Mas Ruth Bonathan, Taranto, Ment t h. weekend wllh hem par- entg, Mr. and Un. H. C. Bons- Members ai St. George's Churclh W.A. beld a succestui afttcnoo tea and sale ai home cooking at the home of their presideal, Mmm. rorace Ward, Satumday attemnoon. C.G.I.T. group met April 15tIh wilh Vice Pesident Mary Hager- min la charge ia absence ai pnes- Ident Mariante Toms. Mary Ha. german also bad charge ai war- ship period. Il was decidedi le aian sponsor tag day for the * id on May 101h. Fafcomb Le Gresley and Don- * ald Jase are home tram O.A.C., Guelph. * Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Mn. and Mrs. M. H. Steples, Orono, Mra. Olga Gibson, Mn. W. P. Rick- ard and Mn. John Rickard were in Peterbaro, Apnil 16 et the Cen- trai Ontario Liberal Association annuel meeting and'attendedi the banquet la tbe evening et the Empresa Halel where Hon. Fan- guhar Oliver was gueat speaker. Four new Newcastle citizens amived et Bowznanville IlQspital lasI wcck, A daughten was bora .to Mr. and Mrs. Jemie Wright, and sons arived ion Mn. and Mrs. Charles Rogerson, Jr., and Mn. and Mrs. John Alldread; a daugh- ter ta Mn. and Mrs. LaRue Mer- lin Town Line. Then Ibis week a daugbîer wes bora la Bowman- ville Hospital ta Mn. andi Mrs. Re- ginald Meadows. Congratula- t ions anc cxtended ta the proud and happy parents. * Reeve and Mrs. John A. Box, Miss Audrey Box and Mn. George Box, Port Hope, wee guesta with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade. Miss Vemna Ormiston, Toronto, was guest with Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Gilkes. Mms. Maude Clysdaie, Bawmen- ville, visited Mn. and Mn.. Alex Mof att. Dr. and Mmi. Herbent McDanald and Mrs. McKgnzte, Toronto, vis- ited Mn. and Mn.. H. S. Britton. I GEORGE wu GRAHAM IMWOABTLE ONTARIO Un. Joseph Hochen and Da'vid, Ajax, were guesla with Mms. W. Xoeken and Mms. H. R. Pearce, and atcnded thé Y.P.U. conven- tion1. .1 Newcastle Girls' Soilball Club b ave started training la basemnent i. Community Hall under super- vision of Manager GeQrge Crow- ther. Miss Patnicia Pearce, R.N., Osh- awa, and Mn. Orval Stinson, ot Blackstock, visited Mrs. H. R. Pearce and attended Y.P.U. con- ivention. Don't forgel the Girls' Sofîbati dance on May 2 andi buy a ticket t ram the girls when they call on you. The commitîe la charge of ar- rangements re bilding for Y.P.U. convention wish ta thank thase who kindly opened their homes and extended their bospitality ta the out ai town members attend- t ng the convention. Mr. Percy Brown met witb a >very paintul accident last weck wbtle sharpentng an adize la bis wonkshop. Il accidcntally liew up and cul bis neck, severing an 1artery. The wound requircd five stitches ta close. Mr. Carl Fisher, ai the broad- casting staff ai station CKSF, ne- turncd ta Cornwall on Monday ai- ter spending a wcck's vacation with bis mother, Mrs. Earl Fisher. On Sunday be attended the tam- ily dinner party givcn by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wcry ta celebrate the third birthday ai their son, David Wcrry. W.A. ai United Cburcb met on Apnil 10 witb Mrs. Garnet Rick- ard la charge ai warship peniod. Mrs. W. J. Clemence ead the Scripture andi Mrs. Narman Rick- ard offercd prayer. President, Mrs. C. A. Cawan, occupied the chair for the business periad. Cor- espanding secnetamy read Jettera ai thanka tram sick andi shut-ins. A committce wes appointed ta purchase a vacuum cîcaner for use ai janitor ai churcb. Miss1 Marion Rickamd, B.A., contnibul- ~A1tABTAW WPArmD*. ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~. - ..'. .- -. .-~' .'. - ..,. *,. -,*. . w.. ." ,,~ VAJ.IIJU~ ~ . ?NUESDAY, APEZL MUi~,, I Tii. NewoastIe Iudpomdmt lbemme Cimake 8814 END 0F -THE MONTHSPECIALS Corne into our store and take advantage of these Special Prices. FU1I your requirements here and save on your budget. Flannelette Blankets An Niceptional Value 1 72" x 90" flannelotte Blankets, white with pizik and blue triai. Iach $2z25_ Men's & Boys' Worlc Boots Purchaaed before increase ia pnice - the saving la pess.d on ta you. $5,00 t. $6,75 OHILREN'5 MIasSES Running Shoot and Sport 5h... complts Range of Biges and S3tyles at Eudget Prices, LADIES DRESS ES Cp %0 ue age of Lde'Due aiges 12 -52.