PAGE POURTEEN TEE CANADIAX STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLEI QUTARIO wLmsnAY.. MA.Y lmL ~mi~ ÇL The Orono' Néwsj Mrs. Wibur Burnett fr11lad dinner after the service. : actured her hip and is iýn Osh- Mrs. A. A. Drummond, Mrs. A. wa Hospital.* Delve and Miss Edith Sherwin Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs.1 attended the Bay of Quinte Con- hIlton Morris on the arrivai of a ference branch meeting at Port »On, in Bowmnanville Hospital. Hope. Mrs. Drunmand was ap- Glenn Taniblyn and Donald pointcd one of the delegates from Mitples are at their 'homes aiter Oshawa Presbyterial which met completing their final exams at in March. aP.S." Toronto. Orano Police Trustecs and Or- ,Mr. J. A. Paterson, held a vcry ana Hydro Commission met in the successful sale of iarm machin- Hydre office Monday evening. ery and live stock, Friday. Chairman C. T. Miller was absent .Friday evcning -in the tawn as he is on a trip ta Rachester and hall, Blackstock Continuation other points. Schoal presented their play "Thé Mr. C. S. McLaren attended a Minx Fnom Missouri," under aus- lumbermen's meeting in Cobourg pices af Orono Continuation on Tuesday. School. Visitors: .Congratulations to Mr. and Mns. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Piper, Mr. Lloyd Truil, Kingston, on the an- and Mrs. H. Martin and Miss Eun- rjval af a baby girl. ice Middleton, Toronto, with Mr. ;Orono was a busy shopping and Mrs. J. Middleton. oentre an Saturday night. Country Misses Ruth Elford and Gwen roads are crying up which helped Chatterton and Mr. Orville Chat- tbe farmers te get in to shop. An terton with friends in Hagersville. interesting movie at the town hall, Miss Adele Morton, Toronto, .ýtracted a good crowd. with Mr. and Mrs. A. Morton. 0# Heather Rebekah Lodge met Mr. Chas. Wood, Kitchener, at ffbunsday. evening in the Lodge his home. Ïgoom. Sister Morgan and Sister Mr. John Delve, Oshawa, with ;pisney, Oshawa, were guest Mrs. Delve and Mrs. H. Curtis. speakers. Mr. and Mrs. Herod, Mimice, 'p' Mr. and Mrs. Milton Green, with Mr. and Mrs. N. Cobbledick. 4brmerly Valetta Allen, have re- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trull with rned from their honcymoon and relatives in Pernytown and Mill- l e staying with Mn. and Mrs. brook. lance Allen. Mrs. Grady and little grand- Y Rev. Col. Sidney Lambert, O. daughten, Hamilton, with relatives *Ewas guest speaker at the in Onono. orning service af Park St. Un- Miss Patricia Yeo, Toronto, with eéd Church, on Sunday and gave Mr. Fred Yeo. very impressive message. It Mn. Wm. Rowland, Toronto, as the occasion af the Woman's with Mr. and Mrs J. C. Tamblyn. ssociatin annivesary. Mns. Mrs. L. Baldwin with er Mlon Tamblyn ententained Col. daughter in Oshawa. nd Mrs. Lambert and friends ta Misses Canal and Anna Staples, Toronto, at home. ~Miss Launa Allin, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mns. Clarence Allun. 6 Miss Audrey Billings, Toronto, En2lishwith Mr. and Mns. Carl Billings. English r. and Mrs. Salter, Hampton, with Mn. and Mrs. C. Wood. C Miss Shirley Myles, Toronto, Summe Time withMr. and Mrs. D. Myles. Mrs. Wm. Stutt with relatives Mrs. J. L. Powers, Campbellville. Mr. and Mns. W. J. Leamen with Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Leamen, . . . . . ..Mrs. Aubrey Cain, Pontypool. FAREWELL GATHERING'FOR REV. AND MMS. LrlTTLEWOOD Rev. and Mns. S. Littlewood be- fore their departure on Tuesday for their ne* home in Boeay- geon were recipients ef the beat 1 CHINTZ wishes af their friends and &a of many -tokens af the h Ideal for Glfts te m un1iy. .eY ier.J *" Kib appointm. OPEN STOCK at thechurchg c mde ai 4nluitpepper ITes, Pots and Jugu *Butter Dfshes ... Cheese Dishes Mlseellancous Items POTTERY Anew ahlpment er vases and Idecorative Items. i Secure yeur copy of thse Montreal Standard here. Je W. JEWELL PHONIE 556 5inI JIUrn sh.lO uit Bible Class pre- se nted themi with a beautiful ce- dar chcst and a bnief case. The same evening, the. Women's Chris- tian Temperance Union present- cd Mns. Littlewood with a comb and brush set and Mr. Littlewood with a set ai brushes. A fanewell service on Sunday evening