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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1947, p. 16

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TEE CANADIA! STATESMAN, ECWtLMIVILI,_ONAPMO ?Tf8Aamu! 2156'IM ________ N BIRTIl ALLIN-Mn. andi Mrs. Percy AI- lin, (noo Acy Horn), Oshawa, are happy ta announce the birth ai thei- daughter Sheila Lorraine at Bowmanville Hospital an Juno 2nd, 1947.. 23-1* BYERS-Mr. and Mns. H. Gardon Byers (nec Marion Mahood) are happy ta announce the birth of a baby girl (Patricia Margaret> at St. Michael's Hospital, Taranto, on June 2, 1947. 23-1 ORMISTON-Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Ormiston (nec Catherine Minto) are happy ta announce the birtb ai their daughter, Hazel Dianne, May 28, 1947, at Oshawa Genenal Hospital. 23-1* LEADBEATER-Mn. and Mns. Arthur Leadbeater, Enniskilcn, arle happy ta announce the birth ai thein son, George Arthur, at Bowmanville Hospital, on June 2, 1947. 23-1 SANDERS-Mr. and Mns. Jacks S andens wish ta annaunce the ar- rivai ai their daughten Julia Anne, at Bowmanville Hospital on Fi- day, May 30, 1947. A baby sisten for Linda and Babby. 23-1 WERRY-Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Werny, Solina, anc happy tg an- naunce the binth af their son, Glen Wesley, a brother ion 'Edgar and Anne, on June 1, 1947, at Bow- manville Hospital. 23-1' ENGAGEM ENTS Mn. and Mrs. R. Rogers wish ta announce the engagement oi their daughter Barbara May ta Robent Malvern Wonsley, son of Mm. and Mrs. M. Wonsley, Wèst Hill. The marniage will take place in Osh- awa, June 28, quictly. 23-1 Mn. and Mrs. James Richard Thompsan, ai et. Catharines, an- nounce the engagement of thein daughten, Ruth Jeanne, ta Doctar Keith William Siemon, son ai Dr. andi Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Baw- manville, Ontario. The mamiage will take place an Saturday, June 28th at seven o'clock at Qucen Street Baptist Church, St. 'Cath- aines, Ontario. 23-1 The engagement is announced ai Marion Winnifred daughter ai H. W. Hamm and the late Mns. Hamm ta James Albert, son ai Mrs. Colin Colville and the late Colin Colville. The wedding wili take place on June 28th in Port Penny. 23-1' The engagement is announced oi Gertrude Louise Foley, Reg.N., daugbter ai Howard R. Foley and the late Mns. Foley ai Bowman- ville, ta Clarence John Bell son oi Mn. Lawrence Bell and the late Mns. Bell ai Kendal. The mar- niage wili take place in Mapie Grave United Church, June 2lst. 23-1' DEATH CLARK-In Winnipeg, on Tues- day, May 27, 1947, Sarah Ann Clark, widaw ai the late B. J. Clark, and dean mather ai Mns. C. H. Mason. Bunial taok place in Winnipeg. PAINTON-At Bowmanvilie, an May 30, 1947, William Paintan, be- loved husband ai the late Eliza- beth Anne Sanders, in bis 88th year. Interment Bowrnanville cernetery. PAYNE-At bis late residence, Lot 2, Broken Front, Clarke Twp., on Thunsday, May 29th, 1947, William Payne, beioved husband ai Ethel L. Jones, in bis 8lst year. Funenal service was held at the residence, Sunday, June lst, at 2:30 p.m., fallowed by intenmen± et Lakeview cemetery, Newton- 'ville, Ont. 23-1' Foot Remedies Quinsana Foot Powder 59e Scoot Cream..--...-.----------50e Cor-n Solvent -- ---- 25e Seholis Moleskin 35e Foot EIm --- ------ ----40e Sehoils Foot Soap ----------35o Freezone.............----- 32c Cross Plastie Corn Pads --. 50o Schôlls Kirotex.........-------35e Ais Foot Bath Tablets.