The Rotary Club <Continued fram Page One) tians n the world todmy could pvmail n arrlving at a comprom- ne n present disagreements. Hu-an Failure, Illustrating the ditficulty ai paesgetting together the spea- ksbrugbt the question down ta, the human equatian, for that es- sentlly s wbat t s. The great wall ai China was erected as a defence agamast invadlng hardes, but t was breached three times. This was braught about by bib- Jng gate-keepers. It was an apt lesson In whlch was shown that the collapse af character bath in Orchland Farin Bave you placed your arder for Chieks from aur Bared Rockr or Legimoru, goverument banded and blood-tested stock. Ail eggs set are produced op aur own farm. AUl chlcha except for over hatches or Passible cancellations sold out ta May 28th. WE HAVE ON HAND SEVERAL JAMESWAy OIL BROODERS Write for PricesList or Phone 2636 H. Jla Brooks R.R. 31 DO WMAN VILLE individuals and in groups was the corrodlng farce thBt has de- feated thre aspirations of thie mass thnoughaut hlstory. Concluding bis mast eloquent message Mr. Quigley believed that people toay had two main fears. The tear ai not bemng able'ta fibd the new world ai ane's ultimate desire and the tsar that men may not be able ta lay the foundatian strongly enaugh ta carry thc suap- erstructure ai an enduring peace. He closed with the warnnng that the whole problem toucbed the lives ai every human being today and it was anly through indiv- idual effort that thc guidlng pninc- iples oi ight and justice cauld be impressed upon those cngaged An high statesmanshlp at wanld conferences. AbiMlg Thoutht A final abiding thougbt was given as an inspiration at this time. Warking together on ex- penimenta leading ta their dis- covenies, Pierre and Madame Curie came ta a point where Pierre gave up mter smre 470 attempts ta tind g solution ta anc problem. Mis wife admitted that it might take 100 years ta attain the secret, but she said: "Dare we do lesa work for it so long as we bave lie leit ta us?" There the speaker leit the matter as a fitting conclusion. He was gve. an ovation following thanks ex- pressed by Alex McGregor. Business Dan Mason on behaîf ai the club made a presentation ta Bill Fraser who leaves sbortly ion Van- couver ta take an engineering po- sition with a' caast industnial plant. Arnold Anderson present- cd a club giit ta Mr. and Mrs. Andy Thanipson and their new daughter. It was reported that the Lions Millionaire's Nigbt beld An the Lions Community Centre Friday night An honor ai carnival hclp- crs was a huge. succesa. Preai- dent Rasa Stevens told that bis necent visit ta Newcastle Lions Club canvinced him that Bow- manville Lions would bave ta look ta their laurels. Mn. and Mrs. Steve Clarke have becn appainted caretakers oai the Community Centre. Much new upbolstcred furniture now adds ta the attractivenes ai thcrooms. Sprlng Is flore!1 Now s the time ta have the roof that has ta be opened Insula.ted, or side-walls done. Don 't wait for the hot weather or the rush of fal business, you pay mare thon. Sealtite Home Insulation WITH ROCK WOOL 47 Queen Streot F. A. BRUCE Bowmanville, Ontario Phone 494 MASS X-RAY SURVEY DATES BLACKSTOOK: Wednesday Thursday BETHANY: Friday ORONO: Monday Tuesday NEWCASTLE: Wednesday Thursday Friday July 3rd *July 4th July 7th July 8th JuIy 9th July lOth JuIy llth 10 a.m. - 10Op.m. 10 p.m. - 10 p.m. 2 p.m. - l0 p.m. 10 arn. - 10 p.m. lp.M. 10Oa.m. 10 a.m. lu p.,1. 