WA~M-Youi~r TEE CAKADIAN STÂTI~MA1i. EOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO __ 1~IJB5UKT, JW!N 1'* '1 ADCOCK-Mr. and Mrs. Don Adcock, Hamipton, are happy to annoi.moe the birth of their son, Raymond Donald, at Bowmanville Hospital, June 2nd, 1947. 24-1 ZRÉU SON-Mr. and Mrs. Syd-' ney P'erguson announce the birth of their daughter, Sharma Lynn, at Bowmanvillé' Hospital, on May 2Mt, 1947. A sister for Donna Florence. 24-1* GLENNEY-Helen and Charlie Gletiney, Newcastle, are delighted to announce the arrivai of their baby girl, Margaret Jane, a sister for John Charles, at Èowmanville Hospital, Wednesday, June 4th, 1947. 24-1* SMITH-Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith (nee Velma Pearce) an- nounce the birth of their daughter (Victoria Lynn) in Western Hos- pital, Toronto, on June 4th, 1947. WERRY-Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Enniskillen, are happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter, Sophia Jane, at Bow- manville Hospital, oný Saturday, June 7th, 1947, a baby sister for Allan, Clark, Grant and Bert. ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Piper wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Irene Lor- raine, to Roy Bothwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Bothwell, Maple Grove. The wedding will take place quietly in July. 24-1* Mr. Howard Challis wishes to announce the engagement of bis daughter, Shirley Doreen, to John Leslie Bowers, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bowers, Oshawa. Thé mar-j riage will take place quietly June 28th. 24-1 The engagement is qnnounced of Eleanor Lorraine, youngest daughter of Mrs. Violet Somer- scales and the late George Somer- scales, Bowmanville, Io Stanley * Joseph Pingle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Baden Pingle, Hampton. The wedding will take place in St. * John's Church on Saturday, June 28th, 1947, at 3.30 p.m. 24-1 DEATIl GIBSON-At Newcastle, on June 7th, 1947, Mary Annie Coulson, widow ai Thomas M. Gibson and beloved mother ai Alfred Luck Gibson, Courtland, N.Y.; Mrs. Earh Wynn (Marion), Part Hope; Mrs. Wallace Hoirnes (Winniircd), Newcastle; Mrs. T. Arnold Forster (Jessie), Sussex, England; Mrs. David A. Valleau (Francis), Osh- awa; Mrs. Cecil Cannon (Bessie), Toronto, and' the late Robt. W. Gibson, in ber 8th year. Inter- mrent St. George's Cemetery, New- castle. O'HARA, Alicia Major. (By cabie) At ber residence at 59 Sharps Lane, Ruiship, Middlesex, Eng- land, on June ltb, Alicia Major, ]ast surviving daughter ai the late Hon. John Simpton, Senator, ai Bowmanvillc, and mother ai W. L. Burk O'Hara, Newcastle-on- the-lake, and Elsie Margaret Maidlow, Ruislip, England. 24.1*, COMINO EVENTS 'Ladies' Auxiliary ta Canadi Legion wiil hold an open aneeti on Monday, June 16%h, at ' Lions Comrnunlty Centre, 8 p. AIl members * are requcsted bring their husband or a frienc, 24 Fia-n Ung the 1. ý4-2 Junior Farmers' Dance,' Coni- munity Hall, Newcastlc, Friday, June l3tb. Dancing irom 9 ta 1. Russ Creigbton's Variety Band. Admission 50c. Everyone wel- corne. 24-1 The Devitt's L.O.L. No. 43 will celebrate their 100th anniversary this year and are baving a special service on Sunday, June lSth, in Cadmus United Cburch, at 4.30 p.m. Rev. R. B. Harrison wili speak. All lodges are cordially invited. 