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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1947, p. 8

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-~ 4 V'~~~' -. PAGE - N M mN T a K E D Y M r x Ç A WOIfeflm Imllu*aMaI vervm ffefmu.,wv fin mnc.1 Reporte for the Year Election Of Off icor ]3owmanvlle Women'o Institute met i St. John's Parlah Hall on Thuradmy afternoon. wîth a good" attendance o! members mmd a fcw visitons for the annual meeting and election o! officers. President 3fra. L. S. Duma presided and a wa given by Sccretary Mn.. Thoa. Buttery. Reporta by conveners o! committees were nccelved glv- ing a Summnany O! the yem's activ- ities. Business session lmcluded a de- cision to hbld regulmi' meetings ln the Union Hall beginming with May 29 meeting, on account o! the increase in rent sked for the Panish Hall. Presldent reported Cernent Blocks-Cernent Slush Blocks Cernent Tile Axe. iow avalable ini any quantity at the PORT HOPE ILOCK and TILE mie01301 St. Noth PORT HOPEC Phone 43w W. can atili uupply you with 2-12-6 and 4-8-10 C.C. for Spring use. Make sure you have plenty of this famous pro- duct by ordering now. A good supply of farm fence - steel posts, gates and staples ready for fimediate delivery. Place your order for hay fork, sling and trip rope while our supply lasts. Separators and Milk Coolers on hand for immediate dellvery Let lu imutai a DeLaval Milker in your stable and out down your labour twlce a day. ITTER CARRIER BUCKETS IN STOCK W*.HMeDROWN IDEALER FOR Case Farm Mfachlnery - Firestone Tires DeLaval Milkrs and Separators Beatty Bras. Stable Equîment el King St. W. Phone I - -Z R I Mn. and Mn.. Cecii Gibson amd Anme, Purpie Hill, Mr. and Mn.. Wm. Tripp, Shirley, visited Mrs. Alton Tripp and Mr. Orval Trip~ The crokimole party amd maprc syrup social sponsored by W.A. was quite a success. Maurice Nesbitt and Havilandi Marlow visited Billy John. who i. recovering !rom a shooting ac- cident. Mn. mmd Mrs. David John. viuit- cd Mr'. amd Mrs. George Johins., Mrs. R. W. Marlow visited Mna. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Malcolm and Mr. Sam Jeffery, Blackstock, visited Mn. amd Mn.. L. Joblin. Mn. amd Mrs. Stanley Malcolm visitedi Mn. amd Mrs. Herli Tay- lor. Mi'. A. H. Veale has neturned from spemding the wimten in To- ronto with his dmughter, Miss Ru- by Veale. Mrs. Ivan Kellett amd two sons, Ballyduif, visited her cousin, Mn.. Dan Black. Mn. Byron Hylandi amd four chuldrem, Omemee, visitcd his par- ents Mn. and Mn.. Fred Hyland. Mr'. mmd Mrs. Frank Playfoot and Bryce, Lindsay, vislted Miss Ethel Thonipson. Mrs. Ivy Hooey, Bowmanvifle, 15 visiting lier sisten, lira. Wm. Williamsom. Mr. mmd Mrs. Wm. Jackman and family, Toronto, Mn. Elmo Arch- er and Donald visited Mns. James Wllliamson. Mn. mnd Mn.. Chas. Chapmian mnd family, Ballyduif, visitcd Mn. and Mrs. George Johns. Mn. amd Mrs. Lorne Lamb, Ruth, and Stewart, Emniskillen, visited Mn. and Mrs. Cecii Wilson. Mn. mmd Mrs. W. R. Lamb via- Itcd friends t Fencion Fais. Nturally there is mucli comtroversy over these agree- menTs and controls. This column whidh punsues a nompolitical mpproach te this entine farm question simply to invite a balanced publie opinion, once again submiis highly creditable Liberal opinion on these established Liberai governmemt policies. In fact almost ail Uic arguments In this series are based upon what higli-ranking Liberals have assented. ULTIMATE FACTOR ftow Uic central consideration in this wliole question la: "Wlimt wiil be Uic ultimate efcct o! selling to Britain most o! aur surplus at a low pnice and o! o!!ening Uic small remmimdcp on none at l to the peoples o! other nations at world prices?" Can we hope for thein confidence mnd trade after Uiese by- latenal demis end? The next article wili quote a great Libçà*al newspapen mmd a Liberal Ex-Minister on this whole question. Burketon Eest wish es ta M. lirs. Harny Grace, nec Jean Hlenderson, on the arrivai o! a baby daugliter, April 23. Mn. mnd Mrs. Arthur Tompkins, Birchcliffe, with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tompkins. Mir. amd Mi'.. Howard A'bbott and family have moved back to 1.1 FIEGUARD SAFETY TR Eis TURN BLOWOUTS' INTO SLOW LEAKS me vOv. ~ om v PRTCTON AGAINST DLOWOUT DANGER tuU TOMADOUl GOD/VEAR h FiEGUARD SAF *TITVBIES Bowmanville Motor Sales C. E. Murreli » I - DIEBO DzELE lu6 la" st., E hn 8 the village. Mn.. J. Carter and Isabl visit- cd relatives in Toronto. Mr. amd Mn.. Stan Moff