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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1947, p. 6

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AEZUImmaUftZ, .ftZ 4-à &1 PAGESIXCANDTA ST~V~ wMIWLU oePAm J g -I I I I I * I * I * I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a I a Ii The public are cordlly Invlted to lnspect our plant et any time. 7O CELEBRATE THE OPENIN O0F OUR LOCKER PLANTr We Olfer These Special Values For tho Week of May Sth to May lOth ROBIN BOOD 5-lb. pkg. RoIIed Oats. . reg. 31le for 29c Grapefruit Juice .....tUn lic Canned Bologna, reg. 27e 24c Gîoslflor Wax .... reg. 29c 21c MAPLE LEAF Toiet Soap ........ 6for 25e Wax Beans....... 2for 19e Cooking Dates .....k lb. 22e On. Only Queon 011 Broodor Hors. Collars 1911 to 2311 stralght Lawn Mowers, reg. $20 for $17.50 Viau Sodas ..... reg. 36e 33c Heinz Soup ....... .3 tins 25c Canned Peau ...... 2 tins 25c Dalton's Puddings .. 3 for 19e HARRY HORNE'S Custard Powder .... 3 for 25e Peanut Butter ..........39e Tomato Juice......for 19c Marmalade ., ....... jar 35c One Coloman 011 Heater Lawn Mowors -$ 12.50 - Mens Work Boots SherWn Williams Paints Master Feeds Th I1an Io iSleaumnsCold Storage Planti MUNSKLLER Thursday, NMay'1 C4 LOOKERS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE E FOLLOWINC RENTALS 0F $6@OO-$8.OO-$1O.OO Pet Anium eMEMO TO ADVERTISERS j I 110W TO MEASURE Jdvertising Values W zAsK advertisers ta think of the cir- culation of this newspaper ini ternis of the distribution of their advertising- the size, quality and interest of the audience to which -their advertising is addresséd. From that viewpoint our circulation bc- cornes a more direct factor ini business plans. There are well-known standards for cir- culation values just as there are definite measures of,.weight and quality as used in the purchase and sale cf merchandise. The standards for evaluating circulation have been established by the Audit Bureau cf Circulations, a national cooperative' association of 2000 advertisers, advertising agencies and publishers in the United States and Canada. This newspaper is an A.B.C. meniber. The Bureau has a large staff of experl- enced auditors and each year ane cf these men visits our office and makes an audit of aur circulation records. Based on the information thus secured, the Bureau issues officiai A.B.C. Audit Reports. These reports tell how znuch circulation we have, where and how it is distributed, how niuch people paid (important because paid circulation proves reader 'interest) and many other facts that make it possible to invest in newspaper advertising on the basis cf known values. For complete and verified information about the distribution cf your advertising when it appears in 'this newspaper ask us for A. B. C. reports. UI v l-,ta toi=mat Tàù uwsa o w s ueurbitlà# Audf ivm t De 1Cbiri A8A for a co»~ of «ur laies: A. A C. report gliàu maditsd fbvs >a«dkugra about ar circWl.. A. B. C. m AUDIT BUREAU' 0F CIRCULATIONS = FACTS AS A MEASURE 0F ADVERTISING VALUE A brha pry aheld - Mir.. J. Adam!int hono f 1h.