10OP.m. 5 p.m. BE SURE TO REEP YOUR APPOINTMENT I Announ cing A NEW REPAIR SERVICE FOR REFRIGERATORS 411 Types of Machines Both Commercial and Domestlc AND OIL DURNERS (Ail Types) SPECIALIZED REPAIRS TO ALL TYPES 0F ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES W, have beon fortunato in uecuring the services of Mr. Bort Byer, who wljl specialize In repalring refrigorators, ail burners and ail types of olectrical appliancea. Mr. Byer bau speciallzed in this type of work for many years and la capable of repairing any makeofo machine. HIGON14ELECTRIC PHONE tu6 Your Geueral Electrio Applianoe Deale 42 KING ST. E. TIE CANADIAN STATESMAX, EOWMAIIV= EONTAAIO The epatmen reerve th ENCO RAGEDAD Key Cases- Pictures - Books 'îght ta demand îrom any success- 0a I£Phone<!ST REWe Mi Framed Mottoes - Ash ¶'rays fitnenn9eae wn gthe *g og LUIU nuuu to b athetieand elpordcr, a security deposit An thea to b atheticand elp - Playing Carda iorm ai a centified cheque on aa hlm fose smre of chartered bank An Canada, made _____________________________ that waist lUne Desk Aceessories payable ta the order ai the Hon. _____________________________ thtwitUeourable the Minister ai Public__________________________________ Works, equal ta 10 per cent af the BUY hlm a Father's Day Git amount ai the tender, gr Beanen fro MNuiy' lageamot. Father's Day Carda BodofteDmnnofCaa tramorcNflthes large muoratiBnds aiithe Dominion ai Canad meto5prcqupet et 30c ec way Comnpany and its constituent Jh .M Cer BICYCLE RENTALS co mpanies uncanditionally guar- Otrers anteed as ta prnrcipal and nterest Sales and Service by the Dominion ai Canada, or i the aforementAoned bonds and a Key Duplicating - Brazlng centlfied cheque, if required ta NyM Examlnad - 018811 3ittd _______make up an add amount. McNh slcy' s J.iW. serve as a Tbursday -2 p. »to 8 p.m. MEON£ 554 By orden,Opcalean Sports $hop 2eO J. M. SOMEiIV.LLEC, W IG D U STR D.WMauVilhs- Ot"Secretary. C W IGSDU TR I ______________________ ~ Departrnent o? Public Works, mur OtawaJune2, 1947. -_ _ _ _3-2 *'q iC&GE six The Liens Club <Contlnued froma Page One) Ltunn around to get back. t Churoir Convention At St. Louis they ran Anto a Balp Ltiat convention of some 10,000 pec hpie whieh raised local rates à rtaurlat cabAns to $16 a bed. S ithey taok ta the road ta outda tance the Baptiatsanmd the Fraie speedster lmnded them. samewher past Japlin where they baoked A at mare normal pnices. The na tives ai these central states wer great boosters qulte in thre Rotar, tradition. On tbrough Tulsa wher 1the desent really began camne th, bot weatber. At Aibuquerqu, came the meeting ai the desert ani the mountains and anc ai the chil dren asked bis grandmothen hov she would like anc af the snow capped peaks for ber backyard. Grand Canyon Taklng the Flagstaff cutoif thi Party detoured ta the Grand Can yon wbere looking down Bnigli Angel Trail tbey saw the thin ai] ver rlbbon af the river far below At the higb point before proceed Ing ta Boulder Dam the altitudo wvaa 7,000 feet and snow fell dur ing the night whicb was quitg some change fram 103 in the sbado on the desent faonr. The speakei described the immense construc tion ai Baulder Dam wbich con. nected the states ai Arizona anc Nevada. In the former state A toak 6 montha ta get a divorce, i the latter 6 weeks. Mn. Bruce told ai taking a bolý at the gambling establishments ai much a feature af Las Vegae where the croupiers were deckeÉ out in old-time fashian An the man. nen ai inontier days. On tbnougi Banstow and along Imperial Val. ley the jaurney took them ta Gar. denia, not fan from Long Beacl wbere the party was ncccived by E brother ai Mn. Bruce. It was E reunian aiten a 20-year period ai the following.week was gAve. 0V. en ta sigbtseeing. Hollywood There wcre tours ta Hollywood and Beverly HAlls, a visît ta Grau. man's Chinese Theatre with tick. ets $5 eacb for six An the crowd and the familiar outsize rates ai the Brown Derby, ail An the "cal. assai" tradition ai the movie cal. ony. But admist ahl the fun anc inolic Mn. Bruce managed ta se. cure a new unit for bis insulatiori business whîch be could not ob. tain An Canada. Visit ta Rotary In conclusion he told af bis visij ta the Rotary Club An the Biltmorle Hotel. The gathcning was ai sudb a size that the many visitons bac ta announce themselvea avenra loud speaker hookup and tell what business* thcy fallowed at home, Preceded by a man tram Winni. Peg wbo told afitis cold climate, Mn. Bruce was advised by the In- terlocutor that since be was ir the insulatian trade he ought ta get acquainted witb the man froir Winnipeg. Raising Rotary