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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1947, p. 7

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+HU3R8DAT, MAT lit, 1947tR-AAII TTSAI OMAVIE ?TRO AE8Vf SOCIAL AND PERtSONAL Mrs. F. Cator visited her sister. Principal Perry S. Dobson of Mrs. Wmn. Parnell, Newcastle. Aima College, St. Thomas, On- tario, has resigned after 28 years'ý Mrs.Z. Gale, Belleville, spent service and Rev. Bruce Millar, the en a wthMs.M.J Ht his associate, will take charge in chinson.July. Mr. Dobson is a native of Mr. and Mrs. John MomrlsOn. Bowmanville. H m1on pnt the weekend wth Haeyucandotht 1 'J k. Rwe.Haeyucendotht ~' Anes addy Torntoclothes closet of good used cloth- 11ady, orono, ng for the British Flood Relief spenit the weekend with her aunt, Campaign? Better do it now as Mrs. Harry Foster. the Bowmanville collection is set Mrs. A. G. Wright, Hamilton, for Friday evening, May 9th. See I8 visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos. announcement in another coîumn. Tod who la in very poor health. Miss Jean Cosens was enter- Miss Dorothy Richards and tained at the home of Mr. and Kenneth Binside, Toronto, spent Mrs. W. J. Miller, Bethesda, when the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. a few girl friends presented her W. J. Richards. with an electric tea kettle and was Mr. and Mrs. Russell Oke and honoured at the home of Mr. and son Douglas spent the weekend Mrs. C. M. Carruthers with the with her sister, Mrs. R. Gabourle. presentation of a toaster. Miss Toronto. Donnie Creasser, Mrs. Alex Mc- Recent visitors with Mrs. G. E. Gregor and Mrs. C. J. Smale also Pritchard were Mrs. George Har- entertained at dinner parties in borne, Mii. Peter Cowling, Mr. honour of Jean. Jean was a pop- and Mrs. Frederick Hughes and ular assistant at McGregor's Drug son Jimmie, Toronto.* Store and her many friends extend Mr. C. A. Jarrett, proprietor of their fond wishes for much hap- Balmoral Hotel, attended the con- piness. vention of Canadian Restaurant The following item appeaning Association held at Royal York, in the "Tea Cup" column of Sat- Toronto, April 21-23. urday's Toronto Star arouses our Hespeler Old Boys' Reunion curiosity as to who the energetic will be held from June 3th to and thrifty young lads are. The July 6th. Advance notice says item reads: "Industry . . . Two there'll be music in the air every young Bowmanville lads went hour of the day and evening. into the fish rndustry recently. Mis ArineNorheut sentWith their catch of two dozen ss dArine orthcudtt sp ent mullets in their wagon they start- Snday with Mr.hawa and r. er ed a selling tour of neighbors' nons sblor n KinOShawa, aniwa houses. The fish sold for two for edg u ues oos ng Srevetnit- a nickel. Finally they had nine ed Curc, Sudayevenng. rather tired-looking fish left, gave Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bateman, themn to a third budding business- Toronto, spent the weekend with man of 10 years for cleaning out their daughter, Mrs. Herbert thefr wagon. Phillips and celebrated their 45th Older readers of The Statesman wedding annmversary. will be interested in the announce- Mrs. Morrison, Frances Rowe ment that Albert T. Elliott, 76, and Patsy Dinniwell entertained Fort Erie, is retiring after 45 at a shower for Mrs. Frank Burns, years as a pharmacist and drug .nee Audrey McQuade, on Friday, store owner. Mr. Elliott fs son of April 25th, at the home of