W*MWAT~ Wui im~ 1~4? ~U f!AIIAflTAV ft'l'A'PUMAIT~ ~ftWLt&%I1?ft12U f~?0I~AUY~ -- ---.-----. --------., -w..--' .-, ~.'.E-w PAGE TBIBTSUU -1 I Eleven membens ýf flic us!- aigs Women's Club, Toronto, held .,a bridge party t Glad's Tea BXoom on Btnnduleand enjoyed a yey fine chicken dinner. .Grant Moffat, son ot Mr. and gur. Win. Mottat, Antioch, la to pe congratulated on wlnnlng a Domninion - Provincial student aid buWsr at Ontario Agicultural Collage, Guelphi. A very sucesful sale ot house- Public TOILET SOAP PALNLIVE Cake 84 TOILET SOAP PAMLi'VE Cke110 WHEN AVAILABLE USE SUPISUDS 310 ALL PURPOBE 5 ROSESFLOUR 7Rb.3Mo &LICED FANCY BLU lEamESE Sb69 t4O PINSINO-NO WIMIN4 SCANNED le-oz M HAT TIR UANULU 270 hold effects wau held by Mn. John Fisk at bis home on Main St. S. Mr. Fisk bas moved to Bowman- ville and wAll be gneatly missed by hiii friends in Orono, whene ho and Mng. Fisk lived for the paît two ycaru. ,Mns. Ella Chapman, widow of Uic late Josephi Chapnuan, passed away at the home of ber daugliter, Mrs. Ed. Bail, Leekard, on June 3nd, and was buried in Orono MeetingJ À public meeting %vin b. held in Concil Chamber, Town Hall Wednesday Evenîng, lune 18 at 8 p.m. for the purpose of hearing a discussion on the proposed new Hlgh SOhool Ares, Scheme. Addrémsez will hé delivered by 0. W. Booth and G. L. Duffin of thé Department of Education, Toronto. The public are cordially invlted. SIDNEY LITTLE, Mayor. HAWKS IFLNI GCLOSS ~ FOR DISMES £WOOLENS pkg 7 COMMFUES The Orono. News QUAKBR 3pk>25c à "-- WO Stili Time to Plant Canning Tomnatoes States. Fildman Profitable yields of canning tomatoes can be obtained from acreage planted up tili the.middle of June, said, Mr. H.. J. Coyle, fildman, Campbell Soup Com- pany Ltd.,-New Toronto,; Ontario. This year the seasohn is-froni-7two to three weeks late and we believe that tomatoes planted ýany,*4ime during the next week willbe just as far ahead by the first 'of July as those planted during the'-latter part Of May. Our records show t.hat we have haid somne of our béat average yields in seasons when only twenty percent of the -acreage wag plantedprior to June. Growers will recail that while the -crop was planted fairly early Iin 1946, the- cool weather exper- ieftced during August delayed the harvest period considerably. It is quite possible to harvest tomat- oes earlier thîs year than we did in 1946 even though planting will be two or three weekà later. Throughout the United States the season has been late and there is ample evidence to show that those growers who planted by the calendar are flot as far ahead as those who waited for proper- wea- ther conditions. In the Leaming- ton district, tomato plants set. in the outdoor beds two weeks ago are further advanced now than those set out five weeks ago. We believe that the tomato crop offers excellent possibilîties for increas- ing the incarne of those farmers who have been unable to plant other crops. An adequate supply of plants is available for those growers who wish ta plant tomnato acreage this year. Warsaw's pre-war population of 1,300,000 has shrunk to 400,- 000. MOVINS WEST bit. Rawlinhon Llmited rsgularlY make op and ship Houmehold Furniture. Con- soUtd Pool Cars to Manitoba, SaakAtcb. .wan. Alberta, British Columbia *nd to Cgllforoa. Write. wfre or phone for reduced frembt tate«. $,Etbllshed 1856. 