ï daugliter Helen <lira. M. McDon od.Tho. prement were M and lra. V. Lathangue and child rsui, Pontypool, Mr. and lir.E Gray and Carol, Newcastle; M and lira. M. Adamns and boys, o Hampton; Mis Jean Adamis, Mi and lirs. IL McDohuald, Bowmai ville.' Mir. and lira. M. Gatcheil anc faniily, Oshawa, and Bill Abbot wlth Mir. and Mms T. Abbott. Lt. H. W. and lirs. Gregg anc Donald, Mrsille, Calf!., Mfr. anc Mr&. R. G. Gamble, Buffalo, N7Y. Mir. and Mrn. Allen Henry anc Judy, Lindsay; Miss Lucille Ford er, Blackstock, at Mr. A. H harp'a. Harold McLaughlin and Roi Sharp spent the weekend in Mouý treal. lira. S. H. May and son Bil Toronto, Mr. and Mns. S. Radin Port Perry, Rev. H. Staunton, o Mimico, Mr. Allen Staintan and Miss May Trewin, Haydan, wlt. Mr. and lira. 0. C. Ashton and lirs. E. C. Ashton. Mr. and lira. 1. Travell, Betl, and Bruce Oshawa, wlth Mr. and lira. Haroid Ashton. Mr. and lira. W. Rodman, Lindý say, with Mr. and lira. M.J Hobbs. L. Lamb and M. J. Hobbsarai aparting a new car, alim F. Dor. land has a tractor. Mr. and lira. G. Whittakcr and Eva Ann, Hamilton, and friend, lins. G. E. Bradley, Jr., Mary Ad- eline and George, Toronto, Mr, Wesley Powell, Oshawa, with lin, M. Gniffin. Mr. and lins. J. E. Grif in and Laura have moved to their new home at Yelverton. C.G.I.T. met at the home of Miss Doreen Rahin with President Ruth Ashton In charge. Arrange- ments were made to have a mo- ther and daugliter banquet ata later date. It was, moved and seconded that, Mrs. Harold Ash- ton. carry on as president until the end of the year, replacing Ruth Ashton. Remainder of the afternoon was spent makung cia- thes fo na doli ta be included ina bale. Lunch was served by Mns Rahm and Doreen. Number pres- ent, ciglit. lira. M. Gniffin, Mr. J. E. Gnif. fn, Danalda and Mary Gniffin Mrs. W. Rahm, Ronald and Don een attended the 25th weddinf, anniveraary af Mr. and lira. N. Wotten, Salins. 1 Mra. M. Grlffin is vislting her son, J. E. Griffin, Yelvcrton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack lne and son, Ronald, lins. B. Parkin, Mr. ait d- n. Ir. 01 id id d id L- il, n, id th id Lh d, e. Ld ýd it à- a g a RHello Homemakerst There lsaa :,llmit ta the amount ai freali rhu- b arb you can use ini pies and pud- ;dngs. Yet If there ia rhubar- ,rowing in your ganden you will - fot want any ofi1hta go ta wastc. ,And no matten how sunfeited your naa have been with rhuba1b dJ.hes rccently there will be times 'next bail whcn you will welcome .a rhubarb betty on rhu'barb jam witli a piece of toast. We cansid- er rhubarb easy ta grow ini our garden-il you buy It ,it la cheap. 1hl i a easy ta put some "clown" Ini jars withbut augar tai be enjay- ed next *inter. lieanwhule use your sugan wiscly in the recipea given below. Ehubarb Tlpalde Down Cale Two cups of rhubarb, dicet;'2 heaspoons gnatcd orange rnd, 2 tablespoons mclted butter, 1 cup white sugar, i cup shortcnlng, '/a teaspoon vanilia, 2 eggs, well-bea- ten, 13/ cups sifted pastry flour, %k teaspoan ai sait, 2%' teaspoans bakung powder, V cup ai miik. Combine rhubarb, orange rnd, butter and '/, cup white sugar; spread on bottom ai greased 8 by 8 inc pan. Cream the shonten- ing; add vanilla and remakming 3/ cup sugar-blend weii and add well-beaten cggs. Add sifted dry ingredients alternateiy with the milk. Pour on top ai rhubarj mixture., Bake in a pne-heatcd electnic oven at 350 degs. for 45 minutes. Let stand in pan 5 min- utes, then unvent. Serve warm with orange sauce. Serves 6 ta 8. Rlxubarb Pastnies Tliree cups flnely cut rhubarb, 2-3 cup white sugar, '/. teaspoon cinnamon, i tablespoon carnstarch 2 cups flour, 2 tabiespoana brown sugar, 1-3 teaspoan sait, %k cup of shortening, 1 egg, 1,i cup ai saur creani, 14 cup dry crumbs, 1 table- apoon nidli miik. Prepare rhubarb aid mlx wlth white augan, cinnamon and carn- sandrc. Suft flour, brown augar and sait; cut in shortcning until mixture la like coarse oatmeal. Beat egg and mix wlth saur creain then pour Into flour mixture. Mix iightiy and chill. Divide