Mrs. the late John Elliott of Hampton, J. M. flowe. and he is a brother of Mrs. Ewart Port Hope has struck its tax Creeper, Owen Sound. In com- rate for 1947 at 52 milîs, an in- menting on bis retirement the crease of 6 mills. Guess Bow- Fort Erie Times-Review states: mranville hasn't done too badly "The retiring druggist bas held to hold its rate itt 41, an increase several public offices during his of only one mil. soi ourn in Fort Erie. He was treasurer cf fthe town for ten year, and chairman cf the school boarc for several years. One cf thi first directors cf the Erie Down Golf Club, he was an ardent go] enthusiast, and spent many heuri on the tennis courts. Mn. Elliol i. an adhcrent cf St. Paul's An, glican Church. He resides at 241 Niagara Street with Mrs. Ellioti and bas two daughtens, Misset Helen and Kathleen in Rochester [N.Y. He is enjoying good health Hampton Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott and Sandra, Peterborough, Donald Yellowlces and Arthur Thompson, Toronto, Mn. and Mn.. F. Wright Grant and Beverley, Mn. and Mrs, Neil Yellowlees, Carol and Don- na, Tyrone, Mn. and Mrs. Ernesi Hockaday and Evelyn. Solina, Mn. and Mns. H. Moses, Bowman- ville, at Mn. N. C. Yellowlees'. Maple Grove Mrs. C. H. Snowden spent the weekend with ber daughtcn, Mrs. Albert Brown, Hamilton.' Mn. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens and Mn. Robent Stevens Jr. spent Sun- day in Toronto with Mn. and Mrs. Ray Snewden. The United Automobile Workers cf Oshawa held their final Ama- teur Contest at the H.S. Auditor- ium, Oshawa, Apnil 29th. Out of a large number cf contestants wbo stanted only 13 competed Tuesday evening. Our congratu- lations go to Misses Doris Steyens and Lenere Cellacutt who have gone ail threugh the contcst and won second pnize in the finals. Solina Solina Wome4n's Institute met Thursday afternoon for its annual election cf officers and these were elected: President - Mn.. Roy Langmaid; lst Vice-Mrs. A. J. Balson; 2nd Vice-Mrs. Gordon Leask; Sec.-Treas.-Mrs. Ralph Davis; District Director-Mrs. Isaac Hardy. The roll caîl was answered with the name of a city in the U.S.A. and program in- cluded community singing; vocal solo by Mrs. Everett Crydermar and piano sole by Mrs. Isaac Hardy. Everyone was shecked and sorry to bear about the destruction by fine cf Jim Reynolds' slaughteî bouse at Hampton, which alsc meant the loss cf many live cattît and dressed hegs. Tyrone Sr. Young People met on Thurs- ,,day evening in Betbesda school. Mrs. Philp conducted the business S of the evening, after wbich pro- S*. < «~'-v* gressive crokinole was played. A - *. ~ ~contest' was then enjcyed by al « ~ y Lunch was provided by the re- __ creational group with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brent the conveners. Mr. and Mrs. Gaskin, Moncton, \ New Brunswick. with their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread. Miss K. Macdonalft'visited her aunt, Miss MinnX~ Macdonald, Cobourg. 