was well attended after which the congregation repained ta the sehool room and several addresses wene nead and gifts pre- scnted ta Mn. and Mns. Littlewood, Mr. W. J. Riddell acted as chair- man, and a beautiful Chippendale coffec table and fonr lamp wene pnesented fnom the congnegation alter a very fine addness had been nead by Mn. Colin Taylor, Clerk af the Session. Mr. Manley Little- woad was the recipient af a per- sonal gift as well, a beautiful Hymnary. The women of the congrega- tien presented Mrs. Littlewvoad with a lavely sewing cabinet. Mns. M. H. >Staples read a very nicely worded addness, reminding the audience ai the many anganiza- tions in which Mrs. Littlewood had served se iaithfully and so weli during ber fine years in Or- ana, and Mns. C. Wood made the Seed Grain URBAN OATS - 100% germination. Grand Champion at Seed Show in Oshawa. CARTIER OATS - 48 lbn. per bus. Reserve Grand Champion at International Seed Show in Chicago. BEAVER OATS - 1000% germination, sealed 60 bushels per acre as Certified No. 1 after all umalI cati removed. EA VER OATS - that yield 100 bushels per acre. AJAXI OATS - 100% germination. On. lot yielded over 90 bushelg per acre. VICLAND OAT8 - In an adjoining county these oats gave the hlghest yield of six varieties, NO. 1 BARBOFF BARLEY - This variety ai barley has won Championshlp at Quinte Seed Show every year since it wau introduced. We have neyer had a failure, Yielded 40 bushels per acre sown on the lOth of June. OUNALTA TWO-ROWED BARLEY - A good yielder, local grown, weigha 54 Ibo. per bushel, GALOREC - A high-ylelding barley, six-row.d, excellent for mixing or sowimg beparately. CORONATION SPRING WHEAT - We can give you results on tests of grain conducted throughout the'province. By sowing blgh quality seed you can reduce yens- rate of seeding, thux lowering your conta. BOWV&MLE PROBE 2813 presentation. The Young Peoplea Union rep- resented by their president, Mr. Lloyd Crabbe, wha made a very fitting extemporaneaus speech, prcsented Mr. and Mrs. Little- woad with a beautiful table lamp in appréciation oi their wonk with the young people ai the chunch. A social time at the close et the meeting was a veny fitting climax te the last.Sunday ai Rev. Littlewood's pasterate. GIRL GUIDES ENTERTAIN On Saturday evening the Senior Patral ai Orono Girl Guides enter- taincd the younger Guideý, the Guide Methens and the members ai the local association at a din- ner at the spacious home ai Capt. <Mns. W. E.) Armstrong. The Senior Guides prepared and senv- ed the dinner, decorated the tables with hepatica and dainty place cards and entertained thein guests durîng the evening. Badges wene presented te a numben of the girls: Patsy Moffat, Florence Linton and Shirley Flintoif received their Second Class badges and Maureen McKenna her Finat Class badge. The winning af these awands has meant very efficient work by the girls ever a period af years. The Guides and guests were hanored in having prescrit the new Divis- ional Commissianer, Mrs. Arthur Frank, Bawmanvillc, who gave a bnief report ai the necent provin- cial -convention in Ottawa with some splendid suggestions for the future ai Guiding. In appreciatian ai sevenal yeans ai wonk and interest in the Guides, the girls pnesented Mrs. S. Little- wood with a iavely crystal fruit bowl, and the local association ai which Mrs. Littlewood was trea- sunen for several years, a lovely glass plate ta match the bowl. Mns. Littlewood replied veny fit- tingly and encouraged the girls ta continue in their splendid work. Newtonville NEWTONVILLE W. I. HOLD ANNUAL MEETING Annual meeting ai Newtonville Women's Institute was held in the home ai Mrs. W. J. Hancock, an Apnil l6th, with nineteen mem- bers in attenaance. Sccretany nead a note of thanks tram Ronald Burley for the In- stitute's gîf t ta, him ne school orchestra. Repart ef St. Patrick's Tea showcd a ve ,y tlsfactory balance and the anked tn lrcganding J. Holman installed aiticers: Hon. 15resident- M. J. Holman; President- Mxi., G. Gilmen; lst Vice-Mrs. S. Jobnston; 2nd Vice - Mrs. C. Brown; Sec'y.-Treas.