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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1947, p. 5

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- -. ---s.. 4 - - . s- 4 mmE ca*ÀbnAN - 'T* ' Uflbwign1wÉ"Wv -' ',~' 5.~-8', ~*iwp ~av OYý . b le -S .ýe,,, -ear-s W N --te 25 Y TG The Moto rilng Pubi ôf Thî District SQUARE DEAL TO :EVERY CUSTOMER BROUGHT SUCCESS i Am * This week marks another Important milestone ln the operation of the business Intereste of Roy W. Nichols at Courtice. A business whlch was bufit by Roy Nichols -and has operated ln a flourlshing manner during the past 25 years in'the tbriving village of Courtice, 5 miles West of Bowmanville. * Thousands of perso ns from ail parts of the province and beyond who neyer hearci of Courtice learned about It when they journeyed to Roy Nichols' place to buy new and used cars. They travelled from far and near because word î> spread that buyers re ceived a square 'deal at the Courtice dealer's hands. They neyer were disappointed. Mr. Nichols' success is a striking confirmation of the old saying that.., "if a man makes a better mouse trap than. anyone else, the world will beat a path to bis door," a saying that applies to motor carV and to ail other com- modities as Weil as to the "mouse trap." The following article appeared In the Oshiawa :Reformer in April, 1922: "Roy Nichols bas nearly com- pleted bis garage at Courtîce Corners, and expects to open for public service ln the very near future." Silice that Ldate many expansions have taken place ln Mr. Nicliols' ~business. In the beginning It was a very smaîl operation SIndeed, but today It is known across the province. Mr. Nichols estimates that 95 per cent of bis business tg l thp essential servicing of commercial and other cars necessary for transportation. With gas and rubber ra- tloned during the war, and means of transportation restricted it was Imperative that cars and trucks still on ."'the road carrying war workers and liauling war supplies sliould be kept runnlng as contlnuously and efficiently as possible. M&. Nlchols made this is No. 1 activity and rendered a'Wry useful service to the prosecution of the ~-war In this'regard. Leaving the farm oper4ted by his father Frederick Nîcliols at the age o! 18 Roy Nicbols went to work with Generai Motors of Oshawa. Two years later lie went to Toronto to take a meebanical course and then worked for A. D. Gorrie, the big Toronto garage for a year and one-haîf. Thus thoroughly equipped witli theoretical an'd practical experience lie bouglit a lot and erected the YÊfgt small building on tbe higbway at Courtice. His dream bad come true then ln the spring o! 1922, because as be says, "I always had the idea of going Into My own business here." Describing those early days, he remarked that they depended for about 80 per cent of'their trade' on people's hard-luck on the roads. "I carried on reparhr work," lie continued, "and sold the odd car for other dealers at a amanl commission." In 1928 lie secured a franchise for Willys Overland, a dealership which gave hlm the handllng of WVhippet and Willys Knlglit cars at tbat trne. He -sold these cars from 1928 to 1933 when the firm closed down in Canada. Depression days did not bother him unduly, lie stated, because lie kept bis overliead* expense down to a mini-i mnum. Behind this simple explanation o! how lie weathered the depression that took widespread toli o! so many flrms lies. a story of sound management, slirewdness and business that tg mor~e easily Imagined than described. The off1c«, showrooms aud service department et Roy W. Nichols' fn looking structure. of cernent blocks 'and red:bick etc....It will be my atm to see that. the township bas garage at Courtice, where general automobile and truck service in fronts the bigliway for.60 f eet and lias a'depth of 50 feet. better roads." reudered to ail makes of cmarsnd from whlch a fullUe of O.M.C. Two double service pumps stand -in front and -- completely And thus the people voted In large numbers and products in distributed. MeCol-Frontenac clin and gasollue are featured equipped repair sliop occupies a space measuring 60" x 30' elected Mr.'Nîchols at the liead o! the poli as Councillor among the varions automotive supplies.. in the rear part o! the building, for bis township.1He lias demonstrated In thîs capacity As business grew, Mr. Nîchols gradtually-increased bis staff to 27 persons, mnostly salesmen and meclianics. '~ Desýlte war conditionslie stili malntained a staff of 10 _ people. Now the staff. le being augmented in Pteparatlon "~ for the new car period not far, distant. Tlirougbout the.years one o! tlie big secrets .of Roy .~**~**Nîchols' success Is hhIs. poliey of-"tu.nlitg ôver , i-.rgEi number o! cars' at a smnà.l margfli. ýSatlâfted. écstomers, even tliese days wlien there la a. shortage ot-I.1e4 lears copitnued to seek hlm -out and lie éasually remarked re- centlythat a few years agolie shipped a station wagon to Africa near Detrali for use o!fnisilonaries. To take care of his growing bupiness, .erected a buJildng adjoining the old.'one in Mr. Nicliols 1930. This Public Spirited Citizen I-aving built a fiourlshlng business through bhis own enterprise and integrity, Mr. Nicliols finds time to lend a lielplng liand to others. Whenever a public campaign on belial! of charity or any other worthy cause is launclied, Roy Nicliols Is on top o! the list giving practical support to it. In the words o! bis friends "lie does lots of cliarlty work o! ail kinds," as this frlend. stated, "liosts o! persons know tlils fact full well." "And n .ow we are into the postwar period," said Mr. Nîcliols, "and wltb a quarter o! a century o! experience. In operation bohlnd us, we look forward to the new year witli complete confidence, and hope that xve will be able to continue to supply a mucli needed service to the people o! this district with botli new and used cars and witli a modemn and up-to-date repâir department." In the near future we hope to be able to have our share o! new G.M.C. automobiles and trucks, and it will be our ambition and atm to even improve on the service that we gave ln the pre-war days. In December 1944 the communlty read the followlng announcement: "I have consented to allow mry name to go Ibefore the electors on Monday, for the'office of -Coun- cillor. Witli most o! the road work now passing from the horse and buggy age tp motors and machinery equipment, The original garage at Courtice 25 years ago. that bis executive abillty was lndeed everythlng that his friends expected . . . the township nowv las up-to-the- minute meclianical road equipuient. In re!erring to bis 25tli Anniversary, Mr. Nichols paid mucli tribute to the people o! lis home community. "This is a fine community," lie said, "made up o! people who know how to live and to enjoy life. They have the coin- munity spirit at lieart and know how to practice neigli- borliness. "I amn anxlous on this occasion," lie said, "to extend my sincere thanks to ail my Irlends and patrons for the splendid volume o! business whic4h las corne my way during the past 25 years, and I sincerely hope that along with this volume o! business the sentiment when analysed will mean that every custorner lias liad a square deal. Tlirdugliout the years I have enjoyed the loyalty of a good staff and to thein I arn indeed grateful, and 1 sincerely hope that we %vill ail be spared to enjo>y many more years of good relationship ln business togetlier." Mr. Nidbols is a past president of the Ontario, Dur- ham and Northumberland County Division e the Federa- tion o! Automobile Dealer Associations o! Canada. Dealer members of this. nation-wlde organization hold meetings at. Intervals' to discuss problerne arlsing !rom conditions affecting the automobile trade. Through -their study o! existing and new regulations relative to the Industry dealers lu the federation are enabled to follow a course beneficiai not only to the trade but to the general public as well. Mr. Nichols bas been active ln other organizations also. Living approximately midway hetween Oshiawa and Bowmanvtlle lie bas for many years been a menîber o! the Lions Club ln the latter town and o! the Kiwanis Club la Oshawa. H1e le also active ln various fraternal societies. featuring for 1947 the UNE Genuine Generol Motors Parts and Accissorîea -'s. ) AmauLN1l 7 ~

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