610 Tu"e .Se., Toronto. Kiogadmie 3125 This la The Bést lace To Sell Youu FARMI PRODUCE, At this season of the year we; ar6e specially good buyers of BEN& - SPRING CHICKENS EGGS - SPRING LAMB$Sand, VEAL CALVES If we are flot tottint Four pro- duce now wo would appreclate Four tivnun atrial. You wil id our prices oqual to or botter than those Fou eau Lot; olsewbere. i Pickering Farms Ltd. WhitbY 388 - Mlgbt or Day WhItby - Ontario ------------- Ge tg b. Tough Lether f«t heavy - dlt, shose cornes from the hld. OY cat-tle mort thanhflve ytara old., hd and ma alo 1pD *Amérléân'. Ind".no obtalned sw.eteriing frofti maple uar by fneezing out the water- white men lnitiated thebioîingcit procesg. The ?wateKdpau nomae:Chouké 38 I Mr. and Mm. C. S. McLarun oad Donald attoended the wodding of Mr. McLaren's niece ln St. Geo- rge's United Church, Toronto, on Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. LGeo. Mitchell on the arrival of a baby girl on June 5th, in Bow- manvifle Hospital. ATa gDay was held Saturday for teNv ege the tagging beingdn by th Boy Scouts under the supervisin of Roy For- rester. Rev. McKay representing the. Lord's Day A.Iinco, had ,charge of the servkeis in the United Church at Orono anid Klrby, on Sunday. Mr. and 14rs. J. J. Meloer, ac- companied by Mr..and Mr&. J. E. Colline and daughter, Anne, To- ronto, attended the wedding ocf Miss Jean MePhail and Mr. Doug. lus Dilks in St. Andrew4e Pres. byterian Church, Ottawa, Satur- dey. The First Annual SprAng Dance of the Clarke Township Junior Council last Fniday evening was a great success. Mn. C. S. McLaren attended a Coal Dealers' Convention three days last weelc at X~iagara Falhs. Congratulations to Alan Corn- Ish, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cornish, who passed bi& lat year exams in mechanical engineering at University of Toronto. The death occurred on Thurs- day last of Mrs. S. Penfound at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. H-. Staples. Service was Qield at the home on Monday afternoon with interment in Bowmanville Cemetery. Congratulations to Shirley Por- ter and Patricia Yeo who gradu- ated from Oshawa Hospital. A large number of their friends from Orono and vlcinlty attended the graduation exercises Friday evening. Messrs M. W. Chatterton, Harry BaAley and Henry Cantreil were on jury duty in Cobourg last week. Gary Cooper, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cooper, had the misfortune to fracture bis skull and also break hie collar-ýbone last week as a resuit of a fall from a truck. 1 Mr. and Mna. M. J. Tamblyn 1attended the. graduation of thefr son, Glenn, et Convocatlbn Hall lait .week. Glenn returned to Montreal on Sunday. Mrs. Gordon lieamen, Toronto, has been wlth bher Motheç, Mn. I. Wlnter who lias been Mu. Oreno- Women's Institute was weIl represented at the West Dur- hami District Annual at Nestleton on June 4th. Visitons: Mr. Mort Stewart, Saskatche- wan, with Mr. and, Mn. -Robert Stewart and other relatives. Mrs. _Wes. Elliott, Kendai, wlth Mns. Jas. Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrn. Harry Hall, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mns. W. J. Leamen. Miss Marj orie McLaren, Co- bourg, at lierhome. Mr. and Mrs. John Keane and Joanne, Toronto, 'wltti Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. Mis fell Cheaney, Toronto; Mrs, Siemon, PeterborQ, and Mns. Milton Dunbar, Perrytown, with Mrs. T. A. Recd. Miss Margaret Milîson and re- latives in Perth and Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Trull of Kingston, with Mr. and, Mrs. Fred Tnull. Mr. and Mns. Gordon Major, Bowmanville, Wlth Mr. anî Mrs. Rusell Major. PARK ST. W.M.S. Park St. Sunday School room was bountlfully decorated with tulips, narcîssus and blossoms at the regular meeting of'the W.M. S. on June 3rd. Each member had been asked to bring flowers which would