i-TEkUESDAY, lUNE I2TH, 1847 THE CANADIAR STATESMAN.BOWMANVILLE. ONTAMO PAf~E 1!LEV~?f Brownfs We wish Mrs. Gea. Stephenson and Mn. Geo. Honey a speedy re- covemy from thefr recent illnest. Vlaitora: Mr. and Mmm. H. Reichrath at Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson'u. - r. 'sud IM*.C. Turner and Sarn in Orilla. ASuggestion! Your basement floor eau be transi ormed Into a beautilul tile-like surface with ALMATEX lquld plastic finish. Seals pores, eliminates "basement dust."l Easy to keep dlean easily applled. Wot a paint or varnlsh. cards cali Mason & hie HARDWARE Phone 408 36 King St. E. West Durham Institiites Bld Animl Convenltion Reports Show Active Year Tise anviual convrention of West Durham District Women's Instit- utes was held in tise United Cisurcis, Nestîcton, an June 4, witb an attendance of 130 members fromtise ten Institutes compris- ing tise district. The cisurcis was beautifully decorated with a pro- fusion ai sping flowers, geman- iums and ferns. 'Registration of delegates was conducted by Miss Ruths Proutt, Nesteto andtise morning ses- S. E. Wery, Sauina,, President ai tise District, in tise chair. Mrs. S. Malcolm, organist and Mrs. H. Vine led in asscmbly singingai sevemal aid time sangs wisicis was mucis enjoyed. Good Balance Mmm. Percy Van Camp, Nestie- tan was appointed seci-etai-y in tise absence ai Mrs. Fred Trewin, District Sec. - Treas. Minutes sisowed total receipts $2,869.19, expenditures $1,631.19 witis a nice balance of $1,238.00 carricd over. President Mrs. Werry in ber re- port, mentioned thse cordial wel- cornes extcndcd to ber by aIl In- stitutes on ber official visits dur- ing tise yeam and tise ca-aperation wisic s mie noticed amongst tise membersbip. Sise stressed thse need for leadership ta sponsor more junior isomemaking clubs and encourage oui- young people ta become intcrestcd in these wortiswie programs. Extends Welcome Mmm. M. Emmerson, on beisaîf ai Nestieton Institute, in extend- ing a welcame te tise visitors, said it was witis much pleasure tisat se wclcomcd them on that beautiful marning, which was brigist with sunshinc. She gave a bnifresume ai activities ince organization and mentioned that Nestieton members were partie- ularly happy ta be able ta enter-, j, * A&egular periodic check-up on your car in thé; surest way to avoid ser jous trouble later on. Minor adjustments cost so littie, yet add so much to the pleasure and satis- faction of driving. For every kind of auto. mobile service - from the sm~allest adjust. ment to a complete overliaul - take advan- tage of our complete, economical service. GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666 King gt. E. tain tise delegates on tisis annlv- ersary ycar. Mrs. Roy Mercer, Kendal, in rcplying ta thse addmess ai wel. corne, said tisat at Nestieton 10 yeams ago it was ber first exper- ience at a District convention and se icît sise was banored in being chasen ta have a part on tise pro- gram tisis yeam. Sise also icît tise members had a great deal ai, pride in tiseir organizatian and had attained great success and would become even more success- fui in tise coming year. County Federation Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Black- stock, prcsented tise report from tise County Fedemation oi Agric- ulture on tise meetings, all ai which se had a.ttended w h e n weatiser and roads permitted. Tise Federation is tortunate in isaving very fine leadershsip and tise co- operation ai thse famming commun- ity. Some Government help is now received witis finances, Mr. Lindsay and tise Aduit Education- ai Council isad aiso assisted., Sup- port was given ail Farm Forums; calf vaccination was carried eut; a farm far a camp site for mem- bers