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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1947, p. 1

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I~e ~TflTTM1~ ~FOITRTEEN PAGES BOWMANVIL, ONT:, TRI, M.-Y, JUNEI l2th, 1947 6t--PER__P Counties Counili Appoints New Clerk To F1UI Vacancy William BPc, youthful assis- tant Couaties clenk and treesuner for Uic pat five yers, wes ep- pointcd clcnk and treesunen te succeed the late Major E. L. Mac- Nachtan, who died lest montb. He is a Cobourg boy, ege 25 and has been weil-trained by bis pre- . fecessor. The appointment e! the ncw clcrk and treasurer wes moved by Reeve R. R. Woadyard o! Clarke Tewnship and seccnded by Reeve M. Wight o! Seymour Township et yestcnday's epening session o! the Counties Council et Cobourg.,1 Werdcn Normani Green li urg- ixig thet a successor ta Major Mac- Neebtexi be appointed witheut de- lay, seid thet Mn. Barr hed won the cstcem et the council by bis co-openetiexi. He had lerncd the hard way, through expenicace, but be hid had a good teacher i thc late clenk. Reeve Woodyand congretuleted thc Warden on bis bnoadmiaded- nesa li Uic selection o! the clerk and treasurer, li thet no distinc- tien had been made as to wbich county the appointee came tram, a procedure samewhat tram Uic old days. Iastcad ot an assistent ad a clcrk end treasurer, Mr. Barr will do bath jobs. Ris salary will be $3,000.00 per ycar. Wben he wes appointcd back la 1942, it wes la orden that there would be a treincd maxi in the event the cierk was awey. It wes more or is felt that i time be would suc- ceed Major MacNachten. Ris ep- p ointment yesterday was unan- mous with ne applications before thc bouse. Wben the council coxivcncd Monday atterneon, Wardcn Green called for anc minute e! silence ln memory of Major MacNachtan, Reeve Leslie Caruthers and ex- wardexi Rarry Fowlds, al et whom have died since Uic Janu- ary sesion. Lacrosse Coming organizeFnlday A public meeting wîll be beld In the Town. Hall, Bowmanville, Fniday xight, June 13, 1947, et 8:30 liUice xtenests o! organizing aL Junior Lacrosse League. Cahi- ed under auspices o! Bewmaxiville Qmmunity Council, Uic meeting wlU b. addressed by E. J. Dopp, Toronto, Secnetany, Ontario La- crosse e, Çociation, then fret, dis- cussion wiil take place and pro- bably officers elected. Teams are alneady orgenized at thc Boys Training Sehool and i Oshawa and if a local league gets under wey Uic players wilU b. afforded opportunity o! play- ing exhibition games later ln Uic season. The invitation te the meeting la open ta, the extine dis.- trict. It is hoped thet ahlinixter- outezi will hoon ha"il lr1day v- tain& y-%JjivàgL&2 07U cars and speelal bus accommoda- lange and a delleate plnk and Bowmaxivillc baving purehesed ter et Uic late Allen Williams and Th e taxin pin ed thmatlohe Fedenation on this new entemprize. same as lest year, ccmbîing wit tien, connections wiil b. made at white striped. Thip extra- mois. ancet the xiew homes on Veteran'a Mrs. Williams, Bowmanville. E a rtnin oe rma ogAt Uic same time the editor ce- the radio draw. Esc ticket sl Cobourg with e chartened lake turc wbicb la a beadeche te the Avenue. uccted et Bowmanville High trip and evidcntly- fell asleep as kxiowlcdges aniother advaxitage; is geod for anc vote anid aise glv vessel whlch wlll meke Uic round fermera and gardenens gcncrally, School she went on te capture heentcrcd the curve on the street that la permission ta republish thc bolder a chance to wlntw trip between Cobourg and Char- has beexi especially beneticial ta Intermediate fastb&Ui at Bow- bigh boxions ini the sphene o! mugic. Oand Uic car went eut o! control, sap et the materiailxIn Fcdere- radios. lotte, Pont of Rocheter. Side tulipa and other tubenous flowcrs znauffle Wednesday: Port Hope lI hem appointmnent as Professer He gave bis name as Verni Forbes, tien News xIn aur farmn edition Ballet boxes will be distribil trips are plaxined ta take Ia Uic and many