TEUESDAY, ~NE Stb, W? "M CANADAN STATESUM, ebwAnvn!Lx OHTAMO FO H~f' The Health .1 Caiadiaus ice fZmBh? soc R UMr. and Mrn. R. P. Byers,ý Dun- A Idas St. W., Toronto, mre hi Disesse Ï11Abl Addess golden wedding last week when a a number of relatives and friends se called ta extend good wlshes. The ly ý lr£ oy Lbride of 50 years wae the former At Bowmanville Wamen's Ini- er of the programi. mlias o a plce B l kOt. Th stitute meeting in the Union Hall Mns. Langmaid, president of Sa- omaiage taok ,lc in lasoc on May 29, a good attendance of lina Institute and a past presi- oma 26, 1897. iTcoupleohave -inembers and a iew visitors greet- dent of West Durham District, mae theirs. heyinaToront onfo ed Mrs. Boy Langmaid, Solina, gave a fine inspiratianal talk oeJ. 30 yars. They ho aasones guest speaker, who was introduc- '"TMe Health of Canada" and men- jenard Bers, o wspr ed by' Mrs. Edwin Wood, coflvefl tioned seven elements that con-enathecebain tribute to the health of a Cana- ___________________dian cafmunity. In her apening Hearty Welcome Given remarks the speaker said that the * ~~sD vs general belief is that the funda- Ms ldsD ve mental health of the Dominion is Brlde-to-Be from Wales good with a sound constitution, in ____ RotW aerwished ta make some suggestions !th Black assembled at the home Hot ate towrdsa cntinanc ofthis P01- of Mrs. C. Gatcheli which was icy and which also might contri- festive with lovely bbuquets of as- bute towards improvement. sorted spring fiowers, on Thurs- Civie Government day evening ta welcome Miss Gla- Heain aTh~e standard af the civic mar- dys Margaret Davies who recent- aito a community is rated oï ly arrived from Swansea, Wales, flrst importance, and representa- ta become the bride af E-jerett Repairstives of municipal, provincial and Gerald Black, son of Mrs. Edith Agent for have eficiency, ability and inte- After the bride-ta-be was in- OllO-M glcgrity. Municipal governments do troduced ta everyone a large hain- 011-0Magicnot seem ta be serving their ideal per of lovely assorted gifts In at- 011 Burners purposes, judging from press re- trac tive wrappings was presented prevalent over urban and rural she read the appropriate messages In8tafled in Any Type cammunities. of welcome and good wishes on Ail citizens, bath men and wa- the accampanying cards and o!f urnace men, have strict responsibilities as thanked the ladies very graceiully by their votes' they elect their go- for their kind thoughtfulness vernments and boards ai educa- whîch she greatly appreciated. ugh tion. Many by not voting, take Deliciaus refreshmcnts can- lick Brona responsibility and sa sufer cluded a very pleasant evening. PhoecM 3Drogh tW fra waknesrather than wick-Sa m Phono 2384ch i leaderhip.an expenditure is almost as danger-Sae ous. Justice Salem Waman's Association met Justice determines the health at the home ai Mrs. H. Barrie on ofa a nation by giving fair play to May 15. The president was in everybody. Essential and sub- the chair and conducted the busi- stantial justice shauld be meted ness period. Mrs. P. Cann .had out toalal according ta their op- charge ai the program. Read- portunities and merits. ings were given by Miss B. Black- Sportsburn. Mrs. Cator and Mrs. Mc- The general standard of games Clure, Mrs. Gardon Barrie fav- and sparts is very important asoue wthapnasl.Ms goodspotsmnshi ovrconesCresswell was the speaker' and unf potair p oercme gave a very interestîng review anyof the book, "The Scarlet Letter." W bathe citizens