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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1947, p. 9

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-~ k ?EU1MMAY, lUNE Sth, 1947 Ivi SCAADPROav Miss Di Wheeler, Toronto, vlalted her tother, Mns. A. D. WheeIer. Mr. and Mns. Clemens Perey, Ottawa, recently vlslted hi. mo- ther, Mrs. John Perey. Min Margaret Davies, South WW, England, was guest of Mns. Edith Black. Mns. Annie Bradley, Bond Head, spnt Thursday with her slster, Mrs. Mina Cowell and Mrs. Albert Colweil. Mr. and Mr.. Theodore Papin- eau and famfl.y, Detroit, Mlch., !s cnt the weekend vwith his bro- mer, Mr. C. H. Papineau. M.alh H Carruthers, New ork Cly N'. flew home over the eekend to visit his parents, Mr. and Mirs. W. H. Carruthers. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Dowson, of Providence and Mrs. W. A. Stin- son, Janetville, visited friends at victoria Road on Sunday. G SUPPORT TE ON Avy Gîvé Generously To Tihe NAVY" LEAGUE Tag Day NEXT SATURDAY J uJNIE lth - lni ORONO HAMPTÔN NEWCASTLE ENNISKILLEN BOWMANVILLE f Yaur donatians wlll help te entertaiu salions at aur sea- port hostels and train our youths as Ses, Cadets. Mr. and Mns. Oble Kennedy and fanxily, Detroit, spent the Mem- anial Day weekend with Mr. and Mns. Hugh McDonald. Mrs. B. M. Warnica left last week for an extended visit with her sixters in Vancouver and Vic- toria, B.C. Mr. and Mns. F. A. Bruce and family have returned from a 6,000-mile motor trip ta Califor- nua. Visitons with Mr. and Mi's. A. W. Pickard were: Mr. Norman Pickard, Mrs. Gertrude Stephen- son, son Bruce, and her mother, MÇrs. S. J. Beacock, Newtonbrook. Mr. and MIs. J. C. Linton, of Schenectady, N.Y., Miss Jean Bell, Detroit, Mich.; were Sunday visitors with Mn. and Mrs. H. M. Bell. Bright sunshine but cool weath- er greeted anxious gandenens on Tuesday to break the long spel ai continuous nain. Farmers are already busy preparing late cornn fields. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cryderman in company with Mr. and Mns. Hanry Jose and son, Newcastle, are enjoying a motor trip tbrough Western Canada ta thé Pacific Coast. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Williams attended a convéntran ai thé Pion- enrs Club ai Bell Telephone Ca. employeca lla Niagara Falls and spént thé weekend with Mr. and Mns. Rusell Williams, Niagara Falls, N.Y. lI thé récent résulta ai First Year exams held at O.A.C. we wéré pléaséd ta note that B. M. (Mac) Ingham, son. ai Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Ingham, Millbnook, andl former Bowmanville rési- dents, passed with high honora. Récent continuous nain appears ta have been favorable for tulips about town. Fnank Smith, 42 Oueen St., reports an unusual spé- cimen whlch blossomcd out with thréé flawérs on one stem. It adds ta thé intenest and attractive- nésai his fine garden. The funeral ai thé late Mr. Sol Fry ai Toronta taok place on June 3rd at Welcomé cémétéry. Aniang relatives attendîng wére: Mns. Frank Gay, Oshawa; Mn. and Mn.. C. L. Upper, Peterboro, Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Bicklc, Mr. and Mns. Chas. Bickle and Mns. Frank Jamiéson, town. No Native Cattie There were -no cattle li North Amenica until they weré lmportéd by settlers. ROYAL THEATRE M SPECIAL MATINEE 2 p.m. Monday, lune 9 66ihe JIst)n stcly" Know Wfhat You Want--At lt! You don't know what you 'ré nissiag -i chances te buy, rent, loan, se1l, fix, trade - if you. overlook the elassifleds 1 Read them each week te benefit by thsm often. Advertising'o No. I Public ïervies ~be ~iiiibÎinr 2hit*mn j MARR'S JEWELLERY THE -y ~M -, DIO- wÀ/ NOMI EoweMT Hello Homéniakens! This L~ surely the bridc's month fon al. ready we have been "showéred' with questions nelating ta wed, dings, giits for the bride and thi newlyweds' purchases for thq hame. In answen ta these requesta wi have a fcw gift suggestions. D( -avoid aelecting something that on. ly pleases the eye or excites in. tenést. It is betten ta choose witi thé thought of thé household f0i which thé giit is intended, keep. lng li mid thé pérsonal taste ai thé bride. The couple who en. joy gardening would sunely ap. preciate quite different giits thar the newlyweds who date on en. tertainîng. And when the dove. cote is a one-naom apartment gifts which will make it comiont- able, would be out ai place in a suburban home. A good tray is a giit for every home. The couple whosé fonte is hospitality would enthuse, avei modemn glass and wooden buffet pièces. Cups and saucens are bath attractive and acceptable. Pic- turcs néquire the bride's apprav- al because they involve personal taste ta such an extent. There is no more practîcal gift than a good, cook book fiU.ed with test- ed Canadian recipes or a filing cabinet with cards ai friends' tested necipes-an idea for the showen pragram. When planning a kitchèn show- er bé sure the following gadgets are among the gits: a, durable roary egg beatèn, a thireè-way aiter, standard measuning cups, a rolling pin, butcher knie, bread knie, 2 peeling knives, knifc hold- ér, knifé sharpener, bread board, dish cloth, and dish towels. The extras may be purchased laten as the new homemaker finds places and uses fan them. By all means, be sure the bride has a pressure cooken. If possible, discusa with the brlde's fniends, thé purchasé af lange items. Two saucépans and a lange four-quart kettle belong in the basic équipment for cooking. Two cookie sheets and a shallow bake dish will fixid many uses in the new kitchen while two sturdy double-ballera and a heavy skill- et are a nécessity. Casserole dishès and custard cups ai aven- proof glass arc invaluable. A pantny showen is a boon ta the beginnen cook and is a pleas- ant way for a small group ta en- tértain. Guests mey bning bot- tles ai spicès, éxtracts, jelliès, pic- kles, canister sets and réfrigéra- ton jars. An amnay ai textile gifts will always be welcame-sheets, cases, table cla>ths, bath towèls, hand towels, tray cloths and doilies. There la much intérest lin the at- tractive paper towels and servi- ettes, also, thé smant plastic mats and tray covéns. Glass holders for sauces ta, insert lin the top ai the pudding servings, laminated book cavera which protect the pages as yau nead, colaunéd mir- ror traya, handmade dlay or pot- *ery flowèr vases and beautiful nanble éléctric lampa are ail new and attractive. Chleken'and Mushnoam Patties Make as nfiany pastry ahelîs as yau will need from your favaur- te piècrust néipe-3 cupa iloun, 1 eup shortening, 6 tbsps. watén, 34 tsp. saît for 24 sheila andý tops. Use snialI tant tins and bake shèlîs thé day béforé. Heat fîlling when you'ré réady and put into shelîs at last minute. Filling-Take méat off bones ai a cooked chickén. Cut into smaîl pieces. Peel and cut fine 1 pound ai fresh mushnooms and saute in butter. Scald 1 cup cream, 1 ý, cups milk and 1 cup hicken broth lin a double bolér. Thicken with 6 tbsps. ai flaur lended with 4 tbsps. butte;. Cook, tir.ring constantly until 'as thick as heavy cream - and juat as rnooth. Add chicken and mush- rooms; season with sait, pepper. aprika, and cook a few minutes nger. (Put wishboxie-shapéd iécès ai coakéd pastny on top for in attractive dish.) Yield 20 ta Thé Question Box R.W. and T.M. want ta know 1factors ta considér when purchas- ing an electric range. Answer: 1. Buy fnam a reliable manufacturer and dealer ta be assuned ai quality construction. 2. Read guarantée caréfully sa that yau will know thé différent parts guaranteéd and thé léngth ai guarantée. 3. Desigrq and size oi range should be suitable for thé particu- ian kitchen. Consider available space li kitchen and thé arrange- ment ai cabinets ta maké an ef- ficient cooking anea. Thé range shauld be in close pnoximity ta food préparation and aervîng cen- tres. 4. Consider first thé basic equip- ment whlch camés with thé rangé. Then acquine éxtras wbich will aid in caoking food éificièntly. Some éxtras are: autamratic tim- er. dlock, lamp and autiets for amali appliancès. 5. If yau use many différent- .ized aven pans, conalder if thèe ls sufîicient shélvagé in thé aven. 6. Do yau want a deep well coakèr aor a pressure coakèr? Does thé homèmnakér use new methods an doea shé stick ta ber expén- ièncéd products and procédure? I a cooker la used the food wil b. better because, thé finie ai caaking has been shartcned. AnneAllan invites you ta write to her c/a The Canadian States- maxi. Sénd in Yaur suggestions an hamemnaking prablems and watch this column for replies. Vaganies ai Ixigat Output Per capita steel ingot produc- tion li thé United States clîmbed froni 250 pounds in 1932 ta 900 pounds i 1937 oaly ta drap back ta about 450 pounds i 1938. rfiCANADIAN STATESMAN. 8~WXA2qVnJz ONTÂR~O Mrs. Rogers Mies Convention Hlghllghts The June meeting of Trinity W.M.S. was held li thc Sunday School roam an Tuesday,' June 3, at 3 p.m. The President ?&o. C. Wight was li the chair for the business period whlch among allier items included fýeports from the Community, Frlendshlp, Liter. ature -and Chnistian Cltlzenshlî Secretaries. Miss Vesta Spargo and her group wene xi.charge ai Uic wornhip period. The theme was "For. Wanld Fellowsbip." Miss- Doria Stevens sang veny sweetly "ILiv. ing for Jesus Here." Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson gave the scipture le.. son and Mns. I. Bragg led ini prayer.. Mrs. W. P. Rogers who recently atended the Dominion Board n;eet- ing in Toronto, brought up a very splendid report oi that meeting. She gave us a pictune ai the scape. the immensity ai the work ai the W.M.S. across Canada. It was an inspiration ta meet people froni all parts ai aur country and miss- ionanies from ail parts ai the wonld. We leanned with 'regret ai the accident which Dr. Winnifred Thomas, General Secrctary, su- stained just at the beginnlng ai the convention, a biakcn knee. She bas been gnanted three months leave ai absence. Mrs. Rogers gave us a very comprehensive pic- -ture ai this veny fine 'convention making us feel very proud ai aur great work. eA Warning Agalnst aCommuniats ln Union* (John Atkins, in The Scene) David Dubinsky, president ai the International 1Ladies' Garment Workers' Union and a vice-presi- Sdent oi the Amenican Féderation af Labor, whose union has a re- markable record ai constructive co-operation on behalf af its mem- bers, published an article, "A Wring Against Comniunism ln Unions," in the New York Times Magazine, May 11, 1947. 3 He said in part: 3 "Although aur union is free af the Communist menace taday, It wa:; not alway# so. lI 1926 the Cammunist panty through its dem-. agogie propaganda and exagger- ated promises was able to, attnact. many ai aur members. It thus mnanaged ta obtain contrai aif aur New York arganization and suc- ceeded in plunging the coat and suit industry into a genenal strike. After a futile eight-week strug- gle the local Cimunist leaders had had enough. They were rea- dy ta came ta, a settlement, but the Communist party, feeling that the Mascow line was about to change, andened thein agents inside thfe union ta continue the stik- against their better judgment and against the intenests ai the work- ers. The strike ended disastrously, This terrible fiasco unseated the Communists in aur union. Since then, most ai the leaders ai that strike have broken with Comniu- nist totalitarianism and have re- tunned ta the union. These same leaders are now the most effec- tive fightens against Communist influence and domination. "It took ten years for us ta re- caver from the criminal and stu- pid Communist-led strike ai 1926 which cost $3,500,000 and leit lin its wake a chaotic industny and a crippled union. "What the International Ladies' Garment Wonkers' Union has beeri able ta, do since it routed the Com- munists twenty years ago every progressive Amenican labor union can do today."1 CIVIC SUPPORT FOR SEA SCOUTS The 6th Gaît Sea Scout Gnoup is ta have a new landship head- quarters. The Corporation ai the City ai Gaît, Ont., has donated four lots overlooking the Grand River and the sponsor of the Troop, the Gait Civic Service Club, bas voted financial and phy- sical aid ta build the new head- quarters. Already the Sea Scouts have cleared the site and have cammenced work on the founda- tion ai the new building._ CHURCHES ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCff Minister: Rev. G. C. Quigley Organist: Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. Choir Dinector: D. Alex McGregor 10 a.m.-Sunday School 1Il a.m.-Nursery School il a.rn.-Worship "Desert and Garden." 1 7 p.m.-Worship "The Good Samanitan" Service opens with the singing oi favourite and requested hymns. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: R. D. Duncanson Onganist: Miss L. Osboi ne, ATCM. Suniay, June 8th 10 a.m.-Sunday Scbool 1l a.m.-Morning Service Subjéct: "Wonry" 7 p.m.-Evening Service Subject: "Thé Mustard Seed" Thé Mission Band wiJJ meet at 4 p.m., Monday, lin thé Sunday School room. TRINITY UNIFTED CHURCH Ministen: Rev. J. E. Griffith Suniay, lune Sth S. S. Annlversarr 11 a .m.-Processionai Flawérs and Muasic Service in charge of W. Rasa Stnike, Speaker: Bey. Boy Hicks, B.A., B.D., ai Aunona. 7 p.m.-Musical Service Rotary Chorus Speaker: Mr. H. Staples, B.A., ai Orono. Subjeet: "lAppréciation ai Hymns" aceampanled by Mns. Steplés, piano. The Nuraery at il arn. No Jun- iors or S .S. today. PAGI Wmm T«eiau I ndus&uy taicet1l'coimillions- fer 1045 md start<i ~o wuu, la-2%1 times thie wart[me 1ev cf Vieftor at Ac«aire cornomares with the3>nrev- iou 'hgh f $98millions for aul r ~u~~'îurg ta rive, ~ travel li 1020 when touring costa 1, decp lxi anturgety mrent $221 wcre on a somcwhat s'milsr plane !. d dep n aUqitymeat $21and ovesea visitors wencmw milios i olars ta Cana"~ last more numeraus. Pre-wmr levels year, accordlng te a, bulletin ne- ai $166 millions lI 1937 and $149. centl suc by the Department, millions i 1938 and 1939 have aiT0d1 n Commerce. -i cen weil surpasaed. Expe"dtur- By. private matar, train,. bus, e., by United States tourists li aenop ne and boat, toVrlsts irom 1946 now eatlmatcd at $214 mil- Aerica and abraad' flocked to lion compare witha revlsed to- Canada laut year lI uxprecedent- tel oi $163.3 i.iillion li 1945, an .cd numbers, following Uic war Increase ai nearly $51 -million or penlod ai restrlcted travel. Of' 31,p.c. This new record neflecta thc $221 m-illon dollar total, $109 favaurably fram thc -previaus milions, or. 50.05 per cent ai thc high ai $184 millions li 1929. and total, vas left li Ontario. the prc-war figure of $149 mil- Firut Tourit lion li 1937 and $137 millions ini Canma'stouiat ndutryhas1939 for U.S. visitons to, Canada. rcame a long.way fram. the firstý Huge Volume tourinst-Marc Lescarbot a French Sumnmarizlng Uic year 1940 if. la gentleman ai leisure and. Paris- noted that the ttal valume ai len lawyer who visltclPart Roy- non-reaident' entries ,ta Canada aie, Acadia in 16W8 and w ane acras the United States border of the finit faundens ai the Order reached the impressive sum ai of Gaad Cheer-"lL'Ordre du, Bon over 21,100,000 'compared *wil iTemps." He was an, abject ai 17,100,000 in 1945 and 10,600,000 great curioslty ta Uic early set- in 1939. Althaugh short. term tiers wha, were puzzled by the visits by matorists and by "aother. y resence ai a countryman who travellers" accounted, for a eon- just came to visit and enjoy him- siderable part ai the 4i,000 li- self- among the' inaustiaus mnak- crease over 1945, the bona-fide ers ai Canada, whlling away his tourist contnibuted a fair ahane- of time In short tours, wrltlng poe- Uic advance. try taklng. copiaus note. an lie, We Travel Tooc aIRI manners and. genenally. liv- One ai the important dveop-. ig a . ie ai case. The millions I ments ai international trÈavel dur- of touristà that visit Canada an- ing 1946 bas beeni the, great li- nually arc no langer abjects ai crease li the expendîture ai Arn-, cUniasity but have came ta, be nc- encan dollars by Canadlianis trav- crepted as inevitable and welcomc elling ta the United States. With, As the return ai the birds. the easing ai restrictions omk -U.S. S Canada's taurist, trade is ex- currency authorized ta, Canadians çeeded only by exporta ai ncws- for travel, the dropplng ai g;so-, pnint asa. single contibutor aiflime and'tire rationing, withmore Amenican cunnency ta Uic natian. xnadlans. are estimated ta have ex- al econamy. Receiptu from U.S. leisure and money available, Ca- tra-vel li Canada help ta make pended a new record ai $135 mil- possible the large volume ai Can- lions at travel beyand aur bar- adian travel ta the United States dens, .with $131 millions an Un- andt, othen bard currency areas ited States accaunt. This expen- for reasans ai pleasune, business ditune naturally repriesents a sev-1 an health. eré draini an the Canadlan supply1 The yean 1946 definitely estab-. ai Amenicancurrency and the net lishedý a new record for taurist balance or. credit. an travel ac-i expenditures i Canada, as well count wlth. the United States.,,de- as a new maximum fan Canadians spite the record expenditunes 'xIn travelling, abroad, mainly -ta the, Canada ai Americans was limit-1 United States. Rcvised prelimin- éd ta about $83 million dollars, a ary expenditures ai travellers ta minar increase frûôm the e82 mil.. Canada from the United, States lion credit ai 1945. The pre.sent are placcd at a new* bigh. ai two autlay by Canadian taunists is hundred and founteen million double the 1936-1939 average and dollars, whilc touniats iram. aven- i la in linewith the risc in total net seas cauntries and Newioundland personal incarnes ai Canadians are estimated ta have spent about whîch climbed fnom $3,978 mil- seven million dollars duning their lions li 1938 ta an estln¶tated $9,- visita on Canadian sail. The ag- 172 millions li 1946. gregate expendilture ai $221 mil-. lions for all travel ta Canada nep- The task ai democratie gavern- réSents an Inenease of 33 p.c. on ment is -not ta govern but ta in- $55 millions aven the'revlsed ta- spire people ta govern thernsolves. Bromo-Seltzer -95e-49e-25e Bayer Aspirbn, 79c-290-18C Phensle Tablets -----25e lIssal Tablets, 100's -___39o GIN PILLS IIW39c469e SCartersa LileLiver Pilla 67e-33c Bile Beans - - ------ ----- 47e Chaze's Kidney aid Lver Pilla 35e Beecham's' Pilla _______23c-49c LEG PAINTS' Dubarry Lotf Maké-up - $1.00 Duration Leg-do ..49e Ne-Ho. wlth appileator -. 65e Fathere Day Speclal GILLEIM SHAVING KIT Toe.b aser, SIIaYiIIECream i FOR MORE rENER'IG N109Z UNIORNI ASTR NOTIC-E New Ice Prices Now In, E Due to Our' Inoreased cost o! bce, plus iand maintenance whieh we absorbed during the find it nocesoary to make the following price effeetive, at once: 100 Ibos 50 Mon, 25 Ibs -60C - 32e - 17e 10428 lb Tickets- wi Phone 439 BOT WATER BO1-rLIS,"Dpendable" .. $1.00 LYBOL ffl ýYZTÂIfT .............. .350 -4504-25 BORACIC AOID, 'I.D.A. Brand ....................... lb. 250 MERCUROCHROME, LD.A. Brand .., /2-oz. 15o PuIS? Arn KITS Complété 950 up TINOTURE o! IODINE 1 and 2-oza. 20C - 35C »SORBEIqT COTT'ON 150 28e - 50o GAUZE BANDAGES 10-yi. lengths 150 - 200 Up ÂDHEBIVE TAPE ......................8o - 12o - 15e -.25e THERMOMETERS, Olnlal type ............... $1.25 Up BAYER ASPIRIN, for pai ........... 18o - 29o - 79c CALAMINE LOTION, I.DA.. , ...... 4-bz. 25e I.D.A. DRANDSPECIALS Ileen-Or Antiseptie, Reg. 25c, 79e ..... ..........19o - 63e Friars Balzapi, 1 and 2-os., Reg. 20c, 35e ....- 17o - 27c Analgesia Bah»,1r z, Reg. 25e ......................19c Oil of Wlntergreen, 3-os., Reg. 25e .................190 Spirit of Turpentine, 4-oz., Reg. 15e *4&O em* ..........12c W orm Syrup, 2-oz., Reg. 35c ............................ 27c ZozemaOntmeut, 114-or., Reg. 39e ......................29C Kbsen-Or Tooth Powder, U-z., Reg. 29oe.............. On tils date remomber hlm wlth »ome littis git te let hlm know how muehholieIo appreelsted. Some suggestiops are llsted below. Senry Perkins Biifolds .................. 2.25 to $9.0 Pipes - Choie of Styles .................$1.50 to $7.50 Packard letrie Shayo................... ....-w............ $24.50 Oehiek Injector Rasr md Blade h ........M. 14 P a lgCards. ......... . ................... ..... . Up. S a lgB u ..................................500 te 10.00 Llmdu"ilasVqsI l.... . .. 65o- $1.25 liams' * I FOR HEALTH AND VIGOUR I.DA. Health Saits --- 59o Eno's Fruit Salt 98c-5.qo Alka-Selizer -- - ----- 57c-29*e Wampole's Grape Sait - 50e Kkovah Saits 79c-29e BARGAINS $1.25 Plnkham's Camp. --87e $2.25 Lactogen------ $15 35e Corega 24e 39c A.S.A. Tablets -- -___19e 60c Robinson's Barley - -33e AlexNMcGregor,'D'rugs IOWMANVILLE. Your Local I.D.A. Drugglst PHONE 792 I t-. ,~ M M M M M M M M M M M M :ffect i M M. delivery M war, We M M ch3nges : M 'M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M - M 1.50 I u - M M M M ceN M r ~ w, M M M v--ý- 'Friendly, Personal Service and Low, Competitive City Prices a nM ÙÂNMLt-N STATMUM.'BbWMA"= ;Uj Rinn 1 i i 1 ý ý p .

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