-1 AM T» wNm W" la hoorjoratel Tho DeWuéavm NP(w, ew% e a«Buie ftde"n.a" anel'.Orone News U Tsars Cemaueu sSereice te ibTTOWI Avâurâ ane C"Dmba OUut limber Audit laurea eot CIrcuatIoms rSuBSCE3PTON RATE LUe a Tenir, estatl la aivames $3.0 ïkYete u o1nit"I Sties 01.W. TA=@S, Editor If We Want More Trourlets *Twenty million visitors, mont of them Amer- Acans, came to this country at year, bent on ::one farm af récreation or another. They pald :4 221 millions for what they got. Many signe :Indicate that Canada lu ln for the blggeat tour- lAt season ln history, perhaps a quarter-af-a- :bliondofai.year. Lait year's record tourlat business tagether wlth the rosy prospects for 1947 speako well for Canada', hospitality but, warns the Canadian Association of Touriut and Publiclty Bureaus, the genéral feeling ln that ta merely hold tIi tremendous gain, Canadian aperators have ta provide better service. This la what the Association bas ta say about "There la no place ln aur future acheme ai thinga for ramshackle batela, paintless lodges, waodshed camps, the dog-kennei type of roadside cabine, greasy spoon res- *taurants and dluty service stations. They cannat paaalbly create gaodwili for Canada. They are hindrances, flot helpa, ta aur tour- Ist advancement no matter how charitably one may be incllned ta regard them." There are signe that conditions whicb gave * iany resarta and camps mare business thari tbycould handié are not here ta atay. Now ,then la the Urne for the Industty ta put its bouse 3n order. Canada needa botter and additlonal accommodation; hlgher standards oi catering. .'A crylng need là bettér roads. The American "Automobile Association gays ane of the biggest handicap# the Canadian industry bai are Its washboard rôada. *The wartime slogan "niake it do" cannot ::be profitably aplied any langer if the tourist induotry in to Increase or even maintain the -current interest in Canada'a vacation resources. -FinanciliPost - Tax Discrimination Against Canadian Farmers Sorne peouliar leaturès af the government's 1ncarne tax provisions have corne ta light in thé ýrecent debates an the present year's agricultural «stimnates and the général budget. Finance Min- Inter Abbott and hie predecessor have been pressed for a long time ta give farmera as fair adeal as Industry and commercial esiabllsh- rnents ln incarne tax exemptions. But the usual answer bai been: "W* will give the matter due coônsidération.'1 And that usuaily ends IL. To :quai. anly one or two instances oi unfair dis- akriminatlon we rnay mention basic farm hords id digging wells for water for farrn bouse and ýivestock. It wan shown that If a fariner builda up a 3herd af cattle over many years, then calla an auction and sella off the ouifit hé bas ta pay ln- corne tax on thé entire proceeda. Nthingits ;,aken Inta account as original capital. Ôn the thier hand If a store or factory le dlspoaed ai It Io treated as capital and no incarne tax la assessed. Clearly the fanmer gets the short end 'in ihia arrangement. Defendlng bis position the r~inance Minister sald: "I bave llstened for four :years ta speeches about this thing but I do not yet know what a basic herd la." Hé in a Mont- tai Affaira providés for the discipline and ln- ï-ernal administration of pecetime visita ai any Uimted States mllitary forces perrnitted ta, enter tanada. It appears ta bé a necessary provision jnview of paut hiatory and a whsé précaution ,n maintaining sorne semblance af unity on the % jernocratic front In those very uncertain tirnea. Mut a CCP axnéndrnent, If adopted, wouid kili Îhs bill. Socialist speakers once again te1l back tipon thé uine they took prior to the lait war, ibat Our defencelesona Io aur greatesi abield. That was their Unme in thé days ai Agnés MgacPhail, M.P., wiho ususlly rnved that defence .. tiniates hé reduced ta thé sum of an@ dollar. -r lI théir sarné lUmé today although stated in bière cautiaus terms. They tifl xhibit solici- ,îude for Rtussia now engaged in Impérial pené- b-aton af centralI Europe. It Io an attitude of itranke detacbmniét frorn realism as thé British ïaciaiist gaverninént continues orn a course ai iilthof a the British Empire. With Canada jamznel bétween the two léading mltuy poweroe of