THUESDAY, JUNI 12TH. 194? TRIE VANADIAI~ 5TAT~MAN, 5OWMANVILLE~ ONTAW ~AV!1! ,fUm 10 '-WMAN VILLE LEQION ..TH-RILLS ENTER NOW A IS 1947* DATHING 'BEAIUT CONTE. NOUNCES Open to every single or married girl, anywhere in the world ORANO PRIZE 3200.00 (CASH PRIZES FOR LADIES IN WAITING) Only The First 50 Entries Will Qualify ENTER NOW Contest is open to any anywhere in the world, "ITLES If possible a photograph should accompany each entry. Judges' decision will bc final. Contestants must appear in bath- ing suits for the eliminations on Friday evening, July I 8th and, if selected for the finals will again appear on Saturday, July i 9th. 5. The winner will receive $200.00 in cash . The 2 ladies in waiting will re- ceive $25.00 each. 6. The Contest Committee reserves the right to close the entry list at any time. ENTRY FORM FOR BEAUTY CONTEST Mail to: Legion Beauty Contest Manager. Bowmanville, Ontario. ADDRESS ................................................................................................ AGE ..........................Enclose Picture if Possible TrO BE HELD ATr THEIR TWO NIGHT. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY PUBLIC SCHOOL GROUNDS, BOWMANVILLE Nu Fie by the outstanding R.C.A.F. Band and Bowiuauville Citizens Band POPULARITY CONTEST $150,00làOIN s Enter Now To Win RULES 1. Anyone may enter this contest at any time up ta rnidnight, July 12th, 1 947. The winner will be the persan who lias re- ceived the rnast votes by Il p.m., Saturday, July l9th. Eaoh ticket sold on the draw for twa radias is good for one vote, 2. The -25 leading contestants will be selected after midnight, July l2th and wiil rernain in the contest until it concludes. 3. Winner of the contest wifl receive $75.00, with secondand third receiving $25.00 oach, 4. The judges deciion *will be final. 5. Ballot boxes wiil b. placed in convenient places or ticket votes may be mailed direct to Jack Allin, Manager cf Legion Pop- ularity Contest ai Bawmanville. 6. Tickets may b. obiained from any member cf Bowmanville Legion to-day. I Proceeds Foi Commuuity Detterment And Building Fuud GALORE... - OOD PLRZES Spur io luEighth Inniung T'les Whitby with Royals Fred Harden carne through with a timeiy single in the last af the eighth inning ta drive in twa runs and gîve Whitby Intermediatcs a 4-4 tie with Bowmanville Rayais i in a Lakeshore League game, Fri- day. Although Ev Quantrili hurl- ed a three-hit game for Whitby, his mates faltered in the field and ailowed two unearned runs that came close to costing Whitby the game. Paul Michael, pitching far the Royals, got off ta a shaky start, allowing twa runs in the first in-, but he settled down and pitched shutout baIl until the last of the eighth, when Whitby got a pair of runs ta tie the score. Dafoe led off in the first inning for Whitby with a single over sec- ond hase, and went ta second on Rae's sacrifice. Reed foliowed with a long two-base bit over Bagneil's head in centre-field ta drive in a run, and he scored ail the way from second as Macdonald drilled a single into right-field, ta give Whitby a 2-0 lead. Whithy threatened again in the third, when Reed hit a ground rule double into deep right-fîeld, his second straight two-hase hit, but he was thrown out trying ta get ta third on a passed bail. Bowmanvilie got an unearned run in the top of the fourth in- ning to make the score 2-1. With twa out, Cowan waiked and stole second, and he raced ail the way home when Harden dropped a third strike on Richards, and his hurried throw ta first base pulled Rae off the bag. In the fifth inning, Bagneli drew a b ase an balis after Michael had fanned, and he stole second and scored as Gilhooiey singled for the first bit of the game off Quantrill. Padget apened the inning with a single into deep left-field, and he advanced an an infield put-out and a passed bail. Then Richards singled through second base, ta drive in a run, but he was picked off first base on a throw from Harden ta Raie. Bowmanville Rayais completed their scaring in the seventh with another unearned run, on some weird piaying hy the Whitby team. After Michael went down swinging for the second time, Bag- neil