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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1947, p. 6

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CqME < eWAA AimiEA ~nowmAnvILu.wR«AMO PAGJ I x - ---.- - - -,- .- t lamomalPma odher ladusurie ptadBut that reghr day H abu iexctif d" os f sat Y" d~Of urgea are workiajg hi adndowig c wau. We pmvi dian citiumeis the»e faous d nice to knoi Canada:s "a not b. exciuan househohcL DoMII COMP) - ~.. ~â. 0*â. ~ ~ .e~ ~ mn~ ~ ~ ~ ANADA'8 Tm Io Mot gemmu 8 My owdosl W-tim yoar a in Mpoyr Mui e am fivlng l in i ig ua khchet ic TuM VAl à plants turae< tly-meedd 831 ard to catch uj civi1ian demmn de ehoumnds at aew high w do not seem el w that vo ha of living. A ki gli but it la à NION 1 'kNYL 01 $1690 à"'Il Il z;lzl, zl. zllz l' im W Nfl Nfl WW. w.. ww.------------------------------------- uum~u'awALL MJRPOE 24-1b.2 FI MBon u.e.ATANTIC aPACIFC UITCFA RUG CLEAN ER . Pint 494 FTSIA THE NEW F LOOR WAX Tfin49 ANN4 PAGEMIrS BACK AGAIN-ANN PAGE eM MUL BMD IPEAIIUTMTEJar9 MIL BRAD LIMITED 8UPPLV-LIBBV'S WIEor BROWN 5 j ufl WITI4eH2-, 15pLIMàEDCHEESI! 2Tn 24 m. bavei s j MIESUPPLV-WH îLE IT 4.A"r CENN SAIIEON pImm aients WHEN AVAILABLE USE SUPER SUDS Vo26 PERFECTION OCOA « 'b-244 OLYMPIC SPI=E 1 Z234 SANMDVTOWELS 2 Pki. 25 C. & B. WQRCEtTER SAUC. * .2W~ GRAPEFRUIT JUCE ** ~M0 SCOURING PADS hELLMA ulit FANCY TmL 11Hz 2 T1ns FLWROR VECETABLE FLOER MALL 2 '>'<' 9< CMSON GOUND A& P BOKAR COFFEE u39c WAX SANDWICH SAGS SNACK SACIS PL10 CLAM,* 1USHROOM CLUID HOUSE mJD TMPPD9-&1 DALTONM OUR OWN TAEY M - h iwrmm 15<ls oeEmm"~i 'TXSMARSH for GRAPE uFUIT EIESS 96's j ORANCES CALIFORNIA NAVEL 34's Doz. 210 ORANCES FLORIDA VALENCIA 176'& Dox 39 CALIFORNIA *Doz. AL LDeOns Extra Large 252'& 3 JBANANAS GOLDEN RIPE ---.l.144 PENEPIE RED SPANISH 24't 29 LAEAUS WASHINGTON, Alil Green lb. 234 CAhOTS TEXAS, FRESH 2 bol,.13 SPINACE TEXAS, CURLY LEAF 2 Ibs. 199 DEAINS FLORIDA, STRINGLESS lb. M5 LE CE Native Grown Leed, Large 2 hte&& go5 CELEIT STALES PSCL.2 fr250 ÀA&p joV uiaLffY mmATS lion LSCES) BREAKFAST - - lb. 594 SIIO unsg5WNOLE OR HALF lb. 4&< DOILIG OWLCHOICE GRADE A lb. 35 lm à nEA s 'b - ~ 730 ~flg~Il,,. M DACS & MECM l. 190 SE NAM lDSUE ESTINS - LMVELOPS R ... lb990 FÙ ixr Red Sprirg lb. 820 1mpj11= RESH. . . a Sb. 27< HADDOCK JM 3f PRESI lb. 38s SaLESIFl= S ILVERBRICHT lb. 35< STEM1 3f. ILVERBRIW4HT lb. 25g 1'j~MMIE "Out E CREDSlb.350 tucher et WwIeyvlfe this wek. Mr. W. A. Meédows, Port Hope, visited his daughter Mns. C. Payne. 1Mr. Sidney Lockhart, Pr Hope, had Sunday dinner wlth Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nichoils.' Mr..and Un. Arnold Thorndyke and Cana spent Sunday after- noon wlth Mr. and Mrs. J. Brini- acombe ot Osaca. W. are orry ta hear of the ill- us of Mma Frank Cowlard who is lu the Oshawa General Hospi- tal. Mr. and Mn.. Shields, Mount Pleasant, spcnt Sunday wlth Mr. and Mrs. Carroil Nicholas. 11 Miss Suzanne Wilson, Campbell- crispn h weekend withi Miss Nestieon rfIL INDuSTy kly regardd u e txtles led man mentand md gs ad.It makes us . en table. Can"das hua- d out millions of pplies. Today we, p wihheheay adi of. the post- of jobsto Cma- vage levels. True, xcitîng but it is ave a place in :itchen table may . tnpottant to the .. CEXTILE ,MTED PUIOW SUP 0 bitar MES.UENY MUNIOr A wlde circle of friends -ln Blackstock and district werc sad- dmned at the passing of Mns. Sar- ah Whltfield Mountjoy ai hSe home on April 10, 1947. She had been in excellent health until