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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1947, p. 11

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TXE tATi MAlT h, 1041 M A VAnY A O CA Mati A '? % A - - VAfl V IR P,, MAIDIPÉ ______________________ PAGE ELEVU4 United Cou.nties Heaith'Unit Subinitu Fine AnMal Rpr A8PHALT - FELT HNL Brick >Sldlng q» stugln$ FURACES OIL DURNERS Call on us for GuaranteelWorir DAVIS & GRANT PHONES: 2942 - 2674 FEND OUR THIS FARD B EHIND the activity on tis J>progressive farm stand the. banking services and helpful fin. ancing of The Canadian Bank of Commerce. You, too, may need a new tractor, a combine or other farm machiner7 or equipment ta develop your farm. e od1nin9 ors * cooIl n ,kn invstiaLIeLthei many advantages you have under the Farrn Improvernent Loan plan. Corne in and discuss poar financial needs with our local Manager. THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE Bon-manvllle Branch - R. L. Mitchell, Manager NeWcastle Branch - - J. H. Smith. Manager Orozno Branch - - - - J. Blue, Manager 111-0~ TB. and y». Tuberculosis: During the3 10 dicti, 29 entemeti sanitariu 63 piew cases wcme duscove: Travelling chest clinics o! Provincial De pt. o! Health m helti at central points and 18, persans were X-mayed. Ninei active cases weme discovered.E vice clubs and other organizat. helpeti gmemtly ln' this organ: tion anti the plan la belng coný ucd The dlscovemy and tr, ment o! VD cases, together m public Information andi adurlce ths àhere was 'aima greatly year ered. the oere ,606 Ser- Jons iza- ti Bna SOhool Eealth Sehoal Health: Wlth 210 el1 mentamy ichools and 7,532 pupil in the county, much o! the wor hadt t do wlth sanitary sur veyj water suppiy, waste disposai, ver tilation ant i ghtng. Inspection numbereti 426 and 474 samplesc water weme testeti. In li case improvements weme recammend cd by letter to achool uthoritiei Vision tests werc given 3,38 pupils anti a begînnlng was mad in the fall In physical examina tians w1th 649 exammned unde signed requests o! parents. A to tai o! 244 parents attended the& examinations giving opportunit: for the MO and nurses ta dlscus hemlth problemi at the. time. Ii addition nurses made 1,564 homi visits to confer wlth parents. Maný defects, formerly unknown weri discloseti andt teatment outllnec Teachers, Inspectors, Redi Cmosi have warked with the. Health Uný it staff ta improve standards o: school lunches and facililties foi serving. Diet studies have beer matie, anti cat liver ail has beer supplicti by the Redi Cross. Home Services Maternai anti Chilti Hyglene Nurses made 2,455 visita undez this department, helti canfemenceà andi clinics, co-opemateti with fam- ily doctors ta spread knowleigE ARE YOURt TRACTOR TIRES This giant vulcanissi, wlf handie the Z*guut tractor or truck tirs made. General Tires 46 King St. W. I Have ThOm Repoired et This Comploe.Modemn Tractor Tire Depot 'Weart equiPPed te do a complets ropair job on the largait tractar or truck tire made. Evorything dons in the. on. ahop from vulcanis- ing t0o mptying and reffling thé tire with Calcium Ohiorido. Mke luse of Our spo.dy, efficient service t got hé mont out Of your tractor this upring. - GURANTE» SRVICE -WU.rd Batteries Ph... 467 é ~h 1 The annual report of the. Nom- Health Unit each o! the. 24 mun- thurnberland-Durham Health Un- Icipalities had a board o! health it for 1946, prepareti by the Dir- and a part-Urne medical officer o! ector and issueti under authorlty health and a part-Urne sanltary o! the Board o! Health, in now inipector. Upon the formation o! available for distributon ta the the Health Unit which took over 24 municipalities embraced in the from the municipalities, Uhc Coun- scheme. The rçpomt deals very. ties Counicil set up a Board o! comprehensîvely with the womk HRealth consisting o! four mem- undertaken durlng -the past year bers appointed by the council and- and submits afInancial statenient anc ta b. apponted by the. Lieut.