I. WKUEDAYJUNE 5th, 1947 ¶~E CAN DEAN ST&TEBM&N. EOWMANVILLU. ONTAWTn PAGE IMS J QI $ O N SALU-TES SITORI". WONDER . SHOW. 0F OUR TIME! LARRY PARKS In a characteristie pose as lis appears ln "The Jolson Story" THE VALUES ... THE SEVCS... THE BE.NEFITS .. OF THE TOWN'S F11EST MERCHANTS ARE.ADVERTISED ON THIS SPECIAL EVENT PAGE IN THRULLING TRIBUTE TO BOTH JOLSONy A GREAT ENTERTAINER9 AND TO. BOWMANVILLE'S MOST DISCRIMINATiN(k PERSON9 THE BOWMANVILLE SHOPPER l EVELYN KEYES Georgeous Follies Girl Entrano- Ing cq-iutar ln "The Jolsn Stor7,» «Durham's Leading Wearlng Apparel Store" Salutes "The Jolson' Story" a glorious technicolor cavalcade of miusic and heart.stlirring entertainment. Enriched by the music . the times. . the nmagie of America 's greatest entertainer "The Jolson $tory" will be cherished for ail time as your most beloved movie experience. "IM SITTING ON TOP 0F THE WORLD ". & a111 be the thought 'n your mind and the song on your lips as you drive with a tankful of Cities Service Super Ethyl i It's POWER-packed 1 Fill'er up at- - - ilmer Motor Sales Garage and Service Station REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 0F CARS DEALER FOR PLYMOUTH AND CHRYSLER CARS FARGO TRUCK$ 0King St. E. Phoné 487 When You Were Sweet Sixteea" ly the Lfight of the Silvery M-oon " and young and gay and fresh You promised yourself tha.t you'd nover grow old. Reniember? -- Burely the days and years have flown . . . But no tmatter .-. you can stili keep that young look. The . Iris Beauty Salon Alsthe Latest Beauty Aidai abundance for every age and occasion. THE IRIS BEAUTY SALON JURY JUBILER BUILDING "She's a Latin from Manhattan" Or maybo she 's just from King Street, Bowmanville. But the chances are that no matter where she hails from she'll fiud it liard to resist a lovely Bulova Masterpiece. s JEWELLER-Y "lAnniversary Song" . *. Liza"l "lAfter The Balil" .113."waneell "'Ave Maria" .. "Avalon" "The. Jolson Story"l In rich with nluoio of our time. And for all the good foods you require for those extra specil meas you'll get thern Bt our modern self-serve store. Ail Orders Over $2.00 Delivered FRE in the Town Area. TRY ZER-O-PAE FROZEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES HARRY ALLIN "dTHE CORNER GROCERY"', Phono 367 King st. Z. MAR-R "Ca1ifornia Here1 Core" Won 't 114 Your Thome Song Next Wintr.. It's Californis Westher At Home Ail The Time With A BLUE COAL AUTOBATIO HEAT REGULATOR FOI A WIrM YOU'LL IfEVER PORGECT The Sheppard aid 0111 LUMBER CO. LTD. ?Roux 715 BOWX&XVUJLs 96 KING ST. EL BOýWMAN VIf-lýL .LE I f 2< 16APR-IL SHOWERSIO Let it rain . .* Let it pour. You won't care amy more .. With Heating and Plumxbing installed and serviced by ut. For speedy, efficient and ecomomical repairs to your heating and plumbing systems. Caîl 651 PREPARE FOR WINTER NOW!1 Lot us instaîl a new furnace now and savo yourself the inconvenience of being without heat. Bert Parker & Sons Heating - Pluinbing - Tinimithing PHONE 651 47 KING ST. E. ROCK-A-BYE YOUR BABY" * Prom his earliest day. - to that happy moment when he joyfuily gue- until the tino cornes to carry hi. own booku b uachool, his health 1s YOur greatuut consideration. MiI.k is the finest and cheapest food you can serve hlm. EVERYBODY NEEDS MILK!1 It is health by the glass .. Serve it at every meal. LYON'S DAIRY 162 KING ST. E. PHONE 446 You'lilB. Slnging Ail The Famous Songe From "The Jolson Story" When you equip your home or farm wlth the labour-saving goods found in our store. Corne in and look around at our large dispisys of kitchon utensils, paint. and varniahes, electrical appliances, f armequipment, builders' supplies, etc. ZVZRYTIWG YOU NEED ?OR ]PARU OR HOM McGregor's Hardware SIIELF ANI) HEAVY HARDWARE 7 KING ST. 3. 1 PHONE77 A THE "M CAIFAMM »OWMANvnaz ONTAMO Phone 463 1 i Pa