thé day ai certain'ta bd a battlegrorn9la any future war, thése pacifiiseUrge Only moral arniaur, flot military strengt. Speaklng an the bill a CA4ay moenber et thé officiai opposition scarnéd thé social theor- itt by oliaerving that few CCP members aaw bahiles whene young Canadians were kllled ad woundéd, helped bury them, helped ta 4aunçh thé blood frani théir wounds. Yeh their theory ai weaknesa led directly ta thé last war. H. obsérvéd that thosé among thetu wha didmost ai thé ialking had fille personal expérience ta talk £rom. Matters of ibis kind must hé put be- fore thé public ln thèse grave lires. Thé soidiers just back froni thé front now raihig familles, ai their 6wn wlll appreclate thé uttqrly foolish amd dangerous advocacy by the CCP' that Can- ada sbould once again punsué a course af wéalc- nes and non-cooperallon with a good neighbaur ln a mail perilous perlod. A Changing World' During Ihus periad af re-adjuairnent that Canada la expeenrclng ai thé moment 1h niight seeni unpopulan ta say thai wé will neyer néhurn ta, prc-war pnices. But as a tact ibis statément cannai hé dénléd. Indeed ht would hé iolly ho hope thai wé would even see conditions such as exisiéd ln thé hungry thirties reiurn ta aur lives, If by wlahlng for aucli a return ai prices we would also be wlshlng for a return ai a vény bitter, dépressIon. Nalunahly pnices are considerably blgber now, but so are wages. And déapité thé constant démand ion lower pricés, thé enire country would sen ta bé flourhing wlth nowhere néar thé unénployrnént wé aaw befoné the War. Také coîhori goada ior example. Récenily. Ottawa annouaced a funîhenréduction ln thé sub- sidiés béing paid on raw coiton for thé Canadian milia and on subsidies bélng paid on imporiéd colton goads. A ne-adjustmenlta correct an- omalies between thé prices ai vanlous types of goods was aisa authorlzéd. Nalurally lie résultant increases la fine praducta, sucli as shirts, is flot popular. But thèse aew pnices are part oi a néw way ai living ln which Canadian coiton goods are cheaper than thase ai any ailier country, and in which wonk- ens in thé Canadian industry are earning on the average almosi 80 per cent more than in 1939. Taxes or Commerclas ? Thé cold, bard faci uhal you cannaI get samehhing for noihing appliés tla radio pro- grans too. They cosi money. Who paya? Thai dépends on thé typé ai radio systén over whlch, thase prograns Ère broadoasi. Undér one systén, thé isténers pay for Ibéir énhenainmna through an annual tax. Under thé othen, business firma pay thé cass, and adveriise themr gooda or services aven thé air. Thai rélievés thé istenér ai thé financial burden, but introduces thé much-malignéd radia "fcommercial" lato bis lite. Actually Ibère is nothing wrong wlth radio advénhising ia principle. Liatening la a couple, ai minutes of salés Ialk is a saal pnîce la pay for 28 minutes af fine entertalameat. Thé con- mencialism oaly bécanes offensive wben il la carriéd ioo iar. On the pihér hand, thé solld faci remaina liaI Canadians cannai afford ta bave first-class radiaoéentalnment and pay for ilthiemiselvea, unleasthbey are preparéd ta sée thé présent licensé feniutipied. Thé CBC iook in almast four million dollars la ilcénse fées during thé fiscal yéar 1946-47, but faund Il nécéssany ta bolaher tuis sum wilh another $1,786,000 from thé salé ai advétiing limé. Il wound up with a déficit ai $70,000. And a glance ah aay week's CBC progran acheclule will névéal ual niosi ai thé top-ranking programs-Wayne and Shuster, Singing Stars ai Tomorrow, lhé Toronto Sym- phony Orchestra, ta namé a féw aht1ando- are commércialiy sponsored. Wé night as wéll face il: Radio without advertising muai necessarily be étier médiocre on prohibitivély expensive ta thé istenér. And that being so, Ibère is no advantagé ln baving a governmenl-opérated system wbich bath taxés thé listéner and hurla comnéncials ai lin. It la doubtful wliether a governnéntsiouid hé en- gaged la radia broadcasting ai ahi; certainly thé commercial aspects ai radio should bé leil ta la- dependent intérests. Amenican expérience lias sbown thé wlsdon ai sudh a course. Farmers Getting Rich But Pay Little Income Tex Eveny little whilé thé fédéral Minister ai