got on base as Reed made a bad throw to first hase. Bagnel attempted to steal second, and when Harden made the throw ta second, Macdonald missed the bah m ad it got away from Gates in centre-field, and Bagneil slid 1 under the throw ta, the plate ta score. Whitby were unable ta get even a hit off Michael from the fourth until the eighth. Rae apened the. eighth inning by grounding out Gilhooley ta Osborne. Reed work- ed Michael for a walk, and went ta third as Macdonald delivered his second single of the game. Macdonald stole second with Har- den at the plate, and the Whitby catcher atoned for his previaus error by batting in two runs with a hit ta centre-field, but he was thrown out at second trying ta stretch it into a double., Yuili papped out ta Richards at third base ta en~d the inning, and the gamne was called because of dark- ness. Reed and Macdonald paced the Whithy teàm at the plate. Reed got a pair of two-baggers and a walk in four appearances, and Macdonald got two singles and a walk in an equai number of tries. Giihooiey, Padget and, Richards divided the three Bowmanviile hits. Quantrili edged Michael in the hurling department, aiiowing but three bits, whiie hbe struck out five and waiked the same num- ber. Michael kept six Whitby bits weil scattered, and be fanned six while issuing three bases on halls. Line-up: Bawmanville Rayais: Bagneil, ,f; Gilhooley, 2b; Yourth, ss; Os- borne, lb; Padget, If; Cowan, rf; !R'ichards, &b; Tyson, c; Michaelp. Whbby: Dafae, If; Rae, lb; Reed, 3h; Macdonald, 2b; Harder.. c; Yuiii, ss; Gates, cf; Lintner, rf; 'Hodgson, rf in 7th; Quantrili, P. i Bowmanville __ 000 111 10-4 3 2 JWhitby -------200 000 02-4 6 5 Batteries: Michael and Tyson; Quantrili and Harden. Umpires: Reg Fair, Oshawa, and Ralpb Wilson, Wbitby. who treated her ta ice cream canes. The entire show gave quite practical realism ta moving pictures seen at the local theatre. SmalI But Tough A pair of 25-pound wolverines J s beeni known to get the besti 'A a 500-pou.nd bear. Oebome'. Umperlais Take Opening Came Hard Fought Baffle Opening the high-b;acket Bow- manville Softball League after weeks of rain twQ, tough oppon- ents met Thursday evening at the Public Sehool diamond be- fore a big crawd of fans. It was a contest between Mike Osborne's Imperial 011 fine and the com- bined aggregation of King's Taxi and Gus Annis" billiard parior sharp shooters. Few spectators expected to see so early in the season the high-class brand of bail dished up. The result-10-7 for Mike's Place. But the issue was in doubt until the final frames for the teams closed the 5th inn- ings with a 7-7 tie. It was a pitching duel ail the way with Trewin and Hately do- minant for King-Annis in the car- ly frames against Williams and Don Rundie for Mike's hard hit- ters. The payoff came when Ted Bagneil and Ai Osborne clouted homers in the 6th to overcome a feature home run clout by- Wait Polley in the 3rd for the taxi- pool gang.- It was 7-3 for the losers in the 4th but field errors led ta their final downfall. Heavy hitters and smart field- ers of both teams were an indica- tion that the softbail season wili wend its way as a crowd-pleas- ing brand of entertainment this year. It looked like curtains for Mike's when the first frame end- ed 4-1 against them. Bets were laid following L. Rundle's home run to mark up 7-3 but the short- takers* banked on the Osborne heavy hitters and won out in the final verdict. Porky Osborne, hard h i t t e r of The- Statesman staff, crashed out a feature smash in the 3rd that driiled a neat hole in the 2nd storey school window but was counted a foui. The bail was re- trieved next morning when pupils came to, classes ane the league wilI be nicked $1.25 for repairs. Dutch Osborne, oid-time star came on from Oshawa to star at Ist base for Mike's team. Main features were the. blind pickups of Mike's îifield of hot smashes from the King-Annis bats. On the complete showing of the evening, few will wish to place bets on the auteome of their next contest. Look for fast action in softbal now that the season is officiaily opened. Get a copy of Nels Os- borne's Sport Scheciule just off the