batter in 2 parts; rail Uic flrstt lu Into a rectangle about '/à inch thick; iay an grcased cake pan. Sprinklc with the dry crumba and spread the rhubarb on. Ral out second hlu ai dougli and place on top ai fruit. Finch edges together and pnick top with a fork. Brual with the milk and bake In an elcctnic a.ven at 425 degs. for 15 minutes, then reduce heat ta 350 degnees aid bake 25 minutes. Cut in squares and serve slightiy warn. Canned Rhcubarb Select young tc.ider atalks. Waiah aid tnim, but do not remove akun. Cut iuta '% ta 3/ inc lengths. Method l: Pack rhubarb in ster- lie jars. Farce coid water intô every corner; seal with lot 'ring and tops. Wrap jars iI ncwspa- per and store in cool place. licthod 2: Add enougli water ta rhubarb in large kettie ta prevent burnnng-about 1 cup. Cook un- tii soit using Low Icat as soon as 1h beguns ta ateam. Add augar ta haste (about i cup sugar ta 1 quart raw fruit). F111 steriilzed jars. Seal tightiy. An added precaution in ta procesjar 8 minutes ini ei- ectric aven pre-heated ta 275 de- green. Rhubarb-Onlon Reliai Two quarte nlubarb, 2 quarts coaklng onlons, 6 cupa vinegan, 4 cups brawn sugan; 4 cups dank cari syrup, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 2 teaspoona allopice, 2 teaspoona sait, 2 teaspoona peppen;" 2 tea- apoona claves. Was'h rhubarb and cut Into amaîl pieces and measure. Chop onions and nicasure. Put ail Ini- gredients lita large preserving kettle, bring ta bail sti.rrlng c- cauionally. Boil i1/à houns. Pour inha sterilized jars and saa. Makes 2 quarts and 1 pint. I'hla Week'a Plesurea Cooked dandellon greens we. selccted from a big basket ai dlean1 young leaves and served with a sprinkling ai vunegan and melted butter. Licking off the spoon aiter we made a creamy lemon pic flllhng. The~" look of the stôrage closet atr we had folded away al thc dlean woollens and tucked thc math balis among thein. The pleasure gained by remein- bering tQ soak all the preparation diahes before we sat down to a cd meal. The baianccd budget showungý that meala for two averagcd 36 cents each witliout estimating the milk and eggs £rom the farin. The Question Box 9 Mn.. J. R. asks: Recipe for Rhu- banb and Pincappie Conserve. 1 One large puneapple, 4 cups of .diced rhubarb, 5 cupa sugar, 2 r cups liglit corn synup, 2 oranges, juice, pulp and grated rnd, 1 cup. raisins, i cup wainuta, dhapped. Cut edible portion o! pineappie inta sinail pieces and chop fine. iAdd dlced r'hubarb, sugar, .Pght corn syrup, orange rind, juice and pulp. Stir the ingredients thon- oughly and let stand overniglit. Ini the morning, add the raisins >aid cook slowiy until thick. Add nuts and caok five, minutes langer. Miss M. T. asks: Recipe for Rhu- barb Jain. Four cup.% rhubarb, hlai cup ai Sugar tQ i cup cooked fruit, 2 cups pineapple, 1 gup water. Cook fruit and water togethen until sait. Measure cooked fruit. add sugar. Bail ta the jeiiying point tIen bottie and seal wlth paraffin. Amne Allai invitez you ta write ta her in cane ai The Canadian Statesman. Send in your sug- gestions on homemaking probleins aid watch this columi for re- plies. Can You Visualizo Socialized Funnîos? <Froin The Printed Word> For those interested in idie speculatian, fcw daydreams are mare rewarding thani those that revolve araund what the funnies might become shauld a Socialiat government fiîd itseli iln power- for it is lardly likely that sudh an effective medium oi indoctrin- atian, with its cradie-to-grave cov- erage, wouid be leit long untamp- ered with. There wouid be