'TBTI1DAY, MAY l1É, 1947 lECADA TIA.EWYLT.ONTAUM PACI 1ruiwq I f i 's k E I How Town Backed -Sports A Quarfèr of a Century Ago Two Weeks aga The Statesman carried a column which set forth how the people ai Bowmanville organized annual sports a quar- ter century aga. Back in 1922 the tawn had an Amateur Athletic As- sociation, a newiy organized Chamber ai Commerce and a town cauncil that co-operated with bath ln promating ail branches of sparts. The story told of organ- lzing a gala sparts day for May 24, 1022. How well the day turncd out wan reported in The States- man at great iength, and we me- capture nom. ai the highlights ta- day ta bring out the names ai those who took part and the fin- ancial resuit. 1 Bit Crowd To suppiy addcd interent we al- 50 present a hitherto unpublished photo showing the start ai the road race Which was a feature ai the day. The cutiincs include same af the names which were supplied by Art Edger *ho wan in charge of-trtck and field events. He recalis that the day was fine and warm with more than 2,500 people gathercd iram ail direc- Y~tio *6 and with the greatent array ai '¶utomobiles ever seen in the town. Huge Parade Proceedings opened with a mon- ster calithumpian parade. Grand niarahal, riding a black charger was the 6'6" Chiefai Police Rich- ard Jarvis. Among thon. on foot in Uic lead were Mayor H. L. Quinn, Cy Siemon, Jlm Devitt, G. N. Thrston, J. D. Carruthers, C. H. Mason and others who headed the mile-long mai-ch. The Band Next came the newly arganized Chamber af Commerce Band un- der Leader H. C. Durgin. This was its first appearance and it certainly whaoped it up. Mcm- bers oi the band încluded, (car- nets) Ali feitcher, Bruce Berry, Wm. Pointon; (trombones) Norm Greenfieki, George Chase; (ten- ors) Sam Glan'siie, W. J. Hynds; (baritones) J. 'Èoenigk, C. Rich- ards; (altos> Sam Leggitt, R. Greenlield; (drums) W. B. Tap- son, John Joncs. Floats The remainder oi the parade was made. up ai the campeting bail teams, clowns, bicycles, floats, and a juvenile section headed by Cowboy Jim Williamns on his pony. Commercial vehicles included an auto awned by R. R. Stevens, div- en by Viola Stevens, ioaded with children drinking milk irorn Glen Re. Dairy; W. J. Bagnell's bright new car featured City Dairy Ice Cream; Charlie Bagneil drove a RtOYAL !THEATRE TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY - FRIDAY - MAY 1 -2 TW#O GRANU PICTURIES Aduit Entertalnment SATURDAY- MAY 3RD EverY Moment of Romance Matched by a Moment of Dangerous Adventure ... A Great Spectacle ... Drama of the 014 West's Thrlling Daysi "IN OLD SACRAMIENTO"f 1- PLUS - Technicolor Cartoon Shorts OX LATE NEWS: EXCLUSIVE BLAST DISASTER IN TEXAS CITY .-. ecynolds' Round the WorId Record Fight .. Flual Toronto Maple Lest and Montres! Canadieng Hockey Game. COLOR CARTOON ý 1 judges The judges were Rev. C. P. Muirhea'd, Capt. J. B. Neale and Alan Williamns. They had a hard tuine picking winners. Here was the selection. Grand prize, Bob Stevens; best decorated auto, R. E. Yates. Best comie, George Par- kmn; Sam Brooks. Best delivery (1) W. J. Bagneli; (2) Chas. Bag- neil; best bîke, (1) E. Brown; (2) Edith Cartwright. Best Clown (1) Ray Dilling; (2) R. Westlake. The road race, Oshawa-Bow- manville, praduced only one local winner, Gea. Weathcriit, the first foaur positions going ta entrants from Gladstone A.C., Toronto. There were some exciting finishes ta the 9-mile grind. Outsîde en- tries aisa captured many track and field open events. An abridgcd summary follows- Track and Field 100 yards, open (1) Toronto, (2) P. Muirhead, town. 220 yards, ail ta Gladstone A.C. One-mile, Toronto runner wan with Wre- ford Souch, now ai Winnipeg, the local cantender. Inter-club re- lay: Toronto lst and 2nd; Bow- manville 3rd. The team: P. Muir- head, W. Souch, Roy Grant and Bert Bounsaîl, late Coi. Midland Res. Regt. Quarter mile, boys undér 15, Hec Brydson, Lamne Williams. Local Events Junior Events: Half-mile open, C. Needham, H. Mewhiney. 