is under considemation; a isealtis and isospitalization plan was discussed; an annual picnic is sponsared on June 21, at Orona Park with special speakers ta whicis everyone is invited. Mmm. Lai-mer conciuded hem vemy in- teresting report by inviting In- stitute members ta scnd ideas te tise Federation for tise advance- ment ai mural lufe and tise bene- fit of tise iarmîng capmunities. Mrs: H. Vine, President ai Nes- tieton Institute, sang "I passcd by your Window," an appropriate number which was much enjaycd. Junior Work ln the absence of Miss Oliver, Home Economies Coachs for Dur- ham, Mrs. Selby Grant, Bawman- ville, one ai tise leaders of the local Girl's Club gave a fine cx- pianation ai Junior Work. Mmm. Grant said that tiscre. are cnly tisree organized clubs in- West Durharn this year wisicis was re- grettable wisen Miss Oliver's lea- dershsip is availabie at ail times and se many pmojects are aifcrcd for selection by tise Junior girls. A club may be omganized whcre three or more girls are willing ta attend meetings and carry eut club programs. Useful subjects are taugist which are beneficial te, aIl girls. It includes nutrition which is divided into foods for healtis, preparatian ai vegetables,' ways ai serving milk in family meals, selecting and cooking dii- ferent cuts ef meat, uses ai cer- cals, table etiquette and prepar- ing and serving attractive menus for invalids. C]othing courses practise good graaming; taking care ai cloting; making a cetton dress wiscn mdcc- tien oi material and pattern la considered; making buttonsoies, sheil isems and faggoting. House- iumnisising Clubs, H o s p i t a i t y Clubs..and Garden Clubs are alsà featuredi-on tisis versatile Junior pmogram wisich. requimes tise par-. ents intcmcst- and support te meacis a succcssiul conclusion. Mmm. Grant conciuded a içry fine me-. part by asking tise Senior Instit- utes te. apénsor mare Hornema%-, ing Clubs 1w the District tis year--ý Mm. Ontarlo Group . 0 W. Rolpis, Orana, Whoe is completig- a twa-year tern on tise Federated Board cf Women'a Institutes for Ontario, brought1 greetings fmom tisis 'Board andç gave a restime of tiseir meetings1 for tise. yar. Sise outlinedtise1 pi-agram for tise 50tis Anniversamy3 at Guelpis, on June l8tis, and tise use to be made ai tise Adelaide Hoodless Fouhédation Fund for1 Wameàn's Institute Scisolarsis, in 0 0 OR, b 10 Bake a cake witb Magie and win compliments galore; You just can't beat pure, wholesome Magic for that light and luscious flavor, that delicate texture that speils real success in ail baked dishes. Canada's leading cookery *jperts recommcuid it- and you will too. Get you'll nover be without it. m 0 ti fi tc 400 Outsid. rooms with hoh andradio..Air- cndl.n.d Lobby and Lounsg.. Fiproof and centrofly locaf.d.6_ 20 memery, of the founder. She stressèd - thec necesty -ofilvgivg leadrshR to- our Juio.fir and.con- cluded with the slogan'"To know ia pet enough, it's action that ,counts"' Dellghtfl Luncheon Adjournment *as made for luncheon which was served most abundantly by Kestleton ladies. Tise afternoon session featured. re- ports from the conveners of cern- iisttees. Mrs. H. Hooey, Black- stock, in reporting on Historical Research exhbited a scrap book made by Nestieton lad4es and con- taining important data frem 1906 onwamds, even ta a resolution made in- 1908 and fomwarded ta the Provincial Governrnent, ask- ing that motor cars be kept off ail public roads. Another inter- csting relic displayed was a docu- ment listingtise minutes' cf tise first Council meeting in Cart- wrighst Townshsip 130 yearsago. Another was tise histemy oeth~ree scisools in tise Kendal Comnsunity, !romn earliest records. Farm and Factory Mrs. Stewart Morton, Maple