' * U S l Y , l N 2 T , 140E E C N D A N B fM1 . - W V &A .&dm i à n W rl A W Tn" Miss Nlle Parker only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mra. L: A. Parker, is recelvlng congratulations from h.r many friande on her succesu- fui COMPletiori of her nuiulng course at the Peterboro Civlc Hospital. Miss Parker was one of the gaduates who recelved her Reg. N. degree, on Thursday pv- efting at P rboro. Mr. and Mrs. L. A, Par, Mr. and Mrs. Zack Parker and Mr. Lionel Parker from Bowman.vilUe attended the graduation ceremonles. FRESH FRUIT AND* VEGETAILES Daily Top Prices Paid For Local Grown Produce F RE E Delvery Service -ANY PLACE IN TG"W - MdcFEETERtS' BROTHERS FRUIT STORE The Store With Service and Civiiity Phone 674 44 King St. E. Il 1~ MEN IWANTEDI Apply The' Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.1 Ltd. BOWMANVI LLE I - Mrs. Florence Fowler Toronto, visitcd with Mns. Elva lheckett. Mrs. Leslie Brooks attcnded the funeral o! ber brother, Thos. Henry Ellioti at Fenelon Fala. Mr'. Alden Wheeler has succeis- fully completed hisr year ai Mc- Gi University, Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Harny Spencer, Toronto, spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Harriet Rogers. Mr'. and Mis. Thursion, Lindsay, wene Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bennett and Elaine. Mr'. John Maynard, Toronto, is spcnding two wccks' vacation with his family. Mrs. Jessie Young, Smith Bcnd, Indiana, is visiting her sisten, Mrs. NellUe Palmer, Centre St. Fred Wilmot, Winona, OntariO, visited Bowmanville frienda over the apple blosaom weekend. Miss Jean Craig, Amherst, N. S., is vislting Mi'.. Herbert Lay- man. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Elioti ai- tended the funeral o! Cecil G. Frost in Lindsay on Thursday. Mr-. and Mrs. Ben Johnson, Mrs. Anthony Cowling and Mn. Char- les Cowling, Peterboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Thickson. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fluker and Joan, Brockvilie, were weekend visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bounsaîl. Mrs. Mina ColwelI, Mi'. and Mrs. Albert Colwill, Ted and Ir- win spent the weekend with re- latives ai Bond Head. Mr-. and Mrs. Frank McIlveen and son Je!!, Kingston, are visit- îng the former's parents, Mi'. and Mrs. F. 0. Mcllveen. Miss Katharine Campbell o! Maple Grove, Jim Reade, Toronto and John Virgin, Leaside, werc weekend guesis o! Mr'. and Mrs. Ross Grant. Mrs. Chas. Mundo!! has jusi returned from a vcry pleasant ten-day visit with her -grand- daughter, Mns. Lonne Kîcinstiver, Dashwood. Dr. H. WV. Riggs, Vancouver, B. C., is visiting his sister, Mrs. W. H. Carruthers. Dr. Riggs has been attending the conventiono! the Canadian Institute o! Inter- national Affairs, ai Quebec City. In a recent lisi o! hospitaI do- nations the name "ýJewcll" was printed in errer for DeweIl. Re- port should have read Mn.. A. Dewell $10.00 and Miss Gertrude Dewell $10.00. Check the yellow label on tbis issue. The Statesrnan mailing lists have been revised te June 5th. If there is any error in your address or expiration date please notify the office ai once. Mrs. Gea. James and Mrs. S. G. Chartran attendcd Uic Grad- uation exencises ai lyoulton College, Monday when Uic form- er's neice Miss Donothy Woods graduated. Mr. and Mrs. Richard McGrath celebrated their 30th wedding an- STOP SHOUTING TWO -WAY COMMUNICATION SET At a price every office, garage, store, restaurant, faetory and farm cani afford. 0 ]Beautiful Walnut Cabinet. 