22 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnson and family, Oshawa. with Mr. and . . .. . . . . .Mrs. Joe McRoberts. Hîs many friends are very sorry ~ tô kniow that Mr. William Wright passed away on Tuesday. This %' community extends deepest sym- *1011 ~ ,,pathy to Mrs. Wright and the é *flRSfamily. S1~.usMrs. Sidney Jewel visited with $15-ilMrs. Everett Mountjoy at Kedron. Mrs. Eliza Storie, Orono, is vis- iting at Mr. Robt. Hodgson's and M,1 also friends in the village. Mrs. Addie Miller spent a few TRI WAYCKWORD days with Mr. and Mrs. Jack FOR ^LUtBird, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Allan .Moffat, Shirley and Leon, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. A few farmers started on the "'i 'land this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Larmer, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Gussie Here's beauty distiagnlszîed by smart Rosevear. stying.. . Guatmnteed depenadable .. sud priced for VALUE! Efficiency is cuit by self-suffi- TERMS touait your budget sueds. cîency. Sweet Is the scene where 'genia] friendship plays UNI fThe Ipie asuring game of inter- JI~WI~LI~RYchanging praise. -Oliver Wendell Holmes Men cohimonly think according i to their inclinations, speak accord- ~P i ng to their learning and imbibed opinions, but generally act ac- cording to custom.-Bacon. MAY DAY SALE 10%ù Off Ail Purchasesl Thurs. m Fr1.-m Sat. m Mayl-2-3 SUIICIAL IIEATLUIS ALL HANDBAGS REDUCED One Rack of1 Dresses $1300 Lresses $50 Two Special Sale Racks One Rack of Dresses ALL' CASH SALES NO1( REPUNDS N O XXCHANGEO FOR TRESE TERE DAY KING ST. W. OMNIE Il. .d Hospital lf A. E. McGregor & Co. _$1 Sl T. H. Brookham____ 1-Mrs. S. O'Brien ____ ýj Miss Margaret Stacey- t.Miss Edith Black---- ,S Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wilcox rMr. and Mrs. W. R. Mutton i.Mr. and .Mrs. H. R. Foley Mr. and Mrs. L. Kerr- Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brown Mnr.and Mrs. H. A. Babcock Anonymous -------------- Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Carter d Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Carter d Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dippdl iMr. and Mrs. A. Piper , Mr. and Mrs. R. Bate Miss Rose Bate Walter Johnson --- ;t Miss Maude Reynolds tFred Jackman - ----- -Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Bickle Mr. and Mrs. S. Morrison Sheppard & Gili, Ltd.---- Mr. and Mrs. L. Bromley Mr. and Mrs. Geddis Jones Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Wood- Miss Margaret Allin.--- e Mr. and Mrs. P. Procter - Mrs. Herb Fletcher Mrs. Dodds 1Herb .Moyse --------- - Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cale- Ross Richards -.---- - J. R.Mantle --------- sMr .and Mrs. N. Cowie - Mr. A. Manning.------ - Mr. and Mrs. A. Humpage fMrs. L. Glassford ------- - s Thos. Sheehan ----------- Mr. & Mrs. F. E. Casbourn Mr. & Mrs. A. H. Sturrock s Edgar Foran ------------ eMr. and Mrs. H. Hancock 1Kitson Brothers ------- W. C. Kîtson Jane Adams------- Bowmanville Cleaners Anonymous---------- --- Walter J. Rogers ------ E. S.Wood ----------------- tMr. and Mrs. J. W. Argue 1Mrs. Margaret C. Stephen- S son, R.R. No. 1 Howard Davey--------- E. Bryant------------------- Mr. and Mrs. R. Cramp--- SMiss Nina Neads .Mrs. Anthony Grant S Gilbert Jones ------- rMr. and Mrs. W. J. E. * Ormiston - -- --------- Mr. and Mrs. Les Nicholîs Mr. and Mrs. Luke Nicholîs c Mrs. W. H. Cole__-------- Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bell *Mr. & Mrs. Chris RobinsKn Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Henry rMr. and Mrs. J. Ed. Dilling Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White - Mr. and Mrs. B,. R. Kitney Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Purdy Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Depew Mr. and Mrs. 