-Mns. F. Gil- mer; Assistant-Mrs. J. Stark; District Dinector - Mrs. J. T. Pearce; Branch Dinectars - Mr&. C. Fergusan, Mns. C. Morris, Mrs. W. Farrow. Miss J. Thampson; Comfont Camnittee-Mrs. G. Mar- tin, Mrs. B. Samis, Mrs. Dennis, Miss B. Thampson, Mns. W. J. Hancock, Mns. G. Hendenson; Auditors-Mns. A. Redknap, Miss J. Thampson. Lunch and a social time brought the aiternoon to a close. Next meeting May 21st at Mns. E. AI- dncad's, Newcastle,. Wesleyville Sunday School had an attend- ance ai 41 with ail teachers pre- sent. Church service at 11:30 was well attended and we were again favoured with a fine sermon by Dr. Oke. *Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Lionel Hughes :>n the binth of a son. Mrs. Simon Barnawclough spent a week in Pont Hope witii hen sister, Mrs. S. O. Milîs. Mn. an d Mrs. Peter Clarke and sons have retunned ta Uttensan ta rebuild their home. Miss Dolores Dickerson suifer- cd a painful injuny when hen fln- ger was mangled in the gears ai a hanse clipper. Sunday visitons with Mn. and ,Mrs. Rueben Payne, Crooked Creek, Mrs. J. Snell, Part Bnitain, Mn. Dolph Payne, Toronto. and Mn. C. Payne. Mn. and Mrs. Thoms, Toronto, with Mr. and Mns. Harold Bar- rawclough. Mrs. Mervin Clarke and Wayne, Hamilton, with Mn. and Mrs. C. Beighton. Miss Ruth Peters, Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, with Mn. and Mns. C. Payne. Mrs. Charles Beighton is im- proving aiter an aperation on hen Canadian Dieemoray la IndMsaibI. (By John Atkins in The Scene irom Shingwauk Farm), Democracy la indivisible ini a democratic country. It cannat be parcelled Up and dividcd out ta minority graups of citizens by makixig it lawul for. them to serve their awn spécial intercots' throughgraup majanity décisions which impair the ights or- contraI the livelihoods of other citizens. Dcmocnacy la diminishcd to the extent that it permits the major- ity ai any minority group ai cit- izens to depnive any citizen of natunal nights or economic mcce- dom. No tnuly democratie govern- ment can permit any group or class ai citizens te exercise nights which bclong te parliamcnt alone. If it is illégal for anc class ai cit- izens te re9train trade and fix pnices, it must be illegal for any class or group te do se. If any gnoup oi citizens is cmpewered ta contrai the right to wonk, te com- pel mcmbcnship or the payment of dues, then seme farmers must aise be empowered te central ail farm- ens if the production and market. ing ai food, fixing pnices or with- holding supply at will.. Ail classes and groupa ai citi- zens must enjay equal pnivileges. Manufactunens, netailers, minera, lumbenmen, fishenmen, garage- men, laundrymen, bakers and bar- bers, eveny gnoup, must be cm- pawcred ta do what any other gnaup is penmitted. The extended repression, in- justice and compulsion wauld bear strang resemblance ta récent ex- peniments which achieved "a cern- plete negimentatian under the watchful eye ai the state." Same graups bave been cmn- powered ta exercise the functions ai parliament and ta campel many others ta serve their will and if- terests. Should these undemocra- tic pnivileges be necaptuned by parliament and c'encîsed demo- cratically; on shauld dominion and provincial gavernments extend, ta ail and sundry minority combina- tians ai citizens, pawer ta campel obedience ta the minonities' edicts affccting the lii e, frecdom and happincss af fellow citizens? Shauld wc have pensonal tneedom, responsibility and evolutionary ca-apenation, or compulsion, de- pendence and ignoble compliance? Should we restone dem'ocracy or impair it same mare? 1..0.F. Celebrat. 128th Anniversary At Trinty Church The i 28th Anniversary of the founding ai Oddfcllowsbip was observed Sunday marning by members ai Florence Nightingale Lodge, Na. 66, I.O.O.F., attendling divine service at Trinity United Church. There was an exceptional large attendance ai members and visiting brcthren. The parade was headed by the Citizens Band in charge af Bandmastcr Wmn. Shotter and marshalied by Wmý Conden and Noble Grand Clar- ence Hall. Rev. J. E. Griffith prcached an impressive sermon -on the spirit af fraternalism. Aiter the churci, service the parade marched ta the cenataph where a wreath was placcd by Mac Moore and bni