Agriculture, Hon. J. G. Gardiner, gets up in thé iËouse ta attémpi la prove that Canadian tanm- ors under bis poiciés are in tact géhting mlch. But almoat in thé néxt breath when answering citicisaif hie opposition, lie produces other figures that show tannera ai today ta be 100 paon ta pay Incarne lax. Even people wîth a bénita do a bit ai cipherlng and who try ta un- tangle thé écanomica af lié case tind ibemselves ail ai sea. Hansard ai Juné 3, 1947, présents a mess of figures fotra liMnlslér's speechthal local tannera may find lnherestlng la figurnag up their profil and loas whiie waillng for a break ln thé wcathér. Mr. Gardiner sharled oui wlth Ibis amazlag array ai figurés: "Net incarne ai Canadian fanm- ens bas Increased tram 5$387,058,000 in 1939 la $1,004,299,000 la 1945. Grass incare neicréaicd tram $884,989,000 la 1938 ta $1,738,161,000 in 1045, almoast double in Ihat short period. On thé other hand opérating expensés and depnec- lation wéat up tram oniy $497,931,000 la $750,- 592,000 in thé samne period." It was a heanléning picture made a litIle more plain by resolviag il Int pércéatages. Fanr inconie i Up ly 82.9 per cent, ad fam cashs only 58 per cent. But wilh ail thèse riches thé Miaister de- claréd that aller a small army oi spécial farm incarné tax snoopers had quizzéd farm awnérs, only 3.7 per cent ai 700,000 farrnèrs bad ta pay Incarne tax. He said Il was iaund Ihai 93 per cent ai tannera did nat havé a net incarne oi $1,200 ia thosé yeans and onhy araund $1.500 since, which inchuded a workiag faim wife and aIl thé chuîdrén who warkod as weii but thé latter did not count fan tax purposes. Nothing was naid about thé wrack and nuin ai farrn buildings and machineny aven thé yeans. Sa In suniring Up il wlU lie séén t li tIle poliical capital can lié made afi tus canilicting summary. Farmens aili know théy gel only 17 per cent ot the national iorne. q'ITTTDMnAV xmav tw~' ~ N~ew Million Dollar MiUing Unit Inàfled VISION By C. 19. TUCI Opt. Eyeslght Spécialist Disney Bldg. <Opp. P-0.) flmhawa. Phone 1516 (Na. 18) Thé éyes ia modern lité deal wlth industnial eyé-coaditions and themr applicatiowto othérwisé dor- mant conditions. Tic éyes ai thé cid ah home and at schoal. Thé eyes of taday and thé eyes ai yes- terday. To impress people witi a proper appréciation ai their ré- sponsibility. Baubles are easily punchased and éasiiy brokén. We have a moral responsibiiity 'fan aboyé the valué ai al baubles, tié caneoaithie éyes. Aitér this case is propénly ex- ércised wé may lié free ho con- sider théeailiers. Vision is lhe strangesrt.bulwank la the wonid's foundation, het us endéavour ta huihd consîaathy as a sure means aiofif-séttiag what lime would othirwisé rénove. .(Ta lié continued) yétse. Trk~5Ws IOd~I ps-oep prospecta away d0i.. tuxus ~ éo du 0ugyOn Northern Ontalo: Over 80per hiI - 1ma Pe t' n .cent aifspring's work W» bavé to EmloenQatHo:Seehigfrorn héclone in June. M" 3 0 at Coch- 20 -to 40 pS ocet dS». Pstures rané saw two lnchés ofgaW, oMne, and 'MW- goal. Xuch'-. ooding. irat. Greait Omtage o!feM l SarniehorM Ol1d tô go te o pe. dictéd thé corlng, wintr. . ,Ti Préscoti ad Rusdilonly '5 pér appears to hé thé prôspéet for niait cent sprlm edlmgdône. Général aif Ontario ibis year. diIos ,ongou cnronth L roincll AgIcuturalRprs- 9tivés gîeéthé fllawinuaum mary as af June 2, 1947. neé re- por from Durhami county stahea that isl esimated that 40 per cent of thé planned spring grain acreage bas not béen sawn. A mix- ture ai barley and buckwheat wl hé used on sanie ai ibis late land. Fail wbeatand-bay are véry pro- rnîsing. Some.flelda ai sod ta lie used f or eorm are. still tao wehta even plow. Generel»i 9rc canty, very weh and oniy -30 'per cent ln spning cnap DuITerïL5O per'cent sowm. Greéy, 60 Dperdiii own and pota- taésplantai. Hialton, only a third sown. Peel with 40 per cent not sown'iunming ta -corn, lax, buck- whèal. Same condition général in Simca. county. Wellington, uomne farmers plan re-seéding of dnowned out gralh. Brant continués wet ta daté. Apple bloasonis appearlng. Help prablem véry bad. Halimand only balf thé s pring cropa îawn. Lanlitan aniy 35 per cent séeded. Large Increase la carnplanlings. Lincoln, gaod demand for wean- ling pIgsata $10 