afterwards be sent to shut- mns of the conigregation. Mns. A. Delve, President, had charge of the business and Mrs. A. A. Dnum- mond conducted a veny belpful devotional period, taking as the theme "Arise and Build." Mrs. H. Walsh, Temperance and Citizen- ship Secretary, gave several thoughts fnom Mrs. Seymour's talk at the W.C.T.U. Convention In Oshawa. Guest speaker for the meeting was Mrs. G. W. Mil- ler, Bowmanville, who gave a inost interesting account of con- dýitions in India, where she lîved for 12 years. Her clear descrip- tions of the different classes and religions in India, the sordid conditions under which the, people live, and the few doctons and nurses, evangelists and teachers in proportion to the vast popula- tion, made lier bearers mucli more aware of the great needs of the people and also a littie of the internal political problems of the present day. Mrs. Miller is a veny chanming speaker and will be mucli appreciated if she returns to Onono in the future. GRAGES CALIFORNIA -** Don. 5 LENONS CALIFORNIA FR18142"s *6 for23o ORNGS FLORIDA VALENCIA 176& a Doz. g CANTLOIPES CAIFORA. t9a PLUJS CALIFORNIA, BEAUTY RED a 'b- l3. CAhOTS TEXAS BULK u a e3 lbi. 219 Gemons TEXAS, YELLOW BERMUDA 2 libn. G~ DMIS Misisippi- b.239 TONATOES TEXAS, SELECTED QUALITY l.2, ANN PAGE 'm M'w 1% 3% MUMW ban 4p WHITE or BROWN omw Priced to ivalS pw St 24 oz loav« 1 In ORION SOUP Ayira« 3 tim 25c MEATY PRUNES 7o -81ys 2 ibs 29c LEMON JUICE -3,6oz tins 20c APPLE SAUCE SwStned 20zo~tif2lc AIL WHEAT KELL0GG's 2 pkpg 23c PERFCTION COCOA 1Ilb ctn 24C LIMA DFDANS AyImcu, Baby 20 oz tinl8BC A[SP. ITN Aylmer New Packl2 tti29C PSLimited Supplies CIGARTTESFor Fathera Day june 15 CICAM TES Popular Pnices UU~LU DEISET*ViWt"SPREMlUJM PICKLIES I3L kIUED HllSCHOIOesW1401.1 OR NALF eeselb. DOUJN FOWL FRESH GRADE T"A».ee eejb330 1S MAPLE LEAP OMS« IL e ~ 7 D Fd re" uggoetlons PRESM, LAKE NIPIGON . . a o b. 3 MAjoi fEAS ILaBR01Tlb e1. 270 -Miss Olive Thorne is the guest of her eister, Mrs. D. B. Simpson. Mr. and Mns. Harold Hocken ha¶ýe taken the Patterson cottage at NeWcastle-on-the-lake, and Mr. aný Mrs. Jack Wade are moving into their apartment at Miss E. Rowlands'. Mrs. Stella Anderson spent the weekend in Toronto and attcnded the By-line Press Bahl at the Royal York Hotel, Saturdmy evening. Mns. Robent W. Gibson will spend the weekend In Guelph wherc she will be the bouse guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfned Stuart for the manniage of their daugh- ter, Miss Peggy Stuart to Mn. Gordon S. Green, in the Finit Baptist Church on Saturday af- ternoon. , I Mrs. H. Ragen and Mr. Walten Douglas were in Toronto on pst- urday attending the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bittian's tWin daugliter, Joan, to Mn. Fred Cole in St. Mark's Anglican Church. .Guests visiting Mrs. Ragen and Mn. Douglas are Mrs. I. S. Goudie, Toronto; Mn. Bob Gioffi, Now York City. Miss Doris Allin, Toronto, Mrs. Hanry McBain and Donald, Ida, with Mn. Irwin Allun. Mr. and. Mrs. D. Giffiths andj Joey, Hamilton; Mrs. Atkinson, Stouffville, with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bitton. Mrs. MeKenzie is staying with her daughter, Mrs. H. S. Bnitton. Congratulations to Mn. Joseph t Hockin on passing his first year1 of electrical engineering. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Symons of Port Hope, were Sunday callers of Mns. Geo. Rickard. NEWVCASTLE W.M.S. 1 1 I Clarke Council Hus Busy Session The Clarke Township Council met on June 3, 1947 in regular mefeting.