----35c British Army Foot Powder 25e Saut Ped Foot Balm 60e NOXZEMA SPECIAL 10-os. jar for 98o .MARRIAGE TAIT-SIMPSON-On Saturday, May 31, 1947, in St. Cuthbert s Church, Leaside, by Rev. Canon Pl. M. Lamb, Donotby Patricia, daughtcn af Mn. and Mrs. Henry W. Simpson, ta William Irving, Tait, son of Mn. and Mrs. William C. Tait of Bowmanville. 23-1 CARDS 0IF TH1ANKSý I wish ta thanis my fniends and neigb.bors for thein many kind acts and good wishes duning my necent illness. Claire Tnewin. 23-1 Ernest G. Mitchell wishes ta thanis Dr. H. B. Rundle, neigh.- bars and friends, also St. John's Men's Club for their kind' thoughts and towers neceived while in Osh- awa Hospital. 23-1* The family af the late Alvin Peters wish ta tbank their friends and neighbars for the kind ex- pressions oi sympathy and flow- ers, alsa thanks ta Dr. H. Fengu- son and Miss Reta Kersiake for kindness shown during the ilînes and death ai their father. 23-1 Hubert Murphy, "Murph" wisb- es ta express bis sincere thanks ta fiends and neighbors who sent cards and lettens during bis ne- cent illness. Thanks toa, ta the boys in Reqeiying and Stores and Local 189 ôf Bowmanville Good- year, ta the Hockey Committe ai Bowmanville Lions Club and ta Bill Hearle and Philip Cancihla for thein gifts. Special thanks ta aur Dr. Rundie and ta Mn. and Mrs. Perc Greenfiele and Dr. Storey. 23-1' IN MEMORIAM POINTEN-In loving memory ai aur dear Mother, Louisa Pointen, who passed an, June 4th, 1945. We are quite sure that He wil give them back Bright, pure, and beautiful. We know He will keep Our own and His until we fal aslee.p. We know He does not mean To break the strands that stretch between The Here and Thene. Wc do believe that just the same dear face But giorified , is wating in the place Where we shahl meet. -Lovingly remembened by daughter and son. 23-1* Reception Mn. Cornelius Hughsan. Onono, will be at home ta bis fniends on Thursday, June 12, from 2:30 ta, 5 and 7 ta 9 p.m., it heing the occasion ai bis lOtb binthday an- niversany. 23-1 Auto Service RADIATOR, beater and gas tan' service. Citon Moore, Radiator Service, 160 King Street West Oshawa, phone 4340M. 17-8 Custom Work CULTIVATING, plawing a nd seeding; also John Deere repair parts and repaining donc. F. S. Allen, 44 Concession St. Phone 594. 17-tf Pets For Sale COLLIE pups. Mrs. Inwin Bragg. Phone 2192.L- Filmis Developed LOWER PRICES NOW ! ! w- ing ta the increase in the volume ai business this studio takes plea- sure in annauncing a reduction af ten per cent in all charges for DEVELOPING, PRINTING, EN- LARGING and. COLORING youn snaps, SAME SERVICE, LESS MONEY. The Alpha Studio, 40 King St., Bowmanville. 18-tf Kodaks&Cameras Kodak 35 wlth Range Finder -- 97.50 Cie Kodak ........... 75.00. Kodak Vigilant, Ions 6.3 $30.00' Kodascope Eight.......----95, 00: Brownle Target, 620 .....85.00. Brownle Target, 616 $. 5.75' Brownle Reflex -.--.----89.25: Jifi y Kodak.------ 812.00. Kodak Vigilant - $15.00-$19.00~ Elkay's Math Killer with D.D.T........------ . ---75c: lVood's Math Blocks -15-25.' Larvex83c-$1.2S' Math Ded -_________ Berlou .$131' Take_ Notice BirIIS, Marriages, Deaths, Cards of Tilanks, In Memoriams and Engagements, minimum charge from this date wil be COMING EVENTS Intermediate Hardball .game, at Newcastle, Peterboro va New- castle at 3 p.m. Admission 25c. 23-1 Dance at Bradiey's School Fri- day, June 6, with Bill Clark's or- chestra. Auspices of Solina Football Club. Admission 35c. 23-1 Dance at 1Newcastle Commun- ity Hall, Friday June 6 from 9 to 12. Russ Creighton's orchestra. Sponsored by the Baseball Club. Admission 50c. 23-1 The Women's Hospital Auxil- iary are holding a bridge and tea in the Lions C'ub Commnunity Centre on Beech Ave., commene- ing at 2:45 on Thursday, June 12. Tea and bridge 50c. Tea only, silver collection. Ever.yone wel- corne. 