'Don Boe -- Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Morris Mrs. K. Clarke and Miss A. Edsall --------------- *S. G. Preston & Son Miss Jean Rundie ---- sMurray Tighc ------------- *Mr. and, Mrs. O. Nicholas Miss Marjory Rundie Miss Helen Tighe-------- *Mr. and Mrs. J. Living - - Mr. and Mrs. Len Richards *Sleep's Groccry ---------- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrison *W. P. Harrison Francis Tbompson Mrs. Nina Mason l Don Mason --------- H. I. James ------------- Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Hawkins Capt. J. Brown ---------- Mr. and Mrs. Art. Belîmani Mr. and Mrs. D. Hannah - *Mr. and Mrs. R. Patfield-- SMr. and Mrs. Fred Neads_ Mrs. J. Mundock --------- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole -- *Mrs. M. Spry, R.R. 1 Orono Z. Adams ---- ------------ Bert Jewell ' - ---------- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allîn-- Lawrence and Bruce Lonsberry --------------- Ernest Hanson ----------- Mn. and Mrs. E. C. Evans Albert Colwell Mrs. M. Colwell -___ N. Vaîda ------ Mrs. Gatcheli ---- W. A. Richards.........--- >Mr. & Mrs. L. D. Goddard Mr. & Mrs. Percy Williams Mrs. W. J. S. Rundle--- Gordon Richards ------- Mrs. A. E. Rundle-------- Mr. and Mrs. C. Lunny - Mcr. and Ms.-J.-Hmp-hrey R. O. Runley ---------- Dr. J. C. Devitt------ e Mr. & Mrs. H. G. Preemana Mrs. J. Geddis ----------- Mn. & Mrs. C. H. Porteous1 Goodyear Girls, proceeds from Bazaar ____-- 20 M. Kilgannon -- Miss Ada Dadson____ Mr. and Mrs. E. W. BernilI Mr. and Mrs. Norm. Taylor2 A. D. Hooper-...------- -- Mr. and Mrs. E. Harnden1 Mr. and Mns. Wilfred Carruthers2 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Infapitine1 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carruthens ----- Mr.* & Mrs. F. R. Kerslake le Mr. and Mn.. Roy *Lunney1 Mr. and Mn.. C. W. Tait Fred Tuerk ___ Mr. and Mrs. L. Soch- Anonymous - ------_ Mark Marchant - ___ Mrs. M. A. Jenkin Contributionsi $100.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 3.00 3.00 50.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 20.00 5.00 750.00 25.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 50.00 2.00 50.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 15.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 25.00 10.00 2.00 2.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.00 10.00 20.00 5.00 -5.00 50.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 100.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 20.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 30.00 5.00 10.00 207.23 2.00 2.00 5.00 25.00 3.00 10.00 25.00 15.00 50.00 00.00 10.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 1.00, 5.00 3.00 Mrs. Fred Cryderman - 10.00 Biuce Colwell______ 1.00 Lynda Colwdll___-___ 1.00 A. Kilpatrick -______ 1.00 Mn. and'Mns. A. Cameron 5.00 Mn. and Mrs. O. Roberts and Family - ------------ - 10.00 Mn. and Mrs. A. Lctoze- 10.00 Mn. and Mn.. J. Biggs - 2.00 Mn.. M. Jamieson ---- - 2.00 Mn. and Mn,. Fred Baker- 5.00 Mn. and Mn.. Alan Osborne 10.00 Mn. and Mn,. Lyle Corden 25.00 A Friend____ 10.00 Anonymous -2.00 Don Brooks ----------- 2.00 Miss Florence Gardiner- 50.00 The Radie Shop ----------- -25.00 Douglas Barr---------------- -5.00 Mn. and Mn,. Les Brooks and Glen ---------------- 5.00 Mr. and Mns. D. Higgon.