- Latesi styles for OPrlug and Suniner wear at Low Prie«. NEWCASTLE pufl 1 1 Notice N. CALN ING NSPReN - D.yigbtADDRSSES PE&aBUE Wc wlah to advis. the citizens Oshawa Preabytery Young Peoi- ci Newcartle and district that ple's Union met in auanual conven- Daylight Saving Time wlll b. in tion Ia Newcastle United Church effeet on Sunday, April 27. on Saturday, April l9th at 4 p.m. - George Wallon, Delegates were led la worshlp by 17-1 Reeve Newtanville Young- PeoPle's Un- ion. Bey. W. W. Pattenson wel- ed a fine piano solo. Ms. lck- comed the delegalea and express- ard's group served refreshments. cd the hc>pe that lhey might have a gaod caavçnlion. t At a recent meeting af the Ne w- Dc otn rnldi .castl. Girls' Sofîball Club, the fol- kMatn Ooo ldi .lowlng officers, were elected: Hon. baeienî <vel rcrati n hll Presadents, Reeve Geo. Walton, ae ntothCmuiyhl. Dr. J, A. Butler, Mr. Ccil Car- Members ai Mra. Perey Brown's veth; president, Margaret Ash; group ai Woman's Association secretary-treaaurer, Betty Allia; served a splendid banquet at e publicity, Mrs. Morley Sallows; p.m. ta about 115 yaung people. coach and manager, George Crow- Fallowing the supper Mr. Ste- ther. This la Mr. Crowtber's 17th phen Saywell, Oshawa, led. in a consecutive year as coach ai the rousing uing song. Mr. Raymond tGirls' Softbail Team. Although Guasalus, Belleville, spoke in the Manager Cnawther bas lait six or interesta ai the 'Quinte Broad- sevea players tram laat Year, be c'ast,' canterence Paper ai the bas started brnglng alang some Young Peaple's Union aad broughî ncw ones by baving them go greetings from. Belleville Preaby- througb a course ai training every tery. President ai Lindsay Pres- sTuesday evening ia the basemeat bytery also brougbt greetings. Mr. )ai the cammunity hall. The girls Roy Ormiston, president ai the on the team will be reapleadeat conierence Young Pcoplets Union, this season la new unitonIs. addressed the convention. L Miss Margaret Snawden, Osh- awa, prpsented the Missionary HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Flag, symbol ai the highest stan- TO ERECT WAR MEMORIAL dard la missionary support ai any union in the presbytery, ta An open meeting ai. Newcastle Dr. Douglas Langmaid ai North- Horticultural Society was beld ia minster Union, Oshawa, wha mc- the Cauncil Chamber, April 15th. ceived il on behali af that union. The Attendance Banner, tokea ai Chici business was presenting re- largest proportion ai union mcmn- parts ai the delegates ta the On- bers rcgistered aI the convention, taria Horticultural Society con- was presented ta Mr. Ralph vention ia Niagara Falls, and the Found, president af Ebenezer question wbat the Newcastle Sa- Young People's Union; out ai 15 ciety would do with their praper- members ia the union, 12 were me- ty at the western entrance ai the gistercd. Mr. Hugh Miller, chair- village. President Mrs. C. A. man ai the naminating commitlee, Cowan preaided, and very excel- presented the slate ai officers lent and comprebiensive reporta for 1947-48, and with the addition were givea by delegates Misa 0. af one namne ta the executive coin- Warrerl and Mrs. Archie Glenney. mittce it was accepted. The presidient spoke ai the tenta- Mr. Ralph Larmer, Blackstock, tive plans the society had made president ai presbytery and chair- rcgarding crecting a monument man ai the convention invited au a memonial for those who serv- the young people Into the Church ed and also gave their lives in for the flrst theme address. Rev. World War II, on the Horticultur- W. F. Banister, Simipson Avenue ai lot at the top ai the bill at the United Cburch, Toronto, guest1 westerpa entrance. Aiter fuily cx- speaker, was introduced by Rev.j plaining the prajecl, aiso the pas- J. E. Griffith, Bowmanvjiie. 