $6.95 Akyour Maw for a Marjorie Daw dress. Tubfast cot- ton seersucker in bright stripes o r checks. Size 3 to 6x -- $2.98 Size 7 - 12 yrs. $3.95 'Rai-i wear for men at a low price, miade of showerproof cot- ton twiflin beige only. Siz. 34 to il AT YgMDAY, APIUL 24th,- 1947- THE CANADIANSTATESMAN. WV;IL4NVrLIýZ- ONTART6 OR V- we0oi IDAi» qmcmlm