24-1 Maple Grave Sunday Scbool Annivcrsary will be beld on Sun- day and Mondày, June 15 and 16. On Sunday, June 15, at 2,30 and 7:30 p.m. (E.D.S.T.) Rev. Ernest Rands, pastor ai the Woodbine Heights United Church, Toronto, will be the guest speaker. Special music by the Sunday School, as- sited in the afternoon and even- ing by Miss Orma Flemming of Whitby. On Monday evcning at 7 p.m. a young men's softball game will be played, Ebenezer Tuxis vs. Maple Grave Hawks. Fùllow- ing, a variety concert consisting of local and outside talcnt»will be presentcd and featuring a anc-act play entitled "A Ghostly Evening" by Maple Grave Young People, under the direction af Mrs. (Rev.) Frank Yardley. Admission: -aduits 35c, children 15c. 24-1 CARDS 0F THANKS Wc wish ta thank aur many fri- ends in Bowmanvillc and Tyrone for their kind words ai sympatby and floral tributes. Your kind- nets and belp bas been much appreciated during the illness and death ai Mrs. Brooks. Sincerely, Gea. Brooks and the boys. 24.1* Frank Stone wishes ta thank bis iriends and neighbaurs for their many kind acts and goad wishes during bis recent iilness. Also thanks ta Dr. McKcnzie and nurses ai Bowmanville Hospital. 24-1* The family ai the late Sarlah E., Malley with ta express their deep- est gratitude ta the many friends and relatives for their kind ex- pressions ai sympathy and floral tributes cxtcnded ciuring their sad bereavement. 24-1* " Notice Dr. W. H. Birks' office wiil be ciosed from May 27th ta July lst, inclusive. 20-7 The foliowing places ai'* busi- ness in HIamptoli will be closed from 1 p.m. evcry Wcdnesday ai- ternoon during June, July and August: Hampton Mill, Barran's Store, Reynold's Store. 24-1 Auto Service RADIATOR, beater and gas tai service. Clifton Moore, Radiat( Service, 160 King Street Weý Oshawit, phone 4340W. 17- ýor :st .8 &Sm.rt" Electrlc Razors Safety Razors Gillette Tech - 49c Auto-Strop -. - 81.25 Schlck - ------ 81.49 Gulette Aristocrat $. 6.00 Buxton Billfolds Seaforth for Men. Cologne, Deodorant, Shavlngt Talc., Shavlng Lotion -------- each $1.50 Sets ---- -83.00 and $4.50 Bachelor Sets -$1.00-$1.754;2.1542.65 Ronson Llghters $6.00 Dunhilil Lghters . 4$. 1.25 Frank Medico Pipes -------- - 81.50-$3.00 Oxford Pipes - -- i$.50 Ail brands cf Cigarettes Cigars and Tobaccos Spruce Sets for Men $~ 3.0044.50 Local winners will b. ot. igible to compote fou $ 10#000 in cash prizos through the Nowspaper ?f National Snapshot SAwards. Stop in for Kodak > Verichrome Film, and gel Off to a good start. OLD SPICE. Talcum----,12 Shavlng Lotion $12 Sets 812-35 Sha.vlng Brushes .~ 5-5O Polarold Sun Glanses$1.9s-$2.69 Colobar Sun Glanes .$3.501 I TakeNotice lrtb, Marriages, Deatha, Carda of Thanks, Ilu Memorlama and Engagements, minimum charge from this date wlll b. $1.00 IN MEMORIAM BROWN-In loving memory ai my dear mother, Mary Jane Brown, who passed away June 15, 194 5: Tume spccds on, two years have passcd, Since death its glooni, its sbadows cast Within aur home, wbere al secmcd bright, And took from us a sblning ligb We miss that light, and ever wl, Her vacant place there's none ta fi; Down here we maurn, but not in vain, For up in Heaven we will meet again. -Ever remembercd by ber loving daughtcr, Reta and son-in-law, George. 24.1* CORDEN-In loving memory of Adeline, bcioved wifc of G. A. Corden, -who went ta rest on June llth, 1945: Ta-day recails sad mernories 0f a dear anc gone ta rcst, And the ones who think ai her ta-day Are the ones who loved ber best. -Ever rememnbered by Husband and Famiiy. 24-1 HOBBS-In ioving memory of dear mother, Elsie May Hobbs, wbo passed away June 9, 1946. Peacefuhly sleeping, rcsting at last, The worlds weary troubles and trials are past. In silence she suffered, in patience she bore, Till God called ber home ta suifer no marc.