remarks were made by J. E. Anderson. On returning te the ladge ýroom Mayor Sidney Little and Walter Hackney maved a vote oi thanks ta the minister, chair and official board ai Trinity United Church. Every Issue of The At These Stores Newcastle: J:' S. Dycr Drug Store, D. G. Walton. Hamptan. G. A. Bannon Son. Enniskillen: T. M. Slemon & Son. Blackstock: H. T. Sayweli. Nestîcton: J. G. Thompson. Pontypool: J. Crowley. Onono: Tynrell's Drug Store. Newtonvillc: W. C. Lane & Co. Tyrone: F. L. Byam. Bowmanville: W. J. Berry, J. W Jewell, Jury and Lovel], W. J. Bagneli, Statesman Office. Patience daca net mean Induf- ference. We may wonk and trust and wait, but we aught net ta be idie an careless while wait- ing.-Gail Hamilton. eyc at Peterbora Clinic. Mns. C. Payne and Ruth, Mn. Clarence Nichoils and Mn. Murray Payne spent an enjayable even- ing at the home ai Mn. and Mns. George Henderson where the Wo- men's Institute hcld a cuchre parte. Cadet Inspection On Monday morning, May 5, pu- pils ai Bowmanville High School will take part in their annuai Cadet Day and will be inspected. The. commanding officen ai the B.H.S. Cadet Corps this year is Haines Beilman who holds the rank ai Lieutenant-.Colonel. Bill Rundie has the nank ai Major. Commander af "A" Company la Captain A. Hcndny. Oflicers ai lat, 2nd and 3rd platoons af "4" Company are Morice Tamblyn, Harold Stevena and Bill Harnden, nespectiveiy. Commander oet "B" Company la Captain Audrey Stur- rock. Officens af lat, 2nd and 3rd platoons ai "B" Company are Pearl Brealin, Mary AlIdreed and Mary Paterson, nespectively. B.S. M. is Jim Paterson, C.S.M. is Tom DeGeer and Adjutant is Stewart Fenguson. The girls' P.T. display will be under the leadership ai Jacqueline Heyland while Morice Tamblyn wii lead the boys in their P.T. diuply. First Forma's Party Tbe last ai the fonm parties was enjayed by First Fonm on Wed- nesday cvening, Apnil 23. Since thene are aven anc hundred pu- pila in the thrcc first forma, there was a lot ai activity in the achool that night. The boys played bas- ketball with the girls and, need- lcss ta say, thcy won. The vol- leybail net was put up and every- anc playcd voleyball for awhile.' Then thcy wcnt up ta the audi- torium and danced. A number ai pnizes werc given ta those who won the special dances. The ncfneshments, which wce greatly enjoyed and caten in s hart order, consistcd ai hot doga, ice crcamn pics and pop. From ail reports, First Form's fing at an organized party was a huge succes, Docton: Vour. eaugh lu much better this morning. Patient: It aught ta be, 1 was all nighL . URI Y For fffp~'F f f 0 f f f f 0 f f f f f 0 f f f 0 f f O 0 e 0 0 f f 0 f Fil f f f 0 f f O f f f 0 f f f 0 e f f f 0 f i f f o - f f * f f O f 0 0 f 0 0 f f I 0 f f f 0 f f 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 o O 0 f 0 0 f 0 0 g f f f 0 f f O f f 0 f f f f 0 E O o f f f f 0 f 0 f 0 v *t..... vIe". The worst floods in Brltaln's history have destitute. Used or new clothlng ls desperatu are urgently requested to donate all that you IITISH FLOOD RELIEF >LLECTION IN DOWb tIDAY EVENINÏG STARTING AT 6 HERE'S WHATI18 E LAYETTES: Made up from garments and safety-plnned in blanket or shawl. Donations should be clean and in good repa make minor repairs where necessary it wiII bc COLLECTION LOOD 'j I a. aPLEASE DO IT NOW BRITISH F1000 RELIEF CAMPA'ION COMMMTEE Mayor $Id Little, Chairman Chas. Carter, Sr., Secretary Jack Parker, Fred Tuerk, Arnold Lobb, J. Clitf Samis CLO! I.ft thousands ely needed. You à can during the0 1 0 CAMPAIGN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Diapers 0 0 0 0 Undoor 4'selp Outdor ets0 0 You 00 Suite0 CAN BLP*-- Ion and Boys Suits (complete) Overcoats Raincoats Headwear Trousers, Jackets Shorts (B only) Sweaters Shirts Underwear Nightwear Socks, Shoes Miscellaneous (Scarves, gloves handkerchlefs, tics, etc.) Women and Girls Overcoats Raincoats Headwear' Jackets Llght Dresses (cotton, silk, etc.) Woollen Dresses Sweaters Blouses, Sklnta Underwear Shoes Mlscellaneous (Men and Boys) D.HUS. "c04ec.4 c""".' MARY ALLDIREAD, Editor ~LL4 I H i PAGE TOURTIRN TUE CANADIAN STATESBUN, BOWMANVUZ^ ONTAMO miU CSDAY. X&Y lot 1949