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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1947, p. 4

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À TWO-IEAIED *TIRTLE fffj .;;so is a thrse-alarm fit.; a murder triol ; a>nd what the people next door are doing. Each day, more news flows into the news* -ooms of The Globe and Mail than could be printed in a fuil tength novel. More Local News' In Toronto and suburbs atone, over 50 reporters and photographers cover local and suburban news in lively, accurate reports and human interest pictures. More ;Ontario News Throughout Ontario, The Globe and Mail has over 100 representatives in key cities, towns and villages, whose news reports and cameras bring yoix latest Ontario-wide news picture daily. Mor e Canadian News 1Canadian news is covered as it !'breaks" by Canadian Preses ad resident Globe and Mail correspondents in ail principal Canadian cities. More Worid News Associated Press brings United States and generat foreign news, while 54 correspondents of the famous New York Times Service provide exclusive Worl'd News coverage for Globe and Mail readers. Ail the news te presse ime ... graph. ically reported .. clearly zresented generously illusrated.. that's why se 'many people now enjoy The Globe snd Mail first thing every day ...why you, tee, will find greater satisfaction and enjoyment in its action-packed pages. I GM4738W irN ait AÇ BEKAOWUAfna^ ~ONTAMU 5.1 Mefts $M00 For HospiWalF.nd Beehive Rebekali Lodg e spon- sored a successful tea and i-- mage sale in the Councir-Room con Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Oke, Mrs. W. J. Richards and Mrs.> Sid Murdock were iii .charge of the clothing section. A variety.,of bousehold articles and wearlng ap- parel was displayed. Mothers welcomed the opportunity te out- fit their children from the cholce selection of children~s wear in many colors and sizes. Mrs. Joe Levett, Mrs. J. C. Sa- mis and Mrs. G. B. Dillîng were conveners at the home cooking table. A variety of delicious home baked bread, buns, cakes and other delicious home cooked food was soon disposed 'of. Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn, Mrs. Mac Moore and Mrs. Les Nichols serv- ed tea.and dalnty sandwiches and cakes at several smali attractive tables. A draw on two unique hand painted plaques donated by Mrs. Croseman, was cenducted by Mrs. Darwin Bickell and realized $12.- 20. Mrs. Chas. Bagneli held the lucky ticket and was awarded the plaques. Mrs. Harry Smith was In charge of a delectable looking checolate cake whlch. went te Mrs. Harry G. Morden .and in- creased the proceeds by over $6. Net proceeda were over $65.00 and will be donated towards the Memorial Hospital Pund. Women's Institut. Hoki Another Euchre Party Bowmnanville Women's Institute euchre which wàs held in the Union Hall on Friday *night 'was well attended considering that there were several activities on the sanie evening. President Mrs. L. S. Dumas was in charge and twelve games were played. Prizes were awarded for bigh scores: let, Mrs. M. Coole; 2nd, Mrs. R. Dumas; 3rd, Mrs. W. Woodward, and Mrs. A. Boe and Mrs. G. Col- lscutt tied for 4th place. It is plsnned to sponsor a series of these euchres and the next one will be on Frlday, April 25. Legion. Auilllry Euchre, Proves Popular Auxi liary toý the Legion euchres whlch are conducted In the Union Hall each Saturday evening throughout the year are increas- ing in popularity and new play- crs are noticed each week. There is stili room for a few more wbo will be welcomed on behalf of the Auxilary, by Miss Edith Joint the convener and hostess who greets tbe guets and reads the rules wbich contribute towards bar-% monlous and pleasant play. Twelve games and the very popular freeze-out are played and prizes are awarded for bigh scores. Mrs. R. Dumas, Mrs. J. Thickson and C. Qulnney were wlnners Saturday evening. Hfow to.Cuiat hMnadec painsganayotun b. caed b7 Suas unc acd, a bW odnnuny tin s«ho .extracted by " .kidyo.fil kidugys al. and exceas ie adid remani, it nlay cause s.iw. discoul.and palu. Trust ihouratie pain by keepmng yooe = 8dn y ugood condifidata. etseu DdsKidney Pilla Dod' hel your Iddnys get rid of trouble-aking poison sMd exceu aadds--help jeu f.l beu. &Soo ht Dodd'scmadfe « lm 17 Hello Homemakers! Leoking over