records are broken this 5. flowmauville 3 ln 9 tanins. The she wlll reccive the congratula- 254 Brock St. Peterboro. He was next weele. We have come te a threugbout the district se th, sights on Uic Amenican side. It sesen by these moisture loving gamne was ftatred by 3 homers, tiens of the entire communîty for driving an A.A. Taxki, license No. time wben the pictune on the terni votes may cither b. deposieSll is hoped that the return voyage plants. Are there any more out- 2 elouted by Port Hope off Pitcher ber succese la a great credit to 94 W 20 and the car was a 1940 front cannet be neglectcd. Fcd- the boxes or mnailcd direct teo will permi.t moonlght dancig nstanding varieties in this cern- Furey and one was clouted I>y Max her native towiu &M to heg.tain-Buick. IHe wiU b. bWled for dam- enction News cosn outL et an op- P plarity Contest Manager, Ja d" ~ .munity?, b.rhfr .uail, -h U, . - -au i NUrMBERM World Moral R I.unmdatîon f or States Rev. Cam Bowmanville Lions were privi-i !eged to hegr an exceptlonally1 sttong message at their luncheoni Monday evening whgi guest spea-1 ker Rev. G. Camron Quigley1 poke on the subjeet, "Spiritual Foundations For a Bet4er World." Outlining present unrest and1 growing doubt as world states-i mien struggle for a peace formula1 on the political level the speakert declared that the true founda-s tion for a new world order of peace and security must embrace il fullest degree the ethical, in- tellectual and spiritual values in- -erent in the Christian faith or )2.ere. can be no enduring world stability. He deait with points in history ta emphaslze his thes- The Speaker Introduced by Wilf Carruthersi Iwas learned that Mr. Quigley1 was -born in Cape Breton, ruggedà ceai mining region, from whencei he went on to Mount Allison, Un-j iversity of New Brunswick for his degree course and then grad-. Uated with high honora at Pine-i hill Divinity College. Enteringj the ministry in the Annapolis Valley, N.S., he later became as- sistant pastor in a large Montreal Church prior to coming ta thei St. Paul's United Church, Bow-i znanville, a year ago. Task Ahead Directing attention to the world acene today Mr. Quigley suggested that we ourselves, in epitome, are the world and we are the scene. For with rising hopes and sink-« ing hearts we look upon confer- eiice after conference, month af- ter month, dealing with the col- lossal task of shaping a new world order ln the hope of reaching un- iversal world security and peace. It is Important ta note however that ail these discussions have been generaily upon the political level. While this factor is neces- sary the essential element of the spiritual approach ia being over- ahadowed. In the hearts of people every- where rest the supreme desire for a successful formula that will re- move the cause of wars and the earamntI~APUT Tw Vrltis IsuationFrtEtry,Soap Box Derby ur nnvrsn knUl onAnnlverEnuy At. Trlnlty Church Lasiugeae Eplaae atR CubTrinity nited Church w eau W ity i Érin fioersforPI ilbeautifuiLy decorated with a var ciauIIiÉouSunday School Anniversary 0r Icavices on, Sunday. At the mornin melon I Qveuigley srvceth____YSC101ate mieythyet ladi MS ack from a motor -trip ta Cah-Wo wanted ta see the Pacific, his thpetesas h be from the people that states- fornia, Rotarian Fred 'ITIny1' i and sister and two children. andhegenrsassTe br1ni men will be required ultimately rc ad a ver useful vehicle Dealing brel with the home ' '-' . . '"flwranmrced te the fron to comne ta compromise in resolv- with whiéh ta illuminate his'cles- Insulation business Mr. Bruce des-oth ur we sxgl ing disputes. As an example the . ification address on home insuL cvlbed how he took up the lie J ~oyceuthehrh Aherey si gi- speaker cited the case of India lation, for his tour brought him fâllowing hia experience in the Jogye Butty, GAudeys rcars where by agreement the former into contact with several vatieties army. The two main essenial Magy CxdipilGlayBk British rule