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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1947, p. 4

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PAGE TOUE TEE CANADIAK STATESMAN. EOWMANV!LLE. ONTABIO TNURSDAY. JUNE Uth. 1947 Wedclirigs TAIT-SImPooN St. Cuthbert's Church, Leaside, was the setting for the niarriage, Saturday afternoon, May 31, of Dorothy Patricia "Pat" Simpson, daughter of f&. and Mrs. H. W. Sthnpson, to William Irving Tait, Bowinanviile, son of Mr. and Mz-s. C. W. Tait, Bowmanviiie. Canon P. M. Lamb officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of imported white silk jersey with floor-lengtli veil held by a halo of-oringe blos. nomn. Her fiowers were white roses and baby's breath. Mrs. R. C. Canney, matron of honor, was gowned ini heaven-blue silk jer- sey and Willa Simpson and Helen Simpson, bridegmaidi, wore hea- ven-blue taffeta. Lippel Parker, cousin of the groom, was grooms- man and. Albert Slmpaôn and Jack Tait.usbered. .The. thuih choir assisted Miss F.- Bailey, soloist. SToreceive the'-bride!s mother IlDou't miss 'Livestock 'ShowI WEDNESDAY.,JUNE Il*t This has developed Into one et the finest Livestock Shows ln this part èf Ontario COUlE AND MU FOR YOURSELF A regular periodio check-up on your c ar is the surent way to avoid serious, trouble later on. Mitior adjustrnents cost so litle, yet add so much to the pleasure and iatis- faction of driving. For every kind of auto- mobile service - from the smallest adjust- ment to a complete overhaul - take advan- tage of our complete, economical service. GARTON'S GARAGE 1Phone 2666 King et. 3. ID BOWIMANVILLE chose a gray crepe dress with cor- sage of red roses and the groom's niother'u dress was of turquoise crepe. Rer corsage was of plnk roses. The couple wIll reside ini Bowxnanville. TROOP--COSENS The mamiage of Miss Jean Haig Cosens, daughter of the late H. Porte Cosens and Mrs. Cosens cf rCoibemne, te Mr. William J. Troep, Jr., son cf Mn. and Mrs. William J. Troop of Coîborne, was selemn- ized in Old St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Coîborne, on May 2lst, 1947, Rev. A. Newson Reid, B.e., officiating. The wedding music Was played by Mr. Floyd Edwands and during the cere- mony M. . Alex McGregor cf Bowmanville sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Because." The bride, given in marriage by ber uncle Mr. Walter McGrcgor, were a gewn cf white brocaded satin with flon length veil and cannicd a shower beuquet cf Tai'à isman roses. Her sister Miss Ruth Cosens as maid cf benor, was gowned in a. fleor length gown cf green net with green brecaded satin bedice and carrlcd a bouquet of pink sweet peas and mcd roses. The bnidesmaids, tbe Misses Dor- ethy and Shirley Haig weme twin floor length gowns cf yellow and orchid net with brocaded satin bo- dice and carnled bouquets of mat- ching sweet peas with roses. The junior bridesznaid, Miss Nancy Weir, ware green taffeta and car- ried a nosegay cf sweet peas. Al the attendants wore matchingi headdresses of satin ribbon. The groom was supporte4 by Mr. Alex Cosens, brother of the bride and the ushers were Mr. Murray McGregor and Mn. Fred Troop. Following the ceremnony a re- ception was beld at "Arran Doon" the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Walter. McGregor, whcre Mrs. Cosens wearing a gown cf reseda green,t received the guests, assisted by Mn.. Walter MeGregor wearing a navy blue gown, and the greom's motber, Mrs. Treep, in a gown cfÉ heavenly blue crepe.a For travelling the bride chose at navy blue suit with matcbing bat1 and shees with white blouse andt gloves and corsage of red roses. e They wili make their home in Coîborne.c Guests frein eut of town wereb Mrs. M. Leake of Toronto; Mr. ande Mrs. Alex Weir, Misses Lynn and I Nancy and Richard Weir of Ni-c agara. Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. t M. Carruthers, Mrs. Alex Ruth- I erford, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc-d Gregor, Janet and Donald McGre-c gor, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson E. Os-v borne, Miss Denalda Creassen andb Miss Marilyn Rundle af Bewman-s ville, Mrs. W. Miller and daugh-1 ter Helen cf Tyrene; Mrs. Fred Taylor of. Port Hope, Mrs. A.u Kemp of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Manning cf Cobourg. AVIS-CARTY A pretty wedding was solemn- ized at St. John's Cburcb, Toronto, on May 24th at 9:30 ain., when Rev. Father O'Connor united in marriage Miss Daphe Mary Avis, daughter cf Mr. and Mns. Walter AvIs, and John Arthur Carty, son cf Claude Milton Carty and the -late Mn.. Carty. The church was beautifÜlly decerated with pini *and white carnations and snap- dragons and Miss May Skeiley played the wedding music. The bride who was given ln marriage by ber father worea traditional white satin floon-length gôwn with an embroidered linger- tip veil held in place, with a haio cf flowers and she carried a hou- quet cf red roses. Mrs. Mary Dallaire who was matren cf honor worc a pink taffeta dress and Miss Theresa Meredith, bridesmaid, was gowned in blue sheer crepe. Both were sbeuldcr-length veils held with barmenizîng wreaths ef flewers te match thein dresses anc carnied bouquets cf pink roses. Steve Carty was best man and the ushers were Greg Hoy and John Meredith. A reception was beld at the home cf the bride's parents, 122 Swaniwick Ave., Toronto, with the bride's mether weaning blue crepe *made with lace jacket and match. ing blue accessenies and corsage ef- red roses. The bride donned a red woo. suit with black accessenies for the *wedding trip te New York. On their return they will reside ai 71 Oakcrest Ave., Toronto. The-,groom is completing a course in electrical engineering at Uniyersity cf Toronto, and hethl he and bis bride bave many fri-1 ends in Darlington and Clarke Townships wbo extend congratu- lations. Evening Auxiiiary W.A. of St. Johnys Hear Missionary Taik At the weckly meeting cf the Eycning Branch of the W.A. of St.ý John's Church the members had as,. their guests the After- noon branch of the W.A. and aise thé Evening Bnanch cf W.A. cf St. George's Anglican Church, of Newcastle. Miss Meilyn Overy sang a sole 'Beautiful Isle cf Somcwbcne." Rev. J. dePencier Wright intreduced the special speaker frein Toronto, Mrs. Geo. Nicholson who spoke on ber ex- peniences as a missionary in the Canadian Arctic. She told cf the great need for young Canadian people te carry on the wonderfui work that is being donc te belp the Indian and Eskimo in the great north. Refreshments wcre served by the members of the Bmanch. .Success is measured net se much by the position that one bas reached in life as by the obstacles whieh he has overcome while try- ing te succeed. 01d? Cet. Pep, Vim %m i, iN, pIes sunmmnk CA#LCSU1N.ITAUIN ai MMSIfUlrOt4e .0. oft Wt ,oed ialler 40 - by bo»dles old lwt bersuae teck- IPA tron;us Iaaliurm. Vltamin Bi. Thouanda ,Dow TOf tentre1utory sunw er W oM,5 For "ala uI OU «Watolu glt WINI Nestieton à Nestieton W.I. met at the home o f Mrs. Herman Samelîs, May 28, fwith 18 ladies present and Mrs. H. CI Vine, new president, in the chair. ;Plans were made for putting on ethe dinner for the District Annual. iMrs. G. Thompson gave a talk and showed the Tweedsmuir Bock. eMrs. T. Langfeld invited ail te ber 2home fer the July meeting. Mns. 2George Johns and gnoup were in Lcharge of meeting. Mrs. W. D. Fengusen invited us te ber home. ete make eut the new prognam. Mrs. Samelîs and beipens served 'a Idainty lunch. Mrs. M. Emerson meVed a vote cf tbanks te Mrs. Samelîs fer use cf ber home and tpleasant aftennoon spent. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Rebt. Waldon (nec Doris Wil- tliamns) on the amival cf a young Mr andMr. FedStuke and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dafoe and Biliy, Frankford, Mn. and Mrs. P. Preston anà family, Lifford, visit- cd Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tbompsen, Mn. and Mrs. E. Bradley visited Mr. and Mrs. Hedge. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Piatton, To- mante, visîted bis sister, Mns. Gco. Proutt. Mn. and Mrs. George JTohns and Biliy. Mn. and Mrs., L. Joblin vis- itcd fniends in Port Penny. Mrs. Stanley Malcolmn visited ber sister, Mrs. Manvin Nesbitt. Mn. Grant Nickie and Mn. Wm. Kelly, Malone, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Johns. Mr. John Veale, Toronto, visited bis sister, Mrs. John Gnieves. Mr. L. Joblin visited bis cousin, Rev. Fred G. Joblin, Port Penny. ,Mr. Scott Hutchison, Tommy and Ronnie, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. Herman Samelîs. Nestîcton W.I. met at the home of Mrs. Joseph Farder, Friday evening, te make eut the prograin for the W.I., aise te present oesof of aur wenthy members, Mrs. D. Davidson, with an overnight case. She was taken by surprise but thanked ail in a few weIl-chosen words. Mn. and Mrs. Davidson bave sold their farm and lntend going to B.C. to be with their daughter and son-In-law, Dr. and Mm.. John Balfour. Lunch was servcd by Mrm. Fonder- and smre W.I. members. Mm. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb, Ste- wart and Ruth., Enniskiuen, vist- cd Mr. and Mn.. Cecil Wilson. Special services in the Presby- tenian Church were quite succes- fui. Mr. and Mn.. Frank Playloot and Bryce, Lindsay, visited Miss Ethel andi Mr. Henry Thompson. Canvassers to Attend X-Ray Metn To cet Istrucnetion* It bas been announced that Dr. S. A. Hollng of the Provincial De- partment of Health will address ail canvassers and those interest- ed in T. B. prevention work, in the Durham County area, We5d- 1nesday night, June 1l, at Orono. At this public meeting, Dr. Hoiling wîll give final instructions te canvassers before the comn. mencement cf the bouse-to-bouse 'canvass in connection with the Chest Survey being «ponored by Bowmanville and P rt Hope Lions Clubs, in co-operation with the Ontario Tuberculosis Association. The chairmen cf the comznlttees have emphasized the importance of each canvasser's presence et this meeting. Full explanation of the operatien of the X-ray clinic will be given se that canvassers m!ay lnform the public of its work- ings. Arrangements are being made with, school authorities te have hilgh school students attend the clinîc in groups. It la not prac- ticai te X-ray pre-school and pub- lic school children. Aduits will be notifled by post card wben to report for their X- ray. These post cards will arrive by mail at least 2 days ha fore the time cf the examination. Dr. G. W. Miller stresses again that this X-ray is free7 te each cit- izen of Cartwright, Manvers, Clarke, South Monaghan and Hope townships. X-ray reports are confidential and go te the per- son's physician. Confirmation Class At St. John's Church Bishop A. R. Beverley, Toron- te, with his chaplain, Canon C. R. Spencer, Bowmanville, off iciated at the Apostolic Rite of Confirma- tion at St. John's Churcb, on Sun- day mernîng, te one of the largest adult classes ever presented at this church. Unfortunately, a large number cf people were turned away although ever 200 extra chairs were provided. The Bisbop in bis address te the class emphasizçd that they should be sincere in saying their prayers each day; read faithfully God's HoIy Word, the Bible; attWnd church regularly and take an ac- tive part in church erganizations. He cengratulated Rector Rev. J. dePencier Wright, on the fine class and on the excellence of bis work. Sixty-two people bave been cenfirmed at this cburch since Mr. Wright became recter 16 menths age. The boys' cheir cf 16 members, under the direction cf Mr. Kelth Wood and Miss Junie Alîchin ren- dered several numbers very nice- ly and tbe regular church choir of 47 veices sang speclal selec- tiens in keeping with the service. The candidates fer conflrma- tien included Catharine Blanche Stewart, Seveymina Hendetsýon, Sidney Gorden Mitchell, Peggy Ann Mulhelland, Irene Kathleen Mitchell, Albert Richard Mason, Clarence Jeseph Bell, Ruth Aud- rey Gibson, Edwin M. Weod, Syd- ney Fynney, Dudley Biley, Da- vid Bewden, Beverly Bowden, Jebn Palmer, Victor Martin, Mrs. Elelen Lake, Mrs. Annie Weed, Virs. Nellie Lunn, Miss Ivy Hock- .ey, E. Lunn, B. Bridges, Marien Moerris, Mrs. Phyllis McFeeters, Shirley Bate, birs. Isebel Johns, VIrs. Inla Living, Mrs. Irene Mur- rell and Bruce Mairs. Phon.8-1i Obituary A4 Hampton on Monday, May 26, 1947, Alvin Peters, one of the older residents cf Hampton cern- munity passed away. Mr. Peters had net been well for some time but didn't take to his bed until a little over four weeks before bis death. Re was in bis 79th'year and had livred in the Hampton com;munity al hi., lite. Fie.was born on the old hofiaitead south of the village now occupied.