despite feed short- age. Welland, prospects fair for fruit crop. Weniworih, fahl wheat Cuinea New Mill for Ont. Wheat goad. Potaioés jusi planléd. Seed- lng completed on lghler land. Northumberland, fields ioa wet ta selt omato plants. Orchards wéil sprayed la date. Hastings, sééding ai slandstill. Péterboro, hog killinga up tram fast year. Egg production ai ail-lime higli. Seed- iag ai standstili. Ontario couniy reports 65 per cent spning grain ln. Prince Edwàrd, lomiato plants not YOUR EYES t Couch, Johniston & Cryderman $i PHONE 836 BOWMANVI=L 100-YEARS AGO, two good men with a cradie and rake could cut and bind tbree acres of grain ina__ day. Then there stili rcmaincd th: labonious task of threshing thé grain with a flail'on thé barn faoon. Today one man witb a Massey- it " Harris self.propelled combine can cut and thresb up ta 50 acres in a day. Just tbiak of the tediaus, back- breaking labor ia cultivating, seeding, harvesting and tbreshing whicb the fariner of today escapes through the usé of modern farm machinery. I Thé devéioprnent of labor. saving farn machiaery la wbich utig"t gl, 'àbe"#ron Massey-Harris bas played a lead- WýI)bml e, 1U/ arLe ing part siace 1847 bias bad an important bearing on aur daily lives. Before 1830 thé farmer pro. duced inostly for bimicif and bis fmiily; today hé raises cropa chiefly ta sei. Thé huge increase in farm production baougbt abouit by faim machinéry during tbe lait century A new million-dollar unit has' béen added b lihe Robin Hood Flour Mill ah, Humbérstone, Ont- aria. Desigaéd to usé aniy Ont. aria soit wheat, it wiiI producé a fine cake aad pastry ilour which la ta réacihie market under thé trade namé "Vélvét." Thé néew miii is completely equipped Iran top ta bottoim witi thé moat up-to-date machinery obtainabié. An air condlhioning unit provIdes a change ai air ev- ery téri minutes and, in 'addition, contrais bath température and humidity. Thé milllang ai wieat mb ocake flour uses a special tech- nique and in thé procéas thé flour travéls upward ai Iwo miles tirougi tie elabonate praceas. ARTICLE 19 Since Ibis column began a discussion ai immigration there have been same spectacular developménii ln relation ta thé govérnmént's policy outlincd bý Prime Minister King, May i. It seems plainly apparent now, that post war immigration will be a major issue in the élection campaign no matter baw long deierréd. It ahauld bring. aharply mbt focus whaît the Liberal governmenthbas done, whal the Progressive Conservativé parly demand as the alternative. FARM LABOR PROBLEM In vlew ai the fact ihat the primary concern ai these articles is ta malté known ta Canadian farmers what they may éxpéci from the nexi government they will choose, as between thcae two cJntenders, nothing can be more pertinent than what is presently transpirlng in regard ta immigration. In order firmly ta gét thé éntire picturé let us keep in mind ane central faci; farma labor today can scarécly be bad at any price afier years ai war in which farmers slaved for victary. COMPETITION Let us look at thé conirast: In the House ai Cannions the eracken party affirmed th.at if Australia and other outside countnies could'gel shipping 'and charter whole ships la gel immi- gration aurely Canada could do the samé, especially since, during' WAr, Canada had déveloped a greal mendiant marine. Ausiralia, for instante, plarined ta take mare than balf a million ,JBritishers as immigrants and they were busy recruiting them ýhile thé Ottawa governmeni walted in bleak Indécision and debahed which way ta turn. TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE Speaking wihh great urgency thé Progressive Consenv- ativé opposition put the proposition squarely béfore thé bÉuse. Whal was said can hé summéd up as follows: "Upwards ai hait a million British people bave made known they want ta came ta Canada ta work on farms or any kind ai work that wlll permit them ta hivé useful lives as free cîtizens withln thé British Comn- manwealth. Thé Bnacken party warned: "Let us gel tien out lmmediatély or il wilhé toa late." ACTION NOW It was siown tiat other oulside counîries were busy gel- ting thé "cream af thé crop" by prompt application ai bath lm- mediaté and long-range Immigration