the shoulders of the fo]ks who were concentrating on their selection of seed packages we *were perturbed by the few herb seeds included. Perhaps you al- ready have a herb bed-if not, here are a few notes on the value of such a garden. *How handy it istogo out and gathèr a few tender shoots of chives. When finely chopped tbey add zest to fish and vegetable sal- ads, soupe, gravies, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, and many sandwich fillings. Then we have- (1) Thyme for poultry dressing, soups, gravies and sauces; (2) Sage for stuffing used I fowl, pork, beef and for flavoring jellied veal loaf or a potted rost;, (3) Sweet basil combined with any of the following: thynie, mia- joramn or summer savory, lendsaa new flavor note to spagbetti, green salads, sausage or tomate juice;. (4) Summer savory for relishes, fisb, cbicken and meats. (5) Sweet marjorain for stewp and soupe; combined wlth a pinct of thyme and bread crumbe for coating croquettes and cutiets;, (6) Parsley and mint are used for more than decoration since wè eat tbem as garnisbes or ini sand-. wiches, casseroles, vegetable. dish- e, etc. By ail means plant a herb bed, then add a delicate new fiavor th your old time dishes. Remnember, add it discreetly for a pinch is 'as good as a pound when searoning food. Recipes to clip and file: Mint Sauce Half'cup water, :!2 cup %,'inega", 1 tablespoon sugar, 10 sprîgs 4.f mint. i Scald the mint for 10 minutoâ, cool, Étrain and add 2 or 3 leavés of :finely cbopped mint leaves be- fore serving with lamb. .,. Creamed Chive Potatoes, Three cups cubed potatoes, .1 cup top xilk, % teaspoon sait, :V teaspoon pepper, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 teaspoon chives, chopped fine. Peel and cube potatoes; put ln greased casserole and cover wtih milk and sait and pepper. Bake 45 minues in electric oven at 350 degrees. Dot with butter and sprinkle with chives before serv- ing. Sausage with Spice Cover One pound sausages, tea biscuit dough for 6 servings, 2 teaçpoons sweet riajoram. Roll out tea biscuit dough hall inch tbick-sprinkle the finely chopped marjoram over dougb. Wrap parboiled sausages in 4 in. squares of dough. Bake 15 min- utes in oven at .400 degrees. Herb Sauce Casserole Two-tbirds cup rice, 4 hard- cooked eggs, 2 cups white sauce, ',j teaspoon dried thyme, 1 teaispoon rninced parsley. Boil rice in salted boiling water until tender. Drain- and rinse in bot water. Make white sauce of 2 cups milk, 3 tablespoons flour and 2 tablespoons butter and blend in the thyme. Put rice and- sliced eggs in casserole and pour berb sauce over aîl. Sprinkle with parsley. Tomato Soup Cake One-third cup sbortening, 1 cup granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon bak- ing soda, 1 can tomato soup 13/ cups once-sifted flour, 1 te&spoon baking powder, %4 teaspoon of ground cloves, 'A teaspoon sweet basil, % cup of raisins, 1,4a cup of sliced peel. Cream sbortening and blend ln sugar gradually. Dissolve soda in soup and beat into sugar mixture. Mix and sif t flour, baking powder and epices twice and add to first mixture. Stir in raisins and peel. Business Dlrectoiry LEGÂL W. IL STRIKE, K.C. Barrister ' Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON. HA. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie King Street W., BowmanvUlje Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, HA.L Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 9% Knd Street E. Bowmanvillie Ontarto Phone: Office 825 Hanse; 409 MISS APHIA L NRODGINÈ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor te M. G. V. Goi*ld Temperance St. - Bowanlle Phone 351 DRS. »EVITT&h EDEL«r. Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty ot Dentlstry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubile li King Street, Bowmanvl Office Heurs: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. DevItt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudel !1827. DR. E. W. SISS8ON, U».o.. I.S Office In his home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowuianvife Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 P.m. dafly 9 amn. ta 12 noon, Wdnwh Closed Sunday Phone 604 U IMle Iluttercrâas;CA Phone 501 .