* -Ever remcmbercd by Tomn and Kae. 24-1 JACKMAN-In loving mcmory ai aur dear mother, Mary Trimble Jackman, who passed away on June l3th, 1946: Good-night awhile, dear mother, God chose yau for aur own, To bletssaur lives with patient care, To make our bouse a home. Within His love may you be kcpt And angel cyes watcb o'er you; Wc'hl meet again tome happy day, When iife's grand game is througb. *-Lovingly remembercd bv dau- ght ers Ruby, Rena and Hilda, SHERWIN-In mcmacry ai a loy- ing father, Walter R. Sherwîn, wi.o i.eparoea irom tnis umc 1Nov. llth, 1942; sister, Mary, Aug. lSth, 1939 and mother, June 13th, 1944: The years may wipe out many things, But tnis tney wipe out neyer- The mcmaory af those happy days When wc were ail together. -Ever remembered by Florence and Laurie. 24-1* TEACHER WANTED BOWMANVILLE Public Scbools require for school apening, Sep- * tember, teacher for Intermediate Grades. Salary schcdule in efiect. Minimum $1,400.00, maximum $2,200,00 with allowances for ex- perience. $100.00 annuai incre- ment. State experience, qualifi- cations, salary expected and name ai present inspector. -Apply S. R. James, Secretary-Treasurer, Board ai Education, Bowmanville, Ontario. 24-1 Help Wanted WAITRESS, chamber maid; also kitchen bclp required. Live in or out. Apply Balmoral Hotel. BOOKKEEPER.Stenograpber, Le- male, gaod wages and working conditions. Write, stating age, education and experience, if any, ta Box 905, The Canadian States- man. 24-1 GIRL or woman, steady emplay- ment, 8-hour day, usual wcekly holiday, goad working conditions. Olympia Cafe, Bowmanville. Phone 888. 23-3* AN OPPORTUNITY-Establish. cd Rural Watkins District avail- able. If you are aggressivc, and between the ages ai 25 and 55, have or can secure travel outfit, this is your appartunity ta get cstablishcd in aprofitable business ai your own. For full particulars write today ta The J. R. Watkins Company, Dcpt. 0-B-9 2177 Mas- son St., Montreal, Que. 23-4 Wanted ro Buy OVEIRSEAS trunks. Wri4e Box 909, Statesman Office, Bowmnan- ville. 24-1* ALL types live poul try and fea- thers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7 r13. 1-tf LIVE hanses for mink and fox food. Ail horses humanely slaugh- tcred. Cali us for highest prices. Margwil Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyr- one. Phone Bawmanvlle 2679. 13-tf. OLD norses for fur lan, 81.00 per hundred, approximate.welght, delivered here. For silghtly less we will humanely destroy your horses on your own farm. Ran. kine Mink Ranch, Hiaydon. Phone Bowmanviflo 2888. 3a-tg I I 1CEassit led Ad -1?ates -r CASH RATE: 2 cents a word (minimum 35c) Must bc pald before insertion ]I CHARGED: 3 cents a word (minimum 50c) 25e extra for box numbersj or replies dlrected to this office ADDITIONAL ]INSERTION4S SAM ERATES Ail Classified-Adiett Muet B. In Not Later Than M~OON WEDNESDAY You must include cash, stamps, or money order, wlth copy to get low rate. Articles For Sale COOK siove, almost new. Apply 24 Carlisle Ave. 24-1* LADY'S tailor-made suit, size 38, neyer worn. Phone 492. 24-1* NEW wardrobe, with long mirror. Phone 2491. 24-1 SIX oak dining-room chairs; also Kroehler davenport. Apply 24 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville. 24-1* SEED Drill and grain binder. Apply Mrs. F. Cator, R.R. 5, Bow- manville. 24-1 QUANTITY of first class used lumber. Mrs. Irwin R. Bragg, Phone 2192. 24-1 1939 Plymouth coach, good con- dition, new tires, Phone 2318, Bowmanville. 