- 50.00 Mn. and Mns. R. Halîman 5.00 Mn. and Mns. Lonne Haynes 10.00 Mn. and Mrs. Fred C. Hoar 25.00 Mns. Margaret Silver- 20.00 H. Bateman, Oshawa -- 10.00 L. Laskaris ----------------- 5.00 Mn. and Mns. Paul Chant 10.00 Mn. & Mns. F. O. Mcllveen 10.00 Atlantic & Pacific Tea Ce. 100.00 Mn. and Mrs. H. Dadson 2.00 Mn. and Mn.. H. W. Knapp 5.00 Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Bates 5.00 Bruce Mutton ----------- 10.00 Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Ruddel 25.00 H. B. Harnden ----- ---------- 10.001I Mn. and Mns. M. Bneslth -- 300.00 Mr. & Mrs. N. S. Plummer 25.00 Mn. and Mrs. F. A. Bruce 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Elliott 150.00 Dr. and Mns. R. E. Dinniwell 10.00 Jack Tait ---- --- 2.00 Mrs. Elsie Lne 5.00 Mn. and Mns. W. Heard ---10.00 Mn. and Mrs. C. M. Worth 2.00 Mn. and Mns. J. F. Childs 5.00 Miss Florence Wenry ------- 10.00 Misses Ethel and Helen Morris ------------------- 10.00 Anonymous -10.00 Anonymous --------------------- 5.00 Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Mason 5.00 H. Cameron--------2.00 Mn. and Mns. Jas. Kain --- 2.00 Mn. and Mns. H. Hughes -- 5.00 Mr. and Mns. Morley Oke 10.00 Mrs. H. Jamieson ------- 2.00 Mn. and Mrs. M.,Tamblyn 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Alan Moffatt 10.00 Mn. and Mrs. R. Cousins--25.00 Mn. and Mns. Geo. Brooks 10.00 Mn. and Mns. Herb. Mooncraf t ----- - - 5.00 In Memory cf the McClellans ----100.00 (Continued next week) ShavigCreum Pr d c up to f u ties mor elanhe $1275 Fce p o fouran $2.50s mooethnLoin 12 Pre SpeFfe SA fromo Pomoul 0W asns l nger, a h Pemuf wi»îahay bpecake $1.5 Fce ow e forand BO H FOR 'S--MU-----S- CERE0SAotkN Loio --- $1. 350 FORMALDEHYDE S 16-. 25 GIN PULLS 39C-690 s Kkovah Saits -____ 29e-79e Bile Beans -----------------. 47e Burdock Blood Bitters =$1.09 Ex-Lax ------------____15c-33c Beeham's Pilla 23c-49c a Liv.stock'Lest In Abbatolr FIre Near Hampton Pire of unknown enigin destroy- ed the abbatoir cf Jim Reynolds, Hampton butcher and merchant, late Monday night. Besides the building which was complctcly lest 13 head cf pigs and 7 head cf cattle perished in the flames. No- thing was known of the disaster until Mn. Reynolds and hie hclp- crs arrived on the scene early Tuesday mennling. The building was located south and cast cf Hampton and appar- ently ne persont became aware cf the happening. The total loss nuns into more than $3,000 and is. bclievcd te be only partly cover- cd by inÈurance. Laten Tuesday morning members cf the Bow-: manville Fine Dept. arrived on the scene but mcrcly for explorative purposes. Mr. Reynolds who bas for some years supplied a few Bowman-; ville butchens with fresh meat plans to continue in this line cf business by using temporary pre- mises for slaughterîng. He is the sort cf fellow who neyer admits defeat and regret is expressed throughout the community at this tcmporary sctback. Foresters Organize For Basebali Season Court Bowmanville No. 964, Ca- nadian Order cf Foresters met with F. Blackburn presiding. The Court Duff ins Degrec Team, Pickering, under the direction cf J. Bryant, C. R. and E. Bnyant confcrred the Initiatory Degree on a clas. cf candidates and were bighly complimented for their splendid efforts, special mention being made, of Harny Purvis. C. Lockwood, J.P.C.R., Orono, in bis address te the newly initiated bnetbnen, congratulated them on the step they had taken. Basing his remanks on the degrees of the Order, Liberty, Benevolence and Concord, he stressed the impont- tance cf these words in relation te fraternal prînciples and the du- ties cf the members in living and expressing in thein daily lives these principles. Pninciples whicb must net