Supencrat, the Man ai Paper-the super-bureau- crat whose X-ray vision aid hy-4 per-regimentcd mind could spot a statistic ah five hundned paces, and reduce it ta a Plan for the Av. erage Ian ini thirty-seven seconds. Thene would be a new Dick Tracy, spnigthnee houra a week ne- letesytracking down tax-evad- ens and individuallstlc nialcon- tents, and the remainder aiIs tume filling out forma about thein. (His two-way wriat radio, presuin- ably, wouid operate an a wav>e- lcîgth fofmeniy accupied by a pni- vate broadcaating station.) The Katzenjammen Kida would b. ai- fice-holders in a Youth lavemient, soicmnly practisung stnength througli joy. Many aid fionds wouid be miss- ing. Bathîcas Gnaggins would b. ruthlessiy regimented Into takiîg a bath, and lt ia doubtfui whethen the aid codger couid survive the ordeai. Dagwood Bumstcad's boss, Mr. Dithers, a capitalistic anachronisin, wouid b. amang the first casualties. The Lonc Ranger wouid b. liquidated iorthwith; lis veny naine brands him with anti- social tendencies. But the most tragic lass would be Uic Yokums. Try as it may, the imagination boggies ahtnying ta fit these de- termincd individualists iutoaa planned econoniy. Mammy, Pap- py and L'il Abner would b. under six feet ai Dogpatch earth; Sel- orpuey wauid bang in a Govern- mc.rit packing houa., bluc-stampcd by a Governinent meat inspectar; while Daisy Mae wauid be weaned away froin 1er romantic fixation on L'il Abner by a steady diet ai Governnient - appraved textbooks an eugenic sciection. Oh, mizzuble Sadie Hawkina Day! The liens wept, they had neyer D Thermos Lunch Botlles Kil. .1$1.19 - $1.50 69e Garment Baga - 39c-55c DLarvex Math Spray 0Pratects Clathing fan one year---- 83c-$1.29-$1.98 Larvex and Sprayen - $1.29 Berlou $1.31-$2.57 Moth Crystala - 1-lb. 39c 0 Math Blocks -__ 25c-15c D LOW PRICES Carega Powden 23c-39c-69c 100 A.S.A. Tabs. -___19e Blandex Shampoo - 28e Pinkham'a Camp. -87e 0 French Castile Saap - 10o u 11». NomsKn.w Y.. Cn'lt Pool Thom Dowii in New Zealand there Isaa place called Canterbury naxned al- ter a famous old cathedral cite'li en gand. There li the days of e enterprise roostera crowed, liens laid, chickens flourished, and thec owners ai chlcken farina wax- ed fat and praspered for the liens workcd faithiully at their jobs and eggs by the carlaad movcd into the cities to gladdcn the. hearts of men. During the paut wlnter ail this clianged. Hen feed was dear and liard ta get, flxcd prices for eggs were low. It's liard for a plan- nen ta sit on two stools at once, provide cheap eggs for clty peo- ple, high prices for egg producera. Alas, New Zealand hens, during past penioda ai opulence, had grown "choosey."1 They wantcd wheat, and there was none, thcy were offercd poliard and bran. Poliard, ih seemsris flnciy ground bran with a trace af poar flour in IL. New Zealand liens refused ta produce. cggs on pollard. They were night about it, 1h couldn't be done, thcy had.n't the capacity ta do It. Eariier In Uic season 1 read In a New Zealand paper these an- guished words: P"During this winter thc pea- pe will be lucky if they get ane egg per month per butter couponi." Thît's the consumes prablcm, It ties the cgg ta the butter, morc complications, but what about the egg producer? Here is the situa- tion as ane newspapcr côrrespon- dent saw 1h: "Thinking egg production un- economicai, if not impossible under Uic present set-up with the government ruling the roast"-pifflihg 'Job for labor isn't it?