90 Cails can originate at either end. *b Simple plug-in installation, *b 3-tube amplifier, natural tone. 40 Operates perfectly up to 100 feet and good performance on longer distances. *b No need to shout. Price includes Master Station, equipped with lever-type "Talk-Listen" switch and "On-Off" switch. Sub. station equipped with "TaU-Listen" push button switch. Twenty-five feet of cable and six f eet of Une cord.. Price' 39,'95 comploe Your RIIC.A. Victor Dealer T3 ]RADIO'- SHOP 38 Ling St. IL *OWMANVLLE Phone 573 niversary quletly ai their homne, Ontario St., on Saturday evenlng, when relatives from Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Town, were guesis. Miss Diana Wheeler, who has resigned her position as Person- nel Supervisai' for Imperial Varn- lsh and Colour Co., Toronto, is vacationing with her mother, Mn.. A. D. Wheeler. Rationing o! most food products ended early Tuesday morning. Price ceilings were aise relaxed. Oniy items now rationed are sugar and molasses. Consumers were busy as soon as stores open- ed stocking up on butter and Jam. Grade 8 pupils, Bowmanville Public School, were given a holi- day Tuesday te visit the Ontario Museum, Toronto. Travelling by chartered Carton Coach Lines they took along lunches and had a grand time. Mr. George Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Brooks, St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and Floyd, Cobourg, Mrs. Leslie Sieight and Dawna, Dunbarton, at Mrs. Leslie Brooks', and ail at- tended the funeral o! Mrs. George Brooks at St. Peters, Verulam. The boys and girls of St. John's Anglican A.Y.P.A. greatly enjoy- cd the annual party arranged for them by Mrs. Forrest Dilling ai her west beach cottage, Monday evening. A wiener roasi and slng- song together with games featured the occasion. Mrs. Nellie Palmer and Mrs. Jessie Young have returned from a week's vacation in Belleville. They attended the Nurses Gradu- ation Exercises ai Belleville Gen- eral Hospital when the former's daughter, Greta Patricia Palmer, was among the graduates. Congratulations ta Kelvin Sy- mons who received his Master's Degree in Applied Science ai Con- vocation Hall, University of Toi'- onto lasi Thursday. He is now employed by the Sanitary Engin- eering Division o! the Ontario Depariment of Health. Mrs. Elmer Henning, Mrs. Avery, Mrs. C. Mason, Miss H. Simnick and Mrs. Vine of the Ev- ening Branch o! the W.A. o! St. John's Anglican Church attended the Monthly Diocesan Board meeting held ai AIl Sainýt's Angli- can Church, Whitby, on Thursday, June 5th. Last warning for local dog awners to gèt licences for 1947 was announced- by Chief o! Pol- ice Sidney Venton, Monday. He bold the press that owners should caîl ai the office of the Town Clerk for licence and tag for each dog owned as the only way to* avoid court summons. Seldom have more garden flow- ers bloomed with such profusion as ai present. Sunday, June 8th, found many motor tourists taking in the unusuai beauty of orchards in full bloom in Darlington and Clarke. Ramn having ceased the countryside now revels in green luxuriance. Miss jillian Osborne is home from Peterborough Normal School having completeti her year suc- cessfully without being required te write the final examinations. Lillian expects 10 attend a short course in Hamilton in July, and has been accepted on the Public School regular teaching staff in Hamilton, beginning in Septem- ber. Mi'. T. A. Wright and daughtcr, Oldham, Lancashire, England, are visiting his sisters, Mrs. John runnicliffe, and Miss E. J. Wright at Mr'. George Harris', M'.aple Grove. They travelled by plane from London, England, bo New York, then by rail te Bow- nanville, reaching Bowmanvi]le at 11:10 Tuesday night having .eft London, Monday evening at 5. o'clock. New Wage Increase For Goodyear Men According te a report appear- ing in the Toronto Daily Star, June 9, cmployecs o! bhe New Toronto plant, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. have accepted a wagc increase said te be from 9 to 16 cents per hour. The average in- crease for 2100 empioyees is rec- koned ai 11.69 cents per hour and is effective immediately. The Star reports that il was al- se announced that the Goodyear- Bowmanville union had accepi- cd an offer onc cent less ihan ai New Toronto. Other rubber com- panies arc reported te have reach- cd agreements on new wage scales. The above news is given as it appears in the Toronto paper and bas not been