23-1* Owing to unforeseen even tuali- ties the Field Day and Picnic sponsored by the South Darling- ton Township Area and to be held on June 6 has been postponed un- tif a date to be announced later. Garnet Rickard, Chairman. C. Guy, president Area Teachers' Organization. 23-1 Enfield Sunday Schooi Anniver- sary services on Sunday, June 8. Rev. B. S. MorwQod, Oshawa, will preach at both services. Music by the school assisted by special numbers by Ennisisillen talent. Tuesday night, lune 10, at 8:30, Solina Women's Institute wiil pre- sent their play, "'The Farmerette." Music and elocution numbers be- tween acts. Admission 35 and 20c. 23-1. 1Ebenezer Sunday School anni- vesary wilh be held, Sunday June 8th with services at 2 andi 7:30 p. m. Rev. R. G. O 'liver, Toronto, will speak at bath services. Spe- cial music by the school andi chair, assisted by Mrs. H. Bownlee, Oshawa, guest ýoloist, bath aiter- noon and evening. On Monday cvening, June 9th, at 8:30 p.m. Sauina Young People will present thein play "Look Out Lizzie." Ad- misison, aduits 35c; chiidren 15c. 23-1' The Clarke and Darlington Townships Girls' Softball League wiil be officialiy opeuiedi for the season 1947, by the Reeves ai Darlington and Newcastle, when the first game is playedi at New- castle on Friday evening June 6th between Courtice and Newcastle. Games stant at 7:.30 D.S.T. Show youm Intenest and support by at- tending this apening game and make a point ai always attending your borne game durng season 1Q47. The girls wiil appreciate it. 23-1 Maple Grave Sunday School Anniversamy will be held on Sun- day and Monday, June lSth and l6th. On Sunday, June lSth at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Rev. Ernest Rands, pastar ai the Waodbine Heights Unitedi Cburch, Toronto, will be the guest speaker. Special music by the Sunday School. On Manday evening at 8 p.m. a var- iety concert cansisting ai local and outside talent wiil be prescnted andi featuring a ane-aet play en- titled "A Ghastiy Evening," by Maple Grave Young People. Full particulars next week. 23-1 Notice Dr. W. H. Birks' office wiii be closed from May 27th ta July Ist, inclusive. 20-7 We, the undersigned, have been appointed Garbage Collectons by the council for the Village af New- castle. Anyone wishing garbage, etc., collected, please notify Howard Rowe Han-y Middleton Star Steamn Laundry, dry dlean- ing and repairing, announces ag- ent in Bowrnanville. Satisfactory wark guaranteed toalal custamers. Phease try us and bring your laun- dry ta Quinney's*Barber Sbap, 28 King St. E. We know the way ta service. If special service is ne- quiredi phone Oshawa 3164. 20-4 Notice To Creditors Claimants againît the Estate of PERCY ROY LANGMAN of the Village af Coiborne, Ontar- io, formrely ai the Village ai Newcastle, Ontario, Grocer, and more rccentiy ai the Villages ai Winona and Part Credit, Ontario, who died on the 13th day af Match, 1947, are required tafilic with the undersigned on on be- for the fi-st day ai July, 1947, par- ticulars ai their claims, after which tirne the estate will be dis- tributed without reference ta un- known cdaims. DATED this 29th day of May, 1947. A. E. LANGMAN, Box 281, Port Coiborne, Ont. Solicitor for the. Latato. 23-3 FINDLAY cook stove, in gooci condition. Phonc 2889. 23-1 JACKET heater and pipes, quan- tity of pea coal. Phone 665. 23-1* MODEL A Ford, 1931, in good condition. Phone 2736. 