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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1947, p. 16

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f Imme-,Imm -- ~ ~ ~ =aALM~BOIJWJKI VILI.AL, 'nwiAMO HYSA, A * ,pff frtAr7ffE~ff/IA RE$6'UY 4g~~À p~iff5D U~WU~FU'U.N I 'A~mu ~ u I - - . - - I -- - - Articles For 3aîe 1 eca 'Grai For Sale BAREOFF Barley and Ajax Oats. Contact Swain Brothers,.R.R. 1, Burketon. 17-2* LIvestock For Sale TWO Holstein heifers, one nùlk- ing. Phone 2901. 18-1* NINE pigs 7 weeks old. Phone Oshawa 1938J11. 18-1 TEN pigs, eight weeks old. R. J. Rueland, Lot 4 BF. Darlington. Phone 2206. 18-1* SHORTHORNS' for sale. Red buliza! serviceable age; also bred heu ors. Orvillo Burtoni, Ciare- mont, phono 14 r 11. 17-3* GRACE,-Mr. and Mru. larry Gmace(nee Jean Henderson>, of »urketon,, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Ber- nice Jean, at Bowmnanville Hos- etàk- o Wedesdy, Aril23, rai n Wenesdy, Aril18-1 ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of jean Haig Cosens, daughter of the late Mr. H. Porte Cosens-and Mn. Cosens of Colborne, ta Wil- liamn J. Troop, son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Troop of Coîborne, the marriage ta taike place on May 21st in Old St. Andrew's PresbY- terian Church, Coiborne. 18-1* DEATII MATCHED general purpose team or will sel singly. Also Massey- Harris Eclipse gang plow and wa- gon. Phone 2625. Wilfred Car- ruthers. 18-1 FORTY top quality bacon type pigs, three months old. Priced reasonably. Doug Barton, Ennis- killen. 18-1* GOOD work horse, rising 7 years, will seil cheap, also quantity of eatîng potatoes. Phone 2980. 18-1* FIRIST litter, good quality, York- shire sows, bred. A. John Baker, Jr. Phone 2472. 18-1 Chicks For Sale BRAY Hatchery has some started heavy breed cockerels, 2-3-4 week old, prompt shipment. Weil on tho way ta the good spring-sum- mer broiler markets. They also have day-olds. Ask for particu- lars and book for June delivery naw. Pullets, nan-sexed, cocker- elr. Agent F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 18-1 DAY-OLD chick bargains for this week and next. Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, New Hampshire x Barrcd Rock, Barred Rock x New Hampshire, New Hampshire x Light Sussex, Light Sussex x New Hampshire, Light Sussex x Barred Rocks nan-sexedf 9.95, pul- lets 17.95, cockereis 4.95. Assort- cd Heavy Breeds non-sexed 8.95, pullets 16.95, cockerels 3.95. Cock- croîs: White Leghorn x Barred Rock 1.95, White Leghorns 95c. Two week old add 6.00 per hun- drcd. Three week aid add 11.00 tcr nan-sexed and pullets, 8.00 ta cockerels. Shipped C.O.D. This advertisement must accampany your order ta reccivo these special prices. Top Notch Chickeries-, Guelpti, Ont. 18-1i Real Estate For Sale FARM-20 acres. 9 miles east of Oshawa. 10 acres under cultiva- tion, 10 acres hardwood; stone- cribbed well; excellent building site; school, church, shopping close. Write Box 877, Statesman Office.173 FURNISHED six-roamed cottage, screened porch, electricity and water, on West'Beach. Apply Mrs. Gerry, Queen St. 18-if ISABELL'S Beauty Salon; excel- lent clientelle, modern furniture, freshly decorated; lease obtain- able on the shop; good location. Family obligations reason for soîl- ing. Apply 43 Coîborne St. East, Oshawa, or phone 2583 W. 18-1 FARM buildings for sale, 18'x30' hen house, two small barns 18'x28' and 20'x20'; 10'x12' brooder house and also 12'xl8' garage. These buildings are located 3 miles east o! McCrea's church, lots il and 12, concession 9, Clarke township. Apply Peter Kiecka, 88 Montrave Ave., Oshawa. 18.1* FOUR-roomed log cottage, East Beach. Easily winterized. Ap- ply weekends. 18-1* FARM, $4,000, Lot 15, Con. 9, Dam- lington, immediato possession, 55 acres more or less, 30 acres womk- able, 18 acres in hay, 25 acres pas- turc and woodlot. Trout stream, 10 roomed house, barn, hon house and driving shed, good well at house and barn, pump in stable. 