gives way ta native of climate and housing construc- for- succesa in that field he des- eMe ary Clran June Bicki r autonomy. It was solutions of ~ tion. acroàss half a cniet His onibed as a good sales force and. placed it on the alter. this character that gave somne hope talk at the Rotary luncheon Fni- iýp-to-date equîpment for applica- Rev. Roy Hicks, Aurora, w that the world scene could b re- day was one ef the higblights tien. With much humer he pic-te tiigmiitrwh ru solved under similar principles..,among local contributions for it tured himself crawain Ito ld he isiig iter whosbgeut was a practicitl- two-way effort of ýtwo-by-four attica clutterediwih an epopriand mesge tgeate Mn. e Cuge .whic . .edthe church. He ia Three Coursesconsiderable'.interest. He deait dust and cobwebs and handling w asist ed r osSrkSp thre coursles we onunder . - - t witan outline -of the insu- a high-powered bîower ta drifttin asse.b r osSrkS whih ltiat sttimet mgh -lation business and condluded rockwool. For a man standing 6'1~ erintendent of the schoei. bei effec ate(1 Teld "ln ce - h with a travèlogue -ta California V~ welghing 265 it. was a feat for Miss Helen G. Morris presided be effected. (1) The old ~ ~~and back that was replete with a contortionist and a man ihatepanadMrW.E of power system" which histery wt ttepaoadM.W .C -a rvdt etecuer- Miss Betty Osborne much humer. Walt Pascoe wbo loIng Power nccessary ta resî Wrndecdeoga. ndt 'h ha rvd eb the co ause ra- intnoduced Mr. Bruce told, that he c1ouds of dust. Some- wondered .edre pleasing accampan thrta h ueo a.() Graduate in Physio-thenapy in was a native of the county, hav- if the business would survive af- ............. mn o h nhm ytec by ~ ~~ h thUignoiveegra a-Bet sit one receivedberide-ing been bor n in Cartwright. teaiho swneerdbute and for Uic congregational sirg banthofBthe3formterBi yeat vr-denyn thesonvrcaion he de-asPractical Tessons speaker le! t that te the future. 4 ng o avrt ymns. i freedom and independence. ge n<h onoaio> d at Insulation as applicd te homes amai'usln et isnd san te olo pat i An ail-inclusive organization per- Osborne is the tirst local girl to was a comparatively new feeture Starting on the Califonnia trip tanlthmofnd ivanWoey ang mitting reopnoso lex tanadgeinti o a-among elider dwciiings said Mr. May 4, thc panty proceeded. by edr. frin saee pnoso.alc-atinadgc aiti opr- uewoexpiained its advan- way o! Detroit, Chicago and St. itgse.atively new science in the healing .s rnderc.h RtayChirc Only upon acceptance o! the spberc. Foîîowing a short holi tages in saving money on. fuel Louis, crosscd the desent by the Teeeigsriefaue latter based upon human ights day at home it is understoed that blsduigcldwabesn eneotcr oteadateofee iign ytheseROt r ChirE and aniznated with spiritual and Miss Osborne wiîî enter activeîy dering premises cooler in sum- ini Los Angeles, thc return trip..osd !theme er;Rs inteilectuai determination can the mer. But in order ta get some was made via Salt Lake City.___ Alun, R Ja .Alî,E. LeriEfithtt truc upon her career inathisof ield. practical lessons in insulation Ram lin Canada gave way te worid barmony. For, said the Miss Osborne le red upon her against high pnices in touniat ac- sunshine ini the U.S.A. with tem-lan Elott, W. G. PasceMl speaker,- there neyer bas been, course at the University of Toron- commodation anc could do ne bet- peratures alternating, with alti Dale, Gee. Chase, Dave Morrison neyer will be a race, fit te serve tmavle gnaduating tram Bow- ter than take a mater tour acreas tudes. Telling of getting into Bud Hay, M. H. Staples, Dr. C. W te aft.e.ricle F 0 as masters ot the world and no vle High Schooî where she the U.S.A. Mr. Bruce got bis les- high-spced traffic lanes on a road U F'SeoHM.Bce,.O.M combination et power blocs can was active in schooî activitica son in this respect by taking six eut o! Chicago, Mr. Bruce toîa' IJ ~lveen, John M. James and Dr. W attaîn the ideal. This was the and hlghly popuiar. 