--"dozens of New Zeal- and farmers are ciosing down or reducing flocks severeiy.1' What could thec harassed poul- try mcei do. They have a planncd ecanomy in New Zealand. What's sauce ta the roostens 13 not always sauce ta the liens. The poultry m~en decided ta appeal ta the gov- ernment. Life in a planncd econ- amy is nat easy-for the plan ners or Uic plalined. Thcy have ta please everyiiody and that's diffi- cult except ini the flrst few mon- ths after an election when a, cab- inet, flushed with victorýan tel thc visiting delegations ta go ta Coventry. The paultry farinera decided ta appeal for justice, for the poultry, if not 'for thcmselves. They car- ried. their story ta the Stabiliza- tion Commission, the Internal Markéting Department, The, Frime Munister, Mr. Peter Fraser, and the Minister of Finance, Mir. Wal- ter Nash. Nothing happened. The roostena stapped crawing, they had nothing ta crow about. The liens toic an a sad-eyed and weary look. Just ah this moment Uic governnient sent-what do you thunk-not wheat but aats, good heavens, oats for laying hena! "Qats," wrate Samiuel Jqlinsan lin his dlctionary of the E 4lish lan- guage, 1'isa agrain whîih Isgener- aily given ta horses but In Scot- land feeds the péopl11 " ats, es.- pecially in tUic brm ofcfatrnql graws-great mcen, Scotland beau'. witness ta that obvious fact-biit liens worlt lay on oas. TE HOME or Scarfes Paints IN< BOWMANVILLE HOBBIES Can give yau many pleasant hours in Spring and Summer; Inquiries anld mail orders given prompt attention, Fe c. CROWE 52 King Ot. W. PRONE 2174 Zay"e vitof Shampoo j Shampo * 5a <25.49d1 il Chaae's Dodi's Aika- Bromo- f Nerve Food Kidney Pilla Seltier SeltIzer 1 600 - $1.50 43oe 290- 570 25c-49c-95o0 En'. Fruit Sats - 59-98e Wampole's Grape Sait50oc Sal HepatIca - 30c-59c-$1.15 f lftha do am4UKkova.h Salta ---29c-79c W / '0Cert. Health Salts - Mb. 59c -e 9PNEW I0 Make-up ~$1.25 Pond's Lipalleks - 19c-55c Ptnd'a Powder - 29c-565e Make-up Pats - 69c41l.25 Porty Sage Nail PoUash 50oc Eevlon PolUah -- 50 SJLVEEWOOD'S ICE CREAX rlka -Pfre 5je asCOWLING'S ORUG STORE w.uaîu John T. McCreery icimuEaaniud cI...rit"e TI.arsday - 2 p.m. tsap.m. O" l.p"l COWuru'S DRUS »TORE 'f and lira. Howard Oke, Oshiawa; Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Maple Grave, at Walter Oke's. heard of thls, they lookd et &e. oata coldly, that wasn't thé tblng they wanted, the eggs vere nui forthconin 1 often wondr what There wil aiWays be confeit or opinion. Mr. Coldwell, Engliah bon, and knowlng how borse proupered on Eriglish ests#niglit have made the saine miatake. On second thouglit ho nilght have sent the wheat. BElk ketng la nov giving our f Mpricca far be- low the world market level Mac.. Innis, a stern covenanter but a decent chaP nevertheless'. wou have stuck to oats. à? a -l good enoush for 1h. c-"laàsa oata shauld b. gaod éënough for hm-even il tliey could not 'r. duce on lt. Clarence Gis fa fape Breton South looklng always for -4 higher standard af living fer men* and liens wouid hold out> for wheat. Neyer once would Gifla agree ta lowered standards of liv. mig for hena or for votera-at e. ection tinie. This la a wlcked story-it deala with vested interesta, the '-iglit of hens to wheat, the right of New Zealanders to cggs. The planner wil always have a liard time making ends meet. The trouble la to keep lieni laying when the price of wheat goes up and liens mnust live on oata. Botter Paper. Botter Design* *Botter Prices SERVICE POR YOUR RADIO AND ÂPPLIANOMS Why neot give them a spring dlean-up alo %, mmmuffluw p ý,- 9tm

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