3/ mile eact o! Scugog highway.J Hydro within hai! mile. Phono Bowmanvillo 2735. Mme. W. Mar- tin, Haydon. 18-1 Auction Sales I have been authorized ta sel by public auction for the estate af the late Charles Brock (south o! Taunton) an .9aturday, May 3, one horse, sow and fine pigs, PONTIAC sedan, 1931. Phone 2719. 118-1 FEW loads of good hay. Wm. C. Parsons, R.R. 2, Bowmanvalle, Phone 2315. 18-1* OVAL walnut table. Apply Mis E. McIntyre 109 Church St., Fi- day or Saturday. 18-1* FINDLAY stove, complete with water front, in good condition. Phone 2218. 18-1 QUANTITY of young Columbia berry bushes. Laverne Clemens. Phone 2436. 18-1 VICLAND Qats, $1.20 per bushel. Apply James Moore, R.R. 3, Pan- typool. 18-1* ONE dining room table. Cail ev- enings. Entrance at the back at 109 Church St. 18-1* PRINCESS Beth cook stove, ex- cellent condition. Phone 2863. 18-1* TRACTOR and tractor plow. 1 mile north of Hampton, Mrs. L. Sharpe. 18-1* STRAWBERRY plants, Premier, Senator Dunlop and McKenzie, $2 per hundred. Phone 800. 18-1* BED, nearly new, complote with spring and mattress, aira dresser. Phone 2904.* 18-1 MAPLE Leaf truck, 1936, in Ai shape. Tires real good. Trade or cash. 729 Ritson Rd. S., Osh- awa. 16-4* TRAILER make-up (no box) 16" wheels; tires 600's; springs and axle; good condition. Phone 2302. 18-1* QUANTITY af Cartier Qats, suit- able for seed; also Cobbler and Katahdin potatoes. Mrs. Russell Best, Orono. Phone 51 r 10. 18.1* QUANTITY of Katahdin potatoes grown from Certified seed. $1 per bag. C. T., New- castle. Phone 1923 Clarke. 18-1* DOORS, water tank, 2 amusement machines 10 bail, radio, several panes of glass and 4" steel pipes. W. Wilcox. 18-1* TWO-burner hot plate, practicqlly newf-heavy wiring, 220 volts. Ap- ply G. Garvock, Newcastle over Toms' Grocery Store. 18-1 INTERNATIONAL seed drill, 15- dise; also quantity af Cobbler po- tatoes. Apply Bruce Ashton, R.R. 3, Burketon. . 18.1* BABY'S go-cart, ivory' shade, good condition; also green leather jacket, size 38. Apply 79 On- tario St., or phono 2602. 18-1* CHEVROLET coach, '28, i good condition. Four new tires. $150 or best offer. Apply Box 887, Statesman Office. 18-1* WINDMI LL tower, new headi and fan. Apply Milton Gray, Janet- ville, R.R. 2, phone Port Perry 110 r 12. 18-2* QUANTITY of Ajax Oats, third germination, cleaned by G. Rick- ard; also bay mare, flve years old. J. H. Malotte, R.R. 4, Bowman- ville. Phone 2616. 18-1 TYRONE Greenhouses offer you the best values in vegetable and flower plants for your 1947 -gar- don. T. H. Tabb, proprietor. 18-4* OUTBOARD Motors, brand new 1 h.p. $79.50, inunediate delivery. Transportation pepaid. Chris- tian's Electric and Hardware, Osh- awa, Ontario." 18-6 STRAWBERRY plants, Sonator Dunlaps $1 per hundred, Premier $1.50 per hundred, Columbian Roots 20e each. Apply Ivan Far- row, Newcastle. Phono Clarke 3921. 18-2* USED 3-furrow Cockshutt tractor plow; used manure spreader; us- ed cook stove; new Oil-O-Stat brooder; two new littor carrier buckets. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer. Phono 497. 18-1 CONGOLEUM unners, Axmins- ter broadloom rugs, rubber stair treads, cloth window shades. Lim- ited quantities o! these and many other hard ta get items now avail- able at F. F. Marris Ca. 18-1 DEERINO Drill, il disc, good con- dition, Kennoth Gilbank, Burkce- ton. Phono Port Perry 7811. 18-1* BODY willaw wood in 4' iengths, $7 a cord. A. W. tyraham, New-i castle. Phone Clarke 1223. 18.1*1 SMALL house, size 12x16x8 ft. high, attached porch, finished in- side, must be maved. Also cabin trailer and 850 cement blocks. Ap- ply Fred Lane, R.R. 3, Bowman- ville. 18-1* DRY codar and poplar, eut into one.Laaot lengths, $10 cord deliv- ered. Makes good summer wood; green elm $12 and hardwood $16, cut in one-foot lengths and de- S0W; 24 young pigs. Also 12 hp. engmne. Douglas Cale. Phone 2125. 