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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1947, p. 12

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PÀGE TWELVE TEE CAXADIAN STA'!PMMAx. EOWMM V1LLE~ ONTAMO q~nuan.a~ wwu .~ .. CEITICAMIN 701mm AUl application forms for seed P otato inspection should be filed by June 15, with the Seeti Potato Certification Service, amy the Do- Ininion Departmaent of Agricul- ture. Seed Potato Certif ication Of- fices are located at Charlottetown, P.E.I., Kentville, NS., Fredenic- ton, N.B., Ste. Amie de la Poca- tiere, Que., Ottawa, Barrie, Gue- Iph, London, Ont., Winnipeg, Man., Estevan, Sask., Edmonton, Alta., and Vancouver, B.C. Growers sbouid. not wait ta re- port their acreage until they have finished their planting. Send the foi-m in now,. estimating the ap- proximate acres ..yau intend to plant of each variety, recommenda the Department. Late applications will nat be ac- cepteti. The ciosing date is defift- itely June 15. The arrivai of a number of new, deluxe motorcoaches wiii enable us to increase daily services on the foilowing routes: EFFECTIVE JUNE ihTH, 1947 BOWMAfflLLE PRESCOTT BOWXANVILLE CORNWALL -BRO0K VILLE - OTT~AWA - BROCKVILLE MONTREAL M THE DIM AND DISTANT PASI uko .smVI e b I old Storage Fer Tour Purs Is A Necesslty!l Store Them Now With BERMA N FUIS .Canada's Largest Furriers- *Modem Vaulte Moth-Prôof Dust-Proof *Flme-Proof *Theft-Proof *2% of Fair Valuation WE. WILL BE CLOSED PIROM JUNE 29 TO JULY 5 INCLUSIVE Laundry AN»J&ILY LENG 00-LTD EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR SREXA FUR8S TORAGE ýpHOfE Zenith 13000 TODAY i Oshawa à M tTD 1 ew pv Ai I~~~ A O»<DD MM8ENGER WILL PICK UP YOUR COATj TW NTY-FIVE TEARS AGO June Sth, 1922 Mr. Levi A. W. Tole. well known auctioneer, passes away suddenly. M. J. Hutchinson becomes di- nectar of advertising for Hugh C. McLean's Publications. Durham Old Boys anti Girls hold a ne-union at Hampton Park. Ross Tilley is in charge of sale of dopies of High School "Screech Owl" which contaîns over 100 pages of news andi doings o! school activities. Honor i-oll at South Ward School included, Jr. II: Dorotby Humpage, Clarence Oke, Isabel Mitchell, Frank Blunt. George Marsh, Miltireti Banreli, Leslie Tu- dor, Roy Todgham, Doris Dilling and Reggie Hearl; Jr. I: Hector Goulti, Hilda Slmnick, Elsie Large, Clarence King and Russell Brown. Miss Diana Fowler anti Dr. Jon- athan Hatifield were marrieti in St. John's Church, Mns. E. S. Sen- klar played the wedding music anti Mrs. T. E. Knowlton was solo- ist. Dr. V. Il. Storey, President, anti W. F. Ward, Secnetaryo! West Durhami Liberal Consenvative As- sociation, announce a meeting with speeches of prominent mcm- bers fromn the Provincial Legis- latune. Mrs. C. W. Siemon and Miss Majorie Plummen assisteti on the prognam at consecration service at Mcthodist Church. Gardon P. Souch opens an of- fice for chinopractic methotis o! treatment. Hampton-Misses Norah Horn, Lottie Horn, Lena Gay, Dorothy Smyth and Louise Johns provitict the prograni at League. Tyrone-Wallace Miller solti a fine hackney horse for $300.00.. Mns. L. T. Goodman and Miss Velma Staples supply musical numbens at W. M. S. meeting. Enfielti-James A. Werny pre- sitiet at a meeting in the interests o! consolidateti schools. . . Surplus hay is being pressed as a record crop o! new bay is anticipateti with claver neady ta cut. Zion-Miss Orma Flintof! anti Mrs. F. W. Langmaid entertain at, a concert when procceds are $120 fan church funds. Orano-A. A. Rolph is burneti when a pail of spnaying mixture explodes. . . Wma. Cornish treats the members o! the band to ice creani. .. Juveniles win 7-4 aven Yeivertonlën Pantypoal bail dia- mond . . . Haroldi Rickaby joins geotieticai surveyors in northrn Ontario. . . F. L. Edidy and sisten are injured when a motorcycle smashes into thein hanse and buggy. FIFTY YEARS AÇO lune 9, 1897 Rev. Nr A. McDiarmid was el- écted presitient o! Bay of Quinte Confernee which was attendeti by 145 ministens anti 68 laymen. J. W. Bi±nner is accepteti into the ministny anti Miss Eff le Glover ant E.