funds appeanec ta be no pnoblem ini Las Angeles. Fan instance the President called upon a memben ta confirm the ru- mon that he had sold out bis bus- incas. On being informed that it was a tact the member was asseas- cd a fine ai $100. Others were fined an minon items none less than $26, which made the local carnAvals at home appear ta be anaemic An companison. But thal was the U.S.A. The party breezed home the nonth route pausing long enough at SaIt Lake ta prove that even a man weighing 260 could not sink, The final observation ai the speak- er was, "It was a nice trip even if expensive and was worth taklng at some future day." Jack East- augh expressed the vote ai thanka wbich drew a round ai applause. Business Frankt (Tony) Mcllveen, King- stan, waa guest ai bis father at the luncheon. Bob Stevens, back irom hospital in Toronto, thankcd the members for fiowcrs and carda and gpod wishes. Birthday fiow- ens werc on the list for Bob Coch- rane now ai Peterboro, for Ted Marris, Doc Rudell and Bud Ray. Lau Dippell pnescnted perfect attendance pins ta Art Hardy, 6 years, and ta Lamne Doreen, Dave Higgan and John James, anc year IL Newtonville Zion sel" Te ax Ire or n' 4W s:P:'ingftnaUWrld'Wa0 of - - Thn Uncome Tex The contlnued wet w.ather of was killed as. a result of enemy Tour corre drit fi urely In- Mir. ad mn Ra uMe taitothe paut few weeks. has, desayed action. 71 died ci filteas or mcci- disgrace - tnree. errars in ont and Orace Mr&. J. Stainton, Mima (Johni Atklns, An The Scane) sèeding In mmny 'arias throrugh- dent, 37 were wounded by bomb.. week is Just too, much and. ail Marie Kfillen at Alberb Balsonii, Societyr là lndebted ta the mndi- out Ontario, mnd many farmers ing, 14 rmy nursing ssters were P_ because she waun't out to chureh Salina. idua1 for ail the wealth he cre- are now confronted wlth the prob- lnjured An Slcily, and two takeri 0- ta hear the announicements hier. Mi. aifid Mrs. Wes. Cameron and ates. The individual is indebted lem of -productng officlent grain prisoner In Hong Kong. ~tsl.Please note the correctioni: Joyce at Stanley Cvrl',Eh- ta s;ociety for ail the wealth he fr thcorn on reuiretlsolHu- ;O Rev. H. A. Bunt was guest enezer. consumes., tin'cor. s oers a epartarl lu à- preacher at the anniverzary ser- Messrs Jas. Killen and Jack cnue.tAnt hsprbe;a rl er vices in Salem on Su day, June Cameron at LindsmY. Society finds >t necessary to t8x maturing varieties have made at *e lst.. Rev. A. E. Cresswslw Mns. R. Killen and Mr&. Wes. the individual for the services it possible ta produce grain of this In in charge of the service here. They Cameron visited *Mrs. Thos. Mar- rneshm ndig8 tsol crop over a wide, are&. Ylelds R- tell1 me it was a fine sermon as tin, North Oshawa. Me. x echsuesn gue at o marbe t o as Jnd brle e was reported last week. Mr. Jas. McMaster at Alex wMc- heoues lo ccrîn acy edexpectdofaya John D. ry Mr. Young of the Upper Can- Master'a for a week.wateprdcsMaLoDetr i4eCp, re ada Bible Society, Toronto, came Mr. Hans Geissberger Jr., Mita- The income tax reverses this Seeds and Weeds- Branch, Ont- e down last Frid*ay evening,.Junie es Mary'and Bertha Gelsaberger rule and taxes each citizen accord- aria Department af Agriculture, .e Oth, eith an English film on ths at August Geissberger's, Ha>- mg ta the wealth he creates. Such and greater yAelde are possible id life 6of Wm. Tyndall who rave his many. a tax is unjust ta the Individual as the season advanceàanmd t may - Ilifeat the stake ta give Englarid Mr. Wm. Inqram, Trenton,, at because it penalizes him for the becmne too late to, sow oata and _____b w the open Bible. There were anly Alex McMaster à. benefits hie confers on society. barley. Considerlng the greater vsix present. Perhaps that Is why Mies Lois Glaspel as under the It is also unjust ta society because welght per bushel, lower lber the Martyr's last words have kept doctor.s care. 1t leaves soclety itself poorer than content and total, digestible nu- coming before my eyes ever since, Mrs. T. Venr'rer