1 sible cost, Mrs. Cowan threw the Mr. Benister introduccd thei meeting apen ton discussion, end Ibeme ai the convention, "Comn-i atter members had expmessed their Ing Homne" with a chaiienging views, the president asked that a message. He painted ouI Ibat aurq standing vote be taken-es ta bod-ily home is Canada; aur saul's1 whether il was lbe wish. oi the home la Gad. We who dwell la meeting Ihat the Horticuiturai Sa- this fair dominion are not aiwaysi ciety place a monument there as duly thaakiul for the privilegesi a war xnemorial. This was car- that lufe here bas to affer. Only1 nied, and the ioliowing comrnittee the man or womnan wbo bas been( was appointed to make enquinies away tram home for maonths or1 and secure estimates re cost ai years cen know what #t means toa monument: Mrs. C. A. Cowen, W. came home, what the blessings oai F. Rickand and, Saxon Graharn. Ibat home really are. Canada1 stands loday as anc ai the rnost( tavored lands on eerth. But if1 SCOUTS HELP WAR BRIDE the beart ai the truc patriot la ii at ease la a distant land, so la the E A British wer bride la Saskatch- beant of every ian and waman e ewan, alone witb ber two ]iîtle whom Gad bas creeted until tbey 1 cbildrcn on a tanm, was.surpnised bave found the truc home ai theirt wbcn the Spirilwood, Sask. Scouts soula la God. God contrants ust amrived la a slcigh ta do ber a gaod in Jesus Christ and bids us corne turn. They dug out the snaw-hid- home ta God. Who ai us would dea bouse, split a large pile aifin1e- refuse ta camne home ta Go'd? a wood, fixed a barn door, clcaned The latter part ai th. evenang tj slave pipes, Put1 waterýnÉ traugils session was given aven ta a pnes-u i in commission and generally tried entation ai the three act play by q ta, make things a litIe casier ton Ebenezer Young Peaplc's Union. hem. Theme was a large congrega- Farewell Partyfor Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Lake Shore, Clark.a on Saturday evening, AprlI 12, many friends and neighbaurs gathered at the home af Mr. .nd Mrs. W. Adamsa, Lake Shore, Clarke, ta bid farewell ta Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowland who, having sold their farm, are taklng up residence in Orono, and ta Bill Rowland who la working in Ta- ronto. Mrs. Rowland was preaented with a bouquet of daffodils by Miss Barbera-Ana Alldred, aiter which. Mrs. John Hendry, in a tew well chosen remarks, expressed the regret af thase gathered, upon losiag the Rowlands tram the cammunity and hoped they would be very happy Ia their new home. A sing-sang, ably lead by Wil- bur Baskerville, was mnuch en- joyed. A humaraus reading given by Gardon Martin' provaked many laughs and was tollowed by a few words ai tarewell by Rev. W. Patterson, Newcastle. Mrs. Chas. Alldred was thea called up- ,on ta read an appropriate address at the close ai which Mr. and Mrs. Rowland were presented with some lovely and useful guifs wbich included a cambinatian end table and magazine rack, a large bevelled plate glass mirror and an electnic table lamp and reflector. Bill was presented with a set ai cuti links and studs ai black mother ai peari. Bill expressed bis appreciation fittingly and Mr. Rowland, an behaio Mrs. Raw- land and himself, aaid that il was really very hard ta leave, having lived In this community all bis life, and stated that bis great grandfather, bis grandfather and bis father had lived on the same tarm. After a bounteaus lunch the ne- mnainder ai the evening was spent playiag cards and chatting. The committee in charge were Mr. and Mrs. J. Hcndry, Mr. and Mrs. W. Adanis, Mr. and Mrs. J. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred. MatUve of Duulmm Passesin Oshawa The death occurred In Oshawa shortly befare noon on Saturday, April 19, at the family resadence her seventy-eighth year. In tati- Ing health for the past ten months, her passing at thiâ tiine neverthe- less came as a shock to her friands and acquaintances. In weakened health and with failing eyesight, Mns. McLaughlin had been coniined ta her home since early last aurnmer, and al- though gradually becoming more frail, she was able té entertain friends toa acup af tea ln ber room until two weeks aga, when she was conflned ta her bcd and her decline was rapid. Born Annie Hodgsan at Tyrone,- Durham County, Ontario, an July 18th, 1869, daughter afi Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgson, pioneers of Darlington Township, she married the late George W. McLaughlln an January 10th, 1893, tram which time she was a continuaus resident ai Oshawa with the exception of about a year during whlch she re- sided in St. John, N.B., wben Mr. McLaughlin was stationed in the Maritimes in the early days of the McLaughlln Carrnage Company Limited. Mrs. McLaughlin had travelled considerably, and witb her fam- ily had visited the Near East and the Mediterranean countries. She made several trips ta Bermuda, and with ber husband had visited England and Scotland. She went with him an the Canadian Trade Mission ta Argentina in 1931, calI-ý ing at Brazil and Trinidad en route, alsa visita ta bath coasts af Canada, and ta California via Cu- ba and the Panama Canal, with a short trip to Mexica. In the early days ai '*New Ontario" she spent a summer in the north before the railraad apened up that mining country. Mrs. McLaughlin had always kept a close and active interest in ber native caunty of Durham, and particulanly in the village ai Tyr- one, where she was born. Besides other gits she recently cantrib- uted $2,000 taward the building ai the new United Church par- sanage at Tyrone. A littie over a year ago she also gave $3,500 ta furaish the new Memorial Hospi- tal at Bowmanvjlle with the Jat- est in X-ray equipment. She belanged ta St. Andrew's United Church, and up ta the time afilher illness she was an interest- ed niember ai the Durham County Club, Toronto, and in canlier years had been an active member ai the Oshawa Golf Club and the 'Mus- koka Lakes Golf Club, but her main interests were always cen- tred on ber home and tamily. For some years she had an interesting hobby ai callecting antiques, Dresden China, and ather abjects of art wbich decorate her hause, and which have been a source of enjayment ta her friends and vis- itors. Mrs. MeLaughlin was predeceas- ed by her husband in October, 1942. She is survived by twa aons, C. Ewart and R. Ray ai Oshawa, and twa daughters, Mrs. D. C. Henderson (Darathy) ai Tronto, and Mrs. G. N. Irwin (Kathlee i?)ofWhitby, alsa six- een grandchildren. One sister survives, Mrs. Margaret Woadley, at present residing in California. The late Mrs. B. F. Gardiner (Ida) Tyrone, was also a sister. The funeral was he Id tram the family residence, 261 Simcoe St. North, an Tuesday, April 22nd, with Rev. George Telford. con- ducting the service. Interment was- t the Union cemetery. Phono Clark. 33-12 Newcastle BRYLCRE. lion et the service Sunday marn lng wbich wes conducted by M Ralph Lanmer, Blackstock. TI choir which was campased % members ai Newcastle Y.P.U. ut dem the direction af Mn, J. S. Di cm, gave a splendid mendition( the aatbem "Thene Are No Teai la the Sky," Mms. Wiibum Baskei ville taking the solo part and Miý ses Evelyn and Betty Allia an Messrs. Wilbun Beakervilie an Glenn Allia taklng the quartetti Miss Anlene Nortbcutt, sopran soloist ai Bowmanvihlc, sang1 waiked with the Lard." The ai ferlng was taken up by Ross an Glenn Prout, Radgem Mellow an Bonald Hockea. Rev. W. W. Pallersan on beba] of the officiais and congregatia: extended a weicome ta the Youn People. He hoped lhey* woui, take away happy memonies o the tcliowsbip thcy had rccevch Rev. B. S. Morwood, pastor a SNorthminster United Churcb, Osh awa, was the theme speaker a lhe morning and evening services He gave a most