'h a i members .o! bis !amily ta ,Cali- that he had te travel almoat maber octhe Ls Bic- udeli"The gtO muc ap opinion o! the late President sa amembrofte 1insBc formia in bis new Fraser car. lI- bundred miles before be could ~' x peitdcous"T Odug Roosevelt. It was the conception ycie Safety Club while a stud- cluded wre is mother, age 73,. (Cotinued on Page Seven) ged Cross" and "I Want My If ent ere He man frend ar indcatd tat h wil b inTo Teli For Jeaus." of the League o! Nations which, Jcnt here.12 Herol so manMr.M.f.niends, roarc9 untortunately, was undcrmincd congratulatin-g ber on ber grad- - ohM.n d, 2y l o a niac htb ilb n M.M .Sals rngv through lack o! guiding ethical ustion at Taranto now that she Chamber of Commerce District Nurses o n n Mrs. Ted Bird, and the race is Murray Winacott, son a fine address on "Appreciation o onetIvofI ofI Mr.ccatdlMs Eetoungs t a rcAn, ple accomanimhenta t pninciples. is home for a holiday. Ee- v Eete raduate at Oshawa ac !the finat entnies in the whileNeanMstleruett Wiaott Hnna whie bis daghtss Th Oni e World Betty rs. usei sbr, Fooig the recent annal riospof Legion-Roy Nichais Soap Box working on three or four cars, the hyxnns on thc piano. T'. Th iemust came soon, said Mr. and Ms usl sore______theetana H SIa colDeb nStra atron h oy riigSholwl ag ogrgto eeet Mn. Quigley, wbcn the ditterences R.R. 2, Newcastle. Born on the meeting of Bowmanvilic Chamlb- Sx coouDry 1on isSatung day fotronthe Boytls T rainl ntrcoo ilsadilargie onretio nn ereenthuj betweenthe tw presenly con farrnamid-stone ofthe grat er o Commece, meberJulyno-9tihelaessafingl wnow fforeothe bave, atihlecstainnarutesaand doastircmoveteat vbis nannnvcrsarth yaser- blctwen te olo es cnutiy cm-on- ardsoami ditr c t he g*te3 o omncmmerhpn-local familles wenc succesatul li tbat it will be tinished in plcnty ln Bowmanvilic and Orono are adsriee ag flctn ieloismutbea- rhad o teditic h1i tices maiied eut tor 1947-48 car- adsrieo ag eiioratcd an we shail neyent once stili gncatly interestcd in rural ricd with tbcma ballot forma ton sccuring diplomas at the gradua. o! time for the race. schedluled ta begin work immmd-_________ again ta a world standing ta ara. activities and la an accomplished clection et the new Board o! Di- tien exercises hcld et Oshawa Johnny and bis pushing pal, iately on their vehicica. We must find a wey te live ta- musician. The Statesman ex- nectars. Returns had a deadline Gencral HeSPitai Scbool o! Nurs- Don Grant, son of Mn. and Mrs. Several merchants arc sponsor- Navy League Taggers gether und r ône word roof. O r pressesgood- wis eingrFairomis-Jufnen6,81a47.urNow RossasGrantriarebeing 6sponsoredw ing Gcanawreileiotherssoare ncagarsBw iingoUneO vare $169 gher nder ô n e orid Na-. Our pree o&wse tnapoi-o!Jn n urn h atentitîcd ta the degre etfRXN are by Hobbycratt Supplies and are ta do se but are looking for boys BigI vr$ 6 hope nowla in te UnitcdNa- ingcancer.week the scrutincers checkcd uie fellowing young ladies: building thein motonless car cvcry te build thema. As time la getting Ofcase h emnll ties hihwble bate wththm a fna nsutsin hevo- oraie Rthaco, aubte eenngsnF.C.fronalsopshrtacio ad ped aens-Cothte e!Th NvyLegu ah th tenes et hnistan eticaing. But it la stili open for others oPn ndMs arvoey agcoc, on ing iSt. W. unde t h kenshortaio as e a e.e ns-d ore ieascdf Thhe ar estc stili trembles in finding a way out' Local Bake Shop ta become members duning the ofauntondoMsHrvtey B ac e non Kerin to!. Kd en ik andin time. if crsay tboy ie in the irTgDybdi omn Stili there was hope that themo-aowneottony.r d drtyBaceSo ee lae ihtersl ai force o! some 650 million Chnis- The following canstitute the den, daugter o! Mr. and Mns. Frank Crowc who are planning sponsors they are askcd te contact ville and surrounding centres la (Cotiîuc trm PgeSevn) odm FxtuesBoad fr he urrntyea: MssLloyd Snowden, Bowmanville, on a winnen. Another entry wbo this office immediatciy. Saturday, June 7th. Totaisan _______fo aeSee) M drnFxue Badfrth urn ya:Ms and granddaughtcr o! Sam Snow- comparative totais for 1946 wee dcxoie an ie rg.Amelia - - ~* 'Bwinii 26 38 Following thc crowds entcning John M. James, Chanles. Carter de n dlert, daghtre no N .g U UU.