pahiciés. "Let us get ai once thé 'know iow' people ai Bitaîn"l was thé very slrong plea ai thé Brackén Progressive Conservalives. Tiéy wénh on ta point oui liatIif we did nat aci now ta gel whole shiploadi ai exper- iénced British farm workers we would find féw lefi la bring oui after thé béat had been lakén. MAINLY BRITISH' Theré was no gnswer ta ibis logic. Il was fIrsl and fore- most ta kéep Canada Brilli wilh a supply ai experienced im- migration fran thé malier country and waa designéd imnedlately ta relléve lie pressing farm labor problen ai Ibis country as well as allier industries. In the absence-aif any successful reply ta this statésmanlike proposition, thé government set about imjlê. menting ils sioni-xangé immigration polcy. wih an amazlng improvisation wiich will bé diaclosed in thé next article in ibis séries. Pontypool Thé Annual AnaIvérsany Ser- vice was held in Pontypool Unit- éd Churci on Suaday, Juné 7th, Trhe beautitul atained glass win- dow with its miichvéhvety colora aI thé back ai thé churci, was a perfect setting for thé feras, lu. lips, lilacsanad otier fiowérs which adorned the pulpit. Thé speaker, Mn. R. M. Tiompsan, Oshawa, gavé a soui-insplring address tramn thé text: "That ye may bé blamc- leus and harmless thé sans of God wlthout rebuké, la thé mnidst ai a cnookéd and perverse nation, aaioag whom ye shiné as lighta Ia thé worid," Phul. 2:15 Special music wag mnderai by the choir. All other points ai thé circuit were représentai ah thé service. Ourn deépéat sympathy la ex- Iended la Archie Hoy, whosé malien paséd away on Thurs- dey, June 5th. Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mra. Ray McGiii were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kennedy and iarnily ai Bobcaygeon; Mn. and Mns. Oea. Kéiti, Mn, and Mrs. Tudbali and Mr». Kay Grahami, ail ai Toronto. Thé W.A. ai thé United Church met et lie home ai Mii. Chas. Buàt on Fiday, June th. Thé meeting opened witb the slaging of thé hymn "Jésus Cails Us 0'er the Tumult." Thé devotionai per- lad was taken by.Mrs. Rennie and Mms.Crowley. Alier a buainffl discussion Mrs. H. Richardson Président, and Mra. Rénale Treas., tld thé mémbéns about lie 101h Annual Presbytery Woman's As- sociation Cbnvention ln Milhhook United Chunci, May 71h whidi lhey attended. It waa very Inter- esting and thosé ai us wia were nol bière énjoyéd hearlng about ut. On Fiday évening, June 61h, Mn. and Mrs. Bd. 'Voungrnan gave a faréý'élI dance la thé L.O.L. Hall for their two sons, Fred and Gordon and Steve Nînigon who have plaaned ta notor out wést on themr motoncycies. Tiéy are léaving Pontypool on Monday, June 9th, on thé finatlIap ai their journey. We tiank Mn. and Mis. Youngman ion a very énjoyable eveaing, and wish thé boys a véry- succestul trip. Wlth Mns. J. K. Moore, lier bro- ther, Mn. Stoner, fram St. Cath- aines. Mn. and Mrs. Béni Fennie and Reta, Peterboro, spent thé wéek- end with ber moîber and tather, Mn. and Mns. Eph. Wright. Mn. and Mis. Wm. Rénale mol- ored ta Toronto on Sunday ta visit thein son, Andrew, who la stillinl Christie Street Hospital. Miss Sophie Rewem, Toronto, spent a delightful weekenàd wlth Jean Flsher. Sophip was a véry popular girl ah sciàbi when thé lived here and ibis year thé kids ail miss ber. Our sympatiy la extended ta Mn. Wm. Malley whose malien, Mns. Samuel Maiiey died in To- reto in be« aIt Y"- I ~ 'XdE CA 8!XTATmemAIL UÔWANVZ MV.OTMU * -- 4-g.,, '-I Dad Can Use Lots of Ties Tor young or aid, we have just the tie you'll want ta give hitu on Father's Day. Everything front loud uparty numbers ta the more sedate business man 's tie from SO 10Ç 1.5 Corne ln and Look Âround at Our Splendid Gifi Selections for Father's Day, June i5th FRESHEN UP YOUR HOUSIÈ We have just received a, large shipinent of draperies and ourtaino. Any style you wish ta put new 111e, in any of your rooms. A style and shadé ta biend wlth any colour sohéme and sa reasonably prioed. Don't miss out on thest values. Oome in to-day. FOIRM FITTING BRASSIERES Naturs's Rival and G#othie Brassieres, ta give yau that aliuring look. Latest styles ln a wide variety ai aises, ta fit every figure and purse. Bée them on display in, aur store. 1 1 ý 'rHu RDAT- 3MM IWM-- is». w 1 1 il