confirmed locally since no word has been received from either Company or Union in Bowmanvilie. ROOFING ASPHALT - FELT -SHGL Brick Sldlng Eavestroughing FURNACES .AND OILDURNERS Call on us fer Guaranteel Work DAVIS & GRANT PHN8:282-67 SOCIAL AD SOA New Type Brick Bricks have been made experi- mentally in England of clay and oil shale by an electric heating process; they are suitable for building purposes and consider- ably lighter than ordinary brick. CHURCHES ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCHk Minister: Rev. G. C. Quigley Organist: Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. Choir Director: D. Alex MeGregor 10 a.m.-Sunday School. 1l a.m.-Nursery School. 11 a.m.-Worship: "Power-A Human Problemn." 7 p.m.-Worship. Special feature: Rotary Choir Sermon: "God So Loved." TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. E. Griffith, Minist.er Sunday, June 15 il a.m.--Sacrament of Baptismn "Thou child shail be great." Il a.m.-Junio- Chutch The Nursery 2:30 p.m.-Sunday School. 7 p.m.-Amsterdam, 1947 "What value in restraining war." ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH June 15th, 1947 Minister. R. D. Duncanson Organist: Miss L. Osborne, A.T.C.M. 10 a.m.-Sunday School. il a.m.-Morning Service Subjeet: "Spiritual Blessings."1 7 p.m.-Evening Service Subject:: "Leaven" The Mission Band will meet Monday at 4 p.m., in the Sunday School room. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. J. dePencier Wright, Rector Sunday, June 15th Second Sunday After Trinity il a.m.-Morning Prayer Preacher, Rev. H. G. Watts, D.D. (recently returned from China and Japan). Subi ect: "The Church in the Far East." Nursery-2 years and over. 2.30 P.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 p.mn.-Evening Prayer and Sermon Subject: "A 1st century mes- age for a 2Oth century people." USED C0a1 Oii Stoves $9.00 UP RECONDITIONED Radios $9.50 uP RECONDITIONED Vacuum Cleaners $1950 uM MURPHY'S Appliance sud Furulture Store Phone 811 57 K14. St. W. Plons COMplt Federation Picniec Saturday, Juif. 21 The Durhamn County Fedération cf Agriculture met at the home of Mr. and Mns. Chas. Osborne, south of Courtice, on Thuraday, June 3, in regular meeting. There were 23 In attendance. There was great interest shown in the conilng picnic which wilU be held on Saturday, June 2lst, in the Orono Park. Plans wcre made for sports, soul testing and farm, planning exhibit, and It was an- nounced that Mr. Martin o! the Massey-Harris finm would be on hand to speak. Afteci hearing reports on the several projects the fellowlng de- cisions were made: That we continue our interest and financial aid in behal! o! the Hospitalization scheme. That copies of the new paper be mailed to ail rural people in the county. That the Federation show its interest in the formation o! a County Co-op and sponsor a gen- eral meeting in the county when desirable. That a petition be planned and passed around at oui' picnic for signature asking for the contin- uance of T.B. testing for cattie. That Mr. Linton be asked to continue the practice of conduct- ing parties through the Forestry by truck, on the afternoon o! the picnic. That if possible a football game between Courtice and Orono be played during the afternoon o! the picnic. That the usual sports for children be conducted. It was also decided that the regular meetings for July and Augusi be called off, and that the regular meeting on September 4, be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell White near Elizabeth- ville. Tyrone Soccer Boys Win 4-1 Victory A large enthusiastic crowd watched Tyntne Terriers achieve a 4-1 victory over the visiiing teamn Tuesday night Midway through the firsi period the score opened for Tyrone with a high shot which. gave thc goalie litile chance. Early in the sec- ond period Bowmanville ticd the score. play, Tyrone forwards had num- erous chances ta gain the lead but were disappointingîy weak around the net. However, they finally settled down to win the 4-1 vic- tory. Tyrone:-Goal, Art Richards, backs, Alden Hoar, Wm. Thies- burgher; 'halves, Lloyd Skinner, Roy Graham, Stanley Hall; for- wards, Ralph His, Roy Maynard. Wesley Huils, A. Cresswell, How- ard McRoberts. Bowmanville: - Goal, Perfect; backs, Bothwell, Lobb; halves, Tice, Murdoch, Wiseman; for- wards, Munday, Lobb, Graham, Perfect, Carter. rpdhan pigs should not be ov- feu? k. -cD DU STORE 1~i IILi o go{~.