ahe uuffered a falli several dayu pre- viously, and would have celebrat- ed her 88th binthday on October 18, this year. She was born ln Cartwright, daughter of the late Teadale Whitfield and Hannah Smith Whltfield. Sh. mairred Henry Mountjay on January 12, 1881,. and they celebratod their golden wedding in 1931. After a very succestul1 farming career they xnoved ta Elnckatock tram their faimn south of the village i 1930..1 Mrs. Mauntîoy was aà*-charter member'o! the Victorian Wotnens Institute, a member o! the United Chunch and the chunch organiza- tions. Although well advancedi years, she wat always willling ta open her home ta meetings and the March meeting of the W.M.S. was held at hem home. During the fInit great war, while still on the farm she knit extensivel1 for the Red Cross, but her knttlng this past war for the Cartwright branch Red Cross was very great in number and always perfect. Hlem record was: 3709-pair soaks, 100 pairmitts, 3 scarves and lastly an afghan for relief work. Her memory wlll lon g bo trea- sured for her winning disposition and her helpfulness as an honomed member of this* community where she llved her long and useful lite. She leaves ta mourn hem paess- ing, her daughter May (Mr&. Har- ry Grahami), Toronto, and three sans, Leslie and Norman o! Black- stock and Russell o Peterboro, also 'several grandchildren and gîeat-grandchildren. Mr. Mount. joy predeceased hon on March 12, 1940. Thec funeral service was con- ducted at her homne, April 12, by Rev. R. B. Harrison, wlth Inter- ment at Union cemetery Cadmnus Beaners were: Carl Wright, Albert Wright, Osmond Wright, Russel Brown, Austin Beacock and Nor- man Green. Thère weme many beautiful flowers. from the family and friends. à White - MQuilae-Married ai Pontypool, Ont., on Avril 6, 1897, by Rev. M. E. Sexsmith, Mr. Geo. White and Mina Rosa Àxhn Me- Quillan, bath of MeCreas. Between ifty and sixty frienda and relatives gathered at the farm home of Mr. and Irs. George White, nean Pontypool, on Sun- day aftemnooni lait, ta celebrate wlth them their Golden Weddlng Annlversary. Gueste were pros- ent tramn Hamiltôn, Toronto, Hol- land Landing, Richmond Hill, Osh- awa, -Peterbaro, Bowmanville, Or- ana, lCrby and PantypooL* Durnhe calternoan,* Mr. Lew- is oe called the gathering ta aider and Mr. and Mmm. White wcre escorted ta chairs in the liv- ing raom. An addmess, Waa read by Miss Lenora Wood, Oshawa and Mis. Maria Smnith, on behall of relatives, presented Mn. and Mrs. White wlth two beautiful ICenwood blankjts. Mr. Peter Walken, Holland' Landlng, wlth a few well chosen words prcsented an envelope contalnlng a substan- tial sum o! money. A basket con- taining Ifi!ty beautiful'golden col- orcd roses was also presentêd. Mn. and Mrs. White bath mpliod teed- ingly. « Others spoke brielly. Ev- eybody jciined i a sing sang. Miss Darothy Bennett, Toronto, sang two beautiful solos. ,A=bfe supper was served In th ilgroom. The table decor- atcd with daffodils was centred wlth a three-storey wedding cake made by the bride a! fifty yeams ago. Mrs. W. H. Murrayr, Oraýno, and Igrs. A. Walker, Bowmanville, poured tea and caffee. As thé sun set In the west the gàthering broke up, everybody happy, glad ta have met, sorry ta part, hoping ta meet againi. worthwhbbe Do rrow $20 to $1000 for abrnost any purposep ivitliout ndoTnrs or banka bis Nestieton W.A. and W.MS. met at the home o! Mrs. Wm. Steale, Apri17th. Mrs. Stanley Mal- colifis vc-president wis ln the chair. Ladies decided