100 yards, Tuxis: E. Goddard, Alex Cameron. Broad jump, Trail Rangers: L. Williams, D. Carru- thems. Hop, tep and jumýb: Alex McGregor, Stan Osborne, 331611, 100 yards, open, Needham, Cam- eran. 100 yards, Trail Rangers: L. Williams, D. Carruthers. Tux- is melay: (1) Necdham, Goddard, Brown, Osborne; (2) A. McGre- gar, Hugh Cameron, A. Cameron, Mewhiney. High jump: Maitlafid Gould, Edsall Oliver. Pale vault: E. Oliver, Alex McGregor. Ball Openers The Centrai Ontario Basebal League apener followed bctwcen Belleville and Bowrnanvilie. Mayor Quinni pitched the fi-at bal ta Fred Bowen, M.P., and they fanned G. N. Thurstan. Scoreles for 7 innings, Belleville tallied 3, Bowmanville 2 which held to the end. Bowmanvilie tcam: Hooper c. Rolph, Corden, Wilson lb, J. Stark 3b, Moine an, Mingeaud 2b, Bates c, McMurtmy If, A, Piper rf Cham- bers p. Umps, Rasevear, Port Hope, Wilson, Oshawa. Many ai these are stili playing today. The Football League apened with Ontario Regt., Oshawa, play- 'tag Bowmanville ta a 2-2 tic. Names ai the players were flot given. Receipts The day concluded with a con- cert at night in the Opera House. Total receipts, ail departmentg, $922.55. As told befare many cuPs, medals, cash prizes were awarded ta the winners. The despotism aif custom ls on da: the wanc. We are flot content ai ta know that things are; we ask maz whether they ought ta be.-John Du Stuart Mil. I BOYS 50 yd. Dash 50 yd. Dash 200 yd. Relay (4 boys) 100 yd. Dauh Broad Jump 440 yd. Relay (4 boys) SPORT .NEWS -r0 are-thee tr niant b.urLéàw5 LiMas i id .1I h GIRLS 50 yd. Dash UNDER 14 YEARS 50 yd. Dash 200 yd. Relay (4 girls) 50 yd. Dash Broad .Tump 200 yd. Relay TWO SOFTDALL. CAMES Starting 3:w30 p.m. Girls' and Boys' Softball Gaines vill b. the final feature of the Afternoon, Prizu, will b. given to wlnneru of each and every event. C00MBEARLY AND GIVE THE BOYS AND GIRLS YOUR SUPPORT - ADMISSION 1PRE s Sponsored by The B.w.nanvlfl. ROTARY CLUB 1 - Saturday, May 3 2 p.m.-Jr. track and field meet, High School <rounds. 8:30-Teen Town, High Sehoal auditorium. :wanday, May 5 7 P.m.-Archemy Clubs, Lions Community Centre. Tuesday, May 6 7:30 p.m.-Horseshoe Pitching Club, Lions Cornrunity Centre. SWednesday, May 7 7 p.m.-Jr. Stamp Club, Lions Community Centre. 8 p.m.-Sr. Stamp Club, Lions Community Centre. Archery A group of teen agers and aduits who are interested in amchemy held an arganization meeting on April 21 and discussed plans for the formation ai an Archcry Club. A strong archcry club is oganized in Oshawa and it is hoped ta have the vice-prenident af the Ontario Archery Association and who is also a member ai the Osh- awa Club present at the next meeting which will b. held at the Lions Community Centre on Mon- day, May 5 at 7:00 p.m. Anyone interested in iearning ai-chez-y wil be welcomed. Horseshoes The horseshoe pitchlng enthus- iasts held s meeting on Tuesday, April 22 and laid plans ta form a club and hold taumnaments, etc., thmoughout the summer. It is planned ta c9nstruct seyerai new pitches with probable new loca- tions being Memorial Park and the Lions Communîty Centre. Anyone intcrcsted in tuila sport are asked ta attend the next meet- ing on Tuesday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m. in thc Lions Comznunlty Centre. Stamp Clubs The Jr. and Sm. Stamp Clubs wiil hold their next regular meet- ing un Wednesday, Ma., 7 in the Lions Cornmunity Centre and any new members for cither club will be welcomed. 