24-1 SMALL cook stove; one folèing cot with mattress. Apply at rear, 142 King St. E. 24-1* FIRECO kitchen range, wood or coal, excellent condition. Easy buy. Phone 723-r-1, Oshawa. Ern- est Belyea, R.R. 2, Oshawa. 24-1 RADIO; several panes of glass; 2 amusement machines, 10 ball; 4" steel pipes; small glass case. Wm. Wilcox. 24-1* JACKET heater, 30-gaI. water tank and stand; ice refrigerator; Quebec range. Apply Geo. Farn- comb, Newcastle-on-the-lake.' 24-1* WE will seli a limited quantity of Bran at $27.00 per ton bulk at the miii or $28.00 delivered. Van- stone Flour & Feed Mill, Phone 777. 24-1* CHESTERFIELD suite and din- ette, like new. Owner leaving country. Apply Fraqk Sturgess, corner St. George anda Ch urch. 24-1* NEW Kid Kangaroo double gang plow with rolling coulters and extra points. Apply T. S. Mount- joy, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 2503. 24-1* SMALL Quebec beater; kitchen cabinet; chest of drawers; hall rack; ice box; aIl suitable for sum- mer cottage. Write Box 904, Statesman Office. 24-1* HAWAIAN guitar, neariy new;, alto Blacksmith's heavy duty drill and electric steel drill. Murray Payne, Phone Clarke 2811. 24-1* I bave a quantity of gravel, stones, and sand, suitable for roads and other purposes. Edward H. Webb, Pontypool, Ontaria. 24-1 USED sewing machines, bought and sold. Highest prîces paid. Write or phone Singer Sewing Machine Company, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696, Oshawa. 23-tf USED 3-piece chesterficid suite, excellent condition, $19.50; also used 3-picce Kroehier chesterfield suite, springs like new $35. Phone 811. 24-1* NEW Indian Motorcycles, used motorcycles. Parts and accessor- ies. Tires, oil and batteries, etc. Repairs. Doc Berry, 313 anid 292i Pine Ave. Phone 4121J, Oshawa. 21-4 NEW Case rubber-tired wagon; new scufflers; "C" drag harrows; new 2-iurrow Case tractor piow; Otaco whcels for rubber tires; two used cook stoves, McClary and Findlay Oval. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 4.97. 24-1 MODEL B Ford Sedan, 1932, Ser- ial Number A-1637, 5 excellent tires and tubes. New engine over- baul, costing $125. New battery. Has been in garage continuously since Nov. 25, 1946. Insured tli Nov., 1947. Ed. Youngman, Pan- typool. .22-3 SINGER motors and lights are now avallabie ta attach on your sewîng machines, brand new.j Motors $28.50 and lights $e.25, ba]-i so buttonhole attachments, $1 0.75.j Singer Sewing Machine ComTpany,1 16 Ontario St., phone 696, Oshawa. Llvestock For Sale RED Shorthorn bull; Massey-Har- ris bitidei', 7 ft., gçod condition. lAoyd Webb, Pontypool, Phone Bethany 14r23. .24-1* NINE Yorkshire pigs, seven weeks old;, also one Holstein heifer, blood-tested, to renew in July. Fred Robbins, Hampton or Phone Oshawa 1652J1-2. 24-1* BLACK cow, 4 years old, calf 5 weeks 'old at side; good general purpose horse. Harold Allin, Hampton. Phone 2825. 24-1* 20 GOOD Yorkshire pigs, six YOUNG Jersey cow, four years old. Apply Miss Mary Peters, Hampton. Phone 2145. 24-1 AYRSHIRE cow, four years old; Holstein cow, four years old, re- newed, good milkers. Apply Wm. H. Brown, R.R.l, Tyrone, 24-1* FIVE young sows, due in less than a month, $50 each. Ralph Davis, Phone 2413. 24-1* 4-year-old gelding, steel gray; also 1941 Ford truck, 3-ton, stake body; set of Aylmer scales, 600 lbs.; Renfrew stove, good, $25. H. Murphy, Pontypool, Lot 2, Con. 17 Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks old; also angora rabbits. T. Hopley, Phone Port Perry 193r1-2. 