and omemaers, Mrs. Cann and, her group served bohve euand es obiinakwith lunch. June meeting will be held haeeul epnible wt at Rev. and Mrs. Cresswcll's men In developing the best &tan -_________ dards of good dlean sport. In Bowmanville, Mr. Smithson, re- Beehive Rebekah Lodge MAGIC'S RICH creational director, will encourage Degre. Teami Visite gooci sportsmanship where every P contestant will play up and also INeaLmer Lodge, Orono chocoafeo play the game. 0 Crem 34 c. ahortamni ad Wiak b e achofnstio nOrder trained in the art af de- 34 c. sugar. Add 1 .e«; beaL W should b osdrda grec exemplification. Ad 2 tbs. Brated orage ifd opportufaity ta serve and not a Beehive Lodge, Bowmanville, and 2 tapa. orw e Joce. Sask whereby a living isderetanubrigbot2 pose Slourtep>. sai, 1 made. It should be regarded as mebr îhMs atrHc- t@ M a lng ,',Powder; part af a national service in orderney as captin cnrreWate Be- a .Mu hl.R l o t get the best out af it and a'5lso ege pnlvecniae thin; cut accordlng to ai-beaDereuofiecndts rection a>low. »"ke la a7". for one ta give of his best ta his of Heather Lodge lit Orono on oven, 10 Min. work. May 22. N.G., Mrs. Alma ýPowell; CV.ACU,5Ceaie om low aLoi'. Education V.G., Mrs. Susie Levett; Rcc. Sec., trte. 5Sprc wsh mlte Educatianal policies and oppar- Mrs. Elsie Tamblyn; Fin. Sec., swet hoolte arikl wth tunities are very important so Mrs. Ann Wood; Trea., Mrs. Hack- IUeRyfbOPPm"I uut '«t8- that you.ih may have a liberal cd- ney; Past N.G., Mrs. Vera Flett Pulte*Aklest Foilow aboya ucation which enriches, or a spe- and Chaplain Mrs. H. Humphries ipe, ct wlthrounld cutter. cille éducation which makes a were the officers from the Bow- Cut amlier rond f ron cen. ter of %4 the rounds.Bt. skilled worker, bath ai which will manville lodge wha with. many Thenbpread plin round wth give a broader outlook in civic ai- ather brethren and sisters were meiteda wet chocoltei;top fairs enabling ail individuals ta present and wha wire heartily with doughnut round. become gaod citizens. weicomed by N.G. Mrs. H. Wilson Cesnut saioes. Foilow aboya te- Church on behali af Heather Ladge. ,pe.cut la*tris Th nuec iuc Tribute was paid the local la- -es wl = T~ hrch ueceofth Critindies for their despatch and case with seprn- hurc iswidespread and whole- i odcigldebsnsas hie With cocof.- same and on that influence in lar- infonuth ing oge iess, rd alsoa enda la ma.elt.Sd . esueth most people tive and unifled floor work. To aw.se chocolats. realize, the ultimate health of a show their appreciation the mem- %es.gqu.re@g nation depends. bers afi-Heather Lodgc made a Folwaoer--Home* presentation ta, Mrs. Hackney, cfa 2" squares 'hThe foundations af a nation's captain ai the degree team. à ' etr greatness are laid in the homes ai Oddfellowship is pledged ta give pecen méat la the people and will only remain wholehearted -support ta the pro- cront e h. stable as long as the home life is vince-wide fight against the ra- mera la Oelt"j simple, pure and united. vages ai cancer. Heather Lodge aw.t choco- In concluding hier very fine ad,- decided on organization, ta, help Isa. dress, the speaker stressed the this project by selling books of part womcn in Canada have in choice poems from the pen ai maintaining. the heaith oi this Sister Fletcher ai Guelph, and ta apply the earnings ta the Cancer Fund. These books are naw avail- able ta the public. Love and Truth" must establish itseli in the world at large where service taihuimanity krnows fa I God. Mr. Keith Wood sang a solo which all enjoycd, accompanicd by his mather, Mrs. Edwin Wood. President Mrs. L. S. Dumas pre- sided when plans were made for the annual plcnlc on June 26, which include a special aid time pragram ta cammemarate the 50th Car ,~ uvis Glsser Qssb ~. __ .'