23-1 PIANO and guitar, in good con- dition. Phone 661 between i and 5 p.m. 23-1 BOY'S bicycle in good condition. Apply Freemnan Edidy, R.R. 2, Newcastle. 23-1 USED' caql oilstoves; range ttc and electnic stove <Hotpoint), looks like new. Phone 811. 23-1* JEEP, in Ai condition. Seli cheap. H. W. Stapletor., Ncwtonviile. 23-1* PIANOS, new and used instru- ments for sale. Telephone F. J. Mitchell, Bowmanville. 23-1* FOR Rawleigh's Good Health Products, call Howard R. Foley, the Bowmanville dealer. Phone 2489. 23-2* CLARE Jewell Range, 2-tone cream enamel, Ai condition. Also heater. Apply 23 Brown St. 23-1* THREE h.p. gasoline engine with beit pulley. Garnet Riekard. Phone 2813. 23-1* USED sewing m achines, bought and sold. Highest prices paid. Write or phone Singer Sewing Machine Company, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696, Oshawa. 23-tf NEW Indian Motorcycles, used motorcycles. Parts and accessor- les. Tires, oil and batteries, etc. Repairs. Doc Berry, 313 and 292 Pine Ave. Phone 4121J, Oshawa. 21-4 SABLE fur jacket size 16; flower- ed bridge table, solid oak hall seat. Phone 802, between 6 and 7 p.m. 23-1 WE have a quantity of Warwick Hybrid Seed Corn. Further sup- plies are uncertain. Please order early. H. W. Stapleton, Newton- ville. Phone Clarke 8. 23-2* QUICK sale, '39 Chev. Master 85, excellent condition, rebuilt motar in March, tires good. Apply ta Howard Farder, Blackstock, phone Port Perry 197-5. 23-1* MOFFAT insulated gas stave, 4- burner, high aven, warming dlo- set, drawer, oven negulatar and pilot lhght. See C. A. Brown at Massey-Harris Shap, Bowman- ville. 23-1 RECORD player, walnut veneer cabinet, plays 10 and 12" records, excellent condition. Apply 26 Di- vision St. 23-1* McCORMICK corn binder new 1944; McCormick combine, 6 f t., new 1943; Letz combinatian feed maker and silo filler, new 1945. Wm. C. Parsons, R.R. 2, powman- ville, phone 2315. 23-1* OUTBOARD Motors, brand new 1 h.p. $79.50, immediate delivery. Transportation pnepaid. Chnis- tian's Electric and Hardware, Osh- awa, Ontario." 18-6 MOFFAT Handi-Chef, wîll cook a full meal. Plug in anywhere. Handy for cottage. Phone 648. 23-hf ESSEX sedan, 1931, Serial No,. 1243023, tires and battery good. W. A. Adams, phone Clarke 1911. 23-1* FORD deluxe sedan, 1941,-newly painted, maraon, new engine. C. Payne, R.R. 3, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 2811. 23-1 ROOFING, 21 rails of Brantford raofing, slate sunfaced, Burma red No. 90, Phone 2679, Bowmanville. 23-1 CHEVROLET Master Coach, '41, excellent condition throughout. Heater and slip covers, 5 nearly1 new tires. This car is perfect mechanically. West End Garage, 95 King St. W. 23-1* MODEL B Ford Sedan, 1932, Ser- ial Number A-1637, 5 excellent tires and tubes. New engine aver- haul, casting $125. New battery. NEW oquipment: Case rubben tir- ed wagon; Spraymator nubber tir- cd wagon; Case twa-furnow trac- ton plow; anc-hanse scufflens; 4- section dnag hanrows; Otaco wbeeis for nubber tires; hay foi-k nope; Beatty water bowis. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer. Phone 497. 0 23-i BISSELL spring tooth sAuff1ers at $19. Otaco scuffiers with bilions, Otaco Road Master trailer wagons at $137; wagon whoel sets, Auto- trac attachrnents and repairs, caw bowls and ýpiping, reconditioned Massey 17-tooth cultivaton, wag- ons, car tires 8 per cent, truc k tires 10 per cent discount, phono Clarke implement dealer, Carl Todd, 15 r 20. 