18-1* ONE team of work horses and ane set of harness. Phone 2184. 18-1 PUREBRED Yorkshire choice breeding stock sows, seven mon- ths; two boars ready for service; fine weanlings. R. M. Hancock. Phone Clarke 2504. 18-1* DEAN-At Bowmanville on April 30, 1947, Mary Ellen Dean, widow o! Seth D. Dean, aged 78 years. Rsigat the Morris Funeral hpe.Service in tho Chapgl on Saturday, May 3rd, at 2 o'clock, D.S.T. Interment Hampton cemz etery. KERR-In Bowmanville Hospital on April 24, 1947, Joyce Lorraine Kerr, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lamne A. Kerr, aged 17 yoars. LUDKIN-In Hampton on Tues- dey, April 29, 1947, Emily Ludkin, beioved wife af the late William Talbot Ludkin, dear mother of Mrs. W. T. Perrett (Daisy) in her 84th year. Resting at Northcutt and Smith Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville, for service Thursday, May 1, at 11 a.m. Interment in Hampton cemetery. Funeral pri- vate. Flowers gratefully declin- ed. 18-1 MURDOCH - I n Bowmanville Hospital on April 29, 1947, Jane Wilmot Murdoch, widow ai the late William Murdoch, C.E.C.L.S., and dear mother af Eleanor. Rest- ing at Northcutt and Smith's Fu- neral Chapel, Bowmanville, for service Thursday, May lst, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville cem- etery. WRIGHT - At Bowmanville, on Aprîl 29, 1947, William Albert Wright, beloved husband of Mar- tha Ccbbledick, in his 85th year. Resting at the residence af his son, Russell, Lot 10, Con. 5, Man- vers Rd. Funeral tram Tyrone United Church on Friday, May 2nd. Service at 2:30 D.S.T. In- terinent Bethesda cemetery. IN M EMORIAM MOLLON-In loving memory af our Mother and Father, Mm. and Mrs. John T. Mollon who passed away, Mother, May 2, 1945, and Father, August 21, 1942. Theme is a link death cannat sever, Love and remembrance hart forevei'. -.-Cver rempmbered by their Family. 18-1* MOUNTJOY-In loving momory o! a kind father and mother, Sam- uel T. Mountjoy, who passed, away April 23, 1941, and Mary Jane Mountjoy, April 25, 1942.' "0 for the touch of a vanished hand .And the sound o! a voice that is still." --Sadly missed by their son, Theron. 18-1 READER-In loving memary ai aur dear mother and grandmoth- or, Esther Reader, who passed away two yoars ago, May 2, 1945. In my heart your momory lingers, .Aiways tender, fond and true; There's not a day, dear mather, I do not think a! you. -Ever rememberod by daughter Rase and son-in-law Robert and grandchildren, Emnest, Dorothy, Shirley and Bobby. 181 CARDS 0F THANKS The family ai the late William ]Kirkton wish ta extend their sin- cere thanks ta Dr. Birks, the staff and nurses af Bowmanville Hos- pital, Northcutt & Smith Funeral Directors, Rev. J. E. Griffith, and to all kind friends and neighbors who sent fiowers and messages ai sympathy during their recent ber- tavement. 181 COMING EVENTS Round and Square dancing at Enniskillen Hall, Saturday, May 3. AI Fletcher's Orchestra. 15-tf Members ai Sauina Womcn's Institute wîli prosent their drama "The Farmerette," in Eldad Sun- day School room on Tuesday. May 6, at 8:15 p.m. Admission 35c and 15C. 18-1* ~The Maphe Grave Women's In- stîtute are sponsoring a play "The Strike o! the Ladies' Aid," given by Hampton Institute in Maple Gr9qve Sunday Sehool room on Frlday ovening, May 9th at 8:30 pin. (E.D.S.T.). Admission: Ad- ulta 35c, children 15c. 18-1* Classified Ad Lates CASH RATE: 2 cents a word (minimum 35c) Must b. paid before Insertion IF CHARGE»: à cents a word (minimum Sec) 25e extra for box numbers or repïlies dlrected to this office A»DITIONAL INSERTIONS SAME RATES Ail ClassIfl.d Adiets Must Be Un Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY Tou must Include cash, stampe, or money order, wlth copy to cet low rate. FARM SOLD I have been authorlzcd tb ccli by public auction for