-All mensbes were pre- sent. A letter froni the C.N.R. ne the carrying capaclty of the bridge between Lots 8 and 9, B.F., was read and the Clenk was aaked ta replY thit the nssponsibility 'of incremsing the Strength ut this bridge waa flot thelrs. The question of thse* Nowtonvills Monument was laid over for fue- tiser considenation.. d Glenney andS. Banchard ap-, peared before the counicil asking that a' ditch bo improved. Thio matter was rcferrcd to the Road Supenintendent. The condition ef the Town Hall was again brought.ta thse atteri- tion of thse council and the. Reeve and Clerk appointed a comnittee to sec what action couid be taktn immediately. A letten from J. B. Bentley ne weed control waa ondened filed. Mn. Grossworth addresscd the council ne culvents. Wmn. Riddeii addressed the council ne the es- tkblisbment of a dump, showinig the neceseity of such a place and nequesting the council to purchaso same. The matten of a suppiemental by-law for further expense on noads wag lef t in the hands of the Reeve, Road Supenintendent and the Clerk, who are to, consuit Mn. Marsden, Municipal Engineer. The foilowing resolutions wene passed: 1369-Agreeing te accept the offer ot the Department et Highi-' ways of tise gravel pit oni No. 2 Highway. 1370-Continuing the Publie Liabllity Ineurance with J. C. Gamey. 1371-Continuing C, P. Awde as Tax Collector up to. JuIy Bth, Rêv. B. Harrison e~d Mn. E]WI Dorrell atte.nded Bmy Q«, Quinte Conkrence at Brockvill for four day. Mn. Donrell went -on to Montreal to visit his son, ffler, and d.aughter-in-ljaw for the week- end. He.auto called on Foster Pergtmon'è in Ottawa on hiAs wav home. He reportasthat part of the country much worao than here on account of thé hsavy raina* Mri. R. B. Harrison epent à few day. last -wek with er nothet, M:Park, Nspane. Little Miss -Mariln Archer, eowmiànvîille, Ioh itng her gîandparents, Mn. and Mrs. Wil- hur Archer. Mats Gwenyth Marl1 of ot ho Sherbounne Rouée. Staff, To>rontd,- As havlng holidays wlth hon par- ente, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- low. Sawing loge at Arthur Baileym min Aninthe. villagela IAn tul swing thete days, Congratu.lations. to Misa Mabel M. VanCamp, B. who has suc- cesstulÏy compîeted her final ex- arnimations of Osgoode Hall.. law course. Congratulations to Jack Marlow or, btaining hs first year at To.: ronto University. 'Ms. Fred Eaileyis now at her cottage aât Caesarea. .Misse Pearl and Dorothy Wright, Toronto, with theiipar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Goldwyn Faint, Valenie and Vickie, Misa Edith Wright and friend, Toronto; Mr.' and Mns. Frank Wright and child- ren, Tyrone, wlth Mn. and Mrs. Osmond Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lansing, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hooey., Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright and Mr. and Mrs Wesley Brad- burn motorid to Meaford last week to attend the'funeral of Mr. Bert Thompson. Mns. George Fowler la at pre- sent In Bowmsanville. An old Scottish oustom called for the bride to b. ht over the head with a currant bun by the groom's inother. b- TU CANAI)TAN STATUaIL«e nawmAnvnýLi. ei»Anm Rely on both YOUR financial securitr, -dependol on two servicio .-your bank and your ini. surance agent. For the sf ety of your cash and valuable papers, you turh to your bank; for the safety of thoise dollars invested in your property, you should née your'insuranoe agent to miake sure you have ade- quate dependable insur- ance. StuaartILR.lames INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE muccessor ta J. 3. Maman & Son Phones: Office 681 - House 493 King St. Dowmanville -à wam ,Blackstock 1 li. - À/