- shawing a surplus o! $4,042.65 ai Govemnor in Council, fIve in ail. o! Dec. 31, 1946. .Purpose Organbed The purpose o! the Health. Unit This health unit was formed In Isl to further ail measures for the Septmber 195, ad I vle o!prevention and contrai o! disease ethemb 1rea5,amond !lrgn izatiofn- d promotion o! health o! al aie wrkat a tafbe undtakn- persans ln tihe'communlty. It irn- an wr hic had complicatetakb - lies co-operation wlth the fam- snihore !nus md ter by alfy doctor and i wth af indivld- hrequiemefnste prdogmerstai- umis mnd organizations Intemesteti eady emae n ete oressquile ln the objects set forth. The basic remarkable. A fuli-time staf waspog m nuds finally assembicti whlle work went Communicable disea. contrai. !orward. . Tuberculosis duscovery and fol- Previous to the formation of the lowup o! cases and contacts. VD discovery and foloawup. School health supervision. MaternaI, in- !ant andi chulti hygiene. Sanita- tion, food andi wter contrai. Health education; mental health; oral hygiene. Co-operation with RA M W mi -al ather heaIth agencics. t1 BAN K 1 M Program Carrying out this prograrn last PECT "*E year the Health Unit reports these general services: Untier commun- icable diseases, school andi pre- achool immunization was vigor- ously presseti. At the year's end protection against diphtherla mci been given 5,423 chldren anti no cases were reported. In 457 cases o! mcd measles reporteti, segrega- tion was effective and parents were ativiseti o! regulations anti asked ta report pomptly to fain- ily doctors. The. most serlous outbreak o! communicable disease wvas 13 cases o! poliomyelitms between August anti December. One death eut Sed. Unit nurses and sanltamy ln- ,,...spectors helpedti t localize thet ,,.epidemic, advised parents and tea- Schers o! regulations and sanitamy î'"IlI. conditions, all part o! the plan o! -, 1<s, ~ ~ public education. Duing the *year 5,375 were vaccinateti agalnsts ,Jin1 smallpox.r anti give practical aid ta reach a uni!omm goal for weli nourished, healthy, happy chiidren, meduce maternai difficulties and mortal- ity. Crippleti Chiltiren: Nurses made 212 visits and in this department Rotary Clubs made surveys which vemy greatly hclped, through dis- covcry and practicai assistance in the came o! crippled children. This lias been a great work. Sanîtation Sanitation: Ciealiness and food and water control, considered ba- sic td better hcalth, ià a most im- portant dcpartment. County by- laws have been improved to make effective the recommendations of the Health Unit. Inspections of publie places are rigidly folliwed and by-laws enforced. Water and milk samples, numbering 1,147 were taken during the year. Pub- lic refuse dumps are cheeketi andi in five cases unsuitable homes were placardeti as unfit for human el ti p ai Ir. w li, ir w hý à- Education t- Health Education: Lectures, nia- th tion pictures, are part o! the plan in of widcspread public information x- on health. Inspectors also came- !ully advlse praprietors of public places whcn they