23-10' Auctio'n Sales Furniture Sale-I have been favored with instructions fnom Mn. John Fisk, Orono, ta seli by public auction, Satunday, June 7, bis entire household furniture. For funther particulars sec buis. Tenms cash. Jack Reid, auctian- en. 22-2 The undensigncd bas neceived instructions from Mrs. William Wright, village ai Tyrone, ta sîll by public auction al ber house- hold effects on Saturday, June 14. Sec list in next week's papen. Any- anc wisbing ta put furniture in this sale may do so. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Tcrms cash. Clifford Pctb- ick, auctianeer.., 23-i The undersigncd bas rccivcd instructions to scîl by public auc- tion for Mrs. Pallie Dutka, Lot 27, Con. 10, Clarke Twp. (2 miles south ai Pontypooh and anc mile west) on Monday, June 16, five Percheron hanses; 30 hcad ai Dur- ham cattie; 50 bushèls buckwbcat full line ai nearly ncw farn ma- cbineny. Sce bis. Tcrms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 23-2 The undersigned bas received instructions from Mn. G. W. Arm- strong, Lot 5, Con. 1, Cavan Twp. (ane mile west af Carmel Schaal) ta seil by public auctian on Sat- urday, ,lune 14, at 2 p.m., anc barn, 30x5O, with gaad stable; anc doubie-boarded hen house, l0x22; anc shed, 12x16; farne bouse, 24x 26; four thousand icet ai new pine lumber; and a numben af other small buildings. Sec bis. Terrns cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 23-2 The undersigned bas received instructions ta seil by public auc- tion on Saturday, June 7, for Stanley Taylor, Lot 17, Con. 1, Cartwright Twp. (anc mile nortb and twa miles east ai Bunketon) seven Registered Shortborn beif- ens, ail vacnated; aiso some grade cattie; bay geiding, 8 yeans; 16 Tamwonth sows, some due time of sale; 12 yaung pigs; four Yorkshire boars, 3% manths aId; saws are aIl registened. There wiil also be some implements. Tenms cash. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Clifford Pethicis, auctianeer. 22-2 Furniture Sale-The undersign- cd bas rcceived instructions iram R. W. Milligan, Newcastle (at C. P.R. subway on Orono Road) ta scîl by public auction on Satur- day, June 7, dishes; tools; chester- field suite; chairs; stoves; beds; couches; tables; chests ai. drawers; Essex sedan, 1929; Autotrac trac- ton, with Buicis motor, Ah condi- tion; and other articles taa num- erous ta mention. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. Lloyd Ste- phenson, auctianeer. 23-1 The undersigned bas received instructions from Mns. Gea. Bnown ta seli by public auction ber entine househald funnitune and iurnishings including; twa radios; 3-piece chesterfield suite; 6-piece breakfast suite; vacuum cleaner; studio cauch; foiding bcd; bcd- room suite, painted; thrcc beds, complete; bookcase; ice box; floor and table lamps; end tables and rockers; oak dîning raom suite; cangaleum rug; lawn chairs; sleep- ing bag; good cooking utensils and dishes; doll's pram; mimons; and, numenaus smali articles. Sale wiil be held on lot just nortb af E. S. Harnden's garage, canner On- tario and King Sts., Bowmanvilic, on Saturday, June 7, at 1:30 p:m. Terrns cash. Wm. J. Challis, auc- tioneen. T. S. Mountjoy, clerk. 23-1 The undersigned bas received instructions from Mrs. Sid Scott ta seli by public auction ber household funniture and furnish- ings at ber residence, canner ai Centre and Lowe Sts., Bowman- ville. Sale will include: Chester- field chairs; baircioth couch; wai- nut bedroam suite, 4 piece; white bedroom suite, 5 piece; tbree .oak bcdroom suites (good); cane bat- tomed dining chairs; coucb and twa chairs ai genuine leather; ma- hogany table with drawer; gram- aphone; fireside stool; quarter-eut dining table; china cabinet and chairs, genuine leather