-R. Bounsali sang solos. At the Suntiay School Miss Carnie Roçnigk and Miss Veale sang plcai sing selections. A good, attend- .ance was present at the South Wand Sunday Schooi whcn Miss Gloven sang solos accompanieti by Miss Florence Tilley. .G. D. Fletcher, poundkeeper, impounded thnee head of cattie founti owneniess in the town. W. F. Dale, secretary andi A. J. Bennett, N.G., announce I.O.O.F. Decoration Day at cemetery for a Wednesday aftennoon. . H. C. Hoar, secretany of!es Dunham Fanmen's Institute ne- quests co-operation fnom the pub- lic at an excursion ta Agricultural College and Fanr at Guelph. A lecture by James L. Hughes, public schoal inspecton, on Pa- triotism, tielivenedt t local Chris- tian Endeavor Societies was much enjoyeti. Bowmanvilie bail team lose ta Durham Member Writes from Ottawa By C. E. Stephenson, M.P. Back in 1939 the National Film Board was establisheti, ostensibly as an economy measure. It was ta co-ardinate film-making in the diffenent branches o! gavenniment anti pnevent duplication o! set- ups and staff. Today the National FiliA Board is Parliament Hill's prize exani- pie of haw the weakest seedling o! bureaucracy manages ta gnow and blossorn inta fuli-grown ex- travagance. Fram its modest start back in 1939 as an inter- dcpantmental group of civil ser- vants, acting without additional remuneration, anti a commissioner andi a stenognaphen as the anly paiti staff, the Film Board has grown into a branch o! govern- ment which in the coming yean will cost the taxpayens of the na- tion over $2,000,000. That's the public figure, but it's flot the to- tal. For the Film Board also is paid by other gavenaîment de- partments ta make pictures for themn anti this concealed spcnding amountedti t $630,000 in the past 16 months. This indicates the nav- enous capàcity fan eating up pub- lic funtis by the N.F.B. "white cile- phant." At the tume the National Film Board was cneateti, the govenn- ment's film activities cansisteti o! a Motion Picture Branch locateti in the Department a! Trade anti Commerce. It cost the public treasury approximately $90,000 annually ant idt consitienable ef- fective work in promoting Can- adian tratie abroati. It was the then Tratie anti Com- merce Ministen, Hon. W. D. Euler, who in 1939 introtiuced ta Parl- lament the legisiation for the creatian o! the National Film Boardi. He explaineti it as an ec- anomy measune, tiesignedti apre- vent over-lapping and duplication o! governmcnt film activities anti as "not an onganization that la going ta nequire the expenditure o! a great deal a! public money." Its oniy paiti officiaIs, be qsaid, would be a Commissioner and. a stenographen, or possibiy twâ. Tc the then Consenvative leader, Hon. Dr. R. J. Manion, the Trade anti Commerce Minîster gave the pletige that, sa fan as he was con- cerneti the new board wouid not be built up into a large depart- ment. But Hon. Mn. Euler ceasedti t *be Minster o! Trade anti Com- merce. Anti John Giicson be- came National Film Commission- ci-. Swiftly Grierson moved in the direction o! building Up a huge new govcrnment braxch. The range o! Film Board~ activ-, ities reacheti out fan beyondt the original concept o! tratie promo- tion; in fact, with the advent of war, that function automatically ceaseti. Insteati, a flood of pic- turcs of bighly miscellancous chanacten war, poureti foith. Sanie o! themn werc supposed ta be con- necteti with the war effort; ath- ers were, supposedti t promote national unity. Just what their connection was with these lauti- able objectives, was frequcntly bard ta determine, but anc ob- viaus featune of tbem was coni- mon toalal. They ail mîsacti- no ,opportunity ta partray the actlv- ities o! the govcrnment o! the day irn, a very favourable ligbt. As a resuit af this saving vu-tue, Grier- son experienceti a minimum of di!ficuity in securing government approval tiuring the war yeans for bis rapidly.