Grave presented tise report on Agriculture and Canadian Indus- tries which sbowed a variety of activities and topics had been sponsored. Mrs. L. S. Dumas, Bowmanville, in tise absence of Mrs. Charles Mutton cenvener ai Home Econ- cmics, gave tise report wiih con- tained many wortiswhile sugges- tions for food, clotising and, partie- ularly siselter. Mrs. W. W. Shcrwin, Omono, re- ported on social welfare touching on Iiealth and Nursing Units, Home Management'and Mother- crait organization, State Medic- in, Healts Insurance and maniy marc allicd subjects mentioning especially thse successful class- es conducted by thse aduit Educa- tional group in Omono. Publieity Report Report on Publicity was pre- pared iay Mrs. Arnold Wade, New- tonville and given by Mrs. A. Redknap and stresscd tise promin- ence given reports af meetings and activities, in tise local press. Mrs. T. Langfeld, Nestîcton, iavoured with a beautiful solo, "Tise Lord is My Shepiserd" with organ accompaniment by Mrs.- S. Malcolm. Miss Audrey Spencer, repres- énting tise Women's Institute Brancis, Dep't of Agriculture Tor- onto, outliped tise Co-operative program, in Home Economics wisich is available toalal Instit- utes. It was decidcd ta sponsor a course in Houseisold Management tismougisout the District, in Octob- er. Election of Officers Miss Spencer also presid4d for tise election ai officers as follows: President, Mrs. S. E. Werry, Se- lina; lst vice president, Mrs. 0. W. Rolpis, Orono; 2nd vice presi- dent, Mrs. S. Morton., Maple Grove; sc-treas., Mrs, Selby Grant, Bowrnanville; federated mepresentative, Mrs. J. R. Knox, Hampton; alternate, Mrs. L. J. Goodman, Tyrone; district d-ele- gate ta Toronto convention, Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Nestleton; alter- nate, Mrs. Walter Davis, Bow- manvilie;, auditors, Mr$. J. Thick-. son and-Mrs. L. S. Dumas, 'Bow- manville; directors to Fed-eration oi Agriculture, Mrs. Emnest-Lai-m- er and Mrs. Normani Mountjoy, Blackstock., 1Conveners. Agriculture a n d Canadia4 industries, Mrs. W. G. Allisoan, Maple Grave; citizenship, Mrs. I. Hardy, Sauina; Historical Researcis, Mrs. G. Thpmpson, Illétletoin; homée economics, Mrs. Charles Mutton, Bowmanville;. cilwelfare, Mrs. W. W. Sher- ,w.n, Oreno; publicity, Mrs. Roy Mercer, Kendal. * Solina. Wins Prize*, Mrs. O. W. Rolpis preserfted tise prize, a leather brief case ta tise secretary of Solina Institute as tise winner in thse contest, for bcst pragram submitted for the year. In secohd and tisird, places were Newtonville and Blackstock. During thse business discussion Mrs. James Tamblyn, Orono, .çPoke on befaîf of Orono Fair Board and requested co-operation oi tise Institute in planning de- Énanstrations and interestinÉ fea- turcs ai Women's Institute act-: ivities at tise Fair in September.- Tise Junior Depamtment is already. Obituary MES. SIMON PENFOUNI) Once more deatis bas removed a widely beloved member ai anc cf the pioncer families cf Darling- toni Townsiip. In failing iscaltis for smre tusse Acy Aune Rundie, wiie oi tise late Simon Penfound passed away at the home cf lber daugister, Mms. M. H. Staples in Orono an Tismday, June 5, 1947. She was in hem 85tis year. .Daughter ai tise late Chsarles and Susan Rundle, carly settlems in tise Ebenezer district she was a lifelong resident of Darlington. Marricd to Simon Penfound whose parents welte aise, early settiers 'tisey continued on tise fa- mily farmstead until tise death -of Mr~. Penfound many ycars ago. For tise past 20 ycars sise lived happily at tise home eftlhem deug- ister in Omono. Mrs. Penfound was anc of tisose rame, quiet voiced gentlewornn wisosc premence gmaced a iamily circle wheme visitors weme aiWvays welcome and whcre