24.1* TEN registered Jersey heifers, three to ten months, by two grand- sons of Brampton Basileus thro- ugh Brampton Tidy Basil and Brampton Success Basil, accredit- cd, vaccinated. William C. Par- sons, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, Phone 2315. 24-1 Chicks For Sale BRAY *Hatchery bas chicks for immediate delivery - pullets, non- sexed and cockerels. Also some started, most varieties. We sug- gest you contact us maon. And if you want August chicks, they should be ordered now too. Ask us for prices. Agent F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 24-1 BARGAINS in Canada Approved chicks for this week and next. Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White Rocks, Light Sussex, Black Australorps, nonscxed 9.95; pul- lets 12.95; cockerels 8.95. Assorted heavy breeds, non-sexed 8.95; pullets 11.95; cockcrels 7.95. White Leghorn X Barred Rock, Austra vvn:tes 8.95: pullets 17.95; cock- crels 3.95. White Leghorns 8.95; pui-cts 17.95; cockerels 1.00. As- sorted Lîght and Medium brecds, non-sexed 7.95; pullets 16.95. Two week aid add 6.00, three week oid add 11.00 per hundred. Shipped C.O.D. This advertiscment must accompany your order to receive these special prices. Also pullets eight weeks to-laying. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. 24-1 REPAIRS NEAT-WAY Shoe Repair: good, substantial workmanship, relia- bilîty, dyeing, soling, sewîng, etc. Try the Neat-Way, King St., W. Wanted to Rent FARM, any size, or bouse and land without buildings. Phone 2538. 24-1 HOME or apartment, 3 or mare roams, by married man, anc chiid in iamily. Empioyed at B.T.S. Please write ta Box 907, Statesman of fice. 24-1 TENDERS Wanted Tenders wanted for decorating several ciassrooms, halls and lav- atories, Bawmanville High Schoai. Specifications may be rcceived from L. W. Dippeil or S. R. James. Ail tenders muet be rcceived by S. R. James, Sec.-Treas., Board ai Education, by June 23, 1947. 24-2 Work Wanted PAINTING, interior and exterior, and paperhanging. Reasonable rates. Phone 2960. 23-$If YOUNG girl desires bousework in town oi Bawmanviile. Phone 2616. HOUSEKEEFER desires work in refined gentleman's home on farm, expcrienced good cook and manager. Write Box 906, States- man Office. 24-1* Articles For Sale FARM buildings for sale, 18'x30', hen bouse, two smaîl barns 18'x28' and 20'x20'; l0'x12' brooder bouse and also 12'x18' garage. These buildings arc locatecd 3 miles east ai McCrea's church, lots 1l and 12, Concession 9, Clarke township. Apply Peter Kiccka, 88 Montrave Ave., Oshawa. 18-10 OSHAWA'S new turnIture-store- Everytblng kin odei.-n.Chester- field, bedroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coveringi a specialty. Quai- lty mnerchandise at competitive priées. Before buying visit Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 simc st. Ê' Oshawa. 40-ti Auctlon Sales x urniture Sale-I have been authorized ta seli by'public auc- tion for Lily Brock, in thc village of Taunton, on Friday, June 20, at 6.30 pcm. in thé evenîng aIl her household effects. Please note time 6.30 D.S.T.- Terms cash. Elnicr Wilbur, auctioneer. 24-1 I bave been favourcd with in- structions fram Mrs. William Stutt, Orono, ta seli by public auction on Saturday, June 21st, at the Exhibition Grounds, Orono, her entire bousehold furniture. Sce bis. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 24-2 The undersigned bas received instructions ta seli by public auc- tion for Mrs. Pallie Dutka, Lot 27, Con. .10, Clarke Twp. (2 miles south of Pontypool and ane mile west) on Monday, June 16, five Percheron horses; 30 head of Dur- bam cattle* 50 bushels buckwhcat full line oEKearly new îarm ma- chinery. See bills. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 23-2 The undersigned bas received instructions irom Mr. G. W. Arm- strong, Lot 5, Con. 1, Cavan Twp. (anc mile west ai Carmel Scbool) ta scîl by public auction on Sat- urday, June 14, at 2 p.rn., anc barn, 30x5O, with good stable; anc doublc-boardcd hen bouse, 10x22; anc shed, 12x16; irame house, 24xj 26; four thousand icet ai new pinej small buildngs. S otebsTr mlumbriladnumbe a i ter cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 23-2 Furniture Sale-I have been autborizced ta scil by public auc- tian for A. Collier, in the village of Myrtie, on Wcdnesday, June 18, ail his household effects, in- clude: dining-room, bedroam and kitchen furniture, dishes, glasses and silvcrware, bcdding, stoves, garden toals and many other art- icles. Sale at 1 p.m. D.S.T. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer; J. Grant, clerk. 24-1 The undersigned bas reccived Instructions irom Mrs. Sid Scott ta seli by public auction ber bouseboid furrniturc and furnisb- ings at ber residence, corner ai Centre and Lowe Sts., Bowman- ville. Sale will include: Chester- field chairs; haircloth couch; wai- nut bcdroom suite, 4 piece; white bcdroom suite, 5 picce; three oak bcdraam suites (good); cane bat- tômed dining chairs; couch and twa chairs ai genuine leather; ma- hogany table with drawer; gram- aphone; fireside stoal; quarter-cut dining table; china cabinet and chairs, genuine leather uphols- tery; walnut dining table; walnut wardrobe; two cedar chests; sev- cral chests ai drawers; book cases; office dcsk and chair; bail rack; a lot ai good rugs; bedding; cur-i tains; dishes; silverware; crystai- ware; glassware; pictures; small tables; floor iamp; images; dlocks; garden toals and numerous other1 goad and useful articles. This will be a large sale ai very high chats furnîture, ail ai wbich is in excellent condition. Sale at 12:30 p.m. sharp, Saturday. June 14. Terms cash. T. S. Mauntjoy, cierk; WVm. J. Chaluts, auctioneer. 23-2 Farm Sold-I have been auth- orizcd ta seli by public auction for Mr. Harry A. Farrow, Lot 5, Con. 5_. Clarke Twp. (anc mile north ai Shihoh Cnurch) on Friday, June 2th, at 1 p.m., al bis iarm stock, implements, poultry andi some furniture. This tale wili also include a McCormick-Dccr- ing silo filuer, Na. 13, new; a Waterloo 33-45 thrcshing mill, cquipped with grain thrower, in A-1 condition; a Lawson 40-60 tractor, on rubber, in A-h condi- tion; Cockshutt corn binder. For further particulars sec bills. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 24-1 The undersigncd bas received instructions from Mrs. William Wright, village ai Tyrone, ta sei by public auctian on Saturday, June 14, al ber bouschaid eiiects including: Singer sewing machine, good as new; Findlay Oval cook stove, parlour suite, kitchen table and six chairs, odd tables, rock- ing chairs, odd chairs, bedraam suite, spool bcd, two wooden bcds, mirror, sideboard, couch, toilet set, wood beater, pictures, fiat irons, boiler, fruit jars, iamp, AI- addin iamp, kitchen and adea dish- es, good set ai dishes, scrccns, scales, band washing machine. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Terms cash. Clifiord Pethick, auctianeer. 