Bruce Whitney LOT 7. B.F., CLARKE TWP. (3 miles south of Newtonvillc and hal! mile cast) Wednesday, May 7th The !ollowing valuable farm stock implements, etc.: HORSES Gray mare, 10 years aid; black horse il years. CATTLE Ayrshire cow 7 years ald, due sale time; Hereford cow, 6 years aId, due sale time; blue cow 8 years old, due sale time; brindle cow, 7 years old, due sale time; five fat steers (1300 lbs.); 18 head Dur- hams and Herefords, i and 2 yrs.; three calves. HENS 35 Leghorn hens, 1 year old. IMPLEMENTS1 Binder, Frost & Wood, 6 it., near- iy new; mawer, Frost & Wood, 5 it. ail bath, nearly new; seed drill, Massey-Harris, 1l-disc; cul- tivator, McDeering; horse rake (Cockshutt) nearly new; manure spreader (Cockshutt) good shape; wagon; sleighs (toboggan); roller; harrows, 2-set; gang plow (Cock- shutt Kangaroo); poriy disc plow (Case); inglte plow; 1-horse plow; scuffler;eutter; buggy; fanning mill'(Chatham); scales (2000 lbs.) pea harvester; crosscut saw, new; hay rack; hay fark cquipment, 120 feet new rape; pig box; Stewart clippers; grindstone; four dozen good grain bags; forks; haes; sho- vols; chains; whiff letrees, etc. HARNESS Two sets af team. hamness; odd harness; 4 collars. GRAIN 500 bushels af mixod grain. FURNITURE Stove; extension table; chairs and many othor small items. Terme Cash. Sale i p.m. S.T. Harold Reeves, Clerk Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 18-1 TENDERS - UNITED COUNTIES NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM Sealed Tenders, plainly mark. cd as ta contents will ho receivec by the undersigned up until Ei o'clack faon on Fmiday, May 9th 1947. 1. Painting ai appraximately 35 steel bridges, paint ta be sup. plied by the Caunties. Specifications, tender forms and information ta bidders availablE at the Caunty Road Office, Ca- bourg. Tenders ta ho accampanied by a certified choque for 10 per cent a! the tender price. Lowest or any tender nat ne- cessarily accopted. 2. For the sale o! any or ah of the following used equipment: i One Adams Motor Grader Madel 102 in good condition, tires new. 2 One Ross Snow Plaw and Wing. 3 Two Sawyer-Massey Trac- tors, anc in womking condi- tion, anc in need af repair. 4 A quantity ai scrap iran. Highest or any tender fat ne- ccssamily acccpted. Tenders ta be accampanied by a certified choque for 100 per cent af the tendered prico. The above items can ho inspect- cd in the Caunty Stomage Yard, Cobourg. 3. For the ruppiy o! cedar posts, minimum 8"1 top, 8 it. long. 4. For the supply af 9 strand, 9 gauge galvanized woven wire fonce. 5. For the supply ai tires and tubes in the fallowing sizos: Grader tirer 900x24, 1300x24, 1400x20. Truck tires 1100x20, 1000x20 975x20, 650xl6, 600x16. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accopted. J. M.JORDAN Counties' Engineer and Road Supt. Cobourg, Ontario. 17-2 FURNITURE SALE The underslgned ha. reeelved In- structions from Mrs. Wmn. Chaplin te sell by Public auction at her residence MILL ST. S., NEWCASTLE at one o'clock sharp, on Saturday, May 3rd 1947, the followlng valuable fur- nîture, etc.: Walnut sideboard, very antique; 3-piece walnut bcdroom suite; Rosewood chesterfield table; wal- fut sofa; oak wardrobe; mahog- any chair; mahogany serving ta- ble. (AIl the above furniture is antique and in excellent condi- tion). Two walnut tables; 3-piece bcd- room suite, in white; 3 wash stands; ice box; hall rack; kitchen cupboard; oak chair; oak rocker; 3-piece bedroom suite, with mat- tress and springs; two metai beds with springs and mattresses; oak wardrobe; white wicker chairs; Axminster rug; tweed rug; two parlor rugs; 4 runners; 2 feît mattresses; caok stove; lawn mow- or; hall tree; gas stove; aak bed; oak chest ai drawers; iran bcd and springs; couch; bcd; child's steel crib with mattress; number af pic- turc frames; dishes; nick nacks; arm chair; 2 washstands; wicker settee; barrel churn, and many other articles too numerous ta Terms Cash. Postively No Reserve JACK REID, Auctioneer 18-1 Repairs NEAT-WAY Shoe Repair: Good, substantial workmanship, relia- bility; dyeing, soling, sewing, etc. Try the Neat-Way (formerly op- erated by Mr. N. Lew as West End Shoe Repair). 