press and note the dates of ail games, softbail, fastball and football for 1947. Mike's Place: T. Bagneil ss; Ai Osborne 3b; Porky Osborne 2b; Dutch Osborne lb; Cameron rf; L. Rundle cf; Ross McKnight 1f; Williams p; D. Rundie c. Kîng-Annis: W. Polley cf; Hate- ly c; Couvier 1f; Mclntyre lb; Jackman 2b; B. Poiley ss; Welsh 3h; Rundie rf; Trewin p. Plate umps: Horace Hobbs: base umps Jîm Coyle; and they handled the game in professional manner. First Nicotine The word, nicotine can be traced back to Nicot, a French ambas'sa- dor to Portugal who saw some to- bacco from Mexico and sent seeds back to France. Additional Spart News an Page 10 j AMPLE PARKING IPACE Darlington - Clarke Girls' Softbalî Honorary Presidents: Newton- ville, WlIbur Hancock; Orono, W. E. Armstrong; Courtice, Roy Ni- chais; Newcastle, Frank Riekard. President, Bernice (Pete) Stark, Newtonville; lst vice, Joyce Ten- nant, Orono; 2nd vice, Betty Ant'. hili, Courtice; secretary-treasurer, Margaret Asb, Newcastle. Direc- tors: Four coaches: Stan Payne, Orono; Frank Gilmour, Newton-. ville-, George Crowtber, Newcas- tle; Courtice coach yet ta be namn- ed, and the officers. The scbedule with ail games starting at 7:30 p.m. (D.S.T.), was drawn up as follows: June: 6-Courtice at Newcastle 9-Newcastle at Newtonville 10-Orono at Caurtice 12-Newtonville at Orono 16-Caurtice at Newtonville 17-Newcastle at Orono 20-Newtonviiie at Courtice Orono nt Newcastle 23-Newcastle at Courtice Orono at Newtonville 25-Courtice at Orono 27-Newtonvilie at Newcastle 30-Newcastle at Newtonville Orono at Courtice July: 2-Newtonviile at Orono 4-Courtice at Newcastle 7-Courtice at Newtonville 8-Newcastle at Orono 1O--Newtonvilie at Courtice 1 1-Orono at Newcastle 1 4-Orono at Newtonvili* 1 5-Newcastle at Curtis 17-Courtice at Orono 18-Newtonvilie at Newcastle The playoffs will start July 21st; wîth the first and third teame; and second and fourth teams ine- league standing playing a best twa out of tbree-game series. The winners of these semi-firials will aiso play the best two out of three games. Throughout the playoffs' the team beigbest i league stand- ing has the preference as ta where: the third game will be played.. Th home teams are requested ta: forward ta the secretary detaii.s as: ta winner and aucome cf each game as soon after game as pas-, sible-this is for press purposes. Rubber Trayeied East In the late l9th Century Bra- zilian rubber trees were trans-. planted ta the Far East, where: ruhber plantations developed as; the growing source of the world's: rubber. AdiinlSotNw nPr 0 LONO BRAN .CH 3'ust Off Queen Elizabeth Way and Highway 27 West of TORONTO 3 pu.m EVERY DAY PIR8T CLAM8 RESTAURANT lgl I-A* C Y Friday Evening, 7 p.m. "MOST DEAUTIFUL CHILD' Contesi Opon to Any Boy or Girl Present 8 YEA1R8 AND UNDER JUDGING BY APPLAUBE METER Band Concert by Bowmanville Citizen* Band Saturday -Afternoon .2 pr. SOAP BOX DERBY BOY-BUILT, MOTORLESS -CARS IN ACTION Joinily Spansored by the Legion and Roy W. NichaIs, General Motors Dealer, Caurtice. SATURDAY EVENING Band Concert By R. C. A. F. Band SAT., lUNE 14 SAT.,l UNE 21, ADMISSION (Including tax) - - - $1.20 CHILDREN UNDER SIXTEEN NOT ADMITTED RamblersD~fea% Maple Grove I15-14 Girls' Softbafl League sot oce to a good start Wédneadiay evui-; ing when the Bowmanville Bain- blers journeyed to Maple Grovt winning their ffrst garne by the narrow margin of 15-14. Pth teams played fair bail, but didn't show any pep until the laat two inn ings when the score was tied. The Ramblers then settlea down and were able ta edge out their winnlng run. E. Shred for the locals and R. Snowden for Maple Grave both pitched good bail and remalned on the mound throughout, each having twelve strike out& ta their credit. Line up: Maple Grave-N. Hagerman, R Snowden, D. Rahme, E. Snowr" den, N. Hagerman, J. Wright, F. Murdoch, D. Jeffery, G. Snowdeni; Subs.-G. Murdoch, M. Stevens, K. Campbell. Bowmanville - E. Tomlinson. E. Shredd, A. Richards, B. Cale, J. Haines, A. Summerfo r d, D. Wright, G. Willats, Bý. EliUs. Umpires - K. Summerfard, G. Graham. rEu SDAT, JUNE 12Tff. 1047 - x cPAVAMPýN DTATEampýn, auwàzanvnjar, CRÇTP.BM PAGE Pfli. "