~ be]t4~, Friendly, Personal Service and Low, Competitive City Prices Phen. eangRescuie Puzzhed Pigeon An unusual accident attracted a large crowd of children and aduits to a point opposite the Town Hall and the Bel! Telephone office, Tuesday morning. A young pigeon got tangled in a bail of triqg and perched amang the overhead wires to get untangled. But the effort becamne a puzzle which stili further complicated the predicament of the innocent bird. Death by hanging seemed imminent. But some of the youngsters had a fine inspiration- in true Boyý Scout tradition. They appealed to the repair gang of the Bell Tele- phone Co. who immedlately drop- ped their work and came to the rescue. Erecting a ladder one of the men was rent aloft te cut the bird loose. As he cllmbed Up the victlrn struggled hlgher among the wires. Shouting advice the children suggested gettlng a pole and hook but the exhausted pigeon flopped lower and the string was graduai- ly loosened. When able to use its wings it escaped from the rescu- ing hands and flew off with half a foot of string stili dangling from one o! its legs. A thankful sig4i frem the children concluded the proceedings. A Kitchencer grocer got mbt trouble for selling "spoiled" lim- bunger. But how could. anyone Recreation. Caendar FrIdar, Jua.l1 4:12 p m- ' eeSoftbull P ubim1ýc h oo, " 6:45 p.M.-Softball, Anl-K vg. Boys Training Sehol" Lacroaad Organiza- tion meeting, TÔwn Hall. Baturday, 3u»e 14 6:30 p.m.-FootbalI, Orono vs. Bowmanvll High School. Monday, lune 18 6:45 p.mn.-Softbail, Boys Training School vs Local 189, Memorlal Park.' 7.30 p.m.-Archery Club, High School Grounds. Tuesday, lune 17 4:15 p.mn.-Bantam-Midget Soft- bail, Public Sehool. 6:45 p.m.--Softball, Mike Osbornes Imperlals vs. Local 189, Memnorlal Park. Wednesday, lune 18 6:30 p.m.-Intermedlate Basebail Peterbono va. Bowmanville, High School. Weddingr CARTER - ADAMS The parsonage in Blackstock, prettily decorated with tulipe and lilacs, was the setting o! a quiet wedding on June 7th. Mary, younger daughter of Mi'. and Mrs. Erniest Adams, became the bride of Robert, third son o! Mr. and Mrs.. John Carter, ail of Burketon. The cermony was per-. formed by Mr. McKibbon. The bride looked lovely In a street-length dress of pale blue silk jersey with pink flowered hat and brown accessories. Her corsage wa.9 red rose buds and lily-of-the-valley. The bride's only attendant was* Mrs. George Carter, sister-in-law of the groom, in a street-length dress of pale blue linen with white accessories and a corsage of pink rose buds and lily-of-the-valley. Mr. George Carter, brother cf the groom, was best man. During the signing o! the regis- iti' Mrs. McKibbon played "I Love You Tnuly."1 Af 1er the ceremony the young couple left mid showers o! con- fetti and the besi wishes cf their friendis, for a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. InDwAz BRAND SPECIALS BORACIO ACID, 8-oE. - Rteg. 5elc CRE1AM TARTER, 2-oz. - Reg. 20e................... 16C EPSOM ALTO, 8-oz. - Reg. 10o. ....................... Se ESSENCE PPPERMINT, 1-oz. - Reg. 25oc....... 19c LICORICE POWDER Comp., 4-oz. - Reg. 15e lc MOUTH WASH - Reg. 23c, 69ce.................. 17c-53e ROCHE.LLE SALTS - Reg. 15,' 25e ............ lc-19c OPIRIT CAMPHOR - Reg. 15c, 25ce.............. 12c-19c Remember Dad on 1F AT HER"'S DA Y SUNDAY - JUNE 15TH On this date remember hlm wlth some littie gift to let hlm know ho-% mueh he is apprecia.ted. Some practical suggestions are listed below: nENRY PERKINS Bilifoids Cholce of Styles Pipes $1.50 to $7.50 Shaving Brushes ........................... 