- .,-.annlversary af Women's Instîtute TOW BUSINESS IS 600D BSUNSuSM. .rganization. Final arrangements TOUMR MRo uY CmITIi, " will be made by thc executive at WVe ail profit when tourisicame ' the home af Mrs. C. Johns.- te Our province. Evea if you havei Mrs. L. S. Dumas, Mrs. Thos. nocnncio ic otl oil iButtcry, Mrs. J. Thickson, Mrs. G. icoparus oramuseeWi he C. Alîchin and Mns. J. H. Aber- inzreased business helpa you.s> . nethy, with Mrn. C. Robinson and it's in your interes:ta do ail Fou Mrs. C. Johns as alternates. were cao ta encourage friends from appointed delegates tpo thc district other parts ta corne and sbire our annual convention af Nestîcton on' Ont-rio Holidays.. June 4. A donation was made ta thc Canadian National Institute for the Blind. 0of ia »duoWaj*«m 16 eeOubd eds Hslldy y Mrs. Wood and group served a pubibaw ino*. puhlie l du MI by JseLafosl Umm" variety of deliciaus sandwiches and tea. A Storewide -Selection of Wonderful Gifts- for Fathers Day for the Perfect Guy .? on Suuday, June 1i Whether you cail him - ",Pop".,'Dadi' "Fat her" or the "Old M an" this is th~ day you can show him he's "To ps-"f A fellow by the natne af OvId said that glving required goad sense. He'. night! You will show sensible taste by giving hum neckwea<r $illf from a ur wide range $________~100 t $3. That man Shakespeare is here again. Re said appàed oit proclaims the man. Sametimes it does and sametimes it docsn't. Howcver,' a ni c spun rayon spart shirt will maise any man happy'whcn you select anc from Brcslin's in thecocler he likes. AUl sizes and colora. $41 And when it cames ta belta, haw ig a fellow to hold himi trousers up if he hasn't a pair of suspenders. You can be doubiy sure, buy hlm bath his beit Fathers Day.. - - 50C to ~. Socks If he. likes gaudy patterni, solid shades, cotton or wool socks, we have them. You name the color or pattern and it's certain that you will find them at Breslin's...49c to $ 2.51 Sweaters Timcly service like timely gifts Is doublcd ln value, said George Macdonald. He must have known ai the array ai "Made in England"l sweaters being ai- fered by Breslin'g for Father's Day. Long ~~~ ileeves or slcevelcss, ail colons, sîzs.. 850 to'$7.5 Dressing Gowns He's sure ta appreciate a comfontable dressing gown en Fathcr's Day and every' day. We hâve them in rayons, corduroys or $2.95 to$85 wools. Ail sizes and colora. _____L Sport Jackets To wcar with his odd trousers in the evenlng or foi sports- wear, give him a imant spart jacket. jacket in tweeds, shétlandsanmd fh=ls Sies35 t 42. ___ __ _0.95~ to $24.O( Swim Trunks Young or aid, taîl or short, cornes a hot day and the aid boy is a young lad again. He wants a smart pair oi swim trunka from Bresin's and then the aid swlmmning hale for hlm. AUl sizes, f ja'nu ¶to $6.9 styles and patterns.$15 5 Le o o o ) [ I A 2-Act Play on Sport Slacks ACTI-Scene: (A hot dow) Dad: "Gosh but these heavy wool pants are sticky and uncomfortable."l ACT 2-Scene: (Another hot day) Dad (he's the star in this play): "I'm as cool as a cucumber in these smart looking slacks -from Breslin's. They're a fine rayon and wool alpine with pleats, zipper and drop, loops. They have ail sizes in beige and brown and cost anly $6.00 per pair." )