inspiring and cIa quent sermon, Sunday îonning ai 'He came ta biniseif." Sunday ailernoon about tort, young people met la depamîmenta groupa to consider the work o he local unions and how the, nigbt be improved. The perioc vas intraduced i wth worship b3 Brooklin Union. At 3:30 Mn. Nei Stewart ai Keadal, conducted i period of musical appreciation ir which be introduced bis bearerq to the bistony ai churcb music. At the evening service a congre- eation ai about two hundred andh Rfty, mast ai them young people gathered ion the closing messagE and Candl1elighting service. Mn, Ralph Lanmer, assisted by Miss Wargamet Snowden and Mr. Don- id Jase canductcd the service. lias Arlene Nothcutt sang "The Lord'a Prayer." Mn. Morwood Sk as bis evcning lexI "I ca do il tbings." Ris message was a .halienge ta the young people ta itempt great things for Christ vha would supply the power ton icim ta do nat just the easy, non he bard, but ta do that wbich la li human weys ai looking upon tmigbt be deelared ta be the rapossible. Follawing the message the new xecutive was installcd la office nd dedicated wilh prayer by Mn. latterson. The yaung people an- Lnged theniselves in the tari ai [ving cross, andi taktng the liglit aim the cross ai burning candies in the communion table it was isseti tram anc ta anoîhen until il held burning candies. Miss [elen Jackson, Brookla ,ied lnaa aort service ai dedication. The ie byma ai the convention was ang, "O Master Let Me Walk Vitb Thee," andi the convention [sed with tbe Benediction. Duning the evenlng service the ianks ai the young people was xpresseti by Mr. Dick Marlon )r tbe services of the foilowing ople lan waking the convention succeas. Rev. W. F. Banister- ad Rev. B. S. Monwood ton their Jdresses; Rev. W. W. Pa-Iterson, ae officiels ai the church, the on- RniaI, the chair leader, Miss Am- i.e Nonthcutt, soloist, anad the air; the Waman'a Association ýthe ipendid banquet they pro- ded; M~r. John Scott, the churcb Ticer; the Board ai Management the Community Hall; the off t- ýrs ai the local Union, and ail lens who by their bospitalty or vice belped ta make the con- %ntion a succesa. Larex ay Er - t........2 o 2 c * mounted sze 4 x 6 "rCOWLING'S DRUG STORETwre =' Treat Seed Grain Ceresan Powder Treatmentp 1-1b. $1.10 - 4-lbs. $3.50M Farmaldehyde liquid 1-lb. 25ce Rot Water Botties -- $125%M Thermos Botties $1.10-$150 : Lunch Kits 69cM Waxedlnapeo-- s5c-l5 Now la gOOD upl SILE ROOD Pie -- cricsAM. IPowder Puffs - lOe-15c" Robby Pins 5 e Mk-pSponge l 10 qsM a MMM. na 26 John T. Mecreery Optemotrist fliureday - Zp.m. tS COWLINo's DRUS STORE Glises lltt@4 ] et Newcastle Church Surday. Death hua again entered the village, on Thursday when Mr. Laurence -Drage passed away aiter a lcngthy iflacas. The re- mains weme baken ta Toronto where tuners! service was held Moaday. The community extends deepest sympathy to Mrs. Drage and tamily la their sorrow. Mn. William Virlue bas returned home again feeling somewhat betten. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moore, St. Catharnesa were weekend viaitors Wilh Mr. andi Mrs. S. Jewell. Mn. and Mns. I. W. Larmer af Millbrook, wlth Mr. and Mra. G. Rosevear. Mr. John Beckett who la at Christie St. Hospital speat lb. weekend aI home. Mn. and Mrs. Francia Thompson and tamily Bawmaaville, with Mn. and Mm,. L Tbompson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wonna- colt and Ross, Dixie, with Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Vintue. Mms. Virtue and John reîurned home with lbem ior a tew deys. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byamn at- tended the crystal wedding anni-i vemsary ai Mn. and Mrs. Jack Ed-j wardsata Oshawa Fniday evening.j Newtonville C. R. Carvetb wiiI show National Film Board pictures la Newton- ville Unitedi Churcli an Monday cvcning, Apnil 28th. Pictures will include Blue Cross, Learning ta Swiî, Use ai Gas on Ferma, etc. Admission tree - not even a col- lection wiil be taken. 