THURSDAY, 3U21 121'!!, 104? TEE CAKADIAN STATESW*Ii, E~OWMM(VILL. ONTAMO PAV3~ mvu MSiC CIIINAMON BUIS Recipe Dissolve 1i Up. sugar in 34 c. lukewarm water; add 1 en- velopo Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeat. Let mixture sand 10 min. Then stir well. Scald Yc. milk, add 3 tbs. short. ening, Y& c. sugar, 3, rsp. salt; cool to lukewarm. Add i c. sifted flour to make a batter. Add yeasr mixture and 1 boston egg; beat weIll Add 2Y2 c. sifted flour, or enough to make a soit dough. Knead lightly, place in greased bowl. Cover; set in warmn place, free froni draft. Let rase until doubled in bulk, about 2 hours. When ight punch dough dawn;roil out into oblong piece, about 4" thick. Brush with 3 tbs. melted shortening or butter. SpCinkle with 84 c. brown sugr, i ý4 tsps. cinnamon, %c. raisins. Roll up length-, wise in a tight roll; cut in 11" slces. Place cut-side Up, 1" spart in greased shallow baking pan. Cover; let risc in warm place until light, abouti1 hour. Bae in42 50F. oven about 20 minutes. styles. « sun." S ned, gold Sizes 14 Wome of these comforti white an Sizes 141 beach, yc thc finest and calaL $1.49 Little1 Wa Solid c suits. Idi t tage ora ta laundei fresh. Sal blue on ta Sizes 2, 4 ELASI BROA JOOKI Phone nrock"' Ladies' Shorts Immaculateiy taiiored shorts in Tarnboy or plaated Espccially dcsigned by Shamrock "for fun mn the ;anfanized cottan drill in coiounn a!f bnown, beige, d, dark green, winc or white. ta 20. PAIR--------$25 en'a and Children' s ,otton Drill Shorts You wi.ll be cool andi com!ontably clad in a pair cotton drill shorts. They are designed for style, and action. Colours are mcd id navy. ta 20 andi 8 ta 14x. PAIR -._____$1.29 sgo for a dipi " Swim Suits FOR YOUNG AND OLD Whether you go in ,u wili find "Yaur" st selectian in town. )us. Priced at $3.19 Boys, Lsh Suits colour catton wash Jeal for at the cat- at home. Sa easy r and keap looking ilid coinurs o! winc, an the water on just lie on the Bathin' ah Waiker's. Hans in AU the season's newest stylas $4.95 $5.75 Pedal Pusher Suits A dandy suit for the wee lad. It is made o! fine catton drill and suit consists o! short buttoned jacket and separate trousans. Cornes J royal blue or reti. Sizes 2, 3 and 4 $19 451 THIE MODERN STORE Mr., end Mm .Anldersoni Weddno'g More Large Tulipe Honour.d By Frleds _ __ln Local Gardent, BLACK - DAVIES Il t w.ek'sStatesmagijnen. Over 100 friniida nd relatives Talstandards of plnk and white tloft W3s made of a 'tulp witii of LMr. and Mrn. J. Elmo Ander- snapclragons forniad an effective three flowers an ana stem. Since son assembled at the Union Hall, gettin< -i St. -John's- Anglican ýthesa other citizens have reported on Monday evening to extendI Chiirch, TorQnto,. on. Jimne 'lUi unusuet, phenomena. in the hor- wheu, Marger*t, daughter Ôt Mns. tiou1tu;al,7 wogàd. .,Tis eao congratulations ho the happy tIég6V H. Davies and. the lote Mr. Davias profins6 p-Wcîiet4u c n4i ye of coupe a tie ocasonHOMteirof SWansea, Wales, -becaxpe the sunsÏUie has, ben very favorable 25t1i wedding anniversary. ROIEeMU bride 'of Gerald Black, Toronto, tagoth of tuberousplanta, es- The all as eauttuly deor-sOon Mn. Edith Black, Bow- pro lytulilps which ire attâining ated wlth large baskets of assort-. manvf lle. Rev. H. H~unt perform- unugual helahth and rentaxakable ed tulipusand other spring fiowers Hello Homemakérâ! Corne over ed the ceremony and Mr. P. Mc- uniform.ity