1 il prices uhould and must corne dowin - ta fight ortmuedat.Tomn Caled Frlday NIgb An emergency meeting wMflb. held Fridmy, May 2, at 6:30 p.m. in the Badminton Hall ta decide whether or flot. there wlll b. an intermediate basebal -teani Ii town this year. Because we have not been able ta lin. up any pitch- crs we wlll have to make a de- cision now as ta whether or flot we can continue. Nela Osborne, Secretary. slick hors. and wagon for Domin- IN YOUR DOLLAR"'ý This is not a Sale! inflation - to avoid harduhips This 10% reduotion on cash purohaes wil! continue until May 6th. - We, as retailors cannot continue thia lonis ndefinitely. It fi our hope that manufacturers and other retailers will follow at once. NOTE - This price reduotion applies to everything in the store except na- tionally advertiued linea, whose prices are maintaind by the manufacturera. BOWMANVILLB . F. ORRis Co. ORONO MON. -TUES. -WED- MAY 5- 6- 7 PLAN To ATTEND!I Boys RGrls Sports Day HIGH SCHOOL GROUNDS Starte 2 p.m. (D.IS.T.) Saturday., 4May3rd E VENTS On Every Article In F. Fa MORRIS Con STORES Lagmu.Opens SeasonM4y i7th At a mneeting held la the bow hall, Hampton,-April 17, the Da& ligtn oobal eagU w 01 ganized for Uic 1947 season, off cers were elected and the season scheduie waa drawn up and ai proved. Startsng May 17, wit Enniskillen at Caurtice, thc sch( dule will end Auguot 20 with Sc lina at Bowmnanvile and Tyrani at Zion. Ail told there are elght'teair, that will compete for the crow and cup won by Hampton l&% year. Zion 1s Uic new entrant ta the year and if they live up ta tre dition wlll be strong contenden The other teains are, Enniskiller Courtice, Sauina, Hampton, Oronc Tyrone and Bowmanvile; With 56 games schcduled, thi year's icague is aimant in th clas ao the National Hockey Les gue with the final result just a important. Last year's officer wcre re-elected by acclamnatioi President, Lloyd Ashton; vice preaident, Harry Davey; secretar -treasurer, Jack Reynolds. If a suggestion is in ci-dez could the executive flot; arrang, ta have a press release made ai ter each game, giving the scori and names of each team as wel as highlights that ai ten featuri these exciting contents? With sg many games ofi ah kinds takini place aimant every evening n( press reporter can handie the jol properly. Clip this scheduie for refer ence: May 17-Enninkillen at Courtice Orono at Tyran. 21-Sauina at Zion Bowmanville at Hampton 24-Hampton at Enniskillen Caurtice at Bawmanville 28-Zion at Orono Tyrone at Solina 31-Enniskillen at Bowmativille Courtice at Zian June 4-Solina at Orono Hampton at Tyrone 7-Zion at Enniskillen Sauina at Caurtice li-Orono at Hampton Tyrone at Bowmanville 14-Enniskiilen at Sauina Courtice at Tyran. 18-Bowmanville at Orono Hampton at Zian 2l-Tyrane at Enninkiilen Orono at Cou'rtice 25--Sauna at Hampton Zion at Bawmanville 28-Enniskillen at Orano Hampton at Courtice ruîy 2-Zion at Tyran. Bowrnanville at Sauina 5--Courtice at Enninkillen Tyran. at Orono 9-Zion at Sauina Hampton at Bowmanvilie .2--Enniskillen at Hampton Bawmanville at Courtice 16--Orano at Zion Sauina at Tyran. 9-Bowmanville at Enniskillen Zion at Courtice 3-Orono et Salina Tyran. at Hampton 6-Enniskillen at Zion Courtice at Salins 30-Hampton at Orano Bowmanville at Tyrone kugust 2-SaUina at EnnInkillen ,Tyran. at Courtice 6-Orono at Bowmanville Zion at Hampton 9-'tnniskillen at Tyrane Courtice at Orono ý3-Hamptan at Salins Bowmanville at Zian i-Orono at Enninkillen Courtice et Hampton )-Tyrone at Zion Sauina at Bowmanville The custom and fashion ai ta- Ày will b. the awkardncss and utrage ai to-morraw-so arbit- Hockey Team ci ae>Banquet To HBave Syl Ap pae Breslin's Re aider", the Ju-Loa8 lrs oe venile hockey eam representingLoaBwlus os Bawmanville which won the 1946 Uln CS^ Tomrnamoent Juvenlie "B" championshlp of Ontario and the Lionel Canacher Held ln Toronto Cup, will be tendered. a civic ban-- quet ta b. heid in St. John's Par- A Bowmanville bowling team 1gb Hall, Frlday evening, May 16. possessirig confdence and com- The officiais of the teamn will also mendable nerve went ta Toronto be honored with the players. Guest speaker for the occasion will be Monday night