tise inspira- tion ai good music was always present. Tise parents in tisis ison ai exceptional refinement im- parted te their iamily ai 'six ciid- en not oniy a love of music but tise deep and abiding meligious values tisat bave continucd ta -en- dure. Threugisaut hem residence an thse. home famm, Mmm. Penfound was a devotçd member of Eben- ezer United Cisurch and was par- ticularly active in tise W.M.S. ai wisich she became a lufe member. In heý later years sise was4 devot- cdt tere grandchiidren wiso adar- cd lier and ta whonmse imparted tise loi ty attributes ai truc Cismis- tiànity. She is indccd greatly rnissed. Tisere remain ta maurn lier passing two daughtcrs, Mrs. M, H. Staples (Muriel) and Miss Es- tella Pcniound ai Orono, hem con- stant cempanians of late years, and four sons, John E. ai Toi-enta; Clàrence, R.R. 4, Oshsawa; Roy cf Lindsay and Allan of Oshsawa, te- getiser witis 8 grandeisildi-en. Tise funerai was iseld from tise home . o her daughter in Orono, Monday, Jine 9, with -services conducted by Rev. H. F., Yardley, Ebersezer, prier 'ta interment in Bowmanville Ceinetery.- Many floral tributes offered hornage at the beir. The bearers were im- mediate faznily relatives, Stanley, Lamne, Robert, James and John Penfound and Donald Staples. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrinder, Evelyn and Helen attended Decer- ation> Day service at Broaklin on Sunday. Jerry Millson has completed his second year in Medicine at*Uni- versity of Taranto and is home for the summer. Charles Lisngmaid, Bruce and Evelyn Taylor in company with Miss Lena Taylor, Bewmanville, and Ralph and Lois. Larmer, Blackstock, attended the Gradu- ation Exercises at I'emptville Agricultural Sciscol on Saturday when Charlie was awarded tise Gold Medal for General «Profie- iency in bis class, and they spent tise weekcnd at Ottawa and AI- gonquin Park: In tise report cf thse play «'Look Out Lizzic" last week a grave omission eccurtred. "Lizzie" in treal lufe was Pearl Leachs. Vicitai-s: Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees and Harold at Glen Pickeil's, Ebenezer, and attended Anniver- sary services there. Mm. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert and Velma at Haskin Smith's, Enfield.- Mm. and Mrs. J. W. Yellowlees at Edgar Prescott's, Enfield. Mrs. William Bromel, Bowman. ville, at Walter Parminder's. Mary and Brlagn, Tbornhill, at T. Westlake's. Miss Murlel Lahgmaid, R.N, la spendlng a menth's ivacation at home. WORLD AGIUC. CENUS Members of tise Food and Ag- riculture OrganLization cf the Un- ited Nations (F.A.O.> staff met in Rome in March of tissyear with experts, from , European countries te discuss a Ilst of basic items pmaposed as minimum scisedules in tise 1950 census of Agriculture. Tisis was tise ffrst af a series. ai regional meetings ta be iseld'beforg tise census. Later meetigs will be in Latin America.- tise Middle East and the Far East. Aiter interchange aiý viewpoints at these meetings, F.A.O. will sub- mit fcrmaily te gcvernments tise list ai basic Items for tise 1950 IMPORTANT GOVERNMENT NOTIC.E Respecting. Prive Control. 11,ý The foliowing iist is a convenient summary of tihe Wartime Prices & Trade Board Order No. 737 and is pubiished for the protection and guidance of the publici It doca flot give thse full text of the Order. For full details reference should be made ta the Order itscif. c w ' 'Kl EPýF0S : H S RTE EN Summary of -GOGOS AND SERVICES REMAINING SUBJECT TO MAXIMUM PRICE REGULATIONS ~--- I As met forth'ir Wartime Pricca & Trade Board Order No. 737-effective June 9, 1947 FOODS * ~Men'a; youths' and boyi 0NTRCIO POUCS xlue stock, giues ana acmes. *AUilfours, flour mixes and sisopatmdewly Poplar (aspen, baisam