uphols- fery; walnut dining table; wainut wardrobe; two cedar chcsts; sev- eral chests of drawers; book cases; office desk and chair; hall rack; TENERS TENDERS are invited for the interinr deconation of Ennisisilien United Churcb, wonk ta, be stant- cd about June 23rd, compieted by July 7tb. Tenders must be in by June 7th. LdWest or any tender flot noces- sarily accepted. For information apply ARTHUR M. WEARN, 22-2' VlnnÀstkillen Wanted FARMERS Attention! Growers wanted ta contnact for acreage ai early seed beans at a set pnice, al varieties availabie. Part Hope, phone 598, night 202. P.O. Draw- cm 520. 22-2' HISTORIC hetters, documents, photographs and other related ar- ticles pertaining ta the histanicai develapment ai Bowmanville and district by the Bawrnanvilie Pub- lic Library, for its newly created Historic Section. Additional in- formation may be secuned frorn Mrs. W. F. Bowers, Libranian, F. E. Marrili, Secretary, Bowman- ville Public Librany. 22-4 Wanted to Exchange CHEVROLET Master, '35, in gond condition for aider car and cash. Phone 503 Clarkse. 23-1* Wanted to Rent TWO or 3 unfurnished raams in Bowmanvilie, urgently needed by young couple, no childnen. Write Box 901 Statesman Office, Bow- manvilie. 23-1* Wanted 1'o Buy MODEL A Fond. Will paycash. Phone 2332, Bowmanvile. 23.1* ALL types live pouitny and fea- thers, top pnices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1,' Bethany, phoneè Bethany 7 n 13. 1-tf LIVE hanses for mink and fox food. Ah hanrses humaneiy slaugb- tered. Caîl us fan highest prices. Mangwili Fur' Farm, R.R. 1, Tyr- anc. Phone Bowrnanvilie 2679. 13-tf OLD narses for fur iarm, $1.00 per hundred, appraximate weigbt, delivered bere. For slightly iess we will bumanely destroy your hanses an your own fanm. Ran- kine Mink Ranch, Haydon. Phone Bowmnanville 2888. 38-tf HeIp Wanted TWO girls, waitress and belp, for summen resont. Appiy M. Loi- chicis, Pontypool, 23-1* GIRL ta help with light bouse- work and cane ai small chiidnen, especially duning the summen months. Phone 2813. 23-1 WAITRESS, chamber maîd, also kitchen belp nequired. Live- in or out. Apply Balmoral Hotel. 23-1' RELIABLE housekeeper, by eld- erly lady in Whitby; conveniences. References an asset. Appiy J. M. Kirby, P.O. Box 48, Oshawa. 22-2k GIRL or wornan, steady employ- ment, 8-hour day, usual weekly holiday, good working conditions. Olympia Cafe, Bowmanville. Phone 888. 23-3* FIREMAN and maintenance man with 4th class papens. Ligbt wonk and gaad pay. Apply by letter ta R.. J. Dilli:ng, secnetary Bow- manville Hospital Board, Bow- manville. 23-h CAPABLE trustwonthy woman fon kitchen, with plain cooking experience, ta wonk under cook. No laundry or genenal housewonk. Excellent saiary. Must bave nef- erences. Write Miss Carneron, Parkwood, Oshawa. 23-,1 AN OPPORTUNITY-Establisb- cd Rural Watkins District avail- able. If yau are aggressive, and betwcen the ages of 25 and 55, have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity ta get established in a profitable business ai your awn.. For full panticulans write taday ta The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-B-9 2177 Mas- son St., Montreai, Que. 23-4 GOOD caok, general, woman pre- ierred, able to cook for 60 guests, $160 per month; kitchen heipen, $75 per month; dish wasber, $75 per month; girl ion cabin wonk, $35 per month. Apply T. H. Hun- genford, Lumina,, Fox Point, Ont. 23-1 FAMILEX offers you mare money ...langer ondens in the doan ta door seliing field. Customens anc enthused over the value ai aur 200 guananteed bousehold necessi- tics. Eveny persan a potentiai buyer. Operate in town or in tbe country if yau own a car. Secure the profitable Famiiex agency in youn territary. Details and cata- logue free. Dept. H. 1600 Delor- irnier, Montreal. 