only be accepted but practised before mankind could dlaim his divine birthrigbt. Russ Pollard report'ed arrange- ments had been completed for bus trip te Toronto. At this.time la- Coty's Air-Spun Face Powder - -------- $1.00 Coty's Perfumes - 85c-10.50 Velvetta Bath Sait. ---69e. Evenlng ln Paris Perfume ------------ 1.35-2.50 Cologne and Toilet Water -- --- - 75c-1.35 Wood's Bath Ou - 60c-1.00 Don Juan Llpstick 49c-1.10 Jewelite Hair Brushes ---------2.25-3.95 Flores. Llpstick--------- 1.35 MEAD'8 10-D COD LIVER 011 55c - 1.70 dies and mnembera wilU accempany the Degree Team where they will be cntcrtained by Court Rose. E. Bragg and committee were cengratulated on the splendid success cf the bowling banquet which completed a most enjey- able season. George W. Graham outlined the basebaîl set Up: Girls' bail, super- visons G. W. Graham and R. Ri- chards. Managers, L. Truli, for Hampton; Vic Cookson, Maple Grove, and W. Hawkshaw and B. DISCOUNT on Basebali - Softball and Soccer Equlpment, Etc. FOR CLUBS For uniforms or sweaters please place your order early as there Is a scarclty again this year.. Sales - Service - Repaire BICYCLE RENTALS Key Duplicating and Brazlng MeNuity' s Sports Shop Bowmanville - Ontario STATIONERY GIFT BOXES 50e to $2.50 "GEMEY" DUSTING POWDER 11-50 Baby's Own Bath Sets ---- 60e and Up I.D.A. Fuller's Earth, ,4-oz. reg. 15e lic Mulveney's Mother's Frlend- 50c-$1.00 Children's Own Tablets 25e Cuticuna Baby 011 ---------- ----- 60e Squlbb 10-D Cod Liver 011 -- 67c-$1.69 Johnson' s BABY PRODUCTS IPOWDER ___-_55C-28e CREAM ____-- 55o 011. 60c-$1.10 M ennen ANTISEPTIC O]IL Thnee Sizes 'SSc-1.19 2.39 Barmett handling the teen mg clu1t., Managers cof men's base- bail - teams: H. Hamm, C. Lock. wood, F. Blackburn and R. Pol- lard. Mr. Grahem stated that all sports activitles would function in the Interesta of the comxnunity recreation and the indirect teaci-, ing of citizenship and fraternal principles. A splendid lunch was served at the conclusion of the meeting. C'A ÇD PB EL Used Cabinet and Mantel RADIOS Reconditioned $125Oup USED STOVES 3-BURNER ELECTRIC BTOVE FINDLAY COAL STOVE QUEBEC STYLE COOK STOVE MURPHY'S Phone 811 57 Kint St. W. Bargains $1.25 Plnkham's Comp. . 87o 10e Acetone, 1-oz. 8c 35c Corega -------24e 50e Eczema Ointment *-- 39e 39e A.S.A. Tablets, 100's - 19e 15e Fuller's Earth _____ lic THE ERFCT AIRDRESIN TUBENDY25~ 4W Specials 69e Ev. Howard Cold Crcam 57e 35e A.B.S.& C. Tablets -- 19e 23e Kieenor Antiseptie Mouth Wash-------------19o 10e Senna Leaves ____--c 35e Worm Syrup - 27e ISoft as à flsocy cloud! ZSÇ 2 phiONs lnbo Ij f Frkcndly, Personal Service and Low, Competitive City Prices SPECIAL VALUES & REMINDERS for Thursday - Friday - Saturday We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities SUNDAY, MAY llth Choose a remembrance for HER from our varled stocks cf suitable gift4 A few suggests appear below. J -~ i <j BABY WEEK April 28th to May 5th When you need aids to baby's comfort and bealth cal] on your I.D.A. Drug Store, for top quality at money-saving prices. Heinz Baby Foods........... 3 for 23e Lactogen, 1 and 21/2 lb....69c - $1.59 Patent Barley, Robinson's....... 33e Baby Cough Syrup, J.D.A........... 25C Senna Leaves, I.D.A. 1 and 4 oz. Sc - I8C BoracieAcid,.I.D.A., 8-oz. reg. 15c lic Vaseline, White .......... jars 15c -25c i BOWMANVILLE- Your Local I.D.A. Druggist PHONE 792 *1 PAGE UV-tM TM-CANADL4» .1-

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