Sr., Gbdenich, t need be. trients, this. grain is worthy of ITS A SHAME te discard sho, a e"Oh Lord open the eyes af the las spending a few weeks with her In io early days the Incarne tax much consideration. hhonyedago rpr LeKing af England.'" Perbaps we son., Arnold Venner. was vr popular becauoe t fell Those who plan on planting hy- hconyeeagalepf 1should say the eyes of ail of us Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Balson most heavily on the rich. That bnid corn should make sure that job to gAve them many more Ltoday. Miss Laing was re-elected and son at J. W. Balson's, Hamp- was a mistaken attitude on the !hé- variety they use wîîî mnature miles of wear-ability. Brlng 7President and Mrs. N. W. Stevens ton, part of the public, inspired, I fear, An tbeir district. Early matuning them here and be amazed at Secretary. We raised $26.00 for Mr. and Mrs. Orville Knapp and by.envy. But envy As a poor guide varieties af hybrid corn which how littis we Charge te renew ethis work last Jack, Hamnilton; Mr. and Mns. H. An human affairs, and As aeldom mature ln 80 or 90 days are re- wr'oter - c rmhsia n sw nPryDvdo s uktn profitable. Al i epl ent omnded for late seedAng, ln- wr oter ed the hsialadi el nPry aisn alike. Some turn their surplus cluding the following ýe t at reove Redria Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach at weaîth back into industr? t-) pro- For the Quinte District, includ- f le MedaesMilga, ednaAthur Youngman's, Tyrne. ducs more of the thinga ?rumanlty ing Ontàrio County ta Lennox: and Bow inanville ýr Hancock and Kimbaîl attended Mr. and Mrs. Gérry Glaspel and needs, retaining only a smail par- Addington:-Canada No. 275 and the Women's Inetitute meeting An family, Mrs. F. B. Glaspel at J. to o hi w osrpin o 5.f -Nestieton. They repart a goad. S. Gerry's, Toronto. ucnfo hme r n o ara ipt iing o35 Smeeting. Newtonville Institute s Mr. Henry DeMille at Burke- on thre cammunity. Tbey are prho-a ep î 'to be congratulated An winninfg ton. dcr fwat o test o- Svnmlinfe flme 12 DIVISION STREET n seondplae i th yer'spro Mr an Mr. AsonBalonsume. Society As their debtoran have been salvaged from the De- kgramme. . Mono Milis, at R. W. Ball's. should not discourage their activ- bert military camp. Several fnom this locality at- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robbins and ______________________________taxation._______ Stended the silver wedding anni- Isabel at Norman Down's, Eben- Btties by nr taxation. versary af Mr. and Mrs. Fred ezer. Bttemnwosed v dTufford on Saturday evéfning, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ball and ishly on bis own living As a debtor WULL TAKE AWAY ALL 1- June 'lth. family at Clifford Fice's, Lake- ta society and As a proper target h Woman's Association met An the field. for the taxing authorities. * * -home of Mrs. Chas. Morris on Mrs. Alex McMaster at Mrs. To the common man wba gets U- -Wednesday evening, May 28th. It George Hits'. bis money An smaîî quantities, the De ad or Crîip ea tarin S oc ILwsdcddta put a bathnoom incarne tax s a nightmare. He _______________ tc a An the parsonage as soon as pos- much prefers the sales tax as ba- asibie. Mrs. C. Burley was ap- Distorted Values ing better suited ta bis circum- FREE 0F CHARGE Spointed to approach Kendal and ____ stanees. -Shiloh Church Boards re their The manufacturer of whisky I believe that a sales tax on con- sacicon t hae par ton Awn pute bis grpin through a distil- sumer goods, high on luxury pienc o th paronae lwnslerv, called a still. It cames out goads, low on necessities, As much d with the local society ententain- firewater'and the consumer pays more equitable than the incarne HgetPie dfrOdNre i- ng Kendal and Shiloh groups fram $4____$6aquart,_r_______________________________for________e :- was agreed upon, the date ta be five $4 ityetas qarstor wety- t i set later. Mrs. Brunt gave "A taftycnsahofrA- -Farmer R. H. drinks t and says "GAmme an-__________ Lt Day in the Royal Housebold." other." 