and ie faia rgn meals. or chiefiy of cotton or rayon. cattonwood) and soft wood a Starches. *Yeast. *Mnsyots' and boys' lumber of allckinds. Q irs a rpaed, as 1 eBread, bread roa, and, bake-' furnishings as follows: - a Softwood venéers. foilows: cotton, jute, sisal, 1 n' Products. ths ni blouses; collars; pyjamas; e Plywoods flot wholly con. ail synthetic fibres and fila. 8 Bicis nighshirts; underwear, other structcd of hardwood. vtscxepin lass. I pletely covered withch- than that made wholl,, or 0 Milwork such as doors, lb Yarns and threc&f, or con. 1 olate. chiefly of wool; shirts, in- sashes, windows, atairs ana taining ai»' of the fibres lust. 1 eProcessed cereals, cooked or cluding sport shirts other gates, but flot including 1daoe I uncooked, including break- than those made whoily of acreen doors or window 9 Fabrics over 12 incises in I fas ceraîsmacaoniver- all-wool or ail-rayon fabric. * e sotume r. width, in any state, whether roicelli, spaghetti, noodles ro.e', iss, il' knitted o woven, canai1n i and other alimentary paste children's and infants' gar. ducts designed for use in ve 5 ercnt by weight 1 products. ments of all kinds (but not einta or farm hbuild. 0 e anadthasre 1 Rice, excepting wild rice. including- <a> garments ings, but pot ircluding fully ferre ta above, inrluding 1 Ptadpeari bariey. rmade wholly of all-wool pre-fabricated buildings. coi-dikroy, butlot including 1 I eShelled cern, but flot in. f abric, (b) raincoats, (c>) 'Gypsum board and gypsumn other pile fabrics. 1 cluding popping coi-. jackets and windbreakers, lath. a Elastic yarns and fabries eDried peas, soya beans, dried except when made wholly or Wallboards and building lu Hides and skins fromn animais i beans except lima beans and 'chiefiy of leather, or (d) boards. of a type ordinarily pro. I red kidney beans. dressing gowns).. Cast iran soit pipe anci cessed for use as a leather.g fittings. - a Leathers of ail kinds, other Starch. 0 Knitted wear for either sex a il.tnsyheclahm9 I e Sugar, sugar cane syrupsi as follows: undergarments, 9 al.ta yteî etes coi-n syrups, prape sugar, ather than those made wholly AG1UTRLMCIER, PL N AE gcose, or chiefly of wooi; circulai- .0* Edîbie molassea. knit hosiery of cotton or IMPLEMENTS, EQUIPMENT AND 0 Wastepaper. I Tea,- coffee, coffee concent. rao0SPLE Wood pulp, exceptI g rates. 0 Work clothing, includîng a Practicaily ail items of farni (a) dissoiving grades, 'ae Malt, malt extract, malt aprons, for either sex, when machinei-y, including plant- <b) "alpha" grades of bleach- 1 syrup. made wholly or chiefly ot ing, seeding and fcrtilizing ed sulphate, I eBlack pepper and white pep. cotten or leather. qip nt pow, ilage ()"uae" I pr, ndsubtitte cotai- a Uniforrus for either sex. implements and cuitivators, (d) groundwood and un-. peadsbtiue oti haying machinei-y, harvest- bleached sulphite grades I ing black or white pepper. a Gloves, gauntlets and mitte ing'machinery, tractai-s, wag- sold for the manufacture 1 i eSaid ad cokng ua.forcitersexwhe mae ans, rdairy machines and of newsprint or hanging 1 0 Raisins, currants, prunesi wholly or- chiefly of cottaii equipruent, asprayers and paper, 1 g dehydrated apples. or leather, except those de- dusters. 1 * Toates, omat sace, signd a spciaizedSpOts 0 Articles of bai-n and harni- CONTAINERS AND PACKAGING g J tomate paste, tomate pulp, equipruent or tor specialized yard equipruent. TEIS g tomfato puree, tomato cat. industriai uses. a Stationary gas engines.MTEISi I sup, chili sauce, -wben in 0 Brassieres; foundation gar- a Hai-ness and harness isard- 9 Containers, packaging and I 1' ermetically sealed cans or ments, but not inciuding ware. wrapping devices of a type glass. surgicai corsets. 