- by Mr. Chau. Daw. In 1895 ha was united in mar- niage with Miss Nancy Williams cf Solina who, predeceased hlm about five yearu ago. Ini 1928 Mr. and Mrs. Peter& an& daughter, Mary, moved te the village and occupied the preperty formerly owned by Mrs. Peters' father, S. J. Williams. He remained active until. a short time before hi. death.0 The funeral service was con- ductcd by bis pastor, Rev. E. S. Linstead, on May 28 and was at- tended by a large nurnber cf re- latives and fricnds. He leaves to mpurn bhis passinfi Mary at home and Hilten in Te- renta, and two grand-children, Keith and Ralph Peters, and ane brother, William cf Terento. Palîbearer were J. D. Hogarth, Harold Salter, Lorenzo Trull, Clifford Peters, Edgar Hern and Frank Pascee. MRS. W. H. ALLIN The deatb too1k place en May 27 of Mrs. W. H. Allun, fermerly Amelia Osberne in ber 83rd year. Mrs. Allin was born near Mea- ferd, Ont., on March 17, 1865, and attended scheol at Bewmanville. She was married in 1886 te W. H. i Il iii, ANNOUNCINO A Westinglose DEALER. MURPHY APPLIANCE i'efreshmentg served to 60 moer- bers. 1On Menday evening Bowman- ville Lodge , visited- Echo lodge, Oshawa aùd- the barne three cmn- didates received the white degree frein the Oshawa Degree Teain wbe exemplified the work wlth expert preclsion and harinony. Delicieus refreshments concluded BOWMANVILLE inothei- meprale- evean~g ini local True mue Lodge hlgtory. Conq 1derable, of our .oie turmoil is caused by soe many per. sons who Want4> do something' for a living that doeWnt involv.i work of any kind. subeqenty tait, Wood' tok and Toronto. yarIr.Jlx For.,tlhe paý =Ati had *lived at 'becotOnt., and died at the home of her daughter, Muriel, where she had been confined to bed for over eight.yeers. Two children survive, a daugh- ter, Muriel (Mrs. Frank Boland), of Camiýpbellcroît and a son Lorrie Allin of Toronto. The many beautiful floral tok- ens-expressed the high. respect ini which deceased was held. PailbeaWers were ail relatives, S. Chas.-and Clare Allun, Russell, Earl, Orville an«r Lorne Osborne. The Osborne Maie Quartet sang. 'Nearer My God to Tbee" which was beautifully rendered and weli received. Relatives and friends attended the funerai from Bradford, Tor- onto, Oshawa, Courtice, Bowman- ville, Newcastle, Cobourg, Mill- brook and Peterboro. The many friends of the deccas- ed ini the comxnunity extend sin- cerest sympathy to the mem1bers of the family. True* Blue Lodge Confer Blue Degree On Three Candidates Bowmanville True Blue Lodge were hosts to visiting lodges frern Toronto, Oshawa and Peterbero when Port Hope Degree Team conferred the blue degree on three candidates from Bowmanvile on May 2lst. in the S.O.E. Hall. The visitors were welcomed by W.M. Harold King and Deputy W. M. Fletcher egers and ail el- joyed a fine evening of geod fellowship whicIl conciuded with BOWNANVILLE PRF1BOOTT BOWMANVILLE CIORNWALL' *BROCIVILLM * OTTAWA * BROCxV TL - MONTREAL 57 King St. Wo and generally tbroughout Ontarer For cempicte informati n,.please consult your local agent: CARTON 1COACH LUNES BOWMANVILLF* TEL£PUýqNE 2666. NEW Styled For Sum mer Cool Summer Dresses for Style W %e have S1ummer Dresses galore1 AU su new and fresh as to-morrow 's headlines - yet they make such maodest demands on the budget. Corne in anid$ select yours toda.y. Upwards from $2n95 Suite and Conte at Reduoed Prices AU our 93pring Coats and Suit& have been substant- ially reduced. A large selection of coats and suits in a variety of styles, sises and colours. <ut what you have been waiting for. Couch, Johuston*--&.Crydor i-N & FURNITURE Westinghouse takes pleasure ln welcomlng MURPHY APPLIANCE & FURNITURE as authorized dealer for Westinghouse Appliances and congratulates this forward-iooklng organization upon the efficient sales and service facilitiez which it now offers to homemakers of the Bowmanville area. Westrnghouse t.> Radios gs Refrigerators Laundry Equipm.nt Table Appiauu -Mmmwýt m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVn=. OIRTARIO PAGE roim The arrivai of 'a number of new, deluxe motorcoaches wili enable us to increase dally services on the following routes: EFFECTIVE JUNE 11TH, 1947 -à . MILLUIPCCIK >Roux 8"

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