*IU Mr.L lentvr Poole's Bakeny at Kingi and Div- Sn, S. R. James, Forbes Heyiand, and Mrs. FostenofnMrdc1947d o Asslsts Un Broadcast iin streets, Bawznan,llle, wc Nels E. Osborne, A. Jack Aillin;g-iu~aêM and IlUI VIE urwa ;maivaaaandAaBnn 17.05 201 attractinn Bathdeawn anP are _omptanv9.48 S' From London, Ont. rass atro atngth c an !ters lfr ihartown ads Mu,,t s- MIs. Jas. Langmaid. H.aptne»17.28 ______ For in recent wceks thc interior thus represeinted. a araret' Patricia« Thicksô M eCh le g sW o l nsiiei40 Mns. Lorne Kîcinstiver, wba be- o! bath front and back shops bas hexcutie ncluding -Prèsi- dagbter ef Mn. and Mns. William __avor-l tare ber marriage waa Miss Helen underoeacmplcte renovatiori. dent, Vice-Preâident, Secrctary- D. Tbickson, Newcastle, and TDr. W.-Tennant, Cha16 ma42 $1 Williams, Bowmanville, and a Waiting a chance ta get a word Treasuren il be chosen at the granddeughten ot Wm. H. Thick Ttl----$ 6.2 $7 7 popular member o! the younger with some o! the 8 employees we first meetinf o! the Board above so Bowmanville; Heleix Pat- Convinced that Bowmanvllle Ms Coc Pom t D r.h BWm éanleChammeeaa set, neceived an outstanding honor took note o! the changes la the named. It was necessary te have ricia Yeo, daughter o! Mns. S. bas the fînest leoking girls inMisC uhfom td heBwavl omte, on un 6h hcnasa emerretail departmcnt.tedeiteviglmtonue D. Yeo, Orono, and Shirley Joyce Canada, the Carnival Committcc xi charge o! overali arrangemens of Dashood Chrch chir, sh New foors o checkred tie- 8 i oPortercardaugbtspromot Mor.endauMrs. e!Mr.tan MCaxiadian anLegiaxigi branchc o! asboodChuch hoi sexN foor s tet b e rcthi e- 8 ins ossier htahronasprmt-N. F. Pter i eut ta prove it. As a re Ms fin e- tres werc: Bowmanviiie, Mrs.W wscoetaassist o uia n isEle ocefcetsc Tennaxit, Miss Isabelle Davisan wra c hosen ta tex orethe as one fr. ts cw- sporamible itb h fimortant7 The convocation et the cene- suit thcy have discarded prectic- rograendwhcOnwa roacstaio rsvesbeals cner.isecur-48.Prog r e mppor t for1947- manies receivcd greetings tram aily ail regulatians li their Bcauty retary ta Agicuturai Represent- Mrs. Robent Devies; Oroxie, J.J f rom 7h odn Ono ttio:5.en vcd sidel whiee tosur- xf48.ure at repots. wi cryMayor F. N. McCalium and J. A. Coxtest, July l8th and 19th and ative E. A. Summers during the Mellor; Newcastle C. R. Carvn tram 7 teIiut 7:15. grfaeen vitr ol plwtie the psr- future ctivities.oad ofDi-have made it a wonld event ai- past thrce yeers, le! t iast weck and Misa Toms; haerpton,1 T. eonsistcd a! a ladies' choir of î11 Bath are casily kept spotîessîy voices, e gentleman baitone solo- clean. Waiis and ceiliis finished ZCLEOTRICAL WIZARD sage was delivened by Dr. C. D. single, living bere or in China rno isCuhhsbe r- BwavleTgeswr itana 2yaol ins. Mrs ngieamîng white as wcll as show Russell, Chie! o! the Medicai ta enter for the grand prize ofet.Ms oc a enpo- BwavheTgcswr e ist, ardea1seyaroodfpinist Mrs. Staff. $200.00. moted te thé hcad office o! the by Lieutenants Pat Smith, Jece crstiver as sd lx the l adies' windo s and set off witluoa-îPresentatian, ot. dipiomas and Bathing suits wili be worn bath A g r i c ulturai Representative ' Buery arbaoyera ntTaggeon cly horsan as maisentfchos e s a rcet lights nd vebedfuo-Pins wes made by Mrs. R. S. Mc- for the preliminanies and for the Branch, Departmexit o! Agricul- wonsre:- Barber a r, Doroth paiythee mpanoiment for the eng Shc assforighting. ctsLaughlln wbo offercd ber con- finals. Jîqdges tram autside this ture, Quèexi's Park. pe exteredJhnGnyNcoisJenKt banton soola, wichuding shwas te for , uaker oredtsatulations te the graduates with district wiil be premi n t beauty the local office atter graduating sn oe ueioRs ii from reports o! radio fans andaseiastecn y cutrofe aaxd1 nd Awss.