at, Mn. Cook, Oshawa, with Mr. amd Mrs. Orval Greer. lirs. J. Gatdheli with ber sis- ter, Mrs. S. Dean, Bowmamville. Mrs. J. Gili. in Bowmanville and under her docton's cane. Mr. amd, Mn.. Henb Richards, Mr. Reg Harding, Miss Eleamor Brock, Bowmanville, with Mr'. mmd Mrs. H. Gi. Sundmy .chool amd church ser- vice are mli on daylight savimg time. Choir practice In the chunch. Mother's Day service, May llth, at il ar. Blackstock Mamy attemded the Institute card Party in the Commumity Hall on Friday evernng amd report a good i tme. Mr. Luther Moumtjoy won the ladies' prize mmd Osmom'd Wright the gents. Gordon Barker is workimg for the Blackstock Radio Eiectrlc. Mr. amd Mrs. Alex Gilbert, Joan mnd Judy, Kitchener, spent the wcekemd with Mr-. mnd Mrs. Frank SUY TIV %4,g VFFCI that the flrst cuchre of the had been qulte auccessful. Three groups: Mns. J. Levett's, lira. Ros Grant's and Mns. Chas. Mutton's tied for the president's prize for haigthe most new members dulgthe year--each with three new members. Mns. Mutton was finally declared the wlnner and presented 'with a dainty hand- tatted doily. Mrs. Frank Jackman, convener of the nominating commlttee, pre- sided for the election of officeri and presented the siate of offi- cers recommended, which was unanimously adopted as foilows: Past president, Mrs. Chai. Mut- ton; President, Mrs. L. S. Dumas; lst vice-president, Mns. Walter Davis; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. J. H. Abernethy; secretary-treasur. er, Mrs. Thos. Buttery; district director, Mrs. J. Thickson; direc- tors, Mrs. M. Colweil, Mrs. Chai. Mutton, Mrs. P. C. Coinier and Mrs. F. Jackxnan; piariist, Mrs. Ed- win Wood; assistant pianiet, Mrn. Sam Buttery; song leader, -Mrs. Geo. Pritchard; visitlng commit- tee, Mrs. M. Colwell, Mrs. C. G. Curtis and Mrs. Geo. Collacutt; rest room convener, Mirs. Geo. Collacutt; group leaders, Mn.. G. C. AlIchin, Mrs. R. Candier, M. C. Johns, Mrs. U. Kirkton and Mrs. Edwin Wood. Miss June Allchin favored with several pleasing piano solos and Mrs. Selby Grant and group serv- ed refreshments and a pleasant social hour closed the meeting. Nestleton IThere la no tyrant 11k. custom, I'I ayman aeeka for greatneqs,i amd no freedom where Its edicts let hlmforget greatness and, ask are flot reuisted.-Bovee. i for truth, andi he wlU. flmd both. 4wMI - - 4%- <Ariticlo No. 13) Article 12 of this senles brought the discussion of the British wheat deal and the equaily anbitnary Marketing Act down to the point whcre John Bracken, leader of thc Progressive- Conservative party, rose in the House to speak his mmnd on these questions. He agreed that any commitment madc in thc naine of Canada ahould be honorcd. But he questioncd where policiez o! tItis nature would lead. FAIM CONFUSION Baslng his arguments on the 30-point national programme he announced four years mgo which set forth a square deai for farmer. he proved beyond question that the powers now assumed by the present government over farm production led to a state of uncertalnty and confusion which resulted in a progressive, decime of saicabie farm products ail along Utcelime. The points he made wene not challenged by Prime Minister King who follow- cd himi In the debate. IVIDE CONTROLS Speaking about boardsa nd controls that hampered farmn production at a time when world requirements.werc at an ail- time peak, Mr. Bracken sald: "For year the government through Its numerous boards has had complete control over prices of fanm. pnoducts and thc cost o! things that farmens have to buy. [t bas coritrolicd thc slaughtering of livestock, the import and export of seeds, feeds, fertilizers, the export o! livestoclc." INCOME FALLING "It has ratiomed foodstuffs; entered into long-tenm food agreements at anbitrary prices; paid direct and indiect subsidies to fax-mers. Yet thc over-all net farm income of Canada has been declining ince 1944 in spite o! Uic highest domestic amd !oreign demand for farm products In oui' history. The British govern- mient lias been led to over-optimism of what we can produce and supply. We are falling behimd in delivcry because prices to Britain in many limes are below cost of production." SHARP DECLINE "Speaklng a year ago I warned this wouid resuit from Uthe policies laid down. We have failed by 100 million pounds in bacon commityments. Egg production lias falien to 23 million dozen short o! Uic British agreement. Butter production has been failimg for three years. This past year the decline was thc great- est in 20 years. We are In fact importimg from New Zealand and seizimg shipments on Uic high seas." DEMORALIZATION "Cheese production has falleni 25 percent, the gneatcst decline in one year in the past 25. Aside from grain the whole dairy and livestock industry is in a state of demoralization due to failure of Uic governnicnt to foresce the e!fects o! its control and price policles on agricultural production. In this day-to-day programme of political expediemcy, fanmer. have been treated to increaslng and unnecessary Irritations." This is the position into which controis are plunging Uic Camiàdian farmen. OFFICIAL FIGURES In case any reader might conclude that Mr. Brackeni spoke for politicai effect nather than very stromg conviction It can be told de 'finitely that lie. spoke before the release of officiai gov- ernment documents in the case. A 63-page bookiet, "Canadian Agricultural Programme, 1947" issued by Ministen of Agricul- ture Gardiner, who engineered the British and Marketing acliemes, comflrms gencrally what Mr'. Brmckcn stated, that pro- duction has failen ail down the lime. stinson. Blackstock High School pre- sented their Play in Orono Friday evenlng. Mis Vivian Sadier, Toronto, with her mother, Mn.. Robt. Sad- 1er, who la sick. Mr.. Florence Crawford is go- ing to Toronto spemd a couple o! months. Wm. VanCamp sold hi. fine garage last week to Ray Snooks o! Port Perry. Murray Werry is home wlth hi. parents, Mr. amd Mrs. Rupert Werry, havlmg finishedi writing his exanis for his firat year at Qucen's University, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Manlow and family and Mrs. Virginia M. Archer mttended the skating at the Granite Club in Toronto Saturday night to see Barbara Ann Scott., They reported a wonderful even- ing. Miss Lucille Fonder, Bowmmn- ville, lias been home. Arthur Bailey and staff have completed a fine cabin trailer. It is really beautiful. We are stili waitimg for fine days to get out mmd dean up our grounds and stant gardening. The regulan Fife and Drum Band and its junior members met at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton, Friday evening and had a good practice. St. John's W.A. Met &t the home o! Mns. Harry McLaughlin, April 24. In the absence of President Mrs. McKibbin the chair was tak- en by Vice-President Mrs. V. M. Archer. Second chapter o! study book "India" was presented very capably by Mi'.. Fred Hamilton. The Dorcas committee reportcd a bale' consistingo! one-hai! outfit for an Indian girl had been pack- cd and sent on its way. There werc no delegates appointed to go to the annual. It was decided, to semd $2.00 to Diocesan thankoffer- ing. Severmi letters were read thanking W.A. for fruit sent when ili. Program congisted o! a quiz on the study book chapter. It is not necessary for ail men to lie great in action. The great- est and sublimest power is oftcn simple patience. -Horace Bush- mlli. b Compl.f.wlthI The cmtchments ~j 'ACE" $88io Cenadian, women whé kne'FtWe value and performance of Goblin Cleaners before the war iwill be thrilled with tis fine model by4 the British originators of vacuum cleaningi Let ss.YgIve ayoveo Fret, Demonstrr#ioq. THE RADIO SEHOP BOWM.4NVILLE 'S AUTROBIZID NORTHERN. ZLEOTRIO DEALER 38 King et. 3. Phone 573 STRWIEIEIE LOUISIANA, FRESH Plat Box29 GRAEFRIJiTTEXAS MRSH EEDLESS OS'.6 for LENONS CALIFORNIA JUMBO-SiZ. 2Mit nom. 9 GRANGES CALIFORNIA NAVEL, 288,'a Do. c OBRNGES LORIDA VALENCIA 178'. ]Do%. 39C ]PINEAPPLS CUBAN RED SPANISH SP . no ,S IBANANAfàS GOLDEN RIPE m. wqge* lb. 140 TAKS LOUISIANA, NEW CROP 2 Ibo.19 SPIRAH ARKANSAS, FRESHN2%8.19 E*AWESI LEMON OIL IHAWES1 FM MR. nMi 7EmAniïn on12aLWI2l BRODIE'S Cam FLOU Tins. 150 2-b 261 Jr 84 CLARKS MUSHROOM SOU P 1- -2 CROWN OR BEEHIVE com I TRm FANCY LISTE a;R LIBBY'S SALTED ]PEANUJS* RUG CLEANER pint tin 490 A& p DOKIE ICUSTOM GROUND cOILEN .39C ANN PAGE--OVIN FRESH NILIK BRAmSD .2Lo 15< CHICKEN BOELins 7ne39 NUTIN BABY FOOD o. leoz.45 TONATO JIIC Ney 2 20-ozne. 190 LIMITID SUPPLIES DEANS VEGEAR;I N 22.rne25e @NlE"U CHOIcE lb. m WMOED aIMI WHO LE or HALF W WmiNES Ne. 1 SKINLSS . b. 37< BOflNG]POUL Freh, Grade A lb. ne< SE AFOOD SUGGSTiONS SCALLOFS DIEP SE^ %b 95e<A al)DFILLETS FRE&N Hslb. 27e~ SAL GN I L ET= S ilvel-bright b.35 SALMON STEAMS iIverbrlght lb.25 HADDOCK ,UJ~5 FRESH lb. 39< I UP#NOUIY Nor"L PLANT FOOO 2-12-8 ýà é-ý ýq UMMMMM% p POWBS PmAYU WIH FOUR JUTS FLOM Dam le i On 1

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