-mounting spenti- '2' GETTINS UIP hsqmd bm be u - Mq reisw&àa mm unt* Ir!---- m- L . i .. lEw APPOUINTEEJI a. Ad Port Hope, on their own groulids, L.O.L. are making arrangements to holti Juiy 12 celebration li Bowmanville. Mrs. R. Freeland and Mns. J. H. Barnett cantribute tawards the success cf Board of~ Missions con- ventioni at Lanark.' Tynone-A grand Union plcnic was heid.-Citizens are engageti in ncpairing streets and roads., Blackstock-S. Jeffery, shoe- maker, lcaves on an extended vis- It ta Englandt t celebrate the Dia- mond Jubiiee of Queen Victoria. -Dr. McKibbon extentis teie- phone lines ta Cadmus and Burke- ton. ]ýnfielti-Doctors Mitchell a p d Star attenieti Donald I&Culloch when his team nan away andi be fractured a leg in two places.- Mn. Fred Heatlie and Miss Heatiie, Sauina, provitied musical numbers êt the Sunday School annivensary. Courtice-S. S. Brooks le! t on a business trip ta England.-Mrs. J. Liddty was soloîst at annivensany services. F. Tnebilcock and L. T. Countice aiso contributed num- bers. Sauina-Chas. Shortritige was kicked severely by a horse.-A. L. Pascoc anti S. Shortnitige are af- flicteti with lumbago-Harry Tomn is the prouti owner o! a ncw bi- cycle, Hampton-Levi Rabbins is con- valcscing froin a seniaus ilIness.- Miss Many-Slane Bigclow becomés the bride o! John Brown. ROY W. NICHOLS CHI!VROLET, PONTIAC, OLDSMOBILE, BUICI AND CADILLAC CARS OHEVROLECT ÂAD»O. TRUCKS COURTICE - 01NTARIO v ce:n Whose appointment as Gener- ai Manager and Actuary of the Empire Lif e Insurance Company is announced. Mr. Blakeman, who is a gold medallist of the Unieer- sityý of Torointo, has occupied im- portant . positions in Lie Insur- ance iii both Canada and the Un- ited Stàtessance 1927, and for the pgàt.twa years has been Assistant Generai Manager and Actuary at the bCompany's Head Office in ing program. >Làst y'ear the cost of the Na- tionial Film Board for travelling expenses. alone was $422,000. Grierson took the post of Com- mîssionýer at an initial salary of $4,620'a year., He ended up with a 'salary of $10,000 a year-the same asý paid to a deputy minist- er-and an expense account of $Q,694. The. Auditor-General in one, of his recent reports com- mented. on the travelling expens- es. of, the Film Board. He cnit- icized the .Board's practice o! al- lowinig- some employees ta be at- tached "officially to a base at whidh ±hey spent but a short 15art of eâc.hyear,,thus permitting them the subterfuge- of coliectîng ex- pense a lowances for the majority of, the .year which they speiit else- where. . In addition to the yagueness o! the value of the work which the Film Board has. been perfonming while. its trade promotion func- tion has been suspended, the sus- picion.of political and even Com- munistic' bias bas always en- shrouded its activities. Commis- and generally throughout Ontario For compiete information, please consuit your local agent.- G»ARTON COACH UNES BOWMANVILLE TELEPHONE 2666 WHEN YOITH MEETS YOUTH Confedieration Life representatives have a'youth- fui outlook. Many are young veterans who have been tralned to cl upon other young men ta explain the immediate protection-as well as the long terrn benefit-aobtainable through Gonfedieration Life policdea. They know the peace oi mmnd that cornes front having fimancdai security for themmselves and their familles. Nothing but lie insurance assure& so much Immoe. diate and future fimandiai protection. for sa littie. The great thlmg la ta make a start vvith anc pQlicy;, then bulld up additional aecurlty as your earning, pawers amd responsibilitles lncrease. The Confedieration Life representative will help yau ta plan a practical program for Immediate and future requirements. C oufederatiô'n Ie HEDOFHCU Association, TOROTO' ]Branch Office: 169 Charlotte Street, Peterbaro P. J. 