go about. Men- .tal health dlini are hcld. Oral il hygiene clinics discovcred 1,332 k chiltimen wlth dental defects andi r, ativice given to correct sanie. n. The public health nursing ser- na vice now caversalal sections o! the of Unitedi Counties anti in evemy ac- es tivlty the close andi active co-op- d. eation o! the Provincial Dcpt. of a. Health has matie the Health Unit, 8 wlthln the space o! a ycar a wise e anti effective means o! assuming a. better health over the whoie area. àr Finance D. The report gives itemized sta- se tistica o! every bmanch semved and ty conciudes wlth a fInancial state- sa ment which may be summarizcd [n as tollows. ie Revenue: ýy Surplus, Jan. 1, 1948 -..$12,341 .e County rates, 1946 26,800 1. Prav. Health Grant, 1946- 30,468 ss Expenses, 1946 - $65,628 iSurplus, Dec. 1 4,042 )f Board Members r E. R. Woodyarti, Orono, chair- * man; M. Wight, Trent River; H. n M.Fwlds, Campbellfomd; Robert Love, Cobourg, and Mrs. W. B. Reynolds, R 1, Port Hope, the epresentative o! the Lieut.-Gov. ýr of Ontario. 3 Total area, 1,353 square miles. -Population 51,836. Equalizeti as- e sessment $35,484,700. Business Dlrectory LEGAL W. IL STRIKE, K. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank o! Montreal Money ta Loan - Phone 791 Bowmaenvllle, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Kling Street W., Bowmanviile Phone: Office 688 Resitience 553 W. F. WAED, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 9%~ King Street E. Bowmanville - Ontario Phone: Office 825 House 409 lUMSE APHA L HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Tempemance St. - Bowmanviile Phone 351 DE3N TA L DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates o! Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistmy, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville Office Houri: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daîly 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesdmy Cloaed Sunday Office Phone 790 Residence: Dm. J. C. Devltt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudel "827. DL IL W. 5K880N, L.D.S,, D.., Office 4n hus home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanvlie Office Houri: 9 a.m. to 8 parn. dally 9 amn. ta 12 noon, Wednesday Cloaod Sunday Phonoe0" 23-50 Monuments The Butter Granite Comîpany Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. 1 I ( I È c ri C V~ p ki S m J( E. J. Fi Hi B. &~L A' TO EVERYWEERU !I~ CAKaInA h. Mmn.d h h~>oe. New Llbranry Books R.ady for Roeas. Under authority of the Bow- manville Llbrary Board the Llb- rarlan, Mrs. Bower has released the following list of new books now available for distribution. Aduit Fiction Behold Your King, M. Bauer; The Land and the Well, H. Wer- nher; Chloe Marr, A. A. Milne; Eat River, S. Ash; Who Has Seen the Wind, W. 0. Mitchell; Wind Without Ramn, S. Dewdney; B.F.'s Daiaghter, J. P. Marquand; Miracle of the Belis, R. Jamicy; Barabbas, E.- Bekessy; Green Grass of Wyoming, M. O'Hara; Antioch Actress, J. R. Perklns; Brocaded Sari, Ishvarie; Presently Tomorrow, J. Marshall; The Wafls of Jericho, P. I. Wellnian; Pil- grim's Rest, P. Wentworth; As a Watered Garden, M. Keith; King Jesus, R. Graves; Angelic Aveng- ers, P. Andrezal; There Were No Windows, N. Houit; Lydia Bailey, K. Roberts; Mrs. Mike, B. and N. Freedman; The House Above the River, M. Foster; My Late Wives, Carter Dickson. Non-Fiction Montgomery, A. Moorehead; Faces of Destiny, G. Karsh; Happy the Land, L. D. Rich; A Pocketful of Canada, J. D. Robins; Some