ini coloring and size for dessert and coffee anytime Donald.played the wedding music. of flowers. which made an attractive aettimg this month we shail have straw- The bride,,givein in marriage M b C Robinsoný, Prospect St., for the avent. bernies for sure. Served in a her uncle, M.r. o. iJ. Cranfiil , reports among her choice collées- As Mr. and Mrn. Andereon en- variety of ways the lusciaus ber- Mlwaukee, Wisconuin, wore a ion of tullps, a magnifîcent speci- tered with their friends. Mr. and ries are our favourite fruit. It gown -cf whjte brocaded satin men, dark red ln color, with thre Mrs. B. Mason, Oshawa. Mrs. does not take muck1 time ta hull fashionêëd- wlth sweatheart neck- perfect flowers on ane stem. Two David Alldread. played the wed- and dlean strawberries, but if they lîna, fltted bodice and long sle- yeas ago, her nephew John Ire- ding mardi ta greet thani. The are ta be kept fnesh, the fruit eves endinâg in lily points, The land, sent the bulbs from Holland surprised couple were then givan must be spread in a pan and star- skirt was full and formed a elight and this year same flowers are seata af hanaur. Mrs. W. Teeple ed in the electric refrigerator. Any train. Her flnger-tip weil was extra large and have attainad aver was chairman for a varied mus- accampaniments sucil as cream, crested with'a halao! lily-of-the- 36 fiches in helght. ical program and congratulatory cake or biscuits shauld be fresh v4lleY, and- she carnled a cascada Mrs. Robfinson's garden is a speeches. Misses Lamna and Aud- and delicate in flavour. of red rosas. Miss Lois Gay, To- draam of lovaliness in reality, rey Fletcher made the presenta- Fresh Shrawberry Ice Cream ronto,- cousin of the groom, was equalling -pictures of scanes in the bride'a only attendant. Her Holland, tha original home o! these tion of a chest ai Rogers flatware 2/3 cup sugar, 2 cupa crushed gown of aqua blue taffeta -was exqulaite spriflg flowers. in Exquisita design and Mr. Percy strawbernies, 1 well-beaten egg, styled wlth fitted bodice,; square Greenirield read an eulogistic ad- '/a cup sugar, 1 cup thin cream, neckline and small puff sleeves dress of congratulations and hast 1 cup whippîng cream, whipped ta and bouffant skirt. She wore a Trunity Group W.A. wlshes. Mn. and Mrs. Anderson, thin custard cansistèey. cao*!sle eun n crit iisI oot thug etrey aenbysrpis, Add 2/3 cup sugar ta strawber- a nosegay of mauve and pink _____ln _ornt thanked their friands, gracefuily, ries. AIlow ta stand until sugar swaetpeas. Mr. Sidney Olsen was. for the lovely gift. Members o! is dissolved. Combine egg, ~ba a n r hne ilt On Wadriesday, June 4th, Mrs. Easer SarChptn reenedcup sugar and thin cream. Add ta son and Mr. Ray Tilîatson ushered AR. Vîrgin o! Toronto, welcom- Mrs. Anderson with a gorgeous washed bernies. Place in re!rig- the guests.edthn home for supper,,rnem- bouquet o! pink carnations and a erator freezing tnay. Secn- Folîowing the ceremony a me- Ub erCncsinS.Egiop! iovely white carnation was given trol ta coldest point. Freeze un- ception wns held at the home of Trinity Church W.A. During the ta Mr. Anderson. tii sides and bottom are slîghtly the groom's uncle and aunt, Mr. afternoon several very amusing Miss Glennis Nichoins playcd hardened. Remove and beat well. and Mrs. A. Gay, 522 Indian Rd. games were piayed after which a piano solo; Mr. Owen Nicholas Complete freezing. Six servings. where Mrs. Gay received