23-1 Lost BLUE feit bat with awner's ini- tiais inside, taken in erar fnom Rotaian-Farmer's banquet in Newcastle. S. J. Lancaster, R.R. 2, Newcastle. Phono Clanke 27Î03. 23-1' Strated BOSTON buiidog, part terrien, answers ta name ai Tippie, bas been away about 3 weeks--most- ly black with wvhite mfarkings. Phono 2468, receive reward. 23-1' Room and Board Wanted YOUNG man nequines noom and board in Bowmanviiie. Write ta Box 903 Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 23-1' Work Wanted PAINTING, intenior and extenian, and paperhanging. Reasonable rates. Phone 2960. . 23-tf For Rent BARBER shop on King St.,*New- castle. Apply Mrs. Percy Hare, Newcastle. 23-if SINGER portable electnic in your own home. $5 per manth. Sing- er Sewing Machine Ca., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf ONE furnished raom, couid be used as bëdroom or ligbt bouse- keeping raam. Close ta downtown. Write P.O. Box 516, Bowmanviile. 23-1 * TENDER TENDERS FOR GOAL AND COKE Pr-ovince ai Ontario SEALED TENDERS addressed ta the undensigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal" wiii be receiv- cd uintil 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), Thuns- day, June 19, 1947, fon the supply of coal and cake for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Pro- vince oif Ontario. Fonms ai tenden witb specifica- tions and conditions &ttached can be obtained inom the Purcbasing Agent, Depantment ai Public Wonks, Ottawa, and the Supervis- ing ArcLitect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tendens shouid be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accondance with depant- mental specifications and condi- tions attached theneto. Coal deal- ens' licence numbens must be giv- en wben tendening. The Department resenves the rigbt ta demand inom any success- fui tenderer, befare awarding the ondcr, a security deposit in the form af a centified cheque an a chartered bank in Canaaa, made payable ta the orden ai the Hon- ourable the Ministen of Public Works, equal ta 10 per cent ai the amaunt of the tender, on Bearen Boncs ai the Dominion ai Canada on ai the Canaclian National Rail- way Company and its constituent coirapanics unconditionally guar- anteed as ta principal and interest by the Dominion ai Canada, or the afonementioned bonds and a centified cheque, if required ta make up an odd amount. Such security will serve as a guanantee for the propen fulfil- ment ai the contract. By orden, J. M. SOMERVILLE, Secnetary. Department ai Public Warks, Ottawa, June 2, 1947. 23-2 Real Estate For Sale LARGE building lot on Liberty St. N. at foot af Carlisle. Apply 24 Carlisle Ave. 22-2 CHOICE building lot, best garden land, weii dnained; size 70xl38; Lover's Lane. F. M. Gardner, phone 810. 23-1* SOLID brick dwelling, gond loca- tion, 8 raams, ail furnace, lange garden, eanly possession. Stuart R. James, 24 King St. E., Bawman- ville. 23-1' COTTAGE, West Side Bawman- ville Beach at "The Cave." Stuart R. James, 24 King St. E., Bow- manvilie. 23-1* Radio Service THE Radio Sbop, Bawmanville, offers bonest changes, latest type equipment and tnained person- nel. Our two radia technicians botb boid Governent Certificates af Praficiency in Radio. Phone 573. 