0 Barbed wire and other fenc- used for the sale or 1ipment g Caned orkand- bans 0Diaersanddiacr upprti ig wre nd encs.of products, when made from I tcanned sparheti [acbani eBin* D i.a textile fabric and including i an ed pgetimmcroiipraddaer sppots 4inWreandrens. bags, cases, envelope9 fold- i Canned corn, canned field HOUSEHOLD AND OTHER a Feeds and feed products of ci-s and racks. I beans excluding the lima and TEXTILES ail kinds except horse meat red kidney varieties. 0 Textile pi-oducts as flos pet foods, hay, straw, clan; SERVICESf I eCanned apricots, canned whçn made wisoily oroîily sheli and pauitry grit. 9 Transportation of good n peaches,. cained pears. 0fcto r o hei Fertilizers of ail kinds, but oevcsseit dtherandt 1 ofrut ancvgeabesintieoprad; rayon: bed- not inciuding humus, muck, * Wre oig;dy toereio I two preceding. items when hos blankets, h oeep manure, sphagnum mess or eramrc ndsad 4 frozen and sold in consumer horeblants; ludiosestis; ishl oosohrta aize packages. napkins; piilow cases; sheets;, Gopher poisons. wcaring apparel; cold storage, I eStrawberry and raspbei-ry silence cloths; table-cloths; 1*0Sced field beansanad seed including rentai. af locisers *-"-, and n jais contain. throw-avers- oes wash field peas. and ancillary services sucis in trawberries or rasp. cloths. 'twl;*Grisaeoles-wet s pracessing charges in cold 1 beries barley; aats; flaxseed; buck- trg plant!e oduMeat wheat; rapeseed; sunfiower 0 The supplying of meals with 1 0 etand meat Pradcs, MOUSEHfOLD EQUIPMENT AND seed; grain screenings.sleigacmotonfr g net including gaine, pet slepn comoain o foodo, and certain varieties SUPLIES RAW AND PROCESSED a combined charge, except I I of cooked and canned meatsi a Furnaces and other heating NTEIL when supplied b y an employ- 0 Sausage casings, animal aid, equipment, except portable MAEi-S rto hie emplayees, directly or artificial. electric iseaters, fireplace e Basic iran and steel pro. through a sereant or agent, e Cnnd aian cnnd ea heaters, grates, and baskets dcuadalosicuigor by a hotel as defined in g trout, cairied pilchards of therefor. pig iran; cast iran and steel Board Order No. 294. sci-ap, ingots, bars, plate, STs akn rpcaî-go thse 1946 or eariier p>acks. a Jacket heaters and other rads and wiiC. ayThe ma nacuing pai-gor fats dii anialadvegeabnd water heating equpment. 0 Primary and secondary tini cess in respect of any goods fatsincudig lad. id 0 Soap and saapcompaunds. and alloys cantaining more subjectt aiu rcs shi-enng.than 95 per cent tin. lien perfoi-med on a custom I1 CITIOMOTOR VEHICLE ACCESSORIES .0 AU fats anddails, inciuding or commission basis» 1 Vitamin A ails, of animal,8 0 enai, youths' and boy,, 0 Pneumatic tires and tubes vegetable or marine orngin cate, jackets and wind- when soid f<aý the purpose of but net includîng refined me- 4JSED GoÔDS r breakers made whaUly or or as oiiginài equipment o's dicinal cod liver coù and cors 0 Used bags and used bagging 1 cbzielly cf leather. agricultural machinery. ol. and baling matenj.ali Any materiai shown abave processed for incorporation Into, or aiy fabsricated component part of any cf thse above goode is subecet ta maximum prices. a Alto aiy set wbsch contains an article referred to above is aubject to maximum prices even though thse remainde of tise set consists of articles net reeied te, K. W. TAYLOR,- Chairman. T H E A R T I E P I C E S A N D r "'T A D E O A R 'I i I I 'P 1877-70 YEARS 0F SERVICE -1947 4 P«"e~&qc INSIDE AND OUTSIDE -for sale by- L) C.iCLC 52 KING ST.. WEST 7 BOWMANVILLi -1 Il -1 fil MW Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gage, BiUy, Agricultural Census. -TËUUDAY, JUM 12TII, 1947 TIM CANADMN STATESM«, MOYMANv=Z, ONT.&MO PAGE ILZ7M 1