18-1 For Rent LARGE furnished bedroom. Ap- ply 39 Elgin St. 18-1 SINGER portable electric in your own home. $5 per month. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 1696. 10-tf ONE hundred acres oi pastu4re land, good fonces, lots of running water and shade. Apply H. B. Evans, R.R. 3 Bowmanville.ïPhone 2255. 18-1* Wanted PASTURE for 15 yearling ate 2for summer months. Phone 2831. iPASTURE for nine head of cattie *from listed herd. Fred R. Stev. ens. Phonoe2234. 18-1* COMFORTABLE home ankid *ly care for semî-invalid for sum- mer months. State particulars *and monthly rate ta Box 878 The tWANTED-House or apartment ta rent by end ai Juno. Will con- sider buying home. Applicant employed by Bowmanville School Board. Good references. Write Box 884, Statesmnan Office. 18.2* IMMEDIATE information on av- ailable furnished or partly fur- nishod dwelling for one week ta accommodate 20 'teen-age girls in organized group, swimming fa- cilities if possible. Week of July 6th ta l3th proferred. Phone Port Hope 590, or write Box 517, Port Hope. 18-1w Work Wanted GARDENS plowed. Phone 2952. A. Farrow. 16-3* YEARLY cmployment wantcd by young man in small shop, truck- ing or carpenter work. Write Box 886, Statesman Office. 18-1* ]Real Estate Wanted FARM-100 acres or more, good location, good land, good buildings and Hydra essential. State all particulars. Write Box 883, The Statesman Office. 18-1* Wanted Iro Buy HOUSE in Bowmanville. Immed- GJarden Dros. munmoîn .rcuse u. . a. txiiiner*1Nwton- tmmccpige (140 ibs)., cider mil o 8 ttsa fie 81 in Oshawa Aena, May 12, 13, 14, ville. Phono Clarke 613. 18-2 and prose (good), implements, Seed Cîeaning Boxsh85tStatesmngOffice. 18on gaponsoredlby Oshawateimefightems'- - LIVE poultry and !eathiers, top Monday night, so little wark was ssoiatiOn.Tcsh ay reiho oh- NMBER a! good used cream se-gardon tools, campenter tools, har- Assciaion Tiket my b ob paatoslarge and smaîî sizes; ness, poultry, patatoes and corne WE are equipped with the lat prices pid.eM. Flatt7 r .R1,accompîished. Aiter apening ex- taledfrm ay emero! the pfaor,'urniture. Sale at 1:00 p.m. D.S.T. est model Clipper-Cleaner ta a-Behnphn ehan 3 ercises the girls went ta Patrol Bowedm anville i erd. 82ao agent for the famous Viking T. GlaCpernersand__records__and_____ Bomnil ieBiae 82Cream Separator, electric or hand T.Gapl, clerk; Elmer Wilbur, dbe youm seed cloaning mquire- ~Cresadrcrsadbu cize. See us beiore huying. Eth- auctioneer. 18-1 mente Be sure your seed andLV éssfrmn n o cards were'all brought up ta date. Adance and special Floor Show on *Joncs, Newtonville. Phono ran. . LIVE eaedbeo fod Alhorses formink sad foxlArilewspasd yN attraction featuring Miss Dorothy Clarke 7 r 21. 18.1* Wood Sale-I have been author- tlact waînFBrothc ers viRcR conB- tered. Caîl us for highest prices. was pand byC. M Calek Steadman, Toonto's outstanding tc wi rtes ..1 u-Sakn a asdb .Cl acrobatie and dance artist will ho OSHAWA'S new furdtue store-. ized ta cdll by public auction for keton. 