Tasks for Education, Sir R. Liv- ingstone;- Paul Robeson, S. Grah- arn; In Search of Myself, F. P. Grove; A Search for America, F. P. Grove; The Roosevelt I Knew, F. Perkins; General Woodcarving, Johnson and Newkirk; Rug-mak- ing Cra! t, E. L. Allun. .Tuvenile Kooborr, C. Barrett; Logging Chance, M. H. Lasher; Snow Owl's Secret, H. Evatt; Wilderness Hopial Auxlllary Expresses Apprlabom For Birthday GIft. The Hospital Birthday party held at the Nurses' Residence on March 27, was well attended. Do- nations consisted of mattresses, hot wateÈ botties, breakfast cer- eaus, canned fruits, raw fruits, canned vegetables, towels, pillows and money. The niembers o! the Hospital Auxiliary are very grateful to the following ladies who attend- ed or contributed to this very worthy cause. Mrs. 0. Friend, Mrs. C. A. Bartlett, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, Mrs. T. H. Knight, Miss G Gracey, Miss Margaret Allen, Miss Clara Allen, Mrs. Jack Brough, Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Mrs. W. E. Riddolls, Mrs. Fred Gardner, Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, Mrs. Byron Vanstone, Mrs. C. J. Austin Mrs A C. An- derson, Mrs. M. h. inore,'Mrs. John Rickard, Mrs. Frank Rick- ard, Mrs. Ken Werry, Miss Mar- garet Allun, Mrs. J. J. Brown, Mrs. A. Hurst, Mrs. James Adams, Mrs. W. L. Berry, Miss Nôvelda Berry, Mrs. Ross Dickinson, Miss R. Han- cock, Mrs. Austin Turner, Mrs. Geo. Walton, Mrs. P. F. Hare, Mrs. J. S. Dyer, Mrs. A. N. Hare, Mrs. D. B. ùpon, Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard,1Mrs. Garnet Rickard, Mrs. Muriel Symons, Miss Sybil Burke, Miss A. Hodgins, Miss Ed- ith Weekes, Mrs. John Percy, Miss Beryl Percy, Mrs. G. M. Scarrow, Mrs. H. Hockley, Mrs. G. C. Ail- chin, Mrs. W. G. Hay, Mrs. Chas. Bagneli, Mrs. Elmer Cox, Mrs. E. W. Crawford, Mrs. Frank Oke, Mrs. G. L. Wagar, Mrs. Lorne Ai- lin, Mrs. L. Dewell, Mrs. A. W. Pickard, Mrs., H. Pickard, Mrs. Roy Webber, Mrs. L. T. McLaugh- lin, Mrs. Thos. Tod, Mrs. Art Edg- em, Mrs. F. R. Schon, Mrs. L. G. McGinnis, Mrs. L. W. Dippeil, Mrs. R. R. Stevens, Mrs. Ross Stevens, Mrs. G. F. Purdy, Mrs. Stan McMurter, Mrs. H. G. Saun- ders, Mrs. R. E. Dinniwell, Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. Fred Stevens, Mrs. Roy Metcalf, Mrs. W. G. Allison, Susan J. Allison, Mrs. C. Swal- Iow, Mrs. F. F. Morris, Mrs. Fred Southey, Mrs. Wm. Tennant, Mrs. W. 0. LaBelle, Mrs. Alan Wil- liams, Mrs. J. O'Neill, Mrs. T. E. Flaxman, Miss M. Borland, Miss r. Scott, Mm. and Mrs. F. Hoar, Mvrs. Hawkins, Mrs. D. Alldmead, Virs. W. Carruthers, Mrs. George F'oster, Miss V. Foster, Mrs. Gor- don Rice, Mrs. Ariey Northcutt, Mliss F. M. Jeweil, Mrs. Geo. Mc- Ciellan, Miss Cora Butler, Mrs. H. W. Ward, Mrs. Morley Van- stone, Mrs. W. L. Paterson, Mrs. Ai. G. Brooks, Mrs. Fergus Mor- riii, Mrs. Mel Dale, Mrs. R. G. Cowie, Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson, Mrs. J. W. Hillier, Mrs. Geo. Ste- phenson, Mrs. Geo. Chase, Mrs. David Morrison, Mrs. L. C. Mason, Carolyn Mason, Mrs. Evan Mur- cill, Mrs. J. C. Porter, Mrs. W. H. Cook, Mrs. Irwin Colwill, Mrs. H. W. Foley, Mrs. E. W. Sisson, Mrs. B. M. Warnica, Mrs. Raipli Ames, Mrs. Nelson Osborne, Mrs. Frank Pethick, Mrs. Waiton Pascoe, W. Durham Institute, Beehive Re- kah Lodgc, Eastern Star, Mms. Storey's Reading Club, Mrs. J. Vylie, Mms. Irwin Bragg, Mrs. F. [eyland, Mr. Stacey, Mrs. L. Du- mas, Mrs. Ross Strike, Mm. E. trike, Mrs. Wrenn, Mrs. R. 0. Tones, Mrs. Blake Short, Mrs. E. 