- P.OX Monurmns'T'Or H'omne.gardeners ,willfind, they wul get a better stand of plants from the -vegetable and llower seeds they sow by dusting the seeds with anc of several prepar- cd chemnical compounds for the purpase, which can be bought at any seed store, says W. H. Wriht, Chief Seed Analyst, Plant Po duction Service, Dominion De- partment- of Agriculture. Such dustlng helps te prevent attacks of fungi or moulds that cause seeds to rot or young seedlings te, die before they copie up. Small packets of seeds can be easily treated by opening tbe corner of the packet then adding as much of the chemical dust as can be held on the point ot a penknife. Close the packet and shake well. Care sbould be tak *en net te inhale any ef the duet and te wash the hands with soap and water after hand- Turn intQ greased pan and bake in preheated oven 375 degrees about 50 minutes. Serve with coffee. . . 1 The Suggestion Box Prom H. C. we are reminded of oillng things to, make tbem run smoothly. Every so' often your mechanical servants need such at- tention. to do a- good job. Oilng keeps the gppliance motor cool, prevents wear and tear, and stops squeaks and racket. Oil the mo- tors once every six months or a year. The instructions accomp- anylng the appliance will give you the last word on this. (If you have lost your instruction book, we suggest you write the manufac- turer for one.) A drop of cil will go a long way (ahl the way, in fact). Do flot be toco generous with it and use a thin machine oul recominended for hotxsehold use. The sewing machine bas se;'eral places to anoint with oil. If your model is run by foot power, the sides of the foot treadle nerd the occasional drop-also the crank of the treadie wbeel. Tha sides of the fiywheel sbaft should have their share as well as the çhuttle and the needle spindle at the top of the machine. The vacuum :cleaner oil hole may be found on top or side of the motor. The electric mixer usually has a small hole toward the back of thé motor and needs a Ëeal dose once in six months. Some refrigerators need an oil refresher for the motor Eo cast your eye over the instructions. The wrlnger of the washing machinie does a bard Job, and sometimes it is a good idea to give the wringer gear box and the roll- er compression strew a new lease on life with a drop of oul. Fix that squeaky door hinge in passing by raising the pins slight- ly and putting in a drop of oil. If the pin cannot be lifted, leave n drop or two on top and it will slowly work its way down into the joints of the hinges. Anne Allan Invites you to write te ber in care of- The Caliadian Statesman. Send ,i'ujour, sugges- tions on hmemkiÉgproblems a To b. RALL good a car has to be gooci all the way tbrougb. And the 1947 Pontiac is a good cari That's why all aspects of the 1947 Pontiac are outstanding -beauty,' performance, comfort, safety and dependability. Year after year, Pontiac has balanced goodness-with ne one qualty. devetoped se the expense of another. Owners like everything about their Pontiacs. That's why Pontiac has more than a million owners - and more than a million friends! The 1947 Model - a fine car made faner - is now in production. 7Te demaad for new cars ia atili se great that k mnay be somne tùms before yau take the wheei of your ncw Pontiac. Make sure your present car keeps rolling. The better its condition, the safer you ame and the- hisher las potential ttade-la value. SpckdOAr. PI. For Blacketock ýý Rc.iv.s Opposition The Department of R9ducation la proposig to have the Black8tock Continuation School closed as one step in the formation of a High Sehool Area with the central Hlgh Sehool at Port Perry. Ratepayers and parents are reported to, be Lagalnst the closing of the school for rnany reasons. A meeting of ratepayers and parents was held in the Commun- ity Hall and a representative of. the Departmnent of Education was present who explained the sce me as it would affect Blackstock. He told them it would mean the clos- ing of the Continuation School and the transporting of the pupils by bus to Port Perry where they would be afforded a wider scope of education and at an overail cheaper cost. Some residents say they are op- posed to the scheme on the ground they had such an uphili struggle to get the school erected in the first instance and aiso because of the work the scbool has accomp- llshed throughout the year. Some point out that the school bas turn- ed