1- Mrs. Morris read the scripture. A The farmen also puts bis grain POE42 EEBR EEB HRE [- lavely lunch was served by the throua dsilrcle oLc fTnW d Morris and Mrs. Cl the consumer pays from 12AfetCnio Cr s MorsadMr.Citn arw o18 cents a quart for t, takes Af c ann rP N. PE O I Proprietor. n Mr. Frank Gilmer was taken ta a driksesh ga dw an Bowmanville Hospital last Thurs- ises i s gn helas don , Ina ando .E Sehesn day evening. We are glad ta ne- says "o.P.otemikfo.s, Inanelytaq. E. Steenon, part he bas sufficiently recoV.ered teprice is way up." M.p.l, soe Cim D.agowMinste a from a temporary operation ta be -From T. C. Milk Producers' upplyanaHonsuC.lD.s oftwee able ta undergo an operation for Bulletin. that Canadian supplifes antwr ThpemGinrelSitalbsbno r-ity ued a year ago. Mn. Step- à h e Gi ls S f b a l as b e n r henson brougbt tbe m atter up An M Z L R O U ci gnize wih Frnk ilme asthe nteresta ai farmers wanting Emanager. Owing ta bis ilînes Ealakybstaetvnti building supplies and more par- taslak til n. Gi en As el. Oe A tcularly ta learn the prospects ai Recreation Club game with Newcastle tvas played muhich are an important feature IvtsDsrc iiest t last night, Newcastle winning Ir!L aigcantue ain th a nin rp vtsDstitCtz st t rwith a higb score. Better luck aicuue is isn urm ont next Urne girls. TENNIS CLUB Sine bis rHw at ad intereff, nstsayTepreace HAVE LEASED TWO COURTS furthen examinatian ai the ait- A N A X U S O cl e in he ntersts f Tmpernceuation and on June 3 An the House 1lest Sunday evening. We liked AT THE le told Mn. Stephenson that bis TO did bandling ai this subject. He first estimate was cansiderably fld ot play on the emotions, did RE M £D R E wide ai the mark. It flaw ap- ntinitate by scolding, non did R ilof A R E erth healcio ofinOCST R IoY ~he bore with figures. He used crsCanatdba locat47isonlai t0 cammon sense appraach wbichpecnaieqneetan'deN wins even oppanents. Rev. and Some hnpravements have been ta Jap destruction ai Malayan tin e Ms. ahafy er gustsat hemines the position will be bad f M prso. hfywr get tte made and play may begin until well inta 1949. 1A film ."The Girl ai the Lim- immedlately. Cosetlybthc Minister SATURDAY, JUNE Pa Lbenlost" was shown and mucb warned that supplies bave ta be t cnjoyed Monday evening. carefully apportioned ta take cane GAMES - RACES - BINGO - LUCKY DRAWS The W.M.S. met Tuesday aiten- ai canning cnops and processed Buses will leavolthe plant at 7a.m. sharp for Cobourg naon, June lOth, in the basement Those wlahlng ta JoAn contact milk. Surplus stocks bave been ai the church with Mrs. H. A. dawn upon until supply is cur- 1ikt: dle-3.5 C ide -$20 -Bunt in charge. Plans were laAi the Treaurer, Roy Swindells, rently very low. Canada is now Oncke S:aled u r 3.25 hllsdr re 2O *ta sel a quiit. An increase in Palmer's Garage. nepresented an the combined in-OnSl tur&Lve'sDgSoe tbank-offering was ncported. July ternational tAn.committee and wil Ticket Sale Class Wednesday, June lSth fand August meetings will be beld An future as in the case ai sugar An the evening. A good bale hadgeonybrfialtetaii. been packed by Mrs. C. Robinson FEES - $2.00Homne canning An glass jars As and Mns. J. Lancaster and sent recommended An cases ai surplus June lst. Mrs. John Barrie was products. M unavoidably absent so Mns. Morris Revion Face Powder very ably took change ai the last i_______________ n aIl shades tchapter ai the study book an. NoW -65a Indla. The society was glad ta oT N ER ein isik65e welcomc Mrs. Van Allen as a TEN ENaieloLih Sc e member. Ni o h_---- ---- 0 Mn. MacGnegor Jones, Burling- r niM PALL MALL BATII SOAPS to, bii s hemother, Mrs W. F DAY t. on s ' HfER'S D Y*g ine - Lanolin - Apple Blosaom J ons. Mhe Wdeo 2 Ige cakes - 29e Fnens i is Ehe Wdcai:French Castile Soap -------12c Newcastle, will be sonry ta bear Sunday, June lSth Palmolive Saap------ 2 for 13e ai bier seniaus illness An Oshawa Woodbury Saap ---- 3 fan 25o Hospital. sse, rs . EDESFO4OA 4D.NevaFa Mr. and Mrs. Chas .,oase, Lndi- Caa . TEMMAY, JUNE - 12m, ilff -