ta have a qullting, a maple syrup social and crokinole Party. This was the' day for a mlsmlonary meeting. Mns. R. B. Harrison gave a fine talk an India. Readings lncluded "Our Word," by Mmi. Tripp; «"Looking Out the Wlndow" by Mrs. F. Hyland* "Mare Things by Prayer," Mmm. k.Bradley; 'Giv- Ii af aur Best,»Mrs. L. Jablin. Rev. R. B . Harrison closed the meeting wlth prayer. Mrs. Steele and group served dainty lunch and cup of tes. AU were given a vote a! thanka for a pleasant and pro- fitable atternôon. Next meeting in charge of Mrs. Allan Suggltt's group. Miss Jean Malcolmn, slington, wlth, hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolmn. .Miss Connie Wheeler, Oshawa, with her parents, Mr..and Mmm. Harold Wheeler. Miss Dorathy Bowers,' Toronto Normal, was teaching at Caesaîea School the pasi week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler and Dianne with friends ln Osh- awa. Mrs. B. W. Malow called on friends at Nestîcton Station. 'Miss Norma Suggitt, Chatham, is visiting hen brother, Mr. Allan Suggitt. Mn.' Herman Samelsa viited hi.i parents Mr. and Mm.. Wm. Sain- cM.s. Pontypool Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bernstein who were recently married were at home, to their ftiends and neighbars on Tuesday evening and Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Izzie Bernstein, mother of the groom, assisted in receiving. The lace covered table Ini the dining room was loaded with good things to sat. -We ail feel that it is a plea- sure to welcame such a beautiful bride amangst us, and trust she may enjoy making her home here. This was moving week in Pan- typool for the foliowing familics: Mr. and Mrs. Vertu McMullen from Rabbins' cottage ta their new bungalow in the village; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Willis and her mother, Mrs. Vera Hudson to what is $a- miliarly known as Jim Masters' farm; Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Fow- 1er, owners, ta the hause in the village vacated by the Willis fam- ily. *Mr. and Mrs. Bobbin, Toronto, are back to the village to get their cottage in ord7er for the summer lseasan. Speaking of summer makes us wonder wvhere spring is hiditg. Many of aur farmers including Jas Zubowski, who has a power- fui new tractor, are impatient to begin work on the land. The writer missing the familiar fiÀure of Bd. Youngman around tawn found an enjuiring that he has not enjoyed his usual good Farm stCck sale of Nick Woz- ney, April il, was quite well at- tended, in spite of the snowstorm the day previaus.' garry Richardson and William Rennie were on a business trip ta Peterboro. Miss June Brown, Normal school pupil, Toronto, spent a week with Miss Ann Maclntosh in New Park school. She was guest of Mrs. William Miller. Mrs. Samuel Bebee, Peterboro, visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jas. Malley. Mrs.Lillie Richardson was in Oshawa visiting her niece, Mrs. Leanard Kellett. WesIeyvIIIe Sunday Schoal was held at il a'clock with a good attendance and all teachers present. Church was held at 7:30 with special music provided by Mrs. Reeve and Dr. Oke. A meeting of the cemetery board was held Monday evening at Mr. Arnold Austin's. They ar- ranged ta hold a bee later an in the week. West End Group of Woman's Association met for a quilting at the home af Mrs. Percy Snell an Wednesday afternoon. Misses Olive and Dorothy Ma- son and Mr. Geo. Martin of Wel- came visited friends in Belleville. Mr. Alva Crowhurst, Toronto Normal School, was the student MUFNIS WEST a" "ip HooM .,ntwm. Con- "uIM" r" CRU te Mamlbosmmktçh- Calub1&anmd te hdiht mmm. mmebIimIvm1888. 