17-2* Margwill Pur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyr- and M. Jeffery. Further know- hcld ini the Newcastle Community Everythlng in modern, Cester- v. L. Bowins, Lot 13, Con. 3, Man- one. Phono Bowmanville269 egofteLwwapsedb Hall on* Friday, May 2nd, under field, bedroom and dlning oom vers Twp. (at village o! Panty.]Riadio Service ' 13-t! M. Martin. Court af Honor was the auspices a! the Newcastle suites, and studios. Bedding and p'ool) anly 28 miles northeast o! FEATHERS and feather beds ai held. We would like a full at- Girls' Sa!tball Club, commencing floor coveringa a specialty. Qua,_ Oshawa, on Saturday, May 10, at GUARANTEED radia and electri aIl descriptions. Highcst prices tendance next week as there is a at 9 p.m. Russ Creighton and îty merchandise at competitive 1 p.m. D.S.T., 25 acres, more or cal appliance service at a reason paid. Write particulars ta Queen lot ta ho donc and also news o! a bis Varlety Band in attendance. prices. Before buying vieit Brad- iess, standing timber: Maple, able cost ta you. Bring your trou* City Feather Ca., 23 Baidwin St.,lat Company hike. Good Guiding Admission 50c per persan. 16-3 ley's New Furnitume Store, 156 heech, oak, hirch and came soit bloc ta us. F. Crowe, 52 King St. Tomonto. 16-33* nv27 ti11 next news night, girlâ! Wok Simca. St. S.. Oshawa. 46-tf wlosmoreobec.inqaTer-ood . phne214.17-1 Custom Wo oodstaoe old inqaTeae W.,phoo 274.OLD ~narses frmfur famm, $1.00 close ta highway and good road Auto Service per hundred, appraximate weight, New stenagrapher: How do you CULTIVATING, plowing a nd Trucklng faor trucks i woads. Purchaser delivered here. For slightly les s peil "graphic"ý-with one '" or seeding; also John Deere repair will be given till May Iet, 1948, RADIATOR, heater and gas tank we will humanely destroy your two? parts and repalring donc. F. S. TRUCKING, screened sand, fill, to remave timber. Terme cash, service. Cliiton Moore, Radiator horses on your awn 1'rm. Ran- Boss: Well, if yau're going ta Allen, 44 Concession St. Phono gravel, loam. H. B. Evans R.R. 3, Ahi. Mitchell, clerk. John Payne, Service, 160 King Street West kine Mink Ranch, Haydon. Phono use any, you might as weli go n.17-tf Bowwanviila, phone 2253. 18-1' auctioneer. 18-2* Oshawa, phone 4310M. 17.8*1 Bowmanvile 2688. 8-ti the liznit. 1 . 1 Power of Government Limited By Natural Rights (By John Atkins in The Scene !ram Shingwauk Farm) Man was nat created by an act o! parliament. Hic well-being can- flot ho lcgisiated. The only real power the law poscosses is the .power ta, punish a man for any act it makees illegal. It may discour- age him ftrm breaking the iaw; it cannat campel. him ta be a con- structive citizen. The best that any earthly power can do for man isr ta organize a zone a! saicty in which man is froc ta exercise his natural rights and ta devclop his naturai talents in co-aperation with his !ellow-men. The natural rights af man are the anly foundation for a gaad sa- ciety. Thcy cannat, be at the dis- posal a! any majority, nor can they be abridged or revised by a gaod govemnmcnt. Thcy are the base ont which any round struc- turc of demacratic law must be built. While they romain invia- haie gaad gavemniment, prevails. When they are violated good gav- ernment ends and poace is des- troyed. An instinctive recognition o! his natural rights led ta man's flrst application of' truth ini organizcd socicty. Ho saw the truth dimly at firet but later clcarly and ra- tiouially when it was illumined by great mis. Man has flot fully accepted the truth that ho cannot impair the rights ai any other man without harming himseli and witljout hindering the grawth o! a gaod socioty. The bort years mon have known have been the freest ycars. The periods ai relative freedom have been short and f ar between. The Dark Ages last fine hunýdred yoars. The darkest o! all ages, the present, wit-h widespread compul- sion and umprccedented. repres- sion and slavery, can ho redeemed only by restoring the rights of i man. Providence endowed man with freedom af choiceý and provided that ho could fulfili hic purpase only by making right choices. Pro- vidence dace not compel obedience nom dace it permit a mar ta sup- plant it in the evolution o! saciety. Governments might well refrain from attempting what Providence refrains from daing. ltelp Wanted BEDROOM help required; middle aged preferred. Apply Balmioral Hotel, Bowmanville. 