50c to $10.00 Bagle "Prince" Pen and Pencil Set............... $2.90 Tobaccos for Pipes, Cigarettes . ............ ........... 86o Up Hoidrite Belt and Support for Men............... . $3.00 Valet Autostrop Razor and Blade Set ...... $1.25 Yardley After-shave Lotion ...................... 85c-$1.50 Packard Schick Twin Dual Electrie Injector Razor and Shaver Blade Set wlth travelling case contains 20 blades $2450 $1.49 Hair Needs Diffcuit Trade Porlod Canadian businessmen should develop new mark'ets and sources o! supply in an effort to create of Canada a world trading na- tion, urgcd M. W. Mackenzie, Dep- uty Minister cf Trade andi Com- merce, in addressing the Fi! 1h National Foreign Trade Confer- ence cf the Canadian Chamber cf Commerce, In Vancouver, May 21. Canada is faclng one of thc most di!ficult pcrlods since Confedera- tion, he stated, and finds herself in a badly unbalanced position, confronting a world In whlch there are stili many trade restric- fions, discrlminatory arrange - ments, and few fnccly convertible currencies. " «No matter how successful the outcome of the discussions now golng on In Geneva, and without in any way minimizing their im- portance, wc must recognize that RihSho artkrWne The Board of Education require a caretaker for Bowmanville High School starting july lst, 1947. Person seieeted to have full responsibility cf al caretaking duties, lneiuding care of Igrounds. List of duties may be procured from Principal L. W. Dippeli. Applications, stating salary expected, must be re- ceived by Secretary beforo 6:00 p.m., Monday, lune 23, 1947. Board o! Education, STUART R. JAMES, Secy.-Treas., 24 King St. E., Bowmanvlilo. 'IM TECH Gillette Lather Cream -------33e Mennen's Skln Bracer 59c-$1.19 GIN PILLS 39C-69C Brylereem ------------ - 25c-49e Devon Shave Bowi ----------- 35c Rellevos HEADACHE Calms your.~41E. NERVES 1'~-Z7 Vitalis - -------------54c-99c WilliIams' Aqua Velva------- -49o ENOS 'FRUIT SALT' - %.a M 1 4:1141 4J Father'. ôay Speclal GILLETTE SHAVING KIT Tech Razor, Shaving Creani ad2 Packages of Blue Blades - --- ,13 Keep Fit With I.DA. Health Salts -- 16-oz. 59o Alka-Seltzer ----- --- ---29c-57e Wampole's Grapo Sait 50e Kkovah Salta-- ---- 29c-79c Andrew's Liver Salt - 44c-77e COLGATE Sun Glasses -------------29e up Bayer Aspirin ------ -18c-29c-79c Cashmere Bouquet "GCopper Tan" Face Powder 35c Cuticura Soap -.230 Hexonacin -- -----$5.00 Etiquet Deodorant __-____39e Fitch Shampoo 35c-69c-98c Halo Shampoo 29c-49c-89c Rayve Shampoo -- 75c-$1.0 Vitalis flair Tonie____ 54c-99c Wildroot Cream-Oii --59c-$1.09 1li resn 10-5 Alex MeGregor, Drugs DOWMAN VILLE Your Local I.D.A. Druggist PHONE 792 the practical benetits of the proo Posed worlcl trade charter cannot be felt for some time, andi the ful effects not for a perlod ef years," Mr. Mackenzie said. 'Tor the"e reasons, and because real recov- ery of world trade has as a pre- requisite the rehabilitation of the wartorn countries, which will be driven to considering carefully the use of cvery dollar of their forelgn purchasing power, Cana- da is facing per haps as diffleuit a time in foreignr trade as she has ever known.". Favourable factors nientioned by the Deputy Minister were the proven resilience of the British, and their Incomparable ability to get through a difficuit situation, together with the recent demon-, stration by the United States of her willingness to undertake 4, greater share of the financlal re- sponsibility for rebuildlng Eur-- ope. 1 a-ý il .4 - t. y-. r. Beauty Needs Hinds H. & A. Cream --------- 29c-49c-98c Noxzema 8km Cream, 1O-oz. jar --------------- 98o Aimond Lotion, 6-os. Reg. 5SO________ 89e Copper Ta:i Face Powder- 35o Dioxogen Cream -S--O3e-O Revion Face Powder Speclal _____ 65e CA ÇP PBE LLJ FLOUR' FOIt LIGHTER - MOUE TENDER PIES, C/%KES AND PASTRIES ý&l imu-- dýý -- - ,,MW 1 M-- - - -- - - - 3M« 12M 1941 TIM CANADL4N STATESILAN, noviLtwvr=. ONTARIO - 1 p Atm -«tý v Hair Dressing -- 40C-55C 1 Il 1 ma m LLÀ' m