24-1 Complete dispersai sale ai re- gistcrcd Jersey cattie, the property ai Wesley Brown & Son, Lot 7, Con. 4, Cavan Twp., on Wednes- day, June 18, at 12 o'clock sharp, D.S.T. This sale will include 21 registered Jersey cattie; matchcd team aif Clyde horses (1700 lbs. eachi); matchcd team Hackncys, 4 and 5 years aid; 25 breeding ewes with lamb; 200 chickens; 200 laying bens; 30 bogs; new portable miiking machine; full line ai farm machincry. For furthcr particu- lars sec bis. For catalogue con- tact auctionieer. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 24-1 Custom Work CULTIVATING, plawing a n d sccding; also John Deere repair parts and repairing donc. F. S. Allen, 44 Concession St. Phone 594. 17-tf Radio Service THE Radio Shop, Bowrnanville, offers bonest charges, latcst type cquipmcnt and trained person- nel. Our two radio tecbnicians bath hold Government Certificates of Proficicncy in Radio. Phono, 578. 204fi AUCTION SALE' I have beeni authorized to sel by public auction for the estate of the lut., Wm. Payn. Lot 2, Broken Front, Clarke, The following: Cattle: 1 cow, Holstein, 6 yrs., fresh 2 months; 1 Cow, Holstein, 7 yrs., fresh 2 months; 2 Hoîsteins Heifers, 1 yr.; 1 Holstein Heifer, 2 yrs., fresh 2 months; 1 calf. Sheep: 17 sheep with 22 good lambs. Implements: Binder, M.H., 7 ft.; Mower, Mc., 5% ft.; Seed Drill, M.H., 15 disc.;- Cultivator, (Int); Wagon (2); Sleighs; Hay Rack; Single Sleighs; Electric Grinder (Beatty) 800 lbs.; Electric Separator (Viking) nearly new; Manure Spreader, Int.; Hay Rake, M.H.; Fanning Mill; Harrow. Cart; Scales, 2000 lbs.; Hay Fork Equip- ment; Paper Roofing; Harrows; Steel Pig Troughs; Cutter; Bag, Truck; Steel Bbls.; Post Drill; Car Trailer; Forge and Anvil; Vise Tools of aIl kinds; Colony bouse; Quantity of Lumber 2 Brooder Stoves; Ladder; Drinking Founts and Feeders; Wheelbaaérow; Cir- cular Saw Machine; Quantity of Rails and Posts; Quantity of Tools; Forks, Hoes, Chains, Whiffletrees, etc. Quantity of Furniture. Terms cash. Sale 1 p.m., E.D.S.T., Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 24-1 Notice To Creditors Claimants against the Estate of ai the V illage ai Coîborne, Ontar- ia, farmcrly ai the, Village ai Newcastle, Ontario, Grocer, and marc reccntiy ai the Villages ai Winona and Port Credit, Ontaria, who died on the l3th day of March, 1947, are required ta file with the undcrsigned on or be- for the first day ai July, 1947, par- ticulars ai their dlaims, aiter which time the estate wili be dis- trîbuted witbout reference ta un- known daims. DATED this 29th day A. E. LANGMAN, Box 281, Part Coiborne, Ont. Solicitor for the Estate. 23-3 STALLION SERVICE PUREBRED Percheron Stalion, Souvenir, No. 16504. Inspected Oct. 17, 1944. Passed Form 3. He is a grcy in cohour, a nice upstand- ing smooth built horse around 1800 lbs., and is a sure breeder. Terms $10.00 payable April lst, 1948. This horse will stanct at awn stable, Lot 10, Con. 9, Darlington. John Tabb. This horse can be trucked out. 1 24-1* PREMIUM Beigian Stalion, Glas- lyn Generai Franco No. 6776, foalcd in 1945, inspected Oct. 11, 1945. Passed "B" Premium. In colour be is a cbestnut roan with two good ends and a good back and middle, a nice hcad and neck, standing on good feet and limbs; 16,ý hands high, weigbs around 1 ton. Is very quiet and gentie and ai cammanding appearance. Will be standing Friday evenintgs at Carman Choates, Lot 30, Con. 1, Darlington, Phone Oshawa l8OJI. Tcrma $12.00 payablej iYoung Man Wanted as SalesmanI Real Eistate For soIe PIVE -roombed frain. hoube., f lshed attic, good cellar. a posession. Apply 14 s Bowmanville. , 24-240 COTTAGE, six rooms> verandah, basement, 'new furnace,, *aZil winterized . On East Beach. »ow- nianville. Apply 56 Churchi St. 24-14 PARM-75 acres, more or. 1Ieo% Darlington Twp.; bank barn, 36x 88, cernent floors; fraxue hou»., ü good condition, newly decorited-, new garage; hard and soft water indcors; near church and achool;, beautifýtl shady lawns; tro't stream full length of farm. WlitT1 or without stock and equipment. Possession at once. Write Box 9D8, Statesman Office. 