9.Patterson, Mrs. W. F. Dale, Mrs. TH. Jury, Mrs. R. L. Mitchell, Urs. V. H. Storey, Mrs. J. Thick- on, Mrs. Ommiston, Mm. Arthur ýrank, Mrs. Geo. W. James, Mr. oar, Mrs. RMablelCouc, Mrs. . V orid Mrs. Russe Gay, Mrs. E.IV 3Rundie, Misp B. J. Galbraith, Maple Grove Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright, spent Sunday in Toronto wlth rtheir daughter, Mrs. J. Bradford, and her sister, Mrs. Leslie Keith. Mrs. Wright remalned for a few days' visit. Mms. L. C. Snowden hai return- ed home aftem viaiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. Oi Pritchard at Mano- tick. Mr. Robt., Pldgeon, Toronto, spent- Sunday with Mr. Fred Wright. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mut. Ceci Jeffery who on Saturday evenlng celebrated their 25th wedding annivemsary.. See report in another colunin. The annual W.M.S. speclal ser- vice will be held on Suxiday, May 4th. Gucat speaker is Miss Esther Ryan, Toronto, eturned mission- ary from Japan. Spectal music liy the choir. The Evening Auxiry whlch met Thursday evening in the church had as~ their hostess the Afternoon Auxiliary o! the W.M. S. There was a good attendance. Mm. E. Twist, president, opened the meeting with the Lomd's Piray- er, repented in unison, Mmi. L. C. Snowden gave a littie talk on the Literature Department, aftem which Mrs. Rahme took charge o! the pmogram, with the follow- ing giving readings: Mrs. Rahme, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. N. Bothwell- Mrs. Haggerman, Mrs. Tyler. Solo by Miss Doris Stevens, and Mrs. Geo. Miller, Bowmanville, gave a vemy interesting tallc on "Life In India. A social time was enjoy- ed at the close. Miss F. M. Galbraith, Mms. S. R. James, Mrs. Norman James, Mms. Hamry Foster, Mms. Charles Ma- son, Mrs. Cecil Osborne, Mrs. Wes Jewell, Mms. E. Riieder, Mrs. Rosa Stutt, Mrs. Olga Gibson, Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastle, Mrs. T. W. Cawk- er, Mrs. Jack Allin, Mrs. M. Proc- tom, Mrs. W. Quici:, Mrs. S. G. Chartran, Mrs. T. Ross, Mrs. Fred Allin, Mrs. Fred Cryderman, Miss H. Morris, Mrs. W. H. Brown, Mrs. H. Babcock, Mms. Wes Ashton, Mrs. Art Bakez, Mrs. Harry Rice, Mrs. F. S. Phillips, Mrs. W. H. Birks, Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. A. F. McKenzie, Mrs. C. B. Tyrreil, Mrs. Norm Aluin. 10 « dp>PAN paur Np Dm# is d mq Gadiea N~Sq Mâé.t qlc. sud " Ak e~u. ]Va s' TEA J Champion, J. W. Lippincott. RE-ADY FOR SPRING? CEF amieson Tire Depot 5MAN. J5uwàRANvILLLr, OiqTARIO RICH, (NNMO N 1 Ir] 0: iei 4 es el di a- si ae ly re ýd. se Il. !n ,n e: te 1- RocIpe Dissolve 1 i pi sugs" la % c; lukewsrmwaé er add i on. velopo Royal Fant IIslng Dry Yeast Let mixture stand 10 min. Then stir weIL Scald 34 c. milk, add 3 tbs. short. ening, Y3j c. sugar, % tap sait; cool to lukowarm. Acd 1 c. sifted ilour to make a botter. Add yeast mixture and 1 beaten egg- beat welL. Add 2h4 c. sifted flour, or enough.- to make a sofe dough. Knead lightly, plago in greaaed bowL Cover, set in warm place, free froms <~draft. Let rise until doubled In bulk, about 2 houri. When llghtpunch dough down;rol out into oblong piece, about Y4i" thick. Bruib with 3 tbs. melted shortening or butter; Sprinkle with 54 c. browa ugi,1%4tipi. cinnamon, M4 c. raisins. Roll up length. wise in a tight roll; ait ia VI sices. Place cut-sida up, 1" apart ln greaied shhliow baklng pan. Cover, let ruse in warm place until light, about 1 hour. Bake in 425*24 ovea about 20 mlnutes~ i I ~ 4 I i m lew RAI Mo

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