5*4Terie t.,Toea.Kiniedal. sin MIU~ MEIMsMitPISi eèwsiOlast Wlnginq is way no#~hward to .p.nd the sumw l ta th land of its birili, the. Canada Goose presents a picture of utrength and endurance. W. cati help th. gesse on their exhausting journ.yu by providin sanctuaries along the. way, and by consci.ntioualy observing the game Iaws. *'Th. conservation of nature implies slmply the wise use o our naturcil resources. W. cf the. present gen.ration muât McLod aanst their misuse and thoughfilass .loltahon. yin tbis way con we Pau on to Our suuoeubore amy oemInince cf unspoll.dnature." 1 fn c7rm *"OOEATOW maiCAMADA'5Ibbiao bAMrOL, WJ. L Soge, 1k., c amol me4 l .pm pubwlbhei M» ecShuena mtm b. CARaL &oels THE CAPLING *REWERIES LIMITED WAhUU.aO -WALMOuJIEA. a --m ITiie " balm the causeof ceSsr- I t.laolatwu c ad Mai. .n.r . ~ na 0-323 Mie Quiaity Tea ORANGE PEKOE Haydon Clarence Avr'*hd a very M.c cesaful sale on Tesday. The la- dies sold lunch in aid of the new parsonage. A social evenlng was held at jas. Xanna's on Wednosday I aid of the new parsonage. ]iuepite the weather there was a goad turnout. Mrs. Leslie Graham accompan- ied Mrs. Russell Crossman to Osh- awa'on Wednesday when Oshawa Timnes entertalned their corres- pondent& and staff. Mr. Jim Scott, Apuley, at Mr. Arthur Trewin's and *ccompan- led hlm ta Mr. Ivan Thurstan'i, Duneford. Ray McConnell1 Aurota, spent Liter holidayu w th Ronald Ash- ton. Mr. and Mrs. George King ad Garry John, Oshawa, àt- Mr.,M. Mr . H. J. Werry at Mr. Lloyd Mrs. A. Read at Mr. Fred. Ath-. ton's, Toronto. Mn. and Ms.. Roy Graham and Reno, at Mr. W. P.ahr's, Ennis- killen. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grahamn, Mr. James Graham at Mr. Cyr- us Ashton's, Bunketon.. Rev. and Mns.. Cresowell, Tyr- one, Miss Shirley Ganrard, Osh- awa, ai Mr. C. Qarrard's. Mr. and Mis. Silas Trewin, of Bowmanville, Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, at Mr. Wmn. Trewln's. 500H OUSEHO ID $00FINANCE .Màiâàmmàl security. And tako 12 or 15 months to repay. Or oven 'inl or 24 monthe on boans of larger amounts. Here's ill Von do to borrow. Just phone or visit the Houseliold branch office nlearest you. Tel ut; the amount you need and how long you want to take to repay. Your money cati b. ready- uuually the. smre day you àpply. Use Houfehold Finance% prom~pt and- frlendly money service wheneer ou need mnoney. No other company in- your cornmumlty olFers lower rates for this type of service. 15 Simie sShroot' South (over Kresg os> Phono Oshowu 3601 OSHAWA> ONT. ana. M an o "CANADA GUISE" liy T. M. Short, OriJioIogist Th he love illadm ioàows Caiada G«...ina Bght HAYDON SCIROOL REPORT (Easter Examri) Grade 8-Ronald Ashton 71 per cent; George Bertim 64 per cent. Grade 7-Martin Olesen 65. Grade 6-Cameron Olesen 74, Stuart Hall 158, Billy Hall 46. Grade 4-Ray Ashton 71, Katie Olesen 66,1 Bernice Hall 44, Grade 3-Munray Abbott 81, Ethel Hall 63. Grade 2-Rosa 'Hall -62, Russel Hall 59.. Grade 1-Margot Rankine 74, Gerald Abbott 73. Joan Anderson, teacher Acconding to Ambrose Blence an auctianeer is a man who pro- dlaims with a hammer that he has picked a packet with hi. tan- guet Cornent Blocks-C entSlush Bloks, Cernent 111e An now a a"b1e inauy qwmgtty' st i PORT HOPN ILOCI iii TU sien Res1*. Ua 01? EPs 1rsa MW 1 lqqqw j- 1

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