2- Wanted HISTORIC letters, documents, photographs and other related ar- ticles pertaining to the historical development of Bowmanville and district by the Bowmnanville Pub- lic Library, for its newly created, HEistorie Section. Additional *i formation may be secured frz, Mrs. W. F. Bowers, Librarian, F. E. Morrili, Secretary, Bowman- ville Public Library. 22-4 Lost FOUR keys on chain, with plastie ornament, initialled "A." Kindly leave at Statesman Office. 24.1* WII.L the party seen taking tricycle at High School grounds Tuesday evening, please return same to Olympia Cafe or Phone 338. 24-1« For Rent PASTURE for 8 or 10 bead of cattie. Plenty of water and shade. Phone 2357, Bowmanville. 24-1 PASTURE. Lavern Clemens, R.R. SINGER portable electrlc li your own home. $5 per month. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa. phone 696. 10-tf Personal BACKACHES go quickly, often after first does. Rumacaps two. way action attacks the cause, re.- lieves the pain. Dyer's Drug Store Newcastle. 24-1 HYGIENIC 'supplies <rubber gaods) mailed postpaid In plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamnilton, Ont. 18-0 Variety Program At St. Pauls W.A, St. Paul's W.Jme on June 10 with an average attendance. Mr&. Hull presiding. After a short business period the meeting, be- ing the last for the summer coné sisted of a variety program. Scrip. ture and prayer by Mrs. H-. B. Foster-, solo, Mrs. Hull; readings by Mrs. Candler, Mrs. Mitchel and Miss E. Orchard; piano s5Q14tý by Mrs. S. Grant and Mari,* guson anid a contest conduckV M*rs. A. McGregor. Group3f-! rpic!ed the programn and served <Experlence Not Necessary) Must bave pleasant personality and neat appearance, be ambitious and eager ta learn. Write statlng age, education, experlenco If any, and any other qualifications. Also state whcre employed at pre- sent lime. Ail replies treated conficntlally. ]PLEASE Do NOT APPLY IN PERSON SEED CORN jayb EVERYTfHING IN Hynd & OpenuPollinated Sudan Gras* - Millets - Sorghunî - Rape Mangel end Tumlip S..d, 'i Stewart's Seed Store Phone 577Bo a'vU .K r 1 JURY eLOVIELL The Rexail Store ib... 778 C.N.L Tiekets WHEN Wl TEST BYÉS IT 18 DONE 1'EOPEIRLY Kiau ut. W. Eowmaniu - 1 1 -- 1 : 1 - CHEVROLET Coach, 1936, in goad running condition. Phone 2501, Bowmanville. 24-11-11 WHITE enamelled ice box. Apply Cottage 14, East Beach, Bowman- ville. 24-1* DUMP box, 4 yard, for long wheel based truck, without hoist. Phone Clarke 3623. 24-1<' ROTOTILLER now available for demonstration. Cali 2468 Bow- manville, J. K. Graham, Florist, Enniskillen, Ontario. 24-1"' COMPRESSOR and heavy duty ha1f-horse, electric motor in good repair. 28 Brown Street, Bowman- ville. .24-1"' FOR Rawleigh's Good Health Products, cali Howard R. Foley, the Bowmanville dealer. Phone 2489. 23-2* DEERING binder, 7 ft., cut 40 acres last year, new canvasses last harvest, $25. Apply 106 Conces- sion St. 24-1* GOOD farm' wagon, low wheels, 3" tires; also spring-tooth harrow. Will sell reasonably. Phone 2208. v TRE CANADUN STATZSNM.. lgowmAnvmLz» OlqTAMO