out many brilliant students who would not have received an advanced education bad iA not been for the school. At the meeting those present registered their opposition to the scheme but since then thpre is talk that many of them have been discussing the project amongst themselves and appear more fav- orable. Another public meeting wili be held when road conditions are better and more will be able to attend. Red Cross Society Ever on the Alert In an Emergency Red Cross branches are ever on the alert to bring relief whenever disaster strikes. Flood waters of the Rideau River' forced tha evac- ustion of families froni their homes in suburban South Ottawa. Red Cross workers of Ottawa branch obtained for them emer- gency ebelter and aided in the evacuation. During the recent Thames flood, Red Cross branches were active in food relief work. At Dresden, Girl Guides andBoy Scouts work- ing with Red Cross volurteers, provided breakfast for many fam- ilies forced out by the flood. The Girl Guide, Boy Scout Hall, well equipped and conifortable, was kept open until mui week, eai hot meals were availâble to ail wbo had been driven from their homes, as well as to men working in the boats, Camp cots were brougbt into use from Scout camping equipment. The flood relief work in this ares was an excellent de- menstration of good tesîn work and a fine communîty spirit. Greatness is a spiritual condi- tion wortby ta excite love, inter- est, and admiration; and the eut- ward proot of possessing great- ness is, that wc excite love, in- anda watcn tnis coluxrn for replies. Arnolci. made fiMer frlend souid b. oixe iln whose Do nat thlnk that notbipg ta1 undertading and virtue we can happening because you de net equaily confide, and whose opin,- sec yourseif grow or hear, the ion we can value at once for Its -whirr ef the machlnery. Ain gret justes and its aincerity.Rob- things grôw noiseless4-IPC= ert ~fahl. mond. eb - mpig N ee Now is the Ue to have the roof tbathbasto b. opened >Insulat.d, or side-waflh pice. Don't wait for the hot weather or the rýush of fail business, you psy more then. ette Hme c-Insolation ROCK WOOLI C. Quem fStreet F.BRUCE IOrdeYo'ur Tickets NOWi Phono 494 "'ýFUN PARADE" Camad'u Waorà6 te Eaio Show With ]ROY WARD DICKSON 3 Hours of Si*de'Splitting Fun! Mail This Coupon For Your Tickets Send stamped* aeIf-addresaed envelolpe, together with cheque or money order to the "FUN PARADE" clo NMIES PLACE, OSHAWA, for reserved tickets. For Best Seat. Mail Coupon NOW 1 lu view of the anex p ec t e d y large demancf, we suggest you re- serve youU by ma i ov ADDRESS Please forward --Tickets at $-..each --Cheque 1 Money Order for -o..n- elosed. Seat. preferred at-..Floor, Bide, , si Pieas. print ln block letters. If seat. as W. specltied are soid out, we wlI forward best &I' available unless otherwise instructed. CVEESECTIONS AND, FLOOR BEATU-$15 END SECTIONS - $1.00 FUATUES that moite PONTIAC a ODCAI APPEARÀNoe - Distinctive Si1vor Streak Styiag*Nwms v andharoai,,, frnt end design, sew arn menatdon. COMFoff - Bihg, boomy Biody by Fisher a Triple.Cuhioned Ride a Luxurîous, Modern lateriors e shockpraaf Kae- Action * Fisher No-Drajt Ventilation a Handling Esscee AlI-Wéather Engine Temperature Contrai. DIPUOAILIY - Smooth, pawerful L-Head six or eight cylin- dem Enginço 0 FulI.Pmesuume Metcm.d Flow Lubrrc&tjon e Permanenti HighlyEffieug 011 Cleaner. ECONOMy - Scotch.Mist Quick Wamna..up Manifold a Gasclec . tors0 VaCuumulic Spark Control. % $AMEy -,Aulti.seaj Hydraulic Brakes a Unisteel Body e Dooma blagua at front * Tru-Amc Ssfecy Steerng * Cleur 'Vision. P_ý ROY W. NICHOLS CEEVEOLETZ, PONRTIC, OL-DNOBEBI MK A»D CADILLA CARS EE IOLET AJD G.XL.. TUcS ÇOURTICE " m ONTARIO ira E ! md...ngl "lusi Word,,la ru inuiiu Miichmi.1 la our cleaning plant we have juat coinpleed the installation of these new and modem diesa fin".h in# machines. They eliminate ail poasiilly or, ,corch anam iron marks, sine and alws tops mark# of dresa pleats or hem. showing through. IN F1~ACT IT FINISHES A DRESS LIKE NEW .AT NO EXTRA CHARGEIt - Wh M umyu-nztd-. od si - l . UP40ale mhimy auv« vwr !M...tWieeJ OSAW LuNRYý0 Y L - -WWC( Phono. Zenith i3«@ IJnatcedfor'BlaicedGooes ;rittumwAy. AFAM 24tjý >J. s~~.' -t'- q9rnTRmAv L. 1141' NAM£ SHIRRIFF'S*

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