* - rmBwaivle igShai ng, Ariene Kennedy, Gwenyt the pres he, pertormcd in ber dispiays tram which easiiy ta cs go. eexrt or quaifed uembers rmBwavleHgSco. Griffith, Ruby Welsh, Dorotb custemary accompishcd style. choase. Tail wbeeled, white trays Stetesman expresses community tram other professions, t« should Follawing ber appointment ta Kiipatrick, Mary Pickard4 Mar The program superviser et the coxivey products direct tramteocnrtuainrswhio i u.b the fietcnct esen i the Toronto office Miss Cauch ne- Eiiott, Lois Wilson and Shirle Londn sudiowasMr.Don akey t minmiz pesona hcea s o! these young ladies in cnt- this locaiity. dfniy the first 50 mained at Bowmaxiville for a short Grant. Wright, Toronto, wbe will be re- ing. From two ta five attrec- -acnin e ____ profession._ MarieS idnbeaey ited.ssen ing11e Farder !Blckesock wM isLu-OW B a andNaymeauer Ceo - membcrcd by pupils ot Bowman- tive young ladies are enabiedMaoSinyLtl ssnigilFrd fBactckwhnwBwm vleNv eguC ville High School, about 10 years swiftly ta serve the customers and 4 FARM EDITION NEXT WEEK letters to evcny Mayor in On- becamea secretary te Mr. Sum- mittee wish ta express theira- age, for bis expert direction o!f"wîtb a smile." Ncxt week The Statesmaxi pre- tania daning bis community te mers. Ia congretulating Miss preciation and thanks ta tbel the scbeol chir wbich sang in But another new feature lic he sents its annuel farm edition send an entry or exitries. Mcm- Couch on ber earned promotion whe caxtibuted sa genenously t Messey Hall. Mr. Francis Sut- modern frigidaire ice crcama ser- wbcn many local contnibutons bers o! the Counties Council ait The Statesmexi also welcames Miss those who organizcd the. Tag Day1 ton was then dinector ef music i vice ixi buik or bricks. More is will be rcpresexitcd as authors o! Cobourg have been chalicnged ta Fonder ta Bowmaxiviiie. The Dur- in the variaus centres, and pr Bowmanvilc aschools. Mrs. Kcn told e! this depantment in the ad- special articles. prdchn ilta hi ahm County office is cansidered tcinyt h agr o hi stiver was a member of the choir vertisement in this issue i wbich calities who can defeat a Bow- aco! the meat important la On- long bours on duty. whicb eppeaed il a Mssey Hall Poole's Bakery features quality maxivikle girl. Barbera Ana Scott teria. _________ ila and she was tbnilicd ta bave a ice cream. Ail tald it is a cool and Gwend@lyn WiIlams bas beexi eskcd ta be bene citherWila Mountjoy part on a prograin directcd by pleasaxit place-*ta sbop. loo~U ~iona as an hoinorery judge or as a con- drto Mn. Wright, li enother city, on Back l'est the swiiigiiig dooor H_____I___,ior testent. Beeuty wixixers , tram ail Fedrto New* 90 Years OId this outstending occasion. is found the modern bakcry et Temn ninso is wn ven Ontario wiil be advised ef New Publication WlimMutoaco e? __________ street level, aise in white eanddoThlyny i s if bMintsed the conteat and chalienged ta de- Wilssued Lo, oe f with handwood floors. Its main fed her ites Pofssonlcally oldest citizens, was 90 yearsad 4rchery Popular fMatures la the latest ini an elcc- ta leara that she bas recently been model agencies wili aise be net- this week. He wes born liHy- Hlgh School Range tric, revalving-trey- aven with ehl honorcd by eppaintmcxit ta a full ified and invited to seid their June 12, 1947 la reckoxied an- don,,nean Bowmanviiie, on Api _____the modern automatic gadgets Bert Syer protessership i music et the beat. other milestone ixi the pragress 28, 1857. Atten farming int- TheArccnyClu wil met t hic asureevei tmpeatuesUniversity ot Southerxi Calitornie. And the Legion Cernivai Cern-, o! organized fermers for uxider aria for 30 ycars be wcnt teask th ig, SblMndyevnngeid eve.y.qijgtrp detonmt Bc nbi oe itic te Rrpctr ppaslx h un ite exien ha omatrthtdteVl , o o e'-aceax x 10 nMfre

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