the supper was much enjoyed by ail. accompanied by Mrs. Rata Dud- Custard Sauce guests in a gney crepe frock with The following ladies motored ley, sang a lovely solo; Ray Dud- Sad1e iki obebi cosg fpn antos r.ta Mrs. Virgin's home for this cie- ley and, Miss Lama Fletcher fav- Sad1cP mi ndul al osgeo ikcrain.drlightfu vn:MsF. orl, er. Meanwhile, stir tagether 2 Black assisted wearing powd rsu vn:M.F. ori, ored with piano music and Ray tbsps. granulateci sugar, li v tsps. blue crepe with white accessaries Mrs. Fred Allun, Mrs. Mal Wight, and rs.Dudey apiao det, ll rs.Milton Wight, Mrs. Henry ond Mrs. uey a pia noda, i cornstarch, 1/j tsp. sait, 2 egg and pink carnation corsage. SixPecMs.W. ale, r. o! hic wee mch nioed. yolks in a bowl. Graduaily pour congratuiatary teiegrams a n d eRt Wh, M ns. Ev. alBnag, Mrs. Among the speakers who ex- mRuvntghitue hWesvrl edn gfswren-N ighut, Mrs. Mt. EBra t, pressed their good wishes wene:mxtrwhl svrl ediggtt er e A. ~ ~ ~ e MHad, stirring. Return ta double bail- ceived by the bride from Eng- NMrs EnOone, M ms. .it. El-tt G.M.ordcutt. L. SWhi, Cook aven fhot, not, boiiing landi. Ms alObre rJ l G. ortcut, L WhteRusellwater, stirring constantly, until For the wedding trip by motor iiott, Mrs. A. Beliman, Mrs. J. F. Poilard and Mrs. Fietcher, Aimon thîckened. Cool; add 1/4 tsp. lem- ta Points in the United States, the Heyland. and Donald A. Fletcher. mm on extract. Chili. Pour over bride chose a beige suit with Foilowing the program e-srwere.bonacsri.Th hpy bers cf the committee, Mn. and srwbrc.bopw accesoidesinTherhapp. Mrs. Almori Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. lVhcat Germ Biscuits 1 Pc ouplewiimi te b rit e Obituaries Owan Nicholas, Mn. and Mrs. Wil- 1 cup ail-purpose flotfn, 1 cup was honoured wxith two miscel- MS AE O bert Teeple and Mn. and Mrs. wheat germ, 4 tsps. baking pow- laneous showers with Mrs. Stoker MS AE O Percy Gmenfield servad deliciaus dan, ½ tsp. sait, 4 tbsps. shonten- and Mrs. C. Tillotson as hostesses. Itwsihdeprgtthtw e!eshmentq including a delect- ing, 2/3 cup milk. I a ihceprge htw able wedding cake, which cen- Sift the dry ingredients and cut iearned o! the passing of Mrs. tre th lae-cveed abl whehin shortening. , Turn out on flour- BOY Scouts hn Turkey James Hay at hanr home on the was beautifully decorated in white ed board, knead quickly and iight- Turkey is ta have a BaY Scouts a h ethuattack Se hd eain.gfr and silver, surraundad with tuile ly, and roil ta one-haîf the thick- organization which wiil be m-od- er tak h a eni and hanmonizing flowers. ness desinad in the biscuit. Cut, elled on the British Scout Move- iii haalth for soe months. Included, among the guests place on buttened pan, and bake ment and will becama a member. Mrs. Hoy was a loving mother, were Mn. and Mrs. B. Mason, Mn. ini electric oven, 450 degrees for o! the International Boy Scout always ready to help a friand or and rs.Goron igh and12 ins Maes 2 mdiumsizd oganzaton.neighbour, was aise an active W. and rs.Goron ightand12 ins Maks 1 meiumsize oraniatin.I. and W.A. member and will ba Mrs. T. Fishleigh, Oshawa; Mrs. biscuits. Split biscuits, butter and Llghh Wood on Stage sadly mnissed. in this cornmunity. Daîbant Fishleigh, Port Hope, and put siiced sugared strawberries in Bcueo t ihnsbla Selaa aror e a. nares r. Ken Fleter, Caes-betCaenwood is widely usad in the con- han husband and famiiy, Archia area. Feahh ery