1 Congratulations ta Mr. andi Mmi. Wm. Coulson, tarmerly Miss Josie Trim, who were mamnicd in New- tanville Churcli, Apnil 19th. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Redknap and Douglas, Oshawa, viaiteti bis parents. Forty-iive wcre Inatatendance et Sunday Scbool. Plans were madie for Mother's Day Service. There was a good attendance et cburcb Sunday evcning. W.A. servedi tbe sumnptuaus wedding supper la the cburcb basement Satumday aflernoon wben sixty-ane guests were pre- sent. Newtonville Y.P.U. was in charge ai the worsbip service at tie Y.P.U. Convention in New- castle, Saturdey attemnoon. This was taken by Mn. Bruce Stewart, Mr. Louis Stone and Miss Mary Bunley. Mrs. Carrai Nichofla ai Wcsleyvilic, tavoureti witb a fine solo. 1Mrs. Lloyd Buriey, Oshawa, visitcd in the village on Sundey. Mrs. Leiand Payne visiteti ber mother, Mrs. Wm. Layton, New- castle. Rcv. H. A. Bunt, Mn. Bruce Sewart and Mrs. C. Bunley et- tended the supper meeting ai the Executive ai Durham Temperance Federalian Unit on Friday evea- ing. Mn. and Mms. Wm. Walterson, Welland, andi Mr._end Mm.. Ivan Farrow andi Betty, Orona, witb Mn. and Mrs. Wiils Farrow. Lest weck's correspandence ap- peans on enother page. Tyrone Jr. Young People met Fridayi eveaing et the baie af Rev. and; Mrs. Cresswell wiîh a good et-; tendance. Helen Milien'a group were la charge ai lb. pragram. An lnteresting balk on "Homne" was given by Mns. R. Glaspel. Bessie Hilla aloead an laleresl- ing stosy. Th. meut af lb. even- ing wes spent la contesta and a social lime enjoyed. Next meet- ing ia S.S. noani on May 2nd. A number ai Tyrone Young People atlended a Youag People'à Service ti t gi fif go ai li Lc al] ch at thi a]l 't 1 rai liv iro on pai He shc the sur cli elb fa pec ae and ad the gaz leni cho for vidi offi afi cci atil seri ven MOUNTIES ACTIVE IN SCOUTING Sgt. Douglas O. Bartmam, R.C. M.P., aniginally tram Ottawa, is Director oi the Lone Scout Brandi af the Boy Scouts Association ln Saskatcbewan. Nia. other Moun- tics are active la Scout Leader- slip Ia that province. They are: Constable Anderson at Sheil- brook; CpI. Illington at Roathemsa; Constable George Joncs, Indien Heed; Constable E. E. Jensen, Moosamin; Constab>le Mackle, at Raaetown; Constab~le Maldnebt, Radisson; Constable MeKeazie, Nalcam; tConstable Chester, Spirit- jwood; and Cpi. Wenzcl et *Big PAGE lIGE? Mrs. î. Madonad anruMis ATTENTION IMMEDIATE OR DELAYED DELIVERIES "BLUE COAL " America': Fineat Anthracite MUT and STOVE SIZES - Standard Priceis - Print Dresses For Children Bîzes 2-14 year - Egnd of Month Special 90e to $2.79 ifool Blankots Pure Wool Blazikets, ln rose, groin and fawn, 68 px 82" Made i n ada. $18M00 pe H. . OMS, GENERAL STORE m -j 'Il Real ftiendship Is a slow gro*' en, and neyer Ibnives unlesz graited upon a stock otfn* and reciprocal memit.-.-Lord Che* Pond'* Angel Face Make-up Entirely New Complete with Puf 1-1.25 Make-up Pat - 69c-$1.25 Powder ---____29c-àSSc Lipatieks 9-5 REALTH SALTS Certltld Engllah Style 1-lb.__________--590 léarvex Spray Protects Tour Clothes for One Tear 830 - $1.29 - $1.98 Larvex wlth aprayer $1.59 Berlou $1.31-12.57 X. Macdonald wlth Toon. Me. Wm. Wright who hu lpor ýhealf orn ome llMe, hu eaved ta a remi homo 4 Bowmanville. Several from ber. attended be funeral ai Mrs. George U1cLaugb Una la Oshawa on Tuesday. W4 cextead deepest sympatby btli iamily. SONG9 TO SINQ w a. TOU DRIVE AT: 40 miles per' boum, «Welcome Muàm p Mornln" 4,5 miles perhu, Hgwy Happy Ways."» 50 miles per bour, 'an Ruf Strangen Heme." 60 miles per hour, "Nemrer God ta Thee." 70 miles per hour, 'When the RItg is Called Up Yond 'er." 80 miles per boum, "Going HoMsi 90 miles per haur, "Day la Don*4 SEED GRAIN &SEEDS W. are stiil offering a choîce bclection of BEED GRAIN ANDSERa ATUPEOIAL PuICES -~Large Lots Deliýrered - - a lu Min%# NLmqr, A. W. GLENÉEY IffewSwtle 1 1 Phone Clarke 33-12 : keo Examined NEWCASTLE,