ta <amble on CaSptain Syl Apps af the world straight, place or show in the na- champion Mapie Leafs, who han tional tournament staged byt the just been appointed ta the. chair- Canadian Bowling Association. rnmnhlP 01the Ontario Athietia lyn ntefv-atre Commission. lynintelv-ahre It ls haped also that Lionel game series, they failed ta place Canacher, donor af the Trophy, but put an a show cansidered qulite former hockey star and M.P., ta- remarkable since no previous gether with officiais af the O.M.H. practices had been held. They tell A. will accept the invitation ta b. a i guests af the evening. If Mr. Con- o h classy Toronto Imperials, acher can came h. wnîl present the score iuidisclosed. the trophy. Other officiais will The five-man team was made UP present the handsome plaques al- of Dr. H. B. Rundile, Jack Cale, ready purchased for each player. Mel Dale, Morley Vanstone, wli Officiais of the teamn will aiso re- Bob Cochrane, lmported tramn ceive suitable presents. Manag- Peterboro as a dark horse. er and backer Moe Breain wiil Nat the least downhearted, they algo present each player with then composed three teams ta en- winidbreakers. ter the double events wýhich re- Ail -arrangements have been sulted in failure ta place. These worked out 1--y the Civie Commit-. three teamns were Rundie and tee af the Town Council. It was Dale; Vanstone and- Cochrane; J. found that seatîng accommoda- Cale and Fred Cale. The latter tion had ta be limiteci ta apprax- team, according ta ringside fans, imately 135 and in order ta give put an the game ai the evening the public a fair break, tickets and won the consolation. will go an sale shortly at Bres- Having failed ta win into the lin's, Carter's and The Statesman playdowns the players returned office. Each ticket will cost a the same evening and during the nominal $1.00. The banquet will past-mortem discussions, resolved commence sharp at 6:30 in the ta try again next year. Net re- evening. Remember the date, suit at the marnent, a good time, Friday, May 16, 1947, and note an enjoyable experience. where ta secure tickets. VICTOR& DLUEDID "Anniversary 'Sang" . * Miller Oýc1sesr& "A Gai ln Calico" . - - Miller Orclaest7r, "Star Duat" - - Miller -Orchestr ":Managua, Nicaragua" - - Pre8ie Xa Utn "The Funny Thing Called Love P rododie Marin ::Once Upon A Moon" - recldie Marin eGuilty" - - - - - - jhny Domod "I Want ta Thank Your Polka"" YryCOMa "I Gotta Gal I Love" - - Perry Güo "What Arn I Gonna Do About You" - Perry Como "The Preacher and The Bear" - Phil Harris "Where Does It Get You In The End" *phul Harris ' That's What I Like About The South"- PhiI [aris "If You're Ever Down in Texans" - Phil Harris "Rainy Night in Rio".- - - Desi Anu "Snaaty Little Cutia" - . . Tommy Dorsey 5OusNo. 1"-et- * Tommy ore "Hotcha Cornia" - pike Joues "Shiekc of Araby" - - - - Spike Jones "For Sentimental Reasons" - - - Chas. Spivak "Stomping Room Only" Chas. %,.ivak "Ole Buttermilk Sky" - elen Carrol "Sonata" Larry Green "«Stompin' at The Savoy" * Benny Goodman "On The Other End of A Ris-el Betty Hutton "It's Drean'land" - - - Vaughn Mo.nroe "Life Can Be Beautiful" - - Vaughn Monroe "'I Used To Work In Chicago" - - Sammy Kaye "It's A Lie" - . . . . . Sammy Raye "If I Rad My Life ta Live Over" Three Suns "A Little on The Lanely Bide" - - Mai-t Kenny "The C1 Jam Blues".- - Oscar Peterson Square Dances - - - - George Wade "On That Old Hawaiian Shore R ank, the Yodeling "I'rn Ganna Bid My Blues Goodbye" . - angte - Yodeling Ranger "The Letter Marked Unclaimed"- Sons of The Pioneers "I'm Hitting The Trail" - -. . Wilf Carter qqwý lkntm Bai L»gmn Prfp@sod 'flE easeon Trhe Bantam and Peewee Hock- ey' teama that took part in the town league organized laut win- ter, will in ail probability be or- ganized into a two-section Soft- bail League this season. Accord- Ing to Jack McNulty who sparked the teama in the hockey league, Plans for the softball season In- clude four teanis of each section which will play a regular schedule of two gameà'each week oh the public school diamaond. While not.hing definite has been settied as yet it is understood that Mr. McNuity and Recrèation- ai Director Bart Smithson are working out plans. Mnany of the boys have hockey sweaters except the Pewees. What is wanted naw ta get the league under way is for organizations or businessmen tô donate the smnall' arnount it will take ta provide masks, bats, ballm and sweaters for Pewees, then the whole thng will be set. A PRIVATE LISTENING ROOM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Your R.C.A. Victor Dealor The Radio Shop Norm M tt Stabl - Hus ClasyHaçk.y. There wus a niild ceIebrationý among the amail coterie of B2w«W manville horsemèn when *"- waà recelved that the Hackiey mare owned by ex-De.puty Rceevj A. W. G. Northcutt, had present- ed him on April 21, with a classy Hackney colt, sired by a high stepUa per fronft a Millbrook stable, Sound in wind and limb the cog has a conformation tha:t may deF, velop Into a competitive clan at the Royal Winter Pair. '. è Real horse fanciers in tawn In&' clude Dr. R. G. Cowie, Raiph Bar- rett, Wes Cawker and Mr. Northîý cutt. When they managed to get' together ta congratulate the own-ý er and possibly ta make offers lt, the new prageny, the habituai' smile af Mr. Northeutt became ev- en more pronounced, but h4 frowned anill tentative offerit. The Statesman bas been promis- ed first chance of a photo wheu the colt gets aut on pasture. '1 Bill Edger Wlns At FouI-Shooting ln Basketbal (Peterbaro Examiner) Bill Edger, son ai Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edger, Bowmanville, won the Basketball Foui - Shooting Campetition at the "Y." He thus becomes the fi-st holder ai the M. E. Knox Trophy. Bill did Borne iancy shaoting ta finish fimst. Ai- ter ntarting in rather shaky fash- ian h. settled down and dropped the bail clcanly through the cen- tre ai the basket on 35 ai bis last 40 throws ta finish with 40 out ai his 50 tries. He had anc run af 16 consecutive baskets, missed anc and went an for ninie mare mak- ing 25 out ai 26 tries. -Gord Burns and Jimmy Thor- burn gave him bhis closest campe- titian. Burns shot well but rirn- mcd the haap a number oi times in his laft 10 tries and flnished with 38. Jimmy Thornbumn warm- cd up like a winner and then oniy made four af bis first 10 tries and 15 ai his fimst 25. H-owever he stcadied, and made 12 stmaight be- fore missing. H. made 23 af bis last 25 tries and fininhed in a tic with Gord Burns at 38. Ai Stew- art was next with 37. This--is the fimnt time the Knox Trophy han been ia competition and it in hoped that it will stirn- ulate faul-shooting sa that local teams will count the *<amen they win on foui shooting instead ai the anes they have lont. The first 10 men were as fol- lows: W. Edger 40, Gord Burns 38, J. Tharb*umn 38, Ai Stewart 37, Dori Griffin 34, M. Richardson 32, Ed. NichaIs 29, Joe Stewart 28, Warren Smith 27, H. Hempstead 27. Recreation Calendar Thursday, May 1 6:30 p.m.-Intermediate basebali practice, High School. 8:00 p.m.-Banketball Hause Les- gue, High School gym. Frlday, May 2 6:30 p.m.-Track and field club practice, High School <rounds. 7 p.m.-Town League soitball meeting, Lions Cammunity Cen- Music From Carmen Leopold Stokowski Beethoven sth Symphony Toscanini Tschalkowsky Concerto Na. 1 lni B Flat Minar Toscanini Massenet - Le Cid Ballet Duet Baston's "Pops", Orchestra Operetta Favorites Jeanette MacDonaldt Gilbert & Sullivan H.M.S. Pinafore ]Polanaise ln A Fiat op. 53 No. 6 Jase Iturbi TUE Radio $Shop 38 King St. 3. Phone 573 a 1 0 1 - 0 a 38 King St. E. Phone 573 Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE I ~ i 1 Phone 573 Bowmanville 'q 38 rjng st. 2. UNDER 12 YBARS REDUCTION UNDER 16 Y]CARS WE ACREE