onge Cake .structioV o! stage scencry. o! Pontypool; Hazel (Mrs. How- saît, 2 eggs, scparated, 2-3 cup cold water, 1 cup sugar, % tsp. leman extnact.j Add sait to sifted flour and sift again. Sepanate cggs, putting yoiks in large mixing bowl, whites in smailer bowl. Add water ta yoiks and beat until mixture is 1qt.f in volume, continue beat- ing i! fot 1 qt. Sprinkie in 2.......... tbsps. sugar then gradualiy beat ,~ ~ in the remainder fon another 2 minute-beating. FoId in the fleur gentiy; add extnact. Wash and dry beater and whip ....... egg whites until sti!!. Foid whites in agg mixture and pour into an ungneased 9 x -9 x 2 inch pan. Baein a pnehaated aven a! 350 degreas for 50 mins. Invert pan on rack and let cool before me- The Question Box - Mns. M. J. asks for Oatmaal Cheese Sticks receipe. 1/2 cup miik (scalded,) 34cup oatmeal, 1 cup ail purpose fleur 1/ tsp. sait, i tsp. sugar, 11/,. tsps.. baking powden, 2 tbsps. shorten- ing, Ii cup grated cheese. Pour the scaided milk aven the dry oatmeal and let stand for 10 mins. Sift fiaur, sait, sugar and baking powdcr togethen and cut in the shortening. Add cheese. Combine with. the milç mixture. Turn out on a well fiouned board and knead iightly for about / min. Rail dough into pencil-thin sticks about 4 inches long. Bake on greased cookie sheet in eiec- tric aven (425 dcgs. P.) for 12-15 mins. Makes three dozen. Serve with a dish o! strawbcrnies. Miss T. B. asks how ta prevant ,' " French dressing fnom sepanating? . Answer: Bat fin n egg w hitef&f, qbls bsWardaUS£beoo8 i hind. FnyQuality l E VMaple Lea! Jally GoodJa TM k VDYPITTED DATES 'a 29Ç MÔpleLeaf Welch's-- S A ]BAGI sa. $1295 GRAPE JUICE b... 29Ç SEM»>ED WHEI r 3X ........... p . 5 o 20adngoza dClarkis (Extra S iial Ilox pr7TOMATO JUICE 2 ins 19; ',RGU SU MI A DSSAUERKRAUT 2 IM29; GORIFAKE :unaea INIMENT ~he~??î. f d r ub. Bowmanvillle ~.r*U tebnjingst sueD n eu, ache. LARGE ECONONICAL SIZE 05C son) of Peterboro; Pearl (Mrn. communlty la extended to tia D. 0ke) of Toronto; Jean <Mrs. breaved famnUy. Th*. srvioe% R. Stainton) of Bownmnville:, held ln the home, wus eoriduct.d Bll, Stanl.y, Myrtle, Helen and by Rev. McLachlan, Whitevak Leonard, et home. and Rev. Bunt. Interinent was al The. heartieli aympathy of he Orono, Saturday afternoon. Suimmer's the time for ice eream and that means Our own velvet smooth creamier ice crêam iea brick ta take home cornes i six d.licious flavouru, Pineapple . . Banana,. . Chey... Chocolate ... Two Flavours*. and the Ideal Special, SUMMER IS HERE!1 Wl-W BOTHER BAKING TO-DAY? When you ca.n buy so many homemade bakery treatu at, Poole's Bakery. 4 Se. Our Windows DaIIy 53 E Poole's Dakery KING ST. B. PHONE 651 BOIVNAlivlLE handî»se old Dominion uncondltlon- xanteed ta, satisfactIon .aon le os B Julcy Calîfornia Lr 39 SUNKIST - Valeneia 344'9 200317 ORANGES - doz. 19e Flnm Red Ripe 6oue 4Ç TEXAS celle pkgms. ~otI 1'TOMATOES - pkg. 29c tes 17Ç (. of 3 Boxai23 .2 r,- 13e Cailfornîs Green Top NEW BUNCH Ige. bahe, CARROTS - 2 for 19c TEXAS Sîze 80'. GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 29e Local Urown HEAD fin heds SUNKIST 8lze 300'z LT2pua 239 LEMONS- - 5for 15c 1Feature) 1108s 18 and 20 lb.. each WATERMELONS - 98c 281on VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL pkp CLOSINO, SATURDAT DOMINION ÇTOlfflLIMITID a 1 t-. I TffUPJMAY, MM IrM, 1947 TUE CANADLALX STATZBUM, lýOWXANVM=, ONTAMO PACM XDM m ý- 1 TInoon