'NATHER, Divisional Manager I.-,-- LOI .01 -mà%ý PýMIC ýrwELY TEZ CANADUN, STA"CSM", B- 07;bCAWV= ONTAIUO, lý sioner Grierson himseif was ques- tloned by the Taschereau-Kellock Royal Commission on Soviet es-- pionage. After hlm testimony, the United States State, Departmnent refused Grierson a visa to enter that country. More rccentiy ane of the Board'u key executives sub- stltuted for a Cabinet Minister in a speaklng engagement which the latter was unable to keep. A feW days later this same officiai re- signed bis post with the Board andi went down to Halifax to con- test the Liberai nomination for the by-clection there. The oid saying that It is a wise chiid who knowa bis own father sometimes applies in reverse where legisiation is concerneti. The Film Board is a prize exam- pie, Hon, W. D. Euler must have difficulty today ini recognizing bis economy brain-child of 1939 in the present profligate film organi- zation. Important Study 0f Brown Trout The Department of Lands and Forests, Fish pnd Wildlife Divis- ion, is carrying on a research pro- ject at the provincial forestry sta- tion at Orono. The department hopes to replenish southern Ont. ario stneams with much needed trout. Department officiais are calling upon laymen anglers in this dis- trict ta help them. They* want weekend fishing enthusiasts who visit Wilmot Creek-the streani which nuns through the provincial forestry station at Orono-to pro- duce their catc.'os for inspection if requested. Conservation auth- orities, it is pointeti out, want only ta make a study of fish footis -how much the fish are eating, where they are getting it anti to approximate the number of fish being caught. Similan inspection has been going on at other points for sanie time. Fisheries experts of the depart- ment are working on the assump- tion that southern Ontario's in- cneasing lack o! forest reserve is causing spring waters ta dry up faster. What water is le! t, offic- iais say, is warmed up more quickly. The Brown Trout, baving a somewhat higher tempenature range than other trout, seenis ta be the logicai fish for the restockin.g of these warm water streanis. It is, however, essential that com- plete information concerning the habits of the brown trout be ob- taineti before any lange-scale pro- grami is begun. To get this in- formation the work on Wilmot Creek is being carrieti out. Duccwhat 'For Sale 'ne followng have or had Sfed Buckwheat for,"I Any others with fluekw'heat suitable for' su notify the underslgned. ARTHUR GIBSON - -- Bowmanvile, Ra . .1 O. HYLAND - - - Burketon, Phone Port Perry 111.r-5 JAMES PARR -- -- -- - --Ennlikilien EDWIN WILSON -- - Garden Hill, Phone 8-r-11 W. H. B. DICKINSON - Port Hope, Phone Clarke .431 2 Wm. BAIRSTOW -- Orono, Phone 62-r-6 ORME MILLER -. Pontypool, Phone 62-r-il GARNET RICKARD - Bowmanvllle, Phone 2813 W. WOODLOCK - Bowmanville, Phone 2721 A. W. GLENNEY--- --- ------ --------Newcastle HAROLD REEVE - Port Hope, Phono Clarke 1714 Barley, 1 bushel and Buekwheat, i peck per acre might be advlsable up 'to lune 2Mt Last week of lune to JuIy l2th sow Buckwheat 3 ta 4 pecks per acre. E. A. SUMMERS, Agricultural Representative Durham County Premier G EORGE DREW wiII speak in the "PROVINCIAL AFFAIRS"e SERIES ovor tho C.B.C. Ontario Trans-Canada Network Monday, J... loti 10.30 t. 10.45 p... E.D.T. LISTEN TO STATION C B L TORONTO la

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