18-1* WOMAN ta help with housework several haurs daily. Write Box 876 Statesman Office. 18-tf RELIABLE waman to do family weekly wash and ironing in her own home. Willing ta pay fair wage. Phone 432 evenings. 18-1* MARRIED man and wife ta man- age farm, age around 45 years, separate house with modern con- veniences; wife ta cook for hired help. Good wages and steadv em- ploymnent ta right parties. lames Personal BACKACHES go quickiyl fe after first dose. Rumacaps twa- way action attacks the cause, mc- lieves the pain. Cowling's Drug Store. . . 18-1 HYGIENIC supplies (rubber gaods) mailed postpaid ln plain sealed envelape with -price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 18-9 CH URCHilsý PRESDYTERIAN CHURCE Minleter: B. D. Duncmao Ortanlet: Mise L. Omborné Sunday NMaY 4th 11:00 a.m.-Momnang Service. subject "How Can W. Know God?" 7:00 p.m.-Evening Service subject "What Do We. Mean by Providence?" 2:30 p.m.-Sunday School. Thursday, May 14th 7:00 p.m.-An:versary Supper. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. G. Cameron Qulgly Organlat: Mm .Rota Dudleyp Choir Director: D. Alex McGregooe Sunday, Mar 4th 10 a.m.-Sunday SchooL 11 a.m.-Nursery SehooL 11 a.n.-Subject: "The Nlght of Fear."l 7 p.m.-Subject: "The Doet ai Hope." The service ope=s with sing-sang ai requestod hynnu. FARM SOLD 1 have beei authorlsed to ccli by public auction for Lorenzo Trul LOT 23, CON. 4, DARLINGTON (1%~ miles weet o! County Road at Hampton and South) on FrldayMay 2nd The following: HORSES Brown mare, 8 yoars; grey horse, aged. CATTLE Part Jersey, due May; part Jer- sey, due May; 2 cows (farrow); 2 Hereford heifers; i Holstein hei!er; 1 Durham houfer; Durham heifer due June lst; Durham cow 3 years, due June ist; Jersey and Durham, 5 years, due June lSth; Holstein houfer, 10 months; two Dur hamn heifers, 5 months; Hol- stein houfer, !resh six weeks; Hol- stein heifer, fresh five wecks; Hol- stein heifer due time of sale; blacjk cow, 4 years aid, fresh, cal! at side. GRAIN AND HAY 150 bushels of mixed grain; also quantity ai hay. IMPLEMENTS Cockshutt tractor (60) power take-off', lights, and starter, good condition; Cockshutt 2-furrow plow, gaod condition; spring tooth harrows, nearly new; binder, 6 ft. <Dcering); mower, Deering, 5 !t.;* seed drill M.-H. 13-hoe; corn cultivator 2-row Md-H.; power sprayer for archard; 3-cylinder Hardy spray pump; farm wagon; set of sleighs; single plow; disc; roller (steel); manure sprcader; harrows, 4-sec.; scuffler; rotary pump; scaies; fanning mili; pulp- or; hayrake; 2 iran kettles; dmr- cular saw; buggy; cutter; 30 ap- ple barrels; apple press, etc.; pig crate and chicken crates; separa- tor, M.-H.; forks, hocs, shovels, chai.ns, whiffletrees, etc., set ai harraw, 3-sec.; single plow. HENS 12 Barred Rocks 0 WOOD Quantity o! wood. HARNESS Set a! backband hamness, 3 horse collars; 1 Buffalo robe. POTATOES Twenty bags ai Cobblers. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Bedroom furniture; davenport; kitchen chairs; kitchen cupboard; tables, cook stove; Victrola and records; quantity o! dishes, cook- ing utensils and many other ar- ticles, also hall rack. Terms cash. Sale 1i .m.D.S.T. AlI persans having dlaims ag. ainst the estate o! Tumney Amasa Garton, hate ai the Town o! Bow- manvillo, deceased, who died on or about the 3Oth day o! March, 1947, are hereby notified ta send in ta W. R. Strike, K.C., solicitor for the Administrator, on or be- fore the 23rd day o! May, 1947, full particulars o! their dlaim. Immediately aiter the raid 23rd day ai May, 1947, the assots of the deceased wili ho distributed amongst the parties ontitled thereto, having regard only ta dlaims of whic',. the said solicitor for the Admii 0Wrator shaU then have notice. Dated. at Bowmanville this 3th day af April, 1947 W. Ross Strike, K.C., Solicitor for Clarence J. Gartov, Administrator. Among the manifold chambers o! memaory, this W the sweetest: '.'Thou hast been faith- !ul!"-Mary Baker Eddy. National Baby Week Be sure to Iceen pYour baby safe from harm and siekness by uslng sanitary and sterillzed supplies from your Rexail Drug Store. Bore you'Il find al the weli-known and reliabie baby supplies as well as the finest hi medical aide. Make Jury & Loveli your headquarters for baby supplies. Pablum --------------." 45o Gerber's Cereais .25o .1ohnson's Baby Poivder ---_- 28c-55c Joinson'e Baby Ol 0 -11 - ------600-$1.1@ Rigo Nippies ---10c- 3 for 25e Baby'e Own Tablets -------23c Nestle Hair Treatment -- $1.25 Stork Latex Nipples ---------le - 3 for 25c Stork Kant Kollapse Nipples ------------2 for 25c Twln Tipe ------------- Oe-250 Castorla---------------------- 33c Oleum Pereomorphum 75c-$3. Glycerine Suppostorles - 35c Hot Water Bottles --------75c Roek-a-Bye Baby Soap ---15c Lactic Acid Mllk -.------ ---$1.0() Puretest Cod Liver 011 75-$1.5 Braci Acd lO-20 NOW ON HAND Complote line o!thie latet Kodaks: Kodak 35 with Range Finder------------ $97.00 wfthout Range Finder _____ $53.00 Nutrim ------------45e Barley F-lour --- - 39e Plastie Baby Fante --- 25e Pretty Lip Soothers - 15e Thumb Guards ----------- 50e Aqua Seal Baby Pants - 35e Rubber Teethers-----~.-15e Pyrex Botte, 5-oz. 25e Aqua Scal Crib Sheet -- 59c Dextrl Maltose -- --- --65c Baby Cough Syrup ---- - 30e Infantol ----------- - 90c-$3.00 Mennen'e Baby O11 - 59c-$1.19 Diaper Wash ----- 39c Vaseline ____15C-25c and ProJeetor .....____._ $9500 also Kodak Reflex Synero Model $9.50 JURY E& LOVELL The Rexal store Phmone 778 C.N.R. Ticketo WHEN WB TEST ETES IT 18 DONE PROPERLY Kiug st. W. Eowmanvile Mr AN OPPORTUNITY-Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages o! 25 and 55, have or can secure travel ofRtft, this is your appartunity ta get established i a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today ta The J. R. Watkins Company Dept. 0-B-9 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 18-5 FAMILEX offers you more moncy ...larger orders in the door ta door sel]ing field. Customers are enthused over the value ai aur 200 guaranteed household necessities. Every persan a patential buyer. Operate in town or in the country if yau own a car. Secure the pro- fitable Familex Agency in your territory. Details and catalogue free. Dept. H. 1600 Delorimier, Notice REFRESHMENTS - Fish an d chips, chicken-burgers served at the Black Cat Inn on Sunday. 18-i PARENTS' ATTENTION Parents a! children beginning school in September are request- cd ta register them with Public Health Nurse, Miss Taylor, at Cen-f tral School between the haurs ai 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. from May à ta May 9, inclusive. Besides the registration requir- ed, Miss Taylor wý:ýd like ta dis- cuss health prablems with the mothers ai beginners. This survey is being madea month carlier this ycar ca that ar rangements may be made for ad- quate accommodation. Bomanville Board o! Educatia7- Films Developed LOWER PRICES NOW ! ! w- ing ta the increase in the volume af business this studio takes plea- sure in announcing a reduction af tcf per cent. in ail charges for DEVELOPING, PRINTING, EN- LARGING and COLORING your snaps. SAME SERVICE, LESS MONEY. The Alpha Studio, 40 TRINITY UNITEDI CHURCH1 Minister: Rev. J. E. Griffith Sunday May 4th 11 a.m.-May Day Ministry. Il a.m.-Junior Church. Il a.m.-The Nursery. 7 p.m.-May Day and Human Relations. Sunday, May 111h Mother's Day - taptismn EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Pastor: H. W. O'Brien Sunday Il a.m.-Believers' Meeting 7:30 p.m.-Evangelistic Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m.-Prayer Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Turney Amasa ' 1 - ------------ 1 Ist CO. GUME NEWS 1 Kodak Movie Smm $75.00 TM CANADUN STAqw-«MAU

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