20-tf SEE Articles For Ule . Classifi.ed Ad Lates C ORN CASH RATE: ' cents a word (minimum 35c) Must be pald before insertion IF CHAEGED: 3 cents a word (minimum 50a) 25o extra for box numbers or replies dlrected to this office ADITONAL INSERTIONS SAME RATES Ail CIassifIed AdIets Muet Be In Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY You must Include cash, Étamps, or money order, wlth copy to get low rate, 1 : I I I I I I I I I I I I I "I t Compoundlng prescriptions requfres not only pharmical knowiedge, but strict adherence t. precision measure- monts.> Your Rexali druggist follows your doctor's orderu t. the most minute and palnstaklng detail. JURY C& LOVELL EVIERYTHING IN Hybrid & OpenmPollinated Sundan Grass - Millets - Sorghum -itape Mangel and Turnip Seed Phono 577 law Llvestoek ]For Sa"- HOLSTEIN cow 5 years old -'wftb calI 4 weeks aid. WiII belt o. gether or separateiy. M. I>nu, R.R. 2, Bowmanvllle. i ONE Holstein helfer, cfue i'0 week. App]y Bert Budai, R. 8 Bowmanville. Phone 2810. 83-i NINE Yorkshire piga, sevn weeks oldl, and one Holstein hoUl- er ta, renew in July. Fred Rab.. bins R.R. 1, Hampton. Phone Oshawa 1652Jl-2. 23-2' TWO registcrcd Holstein b)uIls, 14 and 20 months aid. Walter Fnank, R.R. 5, Bowmanvill., Phone 2403. 23-1* ONE rcgîstercd Yorkshire saw and litter of ten pigs, also 4 bred reg- istened Yorkshire gilts, due in Au- guest. Leslie Coambes, phono 2581. 23-1' TEAM af work hanses, suitabie for market gardener; aisa anc Blacksmith drill; power drill, Hawaian guitan, practically o C. Payne, R.R. 3, Newcastic.'ýîmWi EIGHT Yorkshire pigs, il weeks aid. J. E. Cook, R R. 4, Bowman- ville. Phone 2435. 23-1 TWO good Durham rcnewed cows with calves 2 weeks' aid at side. Frank Aldswartb, Countice. Phone 491J2, Oshawa. 23-1 NINE pigs, six weeks old; York- shire sow due June 25. Raymond Clapp, Tynone, phone 2980. 23-1* Chicks For Sale 100 HYBRID B.R. x N.H. sexed chicks, six weeks aid. These chicks are a real buy. Phone 2717 Bowmanville. 22-2 FOR immediate delivery Bray Hatchery has some 2-3 week aid stanted chicq<s. Ask for list show- ing bneeds, and quantities avail- able. They also have day-olds, pullets, non-sexed, cockenels. July- August broiler chicks should be ordened soon aiso. Agent F. L. Byam, Tyrane. 23-1 BARGAINS in chicks for this week and ::ext: Barred Rock, New Hampshire, White Rock, Light Sussex. Newv Hamnshire x Barred Rock, Banred Rock x New Hamp- shires, Light Sussex x New Hamp- sbires, Light Sussex x Banred Rock non-sexed 9.95, puliets 15.95, cacisereis 8.95. Assorted heavles non-sexcd 8.95. nuilets 14.95, cocis- enels 7.95. White Leghorn x Barred Rock, Austra White 8.95, nullets 18.95, cockerels 3.95. White Leghorn 8.95, pullets 18.95, cocis- ereis 1.00. AEzortpd Light or Me.- dium breecis nor1-saxe' 7.95, puli. lets 17.C5. Twc xveck ol add 6.00, three wee'k aid add 11.00 per hun- dred. Shiliped C.O.D. This ad- vertisament m1% accompany your order ta neceive these speciai pri- ces. Also pulIcts eight weeks ta layinfr. Top Natch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont. 231 Personal SLENDOR Tablets are effective. 2 wecL-s' supply $1; 12 wee F5 at McGregar's Drug Store. Vi RHEUMATTC pain, Sciatica, Lum- bago quickly relieved by using Rumacan)s. Recommended by tholisands wha have gpined better hcý,1th. Dyer's Drug Store, NÇ1ýw- castie. 23-i HYGIENIC supiplies (rubber goods) mailed postp)aid in plain sealed envelane with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. -Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 18-9 o0 II!9WMNVILLE # 0oDusiness School o O 0 0 Courses In0 